Friday, September 27, 2019

And Then I Got Sick

I started Saturday night. 

I'd chalked it up to just needing to get more sleep when my body started feeling...well crummy. 
It happens on occasion. That 'error error' message your body flashes at you when you're just so tired that staying awake makes you feel worse.

That's what I thought it was with the slightly upset stomach and the body aches and slight headache I felt.

And Sunday when I woke up with a headache and the aches?
Figured it was to be expected and just stayed home to rest.
After all. 
Migraines happen all the time for me and sometimes you just gotta sleep them away.

It didn't go away.
Monday hit and I got up to go to work....and felt awful.
That sort of "I need to be in bed" sort of awful.

But I'm stubborn and even when I'm feeling sick....I go into work anyways.

Especially because my department is severely short staffed at the moment so me calling out would mean nothing good for my department as we probably wouldn't have anyone to cover me. 

However, basically as soon as I got into the store I was at the manager's office asking "How soon can I go home?"

Because I didn't feel good.
My body ached, I was having hot/cold flashes, my head ached, my stomach felt awful.
It just...wasn't good.

But somehow I managed to survive for five hours at work with like three breaks to the bathroom to throw up.

And like it would come and go in waves. I would feel okay...then feel horrible...then feel okay again. 

But as I left work early to grab myself a Jamba Juice for the Vitamin C....I figured that this would pass easily and that I would be going back into work the next morning.

I didn't go back to work the next morning.

My symptoms got much worse after I got home. To the point where I was basically darting to the bathroom every hour or so and then spending another half hour in the tub trying to relax my cramping muscles because they were aching bad enough that it was difficult to move. 

Which meant...I either had a really bad case of Food Poisoning....
Or else I had ended up with the Flu.

Which I can't remember the last time I ever got the Flu. 
At least not a version that knocked me out for like three days. 

Most of the time I've dealt with colds.
You know. Aching sinuses, runny/stuffy nose, sore throat. That sort of sickness.

This Flu--if it was the Flu...was different. 

I mean being sick I never felt the need to just sit in the tub for half an hour or so a dozen times a day to try and get my muscles to relax.
Nor could I actively eat anything that Tuesday because I felt so awful that I doubted I could keep food down.

Though as the evening of Tuesday came on....I felt like the worst of it had passed.
I was able to function a bit more and thought that I would be able to go into work.

Until I tried to make dinner and couldn't stand at the stove consistently for the time it took to cook the spaghetti.

Which when my job is like...95% not a good sign.

So reluctantly I called out sick again for Wednesday.

Which meant my poor coworkers had been without me for 2 1/2 days and I could only imagine the struggle it was to get the shift covered. :S 

But I'm glad that I didn't go into work Wednesday and gave myself time to recover more fully.
Because I probably would have relapsed if I had gone in.
But resting Wednesday gave me the energy to for sure confirm to work that I would be able to make it into my shift Thursday.

And Thursday's shift?

Was torture.

It was exhausting.
I mean I felt so much better than I had Tuesday.

But my body wasn't used to being vertical for so long after being horizontal for like the past two days and so standing was just...exhausting. 
So exhausting.

I ended up having to constantly vanish into the back off the floor to sit down for a few minutes to gather my energy/strength to go back out on the floor.
Thankfully the store wasn't too crazy with customers.
So I was able to get away with being less proactive than normal. 

But I survived work!

*shakes head*

It's still so weird though.
How sick I felt.
Like it was bad.
Badder than I've felt since I was probably a kid. 

Because I don't get sicksick.

Sure I catch the typical colds twiceish a year when the seasons change.
But this sort of sick?

It was weird.
So weird.

And it's weird now.
To think that On Monday/Tuesday I could barely move or stand up straight unless I was dashing to the bathroom.

And today I feel basically normal again.
Like I was never sick at all.

It's so weird how the body can experience something and then just as quickly get over it. 

*shakes head*

I hope I don't have to go through that again. XP It wasn't fun.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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