Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A Moment to Reevaluate

Back at the beginning of the month.
Specifically the first weekend. 
Where we had General Conference.

President Nelson asked us to go on a 10 day fast from social media.

Was a lot to ask really. ^^;;

Lol mostly because I'm online like....all the time on various different outlets.

Facebook. Twitter. Blogger. Tumblr. I'd even just started an Instagram because...well why not? I like taking pictures and it seemed like a good platform to post pictures...

But in any case. 

10 days away from social media??

:S :S :S

I mean, the only time I'm away from my computer is like...when I've gone on vacation where there's been no internet access.
So like...on cruises and such.

I'm constantly online.
Constantly writing.
Constantly posting.

Constantly doing...well a lot.

Because I like making people smile. I like talking (writing?) about the antics and frustrations and amusing things I encounter on a day to day life. 

And I'd already kinda been....idk. Working to keep things more positive.

So I did have to wonder...

Was this a challenge I needed? 
Did I need to take a 10 day fast?

And of my main struggles....
Was that I'd already had online goals for the month of October that I needed to complete.

Namely that I had the goal to take pictures of the sunset every evening of the month and post them online. 

And I don't like giving up on goals when I have no cause to.

Which meant...
That I couldn't really do the 10 day social media fast in October when I needed the social media platforms to be able to accomplish my goals. 

I did decide to...kinda take a step back and set some boundaries on 'when' I could be online.

Which made me realize that I was checking my phone and being online a lot more than I was meaning to be.
….mostly at work.

Like I hadn't realized how much I'd been ducking into the back to look online to see if anyone commented on a post, or liked a photo, or you know...interacted with me.

I was constantly looking for validation online....

And that was probably cutting into my productivity at work. 
I mean it's only thirty seconds or so. Where I'd glance at my phone while waiting for the sink to fill up with water, or things like that. Things where I couldn't just walk away and do something else. 
So I could take the moment to look at my phone then.

But at the same time.
Right after conference I took a moment to just...not look at my phone. To keep it in my pocket.
To focus on work and such.

Which is how I became so aware of how much attention I was giving that small device.

I also tried other waiting to get online until later in the day.
Not coming home and getting straight on the computer.
But you know....taking time to do other things.

...Like nap. ^^;; haha.
And yah. Okay, get on the computer. But I was using the device for writing instead of simply spending hours scrolling through social media. 

In any case.

This past month has made me more....aware. 
Of what I'm doing online.
But also...what frustrations I'm experiencing with online stuff.
What gets me in a down mood.
What perks me up.
What wastes my time.
And where I could...reevaluate and such.

I mean I've spent basically the whole month dithering over which social media I would cut out for the fast period. Do I need to cut out ALL media all together? Or just some? one? ALL? Limit them? :S :S :S

Because I wasn't ignoring the Prophet's advice to do a 10 day fast.
I just needed to finish my October goal of posting a sunset a day first. 

So this entire time.
I've been waffling.
Figuring out which sites I would fast from...and how I would fast from them....

Which has led me to the decision to fast from Blogging for 10 days.

As I've noticed...that this actually takes up a lot of my time.
You wouldn't think it would.

But because I run four different blogs...and three of them are updated on a daily basis....
It actually eats a lot into my time.

With the different perimeters and such I've set for each blog...some things are more time consuming than others...but I've realized that I can take two or three hours (if not more) to write in all four blogs.

And like...that's a lot of time. 
Two hours is a lot of time.
Especially when a blog post shouldn't take more than like...maybe 10 minutes to write if I'm venting? 

So I've decided to take a step back.
To not blog for 10 days. 

And just...take the time to reevaluate. To decide moving forward how to take each blog.
Like this one? Still going to be my everyday blog. I still plan to post in it, once I get back, on a daily basis lol.

But the other three? 
Do I need to post in them everyday as well?
Or can I just...cut back. Post on specific days?

I don't know.
Not yet.

First I'm going to just....step away from it all and see if getting that two blogging hours back can help lessen the stress in other areas in my life.

Like...just story writing and such.

Of course. I'm taking a break from other social media as well. So it's not just Blogger. 

But yah.

It's kinda nerve-wracking actually.
To not look online.
To be 'out of the loop.'

This is going to be interesting.

But I have been looking forward to it too. 
It's a chance to try something different.
Figure myself out.
Realign my priorities. 
And decide what is really important to me when it comes to my online presence and how I present myself. :D 

So yah.
This blog is going to be on a brief hiatus. ^^;; I'll be back to posting on November 11th! :D 
Cya guys then!!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


They actually did it.
They took away the fishtanks. 

So. Remember like a week ago when I said that my store was finally getting rid of our three display fish tanks...after like six years of telling me that they were going away?
And how on Thursday they're like "Surprise! We're cutting the power to the tanks today instead of Friday so HURRY AND FISH OUT ALL THE FISH!!" 

Good times.

In anycase.

Yesterday was the actual day of them taking out that little endcap wall enclosure.

-Which meant that from Thurs-Mon Night we had these empty fish tanks sitting there.
Which made it all the more depressing to be at work those days because...there used to be fish and water in those tanks.

Not no more.

Last night, after the store closed.
They came in and got rid of that tank set up wall thing.

That's probably been there since the store opened really. 
...I honestly wonder how old those tanks are...

But in any case.

I came into work this morning...

To find that the three fishtanks had been taken into the back and wrapped up on a pallet (at least two were...I'm not quite sure where the third ended up) 

And the area where those three tanks had stood. 

They had replaced and put another section of shelving stuff in.

So that we can old yet more fish tanks...but ones that we sell to customers. 


It's all so boring now.

Though I suppose a weight off our shoulders as a) we don't have to worry about caring for the tanks and b) we don't have to worry about needing to fish fish out of the tanks for customers.

But still.
I enjoyed standing up there and just....watching the fish.

Now it's just...boring tanks. XP 

But it is interesting to note that the floor is discolored where the tanks had stood lol.
I can still see the patterns and such on the ground....

So I wonder if those will ever go away...or if it's like a permanent stain now....


Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 29, 2018

Aches Away

My manager mentioned to me today that he was suffering from a slight headache.
Which. What do you know? I've been suffering from one today as well...well one that's continued from yesterday, but in any case...I too had a headache.

So I briefly commiserated...and went back to work.
But as I was finishing some task in the morning, that brought me by the manager's office....I briefly stopped to ask him if he needed any meds.

After all it's well known that I get headaches by now.
So I have a variety of different medicines on hand to try and get rid of the headaches should they be bugging me at work...or anywhere since I keep them in my bag.

And I didn't know if he would have any or not.
So I asked if he needed any.

And he asked what I had.
So I said Advil and Excedrin.

To which he was like "Excedrin? I think I tried that one once. What is it?"

Which it's so weird to me that people don't know what Excedrin I feel like it's a 'common' pain killer...but it's apparently not because I get so many people asking what it is.

Which it's like Tylenol, Aspirin, and Caffeine all mixed together.

And usually is the best for when I'm suffering from mind pain. 

-It wasn't helping with this headache though because this headache was a jerk.

But after some discussion with the manager.
I gave him one pill to try to see if it would help his headache go away.

And it did!

Yay for helping at least one of us chase away the horrible headache beast today. lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Color Shift

So a little bit ago I got a couple of new bettas for my two of my bettas had passed on.

And since my remaining bettas were mostly a combination of blue and red/orange....
I decided my next bettas would be completely different shades.

Because like...while I love the blue and red look...I probably should have my bettas look a bit different.

And so ended up with one that is white and gold and the other that's like an opalescent white with blue and orangish hints to it though overall it's a white betta....

Or was. 

Did you know that bettas can occasionally change colors?

I did....after both my sister and my mom had bettas that shifted in their coloration.

I'd had multiple bettas...and never really experienced this.

Until now.

That opalescent white betta I have?

His body is turning blue.

Which is so crazy.
Because like he was pure white in the body a couple of weeks ago.

and's getting more and more blue. 

Which does leave me wondering if his fins will also turn blue too...
Or if I'll end up with a blue betta with white fins....

Which would mean that most of my bettas are blue again. *shakes head* lol.

Guess I'll have to wait and see how that turns out. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 27, 2018

A Confrontation

My coworker had been at the fish wall for a bit.
Helping customers with their questions and catching fish for them.

Which was great for me so I could finish the opening tasks I'd been struggling to get done in between helping customers.
Though as I walked behind the fishwall, I was focused on isolating a couple of hamsters -one that had been returned, the other from the floor because there was odd furloss on its neck that we wanted to observe and such. 

And that was when I heard over the radio my coworker requesting my manager to come over to the fishwall.

Which usually means there's a problem with either a fish or the customer.
My guess was the customer.

And I knew that manager wasn't currently in the store as they'd gone to pick up a couple of animals from the vet. 

So I went to investigate to see what the problem was just to see if I could solve it without needing to get a manager involved.

The problem was more of a ….differing of opinions. 

This particular coworker is a bit more....stubborn when it comes to selling fish to customers. Usually if the customer doesn't meet the requirements of the recommended tank size for certain fish...they refuse to sell the fish to the customer.

Which was halfway the case here.
I'm not quite sure how it all started.

But basically the customer had a 20 gallon tank he'd just set up and had...maybe one or two fish already in there?
As he'd had a 10 gallon tank, but apparently gave the fish away to someone else, and bought the 20 gallon and such so he could have more fish.

And from what I could gather, the customer had come in looking to grab like 20 fish to put in his 20 gallon tank.

As he'd had 10 fish in his 10 gallon tank and 'hadn't had any issues in three years.' 

I'm pretty sure my coworker was working to convince him to not buy 20 fish right then.
Because you don't want to add in a ton of fish at once into a new tank because that can stress out your tank and cause the fish to die. 

So she was trying to talk him into buying only a few fish. 

Which we usually recommend. 
You don't want to buy more than 'half of your inches' when it comes to adding in fish.

So 20 gallon tank. 20 inches of fish. 
You only want to buy 10 inches at the most when it comes to adding in fish the first time.

Which depending on the size the fish get when they'll be full grown.
Is usually 3-6 fish. 

But I think the dude was taking it to mean that he could only have like 3-6 fish in his tank and 'no more' 

Which is why he got frustrated and went on his "I had 10 fish in a 10 gallon and it was fine!" rant.

Proceeding to accuse my coworker of being a 'tree-hugger' -which my coworker took offense to. 

And stating that "I guarantee your CEO doesn't care about how many fish I buy because he doesn't care how he gets the money, and if he did care the fish wouldn't be $2 each they'd be $20!" 
Which...doesn't compute. (my coworker was like "I guarantee he does care" etc) 
Because the cost of the fish doesn't = how much we care about them. Nor does it correlate with what the CEO thinks about the customers. 

He was also like "That thing about fish growing is a total like because I had those fish for 3 years and they never grow so it takes YEARS for them to grow" 
And my coworker was like "Well it's because the nitrates were probably high in your first tank because too much nitrates can stunt their growth which is why the didn't grow."
"But it will still take years for them to get that big!" 


In any case.

I ended up mediating a bit between the two of them to defuse the situation because the guy was like "I JUST WANT TO BUY MY FISH LET ME BUY MY FISH!" 

And my coworker is like "I can get you fish but not ALL the fish you want TODAY."

To which he was like "So I can only buy like 5 fish here because of your 'tree hugger ways' and then I'll have to go to another pet store and LIE about the size of my tank to them there and say I have like a 50 so I can then buy all the fish I wanted to buy here!" 


Dude. Chill out.

*shakes head*

In any case. I think I managed to clarify the situation.
To explain to him that it's fine to have more fish in the tank.
But to help keep the fish healthier and be less likely to die from stress, we recommend that he only buy 5-6 fish today, wait a week or so and then come get 5-6 more fish.
Basically that it's fine to have more fish in the tank he can get more fish.
We just don't want him getting them all today.
Patience is the key.
Buy some fish. Wait. Buy some more fish. Just to help the fish live.

We kinda had to reiterate that concept a couple more times.

Where I was like "yes it's fine you want five tiger barbs and this catfish, but you don't want to add any more fish in today. You want to wait another week and then come grab the rainbow shark and other fish you want. You can get more fish, just you don't want to get them all today."

And I think me trying to keep a calmer tone and sympathizing with him helped to calm him down a bit. As he became much more willing to listen after that. 

So yah.
In the end he ended up with 5 tiger barbs, a shark and a catfish. 

And I had to talk him out of getting a couple plecos because it was a brand new tank. Barely 24 hours set up. Therefore....there would be nothing for the pleco to eat so he just needed to wait a while before getting those.

Hopefully he left happy.
Hopefully he didn't go straight to another pet store to buy more fish. 

But I suppose if he did that and a bunch of fish end up dying...he'll realize that we were right to caution him to not buy a ton of fish at once. 

Guess we'll see....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, October 26, 2018

An Interesting Place

It was supposed to be a simple outing to get dinner.

You's meant to be fast.

But as we walked up to our chosen place....

Things already felt a

The dude washing the door windows was quick to apologize for being in our way.
Which...he wasn't? I mean, we get that keeping the windows clean is a thing and he moved right out of the way when we approached so it wasn't like we needed to ask him to move or anything.

But he was like "Tell them that you get a free grande meal on me!" as we walked in.

Ummm okay?

We didn't ask for that lol. 
I mean....we were barely arriving. No inconvenience and really....why would the employees inside believe that the dude cleaning windows had said that? 

In any case.

We went to order our food.
And I noted that the cashier was acting....a little off.
Constantly adjusting her shirt and such....
….and struggled to understand what "Nachos" I meant. Asking if I was wanting the 'supreme' or not and I was like "you know....the regular nachos...with the chips and the cheese in a cup?" 

I didn't think much beyond that.
Having ordered my food and gotten my drink cup.
I was content to put the matter behind me. 

Until our order was called and I went to grab it.

You see, after I had ordered, my mom had made her order and then my dad.

But when I got our food back to the table....
My mom's order was nowhere to be found.

And checking the receipt...
Her order hadn't even been entered into the computer.

Somehow the cashier had gotten my order and my dad's...but missed my mom's. 
Not sure what buttons she'd hit or not hit to totally miss that.

But yah....I went back up to the front to order her food for her.

And was confronted with a different cashier.
A guy.

Only there were people standing in line in front of me.
So they were getting their order first....

Only apparently they didn't have enough cash?
Because they said they'd 'be back later' and left without paying for anything.

But as I approached to get my mom's order....the cashier left to go back into the kitchen area....

So I stood there awkwardly for a minute until someone realized I was waiting....
And the dude who'd been washing windows came up from the back to take my order. 

*shakes head* I was beginning to think of it as a merry go round since I'd seen three different cashiers in like five minutes when usually you see one ...maybe two.

In any case.
I gave my mom's order. 

And the cashier couldn't figure out how to put 'shredded chicken burrito' into the register.

…..Like I wanted to help him, but I was ordering for my mom. I had no idea where on the menu it was and I had no idea how to work the register for him since I've never worked in fast food lol.

Thankfully he figured it out in the end. 

And I ended up mention "Yah this is the second time I'm making this order because the first time the other cashier didn't get my mom's order so she didn't get any food."

He was like ()_() What?! 
And demanded to see the receipt.
Which I showed him...not that there was much to see since my mom's order wasn't on that lol. 

But yah, he ended up giving me the burrito for free. ^^;; 

So yay!! Mom finally got her food. 

But yah....
Definitely a weird vibe to the the people. We left wondering if half of the workers there were...well high. *shakes head*

Definitely an interesting experience. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Get Them Out

So you remember how like...two days ago, I wrote that post that they were taking out our display fish tanks and that we would need to have the fish out of the tanks by Friday because that's when they were coming to shut off the power to that part of the aisle and like...totally remove that section to...revamp it as something else?

>.< Guess who showed up TODAY (Thursday) to shut off the power?? 


It's not Friday guys. Why did you come today when you said you were coming tomorrow?

In any case.
I had had this nice little plan to attempt to get the fish out of their tanks once I was done with my opening tasks -if  I had time.
And if I didn't have time? I would have the evening people do it.
No big deal.

But then, halfway through my opening tasks.
My manager comes up to me to say that the electrician guy was here. Right now. And that the power to those tanks would be shut off within the hour.

-Like ten minutes later.
The power had been shut off to the tanks.

….And the tanks were still full of fish. 


I mean. It's okay for the fish to be without filtered water for a little bit.
They're large tanks.
It's not a big issue.

But there was a time crunch.

So I had to delay opening my department so that I could make sure all the fish were taken out of their tanks and put back into their spots on the fishwall. 

It was stressful.
Especially considering I had a shorter shift today.
And I had no idea how long it would take to get the fish out.
And I had to make sure all the fish were out. 

I managed it.

Except for one pleco that is in this big tree decoration and refuses to come out.
But hopefully we can get him out sooner rather than later....

If I saw him in there at all...which I'm pretty sure I have.
But he vanished after a couple of attempts to get him to swim out.
Sooo no idea.

But I placed the stump in water to make sure he wouldn't perish at least. 
Hopefully one of my coworkers got him out. *fingers crossed* 

In any case.
I succeeded.
But didn't succeed in getting the rest of opening done. :( foo.

And as an interesting note.
Apparently the manager is planning to raffle off our three tanks to coworkers. 
So whoever wins the raffle.
Will be able to take home one of the three tanks. 

I mean...there's not much else we can do with them lol. They're so old.
I don't even know how old they are. 
But they've been in that store longer than I have.
So it's not like they're in top tier condition. 

I suppose we could try and sell them if the raffle idea doesn't fly.

And I'm just wondering what I'll do if I end up winning one of these tanks. 

Because like I already have a 125 gallon.
Lol I don't necessarily need another one. 

I guess I'll figure it out if it actually happens. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Hidden Away

My coworkers made a discovery last evening. 

I'm not quite sure the full context as I heard it second hand.

But apparently one of my new coworkers discovered that a customer had left us a fish.

-Which happens on occasion. Customers come in and just leave their pets.
Some do it very obviously.
Like plucking down a cat or a 10 gallon tank on the register and going "I don't want this. Here!" And storming out.

Others....hide the pets.
Like they don't want us to see them so they just find a spot and set them down and hope that we find it eventually.
Like a kitten left in a dog crate.
Or a tortoise left to wander the floor.

This particular customer, whoever they were.

Place a goldfish.
Not a tiny one inch goldfish.
No a large goldfish about the size of my fist. so like a good 4-5 inches long and three inchesish wide in a small container that barely fit the poor Lionhead goldfish.

And then proceeded to hide it behind some bags of hamster food.

Like Six aisles away from the fish wall. *shakes head*

It's a good thing my coworker noticed.
Who knows how long the fish had actually been there.
But when they found him he wasn't doing too good.

We put him in our iso tank and he apparently just sat at the bottom for a while.

Thankfully though.
When I came in this morning.
He was perky and swimming around.
So woot!!

I probably would have taken him home today...
Except a different manager has first dibs.
So I'm waiting to see if he's actually going to take the poor goldfish.
Because if not.
I'm totally going to give him the good home he deserves. 

We'll see how it goes.

I'm just relieved we found him in time.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

So Long Tanks

So in my store we have these three display fish tanks right?

The ones that are halfway a bane to my existence because customers love to ask me for the fish within the display tanks and it's a pain to fish out.

But like...I really like having those tanks because I enjoy putting the 'funny-weirdo' fish into them. The ones missing eyes, missing fins, or are otherwise...well not 'perfect' as it gives them a chance to live in an actual tank and not spend forever in our selling tanks not getting sold. 

The main notable thing about these tanks though.
Is how often I've been told that we're getting rid of them.

I mean. I think it was within the first month of starting there. 
That the managers were like "Yah. We're getting rid of these tanks."

Only for them to still be there.

Nearly every year it's brought up.

"We're getting rid of the display tanks." 

Only for it not to happen.

I mean....corporate isn't the quickest to change things. It took them seven years, after all, to finally get around to painting the outside of our building. 

But today.
My manager pulled me aside.
To show me a CASE message we got.

Saying that Monday they will be coming to take away our display fishtanks. 


I'm still skeptical it's going to happen.

But apparently at some point in the past monthish?, someone called the store asking the managers to take pictures of our display tanks to send to them.

And then we get this message that they're going to be leaving Monday evening sometime.

Which means by Monday...we at least need to get the fish out of the tanks....

But at the moment....we don't know all that we need to help out with the process.

Like do we need to drain the tanks of water?
Do we need to remove the decorations?
Do we need to unplug things?

What do we need to do?

The mystery gets slightly deeper, in that later in the day, just after lunch time.
We get another call.

Saying that an electrician will be coming in Friday to shut off the power to the aisle.

As that aisle apparently has it's own power source. O.o go figure.
Like it's not something I thought about.
But's weird that this shelving unit that's standing away from any walls....can have at least a dozen tanks on it with lights on. (as we turn on the lights of the tank/stand combos we sell on that aisle as well to make the tanks look more appealing to customers to buy) 

That means...if the electrician is coming Friday to turn off the power on the shelf unit....

That means those three tanks won't have access to power.
Which means the filters, lights, and heaters won't work.

Which means instead of needing the fish out by Monday night....
We're going to need them out by Friday.


I'll have to check in with my manager tomorrow.

But I forsee it being an ardous task to get those fish out before Friday....since it's likely I'm going to be the one doing it.

We'll see though.

In any case.

I am sad to see the tanks go. :( 
I mean they were useful in showing customers how the tanks worked and everything. Showing them different bubblers, lights, and filter types and how it all looks set up.

I wonder what's going to take it's place.....
Probably more shelves to put more product on.

But yah...we'll see. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 22, 2018

New Buddy

So on Saturday I bought an Oranda goldfish.
A red cap.

Which is basically a goldfish with a red head. 

But like....I'd spent my entire shift Saturday debating about whether or not I wanted to get this Oranda.

Mostly because one of his tank mates had already died.
And the remaining three had been pretty lethargic when I came into work.

And really they only caught my attention, because I was working on a story idea involving some mermaids based off of fish.
Like....these oranda goldfish....the ones with red caps.

And there was one goldfish that just fit the mental picture in my head.

And like all good inspirations for stories....I wanted the goldfish because he reminded me of my story and my story reminded me of him. ^^;; lol. 

But I was hesitant to buy this one goldfish.

Because one of his buddies had already died.
A second wasn't looking too good.
And the third....was semi perky...but wasn't as active as I was wanting him to be.

So like all signs pointed to it not....being good. To get this one goldfish.

But at the same time I wanted him.
Wanted him to survive.

So at the end of the day.

I bought that little goldfish. 

^^;; So far he seems really happy in his tank! So woot for me! He's been swimming all over the 125 gallon and is just a happy little camper. lol. 

And I'm so relieved I did get him.

Because when I came into work this morning... :( 

The other two goldfish buddies of his....were dead. Y_Y 
Poor things. 

So I'm doubly glad I got him away from his buddies. 
Because I would have been sad to find him deceased like the others.

But nope!
My little red cap goldfish seems to be thriving. ^^ And I'm so happy :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Turn The Day Around

It was one of those Sundays that looked like it was going to be....well a headache full day.
Mostly because my own head was against me.
Because I was....kinda in a negative frame of mind this past day or so.
Feeling like I wasn't able to get anything right. That while trying to help out...I was making people mad/sad/unhappy/uncomfortable etc. 

So the morning was starting out less than stellar.

And I was seriously debating about skipping out on the rest of church.
Because socializing at church....has....had it's issues in gaining positive energy from interacting there more often than not.
So I dread it mostly.

But there was also the Pokémon community day today.
With the event starting during the third hour of church.

So I could skip out on Relief Society and go do the event.
Or stay....and potentially suffer. 

Despite the fact that I didn't have any particular good reason to go to Relief Society.
I decided to.
Mostly doing so because's the Lord's day. I should at least try to stay the three hours.
I mean. Blessings happen  right?

And they did. ^^;;

I managed to get a seat near an outlet, so I was able to keep my phone charged while playing that first hour of Pokemon go while in Relief Society. ^^;; (caught my first shiny of the event there too woot!) 

And the lesson itself, was actually pretty good overall.
Lots of 'food for thought' moments.
So like....I felt pretty good about staying.
Didn't regret it. 
Plus...I got to still play the game lol. 

(yah...I probably shouldn't have been playing in Relief Society...but baby steps I suppose. ^^;;) 

In any case.
The rest of the day seemed to look up after that. :D

I managed to catch four more shiny beldums before the event ended.

But failed to catch the Mewtwo at the Raid happening on campus. *exhales*

BUT! I did this other baby raid of a Shinx which I'd never seen before and IT HAPPENED TO BE SHINY!! and it was soo cute and golden and aaawwwwwww. I love it so. ^^;;
It seriously made me so happy to get that golden kitty cat.

Like I got sooo excited/hyper and just...sunshiny really. ^^;;

Then to add to it.
I found another Mewtwo raid, and after some problems joining the battle....MANAGED TO CATCH IT!

So yah. ^^;;

After starting out the day in an emotional low.
I was positively on cloud nine when I got home lol.
Good church experiences in Relief Society.
Catching rare pokemon, and getting an unexpected shiny.

And finally FINALLY feeling good enough that I could return to working on my current fic.
As I'd been struggling heavily with self doubt for the past week about how to finish the fic.
And today I finally got a clearer vision of just how to do that! 

…. >.> Though I'm still struggling on how to end the chapter, at least I've made five pages of progress today! Woot! :D lol. 

So yah. ^^
Good day.
I'm happy. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Trying to Help

She was one of those customers who I knew was going to be a bit -aka one that would need a lot of help- when she walked in the door.

It was a grandmotherly lady. Who hobbled into the store one slow step at a time using two different canes to keep her steady.

Now some grandmotherly ladies still insist that they can go and do and get all the things themselves.

This one? Not so much.
She looked like she wasn't going to make it another four feet into the store really.
and I happened to be right there.

So, reluctantly because my energy was flagging at this point with a headache pounding behind my eyes, I asked her if she needed any help.

The first thing she asked was if we had those electronic carts --I'm guessing the scootercarts that you'd find in the grocery stores and such.

We don't unfortunately. 
Really, corporate should probably look into getting one of those....along with seats for customers to sit on when they don't want to stand any more.

In any case.
She'd come into the store looking for a carrier for her cat.
and wanted to know how far away they were in the store so she would know if she could make it that far.

It was about halfway down to the soft sided cat carriers.....but the hardsided ones were all the way in the back against the back wall.
A distance I truly didn't think she could make.

She knew she couldn't either.

Stating that she was already tired and that usually has someone go shopping with her, she usually doesn't go by herself anymore because she's old and such but nobody was able to go with her today.

In any case.
She was looking for a carrier for her cat because she had bought one elsewhere, but it was too small and the place she'd been planning to buy her cat carrier at was closed today and she needed the carrier by Monday but the place she wanted to go to was closed that day too so she went somewhere else and then came here because she was thinking the one she'd gotten was too small. 

It was unclear on whether or not she wanted a hard or soft sided carrier.
So I offered to get her a chair and to bring products up to the front of the store so she could sit and rest and not overtax herself.

Which she agreed to.
So I grabbed the metal folding chair that we keep handy in the small room behind the fish wall.
-As my last Head Manager had decided it would be a good idea to have one of those handy for our older customers who needed to sit. 

Gave the woman the chair.
And then did my best to find the right cat carrier for her.
I grabbed a soft sided one, double checked the price, then headed to the back to grab a hard sided one, double checked the price and then bought the two options up to her. 

Were they bigger than the one she bought? No idea. I had no visual clue.
But after telling her prices and such.
and her dithering a bit about width because she wanted the carrier to be wider without being taller...

We decided to go for the hard-sided carrier which was $20. 
(Money didn't matter to her she just wanted the cat bed she bought to be able to fit inside.) 

So now it was a matter of getting the carrier and her up to the register....

It didn't happen.

She asked if I would be able to go up for her to buy the carrier.
Which I hesitantly agreed to.
And thankfully she pulled out cash instead of a credit card.
Cash is much easier to deal with than the card.

So I went up to the register.
Where my coworker was looking on in bemusement.
And had her ring it up.
The total came up to $21.36
The woman had handed me $40 because I didn't know how much tax was going to be added into it.

But knowing that she'd stated she had a couple of dollars.
I took one of the twenties back to her, and asked her if she had two dollars so I could spare her having more change in her purse.

-As she stated she didn't want more change but would deal with it.

She did have the $2. 

But was struggling to get it.
I could see the bills, but due to the receipts in her little wallet purse, I didn't think she could see them right away.
So being helpful I reached into the wallet to be like "here's those bills you wanted."

She jerked the wallet away and was like "I can find it myself thank you very much!" 

Yah....I shouldn't....have done that.
I mean how many times do you get told "Never look in a woman's purse without permission?"

I hadn't quite thought that one through. 
I mean, my mind was on "help the customer and help her quickly" and not on the "don't reaching into a purse that doesn't belong to you because it looks like you're stealing if the owner doesn't give permission" aspect to it.

I apologized.

Let her grab the $2
And then she was like "So what was the change, cus I have all this change."

So I was like...Oh it's $1.36 that you need so here's one dollar back.

"But I thought you needed two dollars?"
"No, if you have the change I only need one dollar and the thirty-six cents."

So after taking a while...and picking out the right coins from her hand when she held out a handful of change to me.
I finally returned to the register (which thankfully it was slow and there were no customers waiting at that point in time.) 
To give my coworker the exact amount, take the receipt and the carrier and return it to the customer.

I probably could have ended the interaction there.
But me.
I'm a helpful sort.

So I offered to help her out to her car.
As I doubted she could hold the carrier and both canes at the same time without there being trouble.

So I walked one slow step at a time out the doors with her. 
-Until she told me to go to her car and see if the carrier was smaller or the same size as the one she'd bought at the other store.

It ended up being just slightly wider by like .4" and an inch taller. 
But it did make all the difference.
The little cat bed she bought fit much easier in the carrier from my store rather than the one she'd gotten at the other place.

So overall she left happy. Woot!

And I'm really hoping that she forgets the whole "reaching into her purse" incident. 

Because it's been one of those 'cringeworthy' moments that's been running through my head all day and will most likely be one of those random things I remember four years from now and will keep me up all night. *exhales*

Ah and ended up alright in the end. All good. All fine. Just gotta stop thinking about it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, October 19, 2018

Achy Achy

My right side has been aching off and on least a week now. Maybe two? 
Like from hip up to shoulderblade and neck, over to my elbow and wrist....
It aches.
It hurts.

And I don't know why.
It's frustrating.

I can only guess that it's from tense muscles, possibly from sleeping in a tense position?
I have no idea really.
I mean I really haven't done anything out of the ordinary to warrant this. aches.
It hurts.

It's like....idk. A phase I guess.
Right now I'm in the "right side hurts phase" 
While a month or so ago it was "have the side of your face ache phase"
And before that it was "headache phase."

Like....dear body.
If you have an issue....can you be a bit more direct on what the issue is? This general aching in random places every month....doesn't help. At all.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Surpri---Where'd You Go?

I had an early shift today.
Getting off an hour earlier than I normally do.

Which is great!
I love early outs. ^^;; lol. 
It's nice to not spend a full 8 hours at work.

Though kinda stressful to leave early today because I hadn't quite gotten opening finished yet.
--Which isn't that surprising since I was scheduled once again by myself. 

But I was quite happy to clock out and head out on my way.

Only to discover, when my phone vibrated, halfway home from work....

That I had missed one of my friends who'd dropped by to visit. 

Lol. Like literally just barely missed them.

Because they'd seen my car in the parking lot and decided to drop by to visit.
-And had promptly gotten distracted by the fish and cats before trying to find me. 
(I get distracted by the fish all the time)

Only to discover....I wasn't there anymore. 
Lol though my coworkers were doing their best to be friend needed me, not them. ^^;;

Apparently they'd walked in just as I was clocking out and walking out.

*shakes head*
Weird how I just barely missed them. 

But, after changing out of my work clothes, I met up with them to grab lunch and catch up and it was a lot of fun. ^^;; It was great to get out of the house and be social for once in a way that didn't end up draining me, as I often feel like those are far and few inbetween. ^^;; 

So woot for surprise visits! :D lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


So like a month ago, on our way back from our Arizona vacation, my mom got a text from our neighbor, who was watching the house, saying that there was a lady who wanted to take one of the kittens.

You see we have this unofficial outdoor cat, named Dove, that I semi-tamed who has litters of kittens 3-4 times a year that she likes to bring to us (as we feed them) when they get old enough to be weaned.

Normally we don't do much with the kittens.
We feed them, do what we can to tame them down....
But they usually end up vanishing after a while. Whether to death or to people taking them...unknown.

In any case.
A woman wanted one of the current kittens that Dove had.
So she apparently tried to take one...
Only to get scratched and bitten in return.

Which isn't surprising. They hadn't yet got to that 'tame level.'
We were barely getting past the "I can only touch you while you're distracted eating" stage.

So to have some stranger come, pick up the kitten and apparently try to shove it in a carrier?

Yah, no. Not surprised at all that she got hurt in the process.

She ended up going home kittenless.

But apparently got worried that she might end up with rabies.
And therefore called...I think it was animal control or something?

As within the week of getting home (I think) a truck came by to inform my dad that they would be trapping the kittens to quarantine them to make sure they didn't have rabies and then would fix them before releasing them back to the neighborhood.

As they do this 'catch, fix, release' program to return feral cats to their familiar territory and such.

And so they came and took the kittens.

But for the past...idk monthish? 
We haven't known for sure what had happened to Dove. The mother.

I mean, she's a smart kitty. 
She has to be.
She's 11 years old.
And considering most feral cats only live 2-3 years.
She's quite the wily creature.

But we hadn't seen her since they came to take the kittens. 

We didn't know if she'd been scared off or taken as well.

But yesterday (or for me today) we found out the answer.

The group had somehow managed to capture her. O.o 

Surprising. She's resisted attempts in the past.

But yesterday a truck pulled up in front of the house, and Kikay happened to be present. 
And she saw them release Dove back in the neighbor's yard, though she promptly ran across the street and disappeared in that backyard. 

But upon striking up a conversation with the people.
She discovered that the kittens wouldn't be returning. They'd been fixed and were going to be adopted.

Which I'm happy to hear.
As they were mellowing out and were still pretty young to be tamed. So the fact that they're going to find homes is great. 

And because they also caught Dove. 
She too got fixed.

Which means that this past litter of kittens....was her last.

Which....I'm halfway sad about because I loved seeing the little kitties when I would come home. 
But at the same time.
It's probably about time.

I mean. 
She's Eleven. 
She's old.
She probably shouldn't be having any more litters of kittens anyways. 

I'm just glad that she's still alive.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A Beat Up Stand

So at work we have these three display tanks on the floor.
A 36 gallon filled with Tropical Community fish.
A 60 gallon filled with Semi Aggressive Fish.
And a 56 Gallon filled with Goldfish. 

The main issue with these tanks....

Is that they're old. 
Old enough that the store keeps threatening to take them down every year.....and haven't yet.
Old enough that we no longer carry the 56 gallon for sale within the store.
Old enough that the stand holding the 60 gallon tank is no longer the same stand we sell with the 60 gallon tanks on the shelf.

Which is where the customer comes in.

There was a customer who came into the store today who really liked the stand that our 60 gallon display tank was sitting on.
The main reason?
She liked the handles on them. They made the piece look more antique.

So she asked if we still sold that tank.
Which we didn't.
I don't even know if we sold it when I started here....I think the stand was already different when I started.

In any case I told her that we did not, because the stands we sold w/ the 60 had changed in design.

So she was like "Well, why not sell me this one then?" Gesturing to the old. beat up, stand that held our display tank. 

Overall the stand is in fine condition. The corners are a little beat up, but the doors still work and nothing's broken on it.

She was even like "Well I can just paint over those!" When I pointed out that the stand wasn't in perfect condition. 

It was a give a good reason to not sell it to her.

But mostly the main reason why I refused....(besides the fact she wasn't planning on buying a tank today anyways, wanting to wait to see what went on sale on Black Friday) 

Is the fact that she was ignoring the bigger picture.
She was ignoring the fact that we have a functioning 60 gallon tank, full of water, fish, decorations, etc sitting on top of that stand.

So if I were to sell her the stand.
I would need to move the tank.
And you can't move a 60 gallon tank full of water.
No. You have to empty out most of the water from the tank.
You have to unplug all the heaters, filters, lights.
You have to have a couple of strong guys lift up the tank off the stand, we could then get the stand to you. Before grabbing a different stand so we could put the 60 gallon tank back in its spot, refill it with water, plug everything in and hope and pray that the trauma of that movement wouldn't send the fish into shock. 

And that's hoping that the stand is still in good condition. I mean, who knows what sort of water damage is lurking underneath the tank?
She could see the stand and decide "You know what? Nevermind. I can just take the hardware off a new stand and get the exact same look!" 
-Which would mean that work was all for nothing. >.< 

Ha. Yah. No.
We're willing to do a lot of the customers.
But taking 2-3 hours to take down, move the tank, reset it up etc....
No just no.
It's not worth it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi