Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Left or Right

A week or so ago.
I was on my way to class.
From my place of living to the school I have two or three different options on how to get to my class.
Route 1 involves going up and around through the back.
Route 2 and 3 involve heading through the front.

Anywho I was on my way to class and I had decided to take Route 1.
-That is my normal route 99.9% of the time...
but this semester I get to my classes faster if I take Route 2. So Route 1 most likely won't be used that often this semester
(I haven't used Route 3 for a while since it involves crossing the grocery store parkinglot.)

One day last week I reached the parking lot and I had mentally decided to go Route 1 -which involved going right. instead of my usual Route 2. I had decided to go Route 1 because I would bypass one of the buildings I needed to go to before my first class so I could drop off a key I had borrowed the night before.
Yet...when I turned right....
I got this dark feeling in my heart. Basically a "Don't go that way."
I stopped...confused. I had gotten the feelings before...but it seemed extra strong today...
So I was like....oookaaaayy? Should I take Route 2 then?
So i turned to my left...and the 'dark feeling' was replaced by a 'good happy cheerful feeling'
I turned right...and darkness was again felt.
(I must have looked silly standing on icy pavement in the middle of the parkinglot turning back and forth.)
So I turned left and started walking and the good feeling continued.
I got down to the school safe and sound (I think I jaywalked...heh...or maybe I actually went all the way down to the light..its been a week...)
But I took a different detour to go drop off the key totally not understanding why I had gotten a 'dark feeling' to go the otherway.
-I was later told that there were police cars at the school where I would have gone if I took route 1
But...upon dropping of my key I turned to find... a friend! :D
I hadn't expected to see him at the school since he graduated and it was a welcome surprise.

So I'd like to think that I was told to go that direction so I could meet my friend. :)
But there could have been other reasons as well.
(I got the same experience a day or two later....basically told me to take a different stairwell in my place of living. Don't know why, but I listened the first time and turned on my heel and went the other way.)

But I felt really....idk if proud would be the right word...but good that I listened to the spirit.
It seemed like a theme of my classes today which brought back the experience to my mind.

We talked about "Famines" today in my PoGP class, how there was a famine during Abraham's time when he was living elsewhere in the Famine area...and how the famine happened to make him move (towards the promised land I think) to where he was needed by the Lord.
The teacher connected that with the volcano explosion (idr where it exploded) that happen in 1816 that blew a column of ash 30 miles into the air and made a crater like 5 miles wide. (the biggest volcanic crater in the world maybe..)
And how..the year of 1816 was known as the 'year without a summer' because the temperatures got sooo cold and never warmed up. It was a year of famine because crops wouldn't grow.
But what was interesting was that in 1816 Joseph Smith...was still living in New Hampshire but because their farm didn't prosper in 1816...they ended up moving to Palmyra where everything fell into place after that. :)

So I just thought it was fascinating that this "huge world wide event" happened....so that Joseph Smith would leave a land once prosperous to go to another land that was currently prosperous and end up with something bigger then that.

Its like the opposite of "When a butterfly flaps its wings a tsunami happens" (I think that's the saying. :) )
Instead where " A mountain falls....a butterfly ends up moving from one place to another."

So even though a week ago there were no cataclysmic events that forced me to go Route 2 instead of Route 1 (it was my own free choice to follow the feeling or not) I wonder...was I in the right place for the right time for a specific reason or to help someone?

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
 I was waiting for something to happen. It wasn't happening quick enough. The movie wasn't going to start for a bit. So I did what any bored teenager would do. Hopped the fence and went into a closed amusement park. I snuck into a roller coaster like ride that looked like one of those electric racecar tracks (like shown in The Incredibles) with two cars parked on the track turned off. The track itself was grooved, kind of like two slides. or maybe one...but I climbed up to a point and went sliding doowwwnn to the bottom. But then...I realized that I really shouldn't be here and I felt that I'd done "enough forbidden things" for the day. Besides 'bad teengagers" (gang members) were coming (a total of 4 or 5 coming individually or in pairs) to try the ride as well. So I hopped the fence and maneuvered my way through a jungle gym of bars to jump onto the floor. And for a moment I felt pity for the people living on the level below me (for now I was in an apartment building with the 3rd floor below me) because they must have a high tolerance for noise when the amusement park is up and going on the 4th floor with all the screaming people and cotton candy and games and noises of the rides I ended up walking right into a theatre as I took a step and I found my sister saving me a seat just as the movie started. There was another guy there...but I don't know if he was with her or just happened to be sitting next to her. The movie that was about to start was Megamind...or Tangled.

......There is a boy around age 9. He is one of those 'lonely' children where nobody seems to listen or pay attention to him.
His parents don't pay attention, the teacher doesn't pay attention. And he's bullied by a couple of girls and guys.
At one point he makes a friend, they started out as partners for a science fair or some group project. The project involved having to buy an item.
So the boy made a receipt showing that his partner and him had bought the item (they split it $10 each) The boy signed his name as "Satanic Lord" or "Lord of Satan"
While his partner signed it "Lord of Nothing."
Days pass and during one of the classes (that took place in the gym) one of the bully boys found the receipt on the stage (connected to the gym like in elementary or jr.high schools) and showed it to the teacher even though the boy told him not to.
The teacher totally freaked out about it. Acting like the boy had done something horribly wrong. (it was on the "you raped a child" level of wrong.) He couldn't understand it, but it had something to do with the names the partners had signed in a moment of fun...or the fact that they spent $10. Which is an evil number.
But the boy hadn't done anything wrong....
Yet he was suddenly ostracized by the school.
The parents (mother) wasn't told what was going on.

(Running movie sequence)
There is a "Breeder" program after school where girls and boys get together and play games. (Volleyball nets were up) The teacher knowing that the boy was going to come got the board members (and some kids) to race across the gym floor to the door....to stop the boy from coming...because he was basically unclean.
This group of people stop when they come to the side entrance doors and are confronted with the boy and the mother...standing outside with the doors locked unable to come in (the mother is so confused)

The boy ends up deciding to never go to that school again. To 'transfer'

-At some point he bugs his older sister and she freaks out and he hides under her bed using a giant web tent thing made out of silly bans to prevent her from reaching him.

He ends up confronting one of the bullies (a girl) pushing her back when she shoves him and telling her that he's not going to take it any more and he's transferring schools. (so he won't be a social outcast anymore)
but in reality he's just never going to school again. His parents (who don't listen) think he's still going to the school but in reality after holing up in his house for 3 days he plans to 'leave for school' then double back and come back home when everyone leaves the house.

Then...the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Outside Info and Known For Sure
The dream came in two parts. The first part was first person p.o.v. The second part was...omniscient? but I could only know what the boy was thinking, not what everyone else was thinking. 

 The movie: Meet the Robinson's might have an influence.
the number 10. I know came from when I was told about the card game "Slap" and one guy had decided that you could slap when the numbers added up to ten. So when he got a ten card he'd lay it down then slap it and pick it back up. Which I gathered to be rather annoying.
The sillybands tent...comes from having silly bands on my desk.

I have no idea why it was called the "breeder" program. It might have been an acronym that stood for something else. But from what I saw in the dream...the Breeder Program was just an afterschool game time where boys and girls could come play and compete against other schools.

And that
Is why the fox never came home. :)

**ended up going past midnight writing the dream, but set the time posted to when I finished the main part of the blog entry.

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