Sunday, September 8, 2019


It's that timeish of year.
Where we start talking about vacations we want to take next year as a family.

You we want to go on a Cruise? Do we want to get a Condo someplace? Where do we want to visit this year? Is it somewhere new? Somewhere we've been? Somewhere that we haven't been for a little bit? 

This year it's slightly more difficult...
Since Mother Dearest was the main one in charge of the family vacations. So her absence was strongly felt as we talked about possibilities of what/where/when we wanted the family vacation and how we would proceed from here on out.

But there's more than that.
The year of 2020 is going to be a year of...well change.
Everything is up in the air.
Everything is uncertain.

Not really for me...I don't forsee any major changes happening to me.

But I have Sibs looking to buy homes, to get married, to start families, to maybe move out of's...a lot.

So like. 
Doing family vacations all together.
Is probably going to get more complicated from here on out.
There will always be a question of 'can everyone make it' now.
Because schedules will differ, expenses will be more of a concern, we'll have to account for young ones. 

So yah.
It's a lot of change.

And I'm not always good with change. *exhales*

I mean I knew it was coming.
But it's still difficult to wrap my mind around.

There was also holiday talk as well.
Like how we're going to be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What are we going to do for presents. 

Etc etc.

All sorts of things where I knew they were coming.
I mean every family has the 'off year' for Thanksgiving where the kids visit their spouses relatives and such.
And with growing families...getting presents is also getting slightly more complicated and expensive. 

But yah....
Just a lot of talk of changes for this next year.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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