Monday, April 22, 2019

Seriously? Snark Incoming

Mornings are difficult for me.
Not in getting up.
Despite wanting to stay in bed and sleep for another couple of hours, I'm pretty good about forcing myself to get up.
No mornings are more difficult for me.
Because my niceness filter is rather slow to activate most mornings.
Leaving me more likely to get irritated, but also more likely to get...well snarky/sarcastic in my responses to people.

So this morning.
A Monday Morning.
Where I'm tired, and it's Monday, and I have a lot of stuff to get done.
I come into work to find three different notes on the board.
All of which I just....had to shake my head at.
And I literally responded sarcastically to all three of them....though I did end up erasing/editing most of my responses later on when I was more awake and my niceness filter was up and running.

But they were the sort of messages where I just had to throw my hands up in the air and go "Really?! Really." 


The first one was the largest on the board. 

Which was irritating because a) I am not the ONLY one who can contact the vet, any of the managers could have contacted the vet and SHOULD have contacted the vet while I was one vacation but NO one did and now everywhere I go I see "NEEDS TO GO TO THE VET!" like that was frustrating. Like I KNOW. But I'm NOT the only one who has to do that.
But also the other irritating part was b) the use of the word MOST.
Because Most means "Almost all" 
And guess what?
It was an over exaggeration.
I went into the back to check on all the animals and see which ones actually needed the vet...
And I determined that out of the twelve or so back there.
Only like 4 of them needed the vet.

Last I checked 1/3 was definitely not "Almost All"
So I circled 'Most' and was like "4 is not Most" 

Seriously. Exaggerate less next time.

The other two notes also related to the sick room.

One was about a guinea pig we have in the back that needs to come out to the floor so we can adopt him out, as he has a health issue that isn't going to get better.
Which I've been on the lookout to get the guinea pig out since I got back from vacation last week.
Only we haven't sold enough animals to empty out any of the cages so we could move him onto the floor.

And a coworker left a note saying "Can't we do Something to get him out?! I tried this and this!" (which bravo for them actually trying to find a solution) "but it didn't work! What can we do!"

Yah, snarky response was "Sell someone?" Because unless a cage is empty...I can't bring out more. *shakes head* Like I can't put a special needs guinea pig in with other guinea pigs as we don't want to confuse customers on which on is up for adoption.
So. We had to wait. 

The last one was probably the most irritating.
As I had been Saturday? On my shift, that a cage that had a reserved sign in it (which marks the cage as empty) actually wasn't empty. No...I think the coworker mentioned that they hadn't had time to isolate the frog that was hiding behind that sign. They came in and were like "So how's the frog?!" And I was like..."What frog?"
Because guess what? 
No notes had been left that there was a frog behind the reserved sign in the cage.
So I had no reason whatsoever to look in the cage and see if the creature was still there because again, reserved means the cage should be empty and waiting for the next frog to come in. 
So I told the coworker that the frog needed to be isolated and they were like "I'll take care of it." 

What did I find Monday?
A note.
"There weren't any good cages to put the frog in, but he really needs to go to the vet."

*eye twitch*
No good cages?
I knew for a fact that there was one cage in behind the fishwall as it's a newer cage that we hadn't yet opened.
I also knew that there was one cage in the iso room that could have been used because I brought out the snake that had been in it a day or so earlier so it could have been used if it was just cleaned out first.
And when I went into Iso I found not one but TWO empty cages.
Which meant my coworker missed THREE "good" cages that could have been used to isolate the frog in but NOOOO they couldn't do a little cleaning. 

Was very irritated and snarky about that...
If you couldn't tell.


So yah.
Monday was a rather frustrating morning for me. Which definitely isn't good when my niceness filter isn't yet functioning

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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