Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Coming Across The Mountains

So there we all were,
In the middle of winding down for the night.
It was after 11:30 pm. 
I was in the living room, doing a bit of last minute computer things before bed, when one of my roomies came out of her room saying that she'd seen a posting on Facebook that there was a fire on the mountain near us.

Now, when I thought 'near us' I thought it was over on the other side of the valley where most of the fires were last year.

Nope. Not the case.

I follow her outside to investigate.
And we can see the orange glow from the fires reflecting in the smoke cloud from where we stand.
Which means it close.
Though we couldn't see flames.
So I thought it was still closer to the other side of the valley than it was to us.

Since we couldn't see any flames, both me and roomie agreed it wasn't that close and went back inside.

Though roomie was still worried -as we have been on edge when fires are mentioned due to the fire last year that nearly took our house. 

So while we were getting ready to go drive over and investigate.

Fourth roomie comes out and says she just heard there was a fire outside.

So we head back outside to show her...and the orange glow has doubled in size in like the five minutes since we'd been outside. ()_()

To give us peace of mind, we all ended up piling into my car and hitting the road turning left at the light at the bottom of our street to head towards the next city over so we can see this fire.

The fire was so much closer than we originally believed.
As it was like maybe a two minute drive down the road before we were right below it. 
Which meant it was close.

I think estimates are that it was like 2 or 3 miles away from us?
And since we've been going through a heat wave...there's a ton of dried grass and brush covering the mountain, so if the winds shifted wrong....things could get ugly quickly.

It was quite the site to behold though it was only around 50 or so acres when we saw it last night. 
But the wind would kick up and the flames would kick up and send roaring spurts of fire high into the sky. Like higher than tree maybe a good twenty feet....though I do think some flames later on in the evening reached like 100 feet. 

It was crazy.
Scary to see.

And when we got back to our house...we could now see flames from there. Which meant the fire was approaching us. 

:S :S :S

Needless to say....there was a lot of worry there.
We could see the flames.
So that meant the fire could get closer.

So we ended up staying up and watching the thing until like 2 am this morning, when my roomie's mom came by and took us on a 2am drive to see the fire from a distance, where we could then tell that the fire was smoldering down and looked to be contained by the fire crews and such on site.

And thankfully today has been colder, cloudier, and wetter with rain fall, so the fire was basically out by the time I got off of work today. 
It burned a nice swatch of nearly 400 acres across the mountainside.
But thankfully no one was hurt and no buildings were damaged/destroyed.

Mostly because the fire started above a trail line that goes along the mountain, and that trail line acted like a fire trench preventing the fire from getting too close to any houses. 

So yah.
It was kinda scary.
But thankfully the fire kept its distance and we didn't have to worry....well I didn't have to worry much. I think my roomies are doing fine too...but it's hard to tell for sure. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Watch Out

I went shopping yesterday, just a 'quick' jaunt to the grocery store after work -where I had a person ask me if they could help them....because they assumed because I was wearing a name tag that I worked at the grocery store.- Nope nope I don't. Just dropping by from my own work.

In any case. I was there to grab a couple of things for a Grilled Cheese night I was having with friends.

And had the random thought cross my mind that I should buy a new watch while I was there.
As I'd noticed how ratty the thing was getting.
Which usually -since the band is the leather sort- if that happens then that means that the watch is probably going to break soon.

But I had no idea when the band would break. It could be tomorrow it could be six months from now....
So I didn't buy the watch.

I should have though.
Because guess what happened halfway through my shift at work today?


The band caught on something I was getting down from a high shelf.
And the little stitching holding the band to the metal watch face....snapped.
Leaving the band unusable.
And me without a watch on my wrist.

*shakes head*

Thankfully I had a shorter shift today.
So I didn't have to go watchless for long.

But that meant another trip into the grocery store today after work.

Thankfully it was a quick in and out sort of thing.
And I had my new watch -which looks exactly the same as the old watch- on my wrist and changed to the correct time before I left the parking lot. ^^;; lol. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hard Topics

Some days it's hard to read/hear/watch/listen to people talking about their mothers.

It's like one of those scabs one has. That's slowly healing.
But hearing the word Mom, Mother, like picking at that scab.

Some days it's not really noticeable. A small bit picked away but it's fine to deal with.

Other dies it like the whole scab is pulled off again, leaving the wound below red and raw.

Today was one of those days that headed more towards pulling the scab off.

As one of the speakers in church today chose to, for some reason that I couldn't quite connnect in her talk, to talk about her mother.

Specifically the days before she died. 

Unlike me though, where my Mom's passing was sudden and very unexpected.

This speaker had seen the signs, had known death was coming. After all. The mom was 99 years old. 
It made sense that she wouldn't be around long.

But the talk was talking about all the things the speaker said to her mom.
All her accomplishments she'd done in life, The positions she'd held, the children she'd raised, etc etc, plus reassurances that it was okay to go.

I'm sure for others.
It was inspiring.

For me though.
It was like the scab was being torn off.

Like...circumstances before Mother Dearest's passing were positive.
We'd been together. I'd hugged her goodbye. That sort of thing.
So I don't have any regrets like that.

So overall I'm at peace with how and why Mom passed away. 
But it's still hard to hear some days.
About Mom's dying.
About people passing on.


Today it was a harder day.

Though I tried to listen.
Tried to imagine some of the phrases and words being spoken were words that Mother Dearest wanted me to hear.

But over the end. I had to tune out, distract myself.
Because I couldn't handle it.
Not like that.
Not yet.
Maybe not ever.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Decorating is Hard

Decorating things is hard. 
Because I often doubt myself and my decisions when it comes to buying things and getting them all to work together.

Though I really should have more confidence in me, because I can set up some pretty nifty looking setups when it comes to organizing my room and like designing tanks. 

But I always like to have like a second opinion, you know, to make sure that it's a good path to go on.

Usually I have Kikay to help me with those decisions.
Because like...she's an artist. So therefore can see when things are working and when they're not.

Only she's not here anymore to ask things.
Since she's back home.
And doesn't answer texts that quickly.

So today, while I was preparing to buy some new 'large' decorations to be the main center pieces in my tank for the new theme.

I ended up having a dithering moment.
Of "Do these pieces actually go together?" Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No.

Yah by the end of my work shift I was mentally exhausted with the idea and was nearly tempted to just say 'bag it' and come back and buy the decorations on Monday or something.

But like I didn't want to leave my tank sitting empty for that long.
And I can't potentially reuse any decorations/plants that I already have until I know how main decorations in the tank fit into place.

So I ended up buying the three decorations I thought would work well together.

And had just enough energy when I got home to get those three decorations into the tank.

And encountered the slight snag in that the water levels rose enough adding in those three large decorations in that I would need to take out a bit of water before I added any more decorations or plants into the tank.

And I didn't have the energy to do so.
Nor the creative brain power to try and design where plants and such would go. 

Because by that point i had a slight headache going and was exhausted from the long day at work.

So I called it a day for today on decorating.

Maybe tomorrow I'll have more energy to be more creative and try and get what decorations I want to reuse into the tank (and empty out a bit of water first) so that way when Monday or maybe Tuesday rolls around, I'll have a better idea of what sort of extra decorations I'll need to buy in order to 'complete' the tank. 

*fingers crossed* it works out.
But at least I took the first big step in decorating and bought those three larger pieces. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, July 26, 2019

Stinky Removal

:S :S :S :S

So....remember when I said that i had to leave a fish decoration in my tank because I had a clown loach in it that refused to come out.

Well....I haven't seen it come out.
Which didn't bode well for it's chances of still being alive.
Since it's been a good three days or so since I took the other decorations out.

And knowing that the clown loach was suffering from a bit of ick if not maybe a fungal issue too....and the stress of being out of the water as I tried to get the fish out of the decoration....

My guess was that the thing was probably dead.

Pulling the decoration out of the tank today confirmed it.
As I caught the briefiest scents of death before my nose went noseblind to it.
-Too much time in the pet store so I only catch brief scents before my nose filters it out. 

The roomie though was like "Whew!! That reeks! Something's dead."

Heh. Good to have that confirmed.
But that left the problem that I now had a dead fish stuck in this decoration.

And I didn't really want to break it to get the dead fish out.

So with a bit of shaking and use of small tweezers. 
I was able to pull the dead fish out of the decoration.
(Did accidentally break the corner of the decoration though. Foo.)

But at least I have the last decoration out of the tank and the dead fish out of the decoration.

-Also rescued a catfish that decided to hide in the same decoration when I pulled it out. *shakes head* Silly fish.  

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, July 25, 2019


So I'm in the process of posting chapters to the most recent story that I've finished writing.
It's my second longest one at nearly 15k words long and 11 chapters. 

Most of the time if I do multi-chapter stories I stick with 3-5 chapters.

So 11 is a lot.

And the concept is one that I've been personally looking forward to with...well a bit of trepidation.

Because it's hard to predict which stories will be popular and which ones won't in a fandom.

Some gain immediate attention.
Others never do or take months to do so. 

So I always hope that a story will be popular.
But I usually expect to only get like maybe 100 notes and such.

But this story I've been posting?

Well I'm only on chapter 4 of the 11.

And like.
It's crazy the response I've gotten.

Some of the popular bloggers in the fandom have requested that they be added to the taglist so they're updated when I post the next chapter (as I'm posting a chapter twice a week) or have followed me. And it's like crazy.

Because usually when I post a new story, I gain like maybe 5-20 followers after I do.

Not this story.
No I've jumped up at least 100 followers already.
and I'm only on Chapter 4!

I'm feeling the pressure.
Will people like the remaining 7 chapters as much as they've liked the first 4? 
Will I continue to gain like 20-40 followers with EVERY chapter? 

It's crazy.
It's crazy crazy crazy.
I never expected the story to get so popular like this.
And I'm just. Geeking out about it.

I really hope they like the remaining chapters.

Because it's stressing me out not knowing. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Spacial Snags

Gotta love complications.

So. We had two of the roomies moving out right?
Which meant that we needed to find a couple new roomies to fill those vacancies. 

Thankfully I knew of a friend of mine who was in need of a place to live.
And my other roomie had just reached out to a friend of theirs and offered them the remaining room...

A slight snag has come up.

In that fourth roomie...who was planning to move out....revealed that the place they were planning to move into....had sold the contract out from under them.

So the current fourth roomie doesn't have a place to move into.

But we've already basically filled both rooms in the home because we were expecting to have two vacancies.

So now it's like a rock and a hard place moment.

Because we've already offered both rooms to other people.
And like...while I want to help this roomie out and such....they haven't really done much to convince us that we want them to continue living with us.

Like it's hard to want to have someone continue living with you when they never do anything with you and your only interactions with them are mostly negative/stressful. 

But it's not fun to consider that they may be homeless soon because they couldn't find anywhere else to move into. (They have indicated they could move briefly in with family.) 

But yah.
It's hard.
Especially since we've already offered the rooms to other people.
One is confirmed for sure to move in.

But the other potential new roomie has requested a few days to think about it and they'll let us know.

So it's the waiting game.

And I hate it.
Because I want to know for sure which way things are going to go.
Do I need to mentally/emotionally prepare to get a new roomie?
Or prepare to have the current one stay.

Because if the potential new roomie says no, then the current roomie will just switch rooms. 

But until we get an answer....

The energy in the house has been rather stressed.

I hope we get an answer sooner rather than later....but we'll see. 

I hate complications.
Why can't things go smoothly for once?

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Deep Clean

So since November really...I've had issues with my 125 gallon fish tank. 
Where every two to three months.
It feels like my tank comes down with some sort of sickness that kills most of the fish and I have to do treatments and such to try and get everything back to normal and then add in more fish....

Which starts the cycle all over again apparently.

And this past week...I had another such die off happen again.
For whatever reason my fish came down with Ick and Fungal things and who knows what else, but it didn't look good at all.
So I did the treatments to get the fish basically better.

And decided that I needed to do a deep clean of my tank. 
Like a super deep clean.

Because I've treated the tank for the same issues multiple times (though the Ick was a newer symptom) 
Therefore...I had to wonder if maybe there was something in the decorations in my tanks causing the fish to get sick.

After all, after my colorado vacation last month, I ended up loosing like three of my largest fish and didn't find the bodies of two of them. :S :S :S
Which meant they'd either been eaten...or had rotted away in the tank which could mean diseases were spreading from the bodies. 

So today, I pulled out every single decoration in the tank.
(and found 3 more dead fish because the fish were doing the die off thing currently)

And set those decorations out to dry as hopefully being out of the water for a few days would kill anything that might be on those....
But at this point I'm really tempted to just toss everything away and start over new.

In any case.
Once I had the decorations out I did a deep clean of the tank.
Drained like 75% of the water and made sure to take the gravel vacuum through the gravel extra good to make sure that it was cleaner.

So yah. Drained the tank, refilled it up.
And now I'm letting it sit basically empty of decorations.
-Basically empty because I had to leave one in there because a clown loach is hiding inside and refuses to come out so I'm hoping it will come out in the next day or two. 

But yah. Just one decoration.
Left the rest of the tank empty of decorations. Letting the fish free swim about.
And letting me see what fish I still had in my tank.

*exhales* Looks like I lost about half of them again.

But hopefully with this deeper clean, my fish will be able to remain healthier and I'll be able to get more fish back in sooner rather than later so the tank can look more lively than it has been.
We'll see. 
*fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, July 22, 2019

From Overseas

So a friend of ours has spent the last little bit in Ireland doing an Archaeological dig sort of thing. Which JEALOUS!! That's super cool!
In any case, they came by to visit and tell us stories and also give us souvenirs!!
Gifts from overseas. I LOVE IT. 

What I love though.
Is that I'm pretty well known for collecting rocks.
Like I got to the gem faire whenever it comes into town and will often bring home rocks from my own vacations. 

And my friend brought me back a rock from Ireland!!


It was while they were...cave diving or doing something water related?
And they found this cool flat shale like rock.

It's flat and square and amazing.

And my friend was like "It reminded me of you and I thought I should bring it back for you."

So I got a rock from IRELAND!


I love it. :D 
It's great. 


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, July 21, 2019

In the Heat

We had dinner over at my Grandma's house tonight.
Which isn't something that we do that often.
But because Kikay has just moved back home....the house has been in a bit of a mess with all the moving boxes and such.
So we had dinner at grandmas so there would be places for everyone to sit. 
Lol it was a rather lowkey event.
Lots of socializing and such.

The only problem.
We had dinner outside.

Which normally isn't a problem.
but it's been HOT.

And it was HOT back there.
Even though we were sitting in the shade.
It was too hot for me.
I was drinking liquids like crazy to try and stay cool.

And eventually had to duck inside into the much cooler house in order to cool back down.
Because I do not like the heat at all.
Though the rest of the family seemed to be soaking it in. *shakes head*

I'm glad they could enjoy the heat.

But personally I can't wait for it to get cooler again.
Because anywhere that's above 80 degrees is a bit too hot for me.
And it's been high 90s low 100s here. :S :S :S

Too hot too hot too hot!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, July 20, 2019


It's so weird how empty a room can feel when all the personalized touches of the person are taken out.
The knick-knacks.
The furniture.
The bedding.
The hangings on the wall.

Leaving behind empty spaces, very bare places and a rather echoy room.

It's hard to believe that Kikay isn't living here anymore.
That all her stuff is basically gone.
That the room that has been hers for the past couple of years....
Is empty.
And may eventually hold the stuff of a different individual.
Someone I probably won't know, or if I do know them, won't know that well.

It's weird.
Because in some cases it felt like we'd be living together for forever.
Even though I knew it wouldn't be the case.
It's weird to not have her stuff in her room.
To have that room empty of personality.

It makes it all the more real.
That she's moving on, going on to bigger and better things, taking another step forward in the game in life.....

Leaving me.
Leaving me feeling like I'm falling farther and farther behind.
Wondering if I too should be doing something more. Doing more....even though I'm rather happy with how life is going right now.....

It's hard when your younger siblings are doing all the things you thought you should have been the first to do....and yet still haven't done.

So odd.

And it's hard.
It truly hit me this morning that she was leaving.
That she wouldn't be around.
She wouldn't live here any more.

It's hard.
I'm not a fan of the unknown, of change. Especially when I don't know how the dice are going to fall....

But at least I was semiprepared for this moment.

And have the opportunity to be semi prepared for more change as other roomie has confirmed today that she is indeed moving out.

So two empty rooms.
Two potential new roommates.

A lot of change and adjustment coming my way. 

Hopefully I can handle it okay.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, July 19, 2019

Going Going Gone

I was thrown for a slight curveball today.
Because Kikay was upset that we weren't making a bigger deal of her moving out of the house.

Which...understandable. It doesn't feel good to have no one commenting that they'll miss you, or wanting you to stay or anything.

Yet at the same it's felt like she's already left. Because she's hardly here.
So like taking all her stuff....yah. It's moving out...but she's kinda already moved out.

But also, there was the fact that even though I knew she was moving out this weekend....I didn't comprehend it as actually leaving.
No that's for next weekend, when she's coming to clean things and get everything else she couldn't take this weekend with her. 

So that, in my mind, was the official move out day. The official day she was leaving.
Next week.
Not tomorrow.

It's so weird to think.
Tomorrow she's taking all her stuff.
Tomorrow she's leaving and won't officially live here.

It's weird.
So weird.
Yet at the same time, again, not all that weird.
Because like I said earlier, she's barely been here for the past couple of months. 

However...on a slightly different note.
My other roomie may be also packing to leave.
As things have disappeared from the public spaces, and she's been moving boxes around....

But she hasn't said anything to my knowledge.
Well....anything official.

She'd mentioned a few days ago that she had been looking at other places to move to with a friend.
But had also said that she may just move into Kikay's room.

Yet...with the packing of the boxes....I do think she might be planning to move out.

Though I wonder how much she'll pack before she actually tells us she's moving out....

Gah. I hate the unknown. I like to prepare. So I just need to know if she's moving to a different room, or moving out...because then I can prepare better for what to expect in the future. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Summer Casualities

Sometimes I wonder at customers.
Because like....really? How dumb do you think we are?

So this morning I was bagging crickets right?
Like I usually do.
Because if I prebag a set amount, then I get less people bugging me for crickets throughout the day.
In this case,
I was in the middle of bagging our large crickets when a customer came into the store wanting six of them.

I didn't think much of it because this was one of our regulars.
The number varied slightly each week, but I knew the customer and so didn't think anything about handing them the bag of six crickets I'd already prebagged.

That is...
Until a handful of hours later...I don't know how much time passed exactly, but at least two hours maybe? 
And my manager calls over the radio that she needs six large crickets bagged up.
But okay.
I'd already bagged up that amount after giving the first bag of six to the customer.
So I grabbed it, only to tur and see the manager coming with their own bag of crickets....
And a familiar face of the customer I'd helped a little earlier standing a bit behind them.

The crickets in the bag the customer had purchased were all Dead.

Which with how hot it is, and how quickly they had to return for said crickets....
I figured they'd been left in the car.

I mean, those were freshly bagged crickets. There was no reason for any of them to have died within a twoish hour period. 

But the customer claimed they didn't leave the bugs in the car.

I don't believe them at all.

Especially not when the manager was like "yah...but I could see steam coming off the bag."
Steam means heat.
Heat means left in the sun.
So unless you walked around with the crickets in the heat for a couple of hours.
I'm pretty darn certain that you left the creatures in the car.

*shakes head*

It happens every year. 
Customers forget that no living creature should be left in a car in the middle of the summer heat.
They don't last long.
At all. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Outta Time

It's interesting how quickly things can go astray when it comes to work.
And usually it's because of customers.
And usually it happens when there's a ton of customers in the store when you're not expecting them.

Such a case happened today.
Not that there were a lot of customers. No it was still pretty slow all things considering.
But there were more customers in the store earlier in the day than expected.

And it probably stressed me out more because I had a bit more of a deadline today as I was off a couple of hours earlier than normal. 
Which meant I had less time to get things done.
And things were happening in such a fashion that by the time I got to the point of being able to do the bedding change....I only had like an hour left in my shift.
Which with reptiles it's at least a two hour bedding change if not three depending on how many times I get interrupted.
And considering I'd spent the last half hour helping customers....I wasn't hopeful as we were getting into our lunch rush timeframe.

So after checking with a manager to see if my replacement would be able to do the bedding change and finding out what I already figured....that they couldn't because we were one person short already today....we decided to forgo the bedding change.
which is stressful in its own manner, but at least it was the reptile bedding change and out of all the animals, the reptiles are the ones where we can get away with not doing if necessary as the cages tend to overall appear pretty clean anyways.

So yah...slightly stressful in that I wasn't able to get that done.
But at least I was off early. :D So woot for early out. :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Fallen ill

I should have known there was going to be an issue.
Because usually if people decide to talk to me about my 125 gallon tank and I tell them everything's good and all the fish are great and that I have like 50 fish in that tank---

Within a day or two or you know...the same day....I discover an issue with said tank.

Guess what happened today?
I discovered an issue.

I'd realized something may be wrong yesterday evening as I was heading to bed as I realized one of my bettas appeared to have ick when I fed the tank yesterday.
But I didn't think much on it, beyond you know maybe wanting to move said betta to a different tank when I got home from work today.

But when I got home?

Not good.
Like...all but two of my bettas have vanished. I know there were like 7 in the tank. And I could only find like 2 of them. :S

Plus I noticed that some of my tetras have ick.
Others are clamped finned.
Yet others seem to have swelling on their mouths....

And looking closer.
A lot of my fish have randomly vanished.

So it appears that my tank is going through another die off. >_<

And I'm not sure what caused it.....
In any case.
I've started treatments and such to try and save the rest of my fish.
But gah.

I was looking forward to potentially adding in more fish this week!

And now I have to wait and see how everyone does.....


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Celebration

Today is Mother Dearest's Birthday.

The her first birthday without her here on earth to celebrate it. 

I have to admit.
It was difficult. Difficult being at work today.
Because just random little things like seeing Mom's favorite fish, would set me off and have tears streaming from my eyes. 

So yah....if I had been thinking I might have taken a leaf from Daddoo's book and taken the day off. 
But at the same time...I find it easier to distract myself and no easier way to distract myself than to be busy at work. 

But yah.
It was difficult.
Because what are you supposed to do on a birthday when the person has passed?

In my case.
I chose to celebrate it by doing things that Mom liked to do. 

So Kikay and I ventured out to Barnes and Noble.

Because Mom loved to read and collect books, but not only that but Mother Dearest loved to buy us books and would take any opportunity to do so. 

So we went to Barnes and Noble to each pick out a book to buy--and in typical Mother Dearest fashion lol we ended up each leaving with two before we ventured over to the nearby Arctic Circle and got ourselves some Lime Rickies because that was one of the drinks that Mom loved to get there. 

And after that we came home....where I was sure to grab a mountain dew because that was Mother Dearests signature drink.

So yah.
It wasn't anything crazy. But it helped us feel closer to Mom. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, July 14, 2019


So, there I was, suffering from a migraine because I stressed myself out too much yesterday apparently.
And I'd decided that I wanted to venture out into our TV room and put on a show and listen to it in the semi-darkness as I didn't really want to deal with light shining in through the windows.

My roomies had all gone to Church and weren't expected back for another half hour to an hourish.
So I decided to close all the blinds in the room -as they'd been left open by roomie- so I could enjoy the darkness. 

And I was just getting to the point of settling down to pick out something to listen to on Netflix....

When one of my roomies unexpectedly came home early. 

She encountered me in the TV room and immediately went to the blinds I had literally shut like five minutes earlier and was like "Can I open these?" 

I was quick to say "I just shut those, I'm sensitive to light right now." 

And the roomie like freaked out on me. "ITS TOO DARK DOWN HERE!" she practically yelled beofre she stormed off to her room and slammed the door shut.

I was well aware of how much roomie has been craving to have light. As she's mentioned before that she likes having a lot of light...

Only....she literally never spends any time whatsoever in the TV room.
The only time she's in the TV room is when she's headed elsewhere.

The rest of the time she'd locked up in her room and doesn't ever leave it. 

---Which for someone who craves'd think she'd turn on the lights in her room more often and not just rely on the lights coming through the window -which isn't enough light for her, judging by how often she'd complained of how dark it was.

In any case.
The whole vibe of watching TV in the darkness had totally been ruined by her and her sudden flare of Anger.
I didn't want to hang out in that room with the knowledge that she could potentially come out and send more negative energy my way. 

So I pulled open the curatins --not that she ever left her room to see that. *rolls eyes* 
And retreated to my room, which wasn't ideal, but I did have my laptop so I just put on a show on netflix there and hung out until I needed to leave.

But still.
It's frustrating.
I mean I get wanting to have more light in a place. 
But the curtains had literally been open all week long.
Why flare up at me now when I had just barely shut them?

I don't get it.
I'm assuming that something happened to put her in a bad mood and the refusal to open the curatins right away just was the needle that broke the camel's back.

But at the same time.
I'm kinda tired of not knowing how this roomie will react to things.
Because she can be quite the mood killer when she ever deigns to leave her bedroom. 

Until you next see these words; 
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, July 13, 2019

In Search of Bread

Sometimes it's difficult living in a college town.
Especially when its a Saturday....and you're trying to shop for a specific food.

Because wouldn't you know it? The one thing you're wanting to nowhere to be found.

The last time I tried to find a 'specific' thing it had been Ranch Wheat Thins and I'd gone to like four different stores looking for them and couldn't find them.

Today it was Garlic Bread.

Because we were doing Spaghetti tomorrow for the family dinner.
And we always buy these loaves of Garlic Bread that you toss in the oven for like 10 minutes and walla toasty garlicy buttery goodness!

Honestly. My favorite part of dinner is that bread.

And yet.
The first grocery story I dropped by.....had nothing. 
Like they had other breads, but nothing that said "garlic bread." 

But not unheard of I suppose, after all, it was a Saturday, like the most popular shopping day of the week ---though it did feel oddly not crowded there...summer time lull??

In any case.
I figured I would just drop by the other grocery store on my way home---though that took a bit because I ended up having to weave through this complicated detour because the road near that store was under construction/closed.

But when I finally arrived at the store I darted inside for the bread because I had groceries from the other store in my car and in the 90degree heat I didn't want things to melt (the chocolate melted foo) or you know get too warm. 

Only when I went to the bread section.
What did I find?
No Garlic Bread.

By this time I was hot, tired, getting a headache, and so done because I had just gotten off work and was ready to go home to rest.

So I called up my Daddoo and was like "Can you grab the garlic bread please because there is none down here in college town."

He said yes.
And wouldn't you know it---he found it easy peasy.

The difference between living in a college town and a noncollege town I suppose.

But thankfully he found some because spaghetti wouldn't have been the same without that garlic bread. :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, July 12, 2019


One of the consistent things about growing up at home, was that Mother Dearest would often be in the kitchen doing the dishes/cleaning up after the dinner that my Daddoo had made. 
-As that was their system, he cooked the food, she cleaned up the mess afterwards.-

But since Mother Dearest's passing....
The kitchen has...kinda been an organized disaster area.
More emphasis on disaster.

After all, it's mostly been Daddoo home alone.
And he's not been cooking as much because it's hard to cook for one.
Even harder to clean up afterwards.

Honestly, I don't know if we've majorly cleaned the kitchen since Mom's passing.

And today.
I had time.
And the will.
To try and just...get a bit of cleanness back into the house.
As Daddoo has often stated that he needed to 'catch up' on things.
But he's been saying that for a while.

So I figured since I was up there for the day -due to a dentist appointment- that I would take a little bit of time and just organize and clean a few things.
Specifically the kitchen.

I attacked the counters specifically.
As they've been crowded with random assortments of odds and ends and things that don't belong in the kitchen.

Cleared it off. wiped it down. Attacked the stove because that thing needed a serious wipe down as well as the microwave and finished by doing the dishes.

Oh and making dinner for Daddoo and I.
Because I figured, if the kitchen was clean, and he could see that it's easier to cook in it....
Maybe it would inspire him to cook a bit more. To be more proactive in keeping things cleaner....

We'll see though.
But I felt well accomplished in my task of bringing a bit of sunshine and warmth back into the kitchen so it felt more welcoming and inviting and such. 

*fingers crossed* that it can stay cleaner. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, July 11, 2019


A friend of mine told me the other day that they had put me as a reference on an application they were doing to try to get into some new housing and told me to keep an eye out for a specific number calling me. 

I'd heard that sort of thing a few times before....and never been called, so I wasn't exactly expecting to ever get a call from the agency in charge of the applications.

But today, while I was on break at work.
A random number called me.
But it wasn't the number I'd been told to be on the lookout for so I let it ring out...
Only for a voicemail to show up on my phone screen a couple of seconds later.

-_- had been from the agency I'd been told to look out for. 
They'd called from a different number and left a message to call them back so they could ask me some questions about my friend.

So I called them back, since I was on break and free at the moment and after a bit of explanation, answered the questions they asked and such. 

At the time I thought I did pretty well....

But now my brain has hit that 'paranoia' point of 'what if I said the wrong thing?! what if I screwed this up for my friend?! Ahhh!!"

Because I'd mentioned that I'd been roommates with them and they were like "Roommates?!" *scritches on paper* "You're currently roommates with them?" 
"No, it was like a year and a half ago" 
-Okay it's been a year or so longer than that but like...I was under pressure and that was the first timeframe that popped into my head. 

And they were like "Okay that's all we need to know." and ended the call.

:S :S :S 
I hope that us being roommates at one point isn't a bad thing.....
*fingers crossed* that my friend gets into that housing place.....but we'll see. :S 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Cleaning Ever Cleaning

So I deep cleaned the cat cages yesterday.
After my coworkers had bleached the cages the night before.
But to doubly check and make sure they were 'clean.'
The managers wanted them sprayed down again with our cleaner thing we use at the store. 

So I set to work, using the spray bottle to spray every single inch of those cages and then wipe them dry.

And at the end of the task, I realized my thumbs were kinda sore, specifically on the knuckle closest to the palm of my hand.

Turns out, I'd sprayed the bottle so much that I had rubbed a raw spot on each thumb -as I'd switched hands when I got tired. 

It's been a while since I've done something like that.

Oddly enough the one on the right was worse than the one on the either the angle was worse with that spray bottle...or else my left hand is pretty used to getting hurt lol. 

They're still slightly tender today.
And it didn't help at all that I needed to use the spray bottle in order to clean the reptile cages either.
So my right thumb ended up with even more of a raw spot. *exhales*

Which meant that I didn't really want to use that hand to scrub tanks after I was done cleaning cages.
Because I didn't want to antagonize or possibly cause an infection from that.

So for the first time in like forever....seriously after the infection in my left arm I've barely used it to scrub tanks....and that was like what 4 years ago now?

In any case.
I chose to use my left hand to scrub the fish tanks.
Kinda weird to do that.
It's been so long.
So very long. lol
My hand isn't used to that kind of work, though it gets plenty of work with scrubbing out animal cages. *shakes head* 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A New Toy

It's been something I've been thinking about buying....for like ever really.
I mean my current laptop is least four or five years old.
Which is ancient in laptop time really. 
It's showing it's age a that most of the letters on the keys have vanished lol. And the computer moves a little slower than it did in the beginning.
But otherwise it's a good functioning laptop.

Which is why I've hesitated for so long to buy one.
I mean, this laptop still works.
So why should I get a new one?

I kept my eye out, checking out sales on laptops and such. 
And noticed that one in particular that I liked, one of the HP Google Chromebooks.....
Would consistently go on sale. Every couple of weeks or so it would be reduced in price by like $150. 
And most 'protection plans' that you can get that last for like a couple of years, would cost about that price. The $150.
So I would basically be buying the laptop at full price....but with the addition of the protection plan within that price. So yay for that!

I still hesitated.

A couple of weeks ago....
I decided that I really did want to get that new laptop. 
As it was again on that $150 off sale. 
Only, I'd never seen it in person. 

Still. I went to the local check it out...or at least similar laptops to it. 
Because they didn't have the one I wanted to buy on display.

But the ones 'similar' weren't at all 'exactly' like it. And I didn't like the other versions.
Which made it difficult to convince myself that I would like the one I thought I liked after seeing the pictures of it on the internet....

But there was another store about 20 minutes away that did have my laptop on display.

So after dithering for a while and deciding not to buy it there, Kikay convinced me that it wouldn't hurt to drive up and at least check out the laptop in person and see if I actually liked it so I could decide if I wanted it or not.

Which upon arriving.
I totally loved it! :D 
It felt right. It was cool. Kikay says that I 'totally lit up' when I was playing around with it. :D 

….I didn't end up buying it though. 
It felt like too much pressure.
I didn't even need another laptop.

Though the thought of getting a new one had grown stronger as the laptop seemed to be getting slower and more difficult---though in reality it still works just fine. 

In any case.
The day before I left to go see family up in the family reunion for the 4th of July weekend....
I decided that again, I wanted the laptop as again it was on the $150 off sale.

But I was still hesitant...because maybe that sale sign had been a fluke? Had I accidentally checked on the wrong day and the sale had changed since then?

So I decided that if I looked and saw it was still on sale, I would go grab it after work.....

What did I find when I looked?
That it WAS on sale.
But for $200 off instead of the $150!
So I would be saving myself an extra $50. YES! 

Those last remaning hours of my work shift were torture.
Because the store only had three of my laptop in stock...and one had been sold that day.
So I was worried I would miss out on this sale because I was stuck at work.

Thankfully that wasn't the case. :D 

I got off work, zoomed on over and got my laptop bought and purchased with its protection plan in like 10 minutes!


However, next came the one tiny problem....of me going straight on vacation like...that very afternoon....

And there was no way that I was bringing a BRAND NEW laptop on vacation with me. :S :S :S :S who knows what sort of damage it could take. 
No I wanted to play with my new laptop in the safety of my home.

So for the past few sat in it's box. Unopened, while I took my old laptop with me on vacation.

But today.
I finally had the time to pull it out and ahhhhh

I love it so much.

Lol So glad I made that purchase. ^^;; 
Though I'm still at odds as to which laptop I should use....
Currently I'm still using my old laptop for my writing projects...while the new laptop has been playing movies off of Netflix as background music. ^^;;

I'll probably end up transferring over to the new laptop soon.
But for now, I'm having fun with both going at the same time. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, July 8, 2019

Done with It

I wasn't mentally ready to go back to work today.
Like if coming back home had been....better....I probably would have been in a better mood.
But because yesterday was stressful and I'm worried for my Daddoo….

Coming in to work to find that there was a mountain of fifteen or so cages of various sizes still in the back needing to be clean and knowing that practically ALL of them have been there since I left on Wednesday....
Is frustrating.
So frustrating.

Like my coworkers had four freaking days to clean those cages.
And what did they do?

I get that it was the 4th of July weekend. So therefore busy.
I mean we made $10k more this past week than we usually do. 
So it was busy.
We also lost about 30 hours in MY department because a couple of coworkers called out sick last week as well.

But like....I deal with having no second opener all the day. I deal with having just me in the department all the time.
And I can still get things done and cages cleaned.

The excuse that 'it got busy' is getting thin.
It can't always be busy. 
I KNOW closing shifts.
I KNOW what days get busy.
And not EVERYDAY is busy. 

I was planning to show one of my coworkers -a newer coworker- what is expected with closing when they showed up for their shift as we would have a bit of overlap to do so.
Only guess what?

They called out sick.


So mostly I need to just work on seeing if I can find time to retrain the closing staff on how quickly to close and what they need to do with closing.
Because there should be no excuse as to why dishes and cages aren't done. XP 


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, July 7, 2019


It's been a rough afternoon.

Halfway because we spent a lot of the day driving back from the reunion.

But the rest....
Because yesterday we got word that there might have been an attempted break in at the house. 

Attempted because Kikay found the door ajar....but one of the locks had prevented it from being opened fully. 
And it was deemed weird because she had locked up the house before leaving. 
So to find that door half unlocked....wasn't a good sign.

But because there's been a bit of remodeling and rearranging to get the house more to Dad's aesthetic.
So it was difficult for Kikay to tell if anything had been taken.

Turns out. 
Things were taken. 

The thought is that the thieves found the door unlocked -as remodeling people have been known to leave the door unlocked- and they may have come in, grabbed a couple of boxes of stuff....and left.
Only to decide to come back later, after Kikay had come back and locked up and found the door locked. 

The things taken?
Were more of sentimental value to Daddoo. Some family heirlooms, some things of Moms, some collectibles he'd been collecting....

But nothing else.

Kikay had called the cops and already reported it.
But they sent another officer over once we got back and Daddoo had a chance to look around and see if anything had been taken.

Which resulted in like police coming to canvass the neighborhood for witnesses and a crime lab to come by to see if they could get any fingerprints and such.

But the general consensus?
It's a weird theft.

Like there are a lot of things that could have been taken and were bypassed.
Why those two boxes? 
Boxes filled mostly with items that are more particular to Daddoo's Aesthetic and not many people would realize the value of. Why just that?
The police were confused.
It was a very specific theft.

It's unknown if we'll be able to recover any of the items. 
And I feel for my Daddoo.
A lot of them were sentimental. Had a lot of personal value. Especially the items that belonged to my Mom that were taken, as well as heirlooms from his grandparents and great grand parents. 

It also seems to be that life just....keeps knocking him back down.
It seems like whenever he is finally getting his feet back under him....
Something else bad happens.

And I wish that wasn't the case.
I wish that life would just be like...sunshine and daisies. That he would be able to find happiness and contentment again. 

It's really...really....really hard when bad things keep happening. 

I hope we can get the stuff back.
I really hope we can.
For my Daddoo's sake. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi