I'm always leery with quizzes and tests when I start a new semester of classes.
Mostly its because I don't know what to expect. I have a general idea of how the quizzes and tests will be presented during the semester.
So its hard for me to know for sure if I've 'studied' enough until after I take those first quizzes and tests in each class.
By getting a general idea of what will be presented, I get a better understanding of how to prepare for these examinations.
Today I had to take an oral quiz for one of my classes.
Its part of the course...and its the first time I've really had to do an oral quiz.
Its not...difficult there are only three questions asked.
But before knowing what to expect I didn't know what to expect or how much I should go over.
The answer is to go over everything...because its important sometime even if its not for the oral quiz. lol.
So I went into take this oral quiz...and found it easy.
I answered question one (Cubitus) almost before the tester had finished asking the question.
So my confidence grew. I could do this.
Answer two took a tick or three longer but I got the answer right!
Now...the downfall.
I got too overconfident, cocky, prideful that this was easy that I would get the right answer...
Soo I missed the last question. lol.
It was okay. I knew the right answer...but the placement of the object threw me off so I answered wrongly.
-Plus the 'you only have 5 seconds to answer' idea might have added some stress-
lol but its just another reminder for me.
Don't get too overconfident or you'll fail.
Sometimes its just a little nudge. "Hey, stay humble."
Othertimes its a laugh with you of "You set yourself up for that one."
Like a while back at FHE when the guys challenged the girls in a game. The losers would have to bow to the winners.
Right off the bat...I knew we were most likely going to win because of that 'prideful' attitude. "you bow because we are the best!"
Now knowing that...its a double edged sword. Because if you know that they will be prideful and loose then you'll win so you get prideful that you know you're going to win...you'll loose having neither side learn to stay humble lol. :)
Luckily the girls took the challenged with good grace...and even though the game was a close one...the guys ended up loosing.
This year I just have to remember to tread carefully when in 'tests'. Sometimes the result isn't that horrible. Kind of like a tap on the hand. "Be humble, don't get over confident because then you'll make mistakes."
Being humble also comes with a good deal of perseverance as well. I have to study and learn what will be on the tests and learn how to take the tests well. So I have to have confidence in myself that I will do well, but not so much confidence that I miss something important that's obvious (like placement) and end up bombing the question.
Basically what I'm trying to say is...
Remember to express your gratitude where its deserved. If you ask for help (quick prayers of "Help me do well on this test!") don't get prideful thinking that you're doing this all by yourself...because you're not. Gratitude needs to be shown to those who 'help you remember what you need to remember.' and so on. :)
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
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