I was thinking back on my dream from the night before last...
about the parking spaces....
and not needing soo many.....
And I was trying to figure out how it connected with the rest of that dream...
and I think it basically just meant. "Don't over extend yourself where its not necessary for you to over extend."
"Don't take more then you need."
Things like that.
"Be content with what you have."
I guess you could come up with multiple sayings for why....you don't need more parking spaces....
Like for example....
Why do these small buildings have like 100 parking slots surrounding them.....but they always appear to be empty? or only have one or two cars in front of the building...
While other places....like schools never seem to have enough parking??
I think its....a waste of good natural resources.
Why destroy the land to pave it over....for things that will never be used?? or rarely used? Perhaps those empty spaces are used for those random events that happen where tons of people show up for them....
And I can't help but apply the 'empty slots' -All those spaces...
To my own life.
In what aspects of my life.....do I have alot of space....but no cars to fill it.
And where do I have alot of cars....but no space to put them?
Where are there things that I really need to improve on?
And where....have I improved too much?
Can I improve too much? Can I ever have more cars then spaces??
Yes...I think so....and because those cars take up more spaces...then end up flowing into my other empty parking lots....when they're not supposed to.
One thing that comes to mind would be....the Internet.
At times I've gotten really...I guess "into" the Internet and all the different sites.
Way more then I should...spending hours upon hours on the computer....for no real useful reason besides a distraction.
Which a distraction is great....until it becomes too distracting.
The cars fill all the spaces....and then go into other parking lots....like the one designated for Homework.
And when all the homework cars come.....there are less spots for them to get into...so they end up flowing into the next parking lot....like the one meant for sleep. and sadly....those cars that can't get into the sleep lot....end up circling around and around til a weekend shows up then they can finally park. But then something else is missed out on....
It does seem like there are alot of cars circling around out there frustrated because they can't park where they want to park.
And that might be because we didn't consider what was needed when we built the parking lot for that center.
I don't know....I think that makes sense. :) lol.
Basically....what I'm trying to get at is.......are you building parking lots that are bigger then necessary in your life? Or do you have the parking lots....but not enough space and you're land locked on all sides trying to figure out how to fit more spaces in?
What in your life needs to get more room for your attention? Like...homework.
And what in your life needs to be minimized to make room for other things? Like....Internet time?
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi.
The Dream....
Was one of those dreams where I woke up and I was like "YES!! I dreamt! I need to remember this!" upon waking. and then.....two minutes later......its gone. >.< grrrrrrr
I think it might have had something to do with above....landlocked parking spaces...and needing more....that triggered something in my memory....but otherwise its a blank page in my mind. :(
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