Monday, February 4, 2013

April 1993 General Conference Sunday Morning

Thomas S. Monson -Gifts
  • "Perhaps my greatest hope a a parent is t have such a relationship with you that when the day comes and you look down into the face of your first child, you will feel deep within you the desire to be to your child the kind of parent your dad has tried to be to you. What greater compliment could any man ask?"
  • "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
  • The passport to peace is the practice of prayer. The feelings of the heart, humbly expressed rather than a mere recitation of words, provide the peace we seek.
  • "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below; /Words without thoughts never to heaven go."
  • "We cannot bring them back the morning hours of youth. But we can help them live in the warm glow of a sunset made more beautiful by our thoughtfulness, by our provision, and by our active and unfeigned love."
  • "The Lord has two homes; heaven and a grateful heart."
  • "Life is God's gift to man. What we do with our life is our gift to God."
Howard W. Hunter -"Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee"
  • How much of a normal day, a working week, or a fleeting month is devoted to "Jesus, the very thought of thee"? Perhaps for some of us, not enough.
  • Surely life would be more peaceful, surely marriages and families would be stronger, certainly neighborhoods and nations would be safer and kinder and more constructive if more of the gospel of Jesus Christ "with sweetness" could fill our breasts.
  • But even as we should think on the name of Christ more often, and use it more wisely and well, how tragic it is, and how deeply we are pained, that the name of the Savior of mankind has become one of the most common and most ill-used of profanities.
  • "Remember that that which cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit."
  • The meek shall inherit the earth, a pretty impressive corporate takeover--and done without intimidation! sooner or later, and we pray sooner than later, everyone will acknowledge that Christ's way is not only the right way, but ultimately the only way to hope and joy.
Rex D. Pinegar -Peace through Prayer
  • "For the happy man prayer is only a jumble of words, until the day when sorrow comes to explain to him the sublime language by means of which he speaks to God."
  • "The Lord's peace comes not without pain, but in the midst of pain."
  • Our Father in Heaven has promised us peace in times of trial and has provided a way for us to come to Him in our need. He has given us the privilege and power of prayer. He has told us to "pray always" and has promised He will pour out His Spirit upon us.
  • Thankfully, we can call upon Him anytime, anywhere. We can speak to Him in the quiet thoughts of our mind and from the deepest feelings of our heart.
  • Perhaps the greatest test of our faith and the most difficult part of prayer may be to recognize the answer that comes to us in a thought or a feeling, and then to accept or to act on the answer God chooses to give.
  • There is terrible suffering in our world today. Tragic things happen to good people. God does not cause them, nor does He always prevent them. He does, however, strengthen us and bless us with His peace, through earnest prayer.
  • "It is not the usual purpose of prayer to serve us like Aladdin's lamp, to bring us ease without effort."
  • If we, like the Savior, have the faith to put our trust in our Father in Heaven, to submit to His will, the true spirit of peace will come as a witness and strengthen that He has heard and answered our prayers.
  • If we resist the inspiration of God and turn from His promptings, we are left to our own confusion and lack of peace.
Joseph B. Wirthlin -Spiritually Strong Homes and Families
  • The place to cure most of the ills of society is in the homes of the people. building our homes as fortresses of righteousness for protection from the world takes constant labor and diligence. Membership in the Church is no guarantee of a strong, happy family.
  • We need to have the faith to be obedient, to keep trying, and to keep a positive outlook.
  • "Do not let your children out to specialists ... , but teach them by your own precept and example, by your own fireside. Be a specialist yourself in the truth. ... Not one child in a hundred would go astray, if the home environment, example and training, were in harmony with the truth in the gospel of Christ, as revealed and taught to the Latter-day Saints."
Gordon B. Hinckley -This Peaceful House of God
  • "For I deign to reveal unto my church things which have been kept hid from before the foundation of the world, things that pertain to the dispensation of the fullness of times."
  • Each temple built by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stands as an expression of the testimony of this people that God our Eternal Father lives, that He has a plan for the blessings of His sons and daughters of all generations, that His Beloved Son, Jesus the Christ, who was born in Bethlehem of Judea and crucified on the cross of Golgotha, is the Savior and Redeemer of the world, whose atoning sacrifice makes possible the fulfillment of that plan in the eternal life of each who accepts and lives the gospel. Every temple, be it large or small, old or new, is an expression of our testimony that life beyond the grave is as real and certain as is mortality. There would be no need for temples if the human spirit and soul were not eternal. Every ordinance performed in these sacred houses is everlasting in its consequences.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was out by a river gathering stones when this guy came over, he was pretty first. He accidentally fell into my pile of this and that and some of them fell in the river. He gathered what he could and ended up finding a quartz stone long and angular with a bone inside of it. It was about the size of my little finger and he told me that if I sharpened one side of the quartz by rubbing it for thirty minutes against a rock it would make a great weapon. He also handed me a bunch of bones....that might have been part of a bird once. I think I saw the wingbones joined together. Eventually, I found him to be a bit annoying, so I left. I ended up at my parents home. There was this guy and girl...older couple like thirties or forties there. One had dark hair and a closely trimmed beard. The other girl was beautiful. They were part of a different sort of race. Even though they looked human they weren't. I was...part of a different race entirely. As they were hanging out outside these gold shining creatures came flying down. They looked a bit like those flying dinosaurs, but not quite with feathers and maybe a thin layer of fur. The people were afraid of them, even though the creatures were peaceful. I was one of them as we all ended up inside my parents home. The man and woman were trying to convince their people that we weren't bad. So I carefully took one of our young and passed him through the glass door to a young child to hold. I was watchful to make sure the young babe wasn't hurt and the people warmed up to us. I even held out my arm to show them my wings. Which were basically my arms with long feathery feathers underneath them. My hands...were stunted it looked like they were missing the tops off of them. Satisfied that we'd shown the people that we weren't bad, my group went to take off near sundown. Over by the cars leading to the backyard though, the man appeared. Distraught. His wife had just died. And he was keening in a heartbroken fashion. He didn't know what to do now his whole life was basically gone. Showing compassion to him one of my kind wrapped her wings about him as he huddled on the front porch. And...changed him into one of them to help with the pain. As that was one of the tasks we could do. Help those mourning. I could understand his pain as I had dreamed about Meralto dying from a sudden heart problem -though the image was him having a whole in his stomach- suddenly and unexpectedly. The loss was heart wrenching and I was really glad it was only a dream for my loss. If not theirs. As I flew away...I ended up in school. At the library trying to do my math test. But I was distracted trying to clean up my room as well and I couldn't remember learning half of what was on the math test. So I took it slowly figuring out the problems one by one. Though I don't think I finished one problem even if I did understand the first few pages. Trouble there....

but then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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