Friday, September 20, 2019


It's always a different experience going to the Gem Faire.
Like overall, it has the same feel.
But there are little things that make each visit different.

Most of the time it's just what I end up buying.
As I end up being drawn to differing stones each time, I guess, depending on what sort of 'energy' I need. 

But also I usually end up going by myself.
As anyone else I could go with...usually has to work. 
And when they're free to go...I'n the one who has to work.

So I usually go by myself.
Which is fine because that lets me move at my own pace and I don't feel stressed trying to keep track of the people I'm with. I can just look and decide on my own time what I want to buy. 

Today was different.
As Daddoo and I both had the day free from work.
And so we met up at the Faire to check out everything.

It's interesting really.
Wandering around with him.
Lol because we have different interests in stones.
He tends to be more attracted to like the Jade and Fossils.
While I prefer...well stones. Usually the ones that have been shaped/polished in some way. I don't usually like the 'raw' stones. 

But usually when I'm with like...Kikay or friends that happen to be available, we tend to get separated. As we look at each table at different speeds.

Daddoo preferred that we stuck together. Moving on to the next table at the same time.

Which....when we have differing interests in what we're looking for at the gem interesting.
Because there were times where he would spend forever at one table and I'd be ready to move on...and there were other moments where I would spend forever at a table and he'd be ready to move on.

Hence why I usually don't expect those I go with to hang around lol.
Still it was a fun bonding experience as we were both able to see what things we each were in to. It definitely helps when trying to come up with ideas of what Daddoo may want in the future. XD lol.

And we both came away with our own spoils fro the day.
I ended up a handful of pocket sized stones of various types of stones and sizes, a quartz wand, and the 'find' of the faire. 

I mini Mahjong set. 
I'd never seen them that size before.
And having played the game before with my family growing up...

I ended up getting the set. ^^;; 
So cool! :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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