Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why Do You Do That?

Have you ever suddenly realized you were doing something...something that you've actually been doing for a while, but only just realized that you were doing it?
Yah. I've had a couple of those recently.
One, was when I was home with my family. You see, my Mom has an Ipad with a fun bejeweled game I always have to play when I'm home. So there I was playing it, and my mom was watching me when she said "It's interesting that you use your ring finger to swipe at the jewels instead of your middle or pointer finger."
I was like O.o *glances at finger* Oh. I was.
Lol and then I had to think of why I didn't use the first two fingers on my hand to do it.
1. That finger bends at a better angle, so it's easier for me to touch the screen.
2. I usually keep the fingernails on the middle and front finger a little longer, which makes it difficult to touch the screen.
3. I probably hurt one or two of the fingers in the past, and just used the ring finger to use it.
4. I'm just weird like that. ;) haha.
5. I think I have better control when moving my finger around the screen?
I don't know. It's just a quirk that I have.
haha, and it's funny because I was playing the game again the next morning.
And my dad observed "you're playing with your pointer finger today."
O.o *glances at finger* Oh. I was.
Lol and there was no rhyme or reason why. :)
I guess I just switch between fingers as the mood takes me. 
But I do know that it became hard to focus solely on the game now that I was made aware of how I was playing the game. haha. It amused me.
Then, there's a second one where I noticed it this past week at work.
I've developed this habit, when I'm cashiering, where I tap the receipt machine with my hand just before the receipt prints out. And then my hand moves up, tears out the receipt and I hand it to the customer.
I don't know why I tap that machine. Maybe some subconscious part of me thinks that the receipt won't print out or will print out faster if I do it? Maybe its more of a sequence of events.
Look at screen to see if all is in order, tap the machine when I know that the receipt will be printing out, receipt prints out...
Yah who knows. It's just one of those quirks I developed over the past little bit. :)
Probably around the time we got a new system....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi  

Friday, August 30, 2013

The 5 Yearer

It was a moment that I've been anticipating ever since before my high school graduation.

A moment seen in movies, read in books, shown in TV shows.

The High School Reunion.

Of course, the reunions I'd seen/read about, tend to talk about reunions further down the line. 20 year. 30 year. 50 year.

Not 5 year.
Still. I was excited.
I mean, seeing the classmates I graduated with 5 years ago?
Just from the little bits I've gotten from facebook tell me that some of my classmates already married with two kids and maybe a third on the way. O.o How crazy is that?!

This was the opportunity to rediscover my classmates.
Which ones had gotten married. Had any of my classmates married each other?
How many of them had a kid? More then one?
Which ones were still single?
Which ones looked the same, which ones looked different.
So many ideas.

Totally idealized by what I knew from those tv shows and books dealing with them.

And...I was also reflecting on where I thought I would be at this time. When the 5 year reunion came around.
Upon graduating High 5 years...I expected to be done with college, already into my career. And probably married. I mean, everyone is expected to get married after High School. And I expected that I would be in that crew as well. Though probably not at the baby stage yet.
I expected to be there with all my friends, goofing off, partying it up. We probably hadn't spoken in a while. All of us would be married with spouses.

How different that ideal is from the reality lol.
It is similar that I am graduated from college. But am I on my career path? I don't know yet.
I'm totally not married. Don't even have a boyfriend.
And my friends...
most of them aren't married either.
My closest two friends didn't even make it to the reunion...because they're on their missions right now.
So it was already weird.

Non the less.
I went.
;) I wanted to check out the cute guys.

In any case. It was...different from my expectations.
I mean, I kept expecting the reunion to be held in the High School gym, with all of us wearing suits or dresses. It would be like a big dance party.

But, the small group of us met at a park. In casual clothes.
And instead of it being our huge graduating was only a fraction. Maybe 30 at the most showed up throughout the evening out of a class of 400. Not good odds.

The experience itself?
Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. :)
It was fun to see the people I saw. To catch up with them. To meet their spouses and maybe their babies.
It got semi awkward for me when I realized....I was the only single person there. :S
But that faded when more single people showed up.
And I actually recognized most of the people there. Even though their faces, shapes, hair styles were slightly different, I could recognize them.

In the end, it felt more like a get together. A 'hey! You're here too? What a coincidence!" sort of feeling. We just happened to be at the same park together.

It was fun. I wish it would have been a bit bigger, but I was content with the size. :)

lol I am wondering if I should try and make it a goal to be married by the next reunion though. It's not that awkward to not be married 5 years down the row...but 10? Hmmm...Guess we'll see how things fall into place. :)

In  any case. Reunion. Totally different. But good. I hope more people can make it to the next one! :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hugs All Around

On a beautiful summer morning, our family attended the Special Olympics to watch our son Scott participate.
The Special Olympics are held each  year to allow people with disabilities to enjoy friendly competition.
We observed that as the runners were taking their positions for the fifty-yard dash, they were being encouraged by special friends affectionately known as huggers.
Seconds before the start of the race, these huggers took their places at the finish line of the race.
It didn't matter who crossed the finish line first.
What did matter was that every runner completed the race and that every runner received a congratulatory hug.
Both the courageous runners and the caring huggers taught important principles of truth.

The Lord spoke in plainness, "Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love."
We all want to feel the comfort of the Savior's embrace.

W. Craig Zwick -Encircled in the Savior's Love -October 1995 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Passive Listening

I'm pretty sure we've all had those moments in class
Where you're listening to someone, and find it difficult to actually listen to them.

Most of the time, when this happens, I tend to zone out. Day dream. Work on plot ideas or scenes for stories.
But there are times when I know I need to listen because something important is being said.

While I was in school, this would be done by a) taking notes or b) doodling.
But in Institute or Church...I've found a different method.

You see, I find it easier to listen when my hands are busy. Then my mind is partly focused on whatever task my hands are doing, but it's also listening to what is being said by the person I'm finding hard to listen to.
And one of those ways, is to pull out my Itouch (which is usually already out because my scriptures are on that.) and I'll play a quick game. Usually Sudoku or Mahjong.

It's a way to entertain my brain...give it a brief recess from actively listening.
And once I'm done with the game, I put it away, and usually I can focus again.

With Sudoku it's a quick recess. And the reason why I go to this game more often.
Because with Mahjong...I'm not content with a game where I don't get all the pieces off the board.
And with Mahjong, depending on the setup I pick, I can't always 'finish' the game until I 'win' the game. Meaning get all the pieces off the screen.
Sometimes it takes me three our four or six times to get a board clear.

So, the other day.
Was one of those days where I found it extremely hard to focus on what was being said.
I'd already played a game of Sudoku.
So I went to Mahjong, and encountered my difficulties. I couldn't win the game! Gah!
That's always frustrating, because I actually don't like to spend more then five or so minutes on a game while I'm in class. As I recognize it can be distracting to others.

and what do you know?
I was on like the third round of Mahjong,
when a ward buddy of mine, who also was in my class,
leaned over with his Ipad with a note on it saying "Playing games in class, Sarnic? tsk tsk."
I took the pad from him and wrote back something along the lines of "It helps me listen to the teacher if my hands are busy."
(haha Kikay tells me I should have written back "Writing notes in class? Tsk Tsk)
he wrote back. "Okay, what was said 5 minutes and 30 seconds ago?"
Obviously, he thought I hadn't been listening, but instead just focused on the game.
Haha. Wrongo.
So I told him. "He spoke about this, this, and that."
And he wrote back something like "Classy Sarnic."
^^ Heh.

Honestly, I'm not sure if what I wrote back was actually said 5 minutes and 30 seconds ago. but it had been said during the time frame I'd been playing the game. so no longer then 10 minutes.
I'm just glad I had been listening. ^^;;

Because...sometimes when I pull out the game, it's not so I can listen better, it's so I can ignore conversations I don't want to hear. Luckily, this time wasn't one of those times. :)
<.<  :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with my brother and sister, we were on a journey, with a Dumbledore like wizard figure taking us with him. We were heading up the mountains to a mountain lake, but we had to go all away around it to the bottom portion as that's where a secret school was. It was hidden from the rest of the village, and the fields to keep invaders from finding it. We journeyed through the forest, under the cover of moonlight darkness. And as we were working to descend into the secret entrance, I discovered a bunch of my stuffed animals that had been left there last time. Some people were taking them for themselves, but I'd already had two stuffed animals that I'd brought with me on our journey, and I couldn't take all of them, even though I wanted to, I took none, just because I recognized I would be stuck there for a long time if I tried to take them all because I couldn't possibly carry them all at once. So I rearranged them a bit, before moving on and meeting up with a lego-ized Dumbledore and Harry Potter figure. Where we stood in a spotlight of moonlight and were about to be lifted to freedom...

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Work Anniversary

It was the 'first day of school.'
Technically, not for me. As I'd just barely graduated before summer started.
Yet, unsure of my future, I'd signed up for some institute classes just to give me something to do.

I wasn't quite to the point where I was desperate for money. But things were going to get tight...
If I didn't get a job to help pay for bills.
I had all sorts of plans for what to do depending on my situational status.
I mean. I'd applied to half a dozen places with hardly a nibble. So if I couldn't get a job in college town...well I'd considered everything between moving home, to moving out of state to help an aunt and uncle run their hotel.

However, there was hope on the horizon.
I'd had a couple of interviews with the same company the week before. Basically every time I went in a different manager would talk to me. And it basically was set that I would work there. But being cautious I wasn't going to celebrate that fact until the last of the i's were dotted and t's crossed.

And that Monday. The first day of school. August 27th.
It happened.
I got the job!
I officially started working at Starsmet,
and you can't believe how much of a stress reliever that was. I was practically giddy the rest of the day and I could hardly focus in my institute classes at all.

Of course when I started at Starsmet...I hadn't planned to work there more then a semester or so. I'd had different goals, ideas, wants, needs.
But then I discovered.
I really loved this job.
Seriously. I haven't had more fun working at a place then I have here.

And that's what makes me extremely happy.
Because, since I was little. I always had the goal to work at a job I loved.
I never wanted a job for 'the money.'
I wanted a job where I would wake up and think "I get to go to work! Yay!"
And I found that at Starsmet.
lol of course the job has it's moments.
But, as of yet, I haven't had the thought "I don't want to work here anymore.'
It's a fun place to be. I mean come on! Animals! Who doesn't love working with animals! lol.

So one year later, here I find myself. Still at Starsmet. :)

^^ Let's see what the 'new year' brings me! :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

...was rather chaotic. Ghosts, murders, uncomfortable situations, a drive in theatre...basically a series of creepy dreams that faded once I woke up.


Monday, August 26, 2013

April 1996 General Conference Saturday Morning

James E. Faust -The Prophetic Voice
  • If they wanted to follow the right path, to keep [in] the main channel of the stream--where the body of the Church goes, there is the authority.
  • "If this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply  ye be found even to fight against God."
  • "Thou shalt not command him who is at thy head, and at the head of the church."
  • "My integrity will not permit me to yield my conscience to anyone."
  • Stand by the authorities.
  • The Prophet Joseph explained in the winter of 1832-33 that "no true angel from God will ever come to ordain any man, because they have once been sent to establish the priesthood by ordaining me thereunto; and the priesthood being once established on earth, with [the] power to ordain others, no heavenly messenger will ever come to interfere with that power by ordaining any more. ...You may therefore know, from this time forward, that if any man comes to you professing to be ordained by an angel, he is either a liar or has been imposed upon in consequence of transgression by an angel of the devil, for this priesthood shall never be taken from this church."
Keith B. McMullin- "Ye May Know"
  • One never stands alone in carrying the word of God to the world.
  • "'Words do not convey meanings; they call them forth.' I speak out of context of my experience, and you listen out of the context of yours, and that is why communication is difficult."
  • A millennium of experience through sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, and all the powers of the universe combined cannot approach the sublime and complete experience of one brief moment under the influence of the Holy Ghost.
Earl C. Tingey -The Sabbath Day and Sunday Shopping
  • "Sabbath observance was a sign between ancient Israel and their God whereby the chosen people might be known."
  • A very important aspect of properly observing the Sabbath concerns shopping on Sunday. Unfortunately, many commercial businesses and establishments are open on Sunday. The world sees no conflict in Sunday shopping. But we of the Church have been counseled and taught by prophets to keep ourselves "unspotted from the world." We should not shop on Sunday.
  • We as a community of Saints should use our influence, in a positive way, to encourage other citizens to not shop on Sunday. We should start with ourselves. If we will not shop on Sunday, businesses which open on Sunday will have no financial reason to remain open on Sunday. It's really that simple.
  • "Our observance or nonobservance o the Sabbath is an unerring measure of our attitude toward the Lord personally and toward his suffering on Gethsemane, his death on the cross, and his resurrection from the dead. it is a sign of whether we are Christians in very deed, or whether our conversion is so shallow that commemoration of his atoning sacrifice means little or nothing to us."
Chieko N. Okazaki -Baskets and Bottles
  • God has given us many gifts, much diversity, and many differences, but the essential thing is what we know about each other--that we are all his children. Our challenge ... is for all of us to learn form each other, that we may all love each other and grow together.  
  • "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance."
  • Our unity grows from what we have in common all around the world.
  • Let us rejoice with each other, listen to each other, learn from each other, and help each other ... as we deal with our different circumstances, different cultures, different generations, and different geographies.
Russell M. Nelson -"Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods"
  • When spiritual needs arise, they may look to the left, the right, or round about. But looking to other people on the same level cannot satisfy spiritual shortages.
  • Inner peace cannot be found in affluence accompanied by spiritual privation.
  • I perceived such confusion in the mind of a newspaper reporter who asked one of our leaders when a representative of such-and-such a country would become a General Authority. While that question was being answered, I thought about our beloved General Authorities born in the countries of Asia; of Europe; of North, Central, and South America; and of the islands of the sea. Though these Brethren come from many nations and speak several tongues, not one of them was called to represent his native country. Presiding quorums of the Church are not representative assemblies. Each leader has been called to face the people as a representative of the Lord, not the other way around.
  • "It is dehumanizing to define ourselves by our desires alone."
  • In rendering service to others, which way do we face? From the right or the left, we can only push or pull. We can lift only from a higher plane. To reach it we don't look sideways; we look up to our Master. Just as we must look to God to live well, so we must look to God to serve well.
Boyd K. Packer -The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises
  • We know that young people generally don't like restrictions. Believe it or not, we were young once and we remember.
  • Young people, learn to use moderation and common sense in matters of health and nutrition, and particularly in medication. Avoid being extreme or fanatical or becoming a faddist.
  • The Word of Wisdom does not promise you perfect health, but it teaches how to keep the body you were born with in the best condition and your mind alert to delicate spiritual promptings.
  • Learn to "listen" to your feelings. you will be guided and warned and taught and blessed.
  • Even though young life is always filled with uncertainties, young people, do not fear the future!
  • Your young dreams can be realized. All of your worthy natural physical and emotional desires can be satisfied. you can find a companion to whom you can offer a body free from addiction, from depressants, from stimulants, and a mind sensitive to spiritual guidance and impressions.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at my parents home, sitting outside with them, and a bunch of cats. One of them walked up with three cute kittens. A black one and two orange ones. They were super cute and adorable, only it seemed like I looked away at the wrong moment, and one of the orange ones was laying on it's side as if it were dead. My mom picked it up and asked Meralto what had happened. He said that he'd found the kitten not acting well in the backyard and that he'd given him some fluids via a shot. Apparently that was the wrong thing to do. Due to his experience he'd put the shot in the wrong spot, compromising the kitten. I don't know if the kitten actually died, as I was distracted by the other two kittens, and then my mom was telling me how Grandma had called saying that she was going to make dad a pair of shoes and she just needed a couple of questions answered really quick. Well, apparently the undertaking was a it much for grandma as she kept calling with more questions about the size of feet, what type of shoes my dad liked to wear, colors...etc. Mom was getting frustrated with her. And finally asked "Is this going to be like that 'small' fish tank we agreed to take from you. (it took up much of the entertainment center and was deeper then we usually like in our fishtanks) where we'll get the shoes and it will be nothing like we talked about? They might actually be detrimental to his feet?

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Halfa Key

I broke a key.
I knew it was going to happen at some point.
I'd noticed that that particular key was slightly bent.
And I figured that if it was bent the same way too many times....well SNAP.

It did just that.
I was finishing locking up a cage, and jerked the key out....only not all of the key came out of the lock. :S
That's what I get for being in a hurry. :S

This has happened a couple of times before. lol We must be really hard on our keys. *shakes head* In any case, I'd broken off a key before in a different lock, but that lock luckily had space, so I could just push the key out.
Not for this cage. It was stuck waaay in there.

And this could have been problematic.
If there had only been one lock on this cage.
For if I couldn't unlock it...then I couldn't get into it....and then the animal within....wouldn't get fed.
Not good.
Luckily. There were two locks to this particular cage. So I could get into one side, if not the other.

I spent some time that day trying to get the piece of key out of the lock.
:( To no avail.

I let people know...and figured, hey. They'll get it out.

No dice.
It was still there a couple of days later. :S
Like I said, we could still get into half of the cage. But I really didn't want that key stuck there any longer.

So once more when I had time, I tried again.
First I tried with gum. But that didn't work.
So I went back to what I'd first attempted.
I got a paperclip, and pulled it so that I had both ends facing the same direction.
Then I stuck both ends into spaces within/between the key.
Squeezing the pieces together...I tried to pull it out.
Again. No success.
But then I twisted the paperclip so that the two sides wound around each other, making the grip on the key tighter.
I pulled.

Haha! I literally did a fish pump into the air and cried "yes!"

^^ Success.
Such a good feeling.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 24, 2013

An Hour Over

I knew my plan was going to go awry in some way.
I mean, if it involves work, and me planning to be done or start at a specific won't happen.
And I really should continue to give into my thoughts of 'maybe I should double check what time I start work.'

So the story.
There I was, having just gotten off work. It was after 10pm. And Cinres had just put up the schedule. Duly I noted down what days I was working next week and went home.
Only somewhere in the process of me remembering next week's schedule....I confused what time I would be working the next morning. I'd gotten it stuck into my head that I would be coming in at 7am. That's basically the time I'd been coming in on that day for the past couple of weeks. I knew I had to go to bed at 11, which totally meant I would be getting up at 6 so I could get my six hours of sleep.
You see the flaw there? Yah, my head was somewhat correct in that it knew I had to go to bed at 11...which six hours from that point would mean I should have gotten up at 5. Which meant that I would have had work at 6am.
However, I proceeded to think that I would be getting up at 6 and going to work at 7.
lol, no wonder I felt rested. I got an extra hour of sleep I wasn't planning on.

Then I looked at my phone and saw that I'd missed a call from Starsmet.
:S Uhoh. That's never good. So I went to my inbox and listened...."Hey Sarnic...are you alright? You were supposed to be in at 6...."
So I called right back "Sorry! I'm fine, just looked at the schedule wrong, thought I'd be in at 7 so I'll be there in about 15 mins."

Still, I wasn't too worried about being late to work.
For two reasons.
The first....because I thought that somebody was already there in my department. Cinres has been scheduling early morning shifts for us which start at 4am. And it being a bedding change day...I totally thought that he had scheduled somebody to come in at 4. Because he said he would for sure do it on specific days where the bedding changes take longer.
Well....when I got into work....everything was still dark in my department. :S Uhoh. I knew something was wrong. Because something should have been turned on because we didn't have cats to do...and the first opener would have already been there for three hours.
Since nothing was opened....that meant....
Crap. I was the opener. I was supposed to be doing the bedding changes.
And...I'd just lost an hour of work. I only had two hours to do a potentially four hour bedding change before the store opened. :S
Not good. We're working on having the whole department open by the time the store opens.

But. Luckily. I'm good at bedding changes. Luckily, I can go into hyper drive. And I managed to get the bedding change done before the store opened! Ha! That didn't mean that we got the whole department open by the time the doors opened. But with my second opener coming in we were able to get done pretty soon after customers were allowed inside.

Now. For the second reason why I wasn't worried about being late to work.
You see, earlier in the week -a day when I worked the 4am shift- I ended up staying an hour later then I was scheduled to due to a coworker not showing up.
Can I tell you how tiring that was? Because it was tiring. I'd spent the previous day cleaning up the apartment for an apartment cleaning check, then I had to get up at 4am and clean some more with bedding changes, not to mention scrub tanks of algae. In the end. I found it difficult to stay awake that last hour because I was just mentally and physically exhausted.
In any case. The staying an hour later comes into play.
Because I'd been scheduled at the maximum hours I could get without over time. Before staying an hour later. And staying an hour later would put me on over time. Which...the managers don't want you to do. So to make sure I stayed under my 'cap' hours. I was allowed to leave an hour earlier from work on a different day.
And which day was it?
Yah. The day I slept in.
That's why I wasn't concerned.
Because I had already planned on loosing an hour in my shift this day.
But instead of taking it at the end of my shift, I lost the first hour of my shift instead.
So, it all worked out in the end.

In the end...that's why I shouldn't plan to get done or start at a specific time when it involves work.
For you see, the day I spent an hour later at work....I'd told Kikay to expect me to drop by soon after I was scheduled to get off.
Well...I didn't get off at the scheduled time I had told her.
Then the day I was supposed to leave early, I'd planned to do stuff after that point where I was supposed to get out. And...yah I ended up sleeping in and put my hour there instead of afterwards.

haha :) Note to self: Don't plan for specific times. Not when it involves work.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a school setting, where some 'spin alarm' guy had tried to make a bomb in one of the old bell alarms and we were trying to figure how he did it, and the students were made to look for the bell that had been the bomb to see if they saw anything out of the ordinary and how they would need to look out for it again in the future. Once that was done, we gathered together for a prize award drawing. Everyone in my class wrote their names on pieces of paper (or other comments and such) and put them in a box to be drawn out. I was sitting at a picnic table with a bunch of my classmates. I'd put in number 23. -As they were drawing out numbers and I was the 23rd person. The drawing commenced and prizes were awarded. Then the prize of being a manager the 'second in command' manager was awarded to number 16. That should have been a boy sitting across from me, but he just grinned and shook his head. The drawer opened the paper...and it was me. My classmates had all written notes for me and about me, basically stating that they thought I should be the newest manager at work. I was surprised and flattered......and later at work, I ran into our old manager Toc as we were trying to deal with the bombing situation still. As one of our animals had gotten hurt, one of the Russian Turtles, but we at work hadn't quite noticed that anything was wrong until the vet took a look at him. The bullet that had come through the 32nd story had whizzed right under the turtle and had left a wound just below his tail. We hadn't noticed because we thought that the mark would be higher on the body. In any case I was setting to putting him back into his cage so he could heal, when Toc walked by so I showed him the turtle's wound....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, August 23, 2013

The Return of the Phantom

So the other day, I was hanging out at Kikay's place with her and Mirleki.
And we ended up somehow on the topic of old Cartoons that we liked when we were younger.
Seriously I don't remember how we got on the topic, but come up it did.
Kikay and I both mentioned that one of our favorite shows growing up was Danny Phantom.
O.o To our surprise, Mirleki had never heard of it and asked what it was about.
()_() GASP!
Haha so Kikay started telling her. "Well, Danny Fenton was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine."
I caught on right away and started grinning.
"You see, it was designed to view a world unseen. But he's going to catch them all because he's Danny Phantom. But when it didn't quite work..."
We ended up bursting out laughing while Mirleki looked at us confused.
And I had to explain "She was quoting the theme song to you."
Haha. It was actually really good because Kikay was telling it in such a normal way. Haha. :) And then together we took turns finishing the rest of the theme song.
And basically ended with "We'll need to show you at some point."
There was a bit of conversation where Kikay stated that Danny Phantom was one of the shows where she would buy the DVDs as well.
In any case. It was fun to quote the theme song like it was an actual conversation.

But the story doesn't end there.

You see, yesterday I went to the store. For food. Cus...I was out of snack food.
Anyways, I headed over to the $5 movies. Searching for something to watch. Most of the time I find nothing.
But. Not this time.
I  pulled away a stack of DVDs and saw it.
Danny Phantom!
A DVD set of 5 episodes of season 1!
For $5
And seeing that, remembering that Kikay wanted to buy it.....I bought it. ^^
And since yesterday I've had the theme song to the show stuck in my head.
I remember why I loved this show.

It's just made me happy all day long. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was driving out to the middle of the country with Kikay...only we were more racing. It felt like we were going towards UBs/ATs place, but there were more trees. It wasn't as plainsee. The main difference between me and Kikay racing was...that she was in this nice yellow convertible power race car type of thing. And I...I was riding a bike. Yet. somehow. I was doing really good in the race. Mostly because I think Kikay was letting me have a big head start. I was riding my bike as fast as I could to get back to our starting point before her, and I could sense Kikay coming up behind me in her car....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Float Down The River

I learned to swim in the swift-running currents of the Provo River in beautiful Provo Canyon.
The 'old swimming hole' was in a deep portion of the river, formed by a large rock which had fallen into the river, I assume, when the workmen constructing the railroad were blasting through the canyon.
The pool was dangerous, what with its depth of sixteen feet, its current, which moved swiftly against the large rock, and the sucking action of the whirlpools below the rock.
It was not a place for a novice or the inexperienced swimmer.

One warm summer afternoon when I was about twelve or thirteen, I took a large, inflated inner tube from a tractor tire, slung it over my shoulder, and walked barefoot up the railroad track which followed the course of the river.
I entered the water about a mile above the swimming hole, sat comfortably in the tube, and enjoyed a leisurely float down the river.
The river held no fear for me, for I knew it's secrets.

That day the Greek-speaking people in Utah held a reunion at Vivian Park in Provo Canyon, as they did every year.
Native food, games, and dances were the order of the day.
But some left the party to try swimming in the river.
When they arrived at the swimming hole, it was deserted, for afternoon shadows were beginning to envelope it.

As my inflated tube bobbed up and down, I was about to enter the swiftest portion of the river just at the head of the swimming hole when I heard frantic cries, "Save her! Save her!"
A young lady swimmer, accustomed to the still waters of a gymnasium swimming pool, had fallen from the rock into the treacherous whirlpools.
None of the party could swim to save her.
Suddenly I appeared on the potentially tragic scene.
I saw the top of her head disappearing under the water for the third time, there to descend to a watery grave.
I stretched forth my hand, grasped her hair, and lifted her over the side of the tube and into my arms.
At the pool's lower end, the water was slower as I paddled the tube, with my precious cargo, to her waiting relatives and friends.
They threw their arms around the water-soaked girl and kissed her, crying, "Thank God! Thank God you are safe!"
Then they hugged and kissed me.
I was embarrassed and quickly returned to the tube and continued my float down to the Vivian Park bridge.
The water was frigid, but I was not cold, for I was filled with a warm feeling.
I realized that I had participated in the saving of a life.
Heavenly Father had heard the cries, "Save her! Save her," and permitted me, a deacon, to float by at precisely the time I was needed.
That day I learned that the sweetest feeling in morality is to realize that God, our Heavenly Father, knows each one of us and generously permits us to see and to share His divine power to save.

Thomas S. Monson -Who Honors God, God Honors -October 1995 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


It's that time of year.
Where roommates move out.
and....leave things behind.

Sometimes it's on purpose.
Sometimes it's completely accidental.

But when Kikay discovers them.
And realizes that none of the current set of roommates have any idea what it is or who it belongs to. She calls out "Inheritance!"

lol it's a fun new concept really.
I mean, a person leaves.
You inherit whatever they owned that is now left behind.
They're not coming back to get it.
So it's yours!

It's something that probably happened every year my roommates moved out, and I stayed behind.
But not something that totally hit me...
Until I was the last person in my apartment.

Seriously, all my roommates moved out.
And I'm this lull state where I'm the only one actually living here.

Suddenly. I'm inheriting a lot of things I didn't know weren't my roommates.

Like food.
Kikay has told me stories of stuff she found her fridge that expired in 2011 and whole new species of vegetables in the veggie store.
Well, I found stuff in the fridge.
Nothing so late as 2011. Just 2012 stuff.

But in any case.
There was a lot of food, that wasn't mine.
In the fridge it was pretty easy to toss most of it out.
Most of it was either already expired, half empty, or....what I would never eat.

Then I came to the freezer.
It was chalk full of stuff!
Talk about inheritance. It totally reminded me of the freezer in my dad's basement. Full of meat that hardly ever gets eaten. lol.
Me...I'm not quite a meat person.
And here. Here I had three different types of fish, hamburger meat, turkey burgers, chicken...the list went on and on.
I pulled it all out.
And thought to myself.
"It's a shame to throw this all out. Some of this has never been opened!"
-Of course the stuff that had been opened/was mostly gone/freezer burnt totally made friends with the garbage.
But...the non opened stuff.
It had to still be good right?
Right. Freezer stuff lasts waaaaay longer then fridge stuff.
The problem.
I knew I wouldn't eat this inheritance.
I'm not that sort of 'cooking' person.

But I didn't want to throw it all away.
I could literally see dollar signs on that food.

Kikay helped with the problem.
She ended up with roommates who love to cook.
And are totally willing to experiment on food.
So she dropped by with Mirleki and scooped up most of the freezer meat.
Leaving me with a nice pretty empty freezer.

Yay! :D
Finally. I have just my stuff in the fridge and freezer. ^^ Woot.
:S It's pretty empty. It makes me want to go buy a bunch of food to fill it up. Haha.
But I'll wait. The new roommates can do that for me. ;)

Now.....what other things have I 'inherited?' Hmmmmm

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in my parent's church. Wandering around the halls, when I noticed there were these thin silk string spider web looking things all over the place. They were mostly beneficial things. Marking places where people had left things, or were lines of memory. But then I noticed some...had this big yellow spot in the middle of them. Not noticeable right away, but the amber egg like thing...was evil. Evil pretending to be something good, but it was just evil. And they were surrounding all the entrances to the chapel. I couldn't let that happen, and the one way I knew how to destroy those threads...was with a white ribbon. It could be any length, design, material, as long as it was pure white (though if you had gold embellishments on it, it would work too.) and I had this thick leather choker thing that I'd been trying on. So I went around the hallways searching for one of those 'evil bubbles' hiding amongst the white. I found a big one. and with a Swipe I went through the strands, destroying the web the evil had created.
Another unique thing about these webs, were that you could walk through them and not realize it. As only the person who had 'set' the web, or those who had the 'sight' to see them would see them. While you can walk through them, you don't have to though. Most of the time they're pretty out of the way, and if they do happen to be in the middle of a hallway or something, most people would walk around them without realizing that they'd walked around them. This was particularly true for the webs containing the 'evil' in it. People would walk around them without realizing they were doing so. So I set out to destroy those 'evil' webs. dad caught me and demanded to know what I was doing. I was destroying priceless artifacts around the museum (because the place was some old war museum thing as well) So I showed him, I took him to the next 'evil' spot. Showed him what to look for and then destroyed it. Only to have this older gentleman come up and moan the fact that I'd just destroyed his memoirs of his life history. Yet he didn't seem upset about the fact, he actually joined in with us on wiping away the webs we were finding.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Renurt and Dirchi

I have to say, I'm glad I'm part Dirchi.
Because I had to spend yesterday cleaning up my apartment for a 'cleaning check.'
As all my roomies moved out and the place needs to be 'spotless' for the new roommates who will move in eventually.

And when I have to clean clean.
Well. I can get a bit OCD about it.
It's the Renurt part of my genetics coming out. We're all a bit OCD on that side.
And when I have to clean...I really can get well...zealous.

GO AWAY!!!!!!!

Yah. It can get a bit dramatic.

The Dirchi part of me can take over when things are heading to 'too extreme.'
(or when I realize it's taking waaay too long. Above all I like to do things quickly.)
And say "Whoa. Calm down there Sarnic. It doesn't have to be perfect. This is good enough. It's not coming off."

And I can be like

*deep breath*

Okay. Yes. Yes it is good enough.

haha. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 19, 2013

October 1995 General Conference Sunday Afternoon

David B. Haight -Seek First the Kingdom of God
  • Living as we should becomes our strength of character.
Joseph B. Wirthlin -Windows of Light and Truth
  • In this dispensation of the fullness of times, the revelation super highway has been carrying heavy traffic of eternal truth ever since that day in the spring of 1820 when the Lord answered a farm boy's fervent prayer in the Sacred Grove and ushered in the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • When the storms of life leave us confused, the windows of revelation can guide us safely home to our heavenly Father.
  • If we are to fulfill the Lord's command to open the windows of heaven to all of our brothers and sisters, we must prepare to teach the gospel. With study of the scriptures, fasting, and prayer, we fortify our testimonies. We cultivate Christlike attributes of "faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, [and] diligence." Through exemplary obedience, we can "let [our] light so shine before men, that they may see [our] good works, and glorify [our] Father which is in heaven."
  • Just as we exercise great care about what we take into our bodies through our mouths, we should exert a similar vigilance about what we take into our minds through our eyes and ears.
  • The gift of the Holy ghost may be likened to a sure, personal compass to provide lifesaving vision, wisdom, and insight as a spiritual window.
  • "The Spirit of the Holy Ghost is the greatest guarantor of inward peace in our unstable world. ... It will calm nerves; it will breathe peace to our souls. ... It can enhance our natural senses so that we can see more clearly, hear more keenly, and remember what we should remember. It is a way of maximizing our happiness."
  • Worship in the house of the Lord will keep our view of what matters most clear and sharp, focused crisply, and free form the dust of the world.
Lynn A. Mickelsen -Eternal Laws of Happiness.
  • Our happiness in this life and joy in the future as eternal families depend on how well we live them.
Anne G. Wirthlin -Touch the Hearts of the Children.
  • The scriptures were written for families.
  • "A successful parent is one who has loved, one who has sacrificed, and one who has cared for, taught, and ministered to the needs of a child."
  • In all that we do, we can teach our children to love the Lord. At times our most impressionable teaching happens when we don't even realize that we're teaching.
  • "I like to come to your house because I feel safe here."
  • Home can be an oasis in the world. It's a place where every child has a right to feel safe.
Hans B. Ringer -Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?"
  • I believe that words and actions are rooted in our thoughts and that our thoughts determine our deeds. Our daily decisions, planned or spontaneous, are the result of our thoughts, and we are responsible for them.
  • If we are to be one with Deity, then it is we who must change--and not God.
Durrel A. Woolsey -A Strategy for War
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is on the offensive in the declaration of good to be good and evil to be evil.
  • "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Satan offers a strange mixture of just enough good to disguise the evil along his downward path to destruction.
  • We must hold fast to forceful proclamations from God regarding the sanctity of life, His eternal and never-ending instruction to be chaste and pure.
  • There are symptoms or warnings of the descending path. Ten symptoms to be aware of might be:
    • An increasing shortness of vision or an inability to see clearly things of a spiritual nature.
    • An ever-increasing callousness to things of God.
    • A hardening of the spiritual arteries--attention to spiritual needs moves from daily or weekly to monthly, then occasionally, then not at all.
    • An increasing dependence upon a growing army of psychiatric specialists instead of priesthood, God, and self.
    • An increasing independence from spiritual things.
    • An increasing number of friends with lower moral standards.
    • Quotes from talk shows instead of scriptures.
    • Raised voices in place of subdued tones.
    • Verbal, even physical, abuse replacing a circle of love.
    • Gradual acceptance of evil, not all at once, but a little bit at a time.
  • I have observed that the great majority of people the world over waste and wear out their lives making major commitments of time and effort toward projects that have absolutely no exalting benefits yet have eternal consequences.
Russell M. Nelson -Perfection Pending
  • We all need to remember: men are that they might have joy--not guilt trips!
  • Our climb up the path to perfection is aided by encouragement from the scriptures.
  • People have never failed to follow Jesus because his standards were imprecise or insufficiently high. Quite to the contrary. Some have disregarded his teachings because they were viewed as being too precise or impractically high! Yet such lofty standards, when earnestly pursued, produce great inner peace and incomparable joy.
  • Let us do the best we can and try to improve each day.
  • We need not be dismayed if our earnest efforts toward perfection now seems so arduous and endless. Perfection is pending. It can come in full only after the Resurrection and only through the Lord.
Gordon B. Hinckley -The Fabric of Faith and Testimony
  • I am grateful for what we have heard. I will be a better man if I will put into my life the things of which I have been reminded in this conference.
  • I want you to know that we pray for you always.
  • You parents, love your children. Cherish them. They are so precious. They are so very, very important. They are the future. you need more than your own wisdom in rearing them. You need the help of the Lord. Pray for that help and follow the inspiration which you receive.
General Relief Society Meeting

Elaine L. Jack -Relief Society: A Balm in Gilead
  • Relief Society has been a source of strength in my life, it has helped me raise my family, it has been at the heart of my closest friendships, it has prompted me to learn and grow in the gospel. It has helped me keep my focus on Jesus Christ and what he would have me do.
  • "We ask our Sisters of the Relief Society never to forget that they are a unique organization in the whole world, for they were organized under the inspiration of the Lord. ...No other women's organization in all the earth has had such a birth."
  • Relief Society has taught me that I am a person of worth.
  • While we often have the desire and the natural tendency as women to fix what's broken, we are not the "solution society." We are the Relief Society.
  • We can soothe a suffering heart when we can't eliminate the trouble. WE can bring reassurance and support, kindness, and calm.
  • "Those who have not been enclosed in the walls of prison without cause ... can have but little idea how sweet the voice of a friend is; one token of friendship from any source whatever awakens and calls into action every sympathetic feeling; ... then the voice of inspiration steals along and whispers, ... 'peace be unto they soul.'"
  • "The sun never sets on the Relief Society."
  • Wherever we are, we can carry with us a reserve of our balm of Gilead and we can spread it around.
  • Women are the heart of the home. Whatever your circumstance, you are the heart of your home.
  • Homes can be sacred havens from the world. Homes offer no only physical shelter but a feeling of security, a sense of belonging, a closeness with other family members.
  • Families bring us our greatest joys and sometimes our most wrenching heartaches.
  • We're pulled in myriad directions, and yet we must hold gospel principles firmly in place. Our efforts may seem unnoticed and unappreciated, but sisters, they are worth it. Families are the framework of our lives here and in the eternities.
Chieko N. Okazaki -A Living Network
  • We are the fish, we are the net, and we are the fisher simultaneously.
  • Every family, whether struggling with problems that seem perennial or whether blessed by ideal circumstances, is a valuable, cherished, and beloved family. the Savior wants you to succeed.
  • There in the deeps, we discover who we really are and who the Savior really is.
  • Recognize that each one of us can make a burden lighter by sharing it. Please don't try to carry your burdens alone.
Aileen H. Clyde -What Is Relief Society For?
  • We cannot teach those whom we do not love. We cannot learn from those who do not love us.
  • "[This] ... Society is not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls."
  • Sisters, I ask you to stand close to one another. Love one another, even cherish one another.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Stand Strong against the Wiles of the World
  • He who is our Eternal Father has blessed you with miraculous powers of mind and body. He never intended that you should be less than the crowning glory of His creations.
  • "If you live up to your privilege, the angels cannot be restrain'd from being your associates."
  • Thank you for knowing there is a better way. Thank you for the will to say no. Thank you for the strength to deny temptation and look beyond and above to the shining light of your eternal potential.
  • We pray that as you walk the paths of life you will walk in ways that are straight with the strength to conform even though those paths be narrow.
  • Encourage your children to read more and watch television less.
  • You dearly beloved women are such treasures in this topsy-turvy society.
The Family: A Proclamation to the World 
  • Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and...the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children. 
  • All human beings--male and female--are created in the image of God. Each is a believed spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.
  • We declare that God's commandments for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
  • Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of god and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.
  • Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.
  • We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Too Long At Work

Did you ever wonder when you were younger,
if your teacher lived in the school?
I mean, you went there everyday, and they were there everyday...and they never seemed to leave the school. So obviously they lived there right?

Well. I wonder if some people wonder if particular workers live at their work.

The thought comes up because I worked a night shift last night.
And I basically came home, grabbed something to eat, and went to wake up way too early this morning after too little sleep, to go back to work.

lol, before leaving work last night and couldn't help but think: "I might as well just spend the night here, I'll be back before I know it."

There was a couple who'd come into the store last night. A little before we closed.
And they were back in the store again this morning.

I was there last night. I was there this morning.
They were there too.

If I was in their shoes...and younger...I probably would have wondered "Does she live here?"

It would appear that way. I would think. Who knows.

Just a thought that passed my mind today at work.

Do people ever wonder if we live at work? :)
No, but it does seem like it some days. lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved...birds getting free from their bird cages....



Saturday, August 17, 2013

Did Someone Order The Early Morning Wakeup Call?

So, the other day/night I had one of those annoying headaches that won't go away after a little sleep.
And when that happens, I end up taking a shower, just to see if the heat and the force of the water could pound away at my shoulders -which were tense and were causing the headache.
In any case...since I had early like 4am. I was up the hour before that. And had plenty of time to see if the shower would help.
It didn't.
It made things a little worse I suppose.
Because after like a 15 minute dosage of hot water upon my back...the steam had built up pretty thickly.
And unthinkingly, I opened the door so I could finish getting ready for work.
Not 5 minutes later.
The fire alarm went off.
"Danger! Danger! Fire! Fire!"
Piercing shrieks, flashing lights, loud unfamiliar voices. 3:30am in the morning.
You see, the alarms here are sensitive enough, that if you let too much steam build up, and release it all at once, the smoke detectors think it's smoke...and yah sounds off the alarm.
I would say 'luckily I was the only one home' but...I live in an apt building. And I'm pretty sure the whole place went off in a fire alarm.
Soo yah. I basically woke everyone up. :S Oops.

If anything, I can consider myself lucky. I don't think anyone knows who set off the fire alarm. I doubt if anybody in my ward is aware of this blog post. Soo I'm safe from the wrath. has been a couple of days. lol Hopefully they've forgotten it by now. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at work, in the middle of  lesson, where we had a couple different kinds of lizards out of their 'shelf cage' and just in their cages on a desk. The steppe runners and frilled dragons in particular. But then the bell rang and it was time for everyone to leave. So I put the animals back in their shelf display cages. Only to turn around and see the same cages on the desk. I had a moment of confusion because I already had put back their cages, but there were these two cages as well.  But then Reth showed up and distracted me from figuring out how to put those cages where there was no room for them. She talked to me about other animals in the store like a....Chewcahuan...I think it was. It was a rodent type creature, that liked to bite, had greyish fur, a propensity for getting out, and looked a bit like a long legged guinea pig. She went off to show me something, as the store was closed, Only we noticed that there were still people wandering about. Particularly after Reth thought we were alone and we'd sat down at one of the deserted cafe's to talk business, and a group of two college age guys and three small children sat down behind us like they were waiting for a baseball game to start. So Reth had to go off and tell everyone that it was  9:30pm and the store had close half an hour ago and people couldn't wander. It was odd because I looked outside and it was still really bright. It felt a bit more like it was 5pm instead of 930pm. One of the other guys in the store was ushering people out of the store and stopping other -like a group of Spanish people, and a young couple, from coming into the store. But he couldn't stop an old man who came in and demanded that we find him his items on the list. He'd already found three of the four, but the last item, a snow globe with snowmen all around it he couldn't find. So he demanded we find it for him or else he wouldn't leave the store. So I went in search of it looking up and down all the different racks of toys and odds and ends. There were antique toys, old decorations, Disney toys, lots of knick knacks. And a lot of these antique toys went straight up to the ceiling on shelves and I really couldn't figure out how anybody would be able to see what was up there to buy it, let alone how the workers here at the store would know where to put it I it was too high up to see it. I made a note that if I owned a business, the shelves would be lower so we could keep the place better organized. And after searching through many of the shelves, finding snowmen and snow globes but not the one the old guy wanted, I returned to the register to find that he was buying his items anyway and they were working out how to do the discount as the cashier wasn't quite sure what to so. I managed to press the right buttons and he saved  80 cents by shopping here. Before he was on his merry way. I went back through the store, which now seemed reminiscent of a different dream I had years ago in the past. As I wandered through this big...mall/cruise ship where there were different restaurants, karaoke, and other activities going on. I ended up going up this dark ramp, that looked like it lead into another bar upon invitation by one of the serving girls, but it wasn't quite a bar. It turned out to be a bowling alley. Going to extreme levels, as there were teams on roller blades bowling on the rink, which was basically the floor of the place and the long ramp that I'd been walking up. I remembered this place, I'd had to compete before in their games in a different dream and I really didn't want to have to do that again. Besides I could tell that the place didn't have another room adjoining it, so I turned and left. Only to have the team of roller bowlers come down after me, as they were in the middle of their competition. They made it to the bottom rink -the entrance- and looked up to see their scores. One dude who reminds me of a stereotypical dad in the sitcom tv shows got disqualified because he hadn't been ready when the bell went off, and had simply pushed his ball into action instead of doing it the way the other guys had been doing it. He was frustrated enough that he threw his ball -about the size of a baseball but nearly as heavy as a normal bowling ball at a second player, where it hit him in his knee and caused him injury. They were just playing the reply to decide if the ball had really hit him or if he was pretending when....

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, August 16, 2013

Need A Smile?

Soo I bought a set of muffins.
My sister bought a set of muffins for me and I paid her back when I got off work to pick them up.
In any case.
I had muffins.
But I didn't eat them right away.
When I finally got hungry.
And went to go grab one.
I encountered this sight.

My Chocolate Chip Muffin was happy to see me!

lol someone had fun in the bakery that day. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Spirit of Sacrifice

In the spirit of sacrifice, I recall a conversation I had some years ago with my stake president in Idaho.
We were discussing the forthcoming Aaronic Priesthood/Scout campout.
I explained to him that it would be necessary for each person to bring his own sleeping bag, to which the president replied, "I have never slept in a sleeping bag."

I quickly responded, "President, you can't be serious. You have lived in beautiful Idaho all these years and you have never slept in a sleeping bag?"

"Nope!" he said, "I never have. But I have sure lain in a lot of 'em."
And then he went on to say, "And I'll lie in a whole bunch more of them if it will help to save boys."

Harold G. Hillam -Sacrifice in the Service -October 1995 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi