Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Deep Clean

So since November really...I've had issues with my 125 gallon fish tank. 
Where every two to three months.
It feels like my tank comes down with some sort of sickness that kills most of the fish and I have to do treatments and such to try and get everything back to normal and then add in more fish....

Which starts the cycle all over again apparently.

And this past week...I had another such die off happen again.
For whatever reason my fish came down with Ick and Fungal things and who knows what else, but it didn't look good at all.
So I did the treatments to get the fish basically better.

And decided that I needed to do a deep clean of my tank. 
Like a super deep clean.

Because I've treated the tank for the same issues multiple times (though the Ick was a newer symptom) 
Therefore...I had to wonder if maybe there was something in the decorations in my tanks causing the fish to get sick.

After all, after my colorado vacation last month, I ended up loosing like three of my largest fish and didn't find the bodies of two of them. :S :S :S
Which meant they'd either been eaten...or had rotted away in the tank which could mean diseases were spreading from the bodies. 

So today, I pulled out every single decoration in the tank.
(and found 3 more dead fish because the fish were doing the die off thing currently)

And set those decorations out to dry as hopefully being out of the water for a few days would kill anything that might be on those....
But at this point I'm really tempted to just toss everything away and start over new.

In any case.
Once I had the decorations out I did a deep clean of the tank.
Drained like 75% of the water and made sure to take the gravel vacuum through the gravel extra good to make sure that it was cleaner.

So yah. Drained the tank, refilled it up.
And now I'm letting it sit basically empty of decorations.
-Basically empty because I had to leave one in there because a clown loach is hiding inside and refuses to come out so I'm hoping it will come out in the next day or two. 

But yah. Just one decoration.
Left the rest of the tank empty of decorations. Letting the fish free swim about.
And letting me see what fish I still had in my tank.

*exhales* Looks like I lost about half of them again.

But hopefully with this deeper clean, my fish will be able to remain healthier and I'll be able to get more fish back in sooner rather than later so the tank can look more lively than it has been.
We'll see. 
*fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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