Friday, April 5, 2019


There I was.
Driving back down from the dentist yesterday so I could get to work on time.
Weaving my way through traffic and construction.

When this large rock probably a good two or three inches long and at least an inch or two wide.
Suddenly came flying at my windshield.
Like I'm not sure if it fell off of a little storage trailer thing that another car was pulling.
Or if it got kicked up somehow from the wheels of another vehicle.

But this rather large rock flew up and struck my windshield...

And left a rather nice nick in it. >.< 
You know that tiny spiderweb crack sort of nick.

Thankfully it's not too big, like maybe the entire thing is the size of a nickel? 

But still.
That's frustrating.
Just driving along.
Minding my own business.
And a rock decides to mark my windshield.

Thankfully it's not on the driver's side and isn't too big.
So I don't need to replace my windshield.

But whenever I get my car into a shop to get the oil changed or whatever...
I probably need to ask them to at least patch the chip. Treat it so it doesn't get bigger.

Probably need to look into getting the other small chips that haven't yet been fixed...fixed as well. 
As I have like four in my windshield now...maybe five? And only one has been treated. ^^;; heh. 

Yah. If I want the windshield to last a bit longer...I'll need to get them fixed before they decide to spread....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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