Saturday, October 8, 2016

When You Think the Worst....

This Morning I came upstairs to a weird sight.
Bones in the fireplace.

On Facebook I exclaimed "OKAY! Who in this house is doing midnight sacrifices without telling me?!

But then....chaos ensured.

The Santas.
Who have been hiding out in my room for so long,
Came out to see this picture I'd taken.
Where they've been hiding this entire time....I really don't know.
O.o They disappeared when I moved.....
Must have been exploring.

I thought it was just harmless fun.

And then I noticed the comment below the picture.

Ha....Yah. It makes sense to think it was Santa...after all the bones were in the Chimney.

But the Mini Santas...
Oh boy.

They took it as REAL!

And Dashed up the stairs to make certain of it themselves.

Heedless of my protests that it was just fake. Nothing real.

They didn't believe me.

And some went to investigate closer.

While others already mourned.
Some couldn't even bare to look.

While a handful ventured close. To see for sure. If it was or wasn't Santa

I told them they were taking this far too seriously. That it wasn't Sant----

And then they told me to look up.
And I saw something white dangling above the Skull.
So I reached out to pull.....

Oh No.

It was a Santa Claus Hat.

....This. This wasn't good.
The Santas went into a wailing fit set to bring down the house. Santa was Dead!!
Again, I tried to explain.
It was all fake.
Nothing here was real.
Trying to calm them down.

They were having none of it.
Their Santa had been murdered!

No. No. He hadn't been! Santa was fine! This was just a decoration for Halloween!
I tried soothing them some more.
And then...
One Santa noticed a new comment had popped up.

*Face Palm*

Oh. My dear. Dear. Roomies.
Your timing was.

The Santas flew into a Rage.

Obviously this was a Kidnapping gone wrong!!
My roommate had MURDERED SANTA!

And you know what that meant?


The Santas wanted to Kill my Roommate.

Out of nowhere they brought out a knife!

Note to self. Santas are Magic. Who knows what they're hiding where.
Apparently Knives are one of those things!


But heedless to my cries they set off on their mission to kill.

For small guys. They're rather difficult to catch.
>.< Must be magic.
Desperately I tried again to talk them out of their rage.



A flash. A blur.

And Santa emerged! Stopping the Mini Santas in their tracks.
HE WAS ALIVE!!! He was fine!
I had been right the entire time. >.<

Swiftly taking the knife away from them, Santa lectured them on their actions for a good two hours.
Leaving them very apologetic.

After all.
Santa's way isn't revenge. Even when things seem to go badly.
The motto they should be living by is:
Peace. Love. And Goodwill to All.

The Mini Santas still have a lot to learn about being Santa.

Thankfully the Crisis was averted.
My roommate remained safe and unharmed.
Santa is alive and well

And the Mini Santas have been grounded and sent back to the bedroom to think about what they've done.

*shakes head*
They should have listened to me in the first place.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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