Thursday, February 28, 2013

Continuing to Serve

A number of years ago I received a rather unique and frightening assignment.
Folkman D. Brown, then our Director of Mormon Relationships for the Boy Scouts of America, came to my office, having learned that I was about to depart for a lengthy assignment visiting the missions of New Zealand.
He told me of his sister, Belva Jones, who had been stricken with terminal cancer and who knew not how to "break the sad news" to her only son--a missionary in far-off New Zealand.
Her wish, even her plea, was that he remain in the mission field and serve faithfully.
She worried about his reaction, for the missionary, Elder Ryan Jones, had lost his father just a year earlier to the same dread disease.

I accepted the responsibility to inform Elder Jones of his mother's illness and to convey to him her wish that he remain in New Zealand until his service there was completed.
After a missionary meeting held adjacent to the majestically beautiful New Zealand Temple, I met  privately with Elder Jones and, as gently as I could, explained the situation of his mother.
Naturally, there were tears--not all his--but then the handclasp of assurance and the pledge: "Tell my mother I shall serve, I shall pray, and I shall see her again."

I returned to Salt Lake City just in time to attend a conference of the Lost River Stake in Idaho.
As I sat on the stand with the stake president, Burns Beal, my attention was drawn to the east side of the chapel, where the morning sunlight seemed to bathe an occupant of a front bench.
President Beal introduced the woman as Belva Jones and said, "She has a missionary son in New Zealand. She is very ill and has requested a blessing."

Prior to that moment, I had not known where Belva Jones lived.
My assignment that weekend could have been to any of many stakes.
Yet the Lord, in His own way, had answered the prayer of faith of a devoted Relief Society member.
Following the meeting, we had a most delightful visit together.
I reported, word for word, the reaction and resolve of her son Ryan.
A blessing was provided.
A prayer was offered.
A witness was received that Belva Jones would live to see Ryan again.

This privilege she enjoyed.
Just one month prior to her passing, Ryan returned, having successfully completed his mission.

Thomas S. Monson -The Spirit of Relief Society -April 1992 General Conference Relief Society Meeting.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I dreamt of wolves.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Where's The Treasure?

I'm going on an adventure!!!

Or...I went on one.

For you see, a friend gave me this web link page....
that had me take a journey to the rival school's library.
(and you thought I was just there to check out a favorite group of mine. ;) )
And find a secret code from a secret book hidden...well in the library.

That was fun.
I kinda wish that the treasure hunt had continued there.
I mean how cool would it be to do a treasure hunt all over campus....
and at the end you get this random prize?
Even if it was just a glowstick I would be pretty proud of myself. lol :)

That wasn't the case.
The library clue revealed a meeting that would happen tonight that would give details on this project...that didn't have alot of details to it....
Sooo off to the library I went again.

O.o seriously....who builds a building with only one main exit?
I mean there were a bunch of emergency exits supposedly around.
But if you have a classroom at the back of the building...
logically it would make sense that you could enter it from the front of the building.
Like kindergarten, these classrooms had their own special doors, cutting you off from the rest of the building and supposedly preventing you from getting trampled in the rest of the library....or something.

In any case....
The meeting...went alright.
I think the adventure basically ended with finding that clue to the meeting though.
As the meeting itself, while entertaining and laughable....
wasn't my style.
I'd gone into it hoping it was somehow related to writing as I think that would be really cool.
It kinda was....
but it was more of the foundation of a computer based RPG game that wants to be the best RPG game ever with tons of plots and creative computer DMs and a whole lot of other jargon that I didn't really comprehend....
Seriously....I kinda lost focus as I'm not a fan of RPGs.
They're not my think.
I prefer to write by myself and I have trouble collaborating on other people's stories....
So not for me.
Seems like a long term project....
but it's not 'shiny' to me.
meaning, totally not in my interest level but good luck guys!

I really just want to start a huge treasure hunt......with a fun random prize at the end. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Subconscious Worrying

I think the subconscious me....
is a bit more paranoid/sensitive then my outward self is.

As I tend to stress out and get headaches from things that my head is telling me to just brush aside and forget.

For example a couple of days ago I went down to a different college campus,
just to hang out and check out what happens over thataway.
And to check out a local group that I really like, as I know they sometimes do spontaneous performances for students there as they walk to class.
Well....I didn't see them perform,
but I did see them walk past my spot.

lol they didn't notice me standing there like a deer in the headlights.
And that was a...subconscious blow to me I guess.
As subconscious me feels like they should have taken notice and should have stopped and should have talked to me.
lol yah. Silly Subconscious, apparently it's a bit prideful as well. :)

Well...afterwards I felt my shoulders tensing up and a headache starting...
just because of a perceived slight that I immediately dismissed as silly,
but subconscious me didn't.
And held onto.
Until I could find something else to focus on and get the tension to release.

Well it happened again last night. Hence my post forthcoming thing.
As I couldn't make the tension go away.
It still hasn't gone away.
I'm not sure why it isn't going away.
Subconscious me is holding onto something that is keeping me tense.
Even though I think it shouldn't be.
I'm betting it has something to do with work though....
And the knowledge that my managers are really depending on me.
And subconscious me doesn't want to let them down.
Though I know that I won't do so.
Subconscious me is worrying the thought to pieces.
Or some thought to pieces.

Silly silly me.
I know what I'm doing and worrying isn't helping us get anything done at all!

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream....

Involved zombies....getting torn apart....


Monday, February 25, 2013

October 1993 General Conference Saturday Afternoon

Boyd K. Packer -For Time and All Eternity
  • A man who holds the priesthood does not have an advantage over a woman in qualifying for exaltation. The woman, by her very nature, is also co-creator with God and the primary nurturer of the children. Virtues and attributes upon which perfection and exaltation depend come naturally to a woman and are refined through marriage and motherhood.
  • The priesthood carries with it awesome responsibility. "No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; by kindness, and pure knowledge."
  • This divine service of motherhood can be rendered only by mothers. It may not be passed to others.
  • "Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels."
F. Enzio Busche -Truth Is the Issue
  • It is Jesus Christ who, through His light, is searching and finding each individual child of God who is yearning and fighting for righteousness and truth and who is crying for help. Without Christ, this war within us is lost.
  • Honesty may not be everything, but everything is nothing without honesty.
  • This war is a war that has to be fought by all of Heavenly Father's children, whether they know about it or not.
  • This war is being fought subconsciously, and therefore its battlefronts are not even known to us, and we have no chance to win. Wars in the inner self that are fought subconsciously, with unknown battlefronts, lead to defeats which also hurt us subconsciously. These defeats are reflected in our conscious life as expressions of misery, such as a lack of self-confidence, lack of happiness and joy, lack of faith and testimony, or as overreactions of our subconscious self, which we see then as pride, arrogance, or in other forms of misbehavior--even as acts of cruelty and indecency.
John H. Groberg -The Lord's Wind
  • Without faith in Him, we do little of eternal value. With faith in Him, our live become focused on doing things of eternal value.
  • But God knows! He gave him the strength to be His wind that day, and He will give us the strength to be His wind when necessary.
  • How often do we not do more because we pray for wind and none comes? We pray for good things and they don't seem to happen, so we sit and wait and do no more. We should always pray for help, but we should always listen for inspiration and impressions to proceed in ways different form those we may have thought of.
  • We should never stop moving because we think our way is barred or the only door we can go through is closed.
Ben B. Banks -Take Time for Your Children
  • "Anyone who becomes a parent is under strict obligation to protect and love his children and assist them to return to their Heavenly Father."
  • "Home makes the man."
  • I share with you, in the spirit of trying to be helpful, a few thoughts that parents might use to strengthen their families against worldly temptations and to bring the love, unity, and success that all desire.
    • Start early.
    • Effective communication.
      • Parents should spend a great deal of time listening, not just telling.
      • This listening should be done with an open mind and heart.
      • When children feel they can talk freely about their feelings, problems, and successes, wonderful relationships develop between parents and children.
    • Enthrone love and unity
      • It is important to make your children aware of your love and feelings.
    • Do things together.
    • Provide opportunities to learn how to be independent and responsible.
      • Teach children how to make their own decisions, even if it involves their failing once in a while.
      • We need to help children come to an understanding such as Lehi taught, "knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon."
    • Discipline with love.
      • 'Discipline' and 'punishment' are not synonymous.
      • Punishment suggests hurting, paying someone back for a wrong committed.
      • Discipline implies an action directed toward a goal ... of helping the recipient to improve himself.
    • Service.
    • Establish a "House of God."
  • It is not easy for children to stay clean and pure in today's world. There are times when it becomes hard for them to tell right from wrong.
Adney Y. Komatsu- Gratitude
  • No matter what the call or assignment, she was always there to support and assist.
  • Friendship is something you cannot buy for money. You work for it, honor it, and it becomes important and sacred in our lives.
Jacob De Jager- Service and Happiness
  • Learn to love the calling that you have in the Church. You can learn to love it so much it becomes invigorating.
  • Learn to be satisfied. It is just as easy as being dissatisfied--and much more pleasant.
  • Learn to accept adversity. No matter who you are or where you serve, you are going to have some. But do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember, a kite rises against the wind, rather than with it!
  • Get into the habit of saying pleasant things rather than making negative remarks.
  • Live the present moment to the hilt, and do not live in the past or in the future. Success is a journey, not a destination.
  • And when you have reached the age of seventy, you must resist the urge to straighten out everybody's affairs an admit occasionally that you might be mistaken.
  • "Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals, their faith. There is always the love of wonder, a childlike appetite for what is next, and the joy of your life. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear or despair.
  • "In the center of our heart is a recording chamber, and so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage, and faith, so long are we young."
Russell M. Nelson -Constancy amid Change
  • We and all mankind are forever blessed because of Eve's great courage and wisdom. By partaking of the fruit first, she did what needed to be done. Adam was wise enough to do likewise. Accordingly, we could speak of the fall of Adam in terms of a mortal creation, because "Adam fell that men might be."
  • Other blessings came to us through the Fall. It activated two closely coupled additional gifts from God, nearly as precious as life itself--agency and accountability. We became "free to choose liberty and eternal life ... or to choose captivity and death." Freedom of choice cannot be exercised without accountability for choices made.
  • Even though one's understanding of the truth may be fragmentary, truth itself does not change. Everlasting truth and wisdom come from the Lord.
  • Constancy amid change is assured by heavenly personages, plans, and principles. Our trust can be safely anchored to them. They provide peace, eternal progression, hope, freedom, love, and joy to all who will be guided by them.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

A rival magician had come into town with his circus group. He ended up causing a bunch of trouble to the other magicians in the area, making life difficult for them all, but he ended up getting beaten, after a battle between him and another magician didn't turn out so well. I, being the President of the University's daughter had watched this magician and noticed that he'd left one of his doves and a white rat behind. I managed to catch them and return them to him, but he treated me like an annoying child saying that "I could have called them to me at any time, you didn't need to bring them to me." but I insisted that I had to as I wouldn't have seen him again otherwise. He didn't respond, instead he turned and disappeared in a basement, I found him in a warehouse taking boxes of my father's fruit...without paying for him. I made my disapproval known, pestering him for stealing food. He got annoyed at me as he had lost most of his cash and his notoriety because of the duel he lost so he didn't have the money to spare  -I didn't know this, so I finally pestered him enough that he went to my dad's office and humbly asked to pay for the fruit he was taking. This impressed the president and showed him that this magician really wanted to change -the pres reminded me of Triton/Odin at this point. And he gave the boy the aquarium that was under the sea on the far side of campus as his place of residence because the boy spent alot of time there. Triton even asked the boy what his favorite place to visit was and took that exhibit and made it into a small ball so the boy could carry it with him constantly. Surprised by the gift of a place to actually live the magician left to go see his new home. In the meantime I found out who my real dad actually was -not the pres, he was my adopted dad- it was a guy...rather possessive, he seemed like the general of the army and didn't like the magician much. They argued alot. But he softened up a bit upon finding out he had a daughter, and ended up rekindling his relationship with my mother. Back to the magician, he was exploring his new home, and came upon the sand dunes where the one exhibit had been. He planned to build his house there, an in a moment when he was truly vulnerable and relaxed, an escaped enemy came running down the path to stab him in the back. this enemy looked like a Spanish mafia spy dude, bald head, chubby cheeks, tattoos...and a huge grudge. The magician turned and caught the enemy. But instead of killing him like I feared he would, because he would have if the guy had found him earlier. The magician pressed different pressure points on the neck and face, causing the guy to freeze and then to shrink into nothing, only to have the magician pull out a baby from the pocket on the side of his leg. He gave the baby to my reunited mother and father stating that it would be better for the guy to have a new life -the baby wouldn't remember who he was before he became a baby again. dad was preparing to leave, he had his army plane all ready and my own red biwinged plane ready as well for us to fly away to our new home...but...i didn't want to go. I knew he had a temper so I tried to tread carefully when I told him that I didn't want to go to the U anymore even though the President had pulled some strings on my behalf to get me there on a good deal. I really wanted to stay where I was at and be with the magician. My father didn't like that. Not at all and there wasn't much reasoning with him though i tried to.
The boy who'd become a baby again was a young kid now...he was riding his tricycle around a mountainous area going up and down hills/roads in the neighborhood/camping area,
I was in our apartment and I opened the second fridge of ours in the back room and saw that my sister had a gallon of tampico juice and she'd written on duct tape "This was full when I bought it, who has been drinking my juice?!" I shook my head, it wasn't me, and LaKai was out of town, and I doubted Yentihw would drink the juice soo I thought my sister was just being crazy/paranoid as nobody had been drinking her juice. I went outside and was crossing a cross walk when I got stopped and told that I had to wear these goggles when I was outside. They were black, square, and had really small openings, they were really tight against my head as well. I couldn't believe anybody would wear this and commented about the fact to other people nearby. But a girl said that they needed to wear them in order to survive the game.
I -as the girl- treaded water by a floating couch as the storm began. In order to survive we had to survive the storm, otherwise we would die for a variety of reasons. It didn't seem to be too hard at first, but then it began to rain, the water got choppy and as I ducked under the waves I had the thought come to me "beware the shark" and suddenly a great big blue shark came at me, attacking me. I fought it and got away from it swinging myself back onto the couch once more and hiding myself under the pillows where I'd started the game at, just as the buzzer sounded throughout the arena that the game had ended for the time being. The shark, stuck his nose underneath the pillows, nosing me like a dog, but these guys weren't very smart as once the game ended my scent became the same as the couch and i just appeared to be part of the scenery, though I had to hold still to keep that illusion up as if I moved at the wrong moment he would know that I was a person and would try to eat me. I did end up pushing the nose away from me, uncomfortable with him being so close and the shark gave up and left to find another 'fly' to eat before the game truly ended as the unwary who revealed themselves too soon could be eaten still. The visiting boy came up to me, expressing his amazement at how I'd managed to survive -visitors were taken to special viewing platforms during the game, and if they left them they would then be considered part of the game-.....

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Two! Two! Vote for Two!

Beware the Twos in the game of War.

They're devious little fellows.
Haven't you noticed how they keep switching sides?
Yah! They could be double crossing you!
>.> You may think that they're on your side....but they may not be.
You never know who they may be talking to in the other player's deck.
Or your own deck for the matter.

One second you're winning, and then you find a two next to your Joker, or Ace, or even a King.
You've lost everything.

True story. Happened multiple times to me and my cousin as the twos were on Kikay's side. (even if she kept getting second place...the twos kept her there. :) )

But they're super brave to.
Willing to jump in the middle of a tied war and try and win the battle for you.
(they're a bit fool hardy like twos can't win the wars only tie.)
Such brave little twos.
We should give them more credit.

Or maybe...just maybe one of these days we'll play the game backwards and the Two will be the highest card that will beat everything.

You know...
I might just do that right now.

Now to find some cards....and the sister. ;) haha

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was on a field...with a bunch of other people, searching for treasure.
We finally found it underneath a fake patch of grass.
But as the eager people began to roll the grass back another mountain man...
with a thin beard on his chin and a moustache of yellow color called out for us to wait.
He blew on the grass and frost covered the rolled up corner. Then with a flourish the grass was tossed aside to reveal a huge crate of dynamite rigged to blow.
The money we were searching for would have exploded....if the treasure was taken. People dropped their cash with exclamations that it was all fake.
Only when I wandered around with the other guy...picking up the cash....not all of it was fake.
I was able to tell the difference in the bills by the size, color and texture.
So we both ended up rich though I was still sorting through all the bills when...

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, February 23, 2013

When Nails Come In Handy

Kikay doesn't thumb war with me anymore.


Because of my thumb nails.

They can get pretty long.
And I tend to keep them longer then my other finger nails,
-meaning that I cut them less often then the others.

Because they're really handy when their longer. :) lol
For one they make great weapons in those thumb wars. ;) haha
You don't want to be jabbed by these guys!

But there are other reasons.
1. It's easier to take out my contacts.
2. I can catch the little tiny crickets that escape from work without squishing them.
3. they're great for untying tiny knots.
4. I can use them to poke holes in plastic/tear plastic.
5. They can slip in those metal rings that you use to put like car keys or dog tags on.
6. They're great designer tools when working with clay and you need to scrape away a small spot.

among a variety of other things I can do that I can't think of right now lol.

I'm especially grateful for the longer nails today....
for I've found another item that 'hates' me.
Among buckets in general, pens, paper....

It's plastic bags.

I was assigned to cashier today at work,
and for some reason our plastic bags...wouldn't 'tear' in the right way.
The right way is that when you pull one off the rack, then the next back pulls as well so it opens, therefore it's ready for the next item to be placed in the bag.

Not so today.
The little baggies refused to work together more often then not!
So annoying! I would tear off a bag...and the next one wouldn't follow!
It would stubbornly remain closed.
and stuck to all it's other buddies.

-it's like the same concept with any type of plastic bag you know....why do they have to come shut! Why not have a pull tab or something so you don't have to rustle the plastic between  your fingers, twisting, try and get the things open.

Seriously...they do need to come up with a little tab that sticks out that you can grab onto so in case the bag doesn't open will open easily!

Thankfully though, I had my longer thumb nails.
and through a bit of trial and error,
I figured out the spots that I needed to slip the nail inbetween
so I could get that small plastic opening in order to open the rest of the bag.

Yes....I may be deadly during thumb wars.
But the lack of battles is worth it.
for all the useful things I can do with my longer nails. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was following a bus down a street, only when it turned right and I followed it....the bus wasn't actually a bus, but instead I nearly ran into a Mcdonalds fast food place...which had a design like the back of a bus. While there I ordered some french fries and a hamburger, but ended up giving the hamburger to the guy at the register for him to eat. When I left the place I walked down an alley, but someone was following me, so I turned around and screamed as loud as I could. The guy following me didn't think it would have an effect, but a tall black dude in a red hoodie came to my rescue and his buddie in a grey hoodie who was a little shorter came as well. Even the local hispanic cop showed up, without his hood up so he was in plain sight and all the guys...they had dark skin, shunned the cop. They didn't trust him, though when the same cop walked by a while later with his hood up -but uniform still in plain sight...they ignored him. I hung out with my new guy friends, and they helped me to stay out of sight, as I was on the run, and being a girl of light colored skin...I stood out, so I took to huddling in hollows and keeping my hood up....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, February 22, 2013

The Wrong Assumption

There I was.
Minding my own business.
When my throat piped up.

Okiedokie throat. I hear and obey.

So I rolled off the couch, went to the kitchen.
Grabbed the juice jug
And drank straight from there.


That's when I realized.


>.< No. I got a nice two and a half gulps of the 2%


It's no secret that I don't like the taste of milk.

I haven't had real cereal -you know bowl of it full of milk.
For years and years maybe even a decade.
And a glass of milk not since I was
Yah...that was an interesting memory.
My family had gone camping and I wasn't feeling well...I think.
And my dad was convinced that drinking a glass of milk would help.
So we went a little distance away, sitting on two tree stumps.
And I tried to drink the milk.
It didn't want to stay in me though.
Needless to say I didn't finish that glass of milk.

Soo this surprise taste of it wasn't welcome.

Okay. Okay. It wasn't that bad.
Seriously it didn't taste like well...anything. It had a tasteless type of taste...kinda
But whatever it did taste like...It wasn't the juice.

and Sarnicy did not likey.

Well played though sneaky milk.
Well played.
Switching places with my juice without me realizing.
So I assumed that my juice was in the same spot.
And so I grabbed the first jug I saw in that spot without really looking at it.
Because my juice had been there!

Sneaky milk.
I will be more cautious around you in the future.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My family and I were upstairs in the attic. I looked out the window and saw two fiery fireballs -planes.Crashing to the ground. The news said that terrorists had struck, we were under attack. I looked to the horizon and saw an actual plane all white and huge even though it was miles away crashing behind the far mountains. War had come to my state. My family and I ran downstairs into my grandparents basement/our basement to seek shelter....and we ended up in the chapel of my parents church as Sacrament was staring and everyone was already sitting so we took our seats as well so that the Bishop's wife wouldn't give us dirty looks. But I found it odd to be sitting there...when there was a war...I didn't feel safe....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, February 21, 2013

When One Does Nothing

As two men walked across an eastern university campus, they were attracted by a crowd of people surrounding a large maple tree.
As they approached, they noticed that the crowd was being amused by the antics of a fox-tailed squirrel circling the tree, climbing it, and running back down again. 
A red Irish Setter dog crouched nearby, intently watching the squirrel.
Each time the squirrel ran up the tree out of sight, the dog would slowly creep towards the tree.
The squirrel paid little attention as the dog crept closer and closer, patiently biding its time.
People watching this entertaining drama unfold knew what could happen, but they did nothing, until in a flash, the dog--catching the squirrel unaware--had it in the grip of his sharp teeth.

The people then rushed forward in horror, forcing the dog's mouth open to rescue the squirrel.
It was too late.
The squirrel was dead.
Anyone could have warned the squirrel or held back the dog.
But they had been momentarily amused and watched silently while evil slowly crept up on good.
When they rushed to the defense, it was too late.

David B. Haight -Successful Living of Gospel Principles -October 1992 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Merging Realities

It's so weird when worlds collide.
Especially fictional and real life worlds.
You see, I've been following this comic blog titled "Dreamer."
And one of the main characters in that comic is named Nathan Hale.
It wasn't until recently that I realized that Nathan actually was a real historical figure.
I mean I probably knew this at some point in my life. Read about him in class.
But it didn't hit home right away.
Nathan Hale the guy who said "I regret that I only have one life to lose for my country"

Yah....real guy.

Well today I was watching a TV show.
Ghost Hunters.
Not my favorite ghost show, the scary intense factor is mostly missing from it unlike Ghost Adventures. I mostly had it on for background noise as I wrote.
But what caught my attention was.....
In this episode, the team was investigating.

Dun dun dun.

Nathan Hale's home.

Dun dun dun!

It hit me then.
This guy was real!
He lived in a real home.
had a real family.

Worlds collided.
Odd as that is that the connection was made via a TV show.
Yet cool at the same time. :)

I only wish something interesting had happened in the episode....voices and such.
Oh well.
What he did in history is interesting enough. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Not Just One

So last week,
My friend/coworker Tawl pulled me aside and said he would bring me a cookie the next time he saw me.
Which was today.
I was already hard at work in my department when he came in.
In his hand was a brown box.
Full of cookies I was sure, for everyone in the store.
As Tawl is very giving like that.

So Imagine to my surprise when he handed me the whole box saying:

Tawl you can't be serious!
Oh but he was.
Half a dozen frosted cookies all mine.

I tried to give him one,
but he refused saying that I needed to eat every single one since I'm so skinny lol.

Basically...when Tawl tells you to do something...
You do it.
Without complaint lol.

I continued to try and convince him to take a cookie or two.
He refused.
I'm surprised he had the will power though.
The cookies are super duper delicious!

And a pleasant surprise after a night of little sleep. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
I dreamt about rats...and that a couple were returning two sets of twin rats because they couldn't care for them any more, which made me frustrated as I had rehabilitated the rats, and through their actions, they were back to the way before I rehabilitated them.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, February 18, 2013

October 1993 General Conference Saturday Morning

Gordon B. Hinckley -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Joseph B. Wirthlin -Our Lord and Savior
  • We live in a day when Lucifer's influence is greater than we ever have known in our lifetimes. In terms of the sin, evil, and wickedness upon the earth, we could liken our time to the days of Noah before the flood. no one is immune to affliction and difficulty, whether it be economical, emotional, or spiritual. immorality, violence, and divorce, with their accompanying sorrows, plague society worldwide.
  • The only way to find peace, happiness, and security and to overcome the evils of the world and temptations of this generation is in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Considering all that Jesus is and all he does for us, what should we be doing to show our appreciation? We should go far beyond knowing about Jesus and about his attributes and mission. We should come to "know ... the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
  • Now I counsel you who are more mature spiritually to bear your witness of the truth of the gospel; of the reality of the Savior and his love for each of us; and of the divine calling of his prophets, seers, and revelators. Your witness will develop testimonies in younger people as the members of my ward did in me. Parents should bear testimony frequently to strengthen conviction in the hearts of their children.
Robert D. Hales -How Will Our Children Remember Us?
  • My point in telling these stories is that we, as parents, have the privilege and the responsibility of teaching gospel principles by our example and testimony to our loved ones.
  • Children naturally look to their parents to learn of the characteristics of their Heavenly Father. After they come to love, respect, and have confidence in their earthly parents, they often unknowingly develop the same feelings towards their Heavenly Father.
  • No parent on earth is perfect. In fact, children are very understanding when they sense and feel that parents truly care and are attempting to be the best they can be.
  • It helps children to see that good parents can have differing onions, and that these differences can be worked out without striking, yelling, or throwing things. They need to see and feel calm communication with respect for each other's viewpoints so they themselves will know how to work through differences in their own lives.
  • They are still our children, and we will love and care about them always. We do not lock the doors of our house nor the doors to our heart.
  • If the example we have received from our parents was not good, it is our responsibility to break the cycle.
  • "We must be more Christlike in our attitude and behavior than what we see in the world. We should be as charitable and considerate with our loved ones as Christ is with us. He is kind, loving, and patient with each of us. Should we not reciprocate the same love to our [companions] and children?"
Joe. J. Christensen -Rearing Children in a Polluted Environment
  • We all hear and read a great deal these days about our polluted physical environment--acid rain, smog, toxic wastes. But these parents recognize that there is another kind of pollution that is much more dangerous--the moral and spiritual.
  • "As we test the moral environment, we find the pollution index is spiraling upward."
  • Although there are some uplifting exceptions, in most areas of the mass media there seems to be a declaration of war against almost everything the majority treasures most: the family, religion, and patriotism. Marriage is degraded, while premarital and extramarital relations are encouraged and glamorized. Profanity and the foulest of vulgar gutter language bombard the ears of all who listen.
  • Remember that anything that is not good for children is rarely good for adults.
  • First, do not be afraid to set clear moral standards and guidelines. Be sure to say no when it is needed.
  • "[Give] your children regular daily doses of Vitamin N. This vital nutrient consists simply of the most character-building two-letter word in the English language [No]. ... Unfortunately, many, if not most, of today's children suffer from Vitamin N deficiency. They've been overindulged by well-meaning parents who've given them far too much of what they want and far too little of what they truly need."
  • For children and parents, standing up for what is right may be lonely at times.
  • It may not always be fun. But parenting is not a popularity contest.
  • Second, teach your children to work and to take responsibility.
  • In addition, help your children learn self-discipline by such activities as learning to play a musical instrument or other demanding skill. I am reminded of the story of the salesman who came to a house one hot summer day. Through the screen door he could see a young boy practicing his scales on the piano. His baseball glove and hat were by the side of the piano bench. He said, "Say, boy, is your mother home?" To which the boy replied, "What do you think?" Thank heavens for conscientious parents!
  • Every child should be helped to develop some skill or talent by which he or she can experience success and thus build self-esteem.
  • Third, create an environment in your family in which spiritual experiences can occur.
  • Fourth, follow the counsel of the prophets.
  • What value is it to have living prophets if we do not heed their counsel?
  • Fathers and mothers, it is not too late to change. There is still hope.
Jeffrey R. Holland -"Look to God and Live"
  • We know that some of the world's most painful suffering is done in silence, in the sorrow of a lonely life.
  • There is an increasing feeling that time is out of joint, that no one seems wise enough or strong enough to set it right. In many cases, governments are in office but not in power, community values and neighborhood pride are often superficial or nonexistent, and too frequently the home is an alarming failure.
  • Without our religious faith, without recognizing the reality and necessity of spiritual life, the world makes no sense, and a nonsense world is a place of horror. Only if the world has meaning at a spiritual level is it possible for human beings to keep going, to keep trying.
  • John Donne said once: "We ask our daily bread, and God never says, 'You should have come yesterday.' ... [No, he says,] 'Today if you will hear [my] voice, today I will hear yours.'"
  • "God yet comes to thee, not as in the dawning of the day, ... but as the sun at [full] noon, to banish all shadows."
  • I'm with you. In a world of some discouragement, sorrow, and overmuch sin, in times when fear and despair seem to prevail, when humanity is feverish with no worldly physicians in sight, I too say, "Trust Jesus." Let him still the tempest and ride upon the storm. Believe that he can lift mankind from its bed of affliction, in time and in eternity.
Spencer J. Condie -A Mighty Change of Heart
  • A loving Heavenly Father has not left us alone in our battle with the adversary.
  • The Holy Ghost strives with us to help us resist evil.
  • Yield to the enticings of the Spirit in order to overcome the natural man, who is an enemy to God.
  • The words strive, entice, contend, and persuade are all very strong action verbs indicating a positive influence which the Holy Ghost can have in our lives by actively helping us in our quest for perfection.
  • [Satan's strategies:] The first of these is pride, ... second major strategy is discouragement."
  • "Habits are easily formed. It is just as easy to form good habits as it is to form evil ones."
  • Undergo a mighty change of heart--not a little change, but a mighty change.
  • Strive to become more compassionate and loving and understanding.
  • "Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right." When we humble ourselves, the Spirit will always tell us what is right.
  • I am grateful for these Brethren whom we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators who forewarn us of bridges not to be crossed.
Neal A. Maxwell -"From the Beginning"
  • "It is said the Priesthood was taken from the Church, but it is not so, the Church went from the Priesthood."
  • Many fell away from the gospel and its "plain and precious" truths. It was too simple. They preferred "looking beyond the mark" and searching for things "they could not understand."
  • "If men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves."
  • In God's plan of salvation, He does nothing save it be for the benefit of His children in the world' man is at the center of His purposes.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at the school, in the some sort of party when the doors were shoved open and these giant bees flew in, throwing stingers everywhere. They looked a bit alienish. At some points they looked like the GloFish Danios at work. Especially the Red ones. In any case, I ended up in a war with them. Basically if I shot...some sort of white mist at their green mist, I could stop them, but only for a bit. If I got distracted I would weaken and their mist/stingers would start to overpower mine. And those stingers were poisionness. Which meant... Get away! I managed to escape from the building with a few of my group. Immediately I headed to the castle where Prince charming, and Cinderella resided. We met on the top of one of the flat top towers -the tallest of the building. I told them the situation and the Prince told me he would send help. Only a messenger showed up to say that all the armies had already been dispatched. That sent red flags through both Charming and Cinderella's heads. ALL the armies? Not good. But before he could say anything. The Queen stepped in. She looked kinda like Ursula, but human. Full evil queen step mother role. Prince charming was taken down the steps to the watery dungeon...tied up. with a collar around his neck...and Cinderella was on the way to follow him, never to be heard from again. As the queen had made life like robot replicas of the two of them. So she could rule behind the scenes and the people would believe that their prince and princess still ruled. She showed us what the robots could do by simply turning the dials on their back. While the description was going on the dials moved to a handheld device which was able to control the real Cinderella due to the collar around her neck. The queen was showing how she could control her movements, words, facial expressions and as Cinderella was wiggling her fingers, the queen said she could even make her tail wag. Cinderella laughed at this. "I don't have a tail." and the queen replied "Not yet." She intended to turn both of them into Dalmatians to rule by her side and utterly loyal to her. The scene shifted and I was at my parents home. We were talking when I saw the Russian Meteor rush by. I told everyone in our home to duck down away from the windows as the wind from the impact could shatter the windows, flinging glass everywhere. I ducked down but besides the wind blowing dust in through the windows (odd as they weren't open)....they didn't shatter. But to be safe we were going to leave the area for a bit, only our car....was gone because a sibling and our neighbors had taken our cars for various errands. But my mom wasn't concerned she just went to our neighbors house and had my brother go in the side door as we went around to the front where the Father greeted us and gave us fold up table/chair thing. As we headed back to our home I asked mom what that was all about and she basically said that she made a deal with our neighbors that she could borrow this if she let the other Mom borrow the car for a bit. We then realized my brother hadn't come out of the home yet, and so we returned to the side glass door. Meralto opened the door wearing a red shirt and a bright red kilt. Totally not what he was wearing when he went in. The Kilt wasn't that odd, I'd seen my brother in them before. But the thing was super short. Barely covering the area you want covered...and that wouldn't be covered if he bent over. He told my mom "Yes, I've told the guys what special pants/shorts to wear under these." and I was like O.o you can wear something under them? I didn't think it was possible as I thought you didn't wear anything under kilts, but pants would seriously help out that situation. I gladly left him at the home as we went to head to the basketball game, table in tow....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Up For Two?

So the other day,
I was kind halfway mourning but only really making an observation about my calling.
It's the sort of calling in church where you're on a committee and you meet like once a month or something to do this that and the other.
Surprisingly this committee actually does those meetings.
A while ago, like two or three years ago I ended up with two committee callings......and never ended up doing anything.
Anywho. I was observing the fact that the past three or four meetings my current committee has had....I've been gone for.
Why? Well I just happen to go to mission farewells/homecomings that Sunday.
Seriously...since I've been called I've only made it to one meeting.
*shakes head*
Which I suppose makes me feel rather....not useless but kinda the same thing.
As I can't do my calling because I happen to not be there when I have opportunities to do that calling.
See the problem?
Yah....basically I feel like I'm falling through the cracks. Why give me this calling? No idea.
But apparently my lack in being able to do my calling has been noticed by HF.
As this morning....after I got done with my work shift.
-seriously...who wants to buy stuff on Sundays? ugh. Glad it was a short shift and a rare shift-
I saw this text where Bro G wanted to meet with me.
Which meant....I couldn't take the much desired nap I wanted to take between work and church.

Now there are three reasons why Bro G would want to meet with me.
1. He's giving me another calling.
2. Somebody was concerned about me and asked Bro G to talk to me.
3. They want me to give a talk in church.

Number two was extremely unlikely because nobody really knows me in the ward.
Number one also unlikely because I already had a calling. But I've had two callings before...
so that left Number three being the option. oh goodie.
;) I thought that my last talk in church had encouraged them to not call me again. ;) haha.
Anyway. I got to the meeting.
And what do you know?
"Sarnic...we want to call you already have a calling?"
"Yes, Bro G. I'm on the so and so committee."
"Oh....well we do have alot of people in the ward without callings...."
Sooo why not call them? -My thought process is more bitter when I'm tired.
"But we as a bishopric talked it over and we want to call you to be a Ward Missionary. Would you accept this calling?"
"Sure!" I have no idea what it means to be a ward missionary. Didn't really get the chance to ask.

But yah. I'm a ward missionary now. *shakes head* Apparently they want a pair for each floor in our ward.
Good luck with that in my building.... lol living here for most of my college life I still don't know who lives in three of the five apartments surrounding me. :)
So this should be an interesting experience...when I know for sure what I have to do.

But it makes me wonder....
Why call me to another calling when there are other people i the ward without callings?
I halfway think that it might be that HF considers me unable to fulfil my 'mission' with my first calling since I end up missing 9/10 meetings. Soo he called me to another one to help with the first one....if that makes any sense. As the first calling involves talking to people and helping them....and being a ward missionary kinda involves the same principles.

Who knows. Guess we'll see.
But here comes two callings instead of one! :) lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, February 16, 2013

When The Ink Runs Dry

Maybe it's not the pen that hates left handed people....
I've been wondering that recently.
I mean I heard somewhere that pens run better with right handed people because of the angle the pen is held at or something....
Idk if it's true or not. I mean...should it matter if the pen is leaning to the right or left?
I don't think so?
But maybe it does.
In anycase.
I don't think the pen is the only problem.
The paper can be the problem as well.
I've noticed in many of my notebooks I use for writing and journaling,
that I will reach a page, a small section, maybe a single line, or a circle area...
where the pen doesn't work.
I go from writing with blue/ invisible. So I have to do this that and the other to make the pen work once more. And it will...until I reach the same area but a line down. or on the next page.
It makes me think....
maybe all pages aren't created equal.
I wonder if in the page making process that there are some spots or lines....that have a different consistency compared to the rest of the page.
Maybe the area is softer, less firm then the rest of the page.
And the pen is used to a certain level of firmness on paper. So when it doesn't encounter that level.
The ink doesn't move from the tip of the pen to the page.

So it may not always be the left handed person's fault!
lol but the page. :)

The world may never know. ;)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, February 15, 2013

Acting Nervous

Guys! I acted yesterday!
Oh? You might ask. What did you do?
I sat there looking nervous!!!

lol. Probably the easiest acting job ever.
I mean....wouldn't you be nervous if you're acting?

That's probably not the most 'amazing' part.
No that would be....
I got to hold a guy's hand for an hour.

Okay full story?
Full story.

There I was, having successfully fulfilled my mission to get Kikay her lunch as she'd ran late for class and didn't have time to get it.
I sat down. Ready to just while listening to the Disney romantic music playing in the room.
And this girl. Looking a bit frazzled,
Came into the circle of chairs and announced.
"Hey...would any of you be willing to do some acting for a film?"
*blink blink* Acting? For a film?
"It's pretty simple, you just need to sit there."
Sit there? Sounds easy enough. I twitched to raise my hand, mouth opening to volunteer.
And a guy spoke up before me.
"I'll do it."
Awwww Y_Y heart break. That could have been fun. Oh well.
Then the girl said
"Great....well I need a girl as well."
Ooo Ooo pick me!
I raised my hand. "I can do it."
She smiled in relief. "Great!"
She proceeded to give me and the guy the script.
"So and so and that person are sitting in a waiting room. So and so is anxiously looking into That person's eyes, while That person doesn't return the look."

How can someone look into your eyes if you're not looking at them?
Yah the students didn't get it either.
lol. both her and her partner were like O.o uhh... The teacher wrote it! Not us!
Did I mention that the film was for a film class? Yah. Just a class, the students needed to work on their camera angles or something.
Side shots, over the shoulder, far away....other terms I don't remember.

Anyway the scene as the girl described it. "A couple is sitting in a waiting room, holding hands. The guy is staring at the girl, the girl is off in her own world, both are nervous. The door to the waiting room opens, and the guy stands up." End scene.
Yah. Not much.
Basically we found a corner in the Institute and arranged the table and chairs to look more like a waiting room, and then the other guy and I sat there. Holding hands. Looking nervous. Until he stood.
Yep. An hours worth of that.
lol. I had fun.'s kinda awkward to hold a strangers hand....and have like all your teachers and friends walk by.
Yah...kinda hard to keep the nervous look on your face when others are laughing and joking nearby.
But I managed! :D Ha!

And there's the story. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Kikay and I were working on designing our own dresses. I was having problems making mine because I had less fabric then I thought I did. So I was trying to figure out how to make it work...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Through Another

It was President Kimball who said, "The Lord answers our prayers, but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs."
An incident in the latter part of President Kimball's ministry helped me to better understand his message and the way his own life witnessed to the truthfulness of his inspired counsel.

As a stake president during this period, I went to a local hospital to visit a dear sister suffering with a terminal illness.
more than forty years earlier, I had attended school with both this sister and her husband who had been childhood sweethearts.
But they had not been blessed with children of their own, and they had filled this void by his serving as a Scout leader--and his loving companion as the "Scout mother"--to scores of young boys over a generation.

As I approached the hospital that day, my heart was heavy with foreboding for what lay ahead in the lives of this choice couple.
For weeks this dear brother had stayed with his companion at the hospital day and night to give comfort and ease her burden and the pain of her suffering.

As I reached the door of her hospital room that day, I met my friend emerging from his wife's room into the hallway.
Unlike my earlier visits, when his countenance reflected the weight of their ordeal, this time his face was radiant and his eyes were aglow.
Before I could utter a word, he said, "You'll never guess what just happened. As my wife and I were feeling so burdened, into our room came President Kimball"--himself a patient at the hospital, where he had recently undergone surgery.
"He prayed with us and he blessed us, and it was as though the Savior himself had come to lift our burdens."
Many other patients in that hospital, I might add, experienced a similar blessing from one who knew so much of pain and suffering.

-Richard P. Lindsay -Ye Have Done It unto Me -1990 April General Conference

Have a Happy Valentines Day!! :)
Be sure to give that someone special loving attention today :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A 900 Page Battle

There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time, but it was an ending.

It's done.
I can't believe it.

and you know what?
I feel like I've hopped through a field of shards with my hands tied behind my back, unable to stop for the harrying force of snakes behind me only to come to the end and look around and that it?

Ever feel like you were spun like a top?
Wrung out like washing?

That's A Memory of Light for you.

It's one big giant battle.
Fights everywhere.
Blood everywhere.
Death everywhere.

I mean the chapter titled "The Last Battle" is TWO HUNDRED pages long! It's its own book! Within a 900 page book!

Just wow.

Usually at the end of the books I rant and scream and say "THIS CAN'T BE THE END!!! YOU BETTER WRITE MORE AUTHOR!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!"

This book.
I feel like I've been through a wringer.
There were so many battles, fights....if you love war books this is the book for you...
that by the time I finished the final page.
I....was and am...numb emotionally.
Just like a solider who has seen too much fighting.
I have read waaay too much about the last battle.
It was tense.
but also fun.

Yah...reading about all those battles and people's a bit numbing.

Yet....even though I had favorite characters die.
Even though I want more info on what happens after the final page.
It's a satisfying ending.

Robert Jordan accomplished what I think he was trying to do.
The Wheel of Time Turns
Ages Come and Pass
Memories become Legend.
Legend fades to Myth
and Even Myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again.
Yet. No matter what happens.
There are always turnings to the Wheel of Time.
No endings. No beginnings.
But this 14 book series was a beginning.
and it was an ending.

It's hard to mourn my favorite characters passing because in the world Robert Jordan set up....everyone is reborn. Different body, different situation, different plot line.
But unlike other books where a character dies and it's heart wrenching.
I mourn the passing of my favorites.
Especially the Youngling with the rings! How could he be soooo IDIOTIC!! GAH!
Yet, I mourn with the knowledge that this isn't a forever goodbye.
They will be born again. All of them.
If not again in this age....then the next.

And hopefully some of my questions will be answered in this encyclopedia that will come out eventually lol.
Mostly what happens after! I mean...I want to know how the survivor's lives play out afterwards.

I did catch glimpses through the book on possibilities and now... I want to know if those possibilities are actually realities lol. :)

A Memory of Light.
A great book.
With twist endings.
And hopes fulfilled.
lol though with all the fighting and bloodshed...I really don't think I'll read it again anytime soon. There's much carnage it's hard to comprehend it all. Read about soo many people dying.
It left me worn out like I'd fought in the battles myself.

And for that...I think I a bit of a rest after the battle is great. :) lol.
But...I will probably read it again....sometime. Just so I can connect events that happen in the last book to events that happen in the first and all inbetween.

It was amazing though.
900 pages of amazing.
Robert Jordan is amazing, and Brandon Sanderson's exquisite use of his notes magnified the books in ways I hadn't imagined.
Thanks guys!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Laptop's Curfew

Oh I see how it is.
Have you been setting me a curfew?
If so...
I can post after 9pm if I want to!!!!
Just because I procrastinate posting to the last minute,
doesn't mean you can do this to me!!

*shakes head*
So, for once I'm actually posting pretty early in the day.
Like it's not even past the lunch hour yet.
Super early for me.
But. I figured I should.
Because I'm preparing myself for the final plunge.
I have finished my reread and I'm readying myself to read the FINAL book in the Wheel of Time Series.
Dun. Dun. Dun.
So to be productive I decided to post early. :) That way I can stay up and read all night to my heart's content. ^^;; lol.

Seriously though...I do wonder if my Internet is establishing a curfew. As the Internet is working fine now...but we'll see how it works tonight (if I get on again tonight...not likely)
Most likely I think that at night the connection gets busier as students around the complex use our Internet router...thingy....
And it's fine right now because most said students are in school....
Hmmm Idk.

But I do want to let you all know.
To those of you who wonder how I can post "Internet not working" on my blog...
It's because my Itouch has no problems staying connected with the Internet.
It's only my laptop (It's like 3 and a half years old -ancient I know) that has problems connecting.
And if you're wondering why I don't do posts via Itouch....
well lets say I don't have that much patience. lol :)
My posts are usually long and typing on the rather slow.
:) So when I say 'No Internet" I do mean my laptop has no Internet.

Thought you should know. :) lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi