Friday, July 31, 2015

A Day In Review -July 31st

Sunday, July 31st 2005 

-We stopped in Idaho at Shoshone Falls on our drive home from Oregon. It was very beautiful and HOT! 

Monday, July 31st 2006

-We went up to Wyoming for the week, to help clean out Grandma Retrun's home after her passing. It wasn't easy as she had a lot of stuff in the home. It didn't really feel like we made a lot of progress, but we made some difference. 

Thursday, July 31st 2008 

-My laptop has once again been taken away fro me to be 'fixed' again. (the whirling fan on the bottom wasn't working.) So now I can't work on writing. >.< Its not like I don't have other computers available, I just like working on my laptop better. I went out and helped my daddoo pick up some more apricots today, though I didn't really help with the canning process as I wasn't in the mood to. My neighbor AnCro called to give me the "you should write a note to your sister" speech that they could put in a book that they're making for Kikay because she completed her Personal Progress and got her award. So I wrote a little note and sent it to AnCro and she sent me a note back in return that she was proud of me and my accomplishments that I had gotten a scholarship and such. It made me feel good, I am a sucker for compliments. ^^ 

Friday, July 31st 2009

-Woke up in the middle of the night with my left shoulder/side of neck/ and eye-dry-feeling really painful. It hurt so bad that I didn't really get back to sleep, I just ended up dozing til like 6:30 am when Kikay texted me asking me to bring her laptop, book, ipad, and cord charger down with us today when we'd come down. Having woken up I went into my parents bedroom where they were getting ready for work, and took and advil and fell asleep til 10am. I went and picked some berries and played with the kittens before packing for another trip to Great Grandma Ms house. I downloaded the pictures off my camera and got rid of them all on my camera. Only a few downloaded and none of the cool ones! So those are gone. Y_Y When the parents got home we packed up the car and went on our way to Great Grandma Ms, stopping at Burger King for dinner. I spent the car ride using my camera to take pictures of the mountains as we drove past. We got to her house about 9pm to find....she wasn't there. So we sat outside on the grass for an hour spotting some desert frogs in the process. When Great Grandma finally came home we went inside and reintroduced our dogs to her dogs and ate some grapes before heading to bed. 

Saturday, July 31st 2010

-I spent the morning being typically lazy. On facebook one of my neighbors from the homeward decided to invite me to become friends with FIFTY people on facebook. O..o I think they might be from the single's ward I don't go right now my philosophy is that if they add me as a friend I'll add them, but maybe after a certain time period I'll delete them again if I don't talk to them at all... Kikay came home from Girl's camp today, cheerful and basically hyper....until the parentals came home and then her mood became antisocial for the rest of the day. We went to a BBQ today at the Grandparent Dirchi's house. It felt really good to have a family bbq again and eat Grandpa's delicious hamburgers. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and my Aunts/Grandma gave Mother Dearest the quilt they've been putting together since April. Mother Dearest was surprised and happy and I think she enjoyed that they cared so much about her, enough when she was going through the Breast Cancer treatment that they made her a quilt pieced together with cloth chosen by the girls in the family. Just for her. I drove home with Meralto which was an adventure, we talked about Twilight and a coworker he wants me to look into dating since he's going to be going to my College as well. (never did.) 

Sunday, July 31st 2011

-Got up early to make it to an 8:30am breakfast the ward was throwing to get us to church on time for the 5th Sunday. We had a 2 hour panel on Modesty and Dating then sacrament where we were told to be Selfihs in dating because we are searching for our eternal companion. When I got home I worked on a comic I was working on drawing for a friend with his favorite superhero. 

Tuesday, July 31st 2012

-I transfered money from my savings to my checking account today so that I would be able to pay rent. That was depressing to see my savings go down. :( I applied for a job as a teller at Wells Fargo, but my application wasn't compatible. It was rather depressing to be rejected like 3 hours after turning it in. :( I hung out the rest of the day, then Kikay and I went fencing. That was a lot of fun and I got a couple more bruises. We went to the Neffies to watch KungFu Panda 2 before coming back home. 

Wednesday, July 31st 2013

-It definitely hasn't been a good ending to the month. I met up with Kikay about noon to do some shopping when we got the news that her bishop -my old one- had died this Morning. ()_(). The news came out of the blue. It was such a shock. I mean, he wasn't an old guy! like 40s or 50s...but he unexpectedly died this morning while staring his morning run...from a heart attack. O.o I can't imagine it. Its really hard to comprehend. I mean he's Bishop! It just doesn't make sense, he seemed so healthy and happy. He has a daughter who is just about to get married! A son that's engaged, another son recently off his mission...and now he's suddenly gone from every one's lives. 
This news definitely put a damper on Kikay's and mine shopping plans and we cut them short. We went to Barnes and Noble and then to the Build-a-Bear in the mall to build a Stuffed Animal for Fluffy as she had surgery this morning that involved breaking her jaw so that her teeth would actually touch when she closed her mouth.. Now she has to have her jaw wired shut for over a month. :S yikes! We also dropped by another book store before calling it quits for the day. Kikay went over my comments/critiques that I gave her current project when we to her home. I followed her over to Fencing for a bit before coming home for a bit. Surprise Surprise my roommate Mari hasn't been home. I wonder if she's avoiding me. But its unusual for her to disappear before Thursday, I hope she's okay. (We had a fight via Text about the cleanliness of the apartment -she was one of the OCD cleaners that insisted the place look like its from a magazine at all times and would constantly text me about it. She ended up moving out early because of it, so she told me. -the source of my dislike of roommates who are OCD cleanfreaks and note leavers.) 

Thursday, July 31st 2014

-I didn't sleep peacefully last night due to not feeling well. I ended up getting up about 9am so I could go to the dentist at 9:30 to fix a filling in Tooth 4. Besides the long lasting numbing the whole procedure went well. :) Afterwards I took my car to Jiffy Lube to get an oil change and figure out why I was getting wet spots under my car. They didn't give me anything definite, figured I needed to replace gaskets and such... I came home to a guy putting gutters on our roof and drove out soon after to get back to college town to get to work at 1. Work itself was crazy. My special coworker had been by themseleves and had apparently supposed to be gone at 1130 but was still there at 1pm when I came in. O.o I have no idea what took them so long in the morning (still don't.) But alot of us were wondering if they'd actually had done anything task wise today because they apparently only got cats and some of the dishes done by 830 when he'd come in at 6:15ish! (cleaning cat cages should never take longer than an hour, but consistently it takes them 2...) This coworker was just bringing out the decorations for the bedding changes when I got there. O.O I don't know what to say...but nothing but bedding changes, cats, and possibly feeding the birds had gotten done by 1pm! ONE PM! (that's like 5 hours for a bedding change that doesn't take more then TWO.) I ended up having to open up the rest of the department while Sirch worked on our insect shipment. Sirch ended up going to grab us both Frosties (from Wendy's) as a reward. Poor Sirch...I'd been hoping that his mini vacation would result in a good return...but that's not so. Hopefully it can get will get better if our Special Coworker is no longer scheduled to do the Bedding Changes. Which hopefully will be like next week. 

Friday, July 31st 2015

-I had work at 630 this morning, which is a good thing because it gave me time to fully open the department as my second opener came in late this morning (an hour late, right as the store opened because their alarm didn't go off.) Thankfully, it was simple quick tasks for today so I wasn't too stressed out about them being late. Just slightly irritated as this is the third time in a row that they've come in late (not this late, but late.) We worked on the fish shipment for most of the morning...and once my second opener left...I spent the rest of my shift trying to find stuff to do. It wasn't a busy Friday customer wise....which was rather weird. Not bad though. I like it when its not busy, but I wish I'd had had more tasks to do as yesterday my coworker and I had already faced most of our department so there wasn't much to do. When I got home it was to my apartment door being wide open. ()_() I had a mini panic attack wondering if some maintenance guys had come in and left the door wide open. Which would be BAD because my roommate's cat takes like every opportunity to try and escape outside as she's not always locked up in my roommate's bedroom when I get home. 
I got inside to see the cat locked up in the kitchen in her carrier, and as I turned down the hallway, this adorable black puppy dog came bounding to me. So adorable! Totally unexpected as we don't have a dog.... But it soon became clear why the door was opened, the cat locked, up a random dog....My roommate was moving out. She had a bunch of friends/family over taking all her stuff out of her room (one of the friends had brought the puppy along.) 
It's so...weird. Because all of a sudden...she's gone....along with her cat. Moved out like two weeks before she needs to be, but moved out all the same.
The apt is much more lonely right now. As the cat isn't there, and I liked having her around. Y_Y So sudden a leaving. I knew it was happening, but oh, so sudden. :( I hope the kitty cat likes her new home.... I hung out watching Lie To Me -been binge watching that the past couple of days on Netflix- before I ventured out to Barnes and Noble to hang out there for a little bit before I discovered that DreamWork's movie Home had been released like 3 days ago! Gah! So I dashed down to Walmart to grab it and came straight back home to watch it and blog. :) 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with my family on a trip, when this plane flew past and a ton of money fell out. Me and a bunch of other tourists in the fancy smancy spa rich place we were at went after the money, like a treasure hunt, trying to get all that we could. I went for the higher dollar amounts ($100 bills.) ignoring the smaller bill denominations that had also fallen out. I managed to get ahead of everyone else along the trail and grab the money I wanted. I had so many plans for what I could do with this cash when...

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :) 


Thursday, July 30, 2015


As a member of the branch presidency in Fortaleza, Brazil, Brother Marques with the other priesthood leaders developed a plan to reactivate those who were less active in his branch.
One of those who was less active was a young man by the name of Fernando Araujo.
Recently I spoke to Fernando, and he told me of his experience:

"I became involved in surfing competitions on Sunday mornings and stopped going to my Church meetings.
One Sunday morning Brother Marques knocked on my door and asked my nonmember mother if he could talk to me.
When she told him I was sleeping, he asked permission to wake me.
He said to me 'Fernando, you are late for church!'
Not listening to my excuses, he took me to church.

"The next Sunday the same thing happened, so on the third Sunday I decided to leave early to avoid him.
As I opened the gate I found him sitting on his car, reading the scriptures.
When he saw me he said, 'Good!
You are up early.
Today we will go and find another young man!'
I appealed to my agency, but he said, 'We can talk about that later.'

"After eight Sundays I could not get rid of him, so I decided to sleep at a friend's house.
I was at the beach the next morning when I saw a man dressed in a suit and tie walking towards me.
When I saw that it was Brother Marques, I ran into the water.
All of a sudden, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.
It was Brother Marques, in water up to his chest!
He took me by the hand and said, 'You are late!
Let's go.'
When I argued that I didn't have any clothes to wear, he replied, 'They are in the car.'

"That day as we walked out of the ocean, I was touched by Brother Marques's sincere love and worry for me.
He truly understood the Savior's words: 'I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick.'
Brother Marques didn't just give me a ride to church--the quorum made sure I remained active.
They planned activities that made me feel needed and wanted, I received a calling, and the quorum members became my friends."

Following his reactivation, Brother Araujo went on a full-time mission and has served as bishop, stake president, mission president, and regional representative.
His widowed mother, three sisters, and several cousins have also entered the waters of baptism.

-Mervyn B. Arnold - Strengthen Thy Brethren- April 2004 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Instant Gratification

Do you know of the Marshmallow Experiment?
Where a bunch of children are given a marshmallow.
With the promise that if they don't eat the marshmallow within a certain time frame, they will be given a second marshmallow. 

Its a test.
To see if the children can wait to eat the goodness with the promise of a reward of more later.

Some eat the marshmallow. Impatient, wanting the food now. 
Others wait. And get the second marshmallow. 

Its a question of constraint.

And I see it all the time at work. 

When Parents have Children who want a fish.
And I tell them that they shouldn't get the fish for a couple of days since they didn't have a fish tank set up. 
Do the parents wait? Or do they please the child wanting the fish?
Some do. Coming back a different day.
Some don't. And buy a little goldfish now or a betta now to please the child. 

Do the people wait, wanting more options on their fish when I tell them a new shipment will be in the next day?
Some do.
Many don't. 

Do they want to wait for more options on Guinea Pigs that will be in in a couple of days, or to select from the limited stock we have now. 

Its so interesting.
To see those who can wait.
And those who can't.

Who wants the first marshmallow.
Who wants the greater reward later? 

And in many ways I can see why people are so selfish.
Instant Gratification. 
Its so. Tempting.
Why wait for something better when you can have something good now? 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Simple Joy

Its the simple things that can often bring the brightest moments of joy.

So, at work, we're finally getting in a new Dog Food Brand that people have been asking us about for a while now. Natural Balance.
We haven't carried it in the store before, and its the number one brand of food that is requested that we don't carry. But now we do!

And in honor of this new food.
We're doing a month long event of celebration.
We get to wear Natural Balance T-shirts for the weekends for the next month or so.
It's always fun to be able to wear something different besides the usual work uniform.
So weird that we can only do it for a handful of weekends though.
Really I feel like we should have casual Fridays where we can wear any of those promotional T-Shirts whenever we feel like it.

But that's not all we got.
This is what randomly made me really happy.

We also got a drawstring backpack too!
Just those simple backpacks, rather think, that well...have drawstrings...its not easy to explain. But a simple backpack.
And I was just...happy.
Because I've been looking for a new bag to carry stuff around in, like when I go home for the weekend.
And this.
This was perfect!
And I hadn't even realized I wanted it this badly until I got it!
Yay for the small things that bring joy to the day! ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, July 27, 2015

October 2005 General Conference -Sunday Morning

Thomas S. Monson -The Prophet Joseph Smith: Teacher by Example
  • Courage--by example.
  • "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."
  • Faith -by example
  • Honesty --by example
  • Patience--by example
  • Diligence-- by example
  • Missionary Work-- by example
  • "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
  • Love-- by example
Boyd K. Packer -On Zion's Hill
  • The opposition and trials are different now. If anything, they are more intense, more dangerous than in those early days, aimed not so much at the Church as at us as individuals.
  • There is in the Church a central core of power deeper than programs or meetings or associations. It does not change. It cannot erode. It is constant and certain. It never recedes or fades.
  • While the Church is housed I chapels, it lives in the heart and soul of every Latter-day Saint.
Merrill J. Bateman -A Pattern for All
  • The Atonement was an intimate, personal experience in which Jesus came to know how to help each of us.
Cheryl C. Lant -My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures
  • It doesn't seem to matter where or when I read the scriptures; I can still carry them in my heart.
Richard G. Scott -Truth Restored
  • Satan has been most effective in causing people to ignore I tor to look in the wrong places for it. The vast majority of Father's children have not only forgotten their Father in Heaven and the purpose of mortal life, but they rarely even think of Him nor ponder for what purpose they are here in mortality. They have been led to be absorbed by mundane things that distract them from the essential ones. Don't you make that mistake.
  • God's plan of salvation has been made available to all who will honestly seek it. Embrace it. Live it for your peace and happiness.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Forgiveness
  • I often think of a poem I read long ago. It goes like this: Let me live in a house by the side of the road, Where the race of men go by-- The men who are good and the men who are bad, As good and as bad as I. I would not sit in the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban;-- Let me live in a house by the side of the road. And be a friend to man.
  • "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Its been a while since I've had the apartment to myself.
With my new set of roommates, there's usually someone home at any point during the day.

Crazy what a couple months of consistency can do.
To make you miss having roommates around.
After spending like 8 months with absentee roommates who are never home.
I've really loved having roommates that will actually talk to me and hang out.

Today, I had the apartment entirely to myself.
I had a roommate gone for the weekend, and another gone on vacation.
Leaving just me.
And the cat.

Obviously I wasn't used to this. lol
Because I found myself talking to the kitty.
Just to hear the sound of voices.
And she would actually respond back. Meowing at me, conversing.

It was actually pretty entertaining.
Which is probably why I continued to talk to her throughout the day.
Because it entertained me. :)

Some things are just amusing enough to continue. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Something New

There are those days....
When I just can't sit down and focus.
Or I want to go out and do stuff....but then don't want to go out and do stuff.
I want to gain knowledge.
To surf the internet like crazy.
But after a while, there are only so many 'new things' you can find.

So then, I began looking into other sources.
Because today, I was in one of those phases.

Where I had the energy...kinda...but no motivation.
I just wanted to learn.

Scroll through the internet.
And my usual sites weren't updating fast enough for my liking.

So I finally broke down.
And decided to try something new.
To distract me.
From waiting forever and a half and an eternity for a friend to get online so we can chat.
So. Frustrated. About. That.

So to pass the time.
I decided...

To join Tumblr.

Its a site I've been on the fringes for a while now.
Following blogs via BlogSpot.

But not actually able to access the full site in a meaningful way.

Until now.

I got one.
A tumblr.
Who knows how well its going to last or how often I'm going to use it.
But right now its satisfying my needs for 'new'

And that's what matters right?? :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, July 24, 2015

New Time

It's that time of year again.

When I break my watch.
It happens two or three times in a year it feels like.

It happened again yesterday.
I broke my watch.
At work.

The most annoying place to break a watch really.
Because then I'm left adrift.
Not knowing what time it is. Not being able to check whenever I wanted.
So annoying.

I'd taken off my watch,
so I could scrub fish tanks without it getting wet and ruined.
But, when I went to pull my watch out of my pockets....
Not all of it came out.

The leather strap had broken.
Well I suppose the binding had broken.
Right where the watch face meets the leather.

>.< Not really a fixable spot. >.< Boo.

Which means.
Time for a new watch.

I know.
My problem would be solve, the watch less likely to break if I wore metal watches.
But...with such tiny wrists such as I have...
Its easier to go for leather where I can easily adjust the straps and not worry about being pinched.

Leather works much easier for me.
Even if its not as durable.

So I went and got another watch.

This one...
Is different than my others.
Usually I go for brown or black bands.
Things that are darker.

But for some reason, when I looked at the selection offered to me.
I was drawn to a tan/skin type colored band.
Not only that.
But the watch face was much bigger than I usually get.
Usually the face is small tiny, oval.

This one big and round.
Nice clear numbers.

So big.

Totally different from what I usually get.
Which is weird why I went away from the usual.

But I bought it.

And I can't stop looking at it.
The color.
The big round face.
The shiny newness of it.

Just wow.

I love it. ^^
Yay! :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Back To Life

Perseverance is demonstrated by those who keep going when the going gets tough, who don't give up eve when others say, "It can't be done."
In 1864 the First Presidency assigned Apostles Ezra T. Benson and Lorenzo Snow, along with Elders Alma Smith and William W. Cluff, on a mission to the Hawaiian Islands.
From Honolulu they took passage on a small boat to the little harbor of Lahaina.
As they approached the reef, the surf was running high and a heavy swell struck the boat, carrying it about 50 yards and leaving it in a trough between two huge waves.
When the second swell struck, the boat capsized into the foaming sea.

The people on the shore manned a lifeboat and picked up three of the brethren, who were swimming near the submerged boat.
But there was no sign of Brother Snow.
Hawaiians accustomed to the surf swam in every direction to search for him.
Eventually one of them felt something in the water, and they pulled Brother Snow to the surface.
His body was stiff, and he looked like he was dead as they hauled him into the boat.

Elder Smith and Elder Cluff laid Brother Snow's body across their laps and quietly administered to him, asking the Lord to spare his life that he might return to his family and home.
When they reached the shore, they carried Brother Snow to some large empty barrels lying on the beach.
Laying him face downwards on one of them, they rolled him back and forth the expel the water he had swallowed.

After the elders worked over him for some time, without any indication of life, the bystanders said that nothing more could be done for him.
But the determined elders would not give up.
So they prayed again, with the quiet assurance that the Lord would hear and answer their prayers.

They were impressed to do something rather unusual for that day and time.
One of them placed his mouth over Brother Snow's in an effort to inflate his lungs, alternately blowing in and drawing out air, imitating the natural process of breathing.
Taking turns, they persevered until they  succeeded in inflating his lungs.
A little while later they perceived faint indications of returning life.
"A slight wink of the eye, which, until then, had been open and death-like, and a very faint rattle in the throat, were the first symptoms of returning vitality.
These grew more and more distinct until consciousness was fully restored."
With their perseverance and the smile of merciful Providence, all four of the Lord's servants survived and were able to complete their missions.

Elder Snow wen ton to become the President of the Church.
While serving in that office, he stabilized the Church's funds by urging the members to pay their tithes and offerings.

You brethren will be interested to know that the Alma Smith in this story was the boy who was shot in the hip at Haun's Mill, destroying the hip joint and socket.
His mother dressed the terrible wound with some balsam and then was inspired to have him like on his face for five weeks.
A flexible gristle grew in place of the missing joint and socket so that he was able not only to live a normal life but also to serve a mission to Hawaii and give a lifetime of service to the Church.

-James E. Faust -Perseverance -April 2005 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Day In Review -July 22nd

Thursday, July 22nd 2004

-For my Dad's birthday we went to Lagoon with the Family. :)

Friday, July 22nd 2005

-I went shopping today. For my Dad's Birthday, I gave him a crystal pyramid.

Sunday, July 22nd 2007

-My dad was gone to a nursing convention.

Tuesday, July 22nd 2008

-After going shopping with Kikay looking for birthday presents, Kikay and I both bought a ladybug/scarab bug glass figure. Hers white, mine red to give to Dad for his Birthday. We also helped Mom and Meralto find gifts since they both had to work. Meralto got Daddoo a CD with celtic music on it and Mom gave Dad a glass piece that was two wrings hooked together in the infinity sign. Dad appeared to like them when he finally had a chance to open his presents at 11pm. Why? Because today was my Mom's work party and we went to Boondocks after picking Daddoo up from work about 5:30 pm. At Boondicjs we had dinner of hot dogs and hamburgers, then went miniature golfing. Daddoo scored a hole-in-one twice. Then we raced in the race cars they had there, though the gas fumes made me feel nauseous. I hate the smell of gas. We would have climbed the Delicate Arch rockwall they had down there, but for some reason it was closed, with all the rock climbing stuff taken down. Y_Y (they ended up permanently closing it. >.< ) I was looking forward to rock climbing >.< Its my favorite thing. So instead the family played in the arcade winning tickets that we later exchanged for stuff. I exchanged my 154 tickets for a mini births tone teddy bear, a star bouncy ball, two fuzzy pointy soft rings, another ring that says Boo on reminded me of my friend Jess.
That's how she usually greets me on Instant Messenger. And some more sparkly rings. By the time we got done playing the free video games -Mom even joined in and raced Kim and me in a car game race! It was 10:30pm. And time to go home. Its raining right now. I love the smell of rain. :)

Wednesday, July 22nd 2009

-Daddoo started out his birthday by going to work. I had woken up early -before my alarm- with a headache again. Bad enough that I didn't dare take advil because my stomach wasn't feeling settled. I managed to drive Meralto and his friend Britt to work without mishap even though I felt like barfing. Got home alright as well, and managed to get some food down and an advil before crashing on my parents bed til a little after noon. Woke up and had ramen noodle soup. Kikay went shopping for Dad's birthday and got home just before 5. Grandma Dirchi stopped by to give Mother Dearest and Daddo their birthday presents. Homemade Strawberry Jam. Then after she left we kids gave dad too cacti, 1 hibiscous plant and a chocolate cake. Meralto was feeling exhausted so he stayed home while the rest of us went to dinner at Paces. Kikay went to Mutual when we got back and I went outside to play with the kittens. Dove actually led the three of them to me and I petted and played with them. I stayed outside til all the kittens had fallen asleep then got back inside just in time to go on a walk with Kikay and the dogs. I remembered I needed to fill the car up with gas so at 10pm, I went to Smiths and grabbed some tea for dad.

Thursday, July 22nd 2010

-Today wasn't a good morning. I was awakened at 7am today by my phone ringing. Why? Dirk called because he was getting a ride from my brother and needed his number. Half an hour later I was reawakened by Daddo playing Celtic Music at full volume. why at 7:30AM!?! Gah! I waited 5 songs for him to turn down the volume before I went in and wished him Happy Birthday as I turned down the volume myself. Not enough for me to go back to sleep unfortunately. SO instead I messed around on facebook and stuff until about 11. Then Kikay and I went to K-mart to buy Kikay and I bins for her 'clean the storage room' attempt. Saw Sophie Moretensen there. After Mother Dearest got off work, we went to Dinner at El Matador for Dad's Birthday. Spent a lot of the day at Grandma's afterwards we  went to Office Depot so Dad could pick out a camera, but it wasn't in stock. Then we came home. We gave our presents to Dad and soon after the parents drove to a different store to get a camera.

Friday, July 22nd 2011

-Daddoo celebrate his birthday by teaching a class, then he and mom went to El Matador before going to the Pioneer Day Parade that our hometown throws the day before the holiday. I spent the day at home, ended up with yet another headache. >.< Kikay's friend Colby came over after she got home from work and just kinda hung out while they worked on a project.

Sunday, July 22nd 2012

-I was a bit restless sleeping as Pepper was restless and early this morning I heard a cat meowing from Riva's Garage. I hope it got out alright as I couldn't figure out how to get the garage door open when I was still sleepy. I woke up again a little before 11 and Kikay and I made chocolate chip cookies for Meralto's Eagle Court of Honor. Kikay and I went to Shane's single ward and we sat by Mandie. We came home and relaxed as Dad stressed about the Court of Honor. We arrived nearly an hour early to find guys in the room we were going to use and they weren't going to move. They were going to have a 45 minute meeting just the 3 of them basically in the biggest room in the ward. >.< I don't really get that logic. We ended up in the Primary Room (second biggest) and with the help of early arrivals we had everything ready by 7. The Eagle Ceremony went well, and it was short and sweet. I also got to talk to a lot of people which was fun. Talked with Shane and he said that he was going to come to the Fencing Party I'm going to have on Thursday. Came home and packed up and Kikay and I drove back to College Storm in our ACless car.

Monday, July 22nd 2013

-I woke up at 530 am this morning to let Pepper outside. I checked in on Daddo as he said he wanted to get up at that time, then I went back to bed til 10am. Got out later in the day and grabbed gas and a banana nut cake for Dad. Hung out until he got home from work and we went to Paces for Dinner. We had cake and icecream before Kikay and I headed home in separate cars (as we came up at different times.) She left like 5 minutes before me, and it took most of the trip home to catch up and pass her. lol I was worried I wouldn't be able to. :)

Tuesday, July 22nd 2014

-I called Daddoo this evening after work to talk to him and wish him a happy birthday. I still need to figure what to get him and Mother Dearest for their Birthdays.
In any case, I had work 9am. I ended up waking up about an hour before my alarm went off, from a dream of a bear attacking me. Not a fun way to wake up for sure. I came into work to about the situation that I had expected to come into. My Special Coworker was still working on the bedding changes, and the rest of the department was unopened. *sighs* So I opened the rest of the department and discovered that the locklines for the Large Feeder Goldfish tanks had plugged up....killing 2/3rds of the fish. >.< Really it was hard to see the living fish for all the dead. In any case my coworker did the bedding changes a little quicker today...maybe...he told me he was late again, not coming in until 7am (an hour late.) But since he was in nearly the same spot as if he'd come in at 6 (like last week.)  so it meant he'd worked a bit faster. Still he didn't get done with the bedding changes until noon when he got done with his shift. >.< Not good. The manager pulled him aside to tell him that he needs to move faster because we can't afford for him to spend 5-6 hours on a bedding change. (they shouldn't take longer than 3 at most.) Especially considering that our other coworker Kaylee managed to do bedding changes yesterday in a normal time frame. (She's a newer hire compared to the other coworker.) My poor manager was having a difficult day. He actually had to 'take a break' which managers usually don't do. I ended up staying half an hour later because Adam came into work late and needing to take an E-learning. After that I went to Best Buy to see if they could fix my connection problems and after an hour of head scratching the guy realized that I needed to update the driver sand walla! It worked! I went to institute afterwards and synced my new Ipod came home and made Mack and Cheese before calling Dad.

Wednesday, July 22nd 2015

-I had work at 6:30 am this morning. I started off my shift by counting Dead Crickets. My Head Manager actually wanted all the dead ones counted one by one so that we could get an accurate count of how many crickets actually died in our shipment. I guesstimated that we had lost 450 crickets. Upon counting them there was 453. Ha! I'm amazing. My guesstimation is pretty accurate. :D Once that was done, I went into doing the bedding changes, while my coworker opened the rest of the department. I then went into doing the count of our animals to make sure we had the animals on hand that our inventory said we had. Finishing that I took a lunch break before finishing with opening tasks. I even had some time to restock our frozen food freezer so that the frozen fish food was reorganized and visible. I had to stay half an hour later -volunteered to stay actually - as there was half an hour between me getting off work and my next person coming. Once I was off work I came home and took a 3 hour nap and woke up with a headache because of that. *sighs* I hung out until my Institute Class where I actually talked to a guy there. Without the conversation feeling forced. O.o So weird. Usually its harder to talk to guys as they don't show interest, but this guy, the conversation flowed really easily. *sighs* Though I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend as there was a girl next to him across the isle that he kept turning to. She could be some other thing like a friend or a sister....but we'll see if he's here next week.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

New Pets!

I did a crazy thing yesterday.
I bought myself a couple new pets.
So, there I was.
At work.
And for some reason, my focus turned to the Betta Fish.
To one in particular.
That has been sitting on our shelves for weeks and weeks and weeks.
Maybe a month...
Which is rather long for a Betta fish to be on our shelves.
For most of them its no longer than a week maybe two before they find their new homes.
But this guy...
He's been there for a while.
Because for some reason or another.
He only has One Eye.
The other one is missing.
It looks like it wasn't even there in the first place.
And because of that....
No one really wants to buy a fish that isn't 'whole.'
Especially when he's a Dumbo Halfmoon Betta.
Which is like the most expensive Betta fish we sell.
Hence why no one wants to get him.
And I felt really bad for him.
I didn't want him to languish there day after day after day. a separate tank.
I noticed that there was this frog.
And he too...wasn't perfect.
He only had three legs. The other one...gone for who knows why. :(
Again, not a creature likely to be bought.

And sometimes....Bettas and Frogs can get along together.
Plus...since they were not perfect....
I wondered to myself.
If I could get them adopted.
To myself.
As we do that on occasion.
Adopt out pets that are 'special' for various reasons. (i.e. missing limbs and eyes)
Which would mean that I wouldn't have to pay anything for them.
Because our focus is getting animals their forever homes.

So I went to my manager,
And asked him if I could do just that.
And he said yes!

So I found myself buying a new tank. A 2.5 gallon one.
Just to give the betta and frog some space so they wouldn't feel over crowded.
And took it all home. ^^

Managing to pay less than half of the price of what it would have cost had everything been full price.

And now! My fish and frog have a new home!! :D
They're still getting used to it.
Spending more time hiding than anything, but hopefully they get comfortable soon with their new nicer home. ^^

I mean....
It was basically over for me when I named them. lol.
Hence why I bought them.
One Eyed-Jack and Theodore. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, July 20, 2015

October 2005 General Conference - Priesthood Session

David A. Bednar -Becoming a Missionary
  • It is possible for a young man to go on a mission and not become a missionary, and this is not what the Lord requires or what the Church needs.
  • My earnest hope for each of you young men is that you will not simply go on a mission--but that you will become missionaries long before you submit your mission papers, long before you receive a call to serve, long before you are set apart by your stake president, and long before you enter the MTC.
  • "... It is not enough for anyone just to go through the motions. The commandments, ordinances, and covenants of the gospel are not a list of deposits required to be made in some heavenly account."
  • You will not suddenly or magically be transformed into a prepared and obedient missionary on the day you walk through the front door of the Missionary Training Center. What you have become in the days and months and years prior to your missionary service is what you will be in the MTC. In fact, the nature of the transition through which you will pass in the MTC will be a strong indicator of your progress in becoming a missionary.
Elder Charles Didier -Man's Search for Divine Truth
  • First, hear the voice of the Lord.
  • "Without revelation, all would be guesswork, darkness, and confusion."
  • Second, hear the voice of His servants.
  • Third, give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles.
  • It is going to be a lifetime challenge to first hear and then heed the voice of the Lord and His servants. Why? "For the natural man is an enemy of God ... and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. "
  • Why would we need to grow a stronger testimony of the living reality of the Son of God as found in the Book of Mormon? Today there is much confusion in the Christian world about the doctrine of Christ--not only about His divine nature but even about His Atonement and Resurrection, His gospel, and especially the commandments related to it. The result is a belief in a self-made-man Christ, a popular Christ, and a silent, crucified Christ. Wrong religious beliefs lead to wrong religious behaviors.
  • Reason does not and cannot replace revelation.
  • "Do not let your private doubts separate you from the divine source of knowledge."
  • Test, ask and receive in faith, then give heed to the words of prophets and apostles, and you will "receive a crown of eternal life."
Paul V. Johnson -The Blessings of General Conference
  • There is so much guidance and direction available that you won't make major mistakes in your life unless you consciously ignore the guidance you receive.
  • Every time we are obedient to the words of the prophets and apostles we reap great blessings. We receive more blessings than we can understand at the time, and we continue to receive blessings long after our initial decision to be obedient.
James E. Faust -Called and Chosen
  • All of us may expect some challenges to our faith. These challenges may come in different ways. You may not always like the counsel that the Church leaders give you. They are not trying to be popular. They are trying to help us avoid the calamities and disappointments that come through disobedience to God's laws.
  • The priesthood of God is a shield. It is a shield against the evils of the world. That shield needs to be kept clean; otherwise, our vision of our purpose and the dangers around us will be limited. The cleansing agent is personal righteousness, but not all will pay the price to keep their shields clean.
Thomas S. Monson -Do Your Duty-- That Is Best
  • A young man will automatically turn from concern for self when he is assigned to "watch over" others.
  • Some of you young men here tonight may be shy by nature or might consider yourselves inadequate to respond to a calling. Remember that this work is not yours and mine alone. We can look up and reach out for divine help.
  • Never give up.
  • "If we don't try, then we don't do; and if we don't do, then why are we here?"
  • Magnify your calling in the presence of your fellows in such a way that the people will be glad to follow you.
  • Is it in doing--not just dreaming--that lives are blessed, others are guided, and souls are saved.
  • "Do [your] duty; that is best; Leave unto [the] Lord the rest!"
Gordon B. Hinckley -If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear
  • Someone has said it was not raining when Noah built the ark. But he built it, and the rains came.
  • The Lord has said, "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear."
  • The rain falls on the just as well as the unjust.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, July 19, 2015


The foe of all plans.

The plan of today?
To meet up with my sister so I could go to her ward for church.
Because her ward starts at a much earlier time than mine.

As we were meeting up with my parents to celebrate their birthdays.
And we'd have more time with them if we just went to her sacrament meeting and drove up afterwards.

The problem?
Well....they weren't meeting in their usual spot today.
Instead choosing to meet in a different location.
The 'MSB' building.

Problem is.
Kikay and I didn't go to this particular College Town Campus instead, we went to the neighboring school.
So all the acronyms for the buildings....go over our head.
We have no idea where the buildings are.
And annoyingly enough, everyone here practically assumes you know where it is. So they don't give instructions or anything.

So I went to google.
And pulled up a campus map. To search for this MSB building.

And all I found was a building labeled MSRB.
Did Kikay forget a letter? So I checked with her.
But she didn't know.
But there wasn't any other building with that acronym.
So I figured that had to be the place.

But to be sure, I planned to get on site early.
That way if I happened to be at the wrong building, I would have time to walk over to the right building.
As I planned to meet up with Kikay.... I figured we could find the place together.
So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And the time for the church to start got closer
and closer
and closer.

I'd expected Kikay to come by sooner.
But she'd decided last minute, to get a ride with her roommates,
Who knew where they were going.

Two minutes to church starting.

And she realizes.
Where they're going.

No. The MSB?
Stands for Multi-Stake Building.
Which is a few blocks south of campus.
A place where multiple stakes can meet up at once (hence its name.)
A place that I actually knew where it was at.

But Kikay who'd been given landmarks of "It's by this food place, and this gym." Hadn't thought that that would be helpful to me because it wasn't helping her.
It would have helped me.
I'd gone to the building before, had had institute there, had had meetings there. I knew the place.
I just hadn't heard of it referred to as the MSB. >.<


This is why I'd shown up to campus EARLY.
So when the potential mistake was realized. I would have TIME to get to the correct place.
But being half an hour early.
Amounted to nothing.

Because the mistake wasn't realized until a minute or two before church started.
Which. If I had been like a minute or two away from my car.
Wouldn't have been a problem.
Because the place was like 5 minutes away.
I could have gotten there quickly.

There were no parking lots by this MSRB building.
I'd walked like ten minutes from an actual parking lot to GET to that building.
It would take basically as long to walk back. and another 10 ish minutes or so to get to the actual building I was supposed to be at.

Which would make me 20 minutes late.

I walked into the MSRB building.
Heard music playing and followed it upstairs
To another ward. That was meeting at the same time.

Thankfully. In College Town, there are wards all over the place nearby. Especially on Campus.
So I was able to attend a sacrament meeting there.
If not at my sister's place.

I was able to meet up with her once the meeting was over.

I think we were both frustrated.
Because of a lack of communication. Because of those assumptions I mentioned earlier in the week.
Her roommates weren't communicating well with her.
I felt that we should have figured it out sooner had we met up earlier.


This is why I try to find places I've 'never been to' before, before the actual meeting time.
Because I don't have to stress about actually making it to my meeting on time.

Yah.... it could have gone differently.
It didn't.
There was probably a reason why we didn't meet up when we'd planned to.

But things worked out in the end. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, July 18, 2015

A New Theme

It may have been all the 'renovate your home' shows I've been watching.

But a couple of days ago,
I was staring at my room.
I really should redecorate.
Go with a different theme.

I's been pretty much the same color scheme since I've moved away.
Reds and Browns

It would be nice to go with something less....vivid.
Less dark.

As my room is dark.
And since I'm staying in my current place for another year...
I really should do more to make the room look brighter.
Lighten it up.

And what better way to do that then like an ocean theme?
Blues. Greens. Whites.
Sea creatures, sea theme.

Been into ocean things recently.
So it would fit into my current interests just fine.

Just a matter of figuring out what to do with all the stuff I already have in my room.
It's an apartment after all.
Tiny space.
Not much place for boxes of stuff....

I'd have to rearrange stuff.

And then I remembered.

All plans had to be put on hold.

Because I had a cleaning check.

Not a very good idea to rearrange your room so close to a cleaning check.
That's a major undertaking.

And knowing me, I would probably have the room in a mess for four straight days.
Not enough time to clean and pass cleaning check without stressing out about it.

So, I waited.
Til the day of the cleaning check.

And ventured out.

In search of a new comforter for the top of my bed,
Some wall hangings that would brighten up the room,
Maybe a new end table, and some more sea themed creatures to put around the place.

I came home with.



Because the blues and greens weren't speaking to me today. >.<

No, everything that I was like
()_() Oooo!! Pretty colors!!

And Brown.

Apparently I'm still fond of those colors.
Hard to match when all the blues and greens were too light in my opinion.
I like the darker shades of green and blue.

And the darker shades that I loved.....were too dark. To try and lighten up my room.

So I came home with nothing.
Because I didn't see anything I felt I absolutely needed to have.
Because as much as I liked the red and brown things I found.
I don't need more of that color in my room .lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, July 17, 2015

Another Food Creation

My Culinary Genius struck again the other day.

Where I'm just sitting there,
Thinking of what to make.
And then I wonder...
If I put all these things together....they should taste good right?
So far. Been pretty successful in my creative imaginings. :)

This time around....
I created:
Hotdog Salad.

What is it? Well...kinda like Taco Salad, but with hotdogs. :)

So what did I do?

I took hotdogs. (not a whole pack as it was just me eating it but like three hotdogs.)
And cut them up into bite sized pieces.
Stuck them in a frying pan and cooked them.
Then, added some pepper-jack cheese to the pan, melting it.
-You have to stir really quickly otherwise the cheese burns. :S

While the hotdogs were frying.
I took some cherry tomatoes and diced them up, also into bite sized pieces in a cereal bowl.
Once the hotdogs with melted cheese were done,
I poured the hot dogs into the bowl of tomatoes and stirred it in.
Then added in some shredded lettuce.

And walla!
Hot Dog Salad!

It was delicious. ^^

Spicy with the cheese, flavorful with the tomatoes.
Yummy yummy! ^^
Definitely something I'll have again.
I don't even know if I need to add anything else to it.
It was great! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Smiling Eyes

I'd like to tell you of an experience of a faithful Latter-day Saint who is a good friend of mine.
I'll refer to him only as "my friend" for reasons you will understand.

Working as a special agent for the FBI, my friend investigated organized crime groups transporting illegal drugs into the United States.

On one occasion, he and another agent approached an apartment where they believed a known drug dealer was distributing cocaine.
My friend describes what happened:

"We knocked on the door of the drug dealer.
The suspect opened the door, and upon seeing us, tried to block our view.
But it was too late; we could see the cocaine on his table.

"A man and a woman who were at the table immediately began removing the cocaine.
We had to prevent them from destroying the evidence, so I quickly pushed the drug suspect who was blocking the door to the side.
As I pushed him, my eyes met his.
Strangely, he did not appear angry or afraid.
He was smiling at me.

"His eyes and disarming smile gave me the impression that he was harmless, so I quickly left him and started to move toward the table.
The suspect was now behind me.
At that instant, I had the distinct, powerful impression come into my mind:
'Beware of the evil behind the smiling eyes.'

"I immediately turned back toward the suspect.
His hand was in his large front pocket.
Instinctively I grabbed his hand and pulled it from his pocket.
Only then did I see, clutched in his hand, the semiautomatic pistol ready to fire.
A flurry of activity followed, and I disarmed the man."

Later, in another case, the drug dealer was convicted of murder and boasted that he would have also killed my friend had he not turned around at that very moment.

Neil L. Andersen -Beware of the Evil behind the Smiling Eyes -April 2005 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

'Mini' Shakes

We were coming home from FHE.
Which in of itself is strange.
Actually its the first ward FHE I feel like I've been to since I've moved into the ward.
My roommate, her boyfriend, and I had decided to go because free food! But also because it was a BBQ that was held in a backyard....that had a trampoline!
And now...we were coming home,
But not straight home.
We'd decided that we really wanted ice cream.
Where to go?
We tossed around the names of a few ice cream places.
I spotted the Iceberg food place.
And asked them if they had been in there before.
Which they hadn't.

So, we decided to go there.
To my delight.
Because Iceberg is amazing in giving you way much more for your buck.
Their shakes.
and Huge.

They didn't know that.
Which made this all the more fun. lol

I went first ordering a "Mini"
They followed suit, ordering their own "Mini" shakes.

What came out for us to eat.
Was by no means mini. XD lol

The shakes of Iceberg are Gigantic.
Their mini is often a 'regular' or a 'large' in other ice cream places.
Plus they add in like three inches of shake above the rim.

Needless to say, it was Huge!
Lol their faces were priceless at seeing it. lol.

Definitely worth it stopping by there to eat ice cream there. ^^

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Day In Review -July 10th & July 14th

Monday, July 10th 2006

-Woke up around 6:45ish am, got a ride from my neighbor to the stake center. When everybody had arrived and got organized we left for Camp Zarahemla, our campsite. My sister and I drove in Sister Stocking's car. She kind of scares me with her driving, because every time she went to the right in curves and stuff she would go onto the shoulder which was really scary because we drove by a cliff for a while. Before we got to camp (girls camp), everybody went on a hike from the top of one of the mountains to the bottom, following an actual pioneer trail. We had to cross a stream many times and I didn't get my feet wet, (like others) because I didn't want to get blisters. When we stopped for lunch, I split two of my Samoa Girl Scout Cookies in half and gave a piece to Maribah, Kikay, a leader, and another leader. In return the other leader gave me a pudding thing. It was delicious. When we finally got to the end of the trail, everybody rested for a while before heading out onto the dirt road because all the cars had been left at the top of the mountain and the leaders had to shuttle up w/ the cars that had taken those who couldn't hike down. Everybody started hiking along the dirt road because we had told that it was 'not far' until we would hit pavement. I knew better than to believe that because I had driven along the road when some of the girls went up before camp to clean the 'cabins.' (Like sheds really. That was the size of them and the look of them.) So I knew that the road was like 3-4 miles long, but it was everybody walking or nobody walking. So everybody went hiking with little or no water, which I considered a very stupid idea. Hiking with no water in the middle of the day. Luckily we only hiked a mile or two before the leaders picked us up and drove us the rest of the way to camp. When we got to camp (B.U.G.S) we got a snack, and signed in. Then we were separated into our age groups. We were each assigned a bug for each year. 1st year -Caterpillars 2nd- Butterflies 3rd-Bees 4th -Fireflies 5th/6th (jr.leaders) Lady Bug. After decorating our banner everybody went and organized their cabins. My cabin with the Jr. Leaders was the farthest away from the lodge where the food was served, but it stays in the shade all day. The cabins are more like oversized sheds to me but they're nice. There are 2 sizes of cabins one with 12 beds the other with 18 beds (bunkbeds) I slept on the top level on the left side of the door in the middle. Later we had devotional at the camp theater which I nick named the 'concrete steps' because that's all they were. And then went to bed.

Friday, July 14th 2006

- We packed up girls camp today. When we got home we gave out awards for things done at camp.

Thursday, July 10th 2008

-Today has been an awesome day, mainly because I've been hyper all day long. For one thing I woke up about 6:45am and didn't really get back to sleep so I ended up watching the Garbage/truck by at the unearthly  time of 7 am. No one should be up and working until at least nine in my opinion. (Lol, and here I am in 2015 consistently starting work before 7am.) Anyway around 11 am the mail came, and I myself received 3 items in the mail. A late birthday card from AT/UB which was nice because I'd never received a card from them before. Next was a bankstatement telling me how much money I had in my account. (it amounted to what I spent to fix my car a couple weeks ago.) And finally, Kikay and I received back our AP Test scores from when we took them in May. Kikay only took one test -World History which she received a 3 in. She's glad she passed. (highest score you can get is 5) (1-2 fail, 3-5 pass)
I took 4 AP Tests. I was confident I'd pass the WorldHistory test and I did! I received a 4! (Kikay and I took the same class, -not same period/teacher- I took it so I could get a history cord. My English Language and English Literature class I was also confident of passing because of the essay portion. I got a 3 in Language and a 4 in Literature! :D 3 tests passed, one more to go. Calculus AB. I basically only took the test on the off chance that I'd do enough things to pass, but my confidence level was low. I struggled all year in Calculus to keep my grades above a B- and I was pretty sure I would not pass. The test was for kicks and giggles and well...Mom paid like $83 so I could take the test, so there was no backing out anyways. (Bad to waste money.) But to my happy surprise I looked and saw that I had got a 5!!
;) Ha. Just kidding.
I received a THREE! :D I am SO HAPPY ESTACTIC HYPER!! I PASSED MY AP CALCULUS TEST!! A year of having to take college math is now history! (I didn't have to take math at all in college. Thanks to this test. ^^ :D lol) I was so happy that I even emailed my teacher Mr. Saltzgiver to tell him the news. He emailed me back saying "Oh Sarah that's great! I don't think there is anyone more deserving to pass. You work your butt off. Great Job!" Needless today that brightened my day further. I always enjoy receiving praise from my teachers especially from this one. :) I did work my butt off in his class, coming in early almost every morning to get help on math problems I didn't understand. And I now I know it all was worth it! I passed the Test! Whoppee!!! Yay me Yay me!! Sooo Happy!
Around 2pm I took Kikay to the library so she could check out some books and books on cd. I also installed my wireless mouse to my laptop so now I can fish online (online game with a little practice. And later mom and I cleaned out our Trailblazer and washed the dust from it which turned into us washing off the driveway from all the dirt form dad's planting projects. Later (around 11pm) we went to pick up my Uncle O from the airport because he's staying with us until the family reunion on Saturday.

Monday, July 14th 2008

-Sorry for the depressing thing last night. (I was lamenting about my lack of writing progress and wondering if there would come a point in time where I'd just forget all my stories that I'd been working on.) Anyways, I did take the time to write down some ideas of mine last night. So I feel slightly better today. Even though I managed to waste my day not writing anything -the computer sucks away my will- ;) I at least know not all hope is lost. Today after I started laundry I took Kikay shopping for Mom's birthday. I ended up being her a watch and Kikay bought her a necklace. I'm planning on sneaking into mom's room tonight to give mom a pleasant surprise in the morning. Kikay and I also watched Avatar the Last Airbender for the first time in like a Year. I felt more like cringing at the developing characters. Maybe they'll get better with time. I also finished Artemis Fowl Book 5 today and I wait with baited breath for book 6 as its released tomorrow so I hope I get it tomorrow. The anticipation is nearly killing me.

Friday, July 10th 2009

-I woke up at 5:45 am to get on the computer to talk to UB at work because he had to work til 6pm today. (vacation at their place.) I hugged AT goodbye as she went to work and basically sat in front of the computer with their Dog KandiKane by my side. Eventually I watched TV and drew, but I'm struggling with my drawing. I made dinner of pepperoni crescent rolls, spaghetti with alfredo sauce and corn with the help of AT. Everybody liked everything, but I thought my rolls were too garlicy for some reason. Sat outside with my family watching a storm come in before I headed back downstairs to try -unsuccessfully- to finish my drawing.

Tuesday, July 14th 2009

-Slept in until almost 11 today, basically got up in time to jump into UB's truck with UB and Kikay and head down to Fuel B's (gas station place) with Dad and Meralto tagging along in the trailblazer so that they could fill up with gas and we grabbed a taco pizza (so delicious!) and UB, Kikay and I drove to AT's work and had lunch with her for a bit eating taco pizza. I spent time on the computer and watched more episodes of Avatar the Last Airbender while everyone else watched the 3rd movie of the Lord of the Rings (had no interest for me.)  Then when the movie was over the boys went outside to prepare the BBQ for hotdogs and hamburgers while Kikay fried potatoes and I cut veggies. After dinner we went out to the Medicine Circle that had been built last time we were there and 'opened it' otherwise 'blessed' it as a place of peace, meditation, and comfort. After that, we went and had dessert and I took a shower. AT then strongly encouraged me to get a job and go buy a car *sighs* (so tired of that subject) I think I'll be too busy this school year for that though. (2nd year of college was going to start in August) I'm not a fan of having people telling me what to do with steps in my life. Now Kikay nd I are going to video tape an adventure and place a hidden note for AT to find later. It should be fun. ^^

Saturday, July 10th 2010

-Woke up and took a shower before going school shopping with Kikay for new Clothes. We went to Old Navy to get clothes and ended up at Barnes and Noble, before going to Ross and Shopko for more clothes. Then because Mother Dearest loves Chocolate Lovers Shakes form Arctic Circle we went there to get one, and they were having a 'Fryday' (even though it was Saturday) and we got free fries. ^^ woot. Later in the evening we went to Kelly Gibb's 'surprise party' And we managed to arrive just as he was getting home....oops. lol. But it was fun to chat with the neighbors. :)

Wednesday, July 14th 2010

-Went out shopping again looking for Mom's birthday presents. Came home and washed the car. Later Meralto got us Arctic Circle for dinner and I went to a WAMN night but only Jess and Tay were there. I came home to find myself locked out but luckily Mom let me in. :)

Sunday, July 10th 2011

-Spent the day at AT/UBs house doing this and that. When we arrived we helped AT/UB plant a couple of trees that they'd bought yesterday for their yard. Had lunch of Ham Sandwiches before sitting outside and chatting for a bit. We played "Just Dance" a wii game. It was rather fun and I played it off and on through the rest of the day. Made cookies about dinner time for UB as he was cooking hamburgers. We tried to hide them but AT told him. I accidentally "broke" the oven. I pulled on the handle and half of it came loose. Luckily AT was able to fix it.

Thursday, July 14th 2011

-Spent the day "hanging out" and "studying" and at 4 pm went and picked up Justin so his mom could pick him up at our house (cousin) We played a little bit of Dogopoly but his mom and sister showed up an hour earlier than expected. I ended up hurting my knee pretty badly "friend testing" Justin and my left knee hit his left knee so I tired to go to bed to help it feel better.

Tuesday, July 10th 2012

-I ended up moving to the couch to sleep after Pepper woke me up the first time because my other dog Sadie had gone to the bathroom, and even after cleaning it up my room stunk and I didn't want to have to breathe in the smell anymore. I went to the dentist where they said I had a small cavity that they needed to fix. Hung out until the mail came and with it was Kikay's birthday present to me. My Totally Missing the Point (a blog) T-shirt. :D We packed up and drove back to Orem after that and I hung out with Kikay and we both went Fencing. It was my first time doing Epee. I didn't like it much. You have to hit on the point and I struggle to do that, especially when fencing my sister. She didn't let me touch her which was crushing especially since she took no mercy and hit super hard a couple times. I think she wanted to feel better after not fencing for 2 weeks, but I wish she didn't take out her frustration on me. We went to the Neffies afterwards and watched Harry Potter 3 and gave out presents.

Saturday, July 14th 2012

-Slept in til nearly 1pm. Went and saw The Amazing Spiderman with the Neffie Kids. IT was good but my eyes have been hurting since that point because we were close to the front. Had dinner at chuck-a-rama with them and watched a movie -Harry Potter 5- before coming home.

Wednesday, July 10th 2013

-Strangely enough, I slept well last night. I don't recall stirring until my alarm went off. It was a fun day. Mother dearest and I had a morning excursion (we're on a cruise) going to a musher's camp and dogsledding excursion. IT was surprisingly a bright and sunshiny day! (usually its cloudy in Alaska) It got warm enough to even take off my coat. :D But not til after the sled dogs. We took a tour bus out to the middle of nowhere, up in the mountains. There are 250 or so dogs up there. Not really Huskies, those dogs are apparently slow, but more of mixed breeds bred to run faster. It was super loud. The dogs would bark like the entire time. They love to run for sure though! I twas an adventure to get up there like 800 feet straight up. :D Not my favorite thing to go up a narrow roads with an ede off one or both sides, totally nerve wracking. I don't like it, but I managed to stay calm and enjoy it. I nay case we got to ride around a loop with the dogs pulling a golf cart sort of thing. (so much fun and all too short.) Loved it! And afterwards we got to see some puppies!! Awww!! I didn't want to leave them. But left them we did because I had another shore excursion to go to...2 hours later. Since I had time to kill I did a quick run up and down town to get the free gifts from various stores before doing an even quicker loop around town to see if there was anything I wanted. Nothing caught my eye beyond a 'Russian doll' thing that was painted different wolves. :D I met up with Kikay to go on our glass blowing excursion. She had a demo tour of it while I got the golden tour (meaning I could make my own glass blown object) I picked out the colors and helped to hold the rod when I made my little glass orb knickknack. :D I didn't get to see the product finished though. :( It had to cool and they would ship it to us. Y_Y awww. (I did get it, love it, still have it, unbroken -so far) Talked to a cute guy from Hawaii before I met back up with Kikay and we had dinner on the ship and went to a magic show and a death by chocolate buffet after that. :)

Sunday, July 14th 2013

-I felt better this morning, still had basically everything I did last night, minus the headache though that lurked in the background for a lot of our journey home. My main bother was that my ears would keep clogging up. >.< I'm not even sure if they're unclogged now though my main symptoms of a runny/stuffy nose and coughing is what is making me feel unwell. Mostly coughing. Had a bit of a scare on the drive home in that we got news from my Aunt G, that Grandpa Dirchi had blacked out this morning and fallen to the floor. So they took him to the hospital. :S Right now everything is Normal, and Grandpa is back home recuperating. Still that was a worrisome couple of hours. We dropped by Taco Bell for dinner and came home where I was finally able to reconnect with the internet after not having it for 10 days lol. I had 57 messages awaiting me and a lot of blogs to catch up on. I also introduced mom and dad to BBC's Sherlock. :)

Thursday, July 10th 2014

-Its so weird, I'm so sore and tired...and I don't feel like I did anything really to feel this way. I mean I woke up before my alarm -easy enough to do when work doesn't start until 10am. I got into work and Special Coworker had finished the bedding part of bedding changes. >.< (he should have been completely done by 10.) Thankfully Kaylee came in at 10 as well so I had her open the floor while I opened the back rooms. She took forever to do those tasks....though admittedly it was only her second time doing so, but I'm pretty sure she picked up and handled every single animal she could. (not something to do at work...speed. speed is key. We have to get the animals ready for the customers, not play with them ourselves.) I showed her how to pull dead fish and feed fish as well as clean out the cricket containers. My first Coworker finally finished his task of bedding changes at 11 with some help from me and left. I had Kaylee do other tasks until she left at 2. Discovered today via my manager that my other coworker Adam, had put in his two weeks notice. (it actually never took effect, he continued working with us before mysteriously disappearing at New Years) This was both good and bad news as he is rather lazy with tasks and I would love to get a closer that would actually close the department properly. But bad because my manager said I might have to take on the night shifts for a while. (booooo) I admit I was less than pleased about this. Though I hope it doesn't come to pass as Sirch stated he needs me as an opener. :D Maybe we can get Ali or Aleccyia to work the night shifts. Who knows. We'll see. I finished my shift helping customers and came home feeling thoroughly pummeled. Everywhere aches like I spent the day playing sports or something. I don't know if its a reaction to stress, or something else, but its weird.

Monday, July 14th 2014

- Work was a bit of a relief today. Mostly because everything got done! :D I did cats and birds while Kaylee opened the rest of the department. We managed to get done by 11! Which was awesome because it feels like it's been a couple of weeks since that's happened. There was a bit of a 'vibe' going on at work though because my Special coworker was there, on register. And I could practically feel his eyes watching me and Kaylee's movements. He wasn't too happy to be stuck on the register apparently. Poor kid. But it may be for the best I think. Everyone's tolerance for him is getting rather thin, especially in my department. Because things keep breaking/disappearing. My special coworker is seeking to try and get into the department full time, but because I am full time he can't obtain that position. He seeks to replace me, but that's not going to happen. (and it didn't.) Honestly we're trying to get this coworker out of the department, hence why he was cashiering today. We're 'cross training' him to allow another to come into the department. In any case Kaylee thinks I have a 'magic touch' because anything she struggles in doing/opening/closing I can do easily. Lol I think its just me 'knowing' the 'secret' of how to open the things since I've been here for nearly 2 years. In any case after work I dropped off some boxes to Kikay so she could pack before she, me and Ashley went to lunch at KFC because I wanted to try their $5 fill up meal deal they were having. Definitely fills you up. lol. Got home and realized I'd gotten a call from Tay, so I called her back and....bad news. Y_Y at the moment it looks like she doesn't have the finance to be able to move down. (she didn't, so I ended up in apt with strangers. :( and one of the worst years ever as apt living goes. Basically as bad as my second year of college.) Ended up chatting with Mom for a bit afterwards, Meralto had built the family a new deck for the front yard and today the roofing guys came to reshingle the roof, replace siding on the garage and add in a roof to our back porch (that collapsed like a decade ago after a particularly heavy snow storm) Its apparently going to take a couple of weeks to do...and it hasn't started off well. The workers ended up killing half the grass putting black plastic down and also broke the central air unit by covering that up -without telling us... so it ran and ran until it broke- Yikes. hopefully it will be resolved soon!

Friday, July 10th 2015

-I went into work at 730 this morning, an hour later than I was originally scheduled to try and shave some time off my overhours. (I only managed an hour shaved off with 3 hours of overtime worked. oops.) Thankfully my coworker came in at 8 this morning so we were able to get done with all our opening tasks but fish and crickets when the store opened. We worked on our fish shipment and soon afterwards I got a call from my apartment complex saying that my friends hadn't signed their lease last night. >.< -Because one needed to move in earlier than what was being allowed on the computer, and the other was having trouble seeing the pages needed, so they just came in today to make it easier. The stress levels got bad enough for me, worried that I wouldn't get into the apt I wanted to get into, that I ended up buying a soda at work -which is rare for me to do. It didn't help that like 5 random scavenger hunt groups came into the store right in the middle of our lunch time rush, so I was busy with customers, and they were trying to get me to help them first so they could 'stay ahead of the other teams.' ha. No. Customers come first. Especially PAYING customers. You have to wait until its your turn. I came home and changed clothes before heading over to the office to meet with Jess and Tay. And officially. They're going to be my roommates! Woot!! ^^ Plus I got one of my Ghost Roommates to move out earlier because Jess took over her contract. Yes again! After they left I went and spent waaaaay too much on groceries (hadn't been shopping in like 2 weeks.) before coming back home to decompress and eat food. :D

Tuesday, July 14th 2015

- Had work early this morning, and thankfully, my coworker actually showed up. I was half worried she wouldn't because a different coworker didn't show up yesterday leaving me to open the entire department by myself. >.<. But in she came, so we were able to get the department opened pretty close to after opening. At least everything but fish really. I worked on back room cleaning while my coworker Am. did cats and the floor. We worked on Tanks, and setting out our new reptiles, as well as working with our new goldfish shipment and cricket shipments. I did Betta water changes as well, managing to get everything done before I left. Thankfully it wasn't too busy throughout the morning so things got done. :) Sirch came into the store on his day off to give us fresh cat litter scoops that he found elsewhere for $1 for our cat cages, as well as a box of starbursts for me. ^^ Awww. Why? Because I'd opened the department by myself yesterday. Woot! Candy! :D  After work I came home and crashed for a couple of hours before working on blogging and such while watching Anastasia. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi