Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The DM Visit

You know....
I really do believe that the world of Starsmet barely keeps from going totally chaotic when I'm not at work.
Totally prideful of me to think I know.
lol but it is the way I think.
I'm a bit...protective I suppose.
I want the animals in our store taken care of and very happy, fed, and healthy.
And without me being there....I do worry.
I've mentioned before that it is a bit of a surprise coming into work in the mornings.
As animals that have been there for forever are suddenly gone.
And possibly more have filled and empty cages without me ever seeing them.

Today, you could say I was a bit more anxious then normal coming into work.
Well we had our new DM (Distraction Man) coming in today.
Since he's new....nobody really knows his style or how....much of a stickler he is for rules and regulations and yadda yadda.
Well I came in and was like O.o
Of course I checked the handy dandy info book...bleh. Nothing totally helpful there. Tantalizing  hints at what's happened the past couple of days....but not much beyond that.

Still. It must have been a busy weekend.
For the frogs especially.
Those are...less popular and suddenly three of our long staying residents are gone. O.o 
Plus a bunch of hamsters which is understandable.

In any case...I found a lot of empty cages and I was like O.O
GUYS!! Where are the signs saying the cage is EMPTY?!!
Turns out we have only like....10 of those signs....
and 11 empty cages.
Luckily I rectified that a bit, with the hamster/guinea pig area. Getting rid of four signs right there. :) Can't do anything for the reptiles or birds though for a bit.

In any case.
It was a bit of tear jerker moment for me at the small pets.
You remember that story I'm working on with animals and how one -a hamster- inspired me to write the story?
He died.

lol kidding kidding!
I couldn't resist sorry. :)
No, he's totally fine now. :)
The wounds on his feet are healed and I was able to place him out onto the floor.
While I'm glad he's healed and healthy.
I really want to take him home with me.
Because he was my inspiration for this story.
Unfortunately my place doesn't allow hamsters. :( *sniff*
So he's going to be going to a different family.
For all I know he's already gone.
The short-haired Syrians are popular here (at least when I'm on the floor. I like them lots. :D)

Yah....I hope he's still there tomorrow. I like seeing him. :)
in any case I couldn't just sit there. :( boo.
Nope. :) For Distraction Man's visit would be later in the day!
I would be long gone by then of course.
But I wanted to do what I could.
And....I did alot.
Windows. Food, Water, Fish....Bins, Sweeping....
But no bedding changes. :) The managers wanted to focus on everything looking perfect so those were done yesterday. I basically got done before the store opened. :) yay! Pretty good for opening by myself lol.
And then Reth showed up. :)
Yah. Feel the tension from her.

She asked me at one point when I got off and I brightly said "This time!"
Cus...like the last few times the higher uppers have come I've been scheduled to leave when the store opening.
And usually she's happy to hear that I'm not leaving right as the store opens.
Not today.
lol No I think she nearly fainted.
Basically her next words went something not totally at all like this. "NO! I CAN'T BELIEVE THEM!!! HE DID NOT SCHEDULE ME ALONE FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG WITH THE DM COMING IN TODAY!"
Yah....that would be hard if you're the only one in your section and the DMs show up. :S
Needless to say, Reth disappeared for a bit and came back asking me "Do you mind staying for three more hours?"
lol. No I didn't.
Of course I had to smile. I had planned to leave at my normal time....therefore I didn't. At least I brought something to do on my breaks this time. lol.
I was a bit on edge though.
I've been having fun thinking myself this 'mystery person' at work to the higher uppers...you know in case the managers mentioned me or something and I'm never there when they show up. :) lol.

I don't think Reth should have worried though.
The DM didn't show up until about lunch time. When I had a partner show up.
So Reth wouldn't have left her section unattended.
But she probably would have been more flustered at getting everything done and clean....
Who knows. :)

I did meet the DM. He seems nice enough. Confident. But not somebody to go running away in terror. I didn't say more then a few words to him though as I my extended shift had ended soon after they showed up. :)

Still twas a fun day. Full of ups and downs and mini panic attacks to make sure that everything and all the cages looked good and the placements inside the cages were right and all there.
Chaos is fun. ^^
I'm just glad that the stress levels are going to go down after today...you know...until the next visit. :) lol

Side note! I got 11,112 pageviews guys! Grrr for not looking in time to see 11,111 :( Oh well :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

I don't remember what I dreamed...but I woke up half convinced that my brother had died from food poisoning. It wasn't a happy dream whatever it was...I think taking a lot of cues from the Warm Bodies movie. :S  

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