Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Check Reader


In a last minuteish preparation for Black Friday, we've been trying to make sure all our registers are fully functioning right? Right. 

And one of those 'test' things that we needed to figure out was just What Exactly was Wrong with the Check Reader on Register 1.

Because apparently the tech guys don't like the vague "It's just not working" answer. No. They want specific details. Like is it the strip, the wire, the computer, some other random part?

Which in a way makes sense because don't really want to have to send a guy all the way out to the store if the issue is like a two second "turn it off and on" again sort of solution.

So. Since I was working a closing shift tonight. 

And I happen to be one of those people who still uses checks on occasion. I decided to bring in my checkbook to work and after we had closed for the night, would attempt to buy something using the check on the Register 1. Just to see what exactly went wrong.


I ended up attempting to purchase some angelfish. As I've gotten back into a kick of buying them for my 125 gallon tank and we got in 4 rather pretty ones that were still there at the end of the night. Sooooo. Fish!! 

In any case.

After the last super slow customer had finally left the store.

I had the cashier ring me up for fish.

And used a check to pay for it.

Which is a whole process in of itself. 

-Which is why we're glad that it's rare for people to use checks. Usually it's little old ladies buying a bunch of cat stuff--

In any case.

You have to put the check in the reader a certain way. And then press buttons on the register to make the machiney thing scan the check and do its beeping thing and then flip the check over to do more scanny beepy printy things and walla! Check read.

IF the check machine is working properly.

Which this one was not.

No we got to the flippy part of the check process and the register suddenly was like "Communication error!!!" 

And then totally froze out the computer. Like it would only give you 1 option after that point and no amount of manager key usage or other button pressing would get you away from an endless loop of "Try it again. It still didn't work. Try it again. It still didn't work." 

So we had to like totally shut down register 1.

-Which is why I waited until after we'd closed because losing a register right before the closing rush can be BAD. 

So while Register 1 was restarting....

I went to register 2. Where I knew the check reader was working. To try and use my check there.

As we weren't certain that the check had actually 'gone through' on 1 or not since no receipt printed out.

But when we got to the check reading part of Register 2's thing....

It barely did the first scan through before it was like "ERROR!! DUPLICATE CHECK!!"

Which....did that mean the check went through on 1?? It had to right?? But no receipt printed out....and the transaction wasn't showing up in my history on the did I or did I not purchase the fish??

After a brief call to my head manager to explain the issue.

We decided that I would take the fish home. And head manager would try to do some research on their end, and I would double check my bank account for the next couple of days. 

And we would basically worry about if I'd paid or not on Monday.

Sooooo I may or may not have technically stolen fish tonight?? lol Depends on if it turns out I actually paid for them tonight or not.

So I guess borrowing with permission is the correct term.

So yay new fish!!

But boooo not working Check Reader. Though now, come Monday, I'll know exactly what to tell the tech dude on the phone what is wrong with Register's one check machine thingy. 

So here's to hoping that that's a quicker fix than Register 4's 2 hour long phone conversation attempting to get it connected to the register. *shakes head* 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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