Monday, August 31, 2020

Early Morning

It's been forever since I've worked an early early shift.
Months since I've come into the store before 7am.

And today I had a 5 am shift.

I have to say it was the weirdest thing to get up and have it still be dark out.
As I've been starting my morning shifts late enough that the sun is already close to rising. So it's like dawn/sunrise when I go into work.

Today though?
Still pitch black.
No hint of the sun yet emerging from behind the mountains.

It was weird.
So weird. 

But I was looking forward to working today, despite having had to go to bed earlier than normal to try and get enough sleep (I didn't succeed) before my shift started.

After all, a 5 am shift meant that nearly half of my shift was spent working without having to deal with customers.
It meant I would be getting off work around lunch time.
Leaving plenty of daylight left to do other things.

Lol and I functioned quite well at work.
Getting our pricing and such done pretty quickly...
Until like 1130.

When my body was suddenly like TIRED.
And I felt like I could fall asleep standing up.
And it only got worse as the hour progressed.
Though thankfully it occurred near the end of my shift.
It made it difficult to finish the remaining tasks. *shakes head*

I'm definitely not used to being up so early lol. 

And my body totally rebelled against me because of it.
I ended up crashing for a couple of hours after I got home from work.
And ended up with a headache because of it because I hadn't quite managed to get the 'right' amount of sleep.
Though I was able to get rid of it quickly enough.

I'm rather grateful that that was my only 'early' shift of the week.
And my other morning shifts start late enough that I can get at least 7 hours of sleep without having to fight to feel tired enough to go to sleep lol.

Still. It was nice to spend half my shift without customers.
So nice.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Baked Potato

So a while ago...idr if it was for Christmas or my Birthday last year or what.
But my Grandma Dirchi had given me this cloth bag thing.
Which she told me was to cook potatoes in in the microwave.

Having never done such a thing before I was rather skeptical of how it would go.
And had mostly forgotten that the potato bag thing existed except when I would encounter it in the cupboard while searching for other things.

But a couple of weeks ago my roomie decided that she wanted to have a baked potato for dinner.
And had looked up how to cook it in the oven.
Which took like...45 minutes or so to cook. Maybe an hour? 
I wasn't paying attention to the clock.

But it took forever and I was just do we cook these faster?
And so I looked up how to cook up potato in the microwave, while thinking about the potato bag cooker thing my grandma had made.

And seemed pretty simple.
Wash the potato off.
Poke it full of holes so that it could steam.
Place in microwave for 5 minutes.
And walla! 
Baked Potato!

However, not wanting to step on my roomies toes while she was attempting to cook her own baked potato in the oven. 

So I placed the concept on the back burner for something to try on a different day.
As I hadn't exactly been in the mood for a baked potato that day.

Cue today.
Where I was hungry.
And wanted to eat something more than the slices of bread and granola bars I'd been living off of the past couple of days.
And we had this bag of potatoes.
Which needed to be used.

And like...I wanted to make something quick and easy.
As even attempting to cook Ramen felt like too monumental a task to complete.
As I've been in a bit of a funk the past week.
And cooking just....feels like too much effort. It feels like it takes too much energy.

But a baked potato?
In the microwave.
Not so much.

So I pulled my grandma's cloth bag she'd made out.
Grabbed a potato and rinsed it off and stabbed it full of holes with a fork.
Placed it in the bag.
Placed in the microwave and let it do it's thing.

And when I pulled it out....


lol I'd read that I might have to microwave it a little longer to get it to fully soften.
But the potatoes I have are small.
So it microwaved just fine!

The only downside...was that the inside of the cloth bag had like...cotton fibers?
And those got stuck to the skin of the potato. 
So it left a lot of fuzzy white stuff on the surface.
Which it was easy enough to peel off the skin ad eat the rest of the potato without issue.

And it was SO GOOD!
lol like why haven't I cooked potatoes in the microwave before?! 
It was quick and easy and I ended up cooking a second potato using the same method a little later on.
Though I changed one little thing.
I wrapped the potato in a papertowel before placing it in the bag.
Which helped to avoid the skin getting covered in white fuzzy stuff.

Lol Totally felt accomplished with that. ^^;;
Yay for the small things.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Escape Attempt

Our Tarantula escaped it's enclosure overnight.

Which is...not the best of situations to walk into work to first thing in the morning.

As I really really don't like being near the tarantula at all.
Spiders are nice from a distance.
Contained where they can't get out.

So having said spider out and loose.

Not the best.
Not at all.

Thankfully, we keep the tarantulas in a small critter tote (so that customers can take them straight home without having to urge the spider into a different container) within a cage on the floor.

So while this tarantula had escaped the critter tote, it hadn't escaped the main cage itself.
And thankfully it was still on the outside of the critter tote.

So it was a matter of grabbing a new critter tote, pulling the old one out and with tongs, gently urge the spider into it's new home before quickly putting the lid back on.

How did said spider escape?

Apparently they're more flexible than I gave them credit for.

As the critter tote that the tarantula was in had been a bit damaged in transport.
Where the corners had chipped that held the lid on.
It wasn't major enough to create a huge hole, and the lid would still clip on.
So I hadn't thought anything of it.

But apparently that small gap between the broken corner and the lid...was enough of a gap for the spider to get out off.

*shakes head*

Hence why I grabbed a brand new undamaged critter tote to put the spider in.
Kinda pointless to put it back in it's old cage if it can escape it after all.

So yah, tarantula is contained! Woot!

Which is far better than my sister I hear that they have one on the loose somewhere. :S :S 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 28, 2020

Waiting or Not

It's kinda crazy how people manage to end up all at the same place at the same time.
Like my department can be dead for hours, but then suddenly four different families descend on me needing help all at the same moment.
Or else I pull into a place that's dead and five minutes later six other cars pull in behind me.

But the frustrating thing tends to be the rushes at the registers.
As lately they've been occurring right as I get off work.

Like there will only be one or two people in line at a time.
No need for a backup cashier.

But then the days where I'm like "I really should buy things" it seems like everyone and their mom decides that they need to check out all at the same time so we go from having only one or two people in line to like...ten.

And having dealt with customers all day...I'm not really in the mood, at the end of my shift, to stand in line with other people to wait to be checked out.

No, I'd rather wait and find a slow day where I don't have to wait in line and be at the register and checked out and gone in like two minutes.

But this past week hasn't been that way.

Time and time again it's a long line at the register by the time I get off.

*shakes head*

Good thing the things I need to get aren't time sensitive.
I can get them whenever.

But still.
It does get frustrating that it's happened so many times in a row now.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 27, 2020


It seems to be a week where my mental health is just...

And it's been difficult to find ways to relax.
I mean I've had a migraine/headache almost every day this week.
And like...that's out of the ordinary considering I've mostly managed to get a handle on what triggers most of my migraines and take measures to negate them.

But when unexpected changes happen...
It's hard to not have myself stress out over it.

Especially when I don't....understand how I got the change to happen?

Like. I've gotten quite used to being a wallflower.
To not being noticed.

So to have someone pay attention to me, compliment me, want to hang out with me?

It's stressing me out.

Because people don't 'do' that with me.

I'm usually ignored.
Others are paid more attention to than me.

So it's stressful to have the sudden spotlight.
And my mind is spiraling.

Wondering what could 'go wrong'

Because this doesn't just 'happen'

And I want something good to come out of it.
To enjoy the moment.

But with a spiraling mind...spirals usually head downwards.

And with other aspects of my life being emotionally and mentally stressful to me already.
Adding this unexpected company to the mix....

Is either really good timing.
Or another trial that I have to muddle through.
And I honestly don't know if I have the strength to deal with it if it's another trial.

Because what's the point of hitting me when I'm already emotionally low?
Which is why it's stressful.
Because on the surface it seems like a thing to help boost my mental and emotional levels.

I'm worried.
I'm stressed.

It's an unexpected change.
And I don't know how to handle those that well yet.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


I'm really grateful for my roomie.
Who time and time again the past couple of weeks,
Has offered to go get and bring me back food.

And it's just...
So gratifying.
To have someone care enough to be willing to bring you dinner at work.
Or go out and grab food and bring it back home.

Especially when I haven't had the energy to deal with people beyond my work shifts the past little while.
So to have her go out and get the fast food I've been craving.

Is amazing.
Amazing that my roomie is willing to do that. 
Because those little pick me ups.

Make all the difference. 

Until ou next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


I can't focus.
And it's frustrating me.
I'm on edge.
I can't relax.
And if I can't relax.
I can't focus.

All I want to do is work on writing.
But I can't settle down enough to do so.

As every time it feels like I'm finally getting to the point where I can just...write. 
Get my creative juices flowing and actually maybe finally complete a project.

Something happens.
That throws me off balance.
That restresses me out. 

And I end up mentally spinning in circles until I can relax again...
Only for the cycle to start up.

I hate this.
I just want to chill.
To step away.

To work on writing.

Note to self.

Leave my phone in a different room at some point. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 24, 2020

Mirror Mirror

You ever have those quiet self doubts.
That are presented every time you look at yourself in a mirror?
But you can't really vocalize aloud because....well just because?

Like you watch other people out there accomplishing things. Meeting the expectations set by society.

And you're left staring in a mirror wondering what is wrong with you that you haven't yet met those same goals? Why aren't you dating anyone? Why aren't you married yet? Why don't you have more friends?

It's those quiet self doubts.
Wondering if it's your hair, your eyes, your voice, your stature, the clothes you're wearing, what you like to do for fun, how clean you keep your room, how often you drink soda, what books you read, what shows you watch, your job....that's stopping people from taking a second look at you.

That are hard to get rid of late at night.
When you're alone.
Staring in the mirror.
Wondering why. 

And it's've been staring at that mirror for so long.
Wondering what's wrong. Why you're not doing things 'right'

That it's surprising....
When people show an interest.
And for some unfathomable reason...
That someone actually wants to get to know you. 
Wants to hang out with you.

And it's been so long since someone has shown interest that I'm just...left at a loss.
Staring in the mirror.
Wondering how and why. 

I'm trying to not overthink it.
Trying to not Stress about it.
Just have fun and enjoy things in the moment.

But there's this niggling self doubt in the back of my mind.

Just mind-boggled that anything could work out at all.

After all...
The imagine in the mirror hasn't drawn attention before.
Why now? 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Inner Turmoil Outside Causes

It's hard being in emotional turmoil.
Having other people stress you out to the point where it just drains you?

As I try to do my best to have things be rather mellow.
Keep it low key. Calm. 
Because being in too stressful of an environment for too long can well...stress me out as well and cause me migraines and basically have me out for the count.

So it's hard.
When people come into your life that used to be kinda your 'eye of the storm'
The sort of people that help to calm things down, make you feel better.
It's hard when those soothing sources...end up no longer being soothing.
Where you tense up whenever you see them. Get a text or a call from them. 
Those moments when you can feel your shoulders tensing up.
Feel the butterflies twisting in your stomach.

Because you remember how it used to be.
But it's not that way anymore.
And it's hard to judge what to expect.
How to react.
If they're going to be on the better side this time or if you're going to be left feeling awkward and just well...have your whole day end up off kilter because of it.

And it's difficult.
Especially when I'm a 'helping' sort of person.
Where I want to help.
I want to soothe.
I want to make things right.

But I have to hold back.
Recognize that our interactions aren't in either of our best interests. 

It's just....not the sort of inner turmoil that I want to deal with currently. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Black and White

I brought home another fish today. ^^;;
A betta fish.

Which was rather unexpected.
As like, my angelfish I was planning to bring home because I couldn't leave it in our sick tank for forever.

But the betta fish?
Not so much.

I mean, I've been thinking of maybe getting a new tank set up.
And setting up a Halloween themed tank with a GloBetta in it.
Have it be all otherworldly and such.

But otherwise.
Hadn't really planned to get another betta.

But I had one of my other bettas die the other day.
Which left me with an empty tank.
And like...
I could either choose to take it down.
Or move a different betta into it and take a different betta's tank down that wasn't as nice looking.

Or I could get a totally new betta for the tank.

But it wasn't an active plan or anything.

We did get in some new fish yesterday on our fish shipment.
So I figured I'd check out and see what bettas we got in.
See if there were any cool colored ones.

Or ones.
As I've been looking to get an orange betta like the soft orange color shade for a while now.
But I haven't yet found one that spoke to me in a 'I need to take you home right now' sort of way.

That didn't happen today either ^^;; lol
My quest for an orange shade betta will have to wait a bit longer.

The betta I found today is a pretty black and white one.
Where like the body is mostly white, but has splatters of black all over the tail and it just looked kinda ghosty to me. Though I don't ghosts have a couple spots of red on them. lol. 

The color and the pattern was unique enough that I was like !!!!!!

And yah.
^^;; I ended up bringing home a betta today lol.
He seems to be enjoying his new tank.

Though I am still debating about whether I'll get a Halloween tank or not....
We'll see.
October is still over a month away.

But yah.
I'm pretty happy with the new betta. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 21, 2020

Bush Cat and the Tabby

We went on a walk around the block today. 
My roomie, Kikay and I.
As Kikay had dropped by for a visit to come learn to make Cakeballs from Ash.
And while we were waiting for the cake to cool down, decided to go take a walk around the block.

Mostly so that Kikay could burn a bit of the energy she was feeling as she was finding it difficult to sit still. 

And like our usual walks around the block.
As we approach a certain house.
We keep an eye out for Bush Cat.

Which is a black cat that we first met like...two years ago now? Maybe three?
When a bush started meowing at us as we walked past it.
And the black kitty came out to be petted. XD lol.

One of these days we might actually discover Bush Cat's name.
But for now.
She's just Bush Cat.

And she loves to be petted when she's around when we walk by.
But she has a companion.
A tabby that is more aloof.
He kinda just stares down at us from his position on the stairs or the deck of the house.
But doesn't usually deign to come down and get attention.

Until today!

lol apparently the pandemic and isolation is getting to him as well.
As he ended up following Bush Cat down to come say hi to us when we walked by today.

I think he took a liking to me as I was able to pet him the longest.
But it was just such a feeling of accomplishment to have the tabby come down and say hi.
And to pet him.
And ah.

I've missed having cats around.
We haven't had any cats at work since like...February.
So it was nice to spend a few minutes just petting these neighborhood cats.

Good times. Such good times.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 20, 2020

New Angelfish

I brought home a new angelfish today.

One that I adopted from the store.
As when the angelfish had come in our fish shipment.
There was a pin sized hole through it's body.
Up by the dorsal fin.
Just a hole that went all the way through.
But it was mostly healed.
And we'd placed the angelfish into our iso tank in the back to make sure it healed fully. 

It wasn't the sort of injury that would vanish though.
The angelfish will most likely always have a hole in it's head.

And so I decided to adopt it. ^^;;

As I didn't want the angelfish living forever in our iso tank.
And I have a big enough tank that it can have plenty of space to roam around in.
And hopefully get along with the other two angelfish in my tank.

*shakes head*
Though as soon as I put the new angelfish in the tank.
It went immediately after my giant male angel that's like thrice the little one's size.

Silly silly angelfish.

I could only *face palm*
Because of course this angelfish has to go and pick on the largest fish in the tank.


Thankfully the little one seems to have settled down after the initial introduction process. 
So I don't have to fear that the angelfish will die in the first few hours.
Though I guess I'll have to wait and see how they angel does at night.

Hopefully it survives well.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Bad Vibes All Around

The more I hear about my sister store....
The less I want to go over and help at that location.

I know that they're struggling.
That they have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to getting the store back to perfection.

But from how the place is described.

I honestly don't know if I have the energy emotionally, physically, or mentally to deal with the dark heart of bad vibes this place seems to be. 

I discovered today that the store...has gone down to 2 managers.
When there should be like six of them there.
Only 2 managers are left.

I don't know if they had all 6 there when the RM came into town.
But I do know that the head manager was fired.

And I discovered that the Stocking soon as they heard that the RM was coming into the building....walked out.
Like. Left the store to never return.

Which upon seeing the state of our sister store....I'm pretty sure the RM would have fired them if they stayed. 

It's kinda intense.
Like the last time I heard of a store loosing nearly all it's managers like that....
Was right before I got hired on at my store.
They'd apparently fired all but one manager just before I was hired.
So the managers I started with were all new to the store besides the one.

And like...we have gone down to like...four managers? I think....when managers ended up quitting or transferring or getting fired around the same time.

But we haven't gone down to two. 

So I can better see why my managers have been working overtime to cover shifts at the other store.
Because you can't run a store on just 2 managers seven days a week.
Those managers need to have a couple of days off sometime.

It's just crazy.
I hear that they have a mountain of invoices that haven't been received.
I hear that there's like 4 shopping carts piled high with out of date product.
The store is also apparently filthy.
And the receiving area still has a ton of product that needs to go out on the shelves.

But like.
On top of that. 
While one of my managers and one of my coworkers was there, one of their workers yelled at my coworker about stocking. guys haven't properly stocked your shelves in 8 months and you're yelling at my employee?
My manager put their foot down and was like "If you have an issue bring it to me, but you do not yell at my employees or treat my employees in such a fashion."
Apparently that worker who yelled at mine....walked out after that conversation.

So yah.

The store is just a mess.

And I find myself really reluctant to go subject myself to a place that just seems to be filled with negative energy.


It's crazy.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Get to Me

So I got a raise at work yesterday!
Or...well I was told I will be getting a raise.
As it was my yearly review.
So once my official 'year mark' passes.
I'll be getting a pay increase.
So woot!
Yay slightly more money. XD lol.

Of course,
There's always the "Where can I improve" section of the yearly review.
Where the manager gives suggestions on where I could be 'better.'

And this time around.
My manager.
Who's the newest manager to the store. 

Said that I shouldn't let 'my coworkers and customers ''get to me''' and I should give the newbies more time to 'figure things out.'

Which is rather confusing.
Because like....I try to be understanding of my new coworkers.
I recognize that they can't know everything right away.
And I thought I was doing good with our two newest people.
Since they've only been working in the store for like...a month.
And I've interacted with them like maybe six times?
*shakes head*

I haven't done much really with them....

So maybe my manager was referring to other coworkers?

Customers...yah. There are occasions where I like to complain about the people I have to deal with.
But it's like a....complaining out of love?
Like. "Can you believe so and so asked me if this and that" blah blah blah.

I just like sharing the random encounters I have.

And I do do my best to nice with my coworkers?
To be understanding.

But like...when you're stuck working with the same four people over and over and over and over for like an entire pandemic....
Little things tend to get on your nerves.
Especially when the coworkers I kept working with have a high stress energy that gets on my nerves more quickly than other coworkers in the store.

So like...I do what I can with what I got?

*shakes head*
I mean...if I actually had customers or coworkers 'get to me' I wouldn't still be working at the same job eight years later.

It's a complaint because I care.

But yah.
It was an interesting comment from the manager.

I'll figured it basically means I just need to reign in complaining to that manager about stupid customers.
And also try to keep a better cap on my tone of voice when responding to coworkers.

We'll see how it goes. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 17, 2020

Bad to Worse

Apparently....things are much worse at my sister's store than my managers expected them to be.

Like. It was known our sister store was behind on their planner/resets/pogs. That they were a bit behind on truck. But like...the general thought was that it was only a couple months behind.


It's been much longer than that.

Apparently our sister store hasn't touched any of the planned resets, planners, pogs, displays since BEFORE the pandemic started.

Like. That's a good EIGHT MONTHS where none of the planned stocking resets had been done.

Which just like...boggles my mind.
How can you get EIGHT months behind on that? store is twice the size of theirs.
We only had like 9 people with a skeleton crew.

And we still managed to stay on top of all the stuff that corporate wanted us to do stocking wise. *shakes head* I knew our sister store was struggling before the pandemic. 
But struggling like that? *shakes head*

Like, from how it was described.
The sister store's receiving area --which is rather small, like maybe a half to a third of the size of the receiving area in my store.
Has about 6 trucks worth of product that needs to go out onto the floor.


Like. I think the 'smallest' truck shipment we get in is like...eight pallets? 
Most of the time it's a higher number than that.
And I'm just like O_o.
That they have sooo much product in the back that needs to come out.

But you know why it hasn't come out onto the floor?
Because a lot of that product is new stuff. 
Stuff that doesn't already have a spot on the shelves.
Not when the shelves haven't been reset to make room for the new product. 

Like...can you imagine how much product might be wasted? Just because it wasn't put out on the shelf in a timely manner?
Can you imagine all the HOLIDAY items that were never sold that are now on clearance because it's past their season?

No wonder corporate is pissed enough to approve giving people overtime to fix things. To get the store stocked and back up to standards.

(Though really, it shouldn't be surprising that you put people on a skeleton crew for months at a time that some things just fall through the cracks) 

It's just...crazy.
So crazy.

It's been described like playing a game of jenga.
Where you have to be careful which piece you move in the puzzle. 
Because like you have to reset the section but in order to reset the section you have to like...find the product and have all the proper shelving and hooks and such and who knows where that is among all the piles of boxes.

I just feel for my sister store.
Like. How hard must it have been to be working there during that time.

Like. One manager described the receiving area like unto walking into a hoarders home.

That's bad.
So bad. 

*shakes head*
I hope we can help our sister store get back to a better set up.
Because gah. I can't imagine it. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Outside Chilling

So like...two months ago.
We had some construction people tear down our old deck.

Because it was old, falling apart, apparently not built to standards and well...falling apart.

But due to a...lumber shortage??
It took them like another month to come back with the lumber to put up the framework for the deck. 
Because they had to wait for their order to come in....and it kept getting delayed. *shakes head*

But to save some money my roomie/landlord decided that they would put the planking down on the deck themselves. 

Which has been what they've done over the course of the past week. 

And I have to say.
It's nice.
Nice being able to go outside and stand on a deck again. 

I mean...while the decking part of building the deck is done.
We still have to get railings put on and like...install the staircase (a company will do that) so we can get down to the backyard below.

But it's nice.
Nice to have a deck where you can just go out there in the morning or in the afternoon and just sit and listen to the birds, watch the world go by. Just...relax.

It's definitely a zen feeling.
Just being able to sit outside and feel relaxed.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Hanging Out

It's been a while since I've hung out with friends.
Which makes sense with the pandemic and all.
I've really only interacted with roommates and my family and of course...all the people at work.

But like...friend friends?
I haven't seen them in person in forever.

Which considering I don't have many friends in the first place...isn't that big of a deal.
Especially since I'm introverted enough that I usually only see my friends like once every three months anyways -the ones who live in the area at least-

But at the same time.
It's just kinda something I've missed.

Like just being able to go meet up for lunch and spend a couple of hours chatting while eating food. 

So it was nice today.
Because I was able to do that.

Granted, not in the 'normal' manner as many places still have their dining areas closed and I wouldn't want to eat there yet anyways because of the pandemic.

But I met up with a friend today. 
Grabbed us some fast food through the drive thru for the both of us and met them at the nearby park where we could have a picnic of sorts on the grass and just chat and chill.

It was nice.
So nice.

I've missed these sort of interactions. 

Until you next see these words;
I"ll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, August 14, 2020

Not a Good Visit

So on Wednesday, my work went into a bit of a frantic frenzy.
Because we got word that our regional manager had flown into town for a surprise visit to basically come check out how all the stores in our state were doing. 

And that the RM had just left our sister store 20 minutes further up the valley.
Had to mean that they were coming down to see us next.

Cue total panic (though it wasn't as panicked because the managers on duty are better at controlling their panic than ones I've had previously) 

But it was a rush to make sure everything was faced, up to standard, looking nice, and that we knew the new 'customer engagement' procedure that has gone into effect. 
-The standard way they want us to greet customers and evaluate what they need and such. 

But like...four hours passed.
And there was no sign of said RM.

And thinking it over.
I did wonder if they would actually come into the store at all.
Because our Head Manager is on vacation currently.
And usually if the RM comes into town, they plan to visit when the HM is there.
And they know when the HM is on vacation or not because the HM has to get approval from the higher ups before taking a vacation.

So I wasn't surprised when I came in the next day to find out that the RM had actually headed back out of state after visiting our sister store in the valley. That they never came to our store at all.

*shakes head*
On one hand I'm relieved.
On the other hand, it's rather annoying to have to deal with higher stress not have a pay out? Not have a visit and be told that we're doing good?
Idk. It's frustrating to to have stress be for nothing. (I should be one to know as I stress over small things constantly) 

I am kinda glad that the RM didn't come visit.

Because their visit with our sister store....was not a good visit. 

Like, it's been known for awhile that our sister store has been struggling. 
Before the pandemic at the beginning of the year, there had been talk of having a couple of managers from my store transfer over to our sister store to 'help out.'

It never happened due to well. *gestures around* everything. 

But I'd been hearing more and more customers complaining about our sister store.
Most of it had been because whoever works in my department over there...isn't doing much to make friends or stay in the customers good graces. 

But I've had people comment on the state of the store.
Had people mention that our sister store was...well a mess. Behind on setting new planners for the shelves and such. 

Which on the one hand I can get falling behind.
Because corporate cut a ton of hours. Leaving us all on a skeleton crew for months at a time in the middle of a pandemic.
Like...I can see how there just wouldn't be 'time' to do everything.

Yet at the same time, I think my store is like...twice the size of our sister store....and we've done pretty well on keeping up with the various stocking resets they've had us do. 

It wasn't good enough.
The RM came into our sister store and saw the mess.
Saw that they hadn't set planner.
Saw that they were two months behind on setting the themes for the endcaps of the aisles and such.

And apparently....fired the HM that day because of it. 

Which :S :S It's never fun to be let go of a job.
Especially in the middle of a pandemic.
But yikes.

And really the only reason why I heard that this occured.
Is because corporate is willing to pay people overtime to go work for the next couple of weeks at our sister store. 
To help them with their stocking issues, and with getting the store up to date on their resets and planner and such. 

I'm still debating on whether or not I want to go over and help.
Because on the one hand I want to see our stores do well, and I want to help make our sister store better. Plus like...the extra money from overtime would really help.
At the same time though...I would be working like double shifts. As I would still have my shifts at my store, and then I would head over to our sister store and help them there. 
Which considering how drained I am after I get home from work most days...
idk if I could handle overworking myself like that. 

Plus like...I've been to our sister store a couple of times.
And I really do not like the vibe/energy of the place. *shakes head*
It's always felt 'off' when I've been there (though it's been like a good 3 or 4 years since I've stepped into their store) 
And I can't imagine with the state of things, that the feeling owuld have improved at all.

So yah.
Still debating if I want to go help out or not.
It probably depends on when they need help.
As they hadn't yet figured out if they were wanting the extra help during store hours or after store hours into like graveyard shifts.

So we'll see. If the availability doesn't clash with my own shifts...I may consider helping out once or twice.
We'll see.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Big Fangs

You ever have your plans get derailed by a tiny itty bitty detail or issue?

That happened to me today.
As I was halfway planning to maybe hang out in the basement and try and work on writing down there while listening to my fish tank trickle water.
Since my usual spot upstairs has become too 'comfortable' to me and I find it difficult to actually get into gear and write.

And I currently can't hang out in my room and work on writing, because we're at that stage of the year where the AC unit outside my window goes ALL DAY LONG. 

That particular white noise gets on my nerves after a while.
Especially when it goes for hours on end.

And since we've lost our shade trees to the fire like three years ago, the western half of our house gets a ton of direct summer heat shining on it.
Which means the AC unit has to work all day long to keep it from getting above 80 degrees in the house.
And then spends the evening after the sun has set frantically trying to cool down the house to the point where all of will be able to comfortably sleep. 

So usually I end up hanging out upstairs where it's the 'quietest' all things considering.
You know...besides getting distracted with roomie conversations lol. 

In any case.
I had topped off my fishtank with more water recently, so the noise of the filters and trickling water was in the more quiet soothing stage than the gurgly annoying stage.
So I was thinking I would hang out down there and write.

When I went downstairs to feed the fish and scope out a good writing spot.

I discovered a HUGE GIANT spider waiting for me.
I was sitting in the corner of the room halfway up the wall.
And it's body was like a good inch long. 
It was the largest spider I've seen in a long while at the house.
(explains why the tiny spiders vanished though) 
And like...that spider had ginormous fangs. 
Like they could have been mistaken for legs.
They were long.
Very intimidating.
And I very much didn't want to get bitten by such a creature.
Nor have it wandering around my house.

Nope nope nope nope.

It took a bit of willpower to gather up the courage to approach giant spider with a glass bottle and a piece of cardboard so that I could catch it.

Yah. Spider freaked out when I placed the jar over it. Zooming back and forth from the top of the glass to the bottom to the top to the bottom.

But yah.
I managed to catch it and thankfully it couldn't climb the glass once I got the cardboard over the opening so I could turn it upright.

Such a creepy brown spider.
Honestly it looked kinda like a hobo. :S :S :S
Though another person thought it might be a funnel spider?
In any case.

It was huge.
It was creepy.
And it wasn't staying in the house.

So I took it to the deck  upstairs.
And yeeted it into the backyard below. 

Hopefully it had a 'nice flight'

And after spraying down the entrances with peppermint.
I called it good.

Only. Being downstairs now made me on edge.
Knowing that such a huge spider had been lurking over by my fish tank.

I mean, I'd been sitting, leaning against the wall near said fish tank like two days earlier.
And I shudder to think that such a huge spider could have been lurking so close to me even then.

So yah.
Being on edge already from seeing the creature.
I didn't feel like I could actually go sit on the couches down there and relax.
Because what if another giant spider appeared?!

Nope nope nope.

So yah.
My plans totally got waylaid because of that. Heh.

Hopefully I can actually get to writing tomorrow....
We'll see. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Blocked Off

So last week we had like a...repaving? company come to repave our parking lot.
But they chose to only repave/repaint the section in front of our store and then the next section of stalls after that. 

Which brought immediate problems because they'd blocked off the main entrance to the store with caution tape.

And the setup for the section our store is on...includes having the ability for cars to drive along the storefronts. 

So to have tape preventing cars from doing that...while nice...didn't last long.
It wasn't long before someone drove through the yellow tape blocking off the road and that allowed an influx of people to come park in front of the store within the yellow tape part while the construction people were on break.
So when they came back they had to track down all the shoppers and tell them to move their cars so that they could repaint the road to mark stalls and such. 

They replaced the tape and everything.
But the next morning when we came into work...someone had driven through both barriers of tape...allowing people to drive through and park whichever way they wanted.
So the nice shiny yellow and white paint...didn't stay all shiny for long. *shakes head*

Me thinks they should have placed construction cones in front of the entrances so that cars would have an easier time seeing that the area was blocked off.

But today....
Today was more entertaining.
Because the repaving crew came back to repave the back half of our half of the parking lot.
And then repave the middle section of stalls/drive area that separates my store from the next store over.

And to do that. They once again used caution tape to block off the area they were working in.
Which meant that cars could no longer use the route in front of the store to drive through the area. 
As the middle section had been blocked off.

And to ensure that people couldn't miss the yellow tape, they borrowed a few of our carts and placed them in the way to form a barrier. 

But wasn't a well thought out plan.
Because when all was said and only left about twelve stalls available to park in. 
And only one way in and out of the parking lot. 

And when half off those stalls got filled up with people working in the didn't leave that many places at all for customers to park.
But the construction crew hadn't really put up any signs at all on how to direct people to go park in front of the store next to us.

No it was just this tiny little section of parking....

Which was not made at all for having cars be able to...well turn around...if there was no parking available in front of the store.
Which there wasn't most of the day. 

So it ended up being like a huge game of ring around the rosie for all the cars coming in as they'd pull into the lot....see the barrier that prevented them from continuing to drive along the store fronts, they'd turn into the section of be dead ended there...and then would have to K-Turn, U-turn, back out of that area to get back to the front of the road in order to exit the parking lot and take the long way around to go park in front of the other store front. 

Like...if I was in charge of repaving...I probably would have worked my way from the back of the parking lot up to the front.
And I would have ensure there was two exits so that cars wouldn't get bottlenecked trying to a) find parking or b) get out of the lot.

I can only hope that they at least unblock the drive through part of the road so that cars can drive along the front of the store tomorrow.
Because I doubt customers will be happy to be confronted with super mini parking lot multiple days in a row.
Especially if the construction people are only going to come once a week to do parts of the parking lot.

*shakes head* So much chaos.
But yah...I do have to say it was amusing to see multiple cars repeat the same mistake time after time after time. 
Definitely kept the day more interesting.
And also kept foot traffic down within the store, which is always nice when it's a slower day because that allows us to get more tasks done. 

I am surprised that more customers didn't try to complain to us about the state of the parking lot.
Then again, probably most of them realized there was nothing we could do about the issue since we aren't construction people. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Bump Bump Scrape

It seems to be a week of injuries for me.
Which happens every now and then.

Despite my years of experience at work.
There's just those days where I get hurt.

*shakes head*

Like earlier last week I banged my elbow against something and scraped it a little.
But for the first time in a long while.
The bump actually turned into a bruise. O_o 

Though it's the light yellow/greenish shade that isn't really that noticable unless you're looking for it. 
It's still weird that I ended up with a bruise. 
As I've probably gotten banged up enough that my skin doesn't react to bruising as easily anymore.

But nope. Nice big bruise like a good two inches or so long is on my elbow. 

And then I accidentally pulled up the fingernail of one of my fingers hard enough that it's still tender like a day later. Sore. So I'm not quite sure what I did...besides trying to grab something and my fingers slipping at the wrong angle causing the nail to be jerked upwards. 
But I don't know why it's causing the finger itself to hurt when it was more focused on the nail. *shakes head*

And then today....

A customer had come into the store with a dog kennel on a flat cart that they wanted to return.
And since I was in charge of the register at the moment, I was in charge of returning said kennel.

But when I went around the back of it to scan the barcode so I could return it.
I misjudged where the end of the cart was.
And when I started moving back to the register to finish the transaction...
My leg went full tilt into the corner of the cart.

Like. Agh.
Instant pain. 

Because OW!

But I had to finish the transaction before I could check my leg as it was aching, but I wasn't sure if I had scraped the skin or drawn blood or anything.

I scraped it pretty good.
And hit it hard enough to cause like instant swelling because there was quite the lump on my leg where I'd jabbed it against the cart.
And drew blood. Not a lot...but like enough that I wanted to get a bandaid on it to give it some protection since I still had like...6 hours of my shift left to work. 

The problem was was that I was on register.
And no one could come cover me as I was the only one available at the moment because the rest of my coworkers for the day were managers.
And one manager had left the store to run a guinea pig to the vet.
While the second manager was in the back unloading our truck that had just shown up with more stock to put on the shelves.
While the third manager was stuck in an office on a weekly conference call....

So yah.
I couldn't really have anyone cover me.
So I had to wait until the manager got back from the vet and could switch me out so I could go clean up my leg and get a band-aid on it.

-It wasn't a major scrape, and I wasn't actively bleeding though blood did well up on the scrape.
So I was good to wait at the register for a bit longer.
If the injury was more serious I would have called out the manager from the conference call to cover me so I could treat it faster.

But yah.
Besides being super sore still.
And tender to the touch.
It's good overall.

Though I will be curious to see if it bruises more than the bump I got on my arm or not.

As it seems to be that the injuries you think will bruise...don't....and those that you think won't 

So we'll see what happens.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, August 10, 2020

Power Outage

We had the power flicker out for two seconds today at work.

Which doesn't happen that often. Maybe two or three times a year it feels like.
And rarely like maybe only twice? Does the power stay off longer than a couple of seconds.

So when the power went off today at work, I wasn't too concerned. I figured that we could get things up and running rather quickly because really the power was hardly off for long enough for it to count.

The random power outage totally upset our registers.

And like...I remember the power going out and the registers being fine. Like it wasn't a big deal.

But apparently this time, and the last time (I wasn't there for it)
It's caused issues.

In that the computers connected to the registers like completely shut down and don't respond.
To the point that the managers had to call the solutions center to have them help us reboot them so that we could check people out and have them pay for their purchases.

Really it should be like maybe a ten or fifteen minute thing at the most.


Our registers were down for nearly an hour it felt like.

Probably closer to around 45 minutes.

But that is a loooonnnngggg time to not be able to sell anything to anybody.

Understandably some customers decided to forgo waiting in line and come back later.

We did keep updating them on the situation. Making overhead announcements, talking to people waiting in the line, and me, I ran interference at the front doors letting the customers know when the entered the store that we had a brief power outage and our registers were down and we're trying to get them back up, but that is why the line is so long so if they want to come back later we understood.

It was a relief when we finally got the first register up and running.
With our second and third registers coming online quickly afterwards so we could get all the people in line through as quickly as possible.

And because of their patience we gave the customers a discount off their purchase as a thank you for waiting.

A bunch of people were happy about that lol.

But yah.
Crazy how a simple power outage can totally cause chaos for nearly an hour. *shakes head*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi