Thursday, February 14, 2013

Through Another

It was President Kimball who said, "The Lord answers our prayers, but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs."
An incident in the latter part of President Kimball's ministry helped me to better understand his message and the way his own life witnessed to the truthfulness of his inspired counsel.

As a stake president during this period, I went to a local hospital to visit a dear sister suffering with a terminal illness.
more than forty years earlier, I had attended school with both this sister and her husband who had been childhood sweethearts.
But they had not been blessed with children of their own, and they had filled this void by his serving as a Scout leader--and his loving companion as the "Scout mother"--to scores of young boys over a generation.

As I approached the hospital that day, my heart was heavy with foreboding for what lay ahead in the lives of this choice couple.
For weeks this dear brother had stayed with his companion at the hospital day and night to give comfort and ease her burden and the pain of her suffering.

As I reached the door of her hospital room that day, I met my friend emerging from his wife's room into the hallway.
Unlike my earlier visits, when his countenance reflected the weight of their ordeal, this time his face was radiant and his eyes were aglow.
Before I could utter a word, he said, "You'll never guess what just happened. As my wife and I were feeling so burdened, into our room came President Kimball"--himself a patient at the hospital, where he had recently undergone surgery.
"He prayed with us and he blessed us, and it was as though the Savior himself had come to lift our burdens."
Many other patients in that hospital, I might add, experienced a similar blessing from one who knew so much of pain and suffering.

-Richard P. Lindsay -Ye Have Done It unto Me -1990 April General Conference

Have a Happy Valentines Day!! :)
Be sure to give that someone special loving attention today :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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