Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Up All Night

Okay, I should know better than most, that it's a bad idea to start anything remotely interesting before going to bed.
That includes reading.

Do I ever follow this general rule?
Obviously I don't otherwise I wouldn't be writing this post lol.

You see, it was just a spur of the moment browsing sort of reading.
As I've been into reading some fanfics based around the current show I'm obsessing over.
(Detective Conan/ Magic Kaito)

While watching the shows is great.
There is something extremely satisfying about reading about the characters as depending on the author you can see into the minds of characters that usually don't have a POV. You can read alternate scenarios. See how creative your fellow authors can be.

Basically, for someone who craves information and loves learning new things and gaining new ideas and seeing other people's mindsets.
This is basically a goldmine for me.

While I love watching the shows.
They don't always focus on the characters that I'm most interested in.
So the fanfics help to see those characters a bit more. lol.

(Just so you know this show is the first time I've delved into fanfics sooo no wonder I'm obsessing. lol)

So what happened last night?
Well, there I was looking for something new to read.
And I stumbled across this story.
that had three different parts.
-I didn't realize it at first so I started on part 2.

The story caught my interest.
Enough that I had to see how part 2 ended. (this particular 3 set involved 3 different mysteries that needed to be solved.)
So it was sometime after midnight when I ended reading this fic.
And I figured I should go to bed.
but you know....reading a couple of chapters in the part 3 fic couldn't hurt.

Before I knew it.

it was 7 am.

You read that right.
I stayed up all night reading. lol.

I haven't stayed up all night like that since....well working on huge projects in college.

But I was wide awake.
So I didn't mind it.

And having read part 3....
I did decide to go to bed.

But I only managed to get a couple or three hours of sleep.
Before I woke myself back up.
So I could read that part 1 part of the story.

And yah....

I've been awake for far too long on too little sleep and I really don't care.

I'm in that hyper giggly phase of sleep deprivation.

Thankfully, I had the day off from work today, otherwise I definitely would have gone to bed much earlier.

We'll see if I manage to get to bed early tonight though. ;)
I'm tired enough that I could do so.
But we'll see if I actually do. ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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