HA Ha ha HA!!!
I have FINALLY found it!! :D
Over the years...I've been asked the somewhat typical question.
What was your favorite cartoon in elementary school?
And I would always answer:
"Well...I can't remember the name of the show, but I loved watching a show about dogs that acted like people."
Over the years, that show has come to my mind whenever I think back to favorite cartoons.
But nobody seemed to remember that show at all.
And I was half wondering if I'd imagined it...dreamt it, though I was positive I hadn't, I knew there was more then one episode lol. :)
But all I could tell people was that: It had dogs that could act like people, talk and walk on two legs and they'd save the world.
Well. Today.
I finally found it!! :D :D :D
I had been looking up different superheroes and I was like "I wonder if I can find that tv show I liked when I was little"
So I googled: Superhero dog cartoon.
and the fifth link down I saw that someone had posted a question about the show on askmehelpdesk.com
The question? :Does anyone remember the cartoon where there's these dogs that turn into superheroes?
And I was like ()_() Could it be!!?!?!?
So I clicked on the link hoping that somebody had posted the answer. Posted the name of this favorite cartoon of mine. :D
The name of the TV Show?
Road Rovers. :D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEbk1Uz3ofs <- That's a link to Episode 1 part 1. :) If you're curious and want to check it out. :D
And now I know why I could never find it after a bit.
It got cancelled after one season >.< So there were only 13 episodes total.
I remember being so disappointed when I turned on the tv during the appropriate time slot...only to discover a rerun of one of the earlier episodes was on. :( So I thought they might have just started over waiting for the next season.
No. It just showed reruns over and over...and I eventually got tired of watching those.
And even then I couldn't remember the name lol :) It was the dog show to me :)
But then again...I was Six.
Which I think is kind of amazing that I could remember this show for all those years....because it was only "on the air' for 5 months.
For such a short time period...I can forgive others for not remembering it. :) lol.
I think it became an interesting show to me...because I'd never seen its like before. And I was really into the 'dog-loving' mode during that age. :) lol.
So the concept of Dogs-Turning into-Canosapiens- (humandogs) was like
()_() THAT IS SOOOO AWESOME!! for me because I hadn't seen its like before :D lol.
^^ And though the episodes are somewhat cheesy. They're still pretty good :D
I'm really glad I found Road Rover's again. :)
A bit of my life is now complete :) lol.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi
The Dream
There was this car. It seemed like a bug...but it was flatter. The car was low to the ground and had a glass cover that you could open like a clam opens its mouth. The top part would hinge up....I don't know how to explain it. But I got the feeling that it was my brother's car...but why I had it....idk. Maybe it was the "like my brother's car, but this car was mine and mine only) But its a rather demented car. Old. Known for breaking down and making me late (the dream car)
But there it was, and I had stuffed animals in the car with me. :)
It seemed like this car was where I would live as well...I think I was somewhat...homeless...or an 'out on my own' was a better vibe.
Somehow got into the car...
And then I got out of the car
Me and a group of people (we were in church clothes) like three guys (one named Casey) and a couple of girls got into an elevator. We pushed a button to go up...but we ended up going down.
The elevator itself was a kind of grey box with a red button that lit up when we hit the floor number...and maybe one of those light things above the door that told you what number you were on.
But mostly we knew we were going down by the feeling that we were descending.
It was kind of scary (we weren't moving down that fast...) because we didn't know where we'd stop...if we'd hit the bottom hard or not. If we'd get stuck in the bottom of the shaft if there was no door down there.
And we (or I) decided that the elevator was going down because we were over the weight limit and the elevator couldn't pull us up.
So one of the guys volunteered to get off. I think almost everyone ended up getting off the elevator except me and another girl.
When the door opened the ones who volunteered.......well they weren't there anymore.
But a skinny dude in some sort of store uniform pushed a red cart onto the elevator.
And for some reason I decided to grab a cart as well. (it was red too)
But as I grabbed it...the elevator started going up.
(the doors hadn't closed)
And I hadn't gotten the grocery cart into the elevator yet.
And I decided that it wasn't safe or that I couldn't hold the cart all the way up to the floor we wanted to get off at...(so it was a while away going up) So i just dropped it.
And i watched it plummet a couple of stories to the ground, but I didn't see it crash.
Instead I was suddenly outside in my church clothes. Heels, and a black skirt...maybe a blue shirt. In slushy rain and I'm heading back to my car. (the one that's a demented drag racer car but smaller with a glass top (i thought of it as a 'bug' even though it was flatter then a Volkswagen))
I get in my car, and I'm dismayed to find that three of my stuffed animals (they were smaller) had gotten soaked!
One of them was a monkey I'd bought for kicks and giggles a month ago because it was soo cute! and I remember thinking "where's Lucky?" (I had tied the monkey to Lucky-a stuffed animal Dalmatian that's flat (has beans in it) and the size of the palm of my hand in real life) and I was worried about where Lucky had ended up because they're always together. Always. (recently...haha)
I think one of the others might have been a "roo" stuffed animal I had because it was wearing something.
(A while back...the Tigger Movie came out and McDonald's did toys from the movie. Where each of the characters wore an orange hoody with a design that wasn't stripes. I had gotten my roo doll from the D.I. (and it wasn't roo, it was just a really small kangaroo) but I found the 'hoodie' in a drain and fished it out (it took like an hour) so that my kangaroo could wear it. :) -I had a habit of bringing stuffed animals with me to school -elementary- and other places.)
And I don't remember the third.
But then i went searching for my other stuffed animals that I had in the car.
I remember one perhaps being a pluto dog. (real stuffed animal)
And another was a white horse with the WellsFargo Logo tied around its neck as a scarf. (real life)
And there were a couple of others.
But I was trying to get them out from where the 'engine' area was. Though the place was just damp with rags all over.
When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.
Outside Info and Known for Sure
....well i kind of included that in my summary of the dream...heh.
And that
Is why the fox never came home. :)
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