Saturday, October 15, 2016

A Relief from Stress

It's amazing how light you can feel after the weight of stress is taken off your shoulders.
Especially when you didn't realize how heavy that stress was on you. Or that it was even a stress at all.

I managed to take a weight off my shoulders today.

You see, for the past weekish I've been trying to access a particular section of our work website.
So that I could change some information there about insurance and this and that.

As I only had a specific time frame to do it in.
It only made it more stressful that no matter what way I tried to access this website...
I couldn't get into it.

I tried 3 different laptops, my phone, my ipod, multiple different web browsers.
And nothing.
Some places let me get deeper into the website than the others,
But none got me as far as I needed to go to access and change the information I needed to.

And time was ticking.

And I was left to my final options.
To try and access the website from one of the work computers.
As maybe the work place had some magic power where the website would work there where it hadn't worked anywhere else.

Barring that it didn't work,
I'd have to actually call people and see if they could work with me to access the information I needed to.

I didn't want to call people.

Once I was done with my work shift.
And was able to get on the computer.
I was able to access what I needed to without any problems at all!

So now, unless something happens, I should be all good!!
Yay for no more stress!!
At least in that part of my life. ;) lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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