Monday, November 30, 2015

October 2007 General Conference -Saturday Afternoon

M. Russell Ballard -Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits
  • We need to remember that there is a difference between interest and mere curiosity.
  • Most people will not read or focus on more than just a few important facts at one time.
  • The best way to answer people's interest can be by how we live, how we radiate the joy of the gospel  in our lives, how we treat others, and how sincerely we follow the teachings of Christ.
Joseph B. Wirthlin -The Great Commandment
  • Nothing you do makes much of a difference if you do not have charity.
  • Love is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the pathway of discipleship. It comforts, counsels, cures, and consoles. It leads us through valleys of darkness and through the veil of death. In the end love leads us to the glory and grandeur of eternal life.
  • Sometimes the greatest love is not found in the dramatic scenes that poets and writers immortalize. Often, the greatest manifestations of love are the simple acts of kindness and caring we extend to those we meet along the path of life.
  • True love lasts forever. It is eternally patient and forgiving. It believes, hopes, and endures all things.
  • There is no pain it (Christlike love) cannot soften, no bitterness it cannot remove, no hatred it cannot alter.
  • We see ourselves in terms of yesterday and today. Our Heavenly Father sees us in terms of forever.
  • Although we might settle for less, Heavenly Father won't for He sees us as the glorious beings we are capable of becoming.
Bruce D. Porter -A Broken Heart and a Contrite Spirit
  • When we yield our hearts to the Lord, the attractions of the world simply lose their luster.
Erich W. Kopischke -Preach My Gospel--the Unifying Tool between Members and Missionaries
  • Go ye into the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Michael J. Teh -Out of Small Things
  • Be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of the small things proceedeth that which is great.
  • Serving others need not come from spectacular events. Often it is the simple daily act that gives comfort, uplifts, encourages, sustains, and brings a smile to others.
Keith K. Hilbig -Quench Not the Spirit Which Quickens the Inner Man
  • Quench not the Spirit
  • We too must be careful not to hinder, disregard, or quench the Spirit in our lives.
  • The path to eternal life is not a plateau, Rather, it is an incline, ever onward and upward.
  • Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you.
  • Seek me diligently and ye shall find me.
  • Live in the Spirit.
Jeffrey R. Holland -The Only True God and Jesus Christ Whom He Hath Sent
  • If the idea of an embodied God is repugnant, why are the central doctrines and singularly most distinguishing characteristics of all Christianity the Incarnation, the Atonement, and the physical Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ? If having a body is not only not needed but no desirable by Deity, why did the Redeemer of mankind redeem His body, redeeming it from the grasp of death and the grave, guaranteeing it would never again be separated from His spirit in time or eternity. Any who dismiss the concept of an embodied God dismiss both the mortal and the resurrected Christ.
Russell M. Nelson -Scriptural Witnesses
  • Whoso cometh unto  me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost.
  • I have come unto the world to bring redemption unto the world, to save the world from sin.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Worth of a Laptop

There's something about human nature.
Where you want to get the most out of everything.
Whether its using it til it doesn't work any more.
Or selling it for as much gain as you can get.

You want to get what you think your worth of the item is, out of that item.

On Black Friday,
I finally bought myself a new laptop.


Which meant, that I could finally get rid of my other laptop.
The one where the hard drive died on me. Again.

A little while ago.
A friend of mine offered to buy my broken laptop from me.
Because they like to tinker with laptops.
See how they work, maybe get them working again.

I was hesitant to do so then.
Just in case I couldn't find a new laptop of my liking.
I could always invest in money and have it sent out and repaired.

I wasn't really sure how much I should sell my broken laptop for.
I mean...
It's broken.
It's not like its brand new and can go for the full price I paid for it.
It's not slightly used and can go for like half price or whatever.

Its not working.

There's the whole sentimental value.
I mean the laptop has been a part of my life for like two years.
Its hard to just....give it up.
For any money.
In many ways it can be priceless.

Enough time had passed.
A new laptop is arriving in my home any day now.

And my attachment to the broken laptop had faded enough that I could consider selling it.
Without heartache. Without pain.

So I could sell it.
But for how much?
How much was a reasonable asking price?
How much was a good asking price for a friend?

In the end.
I ended up selling three old laptops to my friend.
Because I mean...what's the point of keeping them around, taking up space, when they aren't useful to me?

I'm rather happy with what I sold them for.
Though, lol, a part of me, that greedy human natured part.
Still thinks I could have asked for more.
Gotten more money out of it.
And then logic comes in and states that they're broken laptops.
Not worth as much as I want them to be worth,
And that the amount I asked for is just fine.

I got some extra cash in my pocket for more Christmas Shopping lol. T
And my friend got three 'new' laptops to tinker with and figure out. :)

So its a win win situation for all of us. lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Simply Having A Wonderful Shopping Time

So I may have developed a slight problem.
That slight problem being Christmas cheer.
Or at least, the joy of giving.

As I've been anxiously searching both in store and online for the perfect gifts to give to my friends and family this year.

It can be really frustrating,
But also really really exhilarating.
To find a gift you think they'll love!

And this year I've gone a bit overboard I think.
I mean.
I gave myself a limit per person of how much money I should be spending.
and for the most part I've stuck to that limit.

But when You have a lot of people you want to get gifts for...
It ends up totaling to be a lot of money.

lol. Luckily I spent the year stocking up for this exact purpose.
Saving money so that I would be able to buy gifts without worrying about expenses.

Doesn't mean that I'm not concerned lol
But mostly its in the "awww....I like having a certain amount of money in the bank and I just went below that."

Yah.... I probably won't recover from it any time soon.
Especially considering I'm not yet done buying presents.
Considering that in a couple of days I'll need to pay rent.
Considering I just bought a laptop....


You have no idea how long I've been waiting to buy a new laptop!
I nice big one kicked the bucket in like...what August? September? MONTHS ago.

But I've been patiently waiting for the specific laptop I wanted to go on a sale of more than $50.
And guess what?
I told myself I would buy the laptop once it went on sale for $100 less than the price.
And it finally did!
So I pulled the trigger.
Spent a lot of money!

And now I wait.
For it to arrive!
So excited!! ^^

Yes. Definitely a month of buying things lol.
But I'm having fun doing so, so that's what matters right?! :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, November 27, 2015

A Dash in the Cold

I wonder what the customers waiting outside in the car thought.
When they saw a bunch of us workers leave the building ten minutes before our doors were supposed to open for Black Friday. lol

I mean, there had to be at least a dozen cars already waiting in the parking lot.
It was cold enough outside that nobody was standing outside the door until like two minutes before we opened our doors.

In any case.
The reason why basically everyone streamed out the doors was simple.

My Head Manager was being overly paranoid.

He told us all that we needed to move our cars to the back of the parking lot.
Because it was going to 'get crazy' and he didn't want any of our cars to get damaged in the process.

I suppose it was a valid concern.
Though...not really one for my work.
I mean....its a Petstore.
Its not ToysRUs, Best Buy, Walmart, Target, any of those retail stores that have crazy customers fighting to get in the doors. Where people are anxious to park and fighting for spots in the parking lot.

Its a PetStore.
I doesn't really get busy busy on Black Friday til lunch time.

lol but we humored him.
And dashed out into the cold before the store opened, to move our cars further away from the store. That was fun in windy coldness lol.

Before we all dashed back inside for last minute checks before we let our customers in. :)

It wasn't so bad. Like 40 people, orderly came through the door when we opened up. They all walked to their places they wanted to go. And Tada! We were busy for like an hour helping the early customers before the store pretty much died until lunch time. lol. No crazy fights, no running. Yah. Pet owners may be crazy in many ways, but they definitely know how to shop in a non animalistic manner. ;) lol

In any case, when I left, the parking lot was full.
But not crazy full.

I suppose its better to be safe than sorry.

Yay for surviving Black Friday once more! :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Details Of Our Future

My young friends, today I say to you that if you trust the Lord and obey Him, His hand shall be over you, He will help you achieve the great potential He sees in you, and He will help you to see the end from the beginning.

Allow me to share with you an experience from my own boyhood.
When I was 11 years old, my family had to leave East Germany and begin a new life in West Germany overnight.
Until my father could get back into his original profession as a government employee, my parents operated a small laundry business in our little town.
I became the laundry delivery boy.
To be able to do that effectively, I need a bicycle to pull the heavy laundry cart.
I had always dreamed of owning a nice, sleek, shiny, sporty red bicycle.
But there had never been enough money to fulfill this dream.
What I got instead was a heavy, ugly, black, sturdy workhorse of a bicycle.
I delivered laundry on that bike before and after school for quite a few years.
Most of the time, I was not overly excited about the bike, the cart, or my job.
Sometimes the cart seemed so heavy and the work so tiring that I thought my lungs would burst, and I often had to stop to catch my breath.
Nevertheless, I did my part because I knew we desperately needed the income as a family, and it was my way to contribute.

If I had only known back then what I learned many years later--if I had only been able to see the end from the beginning--I would have had a better appreciation of these experiences, and it would have made my job so much easier.

Many years later, when I was about to be drafted into the military, I decided to volunteer instead and join the Air Force to become a pilot.
I loved flying and thought being a pilot would be my thing.

To be accepted for the program I had to pass a number of tests, including a strict physical exam.
The doctors were slightly concerned by the results and did some additional medical tests.
Then they announced, "You have scars on your lung which are an indication of a lung disease in your early teenage years, but obviously you are fine now."
The doctors wondered what kind of treatment I had gone through to heal the disease.
Until that day of that examination I had never known that I had any kind of lung disease.
Then it became clear to me that my regular exercise in fresh air as a laundry boy had been a key factor in my healing from this illness.
Without the extra effort of pedaling that heavy bicycle day in and day out, pulling the laundry cart up and down the street of our town, I might never have become a jet fighter pilot and later a 747 airline captain.

We don't always know the details of our future.
We do not know what lies ahead.
We are surrounded by challenges on all sides.
Occasionally discouragement may sneak into our day; frustration may invite itself into our thinking; doubt might enter about the value of our work.
In these dark moments Satan whispers in our ears that we will never be able to succeed, that the price isn't worth the effort, and that our small part will never make a difference.
He, the father of all lies, will try to prevent us from seeing the end from the beginning.

-Dieter F. Uchtdorf -See the End from the Beginning -April 2006 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Day In Review -November 25th

Friday, November 25th 2005

-Right now I'm on Thanksgiving Break and its going great! Currently I'm cleaning out the stuff that is under my bed. But its very boring work. I'm only doing it so that I can go look at some books at Barnes and Noble. (bribery at its finest lol.) Mom told us kids that we had to have our Christmas list (what we want.) done by December 1st. Which is so unfair because I haven't even thought about what I want yet.

Tuesday, November 25th 2008

-I only had one class today. Institute. Then I went to get help on my sign song by going to my teacher. She was light. I had started to ask another sign teacher when my teacher showed up. Then as I was walking away from the school Daddoo called saying he was here to pick me up, so we met at Subway on the corner and ate lunch there before heading back to my apt to get my things. Then we headed home, stopping at Michael's so I could buy some clay, the D.I. to drop off our junk, and then to my friend Jesss's house to give her a few books. Later the family went to dinner at El Matador's then to Barnes and Noble to get a book. I met Jess there and we went and saw the movie Bolt. It was good and I liked it. Afterwards I had to call my parents to come pick us up because instead of driving like she was supposed to Jess walked the 5 miles to the theatre. Why couldn't she have gotten up the nerve to ask her parents to borrow the car?! Geez. She wouldn't even call them to come pick us up! >.< So irritated. In any case, after doing some errand shopping I came back home after dropping Jess off and finished packing for Florida and here I am. I'm so nervous to get on the plane. I keep conjuring up images of bad things happening, so I'm psyching myself out. I pray nothing goes wrong. Sunny Florida here I come!

Wednesday, November 25th 2009

-Did laundry and dishes today to help out Mother Dearest. Went shopping for food and such with the siblings. It was funny because out of the three f us I looked the youngest yet I drove and showed my license to the check out lady when she asked for it so I could buy Nyquil for my daddoo. The parents managed to beat us home because Daddoo got out of work earlier. Watched Twilight with Kikay and Mother Dearest -had to bribe Kikay with chocolate lol.- We were refreshing our memory for when we go see New Moon tomorrow. Went to mutual with Kikay for fun and chatted with the neighbor. Also got Ice cream and Taymil stole my phone. Watched a dumb movie at Lovell's house then came back and chatted with Kikay.

Thursday, November 25th 2010

-Happy Thanksgiving! Went to Grandma's house this morning to check out some Christmas Decorations she didn't want anymore. It was mostly odds and ends but there wer ea few good things hidden amongst the stuff. Went to Meralto's girlfriend's house for Thanksgiving dinner at 1pm. I don't really understand why we have dinner @ lunch time. Found a "soul sister" there in girlfriend's mom's sister Susan. Went and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. It was a good movie! It stuck closer to the book compared to some of the other movies. Came home and relaxed.

 Friday, November 25th 2011

-Slept most of the morning til 11:15am. Did some online stuff before going over to Jess's place to watch the Polar Express and work on a story involving some of our characters. At 3:45 I went and picked up Mother Dearest from work because the bus she usually takes wasn't running today and Daddoo gets home later then her now because he works 10 hour shifts 4 days a week. Hung out at home for a bit then Shane picked me up to go to a Game night at another friend Kelly's house. I met her in 7th grade. She was in my Jr. High math class. Adam and Brandon -people I've known since elementary also came as well as Shane's cousin Lynsey. We played Spoons and I ended up getting the nail of my left ring finger forced upward causing it to bleed. Its still really painful and makes writing hard since I'm left handed. Played another game called Witches before having Pie and Ice cream.(I just had Ice cream.) before watching George of the Jungle. Brandon took me home because Shane went home early. Strangely he has a self imposed curfew of 10pm...weird.

Sunday, November 25th 2012

-This morning I actually wrote a bit, focusing on my vampire store that takes ideas from Warm Bodies and Rise of the Guardians. I still haven't named my main character yet and I wonder if that's one of the problems why my writing feels flat. I also think its a bit flat because I don't really know much about the character or the plotline. But hey, I'm writing. :) I also took the initiative and brought up the Christmas tree and decorations before Church so that we could decorate it later. I went to Jess's ward to hear her farewell talk. It was actually surprising to hear her be so eloquent and concise and to hear her bear such a powerful testimony. I'd gotten used to how "non-talkative" she is especially on Instant Messaging that it was weird to see her being 'normal'. I really wish she'd show that side of herself more as it reminded me of why I became her friend back in 5th grade She didn't really say much about it when she opened it so I felt sad, but later today she sent me a text saying she really appreciated the note and gift and how thoughtful it was. :) That was a little bright spot to my day. I said goodbye to her and Tay. Logically I knew that today was my last day to see them for 18 months but emotionally it hasn't really hit me. Or I suppose it has, but I don't really think of it as a separation. No, I think that probably happened when I moved to college town 5 years ago. This is just going to be a longer span that I don't see them. I hope that I have something interesting to report when they get back like I published a book (nope.) or got married (nope.) or got my ASL certification (nope) and interpreted conference (nope.) lol A lot can happen in 18 months. (just not any of those things lol.) so I guess we'll see. I am going to miss them. Particularly when I try to go see movies as I don't really have other people besides them two to go see movies with. Guess I'll just have to try and get in contact with my guy friends or something lol. Anyways, I got back home and Daddoo made Mashed Potatoes for dinner while I hung out with the cats. MiniWhisker had a live mouse she was playing with when I showed up. It was weird to see a mouse outside of the petstore. O.o After dinner we set up the Christmas tree and got out the decorations before Kikay and I drove home and watched Once Upon a Time with the Neffies before coming back to the apt. Kah, Kikay and I got to talking about Christmas treats and presents and Kah showed Kikay the gift she got me. And we planned to go to the mall tomorrow to do some more Christmas shopping for each other. I don't really see the rush (which is funny as I've already got most of my Christmas presents ordered this year.) I'd be happy to wait another week or so and go see Rise of the Guardians again tomorrow, but I like the idea of it so I'm going to go. Took a shower and here I am downloading the bagful of Christmas Cds, rather slowly, that I brought from home as I will likely hear more Christmas music on my laptop here as I will be working with no vacations up to and after Christmas. Again a weird feeling.

Monday, November 25th 2013

-Today was a pretty good day. I forgot to turn off my alarm so it went off early in the morning, but I still managed to sleep in til 1030. I took a shower before driving over to Institute for Bro S's Revelation class. Its odd to think we only have like two more classes before the semester is over, however, I'm getting excited as that means I can sign up for a night class and change my work schedule to reflect that. I mean, I'm super excited for Sister T's Dating and Courtship class as I had to drop out before due to work the last time I tried to take it. *fingers crossed* After class I dropped by Taco Bell to get my "red meat" in the form of two hard tacos and one soft taco. I ate the two hard ones at institute and saved the 3rd one for "lunch" at work. Work itself was alright. I wasn't scheduled in my department, but I managed to avoid being on register for most of my shift, (hate register shifts.) There was only an hour where I had to stand there. Work went well though I got a major headache towards the end of my shift. I'm thinking it was a lack of liquids or too much red meat in one day. in any case we got totally crazy in my department the last hour with lots of people wanting fish. I ended up adopting out a bearded dragon. That was an adventure trying to find the paperwork for that, but it worked out in the end. :) I mean the copy machine wouldn't print. So annoying! But on a separate bright note, I sold two of our fancy rats! (they're the most difficult to sell.) Yay! 2 down. 4 to go. I'm excited for the guy who got them for his birthday. I hope they are a good match. I ended up helping to close my dept as well and helped Siera w/ cats before we went home.

Tuesday, November 25th 2014

-Work started off rather well for me in that I was on track to get both cats and the bedding changes done by the time the store opened, but then Tanner came to me with a distraction. I'd just started working on cleaning the bird glass when he knocked on it for me to come out. He then informed me that we had an animal on the loose. A tortoise. O.o I thought he meant turtle as we didn't have any tortoises, but no, there by the fish podium was an actual tortoise. O.o How it go tot be there, I have no idea, the Store wasn't even officially open yet! And it definitely wasn't our tortoise. We had none in stock, I even double checked to be sure. But there he was crawling around the floor covered in dust bunnies. Apparently someone had dropped him off. I don't get it....But what person in their right mind would leave a $120 tortoise on the floor?! Its beyond me. He is so lucky that we didn't accidentally step on him. Poor thing was rather cold too. :( I don't know how long he was wandering around our floors. Hopefully less than an hour or so, or at least at most over night. In any case, he seemed fine and active, but we couldn't sell him since he wasn't in our inventory. So we needed to find someone to give it to or have a shelter take him away. Luckily I knew the perfect person! My Daddoo. :) He told me that if we ever had one of our tortoises go up for adoption (meaning be free.) He'd want it. It took a while to contact him though. Took me like 2 dozen phone calls to remember mom had gone into surgery today to have her throat widened so she could swallow easier. -she's doing fine- Dad was definitely excited to get the tortoise! So I set him up in a temporary cage to get him warm until later and grabbed the necessary supplies before distractedly going back to my work shift. I didn't take him after work. Instead I came home and took a shower before meeting up with Tay and Jess at the mall to go see Big Hero 6. Then after the movie we dropped by work to pick up the tortoise and supplies to drive back up to Hometown to drop off the tortoise to Daddoo for me. He's super excited. :D I stayed and went and saw Big Hero 6 again with Mirleki and Ashley who made it just as the movie was starting. :) Good thing I had the inspiration to check my phone. (as she texted asking if we were still meeting.) In any case there was suppose to be more people but the rest ended up bailing. :( Depressing but not surprising. Next time I try and plan something I'm going to personally invite everyone and see if I get more results that way. But in case you were wondering, I saw the same movie twice because Tay and Jess couldn't do the later showing and I really wanted to see them, but no one else could do the earlier showing and so...two movies. And I didn't even get a headache from it! yes! We went out for ice cream afterwards and met up with Kikay, Ross, the other Neffies before I dropped by Walmart to get food supplies and came home.

Wednesday, November 25th 2015

It was hectic at work today, as expected because we're closed tomorrow. Which meant today was the last day before the black Friday crazy to get things done. Like all normal days work started out alright. I managed to get most of the department open -besides fish- by the time the store opened, but got waylaid in finishing my animal inventory of the week for a while due to needing to cover register, help customers, figure out problems with this and the time I got done with that, we'd already received in our Fish an hour before, and I already had customers hounding at me to get certain fish out if we had them. *shakes head* I got lucky with one and the first box I opened had the desired creature inside, but after that point I told others I wouldn't get to the fish for an hour or so. (how right I was.) I did manage to get all the new fish out into the tanks before I took my lunch and my coworker left. Thankfully I wasn't left alone, but had our greenie come in as my coworker left, so she could finish the tank tasks of scrubbing. While I did some gravel vacuuming then had her do some vacuuming (whenever she wasn't trapped on register.) to train her, while I worked on Betta water, and then taught her some of the fish feeding. It really...just got to the point where I was ready to get out of town because I felt like I was one step away from causing a major disaster by the end of work. The one bright side is that a customer found our missing leopard gecko today! So we were able to get him warmed up and fed and placed in a cage before I left work in a rainstorm (wish it was snow.) to drop by Walmart before I returned to my apt to briefly see my Roommate TIK before she went to work. I took a shower and quickly packed up my stuff, drove over to Kikay's to pick up her, and then we made the drive up to HomeTown for Thanksgiving. We hung out with the parents, ordered pizza, and just chatted for the rest of the evening. A nice way to unwind after a long day at work. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Question? Question.

Do you know how hard it is to not do something once you've been told not to do it?

I have this habit at work.
Of starting of conversations with Managers with either:

or "I have a Question."or the shorter version. "Question."

And today my head manager was like "Stop doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Stop asking a question by asking if you can ask the question. Just ask me the question."

Oh... O.o

lol It was rather difficult for me to switch that up.
To not prelude the conversation my usual way.
And instead just go up to the manager and just straight up and ask the question.

Definitely made me think a bit more about what I was saying today lol.

In any case.

I guess, I like giving people a heads up.
Which is why I say "I have a question." Before actually asking my question.
Its because I'm letting the person know that I'm about to ask them something.
So I'm prepping them to be able to answer my question.
Instead of just springing it on them out of the blue.

So interesting the little quirks I discover about myself from other people. lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, November 23, 2015

October 2007 General Conference Saturday Morning Session

Gordon B. Hinckley -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Boyd K. Packer -The Weak and the Simple of the Church
  • The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones.
  • The Holy Ghost will teach and comfort them. They are then prepared to receive guidance, direction, and correction, whatever their position or needs require.
  • God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
  • There is a natural tendency to look at those who are sustained to presiding positions, to consider them to be higher and of more value in the Church or to their families than an ordinary member. Somehow we feel they are worth more to the Lord than are we. It just does not work that way!
Richard C. Edgley -Enduring Together
  • The Lord's organization is fully adequate to know and care for those with even the most dire emotional and spiritual needs.
  • What happens to one happens to all. We endure together.
Mary N. Cook -Strengthen Home and Family
  • All families need strengthening, from the ideal to the most troubled. That strengthening can come from you.
  • Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
  • Be cheerful, helpful, and considerate of others.
  • If the example we have received from our parents was not good, it is our responsibility to break the cycle.
  • Each person can learn a better way and in so doing bless the lives of family members now and teach correct traditions for the generations that follow.
Enrique R. Falabella -Why Are We Members of the Only True Church?
  • Happiness does not depend on money.
Spencer J. Condie -Claim the Exceedingly Great and Precious Promises
  • Important components of faith are patience, long-suffering, and enduring to the end.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Have We Not Reason to Rejoice?
  • It is my firm belief that all the truth and light originating with God is embraced in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Thomas S. Monson -Mrs. Patton-- the Story Continues
  • Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Need a Lift?

One of my friends was having trouble walking today.
She'd injured her foot somehow.
And as the day progressed it got worse.
To the point where she was hobbling around.

I knew she would have trouble getting back down to her car.
As it was located at the bottom of a hill.
Down like five flights of stairs.

Its the closest we can really park to go to church.
And it still requires a 5-10 walk depending on weather to get up to the building we meet in.

I could have helped her navigate her way back down to the car.
But I felt that that would have taken forever.

So I came up with another idea.
I'd end up parking near her.

So I figured,
Why not walk myself down to my car.
-As I could move by myself faster.
Grab my car.
And go home!

Haha kidding kidding.
Grab my car and drive up to the building.
-As there is a road running by the building, just no parking spots.
And pick her up there.
Then drive her back down to her car.
So she wouldn't need to at all.

That's exactly what I did.
Would have been faster at it too.
Only I got caught in the wave of people trying to drive home from church lol.

So it took a little longer than I would have liked.
But in the end.
I made it. :)
I picked up my friend.
Dropped her off at her car.

And we all happily returned to our homes. ^^ Yay.

Until we next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, November 21, 2015

X-Mas in the Air

It's really weird.
But I've been in the Christmas mood all week.

Considering I don't like to really think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving.
It's really weird.

Mostly, its been trying to figure out what to get people for Christmas.
And considering that online shipping can take time to arrive...
I've been looking early,
So I have a bigger window of getting people's presents before Christmas.

In any case.
I guess it set off an avalanche of christmasy mood.

As I nearly bought like $40 worth of Christmas movies when I went shopping for groceries earlier today.
Yah, call it sentimentality.
But I was like "Oh look! All these old Christmas movies I would watch as a kid! I want to watch them now!"

Movies like:
Frosty the Snowman,
Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Polar Express.
etc. etc. :)

They were in my cart.
For like 10 seconds.

Before I came to myself.
And was like "Wait."
I am not doing Christmas before Thanksgiving!

So I put those movies back.
At least until after Thanksgiving.

And a visit home to see what Christmas movies we still have there for the taking.
;) lol

Before I go out buying anymore. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, November 20, 2015

Content With Life

So....apparently many of the groomers at my work have been up in arms.
For my benefit.

Because they were mad that I hadn't been promoted to the new manager position that had unexpectedly opened up. (due to a manager leaving for lunch and never returning.)

Though they hadn't said anything until yesterday to me.
Mostly because I don't think they'd found out that we'd (finally) hired a new manager to fill the void in the store.
A transfer from our sister store just up the valley.

So they asked me.
When they had a moment where I was by myself.

Why had they ignored me and not made me manager!!?!?

-Totally sweet of them that they think I can be a manager, lol. ^^ That's a boost of confidence for if I ever want to climb the ladder.

But my answer to them was simple.

I didn't want to become manager.

The manager position I would have wanted.
No longer exists.

There is no longer a manager that is in charge of my department.
Their duties have switched to more customer service.
And they would never be in my department.
They basically just handle the paperwork and vet visits.
And that's it.

They're customer service the entire time!

And the only reason why I work in my job in the first place.
Is because I love the animals.

I could care less about the customers in the store.
The animals are my first priority.
There are plenty of other people to ensure that customers leave satisfied.

But who is going to look after the animals?

So, I declined for an 'upgrade.''
Because I wanted to stay with my animals.
Stay in my department.

Because it isn't about money or power for me.
It's about loving my job.
And since there is no longer a manager in charge of animals.
How can I love my job if I'm never around them?
Working with them?

Totally not my style.

So I told the groomers.
That the manager position I wanted no longer exists.
And that I cared more about the animals than helping people.
And the best way I could do that...was to stay where I am. :)

That doesn't mean I won't eventually climb the power ladder. Become a manager.
But its not likely to happen anytime soon.
Not unless they bring back a manager position that gets to stay in my department. lol. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Smile and a Wave

We can let the light within us show in many different ways.
It may be as simple as a smile.
I recently read the account of a man in the northwest United States who used to drive past a bus stop on his way to work.
He began to notice a young girl among some children waiting for the school bus.
Even when it was raining, she would smile and wave as he drove by.
He said: "The young girl was tall and slim and about 13 years old.
She wore a mouthful of braces and I could see them glisten in the glare of my car lights."
Her effort to be friendly gave his day a good start and was something he looked forward to.

This man's name was Hankins, and he had a daughter, Cheryl, who was about the same age as the girl at the bus stop.
One day Cheryl asked her parents' permission to attend an activity at a local church.
A neighbor girl, Vicki, had invited her to attend.
The activity was MIA, the forerunner to the Young Women program!
Cheryl enjoyed MIA and after a while told her parents that Vicki was a Mormon.
It wasn't long before Cheryl came home from school and said that Vicki was sending two young men over--missionaries--to tell the family about her Church.

The elders arrived, taught them about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, and bore their testimonies of the Restoration of the gospel.
As a family they began to read these new scriptures and were soon captivated by them.
Mr. Hankins finally met Vicki.
She was the smiling girl he had seen so many times at the bus stop.
She was present when he and two other members of his family were baptized.

Looking back on Vicki's actions and those of other young people, Brother and sister Hankins became convinced that "the greatest potential for missionary work lies in the youth of the Church."
Brother and Sister Hankins have since served as missionaries themselves.
They relied upon the referrals and good example that they youth supplied.
Vicki--the girl at the bus stop who smiled every day, even when it was raining--changed their lives forever.

Each of you can be a friend to someone, even if it is only by smiling.
Like Vicki, you can let the sunshine that is in your heart show in your face.

James E. Faust -Your Light--a Standard to All Nations -April 2006 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Burned Again

At some point, within the last week.
I burned my finger.

Like...I remember touching something hot as I was doing something, and thinking. "Oh. Ow."
But I was in a hurry, and so didn't think much on it.

I do  that a lot.
I injure myself and don't remember the cause behind the injury because I'm in too much of a hurry to get whatever I need to get done done.
So the pain is only a split second "Ow." before I move on, totally spacing that that area hurts,
Until much later.

So yah...
At some point I burned my finger.
I think it involved cooking.
But I really can't remember.

I sure can pick spots to burn myself in that are the most inconvenient places ever.

This particular injury happens to be on my middle finger. On the middle knuckle.
Not a place that you'd think would be annoying for a burn.
-Also a random place for a burn.

But that tender spot.
Really gets a beating throughout the day.

Today in particular was difficult for me.
Because this burn is on my left hand.
And guess what? Yah...I'm left handed and so therefore use my hand ALOT to do many many different things.

Like cleaning things at work.
I didn't realize how often I use the back of my fingers (where the burn is) to help me get more pressure on things, to be able to scrub harder to get grime off.
But I do.
A lot.

So not only is my hand injured from the burn.
But also its sore because I keep jarring the burn area because I keep using that spot.

I really hope this disappears soon.
Really really soon.
I need full use of my hand back.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Day in Review -November 17th

Thursday, November 17th 2005

-Went to school.

Monday, November 17th 2008

-I had a test in Health today, and I don't think I did that well...oh well. Later after all my school junk I went to FHE. The whole ward was involved in this activity because we were auctioning off service to raise money so we could give a couple  of families in need, Christmas this year. I auctioned off a shoulder massage since I couldn't think of anything better to give. That ended up going for only $7. :( lol but the funny thing is that 2 people thought they had won my bid a guy named Bryn and a girl named Jackie. Anyway after getting home, for fun I gave Scott (roommate of my roommate's fiancé) a back massage just to see if I was actually any good still. Scott seemed to enjoy it. So yay. :) Then like 5 minutes after I finished with Scott. Bryn came knocking on the door wanting his massage. I didn't expect him to take the offer up so quickly. :S Good thing I warmed up first. I couldn't tell if he liked it or not but when some people called asking where he was he told them he was getting a massage from me. Soo that made me feel good. I didn't bid on anything on the auction, because mostly it was date things and I'm a chicken and didn't want to go on a date with some random stranger. I probably missed an opportunity or ten there.... Oh well maybe next time. Oh yeah, today during lunch this random guy started talking to me as I waited for my Grilled Ham and Cheese. He was asking about the test and how I thought I had done. It took me a moment to remember I had taken my Health test today so I thought He was talking about a different class lol. Luckily, I figured it out quickly enough that I didn't make a fool of myself though I do wonder why he started talking tom e today since we've never really spoken before unless I lent him a pencil on the previous test, but I did find out his name thanks to a 3rd and 4th party named Chris and Josh. The guy who started talking to me first is named Jeff. We'll see if we talk again on Wed, maybe not. Oh, I think I might have set up a date with my guyfriend Tay for Christmas break lol hope it doesn't go bad. We'll probably go see "Twilight" even though he told me he never wanted to see it. (huh...if he didn't want to see it why was I planning on making him go see it? who knows.)

Tuesday, November 17th 2009

-Had to sing a Christmas song in my Institute class today XP So close to avoiding that! So close! Day went normal. Institute, no ASL today, Language Videos, Signing things, another Institute class, Home. Finished Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan. Weeeee

Wednesday, November 17th 2010

-Didn't sleep well last night. Had a pounding headache that caused me to be up and down all night. Ended up taking a long hot shower to try and relax my muscles. Also ended up throwing up  because the migraine made my stomach queasy enough to empty my stomach. Finally dozed off and slept until noon. Tried to do homework but I gave the interpreting CD I needed to a classmate on Monday and forgot to ask for it back. Drove to school and went to Anthropology, Institute -the new guy Alex acted strangely, not sure how to explain it, but crazy/hyper in a mellow sort of way comes close. Talked to Esteban (all the guys I talked too...and then I never saw again lol.) And went to Legal Interpreting where we had a sub. Ended up working in a group of ditherers. (people who can't make up their minds. Most annoying people ever.) Girls. Ugh. I don't know why it was boys against girls but girls work so much slower. XP Read for an hour and a half before going to Consecutive Interpreting. Came home, found out homework wasn't due today. Talked w/ Mother dearest for a bit then had dinner with Kikay and read some more as well.

Thursday, November 17th 2011

-Today went better than yesterday, though Kikay made me a couple mins late to class because she needed to be dropped off and I ended up parking in outer darkness. Otherwise my classes went good. Came home and relaxed and stuff.

Saturday, November 17th 2012

-I'm so grateful that I only  worked til 9 today. I think its because its Saturday and I don't think I should work Saturdays ;) lol. The chores all went well and we Bri &I were done with everything by 8 so we spent the next hour bagging crickets before our Morning Meeting where we got suckers. :D I came home for a couple of hours and worked on uploading videos I took from the Vocal Point concert last night onto YouTube so that Troi and Crusher (totalllymissingthepoint blog) could see them and maybe use them in their blog posts. (which they did.) They even emailed me back thanking me for my effort. :) I drove home to the parents place and uploading videos there took 4x as long to upload due to our weird internet thing. I had actually expected more of a delay as I was going to go see Breaking Dawn 2 but 1/2 an hour before we were supposed to meet up he texted me saying he'd been called into work at 1, the movie was at 1:20 so he couldn't go. I thought that was fine and understandable...until I saw him on Facebook AFTER 1pm. He posted things at like 3pm! And I'm pretty sure he has no internet at Office Depot, so unless he forgot to sign out--which I doubt- I think he lied to me. :( And that hurts. I know I told him yesterday night that I wasn't interested in dating him. But I didn't think this friend movie thing would affect it. :( Yet I'm hurt. He left me up a creek with no friends to go see the movie with -And I tried to get a few friends to go see the movie with-- I wish he would have just said no yesterday, so I could have found some CollegeTown people to watch the movie with. In my case I was forcefully remind that "I don't have friends." because of this and I felt rather melancholy after the movie because they got their forever together (they meaning Bella and Edward) and I was sitting in a movie theatre by myself with no one to talk to. (Yay me for going anyways.) This is why I'm getting tired of planning events because I feel popular and loved until I am the one planning the event and then no one comes or gets busy...But the movie was good and surprisingly cool. I grabbed Taco Bell for dinner afterwards and got Meralto a taco too. I ended up going out to a 'second dinner' at Sparky's with my friend Jess, I think because she felt guilty for not seeing my text until too late. The pessimistic side of me wonders if she would have responded sooner if I had said "Ter ditched me." (now I find out what his name was, lol was wondering who I was talking about.) in the text. Oh well. We had a fun dinner together though I couldn't really connect with her. (still have problems with that actually. It was much more enjoyable talking to her Brother (who worked there.) Mostly because she's going on a mission and her mind is elsewhere I suppose, After she dropped me off I looked up more information on one of the Trailers I'd seen in theaters -Warm Bodies, that had interested me because it made a Zombie seem likeable. Turns out it was a book too so I went to Barnes and Noble and with some help finding it--(it was in Fiction & Literature section. O.o Odd place for a Zombie Book...I thought it would have been in Teen Paranormal myself. But I read a few pages. Decided to buy it and spent the evening reading the book. It was pretty good. I think more could have happened and R's background be developed more as I'm curious as to who he used to be, but I could do with less swearing. I hope the movie has cleaner language. :) (First time a movie trailer inspired me to read a book instead of the other way around lol. The language was better in the movie, but still not what I would have wanted. Good movie in any case.)

Sunday, November 17th 2013

-Well, I had an auspicious start to this morning. I banged my head against the window sill as I was sleeping. Let me tell you it hurt! And it didn't help that I had a headache for most of the day after. I ended up only going to Sacrament at church before coming home because I wasn't feeling the greatest. I came home to find Ashleigh and her new friend Mckay -both very sleep deprived- on the couch. He ended up staying for like 7 hours lol. I think he likes her. I had my home teachers come by after church before going over to Kikay's for dinner. We then ventured to the Neffies to watch Once Upon a Time before I came home and spent the evening writing my missionary friends.

Monday, November 17th 2014

-Slept in today, nearly 12 hours really though I did wake up briefly at 4am because I was too hot. I had work at 1pm it wasn't too busy for a Monday night. I was able to do the Monday tank tasks which involved some hard scrubbing on caked on grime of the top part of the tank, betta water changes and locklines. yay! :) Plus more good news. The Guinea pig with the broken leg (a child was holding one of our guinea pigs and he startled her and so she threw/dropped him to the ground breaking his leg.) does not need to have its leg amputated!! Yay! (once before when we had a guinea pig get a broken leg it had to be amputated.) The doctor is splinting it and letting it heal for four weeks before its taken back for a recheck. Woot! I didn't get done with cats until 10pm though Oh well. Its morning shifts for the rest of the week for me. :)

Tuesday, November 17th 2015

-It was a weird mood that I encountered coming into work today. I don't know if it was my 5 day absence or something else...but everyone seemed rather depressed/stressed. :( I don't know if me taking a vacation influenced it or if it was something else that happened while I was gone, but it was really weird. Still, it felt good to be back at work, a little weird, but good. I had my coworker do the Bedding changes today, which took a couple of hours longer than normal. Not surprising though as the Sick room was completely full of animals and all their cages needed to be cleaned as well as we had to prepare new cages for when our animal shipment showed up for the week. Very time consuming. Thankfully on my part, opening the rest of the department wasn't bad. We only had 2 cats so cleaning their cages was quick and easy as was doing reptiles and birds. The hamster cages took a bit of time though because I was playing 'ring around the rosie' with animals in an effort to empty out our back room so we could make room for the new animals. It involved a little cleaning and combining hamsters together. :S Hopefully they continue to play nice with each other and I don't come back into work tomorrow to a war zone. Its always a hazard when doing that. But because its the holiday season we're getting in a tone of animals, so we're kinda forced to combine hamsters together or else we'd be overflowing with them before long. *fingers crossed* I spent most of the morning once we opened, cleaning the fish tanks. I did a deeper clean on our Feeder Goldfish tanks as they were looking particularly horrible. Everything was going rather smoothly...until I got back from my lunch break about noon. Then suddenly I was up to my eyeballs in time consuming customers. (They always show up right after my coworker gets off...) Which meant I didn't get to feeding the fish for hour. And then I got stuck with more customers both on and off the register to the point where I had hardly touched crickets by the time I got off work. :( Oh well.... Did have a lady comment on my grey hairs today. lol. She asked how old I was and I told her, and she said that she has two...I think it was daughters, who are a couple of years older than me who are starting to get grey hairs and they're freaking out about it, but I don't appear to be. I'm not since I started going grey around age 18...its part of who I am at this point. Plus it gives my hair great highlights lol. I ended up clocking out of work late because I was told about a Feedback Survey that I needed to take to give the company feedback about how they're doing. Mmm gave them a piece of my mind about them cutting our morning hours and that they should take more consideration for the employees because corporate is stressing is out. I came home and dozed for about an hour before watching the episode of Supergirl from last night. I went on Ward Mission visits after that....ended up being the only girl in a group of guys. lol. Yay me. ;) Visits went alright, though I felt my partner was 'guilt tripping' people a bit much. Not the way to go in my opinion, so I tried to diffuse it how I could... I came home and caught up with my Amazing Roommate on her day at work before I locked myself in my room to watch The Flash. So. Depressed. There isn't going to be an episode next week. Y_Y What am I going to do with myself?!!? lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, November 16, 2015

April 2007 General Conference Sunday Afternoon

L. Tom Perry -The Message of the Restoration
  • "After many generations had walked the earth--so many of them in conflict, hatred, darkness, and evil--there arrived the great, new day of the Restoration. This glorious gospel was ushered in with the appearance of the Father and the Son to the boy Joseph. The dawn of the dispensation of the fullness of times rose upon the world. All of the good, the beautiful, the divine of all previous dispensations was restored in this most remarkable season."
Henry B. Eyring -This Day
  • The thought "Someday I will" can be a thief of the opportunities of time and the blessings of eternity.
  • On many days, doing what matters most will not be easy. It is not supposed to be. God's purpose in creation was to let us prove ourselves.
  • For most of us the temptation to delay will come from one or both of two feelings. They are polar opposites: one is to be complacent about what we have already done, and the other is to feel overwhelmed by the need to do more.
  • In the hardest trials, as long as you have the power to pray, you can ask a loving God: "Please let me serve, this day. It doesn't matter to me how few things I may be able to do. Just let me know what I can do. I will obey this day. I know that I can, with Thy help."
  • Hard as things seem today, they will be better in the next day if you choose to serve the Lord this day with your whole heart. Your circumstances may not be improved in all the ways which you desire. But you will have been given new strength to carry your burdens and new confidence that when your burdens become too heavy, the Lord, whom you have served, will carry what you cannot.
Gary J. Coleman -"Mom, Are We Christians?"
  • I know that God is our Heavenly Father. His Son, Jesus Christ, is my Savior. The Holy Ghost testifies of the Father, and the Son.
  • The Savior lives; He has been seen; He has spoken; He directs the work of His Church through apostles and prophets today. What magnificent truths He has taught as the Good Shepherd who continues to look after His sheep.
Charles W. Dahlquist II -Who's on the Lord's Side?
  • Not a day goes by that we are not asked, in one form or another, "Who's on the Lord's side? Who?"
  • First, never forget who you are.
  • As you exercise your agency, remember, you are not alone.
  • My second suggestion: learn to control your thoughts.
  • If you will remain on the Lord's side of the line, the adversary cannot come there to tempt you. ... But ... if you cross onto the devil's side of the line, you are in his territory ... and he will work on you to get you just as far from that line as he possibly can, knowing that he can only succeed in destroying you by keeping you away from the where there is safety.
Yoshihiko Kikuchi -Will a Man Rob God?
  • "While tithing is paid with money, more importantly it is paid with faith."
  • "This is not so much a matter of money as it is a matter of faith. ... I urge you, ... every one of you, to take the Lord at His word in this important matter."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -Point of Safe Return
  • Satan wants us to think that when we have sinned we have gone past a "point of no return" --that it is too late to change our course. In our beautiful but also troubled world, it is a sad reality that this attitude is the source of great sorrow, grief, and distress to families, marriages, and individual lives.
  • Satan tries to counterfeit the work of God, and by doing this he may deceive many. To make us lose hope, feel miserable like himself, and believe that we are beyond forgiveness, Satan might even misuse words from the scriptures that emphasize the justice of God, in order to imply that there is no mercy.
  • If we have taken a wrong course, the Atonement of Jesus Christ can give us the assurance that sin is not a point of no return.
  • Satan will try to make us believe that our sins are not forgiven because we can remember them. Satan is a liar; he tries to blur our vision and lead us away for the path of repentance and forgiveness. God did not promise that we would not remember our sins. Remembering will help us avoid making the same mistakes again. But if we stay true and faithful, the memory of our sins will be softened over time. This will be part of the needed healing and sanctification process.
  • Wherever you find yourselves on this journey through life, whatever trials you may face, there is always a point of safe return; there is always hope. You are the captain of your life.
Russell M. Nelson -Repentance and Conversion
  • The doctrine of repentance is much broader than a dictionary's definition. When Jesus said "repent," His disciples recorded that command in the Greek language with the verb metanoeo. This powerful word has great significance. In this word, the prefix meta means "change." The suffix relates to four important Greek terms: nous, meaning "the mind;" gnosis, meaning "knowledge;" pneuma, meaning "spirit:" and pnoe, meaning "breath."
  • Thus, when Jesus said "repent," He asked us to change--to change our mind, knowledge, and spirit--even our breath. A prophet explained that such a change in one's breath is to breathe with grateful acknowledgment of Him who grants each breath.
  • Repentance is conversion! A repentant soul is a converted soul, and a converted soul is a repentant soul.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Closing Remarks
  • May there be peace and harmony in your homes. Husbands, love and treasure your wives. They are your most precious possessions. Wives, encourage and pray for your husbands. They need all the help they can get. Parents, treat your children with great kindness. They are the coming generation who will bring honor to your name.

General YW Conference

Susan W. Tanner -Daughters of Heavenly Father
  • You are second to none. You are daughters of God.
  • "It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship. ... There are no ordinary people. ... Your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your sense."
  • Modesty is not about the climate. It's about the heart.
Julie B. Beck -Remembering, Repenting, and Changing
  • "Life brings some hard lessons. The sturdiest plants are not grown under glass, and strength of character is not derived from the avoidance of problems. "
  • "The Kingdom of God or nothing!"
  • The first lesson is that everyone makes mistakes.
  • I often hear about the chosen, royal generation of this dispensation, but I have never heard it called the perfect generation. Teenagers are especially vulnerable because the power of Satan is real, and they are making their first big, independent choices. Consequently, they are also making their first big mistakes.
  • My second lesson is that repentance isn't optional.
  • We must not let one little cup of coffee, one bad habit, one bad choice, one wrong decision derail us for a lifetime.
  • It is Satan who puts hopeless thoughts into the hearts of those who have made mistakes. The Lord Jesus Christ always gives us hope.
  • "But remember, God is merciful; therefore, repent of that which thou hast done which is contrary to the commandment which I gave you, and thou art still chosen, and art again called to the work."
  • Lesson three is that we don't do it alone.
  • My last lesson is that we can change.
  • "The cultivation of Christlike qualities is a demanding and relentless task--it is not for the seasonal worker or for those who will not stretch themselves, again and again."
Elaine S. Dalton -Stay on the Path
  • Sometimes as we walk life's paths, we want to loiter in dangerous places, thinking that it is fun and thrilling and that we are in control. Sometimes we think we can live on the edge and still maintain our virtue. But that is a risky place to be.
  • As you climb the mountains of life, stay on the path of virtue. There will be others to help you--your parents, family members, bishops, advisers, and righteous friends of all ages. And if you are weary or take a wrong turn, change your direction and get back on the path of virtue. Always remember that the Savior is there for you. He will enable you to repent, strengthen you, lighten your burdens, dry your tears, comfort you, and continue to help you stay on the path.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly
  • If you will take control of your lives, the future is filled with opportunity and gladness. You cannot afford to waste your talents or your time. Great opportunities lie ahead of you.
  • 1. pray, 2. study, 3. pay your tithing, and 4. attend your meetings.
  • Education will be of great benefit to you. Don't just drift along, letting the days come and go without improvement in your lives.
  • While tithing is paid with money, more importantly it is paid with faith. I have never met an individual who paid an honest tithe who complained about it. Rather, he put his trust in the Lord, and the Lord never failed him.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi