Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Spat between Techno Gizmos


Today, I had my uncle -an Awesome guy- drop by to help me set up a wireless router...modem? that I could have access to the Internet on my own computer again.
You see my place doesn't have wireless, so I had been using the cable kind of Internet since it was provided.
Only I ran into a slight...snag.
I ended up dropping my laptop (on accident!)
A time too many...
and the connection between computer and longer worked :(
But I was saved from having to buy anything for a month or two..maybe three
because somebody in my area had an unsecured network that I could hook up on.
Though the connection wasn't always the best, I could get by using it on most days.
Until the end of the semester happened....
And well...the end of my unsecured network happened as well.
This network disappeared.
And my computer was left internetless.
So I've been borrowing my sister's computer. that all the pressure of school was off of me.
I decided it was about time to do something about my computer problem
And luckily this guy gave us a wireless router for i decided to try and set it up... didn't work.
So then I called in the big guns.
Yep. The Uncle.
He tried out the 'free' wireless router....and well it didnt' work. It wasn't broadcasting.
So I ended up going to the local store to buy me some wireless.
And the set up process ended up taking...about 2..3...hours.
Why? silly computer wouldn't recognize that there was wireless Internet in the apartment.
My uncle tried all sorts of things.
And nada.
So we finally ended up calling the other guns...the customer service people.
And we found a solution!
Because of the type of Windows system I have....
The wireless box I bought...has a bit of a tiff with this windows system.
So instead of having the little doodad on 'Auto.'
to get windows to recognize that I can use this wireless...we have to set it to a channel.
Because my Windows system doesn't like computer modems set to Autopilot apparently lol.
It would rather have somebody with a personality. A channel, and not just one of those 'everyday communications' all the other technogizmos have.
I guess the computer is like the owner.
It likes to be unique lol :)

Needless to say. Switching to a different channel worked!
After hours of frustration and me being half terrified my uncle was going to throw my laptop across the room...
It works! And I now can use my own laptop again! :D lol.

All in all. I am so grateful to have an uncle in the area who is computer savvy. :) He's come to my rescue more then once when I've had problems with the computer.
Especially since whenever the family has a computer tends to take ALOT longer then expected.
I'm grateful he's willing to put up with the different random spazz outs that happen with the techno stuff.
Because it makes my life much easier...even if his life gets a bit annoying for a couple of hours.

Until you next see these words;
I"ll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I woke up today surprisingly with Chemistry. Chemistry. Chemistry. Chemistry
Running through my head and my mind focused on the left side of my back along the spine.
Its rather odd....since usually Anatomy's on the brain.
But this time its Chemistry.
I really wish I could remember what I had been dreaming about to make me think of Chemistry as I awoke, because maybe it influences the Anatomy montage as well. :)


Friday, April 29, 2011


"Wake up Potter! We're going to the Zoo!"
This is what I thought this morning when I woke up.
Because that is where I went today :)
I went to the zoo!
lol. I haven't been there in years and years and years...not since like Elementary maybe Jr.High.
And it was rather fun to see what I remembered.
And what was totally new.
It was a fun experience, but it could have been better. Many of the animals were in hiding or huddled in their little shelters because of the cold (it flaked on us as we were at the zoo)
But I got to see many of the attractions I remembered from when I was little.
The first thing I remember about the zoo in my area is the Wolf Den.
Where they have two or three wolves.
I always remember this exhibit because they usually have a White wolf and a Black wolf and a Grey wolf.
(The Wolf type is Grey Wolf)
And I thought it was so cool when I was little to see so many different colors for wolves.
(It was about the same time that my favorite colors became "Dog Colors" Black White Grey and Brown)
But it really was a matter of luck to be able to see the wolves because their 'cage' was on the side of a hill, that had trees on therefore they could hide out and we wouldn't see them.
But this time I saw a couple :) Two white wolves. :)
And I while I saw many of the exhibits I remembered like the monkeys, tigers, elephants, giraffes, camels, and reptiles....
There were a couple missing. Like the Polar Bear exhibit. (Its under renovation right now...they're building it bigger and better...)
And the Hippo exhibit.
Why do I remember the Hippo exhibit?
Well..its not really for the hippos though I do remember that their 'cage' was basically a concrete pool in a building.
Its what was next to the hippo cage on display.
On the wall was a board filled with many different random items from food wrappers, to hats, to baby dolls and other different gizmos and gadgets.
These were basically items that the Hippo had eaten from people being careless around them.
(I'm not sure if it was only the hippos, or things that had been pulled from other animals as well.)
But I had desperately wanted to see it again regardless of how it got to be there.
Only.....the hippos were no where to be least on the map.
Perhaps they were still in some hidden corner I didn't see in the was rather cold to look too much for these hidden mammals.
Just wanted to say "I WENT TO THE ZOO!" :) lol. And I had a rather fun time...
Though I did begin to feel bad for the poor animals....locked up in their cages. Some rather small...with nothing to do besides being stared at by people....for hours on end.
I think if I had it my way each animal would have at least a fourth of an acre to roam....
Yet I do realize that much bigger space means less opportunity for people to come and gawk.
Still....I like that the zoo is working on making their property better and bigger for the animals they have now. After all..I wouldn't want to be locked up in a small room day after day with only enough room to pace.
Why should they feel any different?? was fun to go. :) and have flashbacks of the times previously I went.
To remember the Groundhog play area, and the eggs you could hide in and other cool attractions of days gone by. :) Overall a good experience ^^ One where I remembered why I had liked going to the zoo when I was younger. :)
I wonder why we ever stopped going....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I ran into the tent, to where they were keeping the aliens.
Automatically I spotted the doctor who had been the one to look over me and had been in control of my captivity.
we had become friends over the course of my captivity and we were both happy to see each other for we hadn't seen each other in a while...perhaps years.
(The aliens kinda looked like a cross between giant humans, random alien creatures I've seen or thought of recently and kinda like the creatures from Where the Wild things Are. The changes depended on the scene)
He leaned down from where he was sitting on his containment bed and pulled the....i forget the name.
Stethoscope? from around his neck
And he placed the metal thing on my chest to hear my heart beat. (I asked him was kind of the "Look I'm better now see!" type of idea)
My heart was beating fast and strongly and he smiled as he pulled away.
Then he removed the stethoscope from around his neck and gave it to me.
I didn't want it so I tried to give it back to him
But he told me he didn't need it anymore and that I should have it.
So I accepted the gift.
And then decided to set him and the five or six other aliens in the containment center free.
Which I did with the help of a couple of other workers here who thought they should be released as well.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

-There was more to this dream. A bunch of happenings before and after.
But I can't remember them right now.
Basically the premise was I had been captured by the alien race of giant/alien type creatures, but I think they let me go or I escaped. or humans came and released I just covered all my bases there.
So I somehow got away from these aliens, and alot of time had passed. I think I was probably working for someone...dealing with the aliens which is how I got in when they finally captured this group. (it was like a take over of the planet) And basically I switched sides to my alien friends I had made and rebelled getting them free in a rather genius way....Not sure what I did. But the scenery was very military deserty based and they had tents and trucks and tent tunnels and the like....

and that
is why the fox never came home. :)


Thursday, April 28, 2011


The other night I was talking to another individual
(because it would be weird if I talked to myself wouldn't it? Well I do that too, just not this time ;) )
And I mentioned how long hair is annoying.
Because of all the snarls that happen in my hair.
Because it can get really curly.
And all tangled
and basically snarly.
And this individual looked at me weird.
And I felt subconscious as if I had used to word wrong.
Snarls I repeated to myself.
Snarls Snarls Snarls.
Now when you repeat any word to yourself a bunch of times, well begins to sound weird.
But anyway...this individual had never heard of the word "Snarls" and didn't know what it meant.
I kind of just looked at them dumbfounded.
Wondering. "How could have never heard of this word?!"
Snarls is what happens when you're hair gets all knotted up, tangly, its what your comb/brush snags on when you run it through your hair.
And they had never heard of it.
So now I'm this just a family word....that I took for granted that everybody knew.
Or is it actually a common word...but the individual had never heard of it....
*just checked google* Yep its a I'm not crazy! woot! (at least not in this aspect ;) haha)

Anyway, that was just something that through me for a loop the other day :)
Thought you should know. :) lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

-It had something to do with Dancing....because I had a dance final today for school.
But having come home and gone about my day....I've forgotten it Y_Y

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Empty Rooms

I had a roommate move out today. (Now its just me and my sister)
And its odd.
How empty the apartment feels now.
Even though my sister and I had been the ones to basically decorate the 'main' areas of the apartment.
The apartment has this empty feeling echoing from the right side of the apartment.
Where this roommate used to be.
There seems to be more of an echo here now.
A call of loneliness from that side because nobody lives there anymore.
Even though the doors are shut, and the lights are off.
Its still tangible that nobody lives on that side of apartment anymore. :S
Its odd. Very odd.
There hadn't really been anything on that side of the apartment to show specifically who lived there.
Yet the 'warmth' on that side of the apartment is gone.
Its a very weird feeling.
One that I haven't really experienced before.
Because....before I have been the one to always move out and leave others behind.
Its never been the other way. Where I stayed and others moved out.
This will take some getting used to...
Even though I should be used to it.
Its amazing how stuff can make a room fill lived in even when the person is never there.
I guess there is kind of an empty feeling, but not a hollow feeling.
Since I have lived with roommates who were never there.
But an empty room. Two empty rooms.
Are still empty..when there are things inside of it, but hollow when nothing is inside it.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at my grandma's house.
Out on the sidewalk by the road.
And my brother was standing on the porch, next to the swing.
Suddenly he turned around his back to me. kinda reminded me of Astroboy how he had guns in his bottom.
Well my brother had a similar concept. Two basically automatic guns that were
strapped to his waist. And he was shooting at me.
I remembered that in the future my brother would do the same thing to me.
So I did what I did in the future to save myself now.
(It was one of those flashback moments of I remembered doing this, though I hadn't actually done it, which made it seem like I was seeing the future)
I dropped to the ground
(The '1st' time I think I was in a stairwell so I dropped down letting the step above me shield me by its height)
And got the grass to mostly shield was rather tall grass....though still looked like lawn grass....somehow it protected me.
Anyway I wanted my brother to think that he was hitting me. So I would twitch like I was getting hit.
Though none of the bullets touched me.
I probably got cut up though from shrapnel...something to make it look like I was dead.
Anyway the bullets finally stopped.
And my brother came over to check me out. I think he did something to my leg...implanted something or attached something.
I apparently passed the test because he then left....I think he left in a white van type truck.
But I still laid there after he was gone because I was terrified he'd come back.
Well at some point some cops came up. To check out the cars in the driveway and found me.
I ended up getting up and moving to the porch.
Where I was comforted by my mother on the porch swing.
But I was still terrified.
Because there was apparently a red car rally race going on, and part of the route passed by my grandparents house. Where red cars of all shapes, types, and sizes kept passing by.
Well...I knew my brother drove a red every time I saw the color red coming towards the house my automatic reaction was of terror because I thought my brother was coming back. try and cheer me up.....
My parents decided that we should take a family vacation.
And we ended up on weed covered hill over looking K-mart with a chain link fence all the way around.
I think it was a check point or something.
Anyway. My brother was there with us.
And he and I had a bit of a....conversation where He was trying to get me to do things he wanted me to do....because of the thing he put in my ankle....and me....not doing them...or doing them less then willingly. I would talk back at him at every turn. Somehow it switched to the living room and hallway of my parents house. And I was doing something to some wiring where it was sparking and 'fizzing'
Anyway the parents came in and said that during the vacation at this stop...
(we were in a cave-like place now they'd opened the door letting bright sunlight in)
That they were going to pay a dollar or two to take the interpreter certification test for fun.
And they wanted to know if I wanted to come.
I knew I wasn't ready to take the interpreter certification test i said no.
Instead I ended up going to school.
 Where I was paranoid because I was basically 'half-robot' thanks to my brother's tampering with my body composition with his metal implant thing.
And they were looking for robots.
Anyway I got into my classroom which was a computer type science room. Narrow dark...
And my teacher walked in. She was tall young, red haired...I guess she had a similarity to the red haired vampire girl from the Twilight series....combined with some other actress I knew.
Anyway she came into the room ready to teach...
when a man in a dark suit came in and told the teacher she had to teach something else...something to deal with the solar system. Because the teacher went to this flat model hanging horizontally and tapped it with a wand. and a solar system emerged from below the flat plane making it 3D
But before she could start teaching the dude in the black suit had my brother come up and help explain.
Well something happened and the teacher and my brother (who now looked like Cody from Suite Life of Zack and Cody...I think it was Cody...the 'smart' twin of the two) went into this weird 'connection thing' where the teacher and he were talking. But they were focused more on each other. And the teacher's face started changing...looking more boxy and robotic...revealing her as a robot in disguise and basically alien. Because there was a weird blue glow to the thing and at one point the robo-teacher delved into my brother's head and pulled out half of his brain. ( they were talking in a weird language) but my brother had her put that part of his brain back into his head.
Anyway I knew it wasn't good that my teacher had been revealed because that meant...that I might be revealed as well.

But the dream ended up skipping a head....years ahead into the future.
The landscape was red/orange black in color.
And the dream zoomed in on an orange construction zone
And then onto a crazy bouncy flatscreen TV/ipad type of thing.
(it was an invention of my brothers from years ago)
It had been glitchy back then as well stuck repeating the same word over and over again.
Now it was in this orange/black construction zone bouncing crazily around yelling "Detour! Detour! Detour!"
Then the dream zoomed in on me.
And I was walking with my brother...I was dressed in black...pants and shirt.
And my brother was dressed rather weirdly....
I'm not sure it was even my brother anymore...but I thought of him as my brother..
He was tall had long dark black curly hair...that was very curly, ringlets (the face reminded me of a spoiled girl child) and he was dressed in big foofy white curly sheep skin type robes.
And we were walking along.
And there were two frontierville looking sheep on either side of him.
But my brother was complaining that no matter what he did these sheep he had created...weren't following him.
And it was true, once we entered into a store type font.
The sheep disappeared.
But we continued onward heading for the 'headquarters'
We entered a room with a 'judgement' type set up with council members there.
The council was made up of people who had put my brother into power.
(it started back with the teacher...that was the first domino to fall to set this path down)
And had made the world the dark and dismal place it was.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Extra info.
I think my brother dressing up as a sheep was supposed to represent a "wolf in sheeps clothing"
The rest of the dream....yah.....there might be influences from different movies and recently seen TV shows...but otherwise I have no idea :)

And that
is why the fox never came home. :)


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Last Yellow Rose

I was on a quest.
A quest for something rare
And what was this rarity?
A yellow rose.
I had gone to the store, thinking that they would be there....
But it wasn't.
No yellow rose was to be found.
So I went to the next place I could think of. The farmer. He would have a yellow rose for me.
No. There were no roses to be had.
Still, I went searching because I had to have a yellow rose.
So I got out the phone book and found all the numbers I could. Contacted each and every one of them and...
No such luck.
There didn't seem to be any yellows roses to be had.
They had the red ones the purple ones, the orange ones, the multicolored ones.
But no yellow roses. :(
Somehow or another...I ended up at the Library.
Doing research you know.
I went through book after book after book.
And I finally found the answer!
Apparently this now very rare yellow rose...
Well the last one was somewhere in Africa.
And I thought to myself.
Yes. I better go now and get that rose before someone else snatches it.
Or else all my plans would be ruined!
So I hopped on a plane to south Africa.
Gathered a few locals with a huge chunk of my life savings and bought a few supplies.
And then the twenty of us.
Set out into the jungles of Africa. Searching for this illusive yellow rose.
Luckily we had a map with us so we couldn't get to lost.
But we searched and searched with no yellow rose appearing.
Eventually we stopped to get a sense of direction to figure out if we should head left or right....
And that....was a mistake.
Because out of the underbrush. A giant python came a slithering.
It wound itself about one of the group....squeezed him dead and drug him into the forest.
I'm pretty sure the snake swallowed him whole. :S
And I mean clothes, skin, bones and all. It was whole. One bite.
We tried not to think too much about our group suddenly down to 19 people.
After all we were on a quest. Tragedy is expected in the jungles of Africa.
Eventually we encountered a ravine too wide to jump across. And with a river rushing below climbing down wasn't an option.
But we were lucky.
For a tree had happened to fall across the ravine. Making the perfect bridge. :)
However...:S it apparently hadn't been too stable. the last four members of our expedition began to cross.
The tree began to wobble and tilt..and broke away from the side of the ravine tossing itself and the four members into the rushing river below.
Needless to say...their story was now ended. :(
Now I was getting slightly worried. After all we were now down to 15 people in my little expedition group.
And the responsibility for getting me, the yellow rose, and the rest of the group out alive...seemed heavy on my shoulders. It only took a little convincing for me to get the group moving again, searching, hunting for this yellow rose. was rather hard to keep us all together.
When at one point we heard this growl then a roar! Suddenly a tiger pounced out of the bushes.
We of course all scattered in different directions running like chickens with our heads cut off.
Still. It wasn't enough and with a few carefully place claw marks....we were down to 14.
It took a whole lot more convincing and bribery to get my expedition to still follow me. 
The yellow rose was out there after all, and we weren't going to quit!
No siree we weren't!
And that was when an Ape of all creatures swooped down upon us as we were winding our way through the trees and took and killed more of our members.
As we traveled deeper and deeper into the forest....
Our group got smaller and smaller...until there were only five of us left. :S
Still we searched on.
Then as we were hacking our way through a particularly dense part of the jungle.
It appeared suddenly in front of us.
Shining in a ray of sunlight.
There it was.
The yellow rose.
I just stared at in awe and I admit I got a little emotional with tears welling up in my eyes.
For behold! I had finally found the yellow rose! I had completed my quest!
I ran over to this last rose and carefully because it was so precious scooped it into my backpack
and made sure it would stay safe so I could get it back to my home in one piece.
Still...remember all that jungle I had to go through the first time?
Well....I had to go back through it.
And as we traveled searching for the airport.
My group went from 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to me.
For the animals were hungry that day and I was the only one to escape.
That didn't mean I found my way to the airport unscathed.
Oh no, I was sunburned and swollen, cut, bruised, bleeding, sweaty, dirty....basically it wasn't pretty.
But I didn't care. For I had found the yellow rose.
And now I could complete what I had set out to do in the first place when I went to buy a yellow rose.
I flew back home and walked in the door.
And sat at my computer and began to tell a story.
When all of a sudden you popped in!
And with a big grin I turned to you and
handed you:

This yellow rose.

As a token of appreciation and friendship.
Thank you so much for reading my blog.
It brings me joy each and everyday to know my words are being read somewhere. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi

*Note* -Story was creatively modified from a story told by Troy Michael Kotsur for one of my finals. :)
Sooo No, its not mine. But it was fun to tell ^^;;;;

The Dream

My family was heading out on a trip. And we needed to get to the airport terminal.
Well we lugged all our baggage to the terminal...only for my mom to realize she'd gone to the terminal we usually go to by accident.
This time around we had been scheduled for a different airline and different terminal.
So we had to hurry get to the other terminal on time.
Only when we got there....apparently the first terminal we had been at was the right one. this point my mom...basically gave up. She threw a tantrum, throwing the tickets on the ground and stating that she just wanted to go back home.

Then through some means or another.
My sister and I ended up sitting in the bed of our pickup truck (my dad's silver one)
We had this random...screen type contraption where it cloud be twisted to lay pretty much flat on top of the bed of the truck, or turned so it was vertical like a sail.
My sister and I were driving (not sure how I was driving with my sister and I both in the back...) but we were driving...kinda being sneaky...perhaps my dad was driving at first. But we were hiding in the back of the truck keeping a lookout for coppers because we weren't supposed to be in the back of the truck.
Anywho it ended up that we were driving back to our 'old' apartment (where my sister and I are currently living) It was a detour because we were making  our way to my friend Jessica's place, I think to drop off the green screen contraption (it was a dark forest green color) at her place.
But first we needed to stop at our 'old' apartment.
I think it wasn't ours at the moment because it was summer and we'd moved back home for the summer or something.
Anywho suddenly i was in the cab of the truck with my sister beside me.
But our cab was filled with a lot of stuff. So much stuff that I was having a hard time reaching the wheel or the brakes.
So parking in the apartment lot was...rather interesting though we didn't crash. :)
We parked and got out  and my sister left for a bit to go do something...check out the place.
And I noticed the gated entrance to the office had been turned into a hamburger/hotdog stand. And there was a party going on. A summer party with lots of people in swimming suits playing around the pool though it seemed to be near sunset.
Anyway I ended up getting in line to grab some food... they had a weird line system going on and I wasn't sure I was actually in the line or not

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

I'm not sure why I dreamt the first part of the dream about the trip.
But the scenes with the car and not being in my apartment...probably represent my brains confusion. lol Usually during this time of the year I move home for the summer and then move back down here for school in the fall. But not this time. Apparently my brain wanted to make that journey/connection anyway.
The food party thing was probably in response to me seeing a sign yesterday or the day before yesterday....recently about a closing social at the clubhouse/office where they were serving hamburgers. I missed out on it, but apparently I had wanted to go so I went in my dreams :)

And that
is why the fox never came home. :)


Monday, April 25, 2011

Class of Unfinishedness

I've found it very odd the past few years of college.
How the end of semester just...ends.
I mean...there never seems to be a resolution with my classes.
It basically just feels like we're going to pick right up the next time that class is supposed to meet....
Only we don't.
Why is that?
Why do my classes feel unfinished?
Perhaps I'm too used to a 'resoluton' in things...
and College is preparing me
To deal with not having resolutions.
I mean....after a while...once we all 'grow up'
It doesn't seem like anything ever ends...
At least not in a permanent "we're finished with this" type of style.
Its more of the idea that we slowly draw away...slowly fade out of whatever activity we were focusing on.
Or even just suddenly stop something in a 'incomplete' type of way never to pick it up again.
For whatever reason that seemed good at the time.
Its odd that. How things suddenly appear in our lives and we roll with them...and then suddenly its terminated....and they disappear...
I guess having college classes end so....soo...having them end without a clear resolution.
Is a way to prepare us for after college life.

Who would have thought lol :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Have you ever had one of those end of the world dreams?'s one of mine.

It was a playground.
There were a bunch of kids getting ready to put on a performance.
Costumes and children everywhere.
All throughout the huge...well McDonald's type of play place, except it was...outside.
or something...there were lots of tunnels and slides and such to climb through.
And I was being chased.
By other people...not sure why they wanted me...but I was being chased.
They wanted something of me...I'm not sure what...but I had black...clawmark type of marks on my skin...marking me out....not sure why. 

And was like a hurricane and an earthquake struck at the same time.
Wind was blowing all over the place, everything was shaking, it was dusty and dark.
And then the sun was shining. 
And the world was 'whole' once again.
Apparently it had been...split...with the poles separated.
But now the poles -north and south- were together again in the ocean. 
(they crossed each other like an X )
And the Killer whale of the north and the white killer whale of the south 

Were finally able to be together. So the whales were happy
And the animals were happy. :)
And everyone was happy after the 'end of the world"

and then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Morning

I guess it should be expected
That since today is Easter.
That I should talk about an Easter subject. :)

More often then not over the years,
My family has celebrated Easter....well not at home.
We usually are camping at a rendezvous Easter weekend.
But that didn't mean that the Easter Bunny would miss us.
No, some of my favorite memories are waking up.
All nice and warm and snugly in our sleeping bags and sitting up to see...
presents at the bottom of the bed. ^^
I remember one year....when I was reeeeaaallly young before we started doing rendezvous
Where I had to find candy that was hidden around the house.
But for forever...the only 'hunts' I went on for Easter eggs, were put on by the rendezvous folks.
The young kids would get to find Easter eggs in the big Fort. The older kids along the side of the lake.
(I'm guessing because they figured we'd be able to swim if we fell in while fighting for our eggs of candy :P)

But the biggest thing I remember about Easter.
Is waking up to the sounds of birds calling in the trees.
Of the crisp morning air that reminds me somewhat of rain, and somewhat of the edges of winter.
Of the rain pattering on the sides of the tent.
and of course the memories i have being with my family on this day of celebration.
Spending the day huddled together when us kids weren't off screaming and playing lol :)

Easter is a holiday of being outside for me. :)
And I don't think that's a bad thing. :)
It took away the commercialization, and let us just become closer as a family

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Today was another Saturday
That made me think it was a Friday.
Because I had to take a final.
Today, Saturday.

(when I'm done with finals. Then, oh yes then! I will start drawing comics starting with Anatomy)

It really wasn't that fun to take this final.
Because as I've thought over what i answered...
Yah. I'm pretty sure i missed a bunch of them :(
Time pressure and all that.
Still I find it rather.....well its not funny, but Ironic.
Because I'm fine studying for tests.
But I usually end up with a question
Where I know the answer, I recognize the question....
but I can't write down the answer because the answer is gone from my mind!
Though I know I know it.
I can't get the correct answer into my brain.
And that....makes for a rather stressful evening lol :)
Made even more stressful because I won't find out how I did until like Tuesday :(
Hopefully I did well enough to pass the class....because I really don't want to take anatomy again. :)
But for now...I"m done with that part of anatomy.
Now to study for the rest of anatomy.
At least I won't have any more Saturday tests :)
Because...the weekend is rather shortened not as enjoyable when Saturday is spent
stressing and studying. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 22, 2011

Self-Made Cartoons

Today my sister showed me a blog where the author randomly posts blogs of cartoons she drew of herself doing random events.
And my sister has also been doing cartoon letters to a missionary friend out on the field.
And I just thought to myself
"I really really really want to do that!"
Two problems though.
1. I need to find the time to draw the cartoons
     a. I need to find worthy stuff of drawing picture cartoons
     b. I need to be able to draw cartoons
     c. I need to be able to post them here on the computer.
2....huh my a b c comment took my two idea away from me....

I want to start posting random cartoons of things when I get the chance :) lol...and once I figure out how to on this blog...that shouldn't be too hard...I think...yah it shouldn't :)

But my purpose in eventually doing cartoons.
Is so I can better explain events that happen through visual means instead of long wordy descriptions that don't make sense all the time
And have people laugh and enjoy my random cartoons.

So first.
and Fourth
Fun! :)

So we'll see if I manage to do this in the future...for now...I can't...have some studying to do >.> bleh.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Today in my institute class.
We had a discussion...or whether the teacher gave a lesson
On Self-Esteem.

Basically, from my understanding, its pointless to have self-esteem.
Because you are just focusing on
And from my experience.
Focusing too much on something....ends up being a bad thing.
Too much of a 'good thing' can become a 'bad thing'
And I think that society today
Tends to focus too much on the idea of self-esteem.
How do I feel about myself?
Do I like myself?
Do I think others like me?
How do I think others feel about me?
Is there anything I would change about myself.
Do I think I look good in the mirror?

If you notice....all those questions involve the concept of 'I'
Waaay too much focus on I instead of U

I think its good to have a healthy perspective of yourself.
See what you're good at,
see what you need to improve on,
see what might need to be changed.

But focusing too much on the 'bad' or the 'good'
....well it isn't good.

I feel that we should move away from the concept of "I" and this self-esteem issue.
We feel the way we feel because we feel it.
Instead, we should focus on helping others to have a better day.
By focusing on others, doing service for them.
We end up helping ourselves in feeling awesome for helping to serve.
And helping others to feel loved, noticed, appreciated.
By focusing on others we can make everyone happy.
If you just focus on yourself and your wants and needs....well....
You could say that you're happy...but,
I really doubt that even you are happy in the end after focusing on just yourself.

So, forget the self-esteem. And focus on the you-esteem.
How high is your you-esteem?
Do you feel like you can serve others more?
Are you concerned with others problems?
Are you willing to put a hold on your busy schedule long enough to make sure someone else is okay?

I bet if we were more willing to focus on the yous around us. Instead of the Me right here.
Everyday we will find a bright spot in our lives.
Because we helped others.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had a....opening theme song type of dream.
Where there was a concept of me being in my house.
And I'd just spilled some chili onto the carpet.
And I was getting ready to clean it up.
When a small creature robot thing appeared.

And this kind of TV show episode
Continued showing a progression of how I became dependent on this creature
and then started fighting against it.
And the creature didn't like that.
But I was going to win.
And not let it keep me from doing what I wanted to do.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Strongest Bond

Today was the last day of my chemistry class.
And the teacher was wrapping up and reviewing for the Final test.
When she stated that it was time to
"Talk about the most important bond."
Or something like that.

Now in my chemistry class, there are over a hundred students present.
After seat hopping for half of the semester.
I settled in a seat behind a bald guy, curly haired girl, another drama guy, and another girl-from my ward.
(descriptions used so as not to confuse which boy and girl later in this post)
And made that seat my seat for the rest of the semester.
Which meant that I was able to over hear many random conversations between the four of them.
(I think they became quick friends.)
When the teacher began talking about "the most important bond."
I hadn't really been paying attention to the teacher
because I was helping another kid out with the previous chemistry problem we'd been working on.
Anyway I turned to the front just in time to see....
Bald guy.
In the middle of the aisle.
On one knee.

He had the curly-haired girl stand up
and he proposed to her.
She said yes. :)
And everyone was happy. :) lol.
Especially the chemistry teacher lol.
She'd never had anyone propose in her classroom before :)
I liked how she made it seem like Marriage is the strongest bond ^^;;
I thought was rather sweet. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A blank evening

Do you ever have one of those late nights.
Where you pause for a moment.
Think back to see if you had anything interesting happen to you that day.
Only to find that your mind is blank of any good subject matter to talk about?
Yah, that's what happened here.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Me and another guy were escorting this young man.
-He resembles the guy who lost his memory in the episode of Psych with Lying Ryan in it.
We were forcefully leading him into the church to get him off of our hands.
We didn't want to deal with him anymore.
So were were basically abandoning him.

The young man wandered down the hallway of the church
and picked up an empty milk jug with the intention of feeling it with...water.
As he approached the front entrance
(the people pushed him in the back entrance of the right door)
police cars suddenly appeared sirens running and officers everywhere in front of the building.
And they assumed that the Psych kid was the culprit.
Psych kid was just confused.

And suddenly I was in the living room with the Psych kid.
It was a meeting of sorts with my parents and his parents.
Only, the father considered the son...who was an be a child.
So the father basically told his son to go to his room and leave the talking to the adults.
I distracted the Psych guy as he began to leave by signing at him.
And began to teach him some sign language ignoring the others in the room.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away...
And I became myself again.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Wire Loop

I was walking to the entrance of the testing center today to take a quiz.
And I noticed the telephone wire.
There was a loop in the middle of the wire.
Possibly from extra wire that wasn't cut.
It was in the middle between the two poles.
And as I walked past it looking at it.
My thought was:
"I wonder how long it would take me to throw a ball through that loop."


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We were...setting up...or taking down chairs in the institute gym area in semi darkness. We had been preparing/or taking down from some church event. So while it was the institute gym...I was in a church building.
Anyway it was a bunch of girls and I cleaning up.
And as I moved away to the north exit door of the institute.
I heard a couple of the girls gossiping.
"Yah, i have a date with him Saturday"
"A date are you sure?"
"But, isn't he Sarnic's boyfriend?"

"does it matter?"
"Shh, she's right there, we shouldn't let her hear."

Needless to say. I felt rather betrayed. My boyfriend...was going on a date with another girl?
It was a girl I didn't like either, her name was Brooke. And her aura got on my nerves.
I also felt...rather hurt, that they knew what my boyfriend was doing before I did.

I met up with my boyfriend later.
To talk and see if it was true.
We were outside sitting on a cinder block wall.
And I asked him if he was going on a date with Brooke.
And things in that direction.
The conversation basically ended with us breaking up.
Because he didn't want to be my boyfriend anymore.

And then the holy tones of daylight pulled me away
and I became myself again.

And that
is why the fox never came home.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Proclamation

*Note: I posted a thing about the Proclamation to the Family here....but apparently the Internet didn't want to post that topic. Just noticed this lacking, but lack the time to fix it now. Will fix at a later date! :)

*later date May 1st*
Okay....sooo I've been waiting for forever to have enough time to finish this post..and make it better.
but what I had in mind....wasn't working and I didn't want to leave you hanging for forever. :)
When I made this post earlier I'd gone to a concert that celebrated the family.
and they used the Proclamation to the Family as a base line for their songs.
Well...I'd done a post about this proclamation...but it apparently disappeared.
So I'm going to take a different tact.

During the concert one of the guys sang the song "Cats in the Cradle"
And I decided was a rather sad song...
So I wanted to do something more cheerful.
I had planned to just do my own rendition of the song.
From the mother's point of view.
But as I was working it over....
The idea began to shift in my head to a different one.
Where the focus was more on a solider.
More specifically a warrior.
Even more specifically a warrior from the 2,000 stripling warriors who fought in the Book of Mormon for their father's because they're fathers had made a covenant not to pick up their swords to fight.

I really want to make a song...celebrating the 2,000 and their courage in fighting the war.
In believing in the teachings that their mother's had taught them.
How they had faith in the Lord that they would be able to fight and do well
And celebrating how they all came back alive from the battle.

My only problem is....Cats in the Cradle is only four verses long...
and this whole idea...I think will take more then four verses.
So I'm back to the drawing board.
Perhaps I'll just keep singing more verses lol.
Nobody  said I had to stick with the four verses :D
making the song be a celebration of the 2,000 came to mind because well...
The story of the 2,000 stripling warriors has always been my favorite from the book of Mormon.
Perhaps once I finish writing the verses and figuring out the story line for it...
You will too :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves!
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a girl, in a typical movie rental store like Hollywood Connection or Blockbuster. And she was in trouble. She was running from ghosts, being terrorized by them.
She appeared before me banging on the glass window/doors begging to be saved.
As a demon like hand appeared through a black rift hole behind her trying to grab her.
A boy was suddenly there. Dark haired and desperate he was trying to rescue the girl.
Clawing at the windows -though now it was like there was a force field that pushed the boundary of the building a couple of yards away so that no matter how hard he clawed (and his hands became black and clawed shaped) at the boundary it stretched like plastic,  but didn't move.
He jumped/flew from place to place on the roof, to other areas of the boundary trying to get in to no avail.
Finally the girl took things into her own hands.
She found the DVD that had been misplaced and caused the problem of ghosts haunting her
and placed it back into case, that contained multiple DVDs of different horror movies through the ages.
I got the impression that taking a DVD out of the case would cause a different ghost/horror situation to happen.
Anyway she placed the DVD into the case and put it into the drop box inside the store.
Satisfied now that her problems were over.
I began searching for other movies to check out.
I ended up with a stack of six or seven movies and I was getting ready to go check them out.
When my parents came up to me and told me that I couldn't check all those books out.
So I went back to the bookstore section of the movie store and started putting back the
Hardy Boy and Nancy Drew books I had picked up.
So I put them back....and organized them in reverse order.
So that the numbers on the spine read 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.
When I reached book one, I had to add in a big chunk of pages into the book.
Basically I stuffed them inside. The spine was kinda curved because of it.
Basically it became a 800-1000 page book from a 500 page book.
Because some of the story had been missing.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Early Morning Walk

I had to get up earlier then usual today. To get to an 8am meeting for Institute.
(I was put on the council! Woot! I get to practice my leadership skills ;) lol)
I realized on my walk over.
That its been a while since I've walked to school so early.
My first year of college a couple of years back.
Back when I was still naive to the joys of college life and trying to make it similar to high school by having classes start at 8 and end by 3.
I would walk to school in the morning. At the same time I did now.
And it struck me how....calm it is at that time in the day.
It might have been because it's a Saturday, and most people prefer to sleep in on Saturdays
And that I was heading to school...where most college students don't go on a Saturday,
factored into this equation.
But it was peaceful. :)
Hardly any people around.
just the birds chirping in the trees and the smell of cut grass in the air.
And I remembered.
Why I had liked being up before 8am my first year.
Because of that calm moment I had.
-While I was briskly walking to school to get to class on time-
Almost every morning.
Where I could just look around and enjoy what I was seeing and hearing.
It was almost like the calm before the storm.
And I like that feeling. :)
I often find it in the Institute building itself.
(which is why I spend alot of time in it lol)
But early morning walks, can also give me the same feeling.
Perhaps I'll consider getting up earlier....
Perhaps. lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There were some weird lumps on the right side of my abdomen. Between the hip and my belly button.
So I pulled up my shirt to find.
Three lumps of strings coming out of my skin in that area.
One was a greyish blue color and it was the thickets of the lot.
Looking like a small twisted cord. like rope, it stuck out of me kind of stiffly.
There might have been two parts of this cord, a short stubby part, and a longer more stringy part.
Then the two other areas near by looked liked they'd been sown haphazardly through my skin.
They were almost skin color, but not quite. And there were long strings everywhere.
I stared at the strings.
Trying to remember if they'd been there my whole life or not.

I ended up going to my mom.
And asking her if she could...fix it. Trim the strings and such so it wouldn't bug me.
First she started above my belly button.
There was a rectangle mark there. Similar to the others. But the string actually wasn't sticking out.
It just looked somewhat like a scar.
Anyway my Mom peeled back that square from right to left. (left edge remained attached)
And fished out another flap of skin that had been buried underneath. She switched the skin places.
So that the flap of skin (it opened from left to right with the right edge still being connected to the skin)
that had been underneath, and moved it to the top position.
Surprisingly, that felt better.
Anyway, mom moved to work on the grey string that was now sticking a good two or three inches from my abdomen.
I got distracted then and when I looked back.
The grey cord string was gone with barely a mark on my stomach.
Oh, I got distracted because I asked my mom how long these strings had been there.
And her response was "since you got back from the hospital"
My thoughts were "Oh, so since I was little, how come I didn't notice these earlier. wow, the hospital does a rather crappy job, and Ah ha! So that is where they stuck the little monitoring device to monitor me.
Mom continued working on the strings....
but the dream shifted.
And I was with a bunch of other of different ages.
At my Grandma's house, we were basically hanging out on the porch...though it was inside the it was like a semi outdoor room. Lying on a blanket.
And these two girls came out...they were halfway...rude...halfway not. One was tall and dark haired the other shorter.
Anywho the tall girl -snooty- made the observation that I wear my hair in two different styles.
Or my bangs pulled back in a semi ponytail.
And she gave reasons for why I did that, based I was feeling...a characteristic of me...
I really can't remember :(
But I do remember that I thought it over and though that she was right.
I wore my hair in one way to portray this type of ideal.
and my hair in a different way to portray something completely different.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again.

Extra Info.
- The dream about that part of my abdomen, most likely resulted from my worry about that part of my body, because its been hurting for no reason that I can comprehend for like three months now.

And that
Is why the fox never came home. :)


Friday, April 15, 2011

Snail's Essence

The ancients believed that the moist trail left by a snail,
as it crept, was the snail's own essence,
Depleting its body little by little;
the farther the snail toiled the smaller it became,
until it finally rubbed itself out.
That is how perfectionists are.

This is a quote, that I got from my ACT test years ago.
It had something to do with one of the questions.
I don't remember the details anymore.
Besides the fact that I liked this quote so I copied it down for later.
I thought it was rather....interesting.
Hope you liked it too. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi