Wednesday, April 17, 2019

More Fish

I got a bunch of new fish today.

Like...20ish new fish.

Which is a lot to put in my 125....
Except most of those guys are neon tetras. So nice tiny little fish.
Which means it shouldn't affect my tank too much.

But yah!
I ended up with a bunch of new fish today because one of my managers is moving out of state....and can't take his fish with him.
So he asked if I wanted any of them.
To which I said "YES!"

As I had most of my fish die off back in Novemberish.
And there haven't been any real fish sales for me to consider it worth it to restock my tank.

Therefore, I've just been biding my time waiting for an actual fish sale to happen.....

So I was all too quick to jump onto having a bunch of fish gifted to me. ^^;;

I have to say that they're doing pretty well.

The neons are schooling prettily and haven't yet decided to hide in the back like my last bunch did.
The rasboras have found my school and seem to be doing quite well together.
The new clown pleco vanished into the we'll see if I ever see him again lol.

And the red tail shark....
Well he's doing a lot better than I expected him to be.

As I'd heard a lot from customers, and seen in my mom's/dad's tank that the rainbow sharks like to get aggressive and chase other fish around...

But it seems the red tail sharks are a bit more mellow....
Or he's more intimidated by my larger fish in the tank. ^^;; lol.

In any case.
I haven't seen him chasing everyone around like crazy yet.
He's mostly having fun exploring his new 125 gallon space.

*fingers crossed* that the shark continues to stay on good behavior.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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