Monday, September 30, 2019


It's that time of year again.
Well...I don't think it's really a 'time' of year.

But it's that point in time where we again have a bunch of new workers coming into the store.
So it's that time of 'training' again.
Where you have to deal with the greenies not knowing anything about anything and so you constantly have to break away from your own tasks to help them out in theirs.

Today it was a new cashier.
Like brand new first day on the register cashier.

Which is 
Because you never know what sort of complications you'll get on register.
Whether it's ringing up salon invoices, putting in skus for animals, or returning things....
Every transaction can be different.

And if you have no idea what you're doing...then every transaction can result in the cashier needing help in learning how to do the thing because they haven't had to do that thing before.

It wasn't that big of a deal this time around.
As we weren't that busy.
But I am grateful that I had other people in the store who were able to go up and assist so I wasn't the only one going up to help out. 

It's going to continue this week.
As I have a new associate in my department that I will be training in a couple of days.
So that will be fun.
It's been a while since I've actually had the opportunity to train someone as the last couple of people haven't really come in on the morning shifts with me but have come in later so I couldn't really train them.

Hopefully the new people do well. ^^;; Because we desperately need them since we're short staffed currently. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Washer Broke

So...because I'd been sick the past week.
I decided that washing like all my bedding was in order.

Have a nice clean fresh start and all.

Which is semi annoying because I feel like I just did that. *shakes head*
Oh well...can't hurt to clean the sheets again. 

In any case.

I decided to be a little bit more thorough and grabbed my thicker blankets that had been on my bed to wash those too. 

I didn't think much about putting three nice big thick blankets in the washer.

Figured it would be okay.
I mean it's just blankets.

But I guess I loaded the washer unevenly....because I while later I heard the telltale thump thump thump of the washer that indicated the load wasn't even within it.

Still didn't think much of it.

Until I went to put the blankets in the dryer.
And noticed that there were still a good two inches of water or so in the bottom of the washer.

Which...thick blankets....I wouldn't be surprised that not all the water would have been rung out of them in the spin cycle.

Still. Since they were still rather soaking wet.

I only took out the top blanket since it was less wet than the others to put in the dryer....

And then put the washer back on to rewash the blankets and do another cycle just to make sure the water drained again and such.

Only a came back to it a while later....

And now the washer was still completely full of water. 

I glanced to the dial on the machine and noted that it hadn't finished it's cycle yet.

And figured that maybe it had been triggered off. 
You know like how too many things are going at once and it breaker turns? 
I thought something like that had happened.
And so adjusted the dial and turned it back on.

To see that it was doing it's usual agitating motions right before the spin cycle.

Left it...
Came back to find it had stopped in it's cycle in the same spot. 


So I was like. That's not good.
So I attempted to start the washer further in it's cycle. Adjust the dial closer to the end to get the machine to spin or drain the water.


I could agitate the water....but nothing further. 

Which sucked because it was like 1130 at night....
And my roommate/owner of the house...was out at a party.

I felt really bad texting her being like "So here's the situation' but I had no idea when she'd be back and we couldn't just have a washer full of water sitting there....

And like I couldn't just leave my blankets in the washer over night.
I didn't think that would be good for them to have them soaking in water.

So I took out one....which had suddenly increased it's weight by like four times because that thing was so water logged it had to have weighed like 40lbs all by itself. O.o 
And managed to wring out the one blanket of it's water.

But it totally exhausted my muscles doing that to the queen sized blanket there.
And with the other blanket being made of a more wool like fiber....I decided to just pull it out and after spreading towels on the floor, just spread the blanket it out on the floor as I figured out of the two that that one would be okay being left damp for a while longer.

I would run the other blanket in the dryer over night and then if it was dry when I woke up I would switch them and put the thicker blanket in the dryer while I was at work.

I ended up going to bed.
But my roommate tried to fix the washer when she got home as she figured it was the lid sensor not working.
But couldn't get it fixed.
Tried again in the morning --after i had left for work---I hadn't been able to switch the blankets as the first was still wet. XP 
But after not being able to fix it still....

She ended up calling her Mom, who thankfully had the time to come down to look at it --as she's a 'fix-it' sort of person.

They ended up deciding that it was the lid sensor thing that had broken.

But also realized that the washer was....nasty. 
They drained the water out, and took it apart--I'm guessing to get a better look at the sensor...
And in the process discovered that the washer hadn't been draining properly for a while.
Like there was still water in the drum --the part that wasn't where the clothes were in...the outer lining? idk.
ANd that the hoses were like...half plugged...and had a lot of Mold in them. :S :S :S

In any case.
They worked to clean those all out.
But in the process of finding the part they needed...
Discovered that all the parts stores in Happy Valley were closed on Saturdays. 
Like what are the odds that NONE of them would be open?
So the Mom had to drive up to the next valley to a part store there to get the one she needed.

And returned after I'd gotten home from work to find the washer all in pieces....
But thankfully my first blanket was finally dry....only in the process of taking apart the washer...they'd also undone a couple of components on the dryer I couldn't use it to dry my last blanket or all the soaking wet towels.

Thankfully, the dryer upstairs (as we have two laundry rooms, one on each floor which is sooo nice) was empty --as another roomie had been doing laundry upstairs otherwise I would have moved the last blanket up there last night to dry.
So I pulled that blanket up there to dry.
And left the towels for the moment. 

And when the mom got back from the parts store...she set to work putting everything back together....
Which ended up being quite the process in of itself.
Like it took four hours....mostly because she had to keep stopping to watch videos to make sure she was putting the washer back together properly...but also taking the time to clean everything out so tit was all nice and not dirty.

I ended up helping out a little.
Mostly in holding things and shining lights and you know just providing company.
As my roommate was away helping out at an event and I felt bad having the Mom just there trying to do it all by herself.

Needless to say I think I know how to take apart and put back together a washer now. XD lol.

It only took us like...three tries to get it together?
Because like we had it put together and even got it working! So like the spin cycle actually worked!!
Which was great because it meant that it WAS the lid sensor that had broken so that had it all fixed.

But it was lucky we hadn't tried to do like an entire wash cycle...
Because the Mom had forgotten to place the part that sends the water into the washer back in place at that point.
And only found it after we'd done the spin cycle.

So you can just image all the water that would have been on the floor if we'd tried to fill the tub up with water first. :S :S :S

So we took it apart again to get that piece hooked back in.
And then decided to try the full wash cycle to a) mostly make sure that the water would go into the tub and not elsehwere, but also just make sure all the components worked. 

The Good news....
The water went into the washer!

So we figured we were all good and that we had it all fixed.

Until I noticed that the water levels kept rising....and rising....and rising....

And like it had been a bit since I've actually sat there and watched the beginning of the Wash Cycle as I used to do that as a Kid when washing my stuffed animals. 

But the water levels were getting too high.

I stopped it before it overflowed.
But the Mom was like....are you sure it won't stop? And had me start it again. overflowed.

Which wasn't good....
Because that part hadn't been broken before.

Which meant that in the process of taking apart, fixing, and putting back together....we'd either missed a component, or broken a component...

Plus like this would be the THIRD time we'd have to take apart the washer after trying to put it back together....

Thankfully, the Mom was like "Oh, I think it may be this part that broke before and that's easy to get to." 
So we didn't have to take the entire thing back apart again.

And while she was doing that I was googling "How to fix an overflowing washer." and saw this video...which had the dude pointing to a hose thing on the back of the washer...and not really to a sensor or anything like the Mom was talking about needing to fix.

So we got it half taken apart and noted that everything had been put back correctly and nothing appeared broken.
And I was like "well maybe it's this tube thing?" because of the video I'd seen.

....Yah it was the tube thing.
Because we hadn't properly secured it before putting the washer back together and had pinched the hose a bit so the sensors that were connected to that hose to sense when the water levels were getting too high....couldn't properly function.


But once we had that firmly secured in place....and tried again.

It worked!


We fixed the washer!!!

Yay! ^^;; 

Lol so hopefully it works a lot better now....

And if it ever breaks again....I have a really good working knowledge on how to take it apart and put it back together. XD lol 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Where's the Tag?

So, the past couple of weeks at work, we've been getting in new fish.
Which woot! New fish!

Only....our planner for the Fish wall? You know the schematic that tells us where all the fish go (and I only partially follow because some fish just shouldn't be in certain tanks despite what the schematic says) 

None of the planners that I could find for our fish these new fish.
There's no spot for them.

Which is...troublesome because like...where are we supposed to put these guys?!

I mean, I did find a planner, but even that one is odd in that we're missing half of our cichlids that we currently carry. O.o So like...not sure that one is accurate either.

In any case.
The first week it was the African Leaf Fish.
Which I'm kinda excited we got because carried them before and I wanted to buy them for my fish tank when I got my giant fish tank....only we stopped carrying them right before I got my tank.
So I was happy to see the little dudes back in the store!
Plus. We had the tag already ready for it. So yay! :D 

The only problem was finding a good tank to stick them in that wouldn't harm while they're considered semi-aggressive....they are pretty mellow when babies and I didn't want other fish harming them.

Thankfully we had a tank that was empty of its usual fish and so stuck them there.

But Friday.
We had a slightly bigger problem.

In that we got in a fish that we hadn't had before.

A Red Tailed Varaitus Platy. 
Which oooo pretty!
But we had no tags for that one.

-We probably did at one point because there had been a whole booklet of old fish tags....that had gotten mostly thrown out I believe like five or six years ago because 'we weren't using the tags'

But that left us in a bind.

No tag....mean we couldn't sell them.
My Manager tried to find a way to get a price tag for them though.
Only the UPC that came with the fish...was missing a digit....and so they couldn't print out the tag.

That's where I came in.
I was like "Okay....well let's go try and find the tag online." Since there is an online data source where we could order new tags for our animals if they got old, broken, or lost. 

And we found it! wasn't available to order.....and there was no picture provided so we couldn't even cheat and just look at the picture on the website. Bleh.

And after a couple other again looking at the planner to see if it updated and checking a couple other spots....

I was like "Maybe we could call our Sister Store?"

Because each store in the company carries slightly different fish.
So maybe they already had those fish at that location and could give us the UPC for the fish so that we could plug it in and therefore be able to print out a price tag at least until we could get a picture tag ordered.

So I grabbed the phone, called our Sister Store....

And had luck!
They'd gotten the fish in yesterday as well and just happened to have a picture tag in their binder of tags (because their manager didn't throw theirs away lucky them.)
So tada!

I was able to get the UPC in like a thirty second phone call. XD 

Lol The manager was shocked.
He'd been looking at his phone and when he looked up I had the UPC all written out for him to go print the tag out. XD haha.

It was great.

And we were able to go place the platys with their new price tag into a tank so we could sell them.

So yay for perseverance on my end. ^^;; lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 27, 2019

And Then I Got Sick

I started Saturday night. 

I'd chalked it up to just needing to get more sleep when my body started feeling...well crummy. 
It happens on occasion. That 'error error' message your body flashes at you when you're just so tired that staying awake makes you feel worse.

That's what I thought it was with the slightly upset stomach and the body aches and slight headache I felt.

And Sunday when I woke up with a headache and the aches?
Figured it was to be expected and just stayed home to rest.
After all. 
Migraines happen all the time for me and sometimes you just gotta sleep them away.

It didn't go away.
Monday hit and I got up to go to work....and felt awful.
That sort of "I need to be in bed" sort of awful.

But I'm stubborn and even when I'm feeling sick....I go into work anyways.

Especially because my department is severely short staffed at the moment so me calling out would mean nothing good for my department as we probably wouldn't have anyone to cover me. 

However, basically as soon as I got into the store I was at the manager's office asking "How soon can I go home?"

Because I didn't feel good.
My body ached, I was having hot/cold flashes, my head ached, my stomach felt awful.
It just...wasn't good.

But somehow I managed to survive for five hours at work with like three breaks to the bathroom to throw up.

And like it would come and go in waves. I would feel okay...then feel horrible...then feel okay again. 

But as I left work early to grab myself a Jamba Juice for the Vitamin C....I figured that this would pass easily and that I would be going back into work the next morning.

I didn't go back to work the next morning.

My symptoms got much worse after I got home. To the point where I was basically darting to the bathroom every hour or so and then spending another half hour in the tub trying to relax my cramping muscles because they were aching bad enough that it was difficult to move. 

Which meant...I either had a really bad case of Food Poisoning....
Or else I had ended up with the Flu.

Which I can't remember the last time I ever got the Flu. 
At least not a version that knocked me out for like three days. 

Most of the time I've dealt with colds.
You know. Aching sinuses, runny/stuffy nose, sore throat. That sort of sickness.

This Flu--if it was the Flu...was different. 

I mean being sick I never felt the need to just sit in the tub for half an hour or so a dozen times a day to try and get my muscles to relax.
Nor could I actively eat anything that Tuesday because I felt so awful that I doubted I could keep food down.

Though as the evening of Tuesday came on....I felt like the worst of it had passed.
I was able to function a bit more and thought that I would be able to go into work.

Until I tried to make dinner and couldn't stand at the stove consistently for the time it took to cook the spaghetti.

Which when my job is like...95% not a good sign.

So reluctantly I called out sick again for Wednesday.

Which meant my poor coworkers had been without me for 2 1/2 days and I could only imagine the struggle it was to get the shift covered. :S 

But I'm glad that I didn't go into work Wednesday and gave myself time to recover more fully.
Because I probably would have relapsed if I had gone in.
But resting Wednesday gave me the energy to for sure confirm to work that I would be able to make it into my shift Thursday.

And Thursday's shift?

Was torture.

It was exhausting.
I mean I felt so much better than I had Tuesday.

But my body wasn't used to being vertical for so long after being horizontal for like the past two days and so standing was just...exhausting. 
So exhausting.

I ended up having to constantly vanish into the back off the floor to sit down for a few minutes to gather my energy/strength to go back out on the floor.
Thankfully the store wasn't too crazy with customers.
So I was able to get away with being less proactive than normal. 

But I survived work!

*shakes head*

It's still so weird though.
How sick I felt.
Like it was bad.
Badder than I've felt since I was probably a kid. 

Because I don't get sicksick.

Sure I catch the typical colds twiceish a year when the seasons change.
But this sort of sick?

It was weird.
So weird.

And it's weird now.
To think that On Monday/Tuesday I could barely move or stand up straight unless I was dashing to the bathroom.

And today I feel basically normal again.
Like I was never sick at all.

It's so weird how the body can experience something and then just as quickly get over it. 

*shakes head*

I hope I don't have to go through that again. XP It wasn't fun.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Snake Killer

He came in again.
Our crazy reptile customer. 

Which was stressful. 
Because I had been told by management that we're no longer selling this customer animals. 
Not after we found out from this customer that he had been attempting to make a snake -a Ball Python I've later learned- Vegan by feeding it only crickets and mealworms....and the snake hadn't been eating those and died after three months. 

I honestly don't know why the dude was trying to feed the snake they're obligate carnivores and Ball Pythons prefer eating rodents. Like mice. So like...crickets and mealworms? No interest in that. 

My guess is he was trying to save money by buying cheaper food sources.....but idk. I honestly don't know.

In any case. 
Because of that situation we won't sell him any more pets.

And I was stressed seeing him in the store because what if he tried to buy a pet?
I honestly didn't want to have to tell him no. 
Because he's such a chaotic personality I didn't know how he would react to the news. 

Thankfully he was mostly in to get crickets and mealworms --as he has a bunch of anoles, frogs, and long tailed lizards that he's also feeding. 

And he asked if his crickets would live longer if he fed them.....
Yes dude. 
Crickets are Living Creatures. They need food to live. 

Of course this was the same customer who asked me if crickets needed air to breath. Sooo....

*Exhales* It was in the course of getting him his bugs that he brought up the bombshell.

The dude had killed another snake. XP 

Well it wasn't through veganism. 

The Kingsnake that we had sold him -which I thought was the original snake that had been subjected to the vegan diet-- had been placed in the same tank as a Garter Snake that the customer had (not one we sold) 

And the Kingsnake....had eaten the other snake. 
And the aggravating part was....that the customer knew this.
Knew that Kingsnakes could EAT other snakes (hence why they have the name) 

And had knowingly put the two snakes together...because his son who is like 5 or 6 years old wanted the snakes to be put together.

Like DUDE.
Who is the adult in this situation?

If you, the adult, KNOW not to put two snakes together.
DO NOT LET a child convince you to put two snakes together?


That wasn't the end of today's encounter. 
No this particular customer has also had a ton of issues with heat bulbs for his reptiles.

And today he'd come in with yet another issue with the bulbs.

Because apparently two more went out. 
Within like two weeks of purchase.

And he wanted to know if using a faulty lamp could cause the bulbs to go out. 
Yes dude. 

I had the manager take over the situation.
And manager was sooo done with the encounter. 
So done with this customer.

Manager ended up telling the customer that we would no longer be replacing light bulbs for him.
Because this guy has returned lightbulbs at least six times if not more. 

Which is ALOT.
And speaks a lot that somehow this customer is misusing the bulbs because we've never had other customers complain so much about the bulbs. *exhales*

So yah.

It was a stressful day. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 20, 2019


It's always a different experience going to the Gem Faire.
Like overall, it has the same feel.
But there are little things that make each visit different.

Most of the time it's just what I end up buying.
As I end up being drawn to differing stones each time, I guess, depending on what sort of 'energy' I need. 

But also I usually end up going by myself.
As anyone else I could go with...usually has to work. 
And when they're free to go...I'n the one who has to work.

So I usually go by myself.
Which is fine because that lets me move at my own pace and I don't feel stressed trying to keep track of the people I'm with. I can just look and decide on my own time what I want to buy. 

Today was different.
As Daddoo and I both had the day free from work.
And so we met up at the Faire to check out everything.

It's interesting really.
Wandering around with him.
Lol because we have different interests in stones.
He tends to be more attracted to like the Jade and Fossils.
While I prefer...well stones. Usually the ones that have been shaped/polished in some way. I don't usually like the 'raw' stones. 

But usually when I'm with like...Kikay or friends that happen to be available, we tend to get separated. As we look at each table at different speeds.

Daddoo preferred that we stuck together. Moving on to the next table at the same time.

Which....when we have differing interests in what we're looking for at the gem interesting.
Because there were times where he would spend forever at one table and I'd be ready to move on...and there were other moments where I would spend forever at a table and he'd be ready to move on.

Hence why I usually don't expect those I go with to hang around lol.
Still it was a fun bonding experience as we were both able to see what things we each were in to. It definitely helps when trying to come up with ideas of what Daddoo may want in the future. XD lol.

And we both came away with our own spoils fro the day.
I ended up a handful of pocket sized stones of various types of stones and sizes, a quartz wand, and the 'find' of the faire. 

I mini Mahjong set. 
I'd never seen them that size before.
And having played the game before with my family growing up...

I ended up getting the set. ^^;; 
So cool! :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dead Phone

To an outsider it's probably pathetic how desperate I was to charge my phone. 

As I had thought I had charged it over night....
Only upon arriving at work, I discovered that the plug had probably been pulled out of the socket and didn't charge my phone at all as when I looked at my showed only 15% battery.

Not. Good. 
But if this does happen, which it does on occasion, it's usually no big deal. 
Because I've taken to keeping a portable battery pack and charger cord in my purse.
So if my phone gets low when I'm out and about.
I can just whip it out and TADA it's charging!

However, I didn't have my battery pack today.
No, last night I had taken it out of my purse to charge it as it too was getting low and needed to be 'refilled.'
And in the midst of getting ready this morning I had completely spaced grabbing it.

So there I was at work.
With 15% battery.

And I knew it wouldn't last me that long.
And it didn't.
Within two hours of it just basically sitting there.
It died. 

Not that I hadn't tried to find a way to charge it.
I had asked my other two coworkers if they had cords that would fit my phone.
They didn't.
I tore apart multiple rooms in the store where I had seen charging find that the ones I did find....didn't fit my phone. 

I even texted my roommate asking her to bring my battery pack and charging cord.
But not everyone checks their phone first thing in the morning.
And I figured that they would probably get to work before seeing the message.
So it was kinda long shot text that received no answer before my phone died.

And like.
It shouldn't be that big of a deal.
I could survive six more hours without my phone before I could get home and charge it.
I mean I would be working like...the entire time and should only miss it on my lunch break as I usually scroll through my phone while on break. 

And before my phone died I had sent out a text to my family warning them that my phone was about to die, so if they texted me and I didn't respond....that was why.

So like, I knew my family knew so they wouldn't be surprised if I didn't respond. 

But at the same time.
I was trying hard to not stress over it. Freak out over my phone dying.

And I'm pretty sure it's just part of my own type of PTSD from Mother Dearest passing away last November.

Because both Daddoo and Kikay had tried to contact me about what was happening with Mother Dearest....
But I hadn't had my phone on me. 
Because I was at work.
And usually for the first couple of hours that I'm at work, before my first break, I leave my phone in my locker because I'm often doing more of the deeper cleaning and I don't want my phone to fall out of my pocket or something while I'm doing that. 

And because I didn't have my phone on me.
I didn't find out what was happening until Kikay rushed into the store and told me face to face.

Honestly, I don't know which would be find out over text....or in person.

But like....I would have known sooner if I had had my phone on me.

So like....*shrugs* I suppose I find it difficult to be away from my phone even more now.
Because it's just that feeling of what if I miss something. 

Honestly though...I still leave my phone in my locker the first couple of hours I'm at work....unless it's a 'bad' day mentally/emotionally for me then I don't.

But like.
Knowing that there would be like 6 hours where I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone?
It stressed me out.

In the end.
My roommate did see my text and brought my battery pack to me right as the store opened!
....Only they hadn't grabbed the right charging cord. 
Not yay.
They'd just grabbed the one already hooked into the battery pack -as I was charging the battery pack 
and not the phone charger cord that would go into the battery pack and my phone that was lying next to it.

Couldn't fault her though. Like it was early and she probably was in a hurry.

But oh, it was so disappointing to see hope on the horizon...only to have it snatched away. 

*exhales* this point I had resigned myself to being phoneless.
Again, shouldn't have been that big of a deal to be off the grid for a few hours. 

But it was. 

And in one last ditch effort, I went over to the receptionist at the vet office in the store and was like "Do you have a phone charger for this type of phone."
To which they said, maybe. They would have to go get it as it was in their car.

And ah. 
The agony of waiting.

I'd already resigned myself to it not fitting.
Because the other two cords hadn't fit.


When they brought it to me. 

I could finally charge my phone!

It was such a relief to me.
To know that my phone was charging and that I would be able to use it.

So yah.
That was the trial of today.
Minor to some. Major to others.
But I'm glad I got my phone charged so I wouldn't have to stress as much for the day. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Weird Day

Today has been a weird day.
Just like so much weird has happened.
It's weird. 

It started in the early am hours when I was startled awake when one of the pictures hanging on my wall -a picture that's been in the same spot for basically the entire time I've been living here- suddenly fell off the wall and clattered to the floor with a loud BANG that woke me up and had me wondering if someone was trying to break into the house.

It was crazy as it wasn't the nail that had failed, but the little metal tab thingy that you use to hang the picture on the nail. It had pulled away from the cardboard backing. O.o So weird.

After calming myself down, I kinda figured that it was possibly caused by like an increase air flow through the vent near it.
As we'd had a person come out to check out our AC system to see if they could figure out why we were struggling to cool down the house adequately.
And they found that the vents had alot of hair and dust and such in the vents.
A phenomenon that usually doesn't occur if you have a filter in your AC system....but our guess is that one of the previous owners of the house didn't use a filter in the system for a while, hence the dust.
So the person cleaned out the ducts of all that junk within the vents.
And so methinks that the increase air flow....somehow effected the picture frame and caused the little tab to fail in the middle of the night.
I mean it halfway makes sense as I've had pictures fail before when it got too cold. So I could see it happening....
But at 3 in the morning is still quite weird. *shakes head*

In any case.
Work ended up also being weird in that 
a) I came in to find a peacock eel on the ground that was still alive so I quickly moved it back into it's tank....which lucky it it jumped out when it did....otherwise it would have died.
b) However when I went into the area behind our fish wall...I discovered a random Leopard Gecko back there.
One that had unfortunately died. :( The ants had already found it and everything. Which is crazy. Because did it die? How did it get out of the cage in the first place?! No idea. No idea at all. *shakes head*
c) Last night one of our coworkers approved the return of a Female Hamster to our store.
Which is BAD as we only sell Males here, and therefore can't sell that one. So we have to take time to drive it over to our sister store to give to them as they do sell females. *shakes head*
d) Customers were just weird today. Just had weird demands and weird expectations and they were just weird. 
e) After I left work, my manager later texted me to tell me that our crazy reptile customer had just called stating that the snake they had bought from us a bit ago had died. >_< The erksome thing about this is that the customer revealed that they were trying to put the snake on a veganesque diet....when it's a carnivore. The kingsnake that they bought likes mice and should be fed just mice, but the customer was trying to feed it goldfish and crickets. *shakes head* frustrating. This customer is frustrating causing drama every single week at our store and I just wish they would take their business elswhere.
f) speaking of business. I ended up dropping by a smoothie place today after work to get a drink because my throat was getting sore and I figured a Vitamin C influx of fruit would help it....only when I entered the appeared to be completely empty. O.o Not a sound was coming from the back or anything. I halfway wondered if I needed to call the cops when a girl and guy hurriedly came out from the back and a bit flustered took my order.
I halfway wonder if interrupted a work romance aka that they were probably kissing in the back out of sight of customers. *shakes head*

So yah.
It's just been a weird day.
So. Very. Weird.

I'm glad to be home and away from people and just....away from the weird. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A New Chapter

It's a weird concept.
Having your parents retire.
Like, it's one of those ethereal concepts that you know will happen 'some day.' But that some day still feels like it's twenty or thirty years away.

However, life changes unexpectedly.
Circumstances come up.
Goals shift.

And suddenly. Retirement comes a lot sooner.

Though's one thing to know, that your Daddoo will be retiring from work 'sometime' next year.

It's another to have it happen much much sooner than that.

As Daddoo just gave the word,
That he is officially retiring. 
Not next year.
But this year.
Within the Month. 


Crazy how life can suddenly change. 

I think it will be good though.
For Daddoo.

It will give him the time to get more of his life in order.
To organize the house,
Do more gardening.
Go on more adventures.

Lol in a way I'm jealous.
Not having to go to work anymore? 
That must be nice.

Honestly, if I were able to retire within a year....
ah, I would probably be traveling around to different places and spending time writing in different locations.

It would be nice.
So nice.

Lol so jealous.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 16, 2019

Short Staffed

I'm officially down to three people officially in my department.
Me. And Two other coworkers. 


That's....not good. 

Because like bare minimum my department needs to have a morning, midday, and evening worker.
Which is...three.
And considering that we all have to have at least 2 days off....
There's multiple days in there where there would only be two of us scheduled for the entire day.

And it's just....not good. 

I mean, technically. We're not that short staffed as we do have three managers and a couple other associates who are trained in my department, but they're not officially in my department.

So they were mostly supposed to be just to you there to pinch hit in case people go on vacations and such or multiple people end up sick.

But with just three of us officially in my department?
Things are spread rather thin.
Super thin.

I mean we'd do best with a crew of 6-8 coworkers in my department.
Which would give us the ability to have like 2 people in the mornings and 2 in the evenings and maybe even a mid.

And with the holiday season fast approaching, we need all the workers we can get. 

Though that's been....rather difficult to find apparently.

Because a lot of the applicants that have come through have had really specific scheduling requests.

Like only wanting to work a couple of days a week, or only wanting to work for the four hour block between their school classes.

And like....our store doesn't work like that.
We don't have consistent schedules as each week we're given a varying amount of hours which then need to be spread between all the departments.
Which means that the hours you work and the times you work each day will vary by the week.

So we do best with the people who have a bit more...flexibility in their schedules so we can slot them in however they're needed in the store.

I do know that we have hired a couple more people....though only one of them is supposed to be in my department...the others are supposed to be coming on in other departments in order to facilitate people in those departments being able to move to my department....

So hopefully....we won't be short staffed for too long.
Though this next couple of weeks is not going to be fun. *exhales*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Writing Struggle

It's weird how the desire to write comes and goes and ebbs and flows.
Like there are days where I'm like YAH!!! I'M WRITING LIKE CRAZY!!!
And others where I just stare blankly at the screen and am like "wat r werds?" 

It can be a frustrating process.
Especially on the days where you plan to write and yet have no inspiration/desire or time to write. 

Then there's the aspect where writing for least story writing....takes forever.
I can spend all day on a single page.
Hours upon hours on a single chapter and not have it finished.

And frustrating.
Especially when I want to write faster and get stories posted quicker.

But at the same time.
I recognize that that is unlikely to happen.
As I tend to be perfectionistic in my writing.
So it's difficult to just....let loose and let the story flow.
As I want to get it right the first time.

And sometimes when I'm struggling with a certain part.
I'll psych myself out....and be unable to write in that particular story at all.
Because I've made out the scene to be 'too intense. too much. tooo whatever" and I find it difficult to even look at the chapter let alone write anything more within it. 

Still working on that goal.
To write faster. 

We'll see if that ever happens lol. At least today was a good 'writing day.' 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Corporate Visit

It was National Adoption Weekend today.
Which meant that we had two of our adoption groups in the store looking to adopt out dogs and cats to perspective owners.

And usually, this isn't that big of a deal.
It feels like we hold 'national adoption weekends' every two or three months.
So I didn't think much about the event.

Until the managers were like "Hey, Corporate is dropping by today to visit us." 
Specifically they wanted to visit during this weekend...I'm guessing to see how we did the events? 

Which thankfully, we had two adoption groups in today with both cats and dogs and they were having a lot of customers coming through and doing pretty good in adopting out animals. 

But management wanted to go a step further.
So they got balloons.
They set up a photo area so people could take pictures with their new pet.
They even convinced one of my coworkers to dress up in a mascot costume to wander around the store.

You know. Made it look soooo fancy lol. So very fancy compared to previous adoption weekends. 

Which I'm guessing made a good impression.

Though it was odd...

As the corporate people apparently showed up....only to leave soon after showing up. O.o 
Not sure where they went....but there was word that they would apparently be coming back.

Which I hadn't been sure that if they had come or not.

Until a manager from another store called to check in and see if the corporate people had left our store yet or not because they were the next ones on the list. 

Which lead to me going to find the managers to check....only to find that the two managers that had been here earlier....were both now gone, and the current managers on duty...had no idea....they knew corporate had come by and left, but wasn't sure if they would be coming back or not.

So I relayed this confusing news to the manager of our sister store. That corporate was here, but had left, but may be coming back to our no idea if they were going to their store or not.

Around 45 minutes or so later.
Head Manager came back into the store.
So I asked them if corporate was here or if they were gone. 
And he was like "Well...they're right there." pointing to Corporate.

So I went and looked up the number of our sister store and called them back to let them know that they had indeed come back to our store.

And probably like fifteen minutes to half an hour later....
Corporate left.

To which I then asked, if Head Manager wanted me to let our sister store know that they had left, as I had made them aware that the other manager had called to check in.

Head Manager said to go ahead and to tell them that it was likely that corporate wouldn't come visit their store today because it was already so late in the day.

So I called our sister store and gave them the news.
To which the manager was overjoyed.
(As visits from higher ups are always stressful) 

Lol it's nice to be the bearer of good news.
Yay that they didn't have to worry about corporate visiting. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 13, 2019

Seeing Problems

Ended up with a major migraine today that refused to go away.
I figured it was just from strain on the eyes since my contacts haven't...been working as well as they should have.
Mostly in my right eye as that particular lens refused to...well focus? Idk. But I would look out in the distance or even the near distance and wonder....had I actually put the contact in that day?
Because everything was fuzzy. 
And fuzzy isn't good when you're trying to see things.
It also causes quite the amount of strain on my left eye if it's doing all the work...though surprisingly the headaches mostly take place behind the right I guess the right eye is straining too much in trying to see and failing in seeing? *shrugs* Who knows.

Today's migraine was behind the Left eye though.
And I figured the left eye was just expressing it's displeasure in doing the work? Who knows.

In any case.
I avoided putting in my contacts today in the hopes that it would help the migraine go away faster if I didn't have my eyes trying to focus and see....

Turns out I was wrong.

Kikay dropped by after work today to bring me a new contact lens for my right eye that is a slightly stronger power --the power I'd been wearing like five or six months ago before deciding it was too strong-- so I could test out the stronger power and see if that would help a) my right eye to see and be more equal in seeing with the left as well as b) maybe hopefully help the migraines stop coming as often. 

I had considered not putting in the new lens until tomorrow.
Let my eyes rest more today.
But with the headache pounding away in my skull with no relief in sight.
I decided to try and see if focusing my eyes by putting in my contacts.
I mean, if it didn't I could always take them out again.

Surprisingly it worked.
My headache vanished pretty quickly after putting in my eyes. 
Wish I'd known that earlier in the day. *shakes head*

Hopefully the new power in my right eye helps.
We'll see. I'm going to test it for a week to see how it goes before getting back to the eye doctor on if it's helping or not. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 12, 2019

'That' Guy

You ever hear about 'that' person but like...never see them? 
So you're like are you sure 'that' person is that bad? 
Because you know, people are prone to exaggeration. 

Well. Today I feel quite vindicated.
Because yesterday the Head Manager and the Second in Command Manager Finally met "that" customer.

That customer being the Lizard guy that I'm pretty sure I've talked about before...if not on this blog definitely on one of my others.

He and his chaotic energy where you never know what he's going to want from you, nor do you know how long your interactions with him will be, but most of the time like 9/10 times he will ask you questions that are much more advanced information than most general pet stores know

And yah....he's one of the very few customers that has managed to get the entire work force in the building to not like him.

Except, I guess our two top managers haven't had the pleasure of interacting with him?
Which makes sense as he usually comes in in the afternoons and the other managers are usually gone by that point.

In any case.
Yesterday this customer had snagged me right as I was going to clock out. *exhales* And had me trapped in one of those pointless conversations where I was just waiting for the dude to get to 'the point' as to why he was in the store.
But no he has to go through this long meandering explanation that I'm already halfway tuning out of because I don't need to know the details....

In any case.
The managers were alerted that I was trapped and needing to clock out by a coworker so they came to take over for me with the situation.

And....yah. They both understand much better now why everyone else in the store groans when this person comes in.

Because he had them trapped in his meandering and easily distracted conversation for like another thirty minutes after I had left.
And it took them forever to figure out what he wanted and in the meantime he was making himself quite the nusiance to them and difficult and such.

To the point where my easy going manager was getting irritated with the guy.

But yah.
The managers are like O_o when I, today, was like "Oh yah, that's how he always is, no one here likes him."
"You've dealt with him....a lot?"
"Oh yah, like a dozen times or so." 
*shakes head*

Ha. Yah.

Hopefully the dude doesn't end up needing any 'assistance' from us for a long while yet now that he's gotten his current issue solved, but I guess we'll see. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


I'm not often around parents with young kids....for long periods of time.

I mean. I have many many many parents with their kids come into work to look at the animals and squeak the dog toys and you know...all that jazz.
But they're not that I'm around for that long. 

And it's just interesting to see the parenting techniques of like friends and family with their kids.

Because there are some things where I'm like !!!!!!!!
And the parent is like ..... 'Nah it's fine.' 

I mean. It makes sense. The parent is around their child a lot more than I am.
Like 24/7 really for the young young ones.
So they know their kid better than I ever will. So they know what they can do and can't do and what is a good learning experience for them and what isn't.

And I recognize that they probably know best when it comes to their kids.

But still.
I still have those !!!!!! moments.
And probably will until I end up having my own kids. lol. ^^;;

It does make me curious though, as to what sort of parent I will be when I do have kids of my own. 

Hopefully I'll get to see someday. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

That Constant Hum

It's amazing how small irritants can suddenly become major problems...for no discernible reason.
Like it was okay before...but suddenly its not.

The major irritant for me recently has been the white noise coming from the AC unit outside my window. 
As I dislike the constant hum/buzzing that comes from that machine, but I tolerate it during the day as I realize that the upstairs gets hot, and my roomies like it cooler and with our trees having been burned down over a year ago...the house gets far hotter...which means the AC works even harder and longer to try and cool the house back down...which really doesn't work at all if the outside temperatures get above 90 because the house can never seem to get us below like...78 on a good day. 80 on a bad day.

And the upstairs it cool.
Like they would prefer the house to be at 73 degrees.
Which is a little cool for my liking and I like the cold, but I do like to be comfortable in the house and the basement gets far colder than the upstairs.

And it wasn't as big of an issue last year when the roomie currently upstairs was living downstairs because they liked the cold while the upstairs roomies could deal with the heat just fine.
But now that the cold loving roomie has moved upstairs and doesn't like the heat at all.

So they have the AC running constantly.
Which when the AC drones on and on and on for hours on end...yah. It makes it difficult to relax in my room with that constant background noise. 

Hopefully though...I only need to tolerate it's excessive buzzing for only a little while longer.
As we're now in September. Which means fall and then winter is approaching which means the house should start staying cooler throughout the day which would mean the AC needs to be on less and I will have to deal with less buzzing outside my window.

*fingers crossed*

In any case.
Another issue with having the AC on that our unit is controlled by the WIFI signal.
And if we have the TV on -using the internet to watch Netflix and such, and all the roomies are home doing computery stuff on their computers....

It means very little signal makes it down to the basement.
So my other irritant with the AC unit running all the time is that the WIFI we have currently can't handle having so many things using it.
Which means if we try to use any computers in the basement, the furthest away from the wifi box....often the connection cuts out and I can't connect to the internet which means either a) I have to go back to using my old computer -which can connect just fine oddly enough, or b) I have to go upstairs where the wifi signal is stronger.
And there are days where I don't want to be upstairs.
I just want to hang downstairs away from people.


So yah, a lot of irritants involved with the AC. 
I can only hope as September continues and October approaches...the issues will resolve themselves. 
*fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, September 9, 2019

Nine Years Later

I say this every year I feel like, but it's crazy that I'm still running this blog. ^^;;
I do admit, that this past year has been more difficult in keeping up daily blogposts. 
Whether it's headaches, vacations, or just not feeling like writing. 

But hey.
Here we are! 9 years later! And this blog is still active! Woot! ^^;;

So, without further ado. Our yearly update! :D 

Since 2010 I've written 3,184 posts with total 86,919 pageviews. ()_() *whistles* 

My top 10 posts are: 

The Last Yellow Rose (April 26, 2011) -1257 pageviews
Broken Teeth (November 2, 2011) -673 pageviews

A Grounding Moment (June 4, 2018) -511 pageviews
FIRE (June 2, 2018) -502 pageviews
Game Night (March 14, 2014) -473 pageviews

181st Saturday Conference Highlights (April 2, 2011) -171pageviews
Thought o'da Day (March 5, 2011) -96 pageviews
When Risks Pay Off (November 30, 2012) -81 pageviews
Oh Cleaning Checks, How Much I Don't Miss You (September 11, 2012) -72 pageviews
I Made The Mess (October 4, 2017) -71 pageviews

Most Popular Browsers: 

Firefox -47%
Chrome -25%
Internet Explorer -14%
Safari -8%
Opera -2%
PhantomJS - less than 1%
Mobile Safari -less than 1%
Mobile -less than 1%
BingPreview -less than 1%
chromeframe -less than 1%

Most Popular Operating Systems

Windows -81%
Macintosh -6%
Linux -5%
iPad -2%
iPod -1%
iPhone -1%
Android -less than 1%
Unknown -less than 1%
Other Unix -less than 1%
Unix -less than 1%

And last but not least!!
Top countries by pageviews. ^^;; 

United States -35,410
Italy -26,409
Russia -10,319
Germany -2,719
Portugal -1,533
Ukraine -1,387
France -1,093
Poland -694
United Kingdom -481
India -411

Thank you all again for following along with my blog these past 9 years. I'm so grateful to be able to write and just share my thoughts with you. 

^^;; Hopefully this will continue on for many years yet! ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi