Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Aches and Aches and More Aches

It's been one of those days where...keeping my energy levels up has been rather hard.
Mostly because I'm still recovering from the nuclear migraine I had Saturday Night/Sunday Morning which basically just leaves me to the bare basic of reserves of functionality. 
Because when your head is aching hard enough to feel like it's splitting in two...
It's hard to want to do anything productive.
Especially if productivity involves a) talking to people or b) staring at a screen.
Which is frustrating when I want to write and writing involves staring at a screen.
Or when I have work that involves talking to people.

And yah...I've just been drained these past couple of days as aftershock headaches have struck and held my head captive for most of each day.
Today being far worse in that the headache struck early in the morning and insisted on staying around throughout work.
Which makes being able to function at work...difficult.
Especially when nothing I can try at work to relieve my headache...works.
>_< Gotta love those days where the headache is at full strength and it feels like all your weapons to combat the headache are duds. 

It's days like today, where I can understand why I have coworkers who call out for migraines.
Because yah...they're not fun.
But I'm stubborn enough that I keep working anyways.
Probably because, unfortunately, I'm used to them at this point.

Which is...frustrating that I'm used to them.
Because I feel like I didn't used to get them so much.

It used to be that they'd only happen every now and then. A handful of times a month.
And now it feels like there's only a handful of days in a month where I don't end up with one.

Most of them are probably tension caused.
As I don't know if my shoulders are ever fully relaxed so I could see muscle tautness causing tension.
But I also tend to worry about things that really shouldn't need to be worried about.
I let things effect me that I shouldn't.

And yah...
It's probably other factors too. Changes in hormone levels, diet, sleep, my contacts....

But at the same time....

It's like russian roulette on why I ended up with a headache that day.
And that's the frustrating thing.
There's no "one" solution to fix it.
Because the cause isn't always the same.


It is frustrating though.
To have to deal with an aching head.
Day in and day out
With only brief periods of relaxation.

Something definitely needs to change.
Because it didn't use to be this bad.
They didn't use to be as common.

And I just need to find ways to prevent them from happening.

Because I hate days like today.
Where I feel like I'm hanging on by the tips of my fingers.
Barely able to keep up the presence at work that I'm functional.
That I'm fine.
That I can talk to people and such.

Because I don't want to come home and have to hide out in my room.
I don't want to have to go 'recharge' my battery so I can function.


So. Very. Frustrating.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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