Monday, February 25, 2013

October 1993 General Conference Saturday Afternoon

Boyd K. Packer -For Time and All Eternity
  • A man who holds the priesthood does not have an advantage over a woman in qualifying for exaltation. The woman, by her very nature, is also co-creator with God and the primary nurturer of the children. Virtues and attributes upon which perfection and exaltation depend come naturally to a woman and are refined through marriage and motherhood.
  • The priesthood carries with it awesome responsibility. "No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; by kindness, and pure knowledge."
  • This divine service of motherhood can be rendered only by mothers. It may not be passed to others.
  • "Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels."
F. Enzio Busche -Truth Is the Issue
  • It is Jesus Christ who, through His light, is searching and finding each individual child of God who is yearning and fighting for righteousness and truth and who is crying for help. Without Christ, this war within us is lost.
  • Honesty may not be everything, but everything is nothing without honesty.
  • This war is a war that has to be fought by all of Heavenly Father's children, whether they know about it or not.
  • This war is being fought subconsciously, and therefore its battlefronts are not even known to us, and we have no chance to win. Wars in the inner self that are fought subconsciously, with unknown battlefronts, lead to defeats which also hurt us subconsciously. These defeats are reflected in our conscious life as expressions of misery, such as a lack of self-confidence, lack of happiness and joy, lack of faith and testimony, or as overreactions of our subconscious self, which we see then as pride, arrogance, or in other forms of misbehavior--even as acts of cruelty and indecency.
John H. Groberg -The Lord's Wind
  • Without faith in Him, we do little of eternal value. With faith in Him, our live become focused on doing things of eternal value.
  • But God knows! He gave him the strength to be His wind that day, and He will give us the strength to be His wind when necessary.
  • How often do we not do more because we pray for wind and none comes? We pray for good things and they don't seem to happen, so we sit and wait and do no more. We should always pray for help, but we should always listen for inspiration and impressions to proceed in ways different form those we may have thought of.
  • We should never stop moving because we think our way is barred or the only door we can go through is closed.
Ben B. Banks -Take Time for Your Children
  • "Anyone who becomes a parent is under strict obligation to protect and love his children and assist them to return to their Heavenly Father."
  • "Home makes the man."
  • I share with you, in the spirit of trying to be helpful, a few thoughts that parents might use to strengthen their families against worldly temptations and to bring the love, unity, and success that all desire.
    • Start early.
    • Effective communication.
      • Parents should spend a great deal of time listening, not just telling.
      • This listening should be done with an open mind and heart.
      • When children feel they can talk freely about their feelings, problems, and successes, wonderful relationships develop between parents and children.
    • Enthrone love and unity
      • It is important to make your children aware of your love and feelings.
    • Do things together.
    • Provide opportunities to learn how to be independent and responsible.
      • Teach children how to make their own decisions, even if it involves their failing once in a while.
      • We need to help children come to an understanding such as Lehi taught, "knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon."
    • Discipline with love.
      • 'Discipline' and 'punishment' are not synonymous.
      • Punishment suggests hurting, paying someone back for a wrong committed.
      • Discipline implies an action directed toward a goal ... of helping the recipient to improve himself.
    • Service.
    • Establish a "House of God."
  • It is not easy for children to stay clean and pure in today's world. There are times when it becomes hard for them to tell right from wrong.
Adney Y. Komatsu- Gratitude
  • No matter what the call or assignment, she was always there to support and assist.
  • Friendship is something you cannot buy for money. You work for it, honor it, and it becomes important and sacred in our lives.
Jacob De Jager- Service and Happiness
  • Learn to love the calling that you have in the Church. You can learn to love it so much it becomes invigorating.
  • Learn to be satisfied. It is just as easy as being dissatisfied--and much more pleasant.
  • Learn to accept adversity. No matter who you are or where you serve, you are going to have some. But do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember, a kite rises against the wind, rather than with it!
  • Get into the habit of saying pleasant things rather than making negative remarks.
  • Live the present moment to the hilt, and do not live in the past or in the future. Success is a journey, not a destination.
  • And when you have reached the age of seventy, you must resist the urge to straighten out everybody's affairs an admit occasionally that you might be mistaken.
  • "Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals, their faith. There is always the love of wonder, a childlike appetite for what is next, and the joy of your life. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear or despair.
  • "In the center of our heart is a recording chamber, and so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage, and faith, so long are we young."
Russell M. Nelson -Constancy amid Change
  • We and all mankind are forever blessed because of Eve's great courage and wisdom. By partaking of the fruit first, she did what needed to be done. Adam was wise enough to do likewise. Accordingly, we could speak of the fall of Adam in terms of a mortal creation, because "Adam fell that men might be."
  • Other blessings came to us through the Fall. It activated two closely coupled additional gifts from God, nearly as precious as life itself--agency and accountability. We became "free to choose liberty and eternal life ... or to choose captivity and death." Freedom of choice cannot be exercised without accountability for choices made.
  • Even though one's understanding of the truth may be fragmentary, truth itself does not change. Everlasting truth and wisdom come from the Lord.
  • Constancy amid change is assured by heavenly personages, plans, and principles. Our trust can be safely anchored to them. They provide peace, eternal progression, hope, freedom, love, and joy to all who will be guided by them.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

A rival magician had come into town with his circus group. He ended up causing a bunch of trouble to the other magicians in the area, making life difficult for them all, but he ended up getting beaten, after a battle between him and another magician didn't turn out so well. I, being the President of the University's daughter had watched this magician and noticed that he'd left one of his doves and a white rat behind. I managed to catch them and return them to him, but he treated me like an annoying child saying that "I could have called them to me at any time, you didn't need to bring them to me." but I insisted that I had to as I wouldn't have seen him again otherwise. He didn't respond, instead he turned and disappeared in a basement, I found him in a warehouse taking boxes of my father's fruit...without paying for him. I made my disapproval known, pestering him for stealing food. He got annoyed at me as he had lost most of his cash and his notoriety because of the duel he lost so he didn't have the money to spare  -I didn't know this, so I finally pestered him enough that he went to my dad's office and humbly asked to pay for the fruit he was taking. This impressed the president and showed him that this magician really wanted to change -the pres reminded me of Triton/Odin at this point. And he gave the boy the aquarium that was under the sea on the far side of campus as his place of residence because the boy spent alot of time there. Triton even asked the boy what his favorite place to visit was and took that exhibit and made it into a small ball so the boy could carry it with him constantly. Surprised by the gift of a place to actually live the magician left to go see his new home. In the meantime I found out who my real dad actually was -not the pres, he was my adopted dad- it was a guy...rather possessive, he seemed like the general of the army and didn't like the magician much. They argued alot. But he softened up a bit upon finding out he had a daughter, and ended up rekindling his relationship with my mother. Back to the magician, he was exploring his new home, and came upon the sand dunes where the one exhibit had been. He planned to build his house there, an in a moment when he was truly vulnerable and relaxed, an escaped enemy came running down the path to stab him in the back. this enemy looked like a Spanish mafia spy dude, bald head, chubby cheeks, tattoos...and a huge grudge. The magician turned and caught the enemy. But instead of killing him like I feared he would, because he would have if the guy had found him earlier. The magician pressed different pressure points on the neck and face, causing the guy to freeze and then to shrink into nothing, only to have the magician pull out a baby from the pocket on the side of his leg. He gave the baby to my reunited mother and father stating that it would be better for the guy to have a new life -the baby wouldn't remember who he was before he became a baby again. dad was preparing to leave, he had his army plane all ready and my own red biwinged plane ready as well for us to fly away to our new home...but...i didn't want to go. I knew he had a temper so I tried to tread carefully when I told him that I didn't want to go to the U anymore even though the President had pulled some strings on my behalf to get me there on a good deal. I really wanted to stay where I was at and be with the magician. My father didn't like that. Not at all and there wasn't much reasoning with him though i tried to.
The boy who'd become a baby again was a young kid now...he was riding his tricycle around a mountainous area going up and down hills/roads in the neighborhood/camping area,
I was in our apartment and I opened the second fridge of ours in the back room and saw that my sister had a gallon of tampico juice and she'd written on duct tape "This was full when I bought it, who has been drinking my juice?!" I shook my head, it wasn't me, and LaKai was out of town, and I doubted Yentihw would drink the juice soo I thought my sister was just being crazy/paranoid as nobody had been drinking her juice. I went outside and was crossing a cross walk when I got stopped and told that I had to wear these goggles when I was outside. They were black, square, and had really small openings, they were really tight against my head as well. I couldn't believe anybody would wear this and commented about the fact to other people nearby. But a girl said that they needed to wear them in order to survive the game.
I -as the girl- treaded water by a floating couch as the storm began. In order to survive we had to survive the storm, otherwise we would die for a variety of reasons. It didn't seem to be too hard at first, but then it began to rain, the water got choppy and as I ducked under the waves I had the thought come to me "beware the shark" and suddenly a great big blue shark came at me, attacking me. I fought it and got away from it swinging myself back onto the couch once more and hiding myself under the pillows where I'd started the game at, just as the buzzer sounded throughout the arena that the game had ended for the time being. The shark, stuck his nose underneath the pillows, nosing me like a dog, but these guys weren't very smart as once the game ended my scent became the same as the couch and i just appeared to be part of the scenery, though I had to hold still to keep that illusion up as if I moved at the wrong moment he would know that I was a person and would try to eat me. I did end up pushing the nose away from me, uncomfortable with him being so close and the shark gave up and left to find another 'fly' to eat before the game truly ended as the unwary who revealed themselves too soon could be eaten still. The visiting boy came up to me, expressing his amazement at how I'd managed to survive -visitors were taken to special viewing platforms during the game, and if they left them they would then be considered part of the game-.....

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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