Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Those Bright Eyes

As you may know....or may not know.
I like to watch Ghost Shows. :)
You know...where people tell about their experiences with the paranormal, or when people go to investigate haunted spots.
Tis alot of fun,
and appropriate for this Halloween Night. ^^

So I thought I'd share a clip of my favorite 'scary' ghost clip.
It's from a show called "School Spirits"
Where students from different colleges/universities around the U.S.
Share their ghostly encounters with the paranormal.

This particular episode, involves a ghostly man at a girls school.

The first time I saw this, it was totally freaky!!
It still is freaky but not as much now that I know what to expect.
But his Blue Eyes
Were really blue.
Like they glowed.
Totally scary.
And intense.

That's why I like this episode.
Those blue eyes. :)

Happy Halloween!!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at work, actually I was trying to clock out. But since I was past the 'clock out time' I needed to go find a Manager, and he was being difficult in helping me to clock out. I also happened to notice that my Itouch, the bottom right corner...had been broken. :( I had torn the case but I hadn't noticed that the device itself at a break in it. A thin crack like a fissure that I could move back and forth. I totally was sad to find that out. Y_Y After all I'm trying to keep my Itouch in one piece...finally I got outside and looked to the distant horizon to the mountains as I walked to my truck in a green field on a hill. Along the mountain range on the other side was a lightning storm. But not just any lightning storm. The lightning was flashing in bright reds and some greens along with the regular white lightning color. It looked awesome and I wanted to get some videos/pictures of it, so I pulled out my Itouch to take pictures but as I got it set up, the storm faded, or at least the colored lightning faded so it was just a regular storm. :(

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's Normal to Hop

There are some moments in life,
when you think to yourself.
"Well this won't have any useful application in the future."

Oh, beware. It will.

I guess 'boredom' does that.
When you're young and hyper and there are only three channels on my grandparents tv.
So, me and my siblings would go out into the field in back.
And catch crickets.
We'd put them in bottles and show them to my parents.
And eventually release them.

So many people who come into Starsmet for crickets.
Shudder when they see them.
And totally don't want to touch them.
And shudder when I pick them up.
And they see them crawling on me.

And I think to myself.
" didn't catch crickets in the fields when you were younger did you?"
Probably not always true.
But I do tend to think it every time. ^^;; heh.

It doesn't really bug me to touch the crickets.
I totally don't like it when I accidentally squish them.
I don't like feeling that on my hands.
But having them crawl on me, or picking them up....
Is normal to me.
Having them walk on me isn't odd.
And I can rehone my cricket catching skills every single day ;) haha.

Who would have thought those summer times catching crickets would have an application to my work today?
I certainly didn't. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 29, 2012

October 1991 General Conference Sunday Afternoon

Marvin J. Ashton -"Strengthen the Feeble Knees"
  • Those who would destroy at the present tie no longer use tar and feathers; they taunt and fault.
  • It would seem that no one escapes some uncertainty, insecurity, doubt, and even fear. This mortal existence is invariably challenging and unpredictable. An honest person who is acquainted with the characteristics of life cannot ever be completely confident that his circumstances will not change unexpectedly.
  • How do we deal with the inevitable moments of fear or "feeble knees"? It is vital that we not face them alone. Always it is helpful and comforting to be able to confide in a loving and trusted friend or relative who empathetically listens to our uncertainties. We often find that our confidant has experienced similar fears, and we may even share in his wise counsel.
  • Life is never easy, and we cannot escape our own case of feeble knees fro time to time. It is thus essential that we love and support one another.
  • Nowhere are we advised to dilute the doctrines of the gospel with personal amendments. Our view is limited and our personal strength is dependent on understanding and following His word.
  • Oftentimes we can cause confusion and misdirection in our lives and in the lives of others if we promote the startling and unorthodox. Feeble knees are strengthened by those who lead with purpose rather than with personal interpretations.
  • Sabbath days can be lost an outing at a time.
  • Anger is a poor substitute for self-mastery and compassionate service.
  • No lasting great personal heights are ever reached by those who step on others to try to push themselves upward.
  • "Life isn't always fair, but we can still expect excellence from ourselves."
  • Many of us today have a tendency to seek instant strength, instant pleasure, instant acceptance, instant relief, instant answers, instant change, instant success, instant knowledge, instant wealth, omitting day-by-day effort and work. We become discouraged and get more feeble kneed if goals are not reached immediately. Work is a necessary pattern in the solid life.
  • "Be a light, not a judge."
  • The scholar took all his gifts back and said, "You had a beautiful rose and saw only the thorn; you had a lovely green branch and saw only the dead leaf; and on the glorious lily you saw only the clump of dirt."
  • In each of us there may be a thorn in our character, a dead leaf clinging to our reputation, or a bit of dirt in our past. If we dwell on past mistakes, we will certainly become weak-kneed and fearful.
  • When we point out faults or mistakes others may have made, in no way will we strengthen their feeble knees or hold up hands that hang down.
  • "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."
  • We strengthen and build by pointing out the good traits of a person and cause fear and weakness by being unduly critical.
  • I am in agreement that tact is rubbing out another's mistakes instead of rubbing them in.
  • "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.
Dallin H. Oaksi -Joy and Mercy
  • Joy is more than happiness, Joy is the ultimate sensation of well-being.
  • The opposite of joy is misery. Misery is more than unhappiness, sorrow, or suffering. Misery is the ultimate state of disharmony with God and his laws.
  • If the more mature have not dulled their physical or spiritual sensitivities by excess or disuse, they can also experience joy in what is simple and basic.
  • God's mercy is the only source of the ultimate and eternal joy, which restores every loss, dries every tear, and erases every pain. Eternal joy transcends all suffering. In this life and in the life to come.
  • "When the wicked ... rule, the people mourn."
  • Do not seek happiness in the glittering but shallow things of the world. We cannot achieve lasting happiness by pursuing the wrong things. Someone once said, "You can never get enough of what you don't need, because what you don't need won't satisfy  you."
  • Happiness and joy come from what a person is, not from what he or she possesses or appears to be.
  • Examples are powerful. We should use them to build up, not to tear down.
Aileen H. Clyde -"Charity Suffereth Long"
  • Good questions can be important if we are truly searching to understand, and that sometimes good answers that are good enough may take a lifetime of looking.
  • The Samaritan saw what others with eyes had walked by without seeing, He did what he could do that no one else would do.
  • His spirit and power will comfort us as we extend ourselves in help and love to those who need us.
  • If charity is not always quick to our understanding, it may occasionally be quick to our misunderstanding.
Francis M. Gibbons -The Dual Aspects of Prayer
  • "Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually."
  • I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart.
  • God has provided a channel of communication between him and his children on earth that Satan, our common enemy, cannot invade. This is the channel of secret prayer.
  • By this means we are able to communicate with our Heavenly Father in secrecy, confident that the adversary cannot intrude.
  • Satan can convey thoughts, he does not know whether these thoughts have taken root unless they are reflected either in words or in actions.
  • We should be wise in what we say and do.
  • Wisdom suggests, therefore, that we suppress words and actions which might enable Satan to harm us or whose tendency might be to create discord or enmity.
  • How much better it is to emphasize and to focus on positive rather than negative things so as to build up and to protect each other.
H. Verlan Andersen -"Bring Up Your Children in Light and Truth"
  • Our test of faith seems to be in believing our children of today are as able to understand spiritual truths.
  • "Little children ... cannot sin, for power is not given unto Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me.
  • The Lord points out that children in their infant state are innocent before God but that Satan takes away light and taught from them because of disobedience and the tradition of their fathers. To prevent this, he commands parents to bring up their children in light and truth.
  • Remember that I am always available to guide up in rearing this child of ours if you will but seek my help. I hope you will do so often.
Gardner H. Russell -The Call - An Eternal Miracle
  • My mission had prioritized my life toward family, service, and gospel principles. As an added bonus, I was far ahead of most of my former classmates in worldly achievements.
  • The call to full-time service in the Church is an unchanging, eternal miracle.
  • The call to missionary service rarely comes when it is convenient or easy to serve.
  • Yes, the call is an eternal miracle, never changing.
  • At present, less than half our faithful young men from the United States and Canada serve missions; in the rest of the world one or two of ten are called.
  • Our Heavenly Father might not call us by name, but his called and ordained servants will call us to serve for a period--by name, and in his name and by his inspiration and revelation.
Richard G. Scott -Obtaining Help from the Lord
  • Life in today's world can bee at times so complicated and the challenges so overwhelming as to be beyond our individual capacity to resolve them.
  • "And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."
  • It is through the combination of our doing what is within our power to accomplish and the power of the Lord that the blessing is realized.
  • Trust requires faith, worthiness, and a sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit to communicate the will of the Lord.
  • Help from the Lord generally comes in increments.
  • That plan gives us an opportunity to discover what the Lord expects us to learn. It requires our patience to recognize His timetable. It provides growth from our efforts and trust in Him and the opportunity to express gratitude for the help given.
  • Not all our prayers will be answered as we wish. It is not always easy to know the will of the Lord, yet there are some things we can be certain of. He will never ask us to do anything that is not completely in harmony with His teachings.
  • Trust Him, even when in eternal perspective it temporarily hurts very much. Have patience when you are asked to wait when you want immediate action. He may ask you to do things which are powerfully against your will.
Thomas S. Monson -"The Lord Bless You"
  • "Remember, the family is one of God's greatest fortresses against the evils of our day."
  • Provide a home where a happy, positive influence for good exists.
Relief Society Meeting

Chieko N. Okazaki -"Rejoice in Every Good Thing"
  • 1. Let us rejoice in our sisterhood. 2. Let us rejoice in our diversity. and 3. let us rejoice in our charity!
  • Remember you are not alone. You are one of a sisterhood.
  • "Sisterhood [is] the bonding among women on both personal and public levels, from simple friendships to massive organizations.
  • Rejoice in the diversity of our sisterhood! It is the diversity of colors in a spectrum that makes a rainbow. It is the diversity in our circumstances that gives us compassionate hearts. It is the diversity of our spiritual gifts that benefits the Church.
  • Being different--but still knowing, helping, and loving--is the way it's supposed to be!
  • Rejoice in the power you have within you from Christ to be a nucleus of love, forgiveness, and compassion.
  • Sisters, we are mighty together. There is consolation in our caring. there is strength in our sharing. There is power in our commitment to righteousness.
Ruth B. Wright -Be Thou an Example
  • Once a job was begun, it was done well, and it was finished.
  • Children are especially sensitive to the power of pure example.
  • Always has time for me. She listens.
  • We choose the examples we follow.
  • Examples are not forced upon us. We choose which ones we want to emulate and which ones we want to ignore or disregard. The choice is ours, and so is the burden of the consequence.
  • Let us be what we profess to be.
Jayne B. Malan -These Are Your Days
  • People around you can tell who you are; they can see it in your eyes and feel the spirit you radiate as they associate with you.
  • Young women, these are your days to prepare to do your part-- to take your place in the great forward movement that is rolling across the earth like a mighty wave. Prayer, scripture study, and obedience to the commandments will prepare you to lead out in righteousness for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
M. Russell Ballard -Be an Example of the Believers
  • To you who feel harried and overwhelmed and who wonder whether you ever will be able to run fast enough to catch the departing train you think you should be on, I suggest that you learn to deal with each day as it comes, doing the best you can, without feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
  • When you have done the best you can, be satisfied and don't look back and second-guess, wondering how you could have done more. Be at peace within yourselves. Rather than berate yourself for what you didn't do, congratulate yourself for what you did.
  • You young women have a responsibility to live exemplary lives so the young men will respect your values and treat you as daughters of God deserve to be treated.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Daughters of God
  • You are very precious, each of you, regardless of your circumstances.
  • Live to be worthhy of that glory which is available to you.
  • My own interpretation of that sentence is that the husband shall have a governing responsibility to provide for, to protect, to strengthen and shield the wife. Any man who belittles or abuses or terrorizes, or who rules in unrighteousness, will deserve and, I believe, receive the reprimand of a just God who is the Eternal Father of both His sons and daughters.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hyper Bonding Time

So last night we were totally hyper from seeing the Scarlet Pimpernel, Kikay and I.

We were starving.

So what do two poor starving sisters do to get food late into the evening?
Go visit Equator Square of Course!!

Why would we visit Kikay's favorite restaurant?
Well...for one it's Kikay's Favorite restaurant.
For the other...Meralto Works there!
And we wanted to say hi to him! :D
And hope that he didn't get too angry for us coming near closing time.
He didn't.
And we had a grand old time eating our chicken sandwiches and fries all made with love. ;)

And as a bonus!

Because it was near closing.
And we agreed to wait for Meralto to finish closing.
He gave us a tour of his Kingdom.
Showing us everything.
As we were totally hyper.
And enjoying every moment. :D

To add to our hyperness.
We raced home!


lol. Meralto totally won, because he swung ahead of us just before the road turned into a one lane road and therefore...he lead us all the way home. lol.

Twas tons of fun! :D
Yah for randomness!! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a castle, along with other princesses, trying to get ready for something, but I was having trouble getting everything together....


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sink Me!

Adventure Adventure Adventure!!

Kikay and I went on an adventure.
What did we do?
We drove alllllll the way home.
To see a play!
But oh, not just any play!

I had heard a few weeks ago via facebook that my grandparents had gone to see it.
And avidly I scourged through the nearby theatres to see which one was performing one.
It turns out to be a theatre a little north of my home.
Which makes sense since the grandparents live a little north of home as well. lol.

So I asked Kikay. you want to go see this play?
She gave me a look...
and told me to ask her a little later in the week,
because she was stressed out with a project and didn't want to think about anything potentially 'fun' until after it was done/turned in. ;)
So patiently I waited.
Asked again.
And she said Yes!!
So I booked the tickets -getting like the last ones possible.
And off we went to go see it!

I thought it would be an interesting experience,
as the last time I saw this play we saw it in a theatre in the round.
-where the stage is in the center and the audience sits all around it.
This theatre had a normal stage where the audience is in front of the stage.

Oh man!
It's been years since I've seen the play.
So I've just seen the movie most recently.
But this was awesome!!
I got the chills, laughed, cried.

And I noticed...slight differences.
Not from the movie. That's totally different.
But from the play I remember and the play I saw.
For they did a couple of scenes in a different order.
Which I found intriguing.
As I could mix up the order of the play...
and still have it make sense.
Such a revelation.
As now I didn't quite know what to expect when. :) lol
And that made it all the more fun. ^^

In any case.
I totally want to go see it again!! :)
lol unfortunately this won't probably happen until next time a theater picks it up.
But I look forward to that moment. :)

You're probably thinking "Well, what play is it?!!?"
Only a common red flower.

The Scarlet Pimpernel!!!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Maize Maze

That was exhausting!
I's easy to get tired after work.
But this was beyond it...
so much I nearly just curled up in a blanket and dozed off on the couch all nice and warm and happy.

What happened?
Well, last night was a college night.
Where a city thirty minutes south of us had designed a corn maze with our college letters.
And last night, to those who showed up at certain clubhouses for certain student housing, would get free food, but also a wristband that would give us a discount price of $4 to get into the maze.

I felt a little guilty going along with this...
Mostly because I'm not in know graduation and such.
But I still do go to I guess I could technically still be in college....
In any case.
Kikay and I drove down to the maze, our wristbands on arm.

Upon arrival and a twenty minute wait in line.
-You know the cold makes the wait seem forever was more like 10 mins lol
I remembered...actually I knew I just didn't know where it was true.
That the first 10 people from each complex get in free.
I laughingly mentioned this to Kikay, but didn't think much more on it.
Because there were lots of people in front of us.
And I didn't know how many people had already gone in from our student housing complex.
Even though we arrived like...two minutes after the starting time.

Anyways our turn came up.
I told the girl our student housing.
She checked the list.
Asked if Kikay was there too.
We said yes.
She wrote down two numbers.
And said. "K guys go on in."

Oh man that was totally EXCITING!!
lol it totally hyped me up. :D

Kikay and I were totally giddy lol. ;)
Especially because we both got in.
It would have been super sad
If I had been number 10...and Kikay had to pay. :S

In anycase.
Kikay and I set out into the maze.
With the intention to just wander.
So we purposely went up many a dead end path, as we worked to figure our way through this maze.
And as Mazes go...
It was a pretty Simple maze.
Not like the Cornbelly's one up by the point of the mountain.
Most of the 'choices' were just forks in the path, with little complexity.
It got annoying though.
To go down this super long path...only to find you were at a dead end.
I mean...that was cool and all because the other mazes didn't have long paths to no where.
I just wanted it to know a bit easier to get lost lost in the stalks and not quite know where you were and have the corn taller then us....
But in any case.
Kikay and I had a great time wandering this way and that.
Debating about whether or not we should tell people the way was a dead end if they asked us.
I mean what fun is it to be in a maze if you're told which ways not to go.


What if they were lying?
And what they told us was a dead end was actually the way out?

So even when we were told it was a dead end, most of the time we'd go up the path anyway to double check. it happens.
We'd check out basically the rest of the maze.
Except one area where we'd been told it was just a valley of dead ends.

Kikay and I were like. "Well, we've looked at every other path of the maze...lets go this way!"
As we'd kinda figured out by now that the exit would be near the entrance of the maze which meant we'd need to head back that direction anyway, and this was the only direction we hadn't gone yet...
I'm guessing that first group missed one of the there were alot of dead end paths in that section.
-Though Kikay and I didn't hit more then like one....
As somehow by instinct we just meandered our way blindly past dead end paths.
We'd did it!!
I checked our phone, and guessed that with all our dead ending and such it took us about 40 minutes to get out of the maze.
:D Yay.
But then I voiced the question "Do you think we can get through it faster now that we know generally where we're going?"
Kikay took up the challenge and back into the maze we went!
lol We did hit a few dead ends as we tried to figure out just where we needed to go to get to that one spot of dead it didn't help that we were doing this at break neck speed as Kikay's long legs covered ground super fast when she's in a hurry so at points I'd have to run to keep up.
lol it sure was a work out.
But once we reached the dead end section.
We quickly found our way...totally realizing there were more paths off into no mans land.
-Though we didn't take them.maybe one...maybe.
As our vision wasn't nearly so narrow minded and more paths opened up to us.
Yet we found our way out!
In 20 minutes :D
lol we cut our time in half. ^^
And by that point....Kikay and I were both pretty cold.
Plus...we figured that if we did go into the maze again....
we'd probably take longer as we'd second guess ourselves on the directions, especially since there were more paths to choose from then we realized the first time, but saw the second time and its hard to remember if we went left or right at certain forks....
Though next time we do a corn maze....
We might go through it once from beginning to end....
and then maybe for fun.
Go back through the exit and find the beginning.. :)
It was Super Fun That maze! :D
Hopefully next had a bit more interweaving and not so many long empty dead end paths. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We were wandering through a haunted house with my roommate LaKai. We got to a certain section of the home where we had reached a dead end. LaKai slipped out of sight, and suddenly the floor below us opened up and dropped us into a cage below. LaKai now morphed to a darkhaired guy...kinda like Jared. wearing a laptop and totally pulling off the evil scientist vibe. I suddenly out of the cage, and feeling totally like an Igor in my costume went to go control the lever which would send a giant needle down into the cage to pierce the people there. Of course this was just to increase the scare factor. It wasn't for real. But...I noticed this other guy come up and put a chain around one of the levers saying that it would increase the power if we pulled together. However, I saw this as a trap. And tried to stop it. The needle came down..but I don't think it hurt anyone. But everyone was now freaked out and running like crazy because there was a mad man about.

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Regretful Night

A personal act of kindness or reconciliation also has an impact for peace.
Lincoln's biographer described such an act.
A Union officer applied to his commander-in-chief for permission to leave his regiment to attend to the burial of his wife.
Lincoln gruffly refused.
Another battle was imminent, and every officer was needed.
The next morning President Lincoln reconsidered and granted the request.
He went to the room of the grieving man, took his hand and said:

"My dear Colonel, I was a brute last night. I have no excuse to offer. I was weary to the last extent; but I had no right to treat a man with rudeness who had offered his life for his country, much more a man who came to me in great affliction. I have had a regretful night, and come now to beg your forgiveness."

-Dallin H. Oaks -World Peace - April 1990 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I remember that Meralto, my brother, was in it....but not much more beyond that.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When Plans Fail

Mental note to self.

Do not ever. Ever. Think in confident "I can do this really fast terms" when it involves work.

I already told you the story.
Last week I was going to be the only person opening the pet area of Starsmet and I had to do small pet bedding changes to boot. I had been planning to see how fast I could do everything in my time frame, confidently thinking I could get all but one or two of the tasks done before the store opened....
and then I got sick that day. And went slower then molasses and I was totally lucky that I had help decide to come in or the animals wouldn't have all been fed until nearly 1pm I'm sure.

Well. Yesterday.
In the midst of doing small pet cleaning again, I discovered that our "New Arrival" room was nearly empty of animals and I would be cleaning them today. So I totally was ecstatic. I could get this room done in like thirty minutes totally! And maybe in an hour for our sick room. Soo I would be done earlier and able to get more done before help showed up.
Wouldn't you know it....
It didn't happen.
Well...I don't do well with constantly getting up at 4am to get to work by 5am.....
and my body rebelled against me giving me a headache.
Which sleep usually helps to make go away.
I don't think I got enough sleep.
And meds weren't working that well for me.
So consequently I went to work, suffering from a headache. One that was sensitive to noise....and my headache was totally making me feel queasy. speed was slowed by half.
I was moving at a snails pace and it took me like two hours to do that one room that should have only taken me thirty minutes.
Luckily I lost myself in the work and lost my headache in the process so the sick room changes happened in an hour like I'd planned.

So, lesson learned.
NEVER EVER plan to do something quicker at work because then something will happen to make you go twice as slow.
Just stick to the 'regular' plan and do things with no 'time limit' in mind.
That way if you get quicker you get quicker and are pleasantly surprised.
Instead of way slower because for some reason you're made to go slower. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I really didn't like my dream last night.
For it involved loosing teeth...actually one particular tooth. One of my molars on the top left of my mouth...I think it was my second first any case...repeatedly in different scenarios...I would loose that molar. It would get loose and fall out of my mouth. And I would either try to keep it in my mouth or stick it in my mouth hoping that it will stay and that this was just a dream and it would be fine again soon. Sometimes it would just fall, other times half of it would come loose, other times I would look in the mirror and see it hanging by its roots and slowly have them break one spider string at a time, or look at my tooth and see that its completely hollow from rot, or that the tooth shed its outer layer leaving the inner layer exposed....all the while I was working at work, doing stocking in the back room with lots of bags of dog food. But with the tooth...I would try to make it stay...and it wouldn't...I would ignore it and my mouth would be fine again. I'd just randomly feel the space and the tooth would be there....

then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Going On A Mission

So you know how this recent conference it was announced that the missionary ages for men and women had been lowered to 18 and 19 respectively?

You might have seen this on facebook then:

Well, there are more of them out there. Expanded pictures like this one below.


lol well...coincidentally. These two. The guy and girl....
Are in my institute class this semester.
And the girl....was a fellow institute council member with me last year.

lol such a small world.

But even more....
She told me today.
That she's decided to go on a mission! :)
So I guess the memes are true. :)
At least for her...I don't know about him. lol
She's super excited for it as well. ^^
I can't wait to find out where she's going. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a giant eyeball...walking machine...that could shoot things with it, controlled by a guy desperate to save the situation.
I was at the institute...and met up with the Fluffies to see a parade that supposedly was going to happen along the road by the institute. They had been trick or treating and had pillowcases stuffed with candy. As I walked from the double churches over to the institute, I passed a festival of sorts going on, and down the road by the double churches came a parade of people on...wire machine/ playground toy looking bikes, singing like crazy. Apparently they would do that periodically through the day. I was looking to find a spot for us to sit. And a man said that he wanted to make sure his son could be watched while we were watching the parade. I got an image of him laying his sick son in the gutter covered in a blanket...and thought it was weird....but I ended up at a home...originally it was Whi's from work...and I discovered that she had taken a rock and rock wand from me, I'd let her borrow them from me earlier....and forgotten that she hadn't given them back. I did the dishes and as I rounded the corner I saw my friend Jess sitting at a computer screen looking at facebook and another game sight. I tried to talk to her, but she was distracted with an image I had designed with four people...based off other people, plus there were goats and arrows...and such. And she was having a problem that the four characters...well two of them didn't match. They weren't an actual couple like the other two were. I told her I was just drawing...and she also had a problem with the arrow placements as well as they were pointing at the goats...I was getting frustrated because it was just a project for fun, it wasn't supposed to have all these deep meanings...and then I encountered her pet spider....

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, October 22, 2012

October 1991 General Conference Sunday Morning Session

Ah, a long hard day at work and the moment to relax and just read highlights from conference talks. :)

Gordon B. Hinckley -Our Mission of Saving
  • "That is my religion; that is the dictation of the Holy Ghost that I possess. It is to save the people."
  • I wish to remind everyone within my hearing that the comforts we have, the peace we have, and, most important, the faith and knowledge of the things of God that we have, were brought with a terrible price by those who have gone before us.
  • In times of despair, in seasons of loneliness and fear, He is there on the horizon to bring succor and comfort and assurance and faith. He is our King, our Savior, our Deliverer, our Lord and our God.
  • It is not with those on the high plains of Wyoming that we need be concerned today. It is with many immediately around us, in our families, in our wards and stakes, in our neighborhoods and communities.
Russell M. Nelson -"These ... Were Our Examples"
  • Members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir are not superhuman. They are ordinary people with ordinary frailties. But therein lies the power of their example. They believe this promise from the Lord: "Because thou hast seen thy weakness, thou shalt be made strong."
  • "Ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls."
  • Have you not learned that strength comes to an ordinary soul when given an extraordinary calling?
  • "The choir was trying to teach me a better way to live."
  • That comment seemed profound to me. What inspired him to feel such a force for good? Was it complicated classical music or the excellence of its rendition? I doubt it. I believe it was more likely communication by the Spirit, which allowed both the giver and receiver to be edified.
  • Their quest for knowledge did not begin or end with music. They eagerly studied the culture, history, and ways of the people they had come to serve. On a moment's notice their knowledge of the gospel had to be retrieved when questioned by the media or interested individuals.
  • Just think of the good you can do if you accept a difficult challenge and pursue knowledge--then use it to bless others.
  • Temperance suggests sobriety and self-restraint in action.
  • Temperance can protect each of us from the aftermath of excess.
  • "The whole body fitly joined together ... according to the effectual working ... of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love."
  • Extend that love to countless souls. For those in need, members quietly contributed money, food, and goods. They shared freely of their precious time and talent without any thought of personal acclaim or recompense. Truly, "charity never faileth" any of us.
  • Examples of humility should ennoble our souls. 
Charles Didier -Testimony
  • "Let me say to you, that many of you will see the time when you will have all the trouble, trial and persecution that you can stand, and plenty of opportunities to show that you are true to God and his work.
  • "The time will come when no man nor woman will be able to endure on borrowed light. Each will have to be guided by the light within himself. If you do not have it, how can you stand?"
  • Keys of the Spirit of revelation.
  •    -Key Number 1 is to know for yourself. Do not be dependent on someone else.
  •    -Key Number 2 is to know by the power of the Holy Ghost. Do not look at reason, logic, or the philosophies of men and theories of the world.
  •    -Key Number 3 is to know by searching the scriptures and the revelations given and published in our day by the prophets--the First Presidency and the Twelve. Do not listen to apostate, unauthorized voices or speculation.
  •    -Key Number 4 is to know by asking your Heavenly Father in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ. Do not turn to public discussions and forums.
  • The purpose of having and using certain keys is always very simple: to open the right door with a particular key.
L. Tom Perry -Becoming Self-Reliant
  • This is one of the more interesting stories we have in the scriptures because it tells of an instance in which the Lord provided help but then stepped aside to allow one of His sons to exercise his own initiative.
  • It is seldom the Lord will do something for us that we can do for ourselves.
  • He expects His children to be self-reliant to the degree they can be.
  • "Instead of searching after what the Lord is going to do for us, let us inquire what we can do for ourselves."
  • Unless we are continuously expanding our understanding and vision, we, too, will become out-of-date.
  • Thems that understands it, earns it and thems that don't, pays it."
Thomas S. Monson -Precious Children-- A Gift from God
  • It is our solemn duty, our precious privilege--even our sacred opportunity--to welcome to our homes and to our hearts the children who grace our lives.
  • Oh, the importance in the lives of our children of teachers who lift their spirits, sharpen their intellects, and motivate their very lives!
  • A word of encouragement here and a spiritual thought there can affect a precious life and leave an indelible imprint upon an immortal soul.
  • "The Lord has blessed you with a beautiful face and body. Keep the inside just as beautiful as the outside, and you will be blessed with true happiness."
  • It is in the home that hope is fostered or destroyed. our homes are the laboratories of our lives. What we do there determines the course of our lives when we leave home.
  • "Despite all new inventions and modern designs, fads and fetishes, no one has yet invented, or will ever invent, a satisfying substitute for one's own family."
  • A happy home is but an earlier heaven.
  • "I love these little people, and it is not a slight thing when they who are so fresh from God love us."
  • Children express their love in original and innovative ways.
  • "Of all the dear sights in the world, nothing is so beautiful as a child when it is given something. Any small thing it gives. A child gives the world to you. It opens the world to you as if it were a book you'd never been able to read. But when a gift must be found, it is always some absurd little thing, pasted on crooked, ... an angel looking like a clown. A child has so little that it can give, because it never knows it has given you everything."
  • When a child prays, God listens.
  • Liars, bullies who abuse children, they will one day reap the whirlwind of their foul deeds.
  • The Church does not condone such heinous and vile conduct. Rather, we condemn in the harshest of terms such treatment of God's precious children. Let the child be rescued, nurtured, loved, and healed. Let the offender be brought to justice, to accountability, for his actions and receive professional treatment to curtail such wicked and devilish conduct. When you and I know of such conduct and fail to take action to eradicate it, we become part of the problem. We share part of the guilt. We experience part of the punishment.
  • May the laughter of children gladden our hearts. May the faith of children soothe our souls. May the love of children prompt our deeds.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Happy Tangled Moment

I love it when little things brighten my morning.

Today I had one of those little things happen.

For I got an email.
Saying that someone had commented on one of my YouTube videos.

Unsure of what it would say.
I opened it up.
and found:

This comment

"Sterling Knight classy. Thanks for the starstruck song. Cute video for my fav movie of the decade."

^^ NAWW!!
^^ First comment is a good one.
And it made my day. ^^

And here:
Is the video I spent my weekend making and that got my first comment. ^^
Hope you enjoy!


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

It was a resort sort of place. I was with my family in a green area. Well, I had to climb down a random ladder stuck on the side of the I was sneaking out. My cousin Chelsee was there as well acting on a stage....and I was...being chased after....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Attack of the Hamsters!

Never take anything for granted.
Because that's when the surprise comes and everything changes.

For example.
I was doing my usual duties in Starsmet.
Caring for all the different animals.
And I got to the small pets.
No big deal.
Water, Food.
I could move on to the other creatures.
The top left corner cage was just like any other cage.
So I thought.
It signaled that I was almost done.
But when I pulled open the door and glanced inside.
A horrifying sight met my eyes.
In the back corner.
Was a ball of fur.
And in the center of that ball of fur.
A great giant red gaping wound stared back at me.
The injury was bright red.
Like that of something freshly killed.
It wouldn't have been that bad.
Only I knew there was nothing in the cage.
That could cause that sort of injury.
the other hamsters.
They had turned CANNIBALISTIC!!!
Two ganging up on one. (so I think...since there were three in the cage.)
And *shudders* gnawing on the other.
I don't know if the hamster had already died... or what.
but it was crouched up in a ball of fur.
With its back eaten out...where I could see the small white bones of the ribs and such.
If there wasn't a giant wound there I would have thought the hamster was normal.... 

O.o Why would they do that?!
Turn on each other?
I mean there was plenty of food already there!
They weren't starving.

Needless to say my world has been rocked.
I knew the hamsters could bite...
but turn on each other....
and I've been told...they usually go for the heads first...and going for the back is weird.
It must be Halloween inspired or something....

Beware the balls of fluff.
They're more maniacal then they seem.
They're not just bright eyed and fluffy.

Until you next see these words
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

A boy, from a rich family, ended up falling in love with a gypsy girl -kinda Indian in culture. He wanted to do what he could to gain her affection, but when he went to the mother to ask for her hand, she told him she had died. (I don't think that was true). The young man considered this, then took out a shipper's coin and said "This is a ______" -it had a special name- that basically symbolized..idk how to put it. a trade. a willingness to serve. The mother didn't understand at first either. But the boy said that he serve her -the mother- for a certain amount of time. -I was reminded of the bible story where the man serves his father-in-law for seven years in order to have his love become his wife. Similar thing. The woman acquiesced and they ended up on a sailing a dark storm...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away.....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, October 19, 2012

Wheelchair Integrity

Okay, I can totally tell I've been sick because I messed up my days more then normal and forgot to do my Conference Story yesterday, so I will be doing that Friday. (and to continue the quote) but since today is Tuesday it doesn't really matter. -partly quoted from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. :)

A young mother of eight children was left without a husband.
The oldest child was twelve, the youngest barely one, and one daughter was confined to a wheelchair.
This mother moved to a ward that was close to her family and friends.
Being single and divorced, she feared that she might be ignored or shunned.
However, as she was moving in, ward members streamed in to welcome her, bring food, and offer assistance.
She hardly had time to direct those who were unloading the moving van.

After getting settled, she and her family received innumerable expressions of service and love.
Her home teachers repaired her appliances and other household items.
Her visiting teachers kept very close and made sure she never had to go alone to a Church activity.
At Christmastime, she found money left anonymously on her porch or had it given to her in a handshake.
She received hundreds of dollars toward the purchase of a wheelchair-lift for her van.
After being out of town briefly, she returned home and found that ward members had renovated her kitchen.

Her parents, brother, and sisters provided financial and emotional support.
They helped take care of her children, accompanied her to the emergency room with a daughter who was very ill, built a ramp to the front door for the wheelchair, built shelves for food storage, and helped with yard work.

All of this kindness lifted her spirits and gave her courage to meet the trials and hardships of each day.
Those who looked after this young mother practiced "pure religion" because of their integrity.
Let us "go, and do ... likewise," as the Savior taught in the parable of the good Samaritan.

The rewards of integrity are immeasurable. One is the indescribable inner peace and serenity that come from knowing we are doing what is right; another is an absence of the guilt and anxiety that accompany sin.

-Joseph B. Wirthlin -Personal Integrity -April 1990 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

-I really don't like those dreams where you wake up scared stiff and afraid to move because you're afraid if you do, then they will find you and/or you will die....sooo at some point during my dreams this happened. I just don't remember where.

So. I'd been 'kidnapped' by a group of people reminiscent of that gang from Pete's Dragon, because I had that 'talent' again -like last night- and they wanted me to use it to find a certain treasure or use a power to help them take over the world...that sort of thing. I had tried multiple times to escape, to no avail, but the family decided to be nice and let me say 'goodbye' to my family. So I hopped out of the car to my family waiting on the porch and had a tearful reunion with them, even though my brother totally 'nearly ruined' my Itouch because he was using it as a cutting board and got red paint on the screen and I cracked the red cover hitting him in the head with it making the case a bit useless...and they thought that I hadn't been able to update my Itouch in ages and that I still had the ISOS3 that the ipod came with though I was pretty sure that I had the 6 version. In any case my reunion with my family was cut short as I told them that I had to go with the people to help them. Though I didn't want to at all. So I got into their car squeezing into the back seat with...the fat lady from The Lorax...hmm the people were kinda like that family in that movie as well. And we went racing off. Only cops and people were following us trying to catch us so that they could rescue me. Which meant that the male driver drove a bit crazy. (shift) I was in a car with my old leader Tiffany and another person, and we weren't wearing seat belts and I didn't have a seat for myself when up ahead I saw the flashing lights of a police car. We couldn't just drive by a police car when I was totally in an illegal position in the car, so I jumped out of the car and told the people that I would meet them later. They thought I was overreacting and continued to drive up Center to Orchard. I was tempted to believe them, but as I looked at the police car I noticed that it was dark green in color, not the normal white--and just then two other cars one white and one blue screeched in out of nowhere. And these cars. Had guns. The 'cop' car fired at Tiffany's car as it drove past -idk if anyone got injured or not. And then came after me. I ran -rather slowly which was agonizing- up past Walkers and up the street before my home taking different turns as fast as I could so the blue mustang/racecar wouldn't see where I went. I took a corner and rolled underneath some pine bushes in the house by the red picket fence along orchard (though it wasn't on orchard in the dream) just as the car went racing by. But I think the person in the car had been watching for me for the car skidded to a stop as I pushed the bushes back down. I laid stiff in the darkness terrified that they might find me, that they would just start shooting, that they had seen where I hid -I woke up here-
Back with the first group of people (i might be skipping around a bit as I try to remember this) we were in this...idk...older type of town. Where all the women were in dresses and such...And they were obsessed with a particular dress that was cursed that had pink frills and such...this was the dress the people were after that I was with. We were in a I with some FBI agents... trying to find the location of this dress....when...we went stiff and I was told to run. I had a gun in my hand and we ended up running down this hallway full of doors, and in every doorway were people -fellow agents- with guns who were shooting to kill us. So as we -a group of younger people- ran we had to shoot the agents before they shoot us in whatever way we could. The odd thing that we persisted in running this gauntlet of death like four times as it seemed like the agents were always alive. Until a girl like Pepper Potts got hurt and another pretended to die...and it came out that they thought we were betraying them, and we thought they were betraying us, but really we were on the same side. Back to the first group. In the older town they were trying to decide who were the bad people. They had a sort of simple device. Like a rod and string that would sway towards the person and snap back if they weren't involved in finding the dress and didn't know its location, but if the person was involved the rod wouldn't snap back. I knew that I was involved as we stood in least the top of the wells to face judgement. Near my turn I left my well I was in and walked to a person and asked them where the bathroom was. She gave me a crazy look and pointed behind me in the direction that I had come. "It's over there." I gave her a sheepish smile of "Oh, I hadn't looked there." and went into this old school house looking building in order to avoid being tested and having them find out who I really was. It was definitely an 'old' bathroom meant for children because there were wooden chairs with holes in the middle of them in two rows in a square formation with no doors inbetween chairs. I stared at the chairs in consternation. Because there were holes in the chairs...but no holes in the floor. So...I wasn't quite sure how to work these old fashioned things. Plus the whole place was exposed and what if someone came in. So I chose to go find a different bathroom and went back outside just as everyone was running off to go find the dress. The red haired mother figure who had kidnapped me was on the side of a hill and panicked screaming "No they can't find the grave!" as she tried to cover a freshly buried corpse..of a princess I think....with a blanket, but the fresh sawdust on the ground where there was only grass all around it, gave it away. I joined in on the chaos trying to get some string under control that was floating through the air and to get the dress...I almost had the sense that I was wearing the dress.....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Don't Suppress The Cough

So I thought I was better.
Work was going great.
Until the last 10 minutes.
It happened.
A slight tickle in my throat as I was getting fish for a customer.
I thought it would pass.
Gave a slight cough to get rid of it.
Totally didn't help.
Reth showed up just then.
And took over for me on bagging fish.
Because I was racked with a major coughing fit.
Where I'm sure people could hear me throughout the store.
And probably thought I was dying from how hard I was coughing.
That little tickle in my throat just wouldn't go away.
No matter how much water I drank.
Luckily I got it under control enough to move into the break room.
Where it's a bit more isolated and customers couldn't hear me hacking up a lung.
Sadly though, this intense fit...gave me a sore throat.
Not fun.
Especially since I hadn't been coughing for like the last two hours...
I guess I'd subconsciously suppressed it?
And it built up to the point where it exploded?
Mental note to self. Don't suppress coughing.
It makes it worse over time. ;)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

 I was with my family getting ready for an event, where I needed to get changed. But while I was changing, something happened....a Grim reaper/Dementor/hooded figure showed up, darkening the whole area. He was looking for me as I could find the specific item he was looking for. It was...a certain red glowing dot...which I think symbolized a particular treasure he was looking for. I ran from him and encountered this big two story game...kinda like bejeweled...and some shooting game where there was a bouncing gold bullet shaped thing trying to hit all the coins and jewels in the game on the different levels, but there also was a red dot. I climbed up to the top level, precariously hanging onto the top. Just as the dementor guy showed up. I didn't see him, but all of a sudden there was a red dot on the floor. Bouncing and moving about. However, I saw the source of the light, some green taser sort of thing and didn't take the bait. Instead, I hid from him, with the help of my fairy god mother. We ran to my neighbor Cindy's home to get to her stairs because there was a portal there. Only I couldn't remember how to get to this other world. Suddenly I was on a cruise ship, in a wedding dress. It was my wedding day and my mother -Regina from Once Upon A Time- was trying to convince me as...Nelly from Little House on the Prairie to go through with everything. I refused. The Dementor struck the ship...and it sank....but I think everyone survived. It was made to look like they all died, I saw them floating in the water...but I knew they were alive, and I wasn't going to let this evil bad guy control me....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Splatter splatter
Drop drop

You know...when you're sick.
The main focus tends to be.
And with this single minded focus.
Other things kinda come undone.

Take for example pouring a drink.
I'm careful.
I don't make a mess.

But with the desperate relief I want from that cool liquid.
I, in my sick state, don't care about being nice and clean. the floor of my kitchen kinda looks like a murder scene.
Red droplets of juice all over the place as well as on the counter.
Because I wasn't careful in my quest to not spill a drop.
I just wanted the instant relief.

No worries though.
No actual blood was spilt.
But the quest to defeat the illness bug is going well. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a pet store...that was on the side of a mountain...near the field of the little house on the prairie. My family was going on a hike up to a waterfall in the mountains that had a lot of switch back turns in the river. We were taking my uncle Shane's family up there for the first time, but we passed by this settlement type of town that hadn't been there the last time my family visited, so we got a bit distracted and went inside and found a lot of different old time types of thing. In one of the top rooms was an auction/ bartering system going on, my mom and I found a bunch of things we liked but I ended up needing to go care for the pets so I left and went up the mountain to care for the cats and lizards in the snow...and ended up in a really dim version of Bird World that was part pet store part grocery store. I was about to clock out, and had grabbed some bananas and a green apple as I wandered around the store. I was going to go buy the food, but decided against it. I was going to go return the food, when a guy came up to me saying that a plane had just landed from...the Philippines I think it was, and they would be coming here. So he needed my help in putting up a giant banner so that they would know where to find us in the wind/fog. He also grabbed one of my unboughten bananas and asked if he could eat it. I said sure, and made a mental note that I would need to buy the fruit now....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

To the Rescue

Not a fun thing.
And my coworker Kel...ended up with it.
Which meant that I would be opening up everything by myself.
I didn't think it would be that big of a deal.
I had Seven hours to do it.
And four of those were before the store opened.
So I thought I could do it by myself.
Sure, I had bedding changes.
But I just looked at it as a challenge.
To see if I could work faster then before.
And get everything done before the store opened.
I thought I could do it.
Give myself two hours for small pet bedding changes.
Another hour for the back rooms and cats.
Like ten mins for birds.
Maybe another hour for reptiles.
And another ten minutes for fish...
And I would be done soon after the store opened...
maybe even before Starsmet opened if I could speed up bedding changes.

....It didn't happen.
For you see.
I got sick.
Sicker then I was used to.
I mean I can deal with a cough and/or stuffy nose.
But this....was worse.
Just because my whole body ached.
My head was clouded.
And I felt like I couldn't breathe due to my stuffed up nose.

It. Was. Torture.
And of course I got 'really sick' on the day when I had no help, when I couldn't go home early because I was the only one.

I started out well enough.
I got the first half of bedding changes done in under an hour.
But then....everything hit me.
I had to sit down.
Standing made me dizzy.
I even took my 15 minute break before I was done with small pets.
That shows you how sick I was.
Because I never like to take breaks before I'm done with a task.
And there I was lying on the break room floor trying to get enough energy gathered together to survive the day.
In any case...I didn't get the bedding changes done....until half an hour before Starsmet opened. And Blak was nice help me with some of the ending tasks for the bedding changes as well.
What took me an hour for one half....took me like 2 and a half hours for the other side.
Totally sad.
And Starsmet was going to open soon.

I only had three hours left to get everything else done.
Or I would have.

For you see.
I had been told by Bri that she might come in and help me for a couple of hours. two hours after I showed up.
She arrived.
Bri to the rescue!

I'm so glad she actually came like she said she would.
For Bri got everything done except reptiles before Starsmet opened.
Which meant...I had less to do.

The reptiles didn't get done for a little bit though...
As every morning we have a meeting before the store opens to go over this that and the other.
There was another sign that I was sick there.
For I usually stand at meetings.
Today...I sat. I couldn't stay upright for that long when not moving.
So I huddled in on myself and focused on breathing while listening to the others.
After the meeting Wal grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet and told me 'Go home.'

I nearly burst into tears then.
Because I couldn't.
I would be the only person there for three hours in my department.
I couldn't go home.

I told him as much.
So he said "Go take a break."
"I already did."
"Take mine."
"I'll take it later."
"Well then go make yourself invisible. Hide in the break room."
"I can't, I'm the only one in my department."
"Just make yourself invisible then til your shift is over."

But..while Bri was still there I did go take my 'lunch' way early. So I had like half an hour to rest and not work.
And Al volunteered to watch the department for me if I needed her to.
In any case.
I'm just glad I didn't have alot of customers come into the store.
That's why I like mornings.
Because they're usually not busy.
So I could take my time getting reptiles done.
and doing little fish tasks.
By that point Cinres showed up.
And regretfully...I told him that I couldn't take Kel's other shift for the next day.
I could probably stay a couple hours longer then my own shift,
but feeling how I was feeling...I couldn't stay his whole shift.
Luckily someone else could come in.
But I'm grateful that Cinres was understanding.
He wanted me to clock out 'on time' and 'go get lots of rest' because 'we want you better soon.'
So I spent the last part of my shift, sitting down on a step ladder, bagging crickets at a snails pace.
-It's so hard to focus on counting crickets when your head is so stuffed.

And home I went to rest and work on getting better.

Needless to say.
I love Starsmet.
My coworkers are so helpful and willing to do what they can to help out me out in my time of need.
I'm grateful for them.
and how they stepped up to help me how they could.
It was a blessing. Totally.

So even though I didn't get the chance to see if I could open everything before the store opened...
I'm glad that I know I have coworkers I can depend on to help me when I can't do it.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi