Monday, October 3, 2016

October 2011 General Conference -Sunday Afternoon

Russell M. Nelson -Covenants
  • We have the right to receive the fullness of the gospel, enjoy the blessings of the priesthood, and qualify for God's greatest blessing--that of eternal life.
  • The greatest compliment that can be earned here in this life is to be known as a covenant keeper.
Dallin H. Oaks -Teachings of Jesus
  • Some who call themselves Christians praise Jesus as a great teacher but refrain from affirming His divinity. To address them, I have used the words of Jesus Himself. We should all consider what He Himself taught about who He is and what He was sent to earth to do.
  • "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
  • There is no middle ground. We are followers of Jesus Christ. Our citizenship is in His Church and His gospel, and we should not use a visa to visit Babylon or act like one of it's citizens. We should honor His name, keep His commandments, and "seek not the things of this world but seek ... first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness."
Matthew O. Richardson -Teaching after the Manner of the Spirit
  • I have learned that a key to becoming real in every aspect of our lives is our ability to teach in a way that does not restrict learning. You see, a real life requires real learning, which depends on real teaching. "The responsibility to teach [effectively] is not limited to those who have formal callings as teachers." In fact, every family member, Church leader, and Church member (including the youth and children) has a responsibility to teach. 
  • We can teach by the Spirit without replacing, diluting, or dismissing the Holy Ghost as the real teacher.
  • The Holy Ghost teaches individuals in a very personal way.
  • Please note that while the Holy Ghost teaches "the truth of all things," He does not teach all truth at once. The Spirit teaches truth "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little."
  • Those who teach after the manner of the Spirit understand they teach people, not lessons.
  • Real teaching involves much more than just talking and telling.
  • The Holy Ghost teaches by inviting, prompting, encouraging, and inspiring us to act.
  • The Spirit leads, guides, and shows us what to do. He will not, however, do for us what only we can do for ourselves. You see, the Holy Ghost cannot learn for us, feel for us, or act for us because this would be contrary to the doctrine of agency. He can facilitate opportunities and invite us to learn, feel, and act.
  • The Holy Ghost is unrestrained as individuals exercise their agency appropriately.
Kazuhiko Yamashita -Missionaries Are a Treasure of the Church
  • Your attitude and your actions invite the Spirit, and the Spirit enables us to understand the things that are important. What I want to convey to you is that through your love, your are imparting the love of God. You are a treasure of this Church. I am so very thankful to all of you for your sacrifice and your dedication.
Randall K. Bennett -Choose Eternal Life
  • "I can't stress too strongly that decisions determine destiny. You can't make eternal decisions without eternal consequences."
  • Brothers and sisters, in what we choose to think about, feel, and do, are you and I choosing eternal life?
  • We cannot successfully choose both the safety of righteousness and the dangers of worldliness.
  • "Small errors and minor drifts away from the doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ can bring sorrowful consequences into our lives. It is therefore of critical importance that we become self-disciplined enough to make early and decisive corrections to get back on the right tract and not wait or hope that errors will somehow correct themselves.
  • "The longer we delay corrective action, the larger the needed changes become, and the longer it takes to get back on the correct course--even to the point where a disaster might be looming."
  • My dear brothers and sisters, your eternal destiny will not be the result of chance but of choice. It is never too late to begin to choose eternal life!
J. Devn Cornish -The Privilege of Prayer
  • Please believe how very much your loving Heavenly Father wants to bless you.
  • Sometimes the wrongs others have done to us are very, very painful and very hard to either forgive or forget. I am so grateful for the comfort and healing I have found in the Lord's invitation to let go of our hurts and turn them over to Him.
  • Please, my friends, do not forget to ask the Lord to protect and be with you.
  • I have found that one of the secrets to a joyful life is to recognize that doing things the Lord's way will make me happier than doing things my way.
  • It is as tragic to think we are too sinful to pray as it is for a very sick person to believe he is too sick to go to the doctor!
Quentin L. Cook -The Songs They Could Not Sing
  • From the limited perspective of those who do not have knowledge, understanding, or faith in the Father's plan--who look at the world only through the lens of mortality with its wars, violence, disease, and evil--this life can seem depressing, chaotic, unfair, and meaningless. Church leaders have compared this perspective with someone walking into the middle of a three-act play. Those without knowledge of the Father's plan do not understand what happened in the first act, or the premortal existence, and the purposes we established there; nor do they understand the clarification and resolution fulfillment of the Father's plan.
  • Many do not appreciate that under His loving and comprehensive plan, those who appear to be disadvantaged through no fault of their own are not ultimately penalized.
  • We should be grateful for all the tender mercies that come into our lives. We are unaware of hosts of blessings that we receive from day to day. It is extremely important that we have a spirit of gratitude in our hearts.
  • "There is no chance, no fate, no destiny that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul."
Thomas S. Monson -Until We Meet Again
  • Brothers and sisters, I assure you that our Heavenly Father is mindful of the challenges we face in the world today. He loves each of us and will bless us as we strive to keep His commandments and seek Him through prayer.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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