Sunday, February 3, 2013

Surrounded by Feathers

So the superbowl was on today....
you case you live under a rock,
or just don't care about football. lol :)

I'm one of those "I really don't care about football' sort of people.
Unless it's the superbowl.
Then I do tolerate the football.
For the commercials. :)

Only....due to a late church and even later munch and mingle afterwards....
I missed the first half of the game.
And more importantly the first half of the commercials. >.<
I'm trying to look them up online right now....but the Internet is being....either pouty or celebratory. In either case. Videos are hard to load and watch at the moment.
So I'll have to content myself with waiting a bit before I can watch all the commercials and possibly commenting on my favorites. :)

The game itself...
went better then expected.
Especially since when I tuned in the 49ers had just pulled their score from 3 up to 6.
While the Ravens....were at like 21. :S yikes!

If I am forced to watch a game....I really really want it to be a nail biter. Touch downs at the last minute. Surprise fumbles. You know...all that fun stuff.
Luckily the 49ers got their head in the game! Yay! :) lol.
We didn't win....but at least they made a good battle out of it ending at 31 while the Ravens had 34.

Yes. I  am a 49ers fan.
I may have mentioned this in a post a while ago.
I'm not hardcore like many other people.
Frankly I only support the Niners because my mom loved it when I was in Elementary school and it really was the only football team I could remember the name of at the time.
Soo I stuck with them. :)

My companions didn't agree.
I watched the game at the Fuzzball's home and whew-eee. They were all Ravens fans. Go figure.
I cheered for my Niners regardless :) lol.

In any case....
When I finally got back to my place after the Super Bowl ended.
I was able to watch the 'real' game.

The Puppy Bowl!! :D

lol. I was introduced to it last year via totallymissingthepoint doing a blog post about it.
:( Sadly they didn't do one this year. Y_Y Booo again.
In any case. Having had my attention last year.
I decided to watch it again this year.
It was a bit more relaxing for sure.
Though I was like "Puppy! You're so close to the goal! Come on!!"
haha. I was a bit more stoked for the puppies then the actual superbowl. :)
It ended up helping to relax me a bit after being 'surrounded by the enemy' for the Super Bowl ;)

Go Puppies Go!
And the halftime show.
Way better. Kittens beat out everything! :D lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

I don't remember my dream...but I woke up with the song Disappear by Summer Obsession running through my head. I remember not liking how the dream was going...hence the song, methinks.

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