Thursday, January 27, 2011

To Walk or to Wait

That is the question.

I happen upon this situation at interesting times.

Where when I get out of wherever I'm going I have the choice to:
a) Walk to my next destination or
b) sit and wait for the bus to come.

Now....the difficult choice comes in....because with either path I choose...I will arrive at the same time.

I know many people don't walk...or take the bus....unless they're poor college students without a car. ;) haha. But it seems like today's group of young adults were not raised in the traditions of our great-fathers, where on their (the grandfather's) oath they had to walk fifteen miles uphill in the snow barefoot to school everyday without any chance of a ride to school to make the 15 hour walk any quicker.

No, their progenity, their seed has it rather easy.
We can wake up and think to ourselves as we get ready for school. "I think I shall drive to school today" We may bemoan that we have to park sooo far away from the building, but hey we can get there in five minutes! :) ....even if it takes us ten minutes to get to the building. lol :)

But what if you didn't have a car?
And you're only choice was to walk...or Wait for a bus.

I think its a matter of patience.

How long would you be willing to wait for the bus to come before you feel like the bus is going to exceed your patience levels. That it will make you late?

If you would arrive at the same time.
Would you walk? Or wait for a bus?
Spend fifteen minutes walking?
Or wait ten minutes and get to the same destination in 5 minutes?

I won't lie....
I usually end up walking.
I guess I'm not a very patient person. lol :)
Or...I just feel...very lazy not being productive when I know I can be productive so I say unto myself "Sarnic BE PRODUCTIVE AND WALK!"
Plus...I'm rather paranoid about being late....and I know if I walk i'll get there on time...but the bus isn't reliable in the mornings in my opinion.
Sooo I walk.
And I find it very fulfilling when I can walk to my destination quicker then the bus. hehe :D
I feel like I've completed what I was called to do....try to beat the bus. lol :)

So, more often then walk. I choose to Walk to my destinations even if sitting around and waiting will get me to the same place in the same amount of time.
I feel a thrill of success whenever I can arrive quicker then was guesstimated. lol :)
Its a silent challenge I have...and its rather fun when I 'win' lol :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Sadly....I don't remember much of it.

There was this thing with apostrophes. but they were the Spanish ones that were above the *i*
If you had: 
that was really evil.

'i' wasn't much better.

'i'' was alright if I remember correctly.




I think there was only one the 'i'' was good.
But the rest were bad...
Or..the higher you went the better it got...until the last two..then those were bad as well.
*shakes head*
I don't know for sure.

But the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again

and the dream flashed from my memory before I could keep more then that idea in my head.

Known for Sure and Need to Know.

-the other day we were talking in a class about percentages where the first and last bars were rater high...and the middle ones were low.
I think that's what the apostrophe'ss surrounding the I's were based off of.
I was doing somesort of graph in my head or something haha. :P

And that
Is why the fox never came home.


*Note the random italicized words were a challenge friends gave me. They picked five random words from the book of Mormon and I had to use them in this blog post.
(there are ten because two friends each picked five)
-They opened to a random page and pointed to a word and I had to use that word in the blog.  :)

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