Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Night Night

It's always an adventure, returning to work after a longer vacation.
Because something usually is broken. Things haven't been done, some animal probably needs the vet, and there's usually some big store change that I managed to miss. 

In this case....nothing was broken. Which was almost shocking. Though we did have 3 misplaced locks to the cat cages (which were found a few hours later). But yah. Dishes. Check. There was a mountain of dirty cages that needed to be cleaned. Animals needing the vet? Check. There were like two or three that should have gone while I was gone...yet nobody thought to take them, leaving it up to me to make sure it got done....

And the big store change?

Apparently, not sure when or where this was decided.
But we've switched our Morning Stockers to working nights.

So instead of coming in at 5 am and leaving by around noon...
They're coming in around 4pm and leaving anytime between 10 and midnight.

It's a weird change.
Though apparently the stockers don't mind it at all....
which makes sense if they're not early morning people lol. 

In any case.
The change was mostly made, if I'm understanding things right, in order to try and use our Saturday hours better.

As we usually have 'a lot of people' in the store on Saturdays....only for them to be mostly stockers...and to have them gone by noon....when it's starting to get crazy in the store.

So to see if our Saturdays can improve.
The management decided to switch the stockers from working our trucks Wed&Sat Mornings....to working Tuesday and Friday nights. 

An interesting change....

I don't know how well it's going to work out.
But if it gives us more coverage for customer service in the evenings when we get a lot busier...then i'll say it's well worth it.
But since we are busier at night...I do wonder how well they'll be able to get the truck done in one day....
I don't think it's likely, but I'm sure experience and practice under the new time will help to smooth out the system. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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