Thursday, May 31, 2018

Early Birds

It's always Thursdays.

I don't know what it is.
But it's Always Thursdays when customers seem to think that we're open much earlier than we actually are. 

What store ever opens earlier than 9am? 
What makes you think that there's a store open at 6 am or 7 am or 8 am?
Like. It's weird.

I mean. I know that such stores do exist. 
But like. They're rare.
Super rare.

It's more common for opening to happen around 9 or 10 am. 


People still think at like 7 am. We're open.
We're not.
....unless you're there to drop off an animal for grooming or for the vet. Then technically those parts of the store are open.
But the main store?
Nope. We're closed for a couple more hours. 

This morning was one of those cases...well two of those cases.

I had just pulled into work. 
Like literally it was 630 am.
And I was standing at the front doors, waiting for one of my coworkers inside to let me into the store as we keep the doors locked until 7am when we open them so that grooming customers have access to dropping off their pets. 

And this black car pulls up behind me.
It's Six. Thirty. In. The. Morning.

My first thought was that it was a coworker getting dropped off for work. 
As that does happen. 
But no.

The window in the back seat rolls down and a little boy sticks his head out and asks me "Excuse me, what time do you open?" 

I look at him and go "Nine." 

"Okay! Thanks!" 

And the car pulled away. 

Like why in the world were you and your parents up at 630 in the morning?
Why were you in the car?
Why did you decide to stop by my work and see if we were open yet??

*shakes head* 

I didn't think anything more would happen....

But than an hour later at 730.

The manager comes to find me.
Saying that there is a customer wanting to get a bird. 

And I was like. 
But we're not open yet?!

The manager just kinda shrugged their shoulders in the 'well what can you do manner' and I'm like "YOU CAN TELL THEM WE'RE CLOSED still."
But no. 

Apparently, one of the groomers had tried that already.
They'd told the customer we weren't open yet.
But as said customer was heading out the doors, preparing to come back later, that was when the manager came up to him and was like "Oh! You need a bird?!" 

Just why Manager?
If I were in charge I would politely tell them to leave.
Because We. Are. Closed. And I have things I need to do besides catching birds way too early in the morning. 

Because birds are evil to catch.
Especially parakeets.
And the guy didn't want one.
Oh no.
He wanted TWO of the creatures.

Did I want to be catching two birds that early in the morning?
No I did not. 

But it wasn't only catching two birds.

He was like "Can you put them in this cage for me?"

And gestures to a cage still in it's box.

Not a cage that's already put together.
But in a box.
And needs to be put together.

And was this guy going to put the cage together himself?
oh no.

He wanted me to do it. 

*eye twitch* 
I was like "Sure you don't want them in the box we provide?" As we provide specific boxes to transport animals in.

But nope.
He wanted it in the cage.
And was making no effort to put said cage together.
*rolls eyes* 


So I pulled open the box and with a bit of fiddling I managed to put the cage together, because despite expectations, I don't put cages together that often. 

And caught the birds.
Put them in the cage.
Showed the dude some food, and toys and checked him out.

And waved him out the door, hoping that the cage wouldn't fall apart as he was leaving (cus like I said, I don't put the things together that often) 

But really.
Who comes into a store so early?
Who doesn't check the hours of the store before coming into the building?

A lot of people apparently. 
*shakes head*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Taco Adventure

It's probably a good thing that people don't try to predict my future.
Because like...I'm always changing my mind last second on what I plan to do for the day.
So it would probably be annoying to the seer to see my future so clearly...and then in a blink of an eye have it change like twelve times. lol. 

The thought comes from today.
Where towards the end of work, when my stomach was making it well known that I was hungry.
That I had been planning to drop by Subway after work.

As I was craving something 'healthy' I suppose?
Something different.
And Subway would definitely be different.

That was my plan.
My plan until I saw the empty parking lot of the Subway I'd planned to go to. 
And drove right on pass. 

Because it's kinda creepy to go to a food place when there's no other cars there.
I mean I've done it before.
But it just had a weird creepy vibe to have the empty parking lot in front of the Subway and the OPEN neon sign glowing. felt weird.

So I kept driving.
I knew of a couple other subways on my way home.
So I was thinking of possibly dropping by one of them.

But then I was like...but what if those parking lots are empty too!?!? 
Do I dare stop at an empty parking lot?

Yah. Subway just got the more intimidating as I drove and continued to pass by every single road that could have taken me to the other locations.

Which halfway home, was when I made up my mind.

I would go to Taco Bell instead. 
There was one near the house.
And I knew the place well enough to be okay going to it.

....Though really I need to not go inside anymore because the cashiers always give off the weirdest vibes. *shakes head* 

So. I go into taco bell. 
Having decided that I wanted to get a crunchwrap because it's a lot of food and a lot of flavor and probably just what I wanted.
But for good measure I decided to get it in a combo so I could also get a hard taco, and a Dr. Pepper so I could have some caffeine as I was fighting a headache at that point (still kinda am really) Plus I would grab their nachos because I love the cheese sauce. 
And since I was there, I figured, why not grab a couple soft tacos for Kikay since I would be heading home to eat my own food and I knew she liked soft tacos.

So I ordered all that from the cashier that....isn't really used to social interaction methinks because they kinda gave me the 'looking through me' sort of stare where they're staring at me but aren't seeing me. 

And because it's Taco Bell....
Once I got my order,
I looked inside to make sure everything was there.

It wasn't.
Instead of one hard taco and two soft tacos....they'd given me three hard tacos and no soft tacos.

So I looked up to the worker who'd given me the meal and was like "Umm I ordered two soft tacos, not hard."

And the worker...kinda made a face? And like....disappeared out of sight.
Which I hoped meant that they were going to go get me my soft tacos. 

Which they did.
They brought out another bag of the soft tacos.
And I was like "Do you want the hard ones back?"
The worker said "No, it's fine." 

Kinda makes they probably couldn't have done anything with them if I had handed them back?? Not sure. 

In any case.
I got two more hard tacos! Woot! For Free. Woot!! lol. 

And when I got home.
I called out to Kikay "I got you two soft tacos!"
And explained how I ended up with two more extra hard tacos (which honestly, I had no idea if I would be able to eat them or not.) 
And as she looked into her bag she said "There's three in here." 

Sure enough, when I looked in the bag.
There were three soft tacos instead of two. 

Sooo I ended up with three free tacos today. 
*shakes head* lol I'm not sure why the universe decided I needed so many....

But they didn't go to waste.
I only ended up eating the crunchwrap and nachos myself.
But my roomies ended up having a couple.
And some friends that came over tonight ended up taking the rest. 

So yay. ^^ Food for everyone! :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Needy Customers

It was one of those days at work where I felt like the only person in the store.
I mean, I wasn't.
I had three managers, a cashier, a stocker, a fellow coworker in my department and Me.
So there were people IN the store. 

But it sure didn't feel like it. 

Just one of those days where you feel like you're the only one available to help customers because the customers can't find anyone else but you. 

Which isn't a big deal....if it weren't for the fact that today's customers were.....very needy.

The sort of customers where instead of spending like 2-8 minutes helping them it ends up being like a 15-45 minute sort of ordeal where you feel like you're answering every single question under the sun about animal care.


So I had a customer come into the store, basically right at opening.
With multiple issues. 

...which I get that you have issues...but WHY must you do it first thing in the morning?

In any case.

Her first issue was that she'd bought one of our 60 gallon tanks....only one of the glass lids she was supposed to get (as there should be two) ...was missing. It wasn't in the box. 
Which...weird...pretty sure those come in together so how can there only be one??

But after talking to a manager it was a simple enough fix.
Take a glass lid from the shelf and write it off and give it to her. 

As that was a lot easier and saved us having to take a glass lid off of a different 60 gallon tank and discounting that tank because it would then be missing a glass lid. 

The second issue she had though?
Not as easy to solve.

Because she'd bought a decoration. 
Not from our store, but our sister store up the way because apparently another customer had bought the decoration we had in our store and she had to go drive up to the sister store in order to get the same decoration.

Said decoration being a $100 ship that comes in two pieces. 
One of those big sailing pirate ship sort of decorations.
And it's huge.

Only, when she went to pull it out of the box...
The decoration was broken.

In two places. Two of the three masts had large cracks in them.
And while overall it was still connected and such so it wasn't like the mast was falling down or something....

But don't want to spend $100 on a decoration and discover that it's broken. 

The problem?
We didn't have another one in stock.
Neither us nor our sister store did.
No the next Starsmet that had that particular decoration in stock was up in the next valley, at least a 30 minute drive or so. 

And upon checking our showed that our DC supplier....had none on hand.
So while the ship is a brand new decoration and such, and we're going to carry it for a while....there is no way of knowing exactly when we'd get another one into the store.
It could show up on tomorrows truck, it could be six months from now, it's hard to know.

Which the customer wasn't happy about that at all. 
Our store functions on an automatic replenishment system.
So we only get in more items once we sell the items already in the store. 
Plus....our DC's inventory said they didn't have any either.
So like....even if we could have ordered it....there was no guarantee when it would show up. 


The customer was then like "Can't you get it shipped from a different store then?!" 

Not exactly.

It is possible for us to do a "store to store transfer" where we can move inventory between stores.
But the only way the inventory 'moves' is if we go out and grab it.
Meaning either someone from the sister store or my store would have to physically drive to get the item to our store. 

Which we do on occasion with our sister store in the valley.
Because we have workers who live all over the place. So it's easy enough for us to swing by as we're passing and pick it up and take it into work. 

The next valley over? Much harder.
There's not much reason for us to drive that direction because everyone basically lives here. 

Still....the manager promised that he'd look into it, took down her information and yah.....

We ended up refunding the customer and returned the product into our inventory.
Because even though she didn't want the ship because it was broken, someone else might. 
So we're discounting it, because overall it's still functional and in one's just cracked. 

And I figured the story would end there.
Customer got her refund, got her glass lid. Walla! She could leave the store!


She had questions about air pumps and the hoses. She had questions about gravel and what color she should buy (she went with black), she had questions about the fish and what types could go in together. 

Which overall I don't mind answering. I like helping customers find solutions and such.

But she dragged out the entire process for FOREVER.
Like I literally spent 45 minutes or so helping her out because it wasn't a quick succession of questions. No. It was a lot of pauses. A lot of thinking. A lot of explaining on my end. A lot of urging the customer into making a particular choice because she was dithering.....

I was really glad when she finally went up to the register to buy things. 

As that was an hour where I could have been working on the bedding change of the day...and now I'd just been delayed an entire hour in getting it done. right after she left.
I encountered another customer who needed my help.

MY help.

Because my coworker had been roped into helping the managers out in another part of the store, and so I was the only one in my department who could problem solve and answer questions. 

This guy was slightly easier. 
In a way.

As he came in with an LED lightbulb for a fish tank.
Wanting to know if there was a way to test it to see if it was the bulb that was broken or if it was the ballast that held the light that had stopped working. 

Which...I had no idea how to help him.
Because like we don't carry 'tester' things that allow you to test the lightbulbs to see if they're 'live' or not. 

Occasionally we'll switch out bulbs in the display tanks, but his was the wrong dimensions and style to do so. 

So I was like " I can say is buy a lightbulb and take it home and see if it works. If it doesn't...then it's the ballast." 

He wasn't too keen on the idea. 

Makes sense. Too many steps and such. 

But something he said had finally got an idea to spark.
As he was like "It's just this bulb right here!" and pointed to the light setup -where it was the ballast and light together- 

So I was like....huh...well maybe I can see if I can take it apart and we can test the ballast here in the store -as I do have access to sockets to plug the thing into- and see if his bulb is working or not.

Thankfully, I was able to take the bulb out of the ballast without too much issue.

So we took it over to where I had the sockets --as our display tanks all have their lights turned on. So it was a matter of unplugging one of those lights and plugging in the one that had been in the box.

-Which I first tested to make sure the original bulb was working in the ballast to make sure that the product itself was working.
-It was.
Before I took out that bulb and put the bulb the man had brought in to see if it would work.

It did.

Which meant that the man's ballast had broken and not the bulb.
So he ended up getting the setup I had opened. 
And then spent time dithering over what fish to get for an algae problem he had. 

In any case.
He was really happy and grateful that I was able to figure out if his bulb worked at all. ^^;;
So yay.

Lol I like solving problems. It's fun when I can come to a solution and get the customer happy.

So yay for bright point.

And even though it took me til nearly the end of my shift to finish the bedding change---

I got it done and helped customers.
So yay. ^^;; 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, May 28, 2018

A Holiday Issue

It's always on Memorial Day.

I don't know what it is about this holiday, but it seems to bring out the worst at work.
I mean it was on Memorial day a few years ago that I got bitten by a monitor lizard.
Pretty sure I've had other animal chaos happen on this day as well.
Things breaking, animals getting hurt, things getting misplaced, it getting totally crazy full of customers.
*shakes head*

Today was no exception.
It was another crazy Memorial Day.

I had parts go missing to things, we had no large crickets, and I had animals suddenly dying.
And the most distressful....

Was the hamster.

Today was the day for me to clean the cages in our backrooms.
Where we keep our overstock animals and such.

Since I was the only opener this morning,
I saved the bedding change for last to make sure that the rest of the department was opened and ready for customers.

So I went into the backroom.
Flicked on the lights.
And looked at our hamster cages.
Where I noticed that there was a hamster hanging from the water bottle.
It wasn't too surprising, the hamsters back there have taken to clambering up the metal holder holding the water bottle in place.
You know, to try and see if they can escape out of the top of the cage.
-Usually they can't unless coworkers haven't properly closed said cages.

But I did note that he was in an odd position.
Kinda hanging from the top of the water bottle.
And when I pulled open the cage.

That's when I saw the blood.
And that's when I realized....the hamster couldn't get off.

Because somehow in some way....
The hamster had managed to get his foot stuck in the metal springy thing that holds the water bottle up against the side of the cage.

:S :S :S
It was bright blood red there.
The spiral metal covered in blood and fur.
And the foot itself?
Well the leg above the foot?
Worn down to the bone.

And I couldn't tell how to get the foot out.
So I rushed the hamster over to our vet in the store.
Just to have them help me get the foot unstuck from the water bottle holder.
(As the vet in the store only sees cats and dogs, they don't see anything else)

It took a tiny pair of metal cutters to cut the metal ring so we could free the foot.
And gah.
It did not look good.
Basically like a Q-tip.
Fuzzy foot, bare leg...
And covered in blood. *shakes head*

Basically it's an injury where I'm pretty sure they're going to have to amputate the leg.

And it's an injury where we should have rushed to our vet immediately.

Only guess what.
It's Memorial Day.
It's a Holiday.

And on Holidays...our normal vets are closed. >.< *exhales*
But I was given the name of a couple clinics that should have been open....

Only when I called....I got a voicemail.
No people were available.

So, our vet in the store ended up giving us an antiseptic rinse to clean the wound so it wouldn't get infected.
And I gave the hamster a little bit of one of the painkiller meds that a couple other animals are currently on.

And yah....we're going to have to wait until tomorrow to get him looked at.

But Thankfully, after I got the wound rinsed off, it....well it still looks bad, but not as bad as before.
Sooo maybe it will be better in the morning.

But definitely a heart pounding way to start the holiday work shift. *shakes head*
*fingers crossed* that things go well for the hamster.

Until read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, May 27, 2018

A Feel in the Air

Today's just been a weird day.
Like...not overall weird at all.
But it's just felt weird.
Like there's something 'wrong' in the air.

Perhaps it's the storm.
Perhaps it's the holiday weekend and there are less people about than normal.
Perhaps it's something completely different.

All I it's felt weird today.

Going out and about, the people I encountered, the surroundings I ended up in....

Some more familiar than others....

Just all didn't feel right.

It was almost a twilight zone sort of feeling.
Yet not.

It just....there was a tension in the air that I did not like.
That made it difficult to be around strangers.
To want to be around people.

So weird.
It's just been a weird feeling day. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Ouch on the Hand

Sometimes I forget how slowly the body heals.
Like. I get injured (like cuts and scrapes and such) and think to myself: "Oh, this will disappear in a couple of days."
Well...No. That's not how the body works apparently. Despite how many times I think it's the case lol.

So earlier this week, like Tuesday, I ended up...puncturing the palm of my hand. 

Completely by accidently like most of my injuries.

We'd gotten in our shipment of feeder goldfish.
-Which yay. Because we had NONE in our tanks at that point.

In any case.
The company who ships the feeders, likes to bag each size separately (Large in one bag, Smalls in the next, XSmalls in the next) but then put those bags in an even bigger bag.

And that bag is often tied shut with a metal wrap.
Like take a slightly thick rod of metal and twist it around the bag, and that's how the bag is sealed.
*shakes head*
I guess they want to make sure the bag doesn't leak?

In any case.

I ended up grabbing the bag wrong on Monday.

In that I grabbed the fish bag by the top...and my hand happened to close around that metal wrap, specifically where the ends stick out.

And like, I felt a slight jolt of pain there, and adjusted my grip to get the bag out of the box so I could cut it open to pull the other bags out of that bag.

And only realized later that my hand was bleeding.
Because the metal end had cut into the skin. I guess in a slight puncture? idk. 

But it happened right at one of the creases in my palm, so like every time I close my irritates the wound there. 
*shakes head* 

You'd think after a couple of days it would be gone.
But no, not yet.
I mean it's mostly healed now.
But it's irritating me like crazy today.
Itching and such, which is a good sign of healing, but still irritating because a) it still hurts and b) it itches and c) I just want it off my hand. 

Because of course it happened on my left hand.
The dominate one.
The one I do everything with.
Therefore continuously use...and irritate the wound with.

*shakes head* 
Hopefully it fully heals soon. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, May 25, 2018

A Discovery

It's hard to believe it was three years ago. 

Three years ago I was living in an apartment complex.
Wishing to get out of that place and move onto somewhere....that felt nicer and had a better vibe.

It was three years ago....
When word spread that a girl who lived in that apartment complex.
Who lived in my building actually -though I don't think I'd ever seen her as her apartment was in a different ward from mine--

Last seen heading home from school. 
A journey of like a dozen blocks.

And vanished without a trace.

I remember the search parties.
People walking through the complex, handing out fliers asking if anyone knew anything about her.
There were news stories, tons of interviews, lots of tips....

But nothing. 

Not a word. 

The girl had just....vanished. 

Three years ago.

And just a few days ago.
They found her....
More specifically....her body. 

Up a canyon where she had no reason to be, in a place far from trails, far from where she'd last been seen.
Only discovered by happenstance when a motorist driving up the road randomly decided to stop and use the bushes to relieve himself and found her skeleton.

Like it's scary to think about.
To know that for three years....
She was there.
So close....yet so far away.

It's scary to think how close it was to me then.

How I lived in the same building as this girl.
And how she'd managed to disappear basically in the middle of the day on a busy road....

It's crazy.

And of course, is now fresh on my mind because of her discovery. 

*shakes head*
I hope that they find out what happened to her. Find out why she died, and who put her body there and all that.

Because it's just....weird. To think that somewhere, here. Nearby....there's a killer walking about. Who knows the truth. Who did the deed. And is possibly confident that they'll still get away with it all, even after her body has been found. 

*fingers crossed* that they get caught. And soon. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lots of Stress

It's one of those stressful weeks at work.
lol. Obviously because I've been posting about it so much this week.

But it hadn't just been stressful for me.
No, it's been stressful on my managers too.

Specifically my stocking manager who unexpectedly ended up down three workers this week. 
Which was bad.
Because those three were the main stockers of our work.
Besides the other managers.
They're currently gone because one is on vacation, the other injured, and the last one took sick. 

So my manager has basically been going at it, nearly by himself for the entire week in his department.
And I can tell that the stress and frustration is setting in on high.
Because not only does he have to get all his stocking tasks done, but he's also been the morning manager in the store, so he's constantly running back and forth trying to help customers, do things at the register, and get his work load done as well as get the morning manager tasks done. 

So yah.
He's stressed.

And today was another stressful day for him.
Because again, no workers.
I ended up coming in half an hour early this morning just so that he could enter the store at his scheduled time.

And he had a ton on his plate today.
Pricing, cleaning, other manager stuff....

But of the groomers called out.
An issue because this manager is still pretty new to the store....
And had no idea how to call the groomer's clients to inform them that their groomer was sick so therefore we're going to have to reschedule your dogs to come in a different day.

And our groomers usually don't show up until right when they open.
-Because scheduling doesn't have them come in until right when they open for the day.

Which meant that if this groomer who called out....had customers coming in right first thing in the morning...we wouldn't be able to contact them before they showed up.
That equals angry customers. :S :S :S Not fun.

So my manager was waiting for the other groomer to come in.
As usually there's two groomers in the morning for their opening.
But the time for them to show up came and went....and the manager had to call the other groomer scheduled and be like "Where are you?"

....yah, apparently because that groomer's first dog wasn't showing up until half an hour later, they thought that they could come into work a few minutes later.
-Which...I don't get that logic. If you're scheduled at a certain up on time. 
*shakes head*

In any case. The manager was dealing with this grooming crisis. Which thankfully the other groomer showed up so that they could show him how to call customers to reschedule dogs and such....

But that was putting the manager behind even further in his own duties. 
And he ended up getting more behind because Another groomer ended up calling out a couple of hours later, which meant another round of calling customers..... Not fun. Not fun.

I could totally sense his stress and frustration building.
Because like....there was no one there to help him.

You know....except me....and my coworker.
And with it being Thursday....we usually manage to get opening in my department done rather quickly.
And since I'd come in half an hour earlier....I figured I could take a half hour out of opening and help out a bit. 

So when I got to a good stopping point, I went and found the manager who, at that point, was still in grooming, and asked him if he wanted me to sweep the floor.
As that's usually one of the major concerns is getting all the random debris cleaned up so customers don't slip, trip, step in things and get hurt. 

He was surprised and gratified, methinks lol. And was like "Could you!?" 
So I went and grabbed the floor sweeper thingy. That big long broom that you just push around.
And proceeded to spend half an hour pushing it around the store, up and down aisles and such. 

Nothing too crazy lol. As I don't know really how to do the other cleaning projects.
but yah, pushing around a broom, not so hard.

And as I passed by the office, where the manager was.
He was like "Sarnic, have I told you how awesome you are?"
And I was like: "umm...I think so?"
He was like "Well, you are. You're very awesome. Thank you for helping." 

I try.
I don't like seeing people struggle.
So if I can see a way for me to help out.
I try to do so. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

You're Serious?

I deal with a lot of jokes and teasing at work.
You know, like prank phone calls about fish dying or jokes by customers in the store about eating the fish when they're bigger and such. 

So, like, I kinda get used to having customers teasing me a bit in that sort of way.
Trying to be funny and such.

There were two gentlemen who walked in the store today while I was scrubbing fishtanks and were looking about before one of them approached me.
He was looking for a water pump of some kind.
But he didn't know what exactly he was searching for. 

So automatically I thought he was looking for a fish filter.
Like the over the back filters for the tank.
But it could have been a tank for reptiles as well, or maybe he was looking for the bigger canister filters that go underneath the tanks...

So I was like "Do you need it for fish or reptiles?" Just so I could help him find the right sort of filter for the tank set up.

And his response was "Microchips." 

Those are electronics.
Electronics and water DO NOT MIX. 

So automatically I figured he was joking.
and was like "Ha. No, for fish or for reptiles?" 

Turns out he wasn't joking.

He was like "No, I need a water pump to cool down our microchips." 

And I was like. O.o You're serious?! 
-I literally said that I'm pretty sure.

*face palm* 

But like. It's not something you regularly encounter here.
Why would you need water for a computer related thing? It just didn't make sense.

Apparently he was planning to use some mineral oil and something with a radiator and needed to use a circulation pump that had a high mile per gallon ratio so that he could send cool water over whatever area he needed the liquid to flow over so that their $800 microchips wouldn't overheat and melt. 


So I directed him to our circulation pumps and did my best to try and help him out there.....

Hopefully what he bought ended up working.... *fingers crossed*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Frustrating Day

It's apparently one of those weeks....

Where I just can't get things done at work.

Which is always frustrating for me. Because I'm used to being able to get things done. 

*shakes head*

But this week is the week where the scheduling is just...a miss.
I mean, it's hard to predict just how busy the store is going to be on any given day.
But this week....hasn't worked well so far.

For one, we're a little short handed due to people being on vacation or sick.

For two.... 
Apparently after a month vacation....
Customers have remembered we exist.
As there has been an increase in traffic again in the mornings after a long lull where I barely spoke to anyone during my shifts.

But the last two days.
Oh yah, I talked to a ton of people.
It's like all the customers who forgot to come in Saturday came in yesterday and today. 

That or I'm just more aware of all the customers in the store...because feels like I've been the one who has to go and help everyone that needs help. 

As it's really just been me, the manager, and the cashier in the store the past couple of mornings.
And if the manager is busy....and the cashier can't leave the register....that leaves me to go to the rescue. 


Today was frustrating.
Like I said.
I'm used to getting things done. 
But today and yesterday I was off a couple of hours earlier than usual. 
Which, again, not usually a big deal. Because most of the time I get things done just after the lunch rush. So I'm often searching for things to do. 

But felt like I was the only one in the store.
I was just trying to get the bedding change done before I left. 
But we got hit with a mid morning rush.

And the cages I was cleaning, is like in the center point in the store. Where I'm basically the most visible and most accessible person to customers (besides the cashier at the front of the store) So I had people from everywhere coming up to me asking for help.
Help with dog stuff, help with cat stuff, help with bird things, help with fish. 

And then the cashier was constantly needing back up or help at the register.
And then the manager needed to go do some interviews for prospective new employees and left me the keys to handle any managerial duties the register might need.
Only the problems with the register were things I couldn't just solve with a set of keys, because I have no idea how to open the cash drawer nor do I know how to fix a frozen register. *exhales* 

Plus the coworker in my department went on lunch because she needed to take the break before I was gone. 
The phone wouldn't stop ringing off the hook either.
Nor did it help that we had at least two if not three field trips of children (like a group of 30 each time) come into the store clamoring at the top of their voices. 

And I hate loud noises. 

So overall I spent a good couple of hours rushing back and forth between my department, the registers, and the rest of the store trying to ensure everyone was happy and getting helped and GAH. 

I hate those moments.
I hate feeling like I'm the only one in the store.
Because I can't be multiple places at once.
And I can't always help the customer satisfactorily.
Nor can I Get. The. Bedding. Change. Done. If I'm pulled away from it every thirty seconds!

I didn't get it done.
I spent 5 hours of my shift trying to get the bedding change done.
And by the time I was off, there was still one row of cages that needed to be cleaned and everything  within all the cages needed to still be put back....
*shakes head*

It was just frustrating today.

We'll see how tomorrow goes.....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, May 21, 2018

Tuesdays and Saturdays

I'm well aware that I'm not good with the morning.
My brain hasn't yet woken up enough to have the 'niceness filter' in place.
So it takes a lot more effort to not say something mean or biting first thing.
But it is super easy for me to get irritated and annoyed first thing in the morning when I'm confronted with an unexpected 'problem.' 

I got that this morning at work.
The unexpected problem that just...flared my irritability levels.

It was a note that triggered my irritation.

Left by my coworkers yesterday it went as follows: 

"All snakes, spiders, and scorpions will now be fed on Sundays. We are also going to start keeping record of when we feed the spiders and scorpions to reduce confusion because no one ever knows when they need to be fed or when they were fed last. Please be sure to keep up on feeding them all and keep record of it on their feeding charts. :)" 

*eye twitch* 

No one. Knows? 

Just. GAH.

I've told basically Every. Single. Coworker. when we feed the scorpions and spiders. 
If you've opened the department. I usually bring it up at some point.
The scorpions and spiders are fed on TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. 

How is it confusing? How could you NOT KNOW when I'm pretty sure I told you myself that those were the days they were fed?

It was just....aggravating.
To the extreme to read that note.

I didn't care that my coworkers wanted to change the days.
What I didn't like was the tone. The "No one knows, and so to avoid confusion." 

When you mean "No one knows." 
You're meaning YOU don't know.
Because I know.

I did not take it well.
The snake feeding confusion is understandable.
Because a) We haven't had snakes in for practically the entire winter/spring seasons and when we do get them in they've sold within a couple of weeks, so like...there's no time to feed the snakes.
Our latest batch came in a week and a half ago. 
And so yah, it's not surprising that there's confusion there.
Plus b) One coworker has kinda taken over the feeding thing. So makes sense no one else would know when to do it. Because that coworker has recently cut back on their hours. But because before this recent batch came in, we'd been out of snakes for like a month and a still makes sense no one would know when they are to be fed.
The schedule constantly shifts. If we ever get in all the snakes we're supposed to have in our store, we'd be needing to split up the feeding of them over a few days. 

But no.
The spiders and scorpions?
There should be no confusion.
I'm there Tuesdays and Saturdays.
If you open with me on those days I have told you "Oh hey, the scorpions and tarantulas get fed today."

So there shouldn't be confusion.
Because people have been TOLD this.
I've repeated it MULTIPLE TIMES.
So right now you're just showing me that you WEREN'T LISTENING when I TOLD YOU!

I mean....I get it. There's a ton of information that you get hit with in my department. So it makes sense that not everything I tell my coworkers when I'm training them on opening will be remembered. 
I get it. I'm all too happy to repeat myself (unless I'm doing it for the fortieth time then, dude, you really need to work on that memory thing.)

But assuming no one knows?
No. I know. ASK ME. 

Which really....
It bugged me too that the writer of the note had this whole game plan and took control.....
Without consulting the manager or myself. (As I'm in charge of the dept when the manager isn't there.) 
I mean, they couldn't yesterday. Because neither one of us worked then.
But like...Don't make this whole game plan based on the assumption that there's something wrong.
Communication is key.

Like I would have responded much better to "Hey, when are the snakes, scorpions, and spiders fed?" 
Because then I could be like "Oh it's Tuesday and Saturday for the scorpions and spiders, the snakes are fed in the evening on such and such days." 

But to basically write: "Okay, no one knows anything here about when those creatures are fed, so we're now doing it Sunday and WITH charts!" 
Yah, I don't like that. Because I KNOW. Geez.

*shakes head* 
If something in the department needs to change....the manager needs to be talked to first.
That way they can establish if a change needs to be made or if it's just a matter of clarifying the points of confusion. 

I admire that the coworkers wanted to take control and make sure an issue was being fixed....
But that wasn't quite the way to do it.


You don't know how much time I wasted at that board. (too much time0 
Writing and Erasing my message as I tried to figure out a polite way to say: "I don't see why you're confused, The spiders and scorpions are fed on Tuesdays and Saturdays in the morning, and have been fed on those days ever since they came into the store. Snakes are fed in the evenings, since we just got in a new batch, Sunday would be fine. But really, if you have questions about when animals are fed, you can always ask the manager or Sarnic and they would be happy to help you."

I struggled on how to word that in a much nicer and less...irritated way. 
I basically ended up with "??? Scorpions and Spiders are Fed on Tuesdays and Saturdays." And got stuck. 

It bugged me, like an itch I couldn't scratch. That note. Because how do you respond to it? How do you say "Nope, you're wrong, they have been fed, pay attention next time okay?" 

In the end, when I showed the manager the note that my coworkers had left....
he was just like "Erase it, there's no need to write anything in response." 

And oh, it felt so good to take the eraser and wipe that board clean.
One less weight of irritation on my shoulders, that was for sure lol. It helped me to be able to better focus on the tasks at hand that I needed to be completing. *shakes head* 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, May 20, 2018

A Storm

There's just something energizing about a storm rolling in. 

I spent the day hanging out at home today.
Regathering my energy back so that I can survive being social at work this week. 

And the roll of thunder through the house drew me upstairs and to open the windows. 
Where I just...listened to the storm roll in. To the wind whistling through the trees, the rumble of thunder, the slight pattering of rain.

It was awesome.
To be safe inside, but still hear it all happening around me. 

And I loved every moment of it.
It was just....a different energy that revitalized me in a way that plain old sunshine just can't mimic. lol. 


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Just Wanna Go Home

I don't know quite what triggered this past migraine that's been plaguing me for the past three days. 

I mean, I'm pretty sure it was not getting enough sleep that triggered it because Thursday I woke up super tired. Which meant that I really needed sleep. 
And unfortunately for me....I had to go to work. Which meant I couldn't go back to sleep like I desired to. *exhales* 
Add onto that that there was a District Manager who came to visit the store Thursday which meant stress levels everywhere were high. 
So me being tired and then surrounded by stress??
Yah, not a good combo. 

But like a little sleep should have helped it right?

Obviously not because today I still had the headache upon waking. Which is frustrating because I spent like all of yesterday sleeping to keep it at bay. *shakes head*

In any case.
Three days of dealing with constant pain in my skull resulted in me being...well...with very little energy.
So like spending today doing customer service at work?
Not the best of ideas. 

Especially since like after talking to the first customer of the day I was already suffering with a spike in the pain of my headache. 

Because of course the first customer of the day had to be a difficult customer where I couldn't give them a good answer and that left me feeling frustrated because I wanted to be able to help them....

But in any case.
I wasn't doing good.
I mean, I was functional, and the headache itself was relatively minor compared to other bad ones I've had. 

But considering I'd already dealt with 2 days of it and was heading into my third...
I just wanted to go home.

The problem though, was that like most Saturdays, I was the only one scheduled to open. 
And I'm one of those people who can't out. No I want to make sure that there's coverage and such.

-And half the reason why I went to work was to see if being active and doing things would help my headache go away.

But like an hour after we'd opened the store...I was already mentally done for the day.
Even though I still had like 5 hours left in my shift...

But there were no cashiers or stockers in the store that were certified in my department.
So it wasn't like I could just call it quits then. 
(I know I could have, but again, I hate leaving my dept in a bind.) 

So I had the plan to go to the manager once my coworker got in at 1:30. 
Which, I would be off two hours after that....
But if I waited until my coworker got there, then I could just ask to leave. Since I'd have coverage and the day wasn't that busy (which is odd for a Saturday) and it would be good.

Only at like 11:30, the manager took a phone call.
And I only heard bits of it while I was helping another customer nearby.
But the "Oh, I hope you feel better tomorrow since you're scheduled then." 

Which meant....someone was calling out.
And I could only figure that that someone....was my replacement at 1:30. 

So when I got the chance, I went to the manager to confirm my suspicions. 
Which yep. 
My 1:30 coworker had just called out sick. *exhales*
And I could have left at 1:30 anyways because my manager would be in then, to watch the department.
But....he ended up needing to go grab some animals from the vet, so he showed up like an hour later.....

Which basically meant that I had no one in the department with me at all today. 
Thankfully it was slow.
But nobody would be coming in until I was off at 3:30. 

So at 11:30 I already knew....I wouldn't be leaving early.

Despite me wanting to.
I knew it wouldn't be happening.
I'm too stubborn like that.

So I stuck around my entire shift.
Managing to somehow keep the headache at manageable levels. (Yay Mountain Dew)

But the managers knew it was something was up.
Because almost every one was like "Are you okay, Sarnic?" 
And I was like "I've had a migraine for three days now I am not here mentally."
To which they sympathized and such. 
And they know me well enough to know that I don't usually request to go home when I have headaches because I am stubborn enough to work through almost all of them. 

I just....hate it.
Hate it that the days I seriously consider leaving work early....
I end up being unable to because someone else calls out sick, or something happens that prevents me from being able to leave and like.....why?
Is it a test? Is it a trial?? 

*shakes head*

I dunno. 
I mean....I know I could leave anyways, I just....find it stressful to do so. I don't like leaving my department short-handed. Especially if other coworkers have already left us shorthanded because they called out sick.

But seriously....
I wonder what it's be able to just wake up and go "Nope, not coming into work today" and call work and call in sick.

Well maybe next time if I'm in desperate need...I'll be able to leave.

But at least I found the strength and fortitude to make it through my shift today. ^^;; 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, May 18, 2018

Red. Means. Stop.

So there I was, sitting at a red light, waiting for my turn to cross the intersection.

And like most intersections, there's always those last couple of cars that decide to turn left after their green light changes to red.
Usually it was the one car in the intersection waiting to turn, and maybe the car behind it if it had crept out too far into the intersection behind the first car.
And like...okay the third car, I could see as well....

Like it happens.
People aren't patient.
They want to get to their places fast.
And sitting an extra couple of minutes at the red light isn't fast. 

But there I was.
And my light had turned green. 

And the expected two cars made the left hand turn on the red.

So I started pulling forward.

Only to see two more cars making that left hand turn.

O.o Okay? I double checked to make sure that my light was definitely green. 
Which it was. 

So unless the construction happening on this intersection had somehow made both intersections green at the same time.

Those. Cars. Should. Have. Stopped.

But did they?

TWO MORE CARS as I was moving into the intersection because it was MY TURN also pulled into the intersection to make their left hand turns.
On a light that had definitely been RED for like thirty seconds now. 

SO I Had Enough.
And laid on the Horn.
And honked at those last two drivers as I made my way through.
Because GEEZ guys.
The light had been RED for you.

One driver ducked his head and gave the apologetic "I'm sorry" wave.

But seriously.
Two or three cars I could understand turning on the Red.
Because they could have been a hazard to traffic if they didn't move out of the intersection.

But SEVEN cars?
Turning on a RED light?

Geez guys.
One of you could have been seriously hurt! 
All because you weren't patient enough, or were just being sheep and following the flow of traffic without realizing you should have STOPPED.
Because if it had been a faster street I was on, if It hadn't been me in front.
One of them could have been hit.
Because my lane had the right of way.
And theirs didn't.

*shakes head*

Geez. People. Geez. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi