Saturday, January 8, 2011

Don't Do That!!

I'm sure we've basically all had this urge.

When told to not do something...
to actually do the thing we were forbidden to do.

Don't touch that?
Do not move one more step!
Don't cross that line!

There is just something about being forbidden to do something...
That makes you want to do it.

And I think there was an explanation for why
when told not to do something...we....especially younger kids...have a tendency to do it.

Its because the brain doesn't comprehend "Do Not."
It doesn't comprehend negatives.

I don't remember where I heard it from...

but I think there is some logic to it.
And maybe some researchical proof...
I remember someone saying to not say "Don't go near the cliff."
Because the brain will hear it as "Go near the cliff."

Its no wonder why little brothers are so annoying.
They like to do the opposite of what they're told.
"Don't go in my room!"
translate into
"Go into my room."

But I wonder if we can use the logic against us....
to tell us to not do something we didn't want to do in the first place...
like homework...
(I read a book Alcatraz 4 by Brandon Sanderson and it mentioned this idea)
If we were forbidden to do homework by ourselves/parents.

would we then want to do it?
Its an interesting idea.....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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