Sunday, January 9, 2011


There is one thing that I find really....senseless....
And because I find it senseless...I have a tendency to really intensely not like it very much.

And that is:

Killing books.

Not that real life its any less senseless...
but for now I will focus on killing characters on books.

I really don't mind it if someone dies in a book...
If I can see that there was a good reason for them to die.

But it really bugs me....
when it just seems like the author went and said to themselves
"Hmmm, I need somebody to die here. You, lets pick you and kill you off."

It just seems like an out of the blue scene. Everyone is happy...and WHAM disaster strikes.
And somebody dies.

>.< For no particular reason besides that the author wanted some 'action' in the book and decided that everyone that is major...or slightly less then major of the characters, can't survive.
So someone needs to die.
I half wonder if its a picking game.
Eenie meenie minie Moe! BAM You're dead!

If there was actually a point to the death....
Well...that would have been a different story....
But senseless deaths...
They really get on my nerves >.<
Sometimes I'd rather they all lived, or at least died somewhere else where it would make more sense then.
"Hmm somebody needs to die here, lets pick you."

*shakes head.*
Yah...there's my mini rant of the day. :)
Its what happens after I finish a series...and I don't like the ending.
(The book series is :The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer...alright series about a half vampire kid. The books grow on you as you read them...until that ending...grrr, it could have been written in such a different way and still been cool.)

Anywho :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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