Sunday, September 29, 2019

Washer Broke

So...because I'd been sick the past week.
I decided that washing like all my bedding was in order.

Have a nice clean fresh start and all.

Which is semi annoying because I feel like I just did that. *shakes head*
Oh well...can't hurt to clean the sheets again. 

In any case.

I decided to be a little bit more thorough and grabbed my thicker blankets that had been on my bed to wash those too. 

I didn't think much about putting three nice big thick blankets in the washer.

Figured it would be okay.
I mean it's just blankets.

But I guess I loaded the washer unevenly....because I while later I heard the telltale thump thump thump of the washer that indicated the load wasn't even within it.

Still didn't think much of it.

Until I went to put the blankets in the dryer.
And noticed that there were still a good two inches of water or so in the bottom of the washer.

Which...thick blankets....I wouldn't be surprised that not all the water would have been rung out of them in the spin cycle.

Still. Since they were still rather soaking wet.

I only took out the top blanket since it was less wet than the others to put in the dryer....

And then put the washer back on to rewash the blankets and do another cycle just to make sure the water drained again and such.

Only a came back to it a while later....

And now the washer was still completely full of water. 

I glanced to the dial on the machine and noted that it hadn't finished it's cycle yet.

And figured that maybe it had been triggered off. 
You know like how too many things are going at once and it breaker turns? 
I thought something like that had happened.
And so adjusted the dial and turned it back on.

To see that it was doing it's usual agitating motions right before the spin cycle.

Left it...
Came back to find it had stopped in it's cycle in the same spot. 


So I was like. That's not good.
So I attempted to start the washer further in it's cycle. Adjust the dial closer to the end to get the machine to spin or drain the water.


I could agitate the water....but nothing further. 

Which sucked because it was like 1130 at night....
And my roommate/owner of the house...was out at a party.

I felt really bad texting her being like "So here's the situation' but I had no idea when she'd be back and we couldn't just have a washer full of water sitting there....

And like I couldn't just leave my blankets in the washer over night.
I didn't think that would be good for them to have them soaking in water.

So I took out one....which had suddenly increased it's weight by like four times because that thing was so water logged it had to have weighed like 40lbs all by itself. O.o 
And managed to wring out the one blanket of it's water.

But it totally exhausted my muscles doing that to the queen sized blanket there.
And with the other blanket being made of a more wool like fiber....I decided to just pull it out and after spreading towels on the floor, just spread the blanket it out on the floor as I figured out of the two that that one would be okay being left damp for a while longer.

I would run the other blanket in the dryer over night and then if it was dry when I woke up I would switch them and put the thicker blanket in the dryer while I was at work.

I ended up going to bed.
But my roommate tried to fix the washer when she got home as she figured it was the lid sensor not working.
But couldn't get it fixed.
Tried again in the morning --after i had left for work---I hadn't been able to switch the blankets as the first was still wet. XP 
But after not being able to fix it still....

She ended up calling her Mom, who thankfully had the time to come down to look at it --as she's a 'fix-it' sort of person.

They ended up deciding that it was the lid sensor thing that had broken.

But also realized that the washer was....nasty. 
They drained the water out, and took it apart--I'm guessing to get a better look at the sensor...
And in the process discovered that the washer hadn't been draining properly for a while.
Like there was still water in the drum --the part that wasn't where the clothes were in...the outer lining? idk.
ANd that the hoses were like...half plugged...and had a lot of Mold in them. :S :S :S

In any case.
They worked to clean those all out.
But in the process of finding the part they needed...
Discovered that all the parts stores in Happy Valley were closed on Saturdays. 
Like what are the odds that NONE of them would be open?
So the Mom had to drive up to the next valley to a part store there to get the one she needed.

And returned after I'd gotten home from work to find the washer all in pieces....
But thankfully my first blanket was finally dry....only in the process of taking apart the washer...they'd also undone a couple of components on the dryer I couldn't use it to dry my last blanket or all the soaking wet towels.

Thankfully, the dryer upstairs (as we have two laundry rooms, one on each floor which is sooo nice) was empty --as another roomie had been doing laundry upstairs otherwise I would have moved the last blanket up there last night to dry.
So I pulled that blanket up there to dry.
And left the towels for the moment. 

And when the mom got back from the parts store...she set to work putting everything back together....
Which ended up being quite the process in of itself.
Like it took four hours....mostly because she had to keep stopping to watch videos to make sure she was putting the washer back together properly...but also taking the time to clean everything out so tit was all nice and not dirty.

I ended up helping out a little.
Mostly in holding things and shining lights and you know just providing company.
As my roommate was away helping out at an event and I felt bad having the Mom just there trying to do it all by herself.

Needless to say I think I know how to take apart and put back together a washer now. XD lol.

It only took us like...three tries to get it together?
Because like we had it put together and even got it working! So like the spin cycle actually worked!!
Which was great because it meant that it WAS the lid sensor that had broken so that had it all fixed.

But it was lucky we hadn't tried to do like an entire wash cycle...
Because the Mom had forgotten to place the part that sends the water into the washer back in place at that point.
And only found it after we'd done the spin cycle.

So you can just image all the water that would have been on the floor if we'd tried to fill the tub up with water first. :S :S :S

So we took it apart again to get that piece hooked back in.
And then decided to try the full wash cycle to a) mostly make sure that the water would go into the tub and not elsehwere, but also just make sure all the components worked. 

The Good news....
The water went into the washer!

So we figured we were all good and that we had it all fixed.

Until I noticed that the water levels kept rising....and rising....and rising....

And like it had been a bit since I've actually sat there and watched the beginning of the Wash Cycle as I used to do that as a Kid when washing my stuffed animals. 

But the water levels were getting too high.

I stopped it before it overflowed.
But the Mom was like....are you sure it won't stop? And had me start it again. overflowed.

Which wasn't good....
Because that part hadn't been broken before.

Which meant that in the process of taking apart, fixing, and putting back together....we'd either missed a component, or broken a component...

Plus like this would be the THIRD time we'd have to take apart the washer after trying to put it back together....

Thankfully, the Mom was like "Oh, I think it may be this part that broke before and that's easy to get to." 
So we didn't have to take the entire thing back apart again.

And while she was doing that I was googling "How to fix an overflowing washer." and saw this video...which had the dude pointing to a hose thing on the back of the washer...and not really to a sensor or anything like the Mom was talking about needing to fix.

So we got it half taken apart and noted that everything had been put back correctly and nothing appeared broken.
And I was like "well maybe it's this tube thing?" because of the video I'd seen.

....Yah it was the tube thing.
Because we hadn't properly secured it before putting the washer back together and had pinched the hose a bit so the sensors that were connected to that hose to sense when the water levels were getting too high....couldn't properly function.


But once we had that firmly secured in place....and tried again.

It worked!


We fixed the washer!!!

Yay! ^^;; 

Lol so hopefully it works a lot better now....

And if it ever breaks again....I have a really good working knowledge on how to take it apart and put it back together. XD lol 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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