Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Weird Day

Today has been a weird day.
Just like so much weird has happened.
It's weird. 

It started in the early am hours when I was startled awake when one of the pictures hanging on my wall -a picture that's been in the same spot for basically the entire time I've been living here- suddenly fell off the wall and clattered to the floor with a loud BANG that woke me up and had me wondering if someone was trying to break into the house.

It was crazy as it wasn't the nail that had failed, but the little metal tab thingy that you use to hang the picture on the nail. It had pulled away from the cardboard backing. O.o So weird.

After calming myself down, I kinda figured that it was possibly caused by like an increase air flow through the vent near it.
As we'd had a person come out to check out our AC system to see if they could figure out why we were struggling to cool down the house adequately.
And they found that the vents had alot of hair and dust and such in the vents.
A phenomenon that usually doesn't occur if you have a filter in your AC system....but our guess is that one of the previous owners of the house didn't use a filter in the system for a while, hence the dust.
So the person cleaned out the ducts of all that junk within the vents.
And so methinks that the increase air flow....somehow effected the picture frame and caused the little tab to fail in the middle of the night.
I mean it halfway makes sense as I've had pictures fail before when it got too cold. So I could see it happening....
But at 3 in the morning is still quite weird. *shakes head*

In any case.
Work ended up also being weird in that 
a) I came in to find a peacock eel on the ground that was still alive so I quickly moved it back into it's tank....which lucky it it jumped out when it did....otherwise it would have died.
b) However when I went into the area behind our fish wall...I discovered a random Leopard Gecko back there.
One that had unfortunately died. :( The ants had already found it and everything. Which is crazy. Because did it die? How did it get out of the cage in the first place?! No idea. No idea at all. *shakes head*
c) Last night one of our coworkers approved the return of a Female Hamster to our store.
Which is BAD as we only sell Males here, and therefore can't sell that one. So we have to take time to drive it over to our sister store to give to them as they do sell females. *shakes head*
d) Customers were just weird today. Just had weird demands and weird expectations and they were just weird. 
e) After I left work, my manager later texted me to tell me that our crazy reptile customer had just called stating that the snake they had bought from us a bit ago had died. >_< The erksome thing about this is that the customer revealed that they were trying to put the snake on a veganesque diet....when it's a carnivore. The kingsnake that they bought likes mice and should be fed just mice, but the customer was trying to feed it goldfish and crickets. *shakes head* frustrating. This customer is frustrating causing drama every single week at our store and I just wish they would take their business elswhere.
f) speaking of business. I ended up dropping by a smoothie place today after work to get a drink because my throat was getting sore and I figured a Vitamin C influx of fruit would help it....only when I entered the appeared to be completely empty. O.o Not a sound was coming from the back or anything. I halfway wondered if I needed to call the cops when a girl and guy hurriedly came out from the back and a bit flustered took my order.
I halfway wonder if interrupted a work romance aka that they were probably kissing in the back out of sight of customers. *shakes head*

So yah.
It's just been a weird day.
So. Very. Weird.

I'm glad to be home and away from people and just....away from the weird. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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