Tuesday, May 1, 2018

You're Cold?

I love the cold. 

I tell people that a lot.
Like if it starts getting above 76 degrees...I don't usually tolerate it well. Hit 80 and I'm like "Can I go back inside?" Get even warmer and I'm like....dead for the rest of the week. lol. 

I prefer the winter, the cold, and the lower temperatures.

That doesn't mean I like living in it. 

Which I suppose doesn't make much sense. 
After all I just told you that I love the cold.
How can I love the cold but not like living in it?

So I probably should clarify and say that I don't like the house being 'too cold' 

Because if the house is too cold a) I find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. Because warm and comfy is well...very nice when you're sleepy. and b) It's not easy to do things when your fingers are turning blue and fumble with the typing and such. 

So like...I usually enjoy having my home at around 72 degrees.

During the winter it feels hot enough.
During the summer it feels cold enough.

And it's great because I can function like that. 

However, I can't function when the AC is constantly going.
Because a) a cold breeze isn't as comfortable as just a room that is chilly and the AC being on creates a draft and b) the AC unit is right outside my window and it's constant whirr at night can get on my nerves and make it difficult to relax and sleep. 

So it's always 'fun' during that transitional season between Spring and Summer and Fall and Winter.
When you're running the Heat one moment and the AC the next, trying to find the right comfortable range.
And if like your thermostat likes to freak out >.> Like ours does on occasion.
Then the temperatures end up getting too hot because the stat decided that on yes I'll cool down if it's 80 degrees! 
Or too cold where it's like "Oh yah nah, you don't need heat until it's below 68 degrees" 

And it's irritating because like....
Can't you behave heating/cooling system? Work it out.
Just keep the place at like 72 and everyone will be basically happy. 

*shakes head* 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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