Monday, October 31, 2016

April 2012 General Conference -Sunday Morning

Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Merciful Obtain Mercy
  • We can so clearly and easily see the harmful results that come when others judge and hold grudges. And we certainly don't like it when people judge us.
  • But when it comes to our own prejudices and grievances, we too often justify our anger as righteous and our judgment as reliable and only appropriate. Though we cannot look into another's heart, we assume that we know a bad motive or even a bad person when we see one. We make exceptions when it comes to our own bitterness because we feel that, in our case, we have all the information we need to hold someone else in contempt.
  • When the Lord requires that we forgive all men, that includes forgiving ourselves. Sometimes, of all the people in the world, the one who is the hardest to forgive--as well as perhaps the one who is most in need of our forgiveness-is the person looking back at us in the mirror.
  • Stop it!
  • Don't judge me because I sin differently than you.
  • Forgiving ourselves and others is not easy. In fact, for most of us it requires a major change in our attitude and way of thinking--even a change of heart. But there is good news. This "mighty change" of heart is exactly what the gospel of Jesus Christ is designed to bring into our lives.
  • The pure love of Christ can remove the scales of resentment and wrath from our eyes, allowing us to see others the way our Heavenly Father sees us: as flawed and imperfect mortals who have potential and worth far beyond our capacity to imagine. Because God loves us so much, we too must love and forgive each other.
  • Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
  • We are not perfect.
  • The people around us are not perfect. People do things that annoy, disappoint, and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way.
Russell M. Nelson -Thanks Be to God
  • Be we reminded that a perfect body is not required to achieve one's divine destiny. In fact, some of the sweetest spirits are housed in frail or imperfect bodies. Great spiritual strength is often developed by people with physical challenges, precisely because they are so challenged.
  • Anyone who studies the workings of the human body has surely "seen God moving in his majesty and power." Because the body is governed by divine law, any healing comes by obedience to the law upon which that blessing is predicated.
  • The spirit provides the body with animation and personality.
  • God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but we are not. Each day, ours is the challenge to access the power of the Atonement so that we can truly change, become more Christlike, and qualify for the gift of exaltation and live eternally with God, Jesus Christ, and our families. For these powers, privileges, and gospel gifts, thanks be to God!
Ronald A. Rasband -Special Lessons
  • "A perfect body is not required to achieve a divine destiny. In fact, some of the sweetest spirits are housed in frail frames."
  • To all of you who have challenges, concerns, disappointments, or heartaches with a dear one, know this: with infinite love and everlasting compassion, God our Heavenly Father loves your afflicted one, and He loves you!
  • "I have a great appreciation for those loving parents who stoically bear and overcome their anguish and heartbreak for a child who was born with or who has developed a serious mental or physical infirmity. This anguish often continues every day, without relief, during the lifetime of the parent or the child. Not infrequently, parents are required to give superhuman nurturing care that never ceases, day or night. Many a mother's arms and heart have ached years on end, giving comfort and relieving the suffering of her special child."
  • If you come upon a person who is drowning, would you ask if they need help--or would it be better to just jump in and save them from the deepening waters? The offer, while well meaning and often given, "Let me know if I can help" is really no help at all.
  • We continue to learn the important value of being aware of and interested in the lives of those around us, learning not only the importance of giving help but also the overwhelming joy that comes from helping others.
Julie B. Beck -The Vision of Prophets regarding Relief Society: Faith, Family, Relief
  • Relief Society is not a program. It is an official part of the Lord's Church that is "divinely ordained of God" to teach, strengthen, and inspire sisters in their purpose regarding faith, family, and relief. Relief Society is a way of life for Latter-day Saint women, and its influence extends far beyond a Sunday class or a social gathering. It follows the pattern of female disciples who served with the Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles in His ancient Church. We have been taught that "it is as obligatory upon a woman to aw into her life the virtues that are fostered by the Relief Society as it is an obligation for the men to build into their lives the patterns of character fostered by the priesthood."
  • President Boyd K. Packer has likened Relief Society to "a protecting wall." The responsibility to protect sisters and their families increases the significance of the watchcare and ministering of visiting teachers, and it is a demonstration of our willingness to remember our covenants with the Lord. As "ministers to the needy and to the afflicted," we work in harmony with bishops to look after the temporal and spiritual needs of the Saints.
D. Todd Christofferson -The Doctrine Of Christ
  • It is commonly understood in the Church that a statement made by one leader on a single occasion often represents a personal, though well-considered, opinion, not meant to be official or binding for the whole Church.
  • A prophet [is] a prophet only when he [is] acting as such.
Thomas S. Monson -The Race of Life
  • "For where your treasure is, there will you heart be also."
  • "Let us lay aside ... the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us."
  • In our zeal, let us not overlook the sage counsel from Ecclesiastes: "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong." Actually, the prize belongs to him o her who endures to the end.
  • We enter mortality not to float with the moving currents of life but with the power to think, to reason, and to achieve.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Introverted Project

Did I mention a while ago that I got a new calling at Church?
I feel like I did, though honestly at this point I don't remember. lol.
(and I'm too lazy to look back and see)
But I'm pretty sure I did.
How I moved into a new place and it only took the bishopric like two weeks to find me and give me a calling?
Yah, sounds like a familiar tone of post for me.

In any case.
My calling was for the Ward Prayer Committee.
-Which basically is a group of individuals in charge of having a Ward Prayer -where the ward gathers in the evening, we have someone say a thought, someone give a prayer and sometimes there's refreshments, games, get to know you things etc.
-Its another method used in YSA wards to get the singles to mingle with each other. ;) haha.
But it's also just a good way to start off the work week, with a group prayer.

I have to admit.
I haven't really been to a ward prayer in a while.
In my old place I think I only went once in the couple of years I was there.

Mostly because I was more in my introverted phase and I hated that they dragged out ward prayer when I had other things I wanted to do with my night.
-In my opinion it should be thought, prayer, go home.
But others like to do more than that.

In any case.
I went tonight.
To ward prayer.
Because obviously since I'm on the committee...I should show up to the thing right?

I'd forgotten how crowded and noisy they can get.
There must have been at least 30 people in the meeting spot.
Basically all of them strangers because I'm new to the ward and I'm still adjusting.

So I quickly found a corner that was out of the way of all the people. To hang out and people watch until everything was said and done.

Which of course led to me thinking.
Because if I'm not talking I'm probably thinking. ;) haha.

Mostly it was thinking along Introverted lines.

Though I do have to admit, I'm probably more of an Ambivert than an Introvert.
I like being around people, but only for certain periods of time when I'm prepared to be around people. Otherwise I'm perfectly happy being by myself.

But I had this thought.
"How to Tame an Introvert" come to me as I was waiting for the prayer to finish so that I could dash out the door and go home.

And that's basically this:

1. Invite the Introvert to the gathering. (Or give them a calling where they have to go. ;) haha)
2. Let the Introvert leave when they want.
 Why? Because if it's something they haven't experienced before, this gathering, they may not be comfortable with the situation. So basically this is the 'testing phase' Let the introvert come, stay on their terms, and leave.
Which may be five minutes, it may be an hour depending on the introvert.
But don't be discouraged if they leave quickly. A new situation with unexpected and unforeseeable circumstances isn't something an introvert wants to be around for long. The first visit is like the 'scoping of territory' getting a taste of the terrain, what other analogy you want to place here lol.
3. Invite them to come again.
If it's an event that happens weekly -like ward prayer-
Keep inviting them to come. If the introvert was fine with the first encounter, exposing them to the same situation multiple times allows them to adjust to it. Get used to it. Relax in it.
They'll be more open to talking and mingling once they know how things will go.

Simple as that really.
Patience is the Key.
Repeated encounters is the Key.

Because Introverts only like to talk when they feel comfortable. So make them comfortable and they'll talk. ;) haha.

And yah....that was my thoughts for today. :D haha

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 29, 2016

An Invitation

It's rather random.
To get a text from a person you've only met once.
Asking if you want to go and see a play with them.

But that's what happened.
One of my visiting teachers sent me a text today, while I was in the middle of work.
Asking if I would be willing to go see a play with her as her coworker was in the play and she didn't want to go by herself.

Why she didn't ask her roommates, a coworker, family member, or friend to join her I'll probably never know.
But for some reason she decided to ask me.

And after some thought, consideration, and readjusting of plans.
I said "Sure!"

Lol honestly I thought that it was just a different method of doing visiting teaching for the month. ;) haha.

I have to say, I thought it was going to be awkward.
I mean, I'd only seen the girl once before.
And hadn't thought we would do anything like hanging out at all.

But thankfully, we got along pretty well. :D I actually had a ton of fun and enjoyed interacting with her and her coworkers who also came.
Plus, the play -39 steps- was rather fun to watch. :D haha.
I quiet enjoyed it and I'm glad that she thought of me to join her.

Still don't know why.
But I'm glad that I had the opportunity to get out and hang with someone. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Simple Bite

They betray you at the most inopportune moments don't they. >.< *exhales*

It started the night before.
After I'd eaten a sugary sweet chocolate snack.
You know the kind that leaves marks all over your teeth?
Well, as my tongue was moving about those traces of chocolate.
I felt a rough patch on one of my molars.
Confused, I played with it wondering if it was just some grit or something that had gotten stuck on the tooth.
But it refused to budge.
So I got up and went to look in the mirror to see what was up.

And after some examination, discovered that a tiny piece of filling had fallen out. One towards the center biting surface of the tooth.
It was annoying for sure.
Especially since at the moment I can't just wander on up to the dentist to get it fixed.
But I figured I could deal with it easily enough and tolerate the rough patch until the new year when I could make it up to the dentist.

And then I had to go eat a granola bar for breakfast the next day.

Honestly, what is it for granola bars?
This has to be like the fourth time that I've had something tooth related happen because of them. >.< *shakes head* Evil evil yet so tasty....

Like I said.
I didn't think anything would be bad about the small missing piece of filling.
I would just have to make sure to brush that area really well to ensure nothing got caught there.

Honestly, I should have listened to my intuition the next morning at wok, when I opened that granola bar and thought "maybe I shouldn't chew this on that tooth." before dismissing it.

Note to self: Don't. Dismiss. Thoughts.

Because wouldn't you know it.
I took like maybe two bites? A bite and a half?
And felt something odd.
A quick run over the tooth with my tongue told the story.
I had a larger rough patch.
A glance in the mirror showed a horrible truth.

A large piece of my tooth was missing.
Like the corner of it with a apparent looking crack moving nearly down to the gum line.

Totally. Bad.
I didn't know if it was tooth or filling that had left that space.
But it was a large space.
One that thankfully wasn't sensitive to anything.
But all the was definitely not something where I could just 'hang in there' a couple more months before seeing the dentist.

I would have to bite the bullet and make an appointment for this. Because left untreated, who knew how much worse it would get?
Or how irritated my tongue, not to mention my cheek would be in the meantime, constantly feeling and rubbing against the edge.

Really, I thought it would be just a simple filling fix.
I hoped it would be a simple filling fix.
But when I was explaining the situation over the phone.
-Rather badly I realize now-
The woman on the other end was like. "Oh honey, it sounds like you're going to need a crown."
()_() *gulp* In
And you know how much crowns cost to get when you're in my current situation?
A lot.
Like 3 months worth of rent, a lot.

>.< Curse you granola bar.

Honestly that was a blow to the morning, I didn't want to have to spend $$$$$ to get a tooth fixed!!

But I couldn't just let it wait.
So spending money it would have to be.
I happened to have a short day at work, which in of itself was a blessing as I was able to drive up right afterwards and get my tooth looked at.

But oh those hours of work seemed to drag on for forever as I was left dangling with wonderment on how much money I would have left by the end of the day.

In any case.
Once I got to the dentist, and they got a good look at the tooth (after struggling with the x-ray machine for like 15 minutes to get it to work lol)
They decided to just do a patch -aka filling- on the missing area.
As apparently, it was just a filling that had decided to fall out.
Double HURRAH!!

Because that meant, that I spent waaaaay less money. *sigh of relief* to get it fixed.
So stress gone.

Of course, the dentist stressed that he felt that I should get a crown sooner rather than later before something worse happens to that tooth.
But I can't do anything about that currently, so we'll see how it's looking when I go in for a cleaning in a few months and then I'll decide from there. :)

In any case.
Moral of the story.
Granola bars are evil.
But thankfully, blessings come in all shapes and forms. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Easy Isn't Always Better

The story is told of two outdoor enthusiasts who hired a bush plane to fly them to a remote lake for their annual fishing trip. 
Following a successful outing, the pilot returned to retrieve them.
However, he quickly informed the fisherman that his small plane would not support them, their equipment, and the added weight of the fish they had caught.
A second flight would be required.

Now, the sportsmen were not interested in paying for a second round-trip.
So after a promise to pack tightly and a small bonus payment, the pilot reluctantly agreed to attempt the flight.

The fishermen grinned knowingly as the pilot forced the aircraft into the air.
However, seconds later the plane stalled and crashed into a large, flat swampy area at the end of the lake.

The plane had stalled as it flew because of a well-known phenomenon called "ground effect."
Ground effect is created when air is compressed between the aircraft's wings and the earth's surface--when they are in close proximity.
In this case, as the bush plane inched its way upward out of ground effect, it was required to fly on its own power, which it simply could not do.

Fortunately there were no serious injuries, and after regaining their senses, one of the fishermen asked the other, "What happened?"
The second replied, "We crashed on takeoff--about a hundred yards from where we ended up last year!"

Like the two sportsmen, occasionally we believe that there must be an easier way, a shortcut or modification of the Lord's commandments that will accommodate our individual circumstances.
Thoughts such as these fail to acknowledge that strict obedience to God's laws brings His blessings and failure to abide by His laws leads to foreseeable consequences.

-Bruce A. Carlson -When the Lord Commands -April 2010 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Up All Night

Okay, I should know better than most, that it's a bad idea to start anything remotely interesting before going to bed.
That includes reading.

Do I ever follow this general rule?
Obviously I don't otherwise I wouldn't be writing this post lol.

You see, it was just a spur of the moment browsing sort of reading.
As I've been into reading some fanfics based around the current show I'm obsessing over.
(Detective Conan/ Magic Kaito)

While watching the shows is great.
There is something extremely satisfying about reading about the characters as depending on the author you can see into the minds of characters that usually don't have a POV. You can read alternate scenarios. See how creative your fellow authors can be.

Basically, for someone who craves information and loves learning new things and gaining new ideas and seeing other people's mindsets.
This is basically a goldmine for me.

While I love watching the shows.
They don't always focus on the characters that I'm most interested in.
So the fanfics help to see those characters a bit more. lol.

(Just so you know this show is the first time I've delved into fanfics sooo no wonder I'm obsessing. lol)

So what happened last night?
Well, there I was looking for something new to read.
And I stumbled across this story.
that had three different parts.
-I didn't realize it at first so I started on part 2.

The story caught my interest.
Enough that I had to see how part 2 ended. (this particular 3 set involved 3 different mysteries that needed to be solved.)
So it was sometime after midnight when I ended reading this fic.
And I figured I should go to bed.
but you know....reading a couple of chapters in the part 3 fic couldn't hurt.

Before I knew it.

it was 7 am.

You read that right.
I stayed up all night reading. lol.

I haven't stayed up all night like that since....well working on huge projects in college.

But I was wide awake.
So I didn't mind it.

And having read part 3....
I did decide to go to bed.

But I only managed to get a couple or three hours of sleep.
Before I woke myself back up.
So I could read that part 1 part of the story.

And yah....

I've been awake for far too long on too little sleep and I really don't care.

I'm in that hyper giggly phase of sleep deprivation.

Thankfully, I had the day off from work today, otherwise I definitely would have gone to bed much earlier.

We'll see if I manage to get to bed early tonight though. ;)
I'm tired enough that I could do so.
But we'll see if I actually do. ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Price of Being Social

I think I'm allergic to socializing.

Okay, not literally.
but it feels that way.

As I've noticed, the past few times when I've gone 'outside of the norm'
And went to public spaces and hung out for a bit, mingling with other people.
(outside of work and church as that is 'normal socializing' for me.)

That a day or two after this 'out of the norm' socializing...

I end up with a major headache.

It's like a delayed stress reaction or something.

I mean, I spent the day at the mall and "Wham. Headache."
Go to a party and the day after. "Wham headache."
Go shopping outside of normal shopping places. and you guessed it. Headache.

Apparently I'm allergic to socializing. ;) haha.

Okay, allergies are probably not the best comparison.

It's more socializing muscles have atrophied.
And so when I randomly use them, they're not used to being used, and so get sore and tense....and give me a headache.

It's probably comparable to running a mile...when you haven't run a mile since High School.
You can do it.
But the next feel like you want to die.

That with any form of exercise you don't normally do I suppose.

Which leaves me with two options.

1.) Refrain from socializing outside of the normal zones.

2.) Keep up socializing so I can 'train' myself to be better in public spaces and not get tensed out everytime I do so.

As easy as option 1 would be.
I think I'm going to stick with option 2.
I just need to find more opportunities to 'train' myself so that I can endure longer periods of being social. Hopefully that will mean less cases of headaches coming from such social endeavors.

But that definitely means in the meantime....until I build up my endurance....
I'm probably going to end up with a lot of headaches.

Ah. The sacrifices one must make for a social life. ;) haha.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 24, 2016

April 2012 General Conference -Priesthood Session

David A. Bednar -The Powers of Heaven
  • The priesthood is the authority of God delegated to men on the earth to act in all things for the salvation of mankind.
  • Priesthood is the means whereby the Lord acts through men to save souls.
  • There can be no true Church without divine authority.
  • Ordinary men are given the authority of the priesthood. Worthiness and willingness--not experience, expertise, or education--are the qualifications for priesthood ordination.
  • The priesthood is inherently active rather than passive.
  • "It is not enough to receive the priesthood and then sit back passively and wait until someone prods us into activity. When we receive the priesthood, we have the obligation of becoming actively and anxiously engaged in promoting the cause of righteousness in the earth.
  • "One breaks the priesthood covenant by transgressing commandments--but also by leaving undone his duties. Accordingly, to break this covenant one needs only to do nothing."
  • Men who bear God's holy priesthood should be different from other men. Men who hold the priesthood are not inherently better than other men, but they should act differently.
Richard G. Edgley -The Rescue for Real Growth
  • "Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are our brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee."
Adrian Ochoa -Aaronic Priesthood: Arise and Use the Power of God
  • You know that you are at your best when you are in the service of God. You know that you are happiest when you are anxiously engaged in a good work. Magnify the power of your priesthood by being clean and being worthy.
  • For a stronger and more devoted voice, a voice not only against evil ..., but a voice for good, a voice for the gospel, a voice for God.
  • In this war, the best way to defend against evil is to actively promote righteousness.
  • Underestimate the far-reaching influence of your testimony. ... You have the capacity to notice the unnoticed. When you have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel, you can out and rescue others.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Why of Priesthood Service
  • The basic gospel principles need to be part of our life's fabric, even if it means learning them over and over again. That doesn't mean that this process should be rote or boring. Rather, when we teach the foundational principles in our homes or in church, let the flame of enthusiasm for the gospel and the fire of testimony bring light, warmth, and joy to the hearts of those we teach.
  • The what of priesthood service teaches us what to do. The why inspires our souls. The what informs, but the why transforms.
  • Brethren, God is faithful. Through the Holy Spirit, He will speak to our minds and hearts concerning the path we should follow during each segment of our lives.
  • Let us be the ones to act and not be acted upon. Preaching is fine, but sermons that do not lead to action are like fires without heat or water that cannot quench thirst.
  • "the value of an idea lies in the using of it."
  • You are not alone. Your Father in Heaven cares about you and desires to bless and uphold you in righteousness.
Henry B. Eyring -Families under Covenant
  • We may deceive men but we cannot deceive the Holy Ghost.
  • The Holy Ghost is one who reads the thoughts and hearts of men, and gives his sealing approval to the blessing pronounced upon their heads. Then it is binding, efficacious, and of full force.
  • Above all else, children need to know and feel they are loved, wanted, and appreciated. They need to be assured of that often.
  • Another crucial source for that feeling of being loved is love from other children in the family. Consistent care of brothers and sisters for each other will come only with persistent effort by parents and the help of God.
Thomas S. Monson -Willing and Worthy to Serve
  • "The priesthood ... is ... the power of God delegated to man by which man can act in the earth for the salvation of the human family, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, and act legitimately; not assuming that authority, nor borrowing it from generations that are dead and gone, but authority that has been given I this day in which we live by ministering angels and spirits from above, direct from the presence of Almighty God."
  • "Wherefore, now let every man learn his duty, and to act in the office in which he is appointed in all diligence."
  • Most valuable lessons we can learn in mortality is that when God speaks and a man obeys, that man will always be right.
  • Miracles are everywhere to be found when the priesthood is understood, its power is honored and used properly, and faith is exerted. When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes.
  • "Do [your] duty; that is best; leave unto [the] Lord the rest."
  • "If you do not magnify your callings, God will hold you responsible for those whom you might have saved had you done your duty?"
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 23, 2016

There in the Dark

I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise.
To realize that people see things differently.

I mean, I need to wear contacts in order to see things clearly.
While other people don't.
They can look at a tree and see the individual leaves.
While I would see just a blur.
-Granted my vision isn't as bad as others vision is.
But it definitely was a surreal experience the first time I put on glasses and realized that I could see the individual leaves on a tree. It felt so wrong then. You shouldn't have been able to see that clearly. lol.

In any case.
Knowing that people struggle with seeing things clearly when the sun is out.
It shouldn't come as a surprise.
That not everyone can see the same amount in the dark as well.

To some people, darkness is just that. Darkness. Pitch black. Not being able to see a thing.
To others, they can make out shapes, see differences in the shadows, can see what they can with what little light is given.

I'm one of the latter people.
I can see pretty well in the dark I suppose.
I can tell where the paths are, when objects are in my way.
;) most of the time.

So it boggles my mind a bit when people can't see those paths.

Like the other night when my friends and I went to the corn maze.
We went when it was dark.
Because why not? ;) lol.
I didn't think much about not having a flashlight with me.
After all, I could still see the paths made between the corn stalks.
-From the stars and moon above.

So I had no issues wandering the paths without a light.
I thought it was part of the adventure.
But one of my friends, didn't like that.
She complained she couldn't see.
And so pulled out a flashlight to light our path.

I've had friends say similar complaints in the past.
The most memorable one was when I took a bunch of my friends to Arches and we hiked back from Delicate Arch in the dark. They said they needed flashlights, but the path was pretty clear....

It's weird when people say they need flashlights to see in the dark.
lol. Or I suppose I'm the weird one for thinking that the others were weird for wanting light.

My roomies already think I'm weird, for wandering around the basement without turning the lights on.
-But come on, when it's late at night/early in the morning and you have roommates around....turning on the lights could a) wake them and b) blind me if I'm not expecting to go from dark to light so quickly lol.

In any case.
It was intriguing to be once again reminded....
People can't all see in the dark the same.
Just like all people can't see in the light the same.

Go figure.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lost with Softness

I suppose, it's only natural, that since I work in a Pet Store....
I tend to gravitate towards animals anywhere I go. lol.

You'd think I'd want to get away from animals once I leave work....
but no.
I enjoy seeing animals everywhere.

And if they're outside of work, that means I can take my time playing with and petting them. lol.
Because I don't have any duties to get back to or customers to help. lol.

In any case.
For the first time in years and years.
My friends and I went to a Corn Maze!!

It's been forever since I've last gone to one.
And every year I tell myself that I'm going to go to a Corn Maze!
And becomes too late in the year, the corn mazes close....and I have to wait until next year to try again.

This year!
I made it to one!

How does this connect to animals though?
Well, where there's corn, there's usually farms and where there are farms....there are usually animals.

At this particular farm/cornmaze/extravaganza.
The people were also putting on a haunted hayride as well.

Me, I'm not a fan of doing haunted things.
Mazes, rides, houses.
I tend to avoid them.

But my friends.
Are fans of the haunted things.
And so desperately wanted to go on a ride.
Which took like half an hourish to complete.

I refused to go on this ride.
And so, I wandered around waiting for my friends.
And discovered to my delight, that they had rabbits there for people to play with!

We don't carry rabbits at my store.

So this was a rare treat for me!!

So much soft fluffiness!!
It was like ten minutes in pure heaven. :D

And then.
After I was done with the rabbits.
A kitten ran past me!!

Curious to see if I'd be able to pet it.
I went after the kitten,
And after a couple strokes.
It crawled up into my lap and curled up.

I totally wish I could have taken the kitten home. So cute.

My friends returned, and we happily got lost in the corn maze.

:D Love corn mazes.
Especially in the dark. :D
It's like you've been transferred into a whole different world.

Yay for corn mazes and yay for bunnies and kitties. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, October 21, 2016

People Watching

It was one of those rare days today.
Where I got out of work early.
Like, super early.
I only worked half of my normal shift.
That's how early I got off today.
Because I was scheduled a short shift.

Do you know how much it felt like I was skipping out on work?
A lot.
But in any case.

Usually when I get off work, I head straight home.
Because I'm tired and I want to lay down and get off my feet for a bit.

But since I got off early today,
I decided that I should once again try the social aspect out.

It helped a bit that I got off work before 11am, which meant I had just enough time to dash to the nearby mall.
And grab myself a delicious Taco Bell Sausage Crunchwrap. ^^ nomnomnom
I haven't had one for forever because 1) I work past 11am 99.9% of the time and 2) on my days off I'm too lazy to get out of bed before noon. ;) haha.

So since I was at the mall.
I decided to hang out in the food court after I was done eating.
And well, write was the main goal.
But I also did a bit of people watching as well.

It's so crazy how many people come to the mall.
Honestly, I never really saw the draw to hang out in such places.
Usually with malls I go to grab something in particular and then I'm gone.
But people legitimately hang out there. *shakes head*

In any case.
It was interesting to see all the different sorts of people.
The families with young kids,
the couples, (oh there were tons of couples)
the old people.
the workers.

Its so interesting just to see how people go about their lives.
How people interact with one another.
Who pays attention to who.
Who hangs out by themselves.
Who obviously looks like they want to be somewhere else.

It really was a fun place to just hang out and watch (when I wasn't writing.)
I have to say, since I was in the writer's frame of mind.
It was fun mostly because I was seeing potential stories everywhere.

A guy sitting at a table, a girl sitting at another nearby. Both blissfully unaware of the other.
What if they met?

A young mother with three kids, expertly keeping them from fighting, keeping a particular eye on her young son that had a light saber out.
-What if he's going to be the next Jedi Master?

An Old man, shuffling along by himself. Humming to an old forgotten melody as he finds a place to sit.
-What if he used to be a master of music? A master of dance?

A boy and a girl meet up with excited smiles, hugging in greeting. Interrupted by a guy who knew the boy, and wanted to say hi before awkwardly leaving the couple alone.
-Love triangle? meh, cliché. A chance encounter that brightened someone's day?

A worker watering the plants (that I thought were fake) keeping his head down so no one pays attention to him.
-An undercover agent watching a suspect.

Honestly. lol.
The potential for stories were everywhere there today.
Which was rather fun!
If distracting when I was just trying to focus on one particular story. ^^ haha.

I may have to drop by and people watch there again sometime soon. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Twenty-Five Cents

Perhaps a personal experience will help to illustrate the point.
When I was a young resident physician at Boston Children's Hospital, I worked long hours and traveled between the hospital and our home in Watertown, Massachusetts, mostly by bicycle since my wife and young family needed our car.
One evening I was riding home after a long period in the hospital, feeling tired and hungry and at least a bit discouraged.
I knew I needed to give my wife and four small children not only my time and energy when I got home but also a cheery attitude.
I was frankly, finding it hard to just keep pedaling.

My route would take me past a fried chicken shop, and I felt like I would be a lot less hungry and tired if I could pause for a piece of chicken on my way home.
I knew they were running a sale on thighs or drumsticks for 29 cents each, but when I checked my wallet, all I had was one nickel.
As I rode along, I told the Lord my situation and asked if, in His mercy, He could let me find a quarter on the side of the road.
I told Him that I didn't need this as a sign but that I would be really grateful if He felt to grant me this kind blessing.

I began watching the ground more intently but saw nothing.
Trying to maintain a faith-filled but submissive attitude as I rode, I approached the store.
Then, almost exactly across the street from the chicken place, I saw a quarter on the ground.
With gratitude and relief, I picked it up, brought the chicken, savored every morsel, and rode happily home.

In His mercy, the God of heaven, the Creator and Ruler of all things everywhere, had heard a prayer about a very minor thing.
One might well ask why He would concern Himself with something so small.
I am led to believe that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that the things that are important to us become important to Him, just because He loves us.
Howe much more would He want to help us with the big things that we ask, which are right?

-J. Devn Cornish -The Privilege of Prayer -October 2011 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Different Perspective

You know what's frustrating about Cameras?
They can't capture exactly what you're seeing, even when you take the picture from the same place and position from where you are.

So, due to the changing of the seasons and blah blah blah.
The sun has been setting in a unique position in regard to my room.

Where it turns my window into this fiery orange portal.
Really. It's like a Halloween orange.

It's almost otherworldly when you stare at it.

But the camera? No it doesn't capture it like that.
It just captures the semidarkness the faint yellow light.

The orange?
the Halloween glow?
The sense of looking into another dimension?
Totally missing.

Which is a pity.
Because it's really cool to look at. day camera.
Your lens will be as good as my eyes. ;)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Water and Heat

I always feel bad.
When I take latenight/early morning showers.

Like in the 2-4am range of time.

Because showers are anything but quiet.
Running water is noisy for sure.
and with roomies sleeping all around.

I feel bad doing so.
Thankfully, my new place isn't the tiny apartment where everything is so close together.
So I don't fear as much waking my roommates as I did before.

But still I worry.

But some days.
I just can't avoid it.

When my headaches get super bad.
Because my muscles are so tense.
When medicine doesn't do the trick.

Warm water can.

Most of the time.
Like I've said before. It's Russian roulette when it comes to curing my headaches.

Thankfully, I was able to pick the right cure this time.
A nice long hot shower where I just sat there letting my muscles relax.
To the point where I could finally go get some sleep.

It's amazing how relaxing it can be.
To just listen to the water with your eyes closed.
Have the heat pound at your back your head where it just aches.
To the point where the ache fades.

Hopefully I won't have to do a midnight shower again any time soon.
But time will tell.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, October 17, 2016

April 2012 General Conference -Saturday Afternoon

Dieter F. Uchtdorf -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Robert W. Cantwell -Church Auditing Department Report, 2011

Brook P. Hales -Statistical Report, 2011
  • Total Membership: 14,441,346
  • Full-Time Missionaries: 55,410
  • Church-Service Missionaries: 22,299
Jeffrey R. Holland -The Laborers in the Vineyard
  • Brothers and sisters, there are going to be times in our lives when someone else gets an unexpected blessing or receives some special recognition. May I plead with us not to be hurt--and certainly not to feel envious--when good fortune comes to another person? We are not diminished when someone else is added upon. We are not in a race against each other to see who is the wealthiest or the most talented or the most beautiful or even the most blessed. The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of the most universal of those.
  • Furthermore, envy is a mistake that just keeps on giving. Obviously we suffer a little when some misfortune befalls us, but envy requires us to suffer all good fortune that befalls everyone we know! What a bright prospect that is--downing another quart of pickle juice every time anyone around you has a happy moment!
  • Don't dwell on old issues or grievances--not toward yourself nor your neighbor nor even, I might add, toward this true and living Church.
  • His concern is for the faith at which you finally arrive, not the hour of the day in which you got there.
Robert D. Hales -Coming to Ourselves: The Sacrament, the Temple, and Sacrifice in Service
  • For the sacrament to be a spiritually cleansing experience each week, we need to prepare ourselves before coming to sacrament meeting.
David S. Baxter -Faith, Fortitude, Fulfillment: A Message to Single Parents
  • Although you may at times have asked, why me? it is through the hardships of life that we grow toward godhood as our character is shaped in the crucible of affliction, as the events of life take place while God respects the agency of man. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell commented, we cannot do all the sums or make it all add up because "we do not have all the numbers."
  • This is not exactly what you hoped or planned, prayed for or expected, when you started out years ago. Your journey through life has had bumps, detours, twists, and turns, mostly as the result of life in a fallen world that is meant to be a place of proving and testing.
  • In the kingdom of God there are no second-class citizens.
  • Although you often feel alone, in truth you are never totally on your own. As you move forward in patience and in faith, Providence will move with you; heaven will bestow its needful blessings.
  • Many of you have already discovered the great, transforming truth that when you live to lift the burdens of others, your own burdens become lighter. Although circumstances may not have changed, your attitude has. You are able to face your own trials with greater acceptance, a more understanding heart, and deeper gratitude for what you have, rather than pining for what you yet lack.
Ulisses Soares -Abide in the Lord's Territory!
  • You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right.
  • "Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."
  • "There is a line of demarcation well defined between the Lord's territory and the devil's territory. If you will stay on the Lord's side of the line you will be under his influence and will have no desire to do wrong; but if you cross the devil's side of that line one inch you are in the tempter's power and if he is successful, you will not be able to think or even reason properly because you will have lost the Spirit of the Lord."
Quentin L. Cook -In Tune with the Music of Faith
  • What we are speaks so loudly that our children may not hear what we say.
  • The Book of Mormon is of seminal importance. There will, of course, always be those who underestimate the significance of or even disparage this sacred book.
  • Clearly, a dividing line between those who hear the music of faith and those who are tone-deaf or off-key is the active study of the scriptures.
  • When one is tone-deaf to the music of faith, he or she is out of tune with the Spirit.
Richard G. Scott -How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life
  • Relationships can be strengthened through the veil with people we know and love. That is done by our determined effort to continually do what is right. We can strengthen our relationship with the departed individual we love by recognizing that the separation is temporary and that covenants made in the temple are eternal. When consistently obeyed, such covenants assure the eternal realization of the promises inherent in them.
  • Loud, inappropriate laughter will offend the Spirit. A good sense of humor helps revelation; loud laughter doe snot. A sense of humor is an escape valve for the pressures of life.
  • Careful, quiet speech will favor the receipt of revelation.
  • When it is for the Lord's purposes, He can bring anything to our remembrance. That should not weaken our determination to record impressions of the Spirit. Inspiration carefully recorded shows God that His communications are sacred to us. Recording will also enhance our ability to recall revelation. Such recording of direction of the Spirit should be protected from loss or intrusion by others.
  • One who is obedient to His commandments is trusted of the Lord. That individual has access to His inspiration to know what to do and, as needed, the divine power to do it.
  • Our Heavenly Father did not put us on earth to fail but to succeed gloriously.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Waking the Dead

Can I say that our Dishwasher is Annoying?

It is.

I mean, it works really well.
Super quiet when its washing the dishes and such.


When you open it up.

Then it makes such a hideous noise that you can literally hear it echo throughout the house, even down in the basement.
It's loud enough it could possibly wake the dead.

Noisy and annoying.
But bearable.

It got to an irritating level today.
When my roommates were upstairs and I was downstairs attempting to nap.
They'd apparently decided to do the dishes.

Which involves opening and closing the dishwasher.

Which really, I would have thought they'd only do a couple of times.
But for some reason.
The dishwasher was opened and shut at least thirty times it felt like.
It was almost like after every dish they'd shut the dishwasher, then open it up again when they were ready to put in another dish.

It got irritating on my ears, rather quickly.

That thing can wake the dead.
Next time I get the chance, I'm going to go buy something to quiet the squeaky hinges so we can open the thing quietly.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, October 15, 2016

A Relief from Stress

It's amazing how light you can feel after the weight of stress is taken off your shoulders.
Especially when you didn't realize how heavy that stress was on you. Or that it was even a stress at all.

I managed to take a weight off my shoulders today.

You see, for the past weekish I've been trying to access a particular section of our work website.
So that I could change some information there about insurance and this and that.

As I only had a specific time frame to do it in.
It only made it more stressful that no matter what way I tried to access this website...
I couldn't get into it.

I tried 3 different laptops, my phone, my ipod, multiple different web browsers.
And nothing.
Some places let me get deeper into the website than the others,
But none got me as far as I needed to go to access and change the information I needed to.

And time was ticking.

And I was left to my final options.
To try and access the website from one of the work computers.
As maybe the work place had some magic power where the website would work there where it hadn't worked anywhere else.

Barring that it didn't work,
I'd have to actually call people and see if they could work with me to access the information I needed to.

I didn't want to call people.

Once I was done with my work shift.
And was able to get on the computer.
I was able to access what I needed to without any problems at all!

So now, unless something happens, I should be all good!!
Yay for no more stress!!
At least in that part of my life. ;) lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, October 14, 2016

Out and About

I went outside today.
Which isn't something totally amazing.
Considering I have to go outside anytime I need to go anywhere...
Like to work.

But then there are my days off.

That's when going outside is considered....not odd, but a rare occurrence I suppose.

As for the past few days off of work.
I've usually spent inside.
At home.
Just relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet and the fact that I can choose to interact with people if I so desire. Which means. I can hide out in my room all day if I want to.
Which, I really do like.
Being by myself, where I can do this and that and still not unpack my room. ;) haha.

In any case.
Today was one of those days where I actually felt up for a bit of socializing, outside of work.
Alright, I wasn't really looking to go socialize.
I figured I'd venture out, visit a few places, buy a few things, and just see what happened.

Guess what?
O.o I actually ran into people I knew when I went places.

;) haha.

I have to say, it was rather nice.
To just encounter people.
To be able to just talk without a motive in mind.
I.E. -Finding out what the customer wants and helping them as quickly as possible.

Having the freedom to leave a conversation if needed.
Being able to choose who I wanted to talk to for what reasons.
It was...nice.

Going about. Unexpectedly running into people.
Getting my goals of the day completed and errands mostly completed. (sometimes stores really don't have what you're looking for. ;) haha)

The best part.
The situations didn't leave me feeling tired or exhausted or any of those other related words.
It was energizing in a way.
To chat, to meet, to smile, to laugh.

Perhaps I'll have to actually go out and be social more often if the interactions are as positive as they were today. ;) haha.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi