Tuesday, April 30, 2019


It's always interesting to hear two sides of a story. 

And me, being me and a writer....I tend to like to hear both sides of a story.
Because it can shed interesting perspectives on what people think on both sides of an issue.

Though of course, it can end up causing me undue stress when I know information that one side or the other doesn't know....and I can't really tell the person who doesn't know because they aren't privy to that information....

Which has been the struggle of the past week or so.

As I've been dealing with the semi-drama of a coworker potentially leaving...but they keep changing their mind.
They ended up giving a notice, but then two days later were like "No I think I'll stay on a day." and then like a few days later on were like "well maybe i'll stay on here three days because my other job isn't working me as much as I want." But at the same time they're constantly telling me that they don't like a lot of the tasks we have to do at work and that they feel that a lot of our coworkers don't like them....

Which is semi-true. There are coworkers who struggle to be around this coworker, and there have been schedules that have had to be shifted and moved about in order to make sure that this coworker isn't working with other people at the same time because it always turns out to be drama.
And because there's been so much complaining against this coworker there's been talk of just letting them go because they have given their two weeks....

Only to find out that their two weeks notice was given verbally and never officially given in printed format...so like if the coworker chooses to stay....they can stay because there's no official documentation that they wanted to quit....

And yah.
It's a mess.

A mess that I'm mostly staying out of.
Lending a listening ear to whichever party wishes to vent.
And gathering info.

But I am curious to see how it's all going to play out.
Especially on if the coworker will stay or if in the end they'll leave....

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before they leave.
Probably within the year for sure if not within the next three to six months.

But still.
I do hate the uncertainty of expecting one thing to happen...only for it to suddenly not be happening or happening differently.... *exhales*

Knowing different perspectives on the same issue is definitely eye-opening.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Drive

I've gotten pretty used to being the designated driver apparently....

I mean. I usually end up driving anyways because I like being able to control when I can leave a place as it can stress me out to have to rely on others to get me home. So I like being the driver most of the time for the sole reason that I can leave whenever I want. 

Tonight though I wasn't the driver. 
I was just a passenger in the backseat.

It definitely was a bit...stress inducing.
Like not in a bad way...we didn't get into any accidents or anything, though our car nearly got hit because a different drive nearly ran a red light as we were approaching our destination.

But just the different driving style, and different reaction times to things....

Was hard to handle for me.

I mean, I didn't want to drive...
But by the end of the trip I had seriously been rethinking my thoughts on that. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The White Shower

So there I was, in the middle of making dinner for the family.
It was a simple enough meal.
Nothing too crazy. Just frying them up in the frying pan.
But the guys in the family ended up wanting a few more hotdogs than I had already fried up.
So I went to the fridge to grab the extra pack I'd picked up for just that occasion.

Yet, also there, on the shelf with the hotdogs was this container of alfredo sauce.
A container that I had opened before on a different day when I'd made myself some tortellini and put back in the fridge to have a different day.
And it was semi precariously placed as I had placed a lot of different food on my designated shelf in the fridge.

Somehow...as I was pulling out the hotdogs...I triggered the alfredo to come flying off the shelf.
It fell before I could stop it, and landed on top of the freezer lip. 
-As we have that 'freezer drawer on the bottom fridge doors on the top' sort of setup.

So the container hit that lip.

And exploded.


Alfredo sauce came flying up into my face as the rest of the container tumbled to the floor.

I got showered in alfredo sauce.
Some had even managed to land on my back as well as in my hair and yah....
I was covered in the stuff.

*shakes head*

I did a quick wipe down of my face and hair and changed my clothes.
But couldn't do much more until after dinner since we were about to eat.

But yah.
Having the scent of alfredo in your hair is not the best thing when coming down from a migraine. *shakes head* lol

At least my family got a kick out of it.
And they were extremely helpful, helping to clean up the spill of alfredo and finish cooking while I went to clean up a bit.

Definitely something I didn't expect to happen today for sure lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Water Sounds

I normally don't like the sound of trickling water.
Which is kinda funny since I have this giant fish tank that....well does make the trickling water sound.
Especially since I couldn't find a filter that would make the water flow quietly after the last one quit.
But in any case.
I can get it quieter so long as I keep the water filled up.

But under most normal circumstances.
I can't stand the sound.

Except tonight.
Tonight it's soothing.
Tonight with the headache pounding through my head...it should be antagonizing.
But I'm tired enough that the sound of water flowing is enough of a distraction for my circling thoughts that it's helping a bit.
Helping to get the migraine to go away.

Which is weird.
But I'm grateful for it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 26, 2019

Bye Bye Negativity

It's like a huge weight has lifted from the house.
It's crazy.
Like the energy/my energy has just increased exponentially compared to how it has been.
And it's like...I suddenly want to do all the things.
Instead of coming home to just veg I want to...well do things.
Clean things.

Basically just give the house a nice big fresh start.

Because for the last little while the energy in the house has been....
We've had stresses swirling about, whether it's over jobs, tests, relationships....
There's been a lot of it going about.

Which, when I'm sensitive to energy given off by others.
Makes it hard to like...actually want to do something.
Because everything just feels drab.

But now
At least for the next month.
We have the opportunity to do a bit of spring cleaning.
Cleanse all the negative energy that has been building up.
And just get our own more positive energy back swirling in the home.

Already the house feels a lot better.
And I haven't done much in the way of cleaning yet.

It's nice.
I like this feeling a lot.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Switching Things

So this past week, we've had an overnight third party crew in our store.
As we've been going through a....I guess a remodel of sorts? 
Where our entire dog and cat sections of food have been moved about with different brands moving to different aisles, as well as adding in like four new brands of food...plus like moving 5 of the older 'new' brands of food into the aisles and not just in center pieces in the middle of the main thoroughfare.

So yah. It's been a lot of work.
Like my department  we had to do it all ourselves, so my department has had it's new layout for a couple of months now.
But the dog and cat sections?
I mean, we did a little of the toys/treats/leashes layouts ourselves.

But the food we had a third party come in to move everything.

Which meant that a couple of our managers have been working the graveyard shift really to supervise the process and make sure things go smoothly.

Not that it's gone fully smoothly...
Apparently the overnight crew managed to break two of the chairs in the breakroom. O_o in one night.
Because we used to have four lounger chairs.
But when I came in one morning...there were only two.

*shakes head*

I'm glad tonight is the final night.
So we can have less chaos in the store in the morning.
But also so our managers can get back to a more normal schedule and not be up all night and sleep deprived when I show up. lol.

Still it's going to be interesting getting used to all the changes.
And it's going to be 'fun' having to help customers find things now that everything has moved about.

It's already been a bit of a struggle with some customers....
But overall people have been able to orientate themselves alright. :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


It's just been one of those....antagonizing days.
Those days where suddenly you're overwhelmed and can't handle how much people are expecting of you and it just kinda….makes you want to crawl into a corner curl up in a ball and never leave.

And I think it's been just dealing with other people's manic energy the past few days.
Not that everyone I've talked to has had manic energy, but there's been enough stress cases around me that my defenses have basically been overwhelmed and I just really want to lock myself in my room and not talk to anyone because everyone is getting on my nerves.

Definitely not a fun feeling to have.
But it's been what I've been dealing with the past weekish….
Well it feels like since I got back from Colorado really.

And I don't know.
Maybe it was just a week away from all the stresses of family, friends, home, work, etc....
Detoxified me too much.
So going back into the environment.
Especially with added stress being put on top of it because of finals for people and the total redecoration of our store that's been happening this week....

I'm just done.
Done with people needing me.
I just want to get away yet I feel like it only increases everyone's need of me.

Not a fun week.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Frequent Farewells

Another one of my coworkers put in their two weeks notice today.

Which would be like the fourth one this month? 
Not that I'm surprised.
It's the end of the semester for the college people. So we often lose a few of our coworkers around that point in time.
Same for when school starts in the fall.
And same around Christmas as well.

So like basically every four months or so....we tend to lose between 3-8 coworkers. 

So I've grown used to it.
And some people leaving is definitely sadder than others.

Especially since like....I tend to like things to stay the same.
So having upheaval at work every few months makes it difficult to want to reach out and get to know people. Because like....what's the point? They'll be just gone in a few months anyways. 
Kinda my outlook on meeting people in general, really. No one sticks around.

In any case.
My coworker was like "I'll come and visit you!"

Sure you will. 

*shakes head*

It's so funny how many people have said that.
And how like...I've only seen one person actually do that. 

Like I know other old coworkers come into the store all the time.
But since I tend to work mornings...
A lot of them only come in the evenings.
So I rarely rarely see them.

This particular coworker is adamant that I'll see them though.
So we'll see. 

Still have my doubts.
But we'll see.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 22, 2019

Seriously? Snark Incoming

Mornings are difficult for me.
Not in getting up.
Despite wanting to stay in bed and sleep for another couple of hours, I'm pretty good about forcing myself to get up.
No mornings are more difficult for me.
Because my niceness filter is rather slow to activate most mornings.
Leaving me more likely to get irritated, but also more likely to get...well snarky/sarcastic in my responses to people.

So this morning.
A Monday Morning.
Where I'm tired, and it's Monday, and I have a lot of stuff to get done.
I come into work to find three different notes on the board.
All of which I just....had to shake my head at.
And I literally responded sarcastically to all three of them....though I did end up erasing/editing most of my responses later on when I was more awake and my niceness filter was up and running.

But they were the sort of messages where I just had to throw my hands up in the air and go "Really?! Really." 


The first one was the largest on the board. 

Which was irritating because a) I am not the ONLY one who can contact the vet, any of the managers could have contacted the vet and SHOULD have contacted the vet while I was one vacation but NO one did and now everywhere I go I see "NEEDS TO GO TO THE VET!" written......so like that was frustrating. Like I KNOW. But I'm NOT the only one who has to do that.
But also the other irritating part was b) the use of the word MOST.
Because Most means "Almost all" 
And guess what?
It was an over exaggeration.
I went into the back to check on all the animals and see which ones actually needed the vet...
And I determined that out of the twelve or so back there.
Only like 4 of them needed the vet.

Last I checked 1/3 was definitely not "Almost All"
So I circled 'Most' and was like "4 is not Most" 

Seriously. Exaggerate less next time.

The other two notes also related to the sick room.

One was about a guinea pig we have in the back that needs to come out to the floor so we can adopt him out, as he has a health issue that isn't going to get better.
Which I've been on the lookout to get the guinea pig out since I got back from vacation last week.
Only we haven't sold enough animals to empty out any of the cages so we could move him onto the floor.

And a coworker left a note saying "Can't we do Something to get him out?! I tried this and this!" (which bravo for them actually trying to find a solution) "but it didn't work! What can we do!"

Yah, snarky response was "Sell someone?" Because unless a cage is empty...I can't bring out more. *shakes head* Like I can't put a special needs guinea pig in with other guinea pigs as we don't want to confuse customers on which on is up for adoption.
So. We had to wait. 

The last one was probably the most irritating.
As I had been informed...like Saturday? On my shift, that a cage that had a reserved sign in it (which marks the cage as empty) actually wasn't empty. No...I think the coworker mentioned that they hadn't had time to isolate the frog that was hiding behind that sign. They came in and were like "So how's the frog?!" And I was like..."What frog?"
Because guess what? 
No notes had been left that there was a frog behind the reserved sign in the cage.
So I had no reason whatsoever to look in the cage and see if the creature was still there because again, reserved means the cage should be empty and waiting for the next frog to come in. 
So I told the coworker that the frog needed to be isolated and they were like "I'll take care of it." 

What did I find Monday?
A note.
"There weren't any good cages to put the frog in, but he really needs to go to the vet."

*eye twitch*
No good cages?
I knew for a fact that there was one cage in behind the fishwall as it's a newer cage that we hadn't yet opened.
I also knew that there was one cage in the iso room that could have been used because I brought out the snake that had been in it a day or so earlier so it could have been used if it was just cleaned out first.
And when I went into Iso I found not one but TWO empty cages.
Which meant my coworker missed THREE "good" cages that could have been used to isolate the frog in but NOOOO they couldn't do a little cleaning. 

Was very irritated and snarky about that...
If you couldn't tell.


So yah.
Monday was a rather frustrating morning for me. Which definitely isn't good when my niceness filter isn't yet functioning

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 21, 2019


It's the weirdest thing.
Being in a place that drains you of energy.

I had so much energy when I was on vacation.
But this week of being back?
Been so exhausted. 

So. Exhausted.

I don't know if I'm just...readjusting to the stresses of life after having a week away from them.
Or if I have other reasons to be exhausted.

But I've been so tired and lethargic this week.

And I halfway wonder if it's being home that is causing the lack of energy and motivation to do anything.

Which. Possibly, may be caused by a roommate?

As I hadn't placed my finger on it until earlier today.

But the feeling is pretty similar with one of my roommates as to what I experienced in my last apartment before I moved out.

And it's probably from me not liking that people are home all the time.
As honestly, I need some 'me' time.
Like official me time where there is no one in the house.
No one at all.
As even if the roomies spend a lot of time in their rooms.
Their energy can still be felt.

So like. 
Me time.
Where it's just me and my energy?

It can be hard to keep that in balance and on the more energetic side of things.
Especially when it feels like someone is always home.
Especially when the energy they give off is...well depressing/stressed etc. 

But now that I've placed what may be causing this exhaustion....

I just need to find ways to keep my own energy up and from being drained by the roomie.

*fingers crossed* That it goes well.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Anger Everywhere

It was a rather intense morning at work today.

The first I heard about there being a problem, was the cashier asking the Head Manager to meet the Grooming Manager at our Vet in the store. And that it was "sounded urgent" according to the cashier.

Which if the grooming manager and the manager are needed at the vet...
That usually means that there's been an incident regarding one of the pets that were being groomed.

Most of the time it's just hitting the quick in the nail, which bleeds a lot, but isn't painful.
But the fact that the grooming manager needed the head manager.....indicated that it would be something worse.

Though I still wasn't thinking anything too bad....like maybe a dog ended up breaking a leg or something somehow? 

It was worse than that.

:( :( :(
We had a dog pass away.

Which is never fun.
I've read the stories.
Where the customers drop off the doggie to get groomed....and end up getting the call later on that it ended up passing away.
It's not a fun situation for anyone involved for sure. 

But I never thought it would happen in our store.
It did though.

I don't have all the details....but apparently a senior dog had been in the middle of being dried after getting a bath...and seized...the bather in charge did everything they could to get the dog to respond...but couldn't and so rushed it over to the vet....where they did CPR for at least 15 minutes if not longer....to no avail.
The dog had passed. :( 

Which left the manager the less than fun job of contacting the pet parent....

And like....the manager gave the cashier the heads up over the radio that if they saw a sobbing woman come into the store...to contact the manager immediately so they could come up. 

That's not who showed up at our door.

The Head Manager and one of the stockers had been out helping a different customer load up a large fishtank into their truck,
When this green mini van screeches into the parking lot, parking haphazardly over three of the parking spaces in front of the store, and this guy, wearing basically only shorts. (was shirtless) bursts out of the driver's side door, car still running, and goes right up to the head manager who had been in the process of returning inside the store.

The guy basically went ballistic.
Screaming off the top of his head. "Where's my Effin Dog! You guys Killed my Effin Dog! EFF you guys! EFF You ALL!" 
-He was actually saying the Fbomb. Screaming it at the top of his lungs.

Which is...scary.
And not good since there were other customers, with young kids in the store, at the time.
And to have this guy come in raging and yelling and screaming....oooh
You could just feel the uncertainty and tension shoot up in the store. 
Like it's hard to reassure customers when you yourself don't know what's going to happen.

As soon as he came raging into the store I ducked down an aisle out of sight.
Because man, I did not want this guy to see me. At all. Didn't want to have him target his anger at me at all.
Because the dude practically screamed at everyone in the store.
Stormed into the grooming department to yell at the groomers there.
Might have yelled at the cashier.
Definitely yelled nonstop to the manager.
Before he stormed over into the Vet's part of the building still swearing and yelling and trying to rush into the back of the vet clinic where customers aren't allowed.
Before eventually reappearing holding a towel bundle in his arms -I can only guess it was the doggie. :( :( 

Like...it was scary.
So scary.
Because he apparently even took a swing or too at the head manager.
Still was swearing and dropping FBombs all over the place. Yelling and trying to make sure the whole store heard him that we'd 'killed his dog.' 

It was bad enough that the postal dude driving nearby stopped in to make sure we were alright. Which bravo for him.
It was bad enough that we ended up calling 911 and had a couple of police officers come into the store to help manage the situation as the manager tried to appease everything as best as he could. 

Which left the rest of us in the store...
Kinda tense.
Because the dude was upset enough (understandably) that we weren't quite sure what he was going to do next.
Like he had the energy where we were all pretty much afraid he'd return with a gun and shoot up the place. That's how intense he was. That's how angry and upset he was.
And like...what could we do but try and act normal as the officers and the vet and the managers calmed the dude down in one of the patient rooms the vet had.

It was tense.
So tense.
And the poor bather was like in tears.
I gave her a long hug because that's not the sort of way you want to start off your day at all.
And the manager, kindly enough, sent her home to get away from the drama and to hopefully calm down.
But still I feel for her.
Like...you never want a pet to pass in your care.
And that...that's not fun. :( 
Especially when you get such a violent reaction. Like that has to be traumatizing.
It was semi-traumatizing for me and I made sure to stay out of the line of fire and away from the situation. 
But like...I couldn't help but look over my shoulder for the rest of my shift.
Wondering what was going to happen next.
My coworkers were doing the same really.

Thankfully, the guy left much more quietly than he came in. The officers escorted him out and he drove away (without ramming his car into the building) without further incident.

And a little bit later the wife came in as well, I think with the rest of her family, as I saw them being consoled at the vets.

But overall...it was a stressful and traumatizing day for everyone.
Like everyone at the vet's place was so shook up about it.
-I think mostly from how angry the man was and how close to violence he was....
That they were planning to shut down early today.
Try and get out of there as quickly as possible. 

Because the dude was that intense.
Honestly I don't blame them.
I wanted to leave early myself.

And like...it just kinda hung over the store all day. I could practically still hear the dude yelling his Fbombs throughout the day. It was tense....
The District Manager came by as well later on..
So that they could personally call the family and arrange to send them flowers and a card.
But they also brought cookies for the store, kinda to help out my coworkers and I a bit.
As again...we were all pretty shaken up.


I hope we don't have to ever experience that sort of situation again.
Because geez.
It was scary.
So scary. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Smaller Western Mountains

I ended up in a place a rarely if like...never go.

The west side of the valley.

I mean.
I live surrounded by mountains.

But the ones to the west of me have always been like...these distant things. 
A far off concept of 'they exist' but like...they're just these puny things in the distance. 

And when people ask me, "How can you tell east from west"
And I'm like "the mountains closest to you are East."
It's because I've always thought the west mountains as being like...wilderness.
There's no reason to go to the west side of the valley.

But today.
I did.

Because my cousin was holding a wedding reception there.
And like...it was weird.

So weird to drive away from the eastern mountains and have them get smaller and smaller while the smaller western mountains got bigger and bigger.

Lol definitely a different perspective.

And like...it had a country feel over there.
Not like redneck country.
But like...peaceful country.
Where you feel like you wouldn't hear the sirens going all the time.
Where the hustle and bustle and fast paced every day life just kinda….fades away. 

It was nice.
Hanging out at the reception area.
Admiring the Eastern Mountains from the Western Side. 

I may have to find a reason to venture out that way again. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Alternate Schedules

I've been back from vacation for four days.

Four whole days.

And today was the first time I've seen my fourth roomie since I got back.

*shakes head*

It was almost amusing really.
How we managed to keep missing each other.

As she's been holed up in her room (not out of the ordinary) working on homework and tests and other school finals related things.

And she barely came out before this finales prep stuff.
It's like she lives in her room.

But in any case.
For the past four days.
We've managed to not cross paths.

Like I've somehow managed to not be in the same area when she comes out of her room.
Whether I'm upstairs and she's hanging out downstairs.
Or I'm in my room heading to bed before she finally comes out.

It was rather weird.

But I can totally see how people can go forever without seeing their roommates now.
Because it is possible when your schedules don't quite align. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

More Fish

I got a bunch of new fish today.

Like...20ish new fish.

Which is a lot to put in my 125....
Except most of those guys are neon tetras. So nice tiny little fish.
Which means it shouldn't affect my tank too much.

But yah!
I ended up with a bunch of new fish today because one of my managers is moving out of state....and can't take his fish with him.
So he asked if I wanted any of them.
To which I said "YES!"

As I had most of my fish die off back in Novemberish.
And there haven't been any real fish sales for me to consider it worth it to restock my tank.

Therefore, I've just been biding my time waiting for an actual fish sale to happen.....

So I was all too quick to jump onto having a bunch of fish gifted to me. ^^;;

I have to say that they're doing pretty well.

The neons are schooling prettily and haven't yet decided to hide in the back like my last bunch did.
The rasboras have found my school and seem to be doing quite well together.
The new clown pleco vanished into the abyss....so we'll see if I ever see him again lol.

And the red tail shark....
Well he's doing a lot better than I expected him to be.

As I'd heard a lot from customers, and seen in my mom's/dad's tank that the rainbow sharks like to get aggressive and chase other fish around...

But it seems the red tail sharks are a bit more mellow....
Or he's more intimidated by my larger fish in the tank. ^^;; lol.

In any case.
I haven't seen him chasing everyone around like crazy yet.
He's mostly having fun exploring his new 125 gallon space.

*fingers crossed* that the shark continues to stay on good behavior.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Night Night

It's always an adventure, returning to work after a longer vacation.
Because something usually is broken. Things haven't been done, some animal probably needs the vet, and there's usually some big store change that I managed to miss. 

In this case....nothing was broken. Which was almost shocking. Though we did have 3 misplaced locks to the cat cages (which were found a few hours later). But yah. Dishes. Check. There was a mountain of dirty cages that needed to be cleaned. Animals needing the vet? Check. There were like two or three that should have gone while I was gone...yet nobody thought to take them, leaving it up to me to make sure it got done....

And the big store change?

Apparently, not sure when or where this was decided.
But we've switched our Morning Stockers to working nights.

So instead of coming in at 5 am and leaving by around noon...
They're coming in around 4pm and leaving anytime between 10 and midnight.

It's a weird change.
Though apparently the stockers don't mind it at all....
which makes sense if they're not early morning people lol. 

In any case.
The change was mostly made, if I'm understanding things right, in order to try and use our Saturday hours better.

As we usually have 'a lot of people' in the store on Saturdays....only for them to be mostly stockers...and to have them gone by noon....when it's starting to get crazy in the store.

So to see if our Saturdays can improve.
The management decided to switch the stockers from working our trucks Wed&Sat Mornings....to working Tuesday and Friday nights. 

An interesting change....

I don't know how well it's going to work out.
But if it gives us more coverage for customer service in the evenings when we get a lot busier...then i'll say it's well worth it.
But since we are busier at night...I do wonder how well they'll be able to get the truck done in one day....
I don't think it's likely, but I'm sure experience and practice under the new time will help to smooth out the system. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 15, 2019

Little Notes

My aunt I was staying with mentioned more than once,
How when my parents would leave them after coming to stay with them for vacation,
that she would find little notes all over the place after my parents had left, that my mom had written for AT.

It was a sweet gesture.
Something I didn't think much about Mom doing, but it was something that totally touched AT's heart. 

As a small tribute to Mom.
Since I left AT/UB's house today to come back home.

I spent a little time last night,
Leaving a handful of sticky notes for AT to find after I was gone.

Just small little notes.
Nothing too complicated.
Hidden in places that she'll eventually come across.

Lol some were more obvious that others.
She managed to find four of them the first day.
Two of which I'd hidden in the car.
But two others around the house.

And it was just nice to know that she was touched by the gesture. 

I had fun doing it for sure lol.

I can't wait to see how long it takes her to find the others. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 14, 2019

A Glimpse of Happiness

You ever look at something and see so clearly in your minds eye how things 'could have been?'

It was....weird.

I mean....there I was. Hanging in my aunt and uncle's oasis.
Them sitting in chairs.
Me wandering around the yard.
And I just look over.

And could kinda see.
How things would have been different.
If I had been born into their family.

How some things would be similar.
How some things would be different.

It was like a glimpse into an alternate reality really. 

A chance to see that I could be happy elsewhere too.

I mean....
I went to Colorado to kinda….get away.
Find my mojo.
Get out of the rather depressive atmosphere I've been in since....well November.

It was nice.
So nice.
To get away.
To be around people who were happier.
More relaxed.
Wanting to make sure I had an amazing time visiting with them.

It's a moment I'll treasure for a long time.

Because seriously, I needed to get away and just....feel normal. 
Feel happiness. Feel loved.

Not that I'm not happy and loved here in my current place and with my family.

It's just...there's a difference to the love my aunt and uncle gave me this past week.
And it's been something I've been missing.
Just the tender joys. The bouts of laughter.
The missing darkness of depression and sadness.

It was nice.
Nice to get away from things for a while.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 13, 2019


I did a bit of woodworking today.
As my Aunt showed me how to fix a handle to the knife I made with my uncle a couple of days ago. 
We picked out the wood.
Got a general shape etched out with marker, drilled the pin holes so that we could fix the wood to the blade.

But not right away.

First the goal was to shape the wood as much as we could before affixing it to the blade.
As it's much harder to sand something with a bit of metal between it. 

So I used a sandbelt to shape the major areas of the wood before we used apoxy to affix the wood in place with the pins.
Then we sanded the wood down so the metal was flush with it, rounded it a bit so I could make it feel comfortable in my hand, and then we did the finer sanding to smooth out the bite marks of the first sanding and to make the wood 'soft' and smooth. 

Then, a little bit of oil to shine up the wood....

And the knife is practically done!

Just need to wait for the oil to dry, and then polish and sharpen the blade of the knife.

And it will be completed. :D

So excited.
So very excited!!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 12, 2019

A Wild Encounter

I had the most amazing experience today.

I've been out in Colorado, visiting family.
And today my Aunt and I went on an adventure.
To a Wolf Sanctuary semi-nearby.

Though we had to get up before the dawn in order to make it at our appointed time.

But once we arrived at the sanctuary, we were guided by one of the workers there.
To have some one on one time with some of the foxes and wolves they had there.

And it was amazing.
Just. Amazing.

The workers there told us that the wolves would want to lick our faces, because that's how they bond.
And I have to say.
It's quite something to have such a large tongue going over your face. lol. 
But oh so sweet.
The wolves were amazing, while the foxes used us like perches lol.
But the wolves were sweet and I had such a fun time bonding with them for a little bit.

Honestly, I could see myself working there at that sanctuary.
Interacting with the animals and such.

It definitely has been the highlight of my year and I'll treasure the experience forever. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 11, 2019


I forged a knife today.

My Uncle has been doing forge work for a little bit now.
And since I'm visiting for the week.
I asked if I could learn how to make a knife.

Because like. Forging?! Blacksmithing?! Doing the whole bang bang with the hammer on the iron? Come on! It's cool! :D 

So today.
We spent the day making me a knife. :D 

It started last night, actually with me sketching out a design for my knife on a slab of high carbon steel.

Then today we went out and with a grinder, cut off the larger pieces from the steel before using a sandbelt to do finer sanding and shaping of the piece of steel.

Which admittedly was odd to me.
As I figured you needed to do the whole 'stick the metal into the forge and get it red hot and bang on it with a hammer on an anvil' sort of thing before you did any other tool work.

Possibly if you're making something from scratch you need to do this.

But this blank blade strip didn't need that.

I don't know if it ever actually needed it....

But I wanted to do the whole blacksmithing thing with the anvil and the forge. Plus, leave my own mark in the metal. 

So my Uncle showed me how to do it all.
The type of coal to use.
What to look for in the flame coloration.
What to look for when you put the metal in the forge to heat up. 

And then the moment of truth.
Pulling the hot metal out, laying it on the anvil, and hitting it with a hammer. :D 

Since the shape of the knife was already in place from cutting it out earlier.
There wasn't much for me to do. lol. But still. I moved the blade back and forth between anvil and fire three times before my Uncle took over to make sure that the weapon was straight and such. 
Then after normalizing it and such.
We put the false edges on it.
Drilled out holes to fix the handle on.
And went back to the forge to fire it up once more so we could quench the blade in oil and harden it to it's new shape.

Definintely was fun.
The quenching was awesome!
And thankfully my blade didn't warp or have issues.
So woot!!

Then my uncle went ahead and polished up the blade, getting the oil and such off the steel and making it shine. 


In the next day or two we'll shape the handle and fix it to the tong of the blade and sharpen the knife.

But we called it a day for today.

In any case.
My Aunt and Uncle were really impressed with my work.
How I was able to keep the metal mostly straight.
How well I quenched the blade.

It was so much fun.
So much.
I loved doing it and can't wait to finish the knife fully. :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


When I was younger and my family was more into camping and going places in our trailer. 
We would often pass a lot of the day away playing games.
Weather they were card or board games.
We usually had a few different types in a cupboard in the trailer and when we ran out of books to read, or things to explore outside...
My family would pull out a game and we would play.
For hours on end sometimes it felt like. lol.

I had a chance to revisit that today.
As we were having a 'day in' at my Godparent's house, as there was a big blizzard warning for the state.
And we didn't want to risk getting stuck anywhere adventuring about.
So we stayed inside and watched the clouds roll by and the wind blow things around.
Though as of yet, our area has had mostly wind and a scattering of rain/snow. Nothing too crazy.

But to pass the time, we played games.
Which has been something that I haven't done in a while.

So it was kinda weird.
To just sit there as a family and pass the time seeing who would win or earn the most money or roll the best in the dice. 

With today's technology age usually when we gather together as a family we're on our phones and computers and doing this and that separately while we're together in the same room.

So to go back to the 'olden days' so to speak.
And play games and bond that way?

It was nice.
It was fun.
It was relaxing.

I was glad we decided to do that. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

A Beginning

I spent the morning in the airport today.
Which was a different experience.
As I was like...three hours early. 
And the part of the airport I was in...when I got to my gate.
Was nearly completely barren.

Like there was one other guy and a couple of airport officials. 
It was weird.
But kinda nice in a way.
To just have quiet.
To not be surrounded by people.

Of course that only lasted for like maybe an hour or so. 
Before there began to be a flurry of announcements.
Gates ready to receive people. 
People coming in.
People sitting near me.
People talking loudly near me.

Definitely made it hard to focus.
As when writing I tend to not like a lot of chatter around me as it quickly gets on my nerves. 

So my ability to write while I waited was short lived.

But I did enjoy the quiet I did have for the beginning of my journey. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 8, 2019

Insects Abound

There was a ladybug on my windshield yesterday.
I noticed it as I was driving to my Daddoo's home after picking up my Grandma.
It was on the outside of the front windshield. 
Dunno when it got on there. Possibly while I was grabbing Grandma.
In any case it stayed on the windshield, hanging out by the wiper blades until I got to Daddo's home.
Not sure where it went after that. 
But the ladybug survived the journey to my knowledge.

On the flip side.
As I was driving back home in the dark.
On the highway.
You know going 75mph.

I saw this shadow on the inside of the glass.
On the windshield.

And what was it?

A spider.

A large spider.

One that with the legs was at least the size of a quarter. :S :S :S

And it was on the INSIDE of the car.
And I was going SEVENTY-FIVE MPH!!

Like. There was no way I could stop.
No exit nearby.


I don't even know where it went.

It walked along the inside of the windshield down to where glass met dashboard....
And vanished after that point.

I can only hope it crawled into a vent or something and eventually left.

Because I have no idea where it is.
If it's still in the car.
Or out.

But yah.

Ladybug on the outside.
Spider on the inside.

Wonder what that says thematically....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 7, 2019

189th Annual General Conference -Sunday Sessions Highlights

Sunday Morning 

Dale G. Renlund
  • Blessings from Heaven aren't earned by earning 'good deed coupons' or waiting to see if we win the 'blessings lottery.'
  • Blessings are never earned, but given by faith inspired actions on our part. 
  • Most blessings that God wants to give us require action on our part. 
  • First we act in faith, Then the power comes in God's timing. 
  • How much energy does it take to look at something? 
  • You don't earn a blessing. Instead you need to qualify for it. 
  • One of the objects of prayer is to secure blessings that God is willing to grant but will only be given upon our asking for them. 
  • Ongoing, faithfilled actions are required to receive blessings. 
  • We can all recall times when we have pushed on and prayed again and blessings have resulted from our actions. 
  • You can do this. Try again.
  • Faith in Christ requires ongoing Action. Small actions keep us moving forward. 
  • Blessings are Time Insensitive. Meaning that they come on God's Timetable. 
  • Cheerfully go and do all things that lie in your power and then stand still and see the arm of god revealed. 
  • Exercise the Strike the Match and Light the Fire. 
Sharon Eubank
  • Without a strong connection to Christ, we spiritually begin to die. Our light dimming and short circuiting.
  • Many of us run very fast and oftentimes our energy supply registers close to empty. 
  • Sometimes life can be exhausting 
  • Christ is rest. 
  • Our mortal brains are made to find meaning and understanding in tidy bundles. 
  • Assurance comes in ways that's not always easy to analyze, but there is always a light to be found in our darkness.
  • Christ is light to see.
  • It isn't logical, but nevertheless it is true. 
  • Come. Let us reason tomorrow. We make mistakes. We all fall short. But come unto Christ and repent and you can be whole again. 
  • Make Christ the Center of your Life.
  • No matter how hard it tries, the darkness cannot put out the light. Ever.
  • It's hard to get the lights on by yourself. We need friends. We need each other. 
  • We can bring the Savior's light to ourselves by keeping our covenants.
  • The Lord knows how hard you are trying. You are making progress. Keep going. Your work is Not in Vain. You are not alone. 
Quentin L. Cook
  • Charity which is the pure love of Christ includes God's eternal love for all his children. 
  • Sharing the Gospel is based on a great love for All of Heavenly Father's children. 
  • When it comes to gathering Israel, we need to align our hearts with ministering love. 
  • We can share our love throughout the world by making simple invitations to come and see. 
  • We cannot gather Israel without you. 
  • Be friends with everyone regardless on if they choose to follow the same beliefs as you. 
  • Lovingly performing ordiances in the temple will strengthen and protect our families. 
  • We must strive for righteousness, meekness, kindness, and love. 
  • We need to be self-reliant and self engaged in making our homes a refuge from the storm that surrounds us.
D. Todd Christofferson
  • Beyond selfless service, it is supremely importantly to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Christ. 
  • God has fixed a day on which he will have the world judged rightly by a man he has appointed. He has given assurance to all in this by raising this man from the dead. 
  • The world is not random. It is not chaos.
  • Call upon the Lord that his Kingdom may go Forth upon the Earth that the inhabitants therein shall receive it. 
  • Zion is the pure of heart. Those with one heart and one mind.
  • The building up of Zion occurs in tumultuous times. 
  • All of us can participate in simple and natural ways and in love in inviting others to join with us. 
  • Strive to be diligent in gathering Zion. 
  • It is He who is hastening His work in this time by employing our imperfect selves to bring it to pass.
  • Christ's resurrection is the ultimate assurance that ALL will be put right. 
Tad R. Callister
  • Does a parachute work within the law of Gravity to provide a safe landing? Yes. 
  • We need to do our part and pull the ripcord so the protections of the Savior can be implemented and we can arrive safely to our goals.
  • As long as there is one spark of a will to repent and become better, Christ will be there to help lift you back up.
  • With increased understanding, comes an increased desire to better ourselves and be there for others. 
  • A memory of the guilt of your sin is like a stop sign, warning you to not go down that road again. It is a protection not a punishment. 
  • Peace be unto thy soul, thy afflictions shall be but a small moment. 
  • Your trials are but a dot on the eternal spectrum. 
  • You cannot be justified in saying, "It is my nature." Christ's atonement overcomes that. We are to put off the natural man. 
  • If we are imperfect, we are to pray for the gift that will make us perfect. 
  • Press forward with good cheer and absolute assurance that God is with us. 
Russell M. Nelson
  • We need to feed our Spirit. Grab a church book to read. Feast on the truths of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Marry in the Temple. Faithfully honor your covenants. 
  • Your Daddy is very very very proud of you and you've brought Him much joy. 
  • As we continue to honor our covenants with God, we look forward with anticipation with being with our loved ones who have passed on again. 
  • Jesus Christ teaches the way back to our Eternal Home. 
  • Despite all kinds of sins from all kinds of people, Christ's arms are outstretched still. 
  • We all want to feel love from our family. 
  • Salvation is an individual matter, but Exaltation is a family matter. 
  • All contracts that are not made under the Lord have an End when Men are Dead. 
  • The Savior invites ALL to follow him.
  • Are you ignoring Christ when he beckons to you to "Come follow me"? 
  • Covenant keeping men and women can receive a fulness of joy.
  • In this life you've never settled for 2nd Best in anything, yet in refusing to obtain the full blessings in the ordinances and covenants of Jesus Christ...you are settling for 2nd best in eternity. 
  • Start where you are unsure and move forward to find understanding.
  • Jesus Christ invites us to take the covenant path back home to our Heavenly Parents and be with those we love. 
  • Do the Spiritual Work to find out the Truth for yourself. Do it now. Time is running out. 
Afternoon Session 

Dallin H. Oaks
  • Christ redeems and his Atonement is real. 
  • We are all sinners who can be cleansed by repentance. 
  • Repentance is a joy not a burden. 
  • Man cannot be saved without repentance. 
  •  All of our actions and inactions contrary to the commandments of God are sins and we need to repent from them. 
  • We can overcome all acts and desires the would block us from becoming like the Savior. 
  • What a Promise. What a Miracle. What a Blessing.
  • We cannot hide our sins before God and except ye repent they will stand as a testimony against you in the last day. 
  • Our Savior has the power and stands ready to cleanse us from evil. Now is the time to seek his help. 
  • If we press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, then we shall have eternal life. 
Juan Pablo Villar
  • Our spiritual gifts only grow if we use them. They need to be exercised if they are to grow. 
  • Sometimes you don't need to teach a lesson specifically to someone for them to receive the blessings of that lesson. 
  • Your faith grows when you give it the ability to act. 
  • If we seek to be more patient, we may find ourselves needing to practice it as we wait for a response. 
  • Identify those spiritual muscles that need more spiritual activity and exercise them. 
Gerrit W. Gong
  • Who better to be our Good Shepherd than the Lamb of God? 
  • As we seek with real intent, inspiration will come. 
  • Whatsoever ye shall do ye shall do it in my name. 
  • Our Savior reaches out to the One and the Ninety and Nine at the same time. 
  • What a blessing the Book of Mormon is as a witness of Jesus Christ. 
  • What we do and what we are becoming should also be an influence to invite others to become like Him. 
  • God's Shepherds are to strengthen, heal, bind up which is broken, bring up which was driven away, and seek that which was lost. 
  • Gladly seek to join His work. 
  • All Christ wants to do is help and save us. 
  • Whatever our circumstances, whoever we are, Christ shall gather us to him and gently lead us. 
David A. Bednar
  • All changes are to help us learn the gospel, both at church and at home. 
  • We should not expect the Church to teach us everything, rather our personal responsibility is to learn what we should learn, live as we should live, and become our best selves. Our Homes are the Ultimate setting for learning, living, and becoming.
  • We too must learn for ourselves.
  • We cannot expect simply to attend church meetings and participate in church programs and receive all the edification and protection that would allow us to stand in this evil day. 
  • The ability to develop our spiritual strength and stamina rests upon us and our own actions. 
  • If all you know about Christ and his Restored Gospel is what other people teach and tell us, then our foundation of Him is built upon Sand. We cannot rely exclusively on or borrow gospel light/knowledge from others. We must know for ourselves. 
  • Knowledge can only be obtained through personal experience. 
  • The Ultimate Training Center is in our Homes. 
  • Because we Love the Lord, we Always should speak about his Holy House with Reverence. 
  • Everything in the Temple points us to our Savior Jesus Christ. 
  • Strive to walk in the meekness of the Lord's Spirit. 
  • Doors will Open. The Light will Shine. Your capacity to endure will increase. 
  • We truly can be prepared to obtain every needful thing.
Kyle S. McKay
  • Patience is Key. Without it. We can neither develop or demonstrate faith unto God. 
  • Blessings can be given to us to help us endure until the blessings and promises we are waiting for come to pass. 
  • God will give immediate hope for eventual deliverance. 
  • Above all, God's love is immediate. 
Ronald A. Rasband
  • Christ-centered homes are fortresses for the Kingdom of God. 
  • Our Homes are Fortresses against the Evils of the World. 
  • Remember, our homes are only as powerful as the spiritual strength of each one of us within the walls. 
  • We are at War with Satan for the Souls of Men. The battle lines were drawn in our preEarth Life. 
  • For our Protection, we must build a fortress of Spirituality for our very souls that won't be penetrated by Satan.
  • Do we act with a willing obedience?
  • Be strong and with good courage, for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever you go. 
  • Stand for the Truth.
  • We should take to heart the caution of "Be Sober. Be Vigilant. Because your Adversary the Devil walks about seeking those whom he may devour."
  • Your Testimony of Jesus Christ is your personal fortress of protection. 
  • When we live the gospel of Christ, when we draw on his Atonement, and press forward with faith and not fear, we are fortified against the enemy.
  • We are safe in the arms of our Savior's Love.
  • Go forth with Confidence in the Lord and his Gospel. 
  • Be honest in heart. Be upright and pure. Show compassion and charity. Love the Lord your God with the devotion of a true disciple.
Russell M. Nelson
  • Seek to Learn what the Lord is trying to Teach you Through His Servants. 
  • One's home can become a heavenly place despite the contention all around us. 
  • Each Historic Temple we be rededicated. 
  • May we renovate our lives with our faith and trust in Christ. May we dedicate and rededicate our lives to serving God.
To watch/read/listen to these talks in their entirety, please visit: https://www.lds.org/general-conference?lang=eng

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi