Thursday, April 29, 2021


 Soo...the past couple of weeks we've been training some new people in how to work in the department.

You got that learning curve with them. Where you teach them the basics...but then you also need to teach them the little tricks and bits of info that you don't get right off the bat.

One of those being how to open up the cages/doors in the store.

As some locks can be a bit more finicky than others. 

Most are set up the same way, but others you have to change the direction of the key in order for the lock to open as it was set up differently. 

But overall...nothing too crazy with the locks....


We've managed to break two keys within like...a week.


Like the keys see a lot of wear and tear. We're constantly using them to open and shut cages and such. 

I've broken like three or four myself over the it's not unexpected.

It is weird though.

To have two different people break two different keys within a week. *shakes head*

If it was the same lock I'd understand.

But nope.

Different locks.

Different types of keys.

It's weird.

So weird.

Like how hard are you twisting that key in the lock in order to snap it?? 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Right Before Close

I don't understand why people come into a store to do shopping right before close.

Like...the past two nights we've had people in the store half an hour before we close. 

The last two nights we've had people walking in the door to do their shopping ten minutes. Five minutes. Even two minutes...before we close for the night. 

Tonight was even worse than last night. 

We had a customer and their young kids come in wanting to change out light bulbs for their bearded dragon that they're watching and had a ton of questions.

Another couple came in right before close with a ton of questions about how to care for their leopard gecko that their child was leaving for them to take care of for 4 months and they had no idea what to do with it.

And another couple came in needing milk replacement for a bunch of kittens.

But like.....

I had to wonder the entire time we were helping these customers out.

While also trying to check out everyone else who came in within the past fifteen minutes. 

*exhales* do people not get stressed out trying to do all this shopping right before close?

How come you didn't come earlier?

Like...we've been open ALLLL day. What in the world was going on in these customer's lives that they decided they couldn't shop until right before close?

What was going on that they decided they had to 'go out right now!" and 'fix' the problem?

What was sooo 'important' that they couldn't wait until tomorrow to get?

Like why not wait to get crickets until the morning? Gecko isn't going to starve to death overnight if you don't feed it.

Kittens...maybe slightly more important to make sure they're getting milk.

But honestly....

Most of the customers who come in right before we close....really could have just waited until tomorrow....

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Sudden Emergency

It's never fun when 'emergencies' pop up while you're at work. 

Like definitely do not approve of the sudden stress increase at all.

And of my coworkers had this experience tonight.

As they had just returned from their lunch break--where I'm assuming they'd just gone home to eat there and then come back. 

When I got a call from their family.

Stating that they needed to talk to the coworker because a couple of birds that they'd bought earlier today from work....were now injured and bleeding.

:S Not a good thing to hear that your brand new pets are injured. 

Especially when the family member was freaking out...which I'm sure was causing my coworker to freak out.

Because they work at a pet store. How could they be working at a pet store and then have injured pets?! 

So yah. Freaking out a bit. Especially because they still had like two hours in their shift before they were off.

Two hours is a long time when you have an injured pet that's bleeding...because one of the parakeets had torn a talon off its foot...

While the second one was injured in some way as well...though I never was told how exactly that one was injured.

In any case. I could tell my coworker was worrying over the state of their birds and probably on their family member too and such.

And since we were rather slow Tuesdays are usually slow and I had the coverage as this coworker is still in training and therefore being shown the ropes around the store...

I gave my okay for them to rush home as they lived nearby to go take care of their bird before coming back.

Work went fine while they were gone.

And the coworker returned back still rather stressed out and shaken, but very grateful that they were able to go see the situation for themselves and get things under control.

Hopefully their birds are alright. 

But yah. I'm glad I was able to help them. If only by letting them go home to see what was going on themselves. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 26, 2021


You ever have something that doesn't really affect you affect you to the point where it stresses you out until the event/solution/etc comes to pass?


So we had one of our managers leave like...a month ago now? 

Which means that we've needed to replace them. And like most corporate places, we were looking internally to see if any of our current workers had any interest in stepping up and becoming a manager.

Which, thanks to me doing a few one on ones with the people in my team like a month ago. I had a good idea of who was interested and who wasn't and could point my head manager in their direction.

Especially the ones I thought could excel as a manager and do well in a position of more responsibility.


We had another coworker -not under my team- also step forward stating that they were also interested in stepping up into the manager position.

Which....was rather confusing.

Because this particular position deals more with customer service. It's mostly closing shifts. It's a lot of cashiering and such.

And this coworker...while they have been a part of the team for a few years now....doesn't really do much in relation to the customer service aspect of the job. And it is well known that they hate working cashier shifts.

So it was odd that they wanted to take on this manager position....because it seemed to be everything that they didn't like doing. was something to consider. As I know this individual has tried multiple times before to step up into a manager position...only to be passed over in favor of someone else who fits the spot better.

So I was being my empathetic self and worrying about how this individual would take it if they once again didn't get a manager position and someone else who's been with the company for a fraction of the time gets it. 

So I was a bit on pins and needles for the past week or so, wondering who the Head Manager was actually going to pick. Like we all knew there were pros and cons to the individuals being considered. It was a matter of figuring out which one had more pros and which cons we could fan into strengths and such. 

In the end.

The manager position went to the individual where we thought they'd be a better fit for it. Where they can cashier and interact well with customers and such.


Thankfully. It ended up being a win win situation.

As it came out that the other individual who we weren't certain would be a good fit for the manager position realized that they didn't really want to be a manager.

No. There was a lightbulb moment where it was realized that all they really wanted to be was full time and receive benefits. As they've been working part time this entire time. 

And because of limited hours given to us each week to split between's rather difficult to give anyone full time hours unless they are in a management position. 

However, looking at the schedules, this person was only like...5 hours away from working full time every week. So it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for us to just...make them full time and give them what they wanted. 

Of course this was done with the understanding that they would be working in multiple departments around the store. But my coworker seems rather happy with the arrangement. 

So yah.

We get a manager that we think will work well with the current management team as well as with customers.

And we also get a happy employee who finally got the full time hours they've been wanting for a while.

So yay! Win win!

And one less stress on my plate that I don't need to worry about in the back of my head. ^^;;

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

All The Goodies

 So for the past little while...I've been leaving out a little tray of goodies for the delivery people who come bring stuff to the house.

Just little things. Like cans of soda, granola bars, crackers, fruit snacks. Just a little variety pack that the people can pick through and take a couple of when they come by the house. 

And it's been kinda fun to watch people's reactions when I'm actually home and notified in time to be peering out when they drop by.

It's nice to see people taking things.

Disappointing when the person just like...doesn't come to the door or somehow misses the tray of goodies set out for them and leaves with nothing

But today takes the cake. ^^;;

It was the normal sort of delivery where I'd ordered pizza to the house and decided to leave out a tray of goodies for the delivery person when they came to drop off the food.

Even left a note for them so they knew it was for them to choose from. 

Basically all it said was 'For Delivery Person! Thanks for all you do!" 

And like I said earlier. Usually people take one or two things.

And leave the rest behind.

But tonight, I watched through the peep hole in the door as the person dropped off the pizza....and then picked up the entire tray of goodies and walked away with it.

*shakes head* 

lol never had that happen before. lol. 

But hey, if the kid was starving and needed the extra treats, I'm not gonna begrudge them for misunderstanding the note and taking the entire thing.

I know there are poor college students here.

And they probably felt like they'd hit the jackpot when they saw the entire tray set out for them. 

So hopefully the goodies last them a least their shift lol. 

But yah. That definitely was unexpected having them take the entire thing. XD

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Refresh

It was one of those spur of the moment things.

Where I decided that my 125 gallon tank needed a bit of a refresh.

Like back around Halloween I did a slight tank change by replacing a big decoration and adding in some small Halloween ones.

But I haven't fully replaced my tank in a good long while.

So last weekend I pulled out basically every decoration in my tank before adding in a couple of Coral decorations I had on hand that I hadn't used yet. 

And then proceeded to spend this past week ordering stuff off of amazon as well as buying additional decorations and plants from work.

It's been kinda fun.

Seeing my tank come alive again.

To see it so bright and colorful and lively.

As I hadn't realized how...dingy? It was beginning to look. Because as time goes on the decorations tend to fade and get covered in brown algae and such.

So to have everything in the tank all shiny and new.

It's been great. lol.

And I'm hoping to add some more fish to the tank soon.

Though trying to figure out which fish would look best in the new setup to make them pop and not just blend a process in of itself lol.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Friday, April 16, 2021

You Missed A Stop

Our Trucks used to be pretty reliable. Like...of course there were times when the truck would go AWOL and we wouldn't know why it was late.

But it seems like with the pandemic...our Trucks tend to be AWOL more often. 

Especially our Friday trucks. 

They can show up anytime between 7am Friday 9pm Saturday night.

Which can cause a bit of our Fish shipments come in on the Friday Truck.

Because if the truck comes late...or sits there for hours...and the temperatures fluctuate too crazily...well....we end up with a lot of dead fish.

And with a lot of unhappy customers who come in wanting to buy new fish only to find out our fish haven't arrived yet. 

In any case.

Today was one of those days.

Where the online tracking system was....being wonky. Showing the driver basically going in a big huge circle in the next state over....but no real estimated time of arrival.

But we finally got word that it would be showing up around dinner know when we get slammed with the 'after work' rush of customers.

Surprisingly, the truck did show up on time. 


There was a slight tiny issue. 

Our shipment wasn't the only shipment on the truck. 

There were two stores worth of product on that truck. 

And our store...was supposed to be the second store the truck visited.

But guess which store the truck came to first?

Yes. Ours.

And Our stuff? Was in the Front of the Truck. Which would mean we'd have to unload the other store's stuff first, get our stuff out...and then load their stuff back on.

But there's also this thing where the Truck needs to be sealed....and the seal on the truck...was for the other store. So the other store should break it. 

Which meant that the truck had to go BACK to the other store...which they had driven passed in order to reach us in the first place.

*shakes head* 

No idea how they managed to drive pass that store without realizing they needed to stop there. 
Like I would think the drivers would know that they had 2 stores worth of product on the truck.

In any case.

They had to drive a good hour back the way they'd come to unload the truck there.

And like unloading doesn't take that long, maybe half an hour or so? took long.

Because apparently while in route...the truck driver had to swerve to avoid hitting a car that cut him off...and then later had to slam on his brakes to avoid another car.

Which meant....alot of the pallets had been well...thrown around. They were toppled, crooked...hard to unload.

And what should have maybe been a couple of hours round trip??? Ended up taking longer. 
The truck didn't return to us until we had closed.

And it took like an hour to unload the truck because of how messed up the pallets were. There was broken glass, spilled product, liquid was a mess. 

But least the truck showed up....and our fish actually ended up doing alright despite the crazy journey to our store.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 15, 2021

A Phone Call

So there have been multiple occasions where people mishear my name when I answer the phone at work.

Like some of them are understandable. They sound somewhat similar. 

Clara. Laura.

Both end on that "Ah." sound.

But then there's other names like "Chris." or "Rachel." That I get on occasion that...sound nothing like my name. 

And I have no idea how they misheard it. 

In any case.

I had a person call the store today. Who thought my name was Clara when I said my name.

And they were a...reporter? From one of our local news stations. 

Why were they calling our store? A pet store?

Because they wanted to see if we were still selling 'aquatic species' aka Fish at our location.

As apparently word had finally reached them that our sister store had stopped all fish sales for the time being. 

And the person was just checking around to see if any other locations had been affected too while they waited to hear an official statement from corporate.

Which I had heard that a couple other stores in the state were also temporarily not selling fish but I had no idea which locations those ones were.

Though I was well aware that our sister store had stopped selling fish because customers have been flocking to our store saying that they weren't selling them. 

Our store hasn't been affected though by things.

At least not yet. *fingers crossed* That it stays that way. 

But yah. Fun times. It's the first time I've actually had someone from the news contact us with a possibly pet related thing. 

Still kinda funny they didn't hear my name correctly lol. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarinc Dirchi

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Formatting Issue

 I don't know what I ended up doing yesterday.

As I assume I had to have done something yesterday even if I was only in my Google Drive for like...maybe 15 minutes yesterday looking at some of my writing.

But something happened.

Because when I opened up my Docs today to work on a writing project...

Everything was all screwy. 

Something in the formatting had gone wrong.

Like the page looked like it had been zoomed in as a third of the words in the page weren't visible. They'd vanished off the side. 

All the tabs I'd done to differentiate different paragraphs were also gone. The spacing was off.

And like...typing was weird. Because the cursor thing. The blinkly line? Yah. That wouldn't move. The words would appear as I typed, but the cursor stayed at the far left side of the page.

And if I tried to highlight anything....none of the words would highlight. Instead little blue boxes on the left side where it was still white would highlight....but nothing would show. 

Copy and Paste wouldn't work.

Originally I thought it was just the one document, but opening a couple of others showed that the formatting issue crossed over to other documents as well. 


Like I said. I don't know what I did. If like I accidentally pressed down a couple of keys or something when setting down my laptop or what.

But it made it so that I couldn't type at all or work with the document.

And like it wasn't a simple thing of just resetting my computer.

Tried that. Like four times. Didn't work. roommate came upon the solution where I had to go into the settings and reset everything.

Thankfully. It worked.

Because I don't know what I would have done if this continued to be an issue. *shakes head*

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

It's Fixed! ...Right?


Don't you hate it when you think you fixed something ... and then it turns out you didn't?

Yah. That was tonight.

A sensor has been...wonky since we had some maintenance people in the other day to fix a different unrelated issue.

Said sensor issue has made it difficult to properly use our security system. Which means we've been having to call the company on a daily basis in order to make sure everything is secure. 

But today, they finally sent out a guy to fix the sensor.

It was a simple thing. It had apparently gotten dislodged/disconnected and just needed to be reattached to it's location.

It was annoying though because like...the alarm kept going off everytime the dude messed with the sensor. And I was trying to keep the area clear -as it wasn't in an easy to reach spot- but I had to keep going to unset the alarm....only to have it go off again thirty seconds later....

So annoying.

To the point where we called the company to have them temporarily silence the alarm so it would stop going off.

Key word there was temporarily. Like no longer than maybe an hour so the dude could work without getting interrupted.

And it all seemed to have gone off well.

We were able to get the sensor working. At appeared so as it was reacting how it was supposed to be reacting when we tested it.

Problem solved!


When I went to actually set up everything later tonight so that the building would be secure again...

It wouldn't let me do so. 


No, it indicated that there was an issue in the same area still. 


And like....I can only hope that it was because of the silencing we'd done earlier. That it just needed more time to reset or something and maybe the person did the wrong amount of time to silence it....

But it was soooo frustrating.

Because I had to call again last night to make sure our building was properly secure.

And was put on hold for a grand total of 20 minutes.

Because the first time the person picking up couldn't hear me and hung up on me.

And then the second time that same person picked up long enough to hear where I was calling from and then put me on hold again to transfer me -which I hadn't had that issue before- to another person so I could explain the situation and such.

So. Frustrating.

Especially after we'd thought we'd fixed the problem. XP 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 12, 2021

A New Water Heater

 So a couple of days ago. Like...Friday? I think? Who knows. The days kinda merge together at work if you're working every day.

In any case. A couple of days ago.

One of the people at the Vet office that shares space in our store came to inform us that at some point a plumber would be dropping by to check out the water heater in our store.

Which was news to us.

As we weren't aware that a work order had been placed for anyone to come look at that heater.

Though honestly, I knew it needed to be looked at a good three or four years ago.

It was like...three managers ago that I was like "Hey...I don't think the water heater in the back is working anymore."

And I'm guessing that we'd already done too many work orders and gone over budget that year or something....

But the Head Manager in charge was like "Oh no, it works, you just have to have the wait a bit for the hot water to come on."


I brought it up a couple of times after that point...but none of the managers ever did anything about it.

So for the past three years or so...we've had no hot water to half our store.

Aka The Bathrooms.

As the area behind the fishwall and our grooming area is connected to two other water heaters on the opposite side of the store.

So they weren't an issue.

In any case.

Apparently the Vets had some maintenance people in to go over a checklist of things that haven't been looked at recently and may need to be fixed.

And someone at the clinic brought up that they haven't had hot water in a while.

Which...I hadn't realized that the Vet didn't have access to hot water...I mean it makes sense. They're on the same side as the one water heater...but I halfway thought that they had their own water heater.

Like...why would the vet not say anything for years about it? *shakes head*

No idea.

In any case. The maintenance person was the one who called in a work order for a plumber -one affiliated with our company- to come check out the water heater and see what was up with it.

There were multiple things up with it. 

Namely that the water heater was from it was 6 years old.

Who knows how long they're good for. But considering that it had only a 3 year warranty...and it's been off for like 3 years....yah not a long life span.

The poor thing had it's air intake valves coated in fur and debris -typical in pet stores- and when the dude finally got the pilot light to would only stay on for like a minute before turning back off again.

Again because even with a shop vac...there was still a ton of stuff clogging the air intake areas. 

There were also other smallish issues with it. Like the fact that the bottom half had been dented at some point by something 'ramming' into it.

And the fact that the water heater had been bolted into place with metal straps...and the metal bolts had been drilled INTO the water heater...not the safest thing and no longer standard.

The end result after the dude's assessment?

He was going to recommend a new water heater for us. 

Which cool. That's nice. Company will probably say no, or it will take like a month or two to actually get it fixed.

....I was wrong.

The plumber dude showed back up today to install the new water heater. 

Though they ended up having to drive an hour away to the next valley to pick one up and bring it back as they couldn't get one delivered to the store.

But yah.

After a few hours and tweaks.

We finally have a new water heater!

After three years lol. *shakes head*


I don't know why that was such a quick I'm grateful and I'm sure the vet is grateful.

But it's so crazy they were able to solve that particular problem first thing....

When we've had an issue with our alarm system setting for a week now...and they've yet to send any out to fix that problem.

...Priorities I guess...

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 11, 2021

An Inventory Problem

 So. On Friday our store finally received our new betta endcap.

An endcap that we were originally supposed to get back in January.

But due to manufacturing issues or whatever (probably pandemic related) the timeline for when we were supposed to get this endcap kept getting pushed back. And pushed back. And pushed back.

Until Friday. When it finally showed up on our truck.


It's a nice endcap. With like a hundred spots to hold bettas. It has lights to showcase each betta and supposedly also has a heating element to it to keep the bettas warm so we no longer have to pull them off the floor at night during the winter. 

-Would have been more handy when it was actually cold outside...but hey you take what you can get.

In any case.

With the new endcap came a new color coding system to indicate the prices of everything.

If a betta has a red lid then it's 'this price.'

Blue lid? a different price.

Orange lid? A different price.


Easy. Simple. If customers are observant enough to read the sign explaining that then it keeps it all pretty easy peasy.


Early this morning.

At 3:30 am.

My brain decided to wake me up after I'd gone to bed.

Because my brain decided that there was a 'major problem' with this endcap. And that I 'must' fix it now!

*shakes head*

Which is silly because there's literally nothing I can do at 330am to fix somethig AT WORK.

The problem?

The bettas are color coded right?

Well. Before the endcap came into being. Each different type of betta (Veiltail, Blue Mustard, Dumbo, Twintail, Female, Male etc) all of them had a different color lid.

Now though? They've condensed it down. There's only four colors related to the bettas now. 

Red, Orange, Blue, Purple. 


We still have at least a dozen different types of bettas. 

And the skus for those bettas didn't change to fit within the four colors. 

No a Crowntail will have a different sku than a a Twin Tail even though they're both under the BLUE lid now.

Not a big deal.


Every single week.

I have to count the fish.

This includes the betta fish. All 12 skus of them.

But with the new endcap there aren't any SKUS listed anywhere for all the individual types of bettas.

Which means the only way I can actually scan them is if I scan the barcodes on the betta cups so I can get an idea on how many of each betta we still have on record in our inventory.

This becomes a problem if we have a betta die...and I don't have another betta with that same sku to scan.

So my brain was like "PROBLEM!!" Because how can I scan all the bettas if I no longer have skus with their prices listed below every different betta? 

And if there's only 4 colors, what's gonna stop the various different bettas within those colors getting mixed up together? 

So basically. My brain realized last night at 330 in the morning.

That counting the bettas is going to become more of a nuisance. More of a nightmare. Because I'll have to basically check every individual cup to see what type of betta is listed there and make a mental note of how many of each type and yah....

It's complicated.

And not something I can fix at 330 in the morning lol.

Really. The main solution will be to find a list of the bettas we're supposed to have on hand. Make sure I print out a page with all the upcs listed so I can scan them. And then scan them to check what our inventory says and the compare it with what's shown on the endcap.

So will probably take a bit longer.

But hopefully I'll get into a system soon to make it go quicker.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Ending the State Mask Mandate

My State ended its mask mandate today.

Which, I've known has been coming for a month or so now.

But it's been one of those stressors stressing me out on the back burner.

Because corporate, for now, is still requiring that masks be worn in the store. Even with the ending of the mask mandate state wide.

Which thankfully, I'm aware of other businesses and such that still require masks. 

But at the same time...

I wasn't looking forward to having to argue with customers about the fact that as a privately owned business our store has every right to require that customers wear masks.

I mean, I had a lady yell at me not three days ago for requiring masks to be worn in the store when their spouse apparently 'can't wear a mask or else they'd vomit all over our floors' (not the worst thing those floors have seen I'm sure.) and that because we still require them (because the customer apparently never considered buying a face shield for their spouse to wear so that they could enter the store as it would cover their face and not restrict their breathing) they'd never be shopping here again.

So yah.

I was expecting to have an uptick in those less than stellar conversations because of our policy. 


But yesterday, our new DM sent out an Email stating that with the mask mandate ending our policy from here on out is to provide masks for customers to wear up front, and to make sure everyone working in the store is wearing a mask.

But if a customer comes into the store with no mask on.

We're not supposed to say anything. No confrontation. No telling them that we have masks up front. We basically just stay mum and do our best to social distance from those individuals while helping them. XP Bleh. 

I mean...on the one hand it's a relief. Because most of the stress at work has come from having to approach customers not wearing masks and ask if they have a mask they can wear and then direct them to where the masks are or offer to go grab them one.

It was stressful because there isn't always an easy way to tell if the customer will be completely understanding and be like "oh i forgot!" and put one on.

Or if they'll fly into a Karen-esque rage and throw a tantrum and start spouting off some BS about their rights being violated and the latest conspiracy theory and yada yada yada things I've heard a million times before and still don't care about. XP bleh. 

So it's nice to not have to confront people about not wearing maks.

But it still irritates me beyond measure to have SEVEN big visible signs at the front of the store, on our doors, on the floor, on the podium, on our cages saying "Masks Required" and still have customers come waltz in without masks on acting like proud peacocks. *exhales* 

There's just that 'air' to them that is like nails on a chalkboard.

Like can't you READ. Can't you respect the rights of other people? Don't you care about our SAFETY??

Apparently not. No they just want life to return to normal and go everywhere maskless.

Which would be great. IF we were all vaccinated. 

But barely half of my coworkers have gotten their first shot. 

I probably would have been more understanding if we'd had vaccines available to all of us sooner.

If ESSENTIAL workers had had FIRST dibs on the vaccine. 

You know those Grocery Store Workers and Pet Store workers and everyone else who has to face the public every single day and deal with them and are at higher risk of exposure than other individuals.


So yah.

The fact that the mandate ended today was stressing me out.

Because I honestly was expecting to walk into work and see that all the customers no longer were wearing masks. That they were ignoring our visible policy of MASKS required and just wandering around like things were 'normal' again.


At least 90% of our customers were still wearing masks today.

Hopefully it stays that high.

Though I'm sure that the later it got in the day that more anti-maskers probably showed up.

They don't tend to be as visible in the mornings. But we get more people without masks in in the afternoons.

But still.

It was comforting in a way to know that at least most of the customers shopping with us still respected our policies enough to wear their masks.

Hopefully it stays that way until our store no longer requires that masks be worn.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Dust Dust Dust

 So one of the comments that the DM made when they visited yesterday...was that the area behind our fish wall was rather....dirty.

They specifically pointed out all the gunk built up underneath the sink and how much dust was covering the pipes and such of the system running the entire fish wall.

And they asked when would we be able to...well get it clean again.

And me, being my 'people pleaser self' said that we'd be able to work on it tomorrow (aka today).

I didn't just say that to make the DM happy.

As I knew that today we would have a bit more time on our hands to do so.

As who knew when the fish shipment would be coming in, and I figured it would be small regardless.

And we don't have to do bedding changes on Friday either.

And since there was no longer a need to prepare for the visit since the DM showed up yesterday instead of today....

I was technically an extra body. As my head manager had scheduled me in this morning to basically cover the store while Head Manager took the DMs around to show them everything and such. 

Since that visit happened yesterday...I didn't really have a designated 'place'  to be beyond 'extra manager.'

So I knew that -with the Head Manager's go ahead- I would be able to focus on making the area behind our fish wall look much cleaner. 

As we already had a cashier. And we already had a petcare person.

So I could just focus on cleaning.

*shakes head* 

lol Clean I did.

I spent 3 hours behind the fishwall hosing down corners and scrapping up years of grime and wiping away years of dust and mopping and sweeping until the floors basically shown and the dusty fish system was much cleaner.


It was hard work. And my shoulders are already decrying foul over it. So hopefully I can get them relaxed enough to not be unable to move tomorrow. 

And as a bonus my head manager got me lunch for working so hard to make it look nice! Woot!! ^^;; lol. 

Plus. I sent some pictures to the DM, just to prove that I kept my word that we'd get it done and they were rather impressed with what me 'and my team.'

Lol no need to tell them I did it by myself. 

But it's good to know they appreciated the hard work.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Surprise Visit

 So there we were. Doing our normal morning tasks at work.

I had the vague notion of doing all the opening stuff and then working on ensuring that the department looked good for the new DM's visit tomorrow.

And then.

We got the call.

The Head Manager called saying that instead of coming tomorrow...the temporary DM and the new DM would be coming today. In about half an hour. 


Talk about panic.

Like who in the world does that?! Say they're coming one day and then abruptly change plans to come a day earlier?!

Apparently our new DM XP bleh.

And it could be that they realized they wouldn't have time to visit us tomorrow before having to catch a flight out of the state....

But apparently last visit one of the other managers made the comment that they hadn't done some of their morning tasks because they were busy 'getting the store ready.'

And so maybe they decided to move up their visit to get a better chance at seeing our store in more 'normal circumstances.'


It's a strong possibility, especially since both DMs kept commenting on how nice and good the store looked.

Like we do take the time every night to work on recovery and face and such so that overall the product looks nice in the morning and makes less work for the morning crew.

But still.

It was rather stressful. To do quick checks to make sure everything was in order before they showed up.

Thankfully...I tend to keep my department to standards. So I wasn't too concerned about how my part of the visit would go once I made sure all the 'little' things hadn't been missed. 

At the same was kinda irritating because I could have had it looking nicer for the visit if they'd come on their expected day. *exhales*

Still. Overall it passed standards.

And I managed to give the DM a good impression.

As they were rather impressed with my knowledge and such with the department as the DM quizzed me on a couple of aspects of what is needed to meet standards in certain cages and how charts should be filled out in our sick rooms and such.

They were impressed enough to ask if I would be willing to assist them if they were to have monthly meetings with other managers of my same position so I could teach them and such. 

:S Hopefully that doesn't ever actually come to pass.

And it's kinda...intimidating to have the DM be impressed enough with you that they want you to help them out with other stores and other managers. Like. Yikes.

I like being more of a behind the scenes sort of person. 

Where I'm not noticed.

Less pressure that way.

But I fear that I won't be able to hide in the shadows much with this DM....

Probably not a bad thing.

But I don't know if it's a good thing either.

Sounds like just more stress coming my way actually lol. *shakes head*

In any case.

Overall our visit went really well considering the suddenness of it. We were able to give off a good impression and have our store looking nice and such.

So yay that. ^^;;

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Walking Among Us

I figured the day was probably going to be weird when I arrived at work only to see a customer standing in the parking lot staring at our front doors.

Like...we have this little 'through road' that goes in front of store that's between the building and the main parking lot.

And the dude was standing in the middle of that road. You know...where cars like to drive by...staring at our doors with his dog in hand.

It was kinda he gave off such a weird energy. Like that of a gun slinger preparing for a gun fight....with our doors.

Apparently he'd shown up 20 minutes earlier for Grooming.

But Grooming hadn't opened yet. And the customer apparently took the refusal to be let into the store that an odd way?

Like what normal person stands in the middle of the road staring at our doors?


He even had a cowboy accent when I asked him if he was there for grooming and let him in...

So weird.

But I tried to put the odd encounter from my mind....

Only to more....odd customers entering the store.

Like I don't know if it was a day for the old gods to walk among us, or if the Fae were out in number.

(Or like half these people seemed to be stoned/tripping on drugs) but

I also interacted with a hippie like gentleman who moseyed his way into the store in pjs and a sweatshirt with a cup of starbucks in hand and when I asked him if he needed any help he was like "How's the playground here? You all getting along well enough at the pet store?" 

Like....O.o definite hippie speak. 

And after chatting for like a minute he continued on down the aisle to the back of the store where he stared at the crates lining them for like thirty seconds....before he turned around and walked right back out the front doors.

Didn't stop.

Didn't shop.

Just in and out.

So weird.

We had another couple in the store as well....also in pjs....who came in soon after we opened....and literally shopped in our store for FIVE hours.

They didn't leave until like nearly 3pm. 

It was like they had to look at every single item in the store.

And they ended up not buying a good twenty of the who knows how many items they eventually brought up.

It was crazy.

Like who spends FIVE hours in a store that they don't work at? Especially a pet store?

Like at most I could see people spending an hour here as they decide what products to get for their pets and such.

But FIVE hours?

*shakes head*

Such a weird day today at work.

Such a weird day.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Multiple Problems

 ...It was a rough night.

Like. Most of my shift things were fine. Some customers were more difficult than others. But overall I figured we had the day handled pretty well, even considering I was the only closing manager for the last part of the shift.

But it was frustrating because we ended up clocking out over half an hour late tonight. I didn't get home until like an hour after I was supposed to be off my shift.


Because things happened.

It started with counting the money in the safe.

Because somehow. In some way...we were $10 over. O.o

Like...not sure how we managed to get extra money in the safe unless creating change for one of the registers resulted in the discrepancy. But we were over there.

And then...when I went to close down the second register -as it doesn't see as much use as register 1 and 3 do because we try to keep social distancing as much as possible when possible. 

Register 2 gave me the warning that the cash in the til...was under the amount we were supposed to have in the register.

As each register is balanced at the end of the day to make sure that they all have the same amount of money (if not the exact same bills/coins) for the start of the day in the morning.

But register 2 was short. 

Which meant that we'd probably done a return at some point where we gave the customer cash back...but hadn't done enough transactions on that til where customers paid in cash to get the cash amount in the drawers back up to their needed total. *exhales*

Which meant I would need to basically do a loan between the registers to get the price up to the right amount.

Since we still had like 20 minutes to close...I ended up having my cashier switch to register two for the last part of their shift to see if we could get any cash transactions in to bring the total back up to its needed amount.

And in the meantime I closed down register 3.

And left register 1 alone because if we didn't get enough cash into register 2 from customers then I would need to still loan money between the registers to get the amounts correct. 

Which wouldn't have been a big deal. Because I can count the tills pretty quickly....

Except we had a couple of customers who decided to ignore the closing time deadline and continue shopping in the store after we'd closed.


We had a mother/daughter duo at our doors at 2 minutes past closing time (we'd already locked the doors) begging to come in so they could quickly buy some food for their rats.

And my cashier decided to let them in only if they were quick.

They weren't quick in typical customer fashion.

And the little girl had the gall to come up to the register and be like "Can we buy a hamster?!"

"No." Was my short response. "We're closed." As selling animals can be like a ten minute process or so because we have to grab the paperwork, have the customer fill it out, get the box, put the animal in the box, make sure the customer has all the things they need to care for the animal---so No. We're closed. If the customer really wants a hamster they can come back tomorrow. But I wasn't about to do an animal sell AFTER closing when the customer arrived AFTER closing.

*shakes head* I don't get the people who do last minute shopping. Like...why didn't you realize you needed food earlier? Why did you try and get to our store and shop instead of waiting until tomorrow morning? Who knows.

But we also had another family in the store that in typical 'new owner' fashion. Had gotten a puppy and decided that shopping for said puppy 10 minutes before we closed would be 'enough time' to get everything they needed.

Like...if you're getting a puppy...why not buy most of the things you need before you get said puppy and then come in later to get any extras you need?

It's amazing how many people don't plan like that. They just go get their puppy and then are like "Oh hey, we need to get supplies too lets go shopping!"

Who does that 10 minutes before closing? 

In any case the family shows up at the register a good ten minutes after we closed to buy everything when the husband is like "Hold on I need to grab a crate mat" and vanishes back into the back of the store.

Which...I'd thought he was talking about the flat beds you put into the crates.

But the dude comes up forever later with a crate pan....

Which the crate he's already buying comes with. *exhales* I could have saved us both the waste of time if he'd been slightly clearer on what he was going to grab.

In any case.

I get them checked out and out of the store. And go to shut down register 2.

Surprise. We're still short.

Not that surprising, but that meant I had to take time to play ring around the rosie with money and guesstimate how much cash I would need to transfer between drawers to get them to their proper dollar amounts.

To be safe I pulled like $40 from register one to put into register 2.

Which thankfully allowed me to pull the till from the register so I could go balance it.


When I did...the till was still short like $14.

O_o??? It left me confused because like...the till wouldn't have let me pull it from the register if it was still under the $ amount....

And after checking to see how much of a deposit I would need to make from the showed a bit over $30 would be needed to be taken from the till and given to the bank.


Which how?!!? When I was short the needed amount in the till?!

Well. Turns out that the customer who bought the rat food...ended up paying us with a $50 bill. 

And we have a special lockbox we place the bigger bills in so they don't just sit in the register.

Said lock box I had already checked earlier when I first attempted to close register 2. 

And hadn't thought to recheck when I actually closed register 2 because I hadn't expected anyone to pay in that big of a bill right before close. *exhales*

But yah. It helped to settle all the differences and such I was able to get the till back up to it's needed amount and pull money aside for the bank deposit.

And then I got to register 1.

And discovered it was $10 short in the deposit.

Which...what do you know...I had an extra $10 from the safe count earlier. So it was a simple matter of placing the $10 in with the register 1 totals and walla!!

But by the time I finally finalized everything and got it all figured out...

It was an hour after we had closed. Which was half an hour later than we should have stayed.

No big deal. 


When I went to set the security alarm for the night.

You know, to make sure no one breaks into the building...

The alarm wouldn't set.


Because earlier today we'd had people doing maintenance work on a door in the back...and apparently while they were fixing one problem...they messed up the alignment on one of the security sensors back there so it could no longer read and therefore wouldn't let us set the alarm.

I ended up having to call the security company. Get put on hold for ten minutes. And then explain the problem and then they had to remotely arm the building for us. 


So yah.

Frustrating end to the day.

I'm not looking forward to having to open tomorrow morning either. XP Bleh.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 5, 2021

Monday Shopping

It's rather tricky trying to figure out when to go grocery shopping when you live in a college town.

Because, even before the pandemic and everything...I like avoiding the crowds, but also coming into the store when there's actually the product on the shelf for me to buy.

Usually mornings tend to be the safest time of day.

As not as many people are 'early birds' and therefore, less people in the store.

And with how many more anti-maskers are coming out of the woodwork. It's great to avoid encountering them as they tend to come out later in the day as well.

In any case.

I thought this morning. Monday morning. Would be a good time to go grocery shopping. (plus it's like the only day off I have this week...)

And I don't know if it's the fact that it was Easter....or General Conference...or both....or just that Monday Mornings are busier...

But geez it was busy at the grocery store.

I mean. I arrived around like 11 or so? So not super early but still early enough that it shouldn't have been as crowded as it was. 

It was crowded.

And I guess Monday morning is when all the Missionaries go grocery shopping? Because there were a ton of missionaries in the store. So that was fun to see.

Less fun to see were all the people wandering around without masks on. XP bleh.

And it put me on edge having so many people around. So I ended up rushing through my shopping to get in and out as quickly as possible.

Note to self....don't go shopping on Mondays. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, April 4, 2021

191st Annual General Conference -Sunday Highlights

Sunday Morning 

Ulisses Soares (Brazil)

  • Jesus was the only Being capable of realizing this Sacrifice for all of us. He was chosen even before the World was formed. 
  • We can bring a fresh attitude towards God and life in general when we Repent of our Sins and Receive His Forgiveness. 
  • The Savior offers us relief and comfort as we face the trials and temptations of Mortal Life. 
  • Christ is ever aware of our adversities and experiences in Mortality. 
  • You can feel the hand of the Lord in your life among Tragedy. 
  • On our very griefmost days the arms of the Savior are always extended to us to comfort us if we'd only seek Him out. 

Reyna I. Aburto (Nicaragua)

  • Mourning is one of the deepest expressions of pure love. 
  • The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life. 
  • All our loved ones we have lost will be with us again. 
  • Our loved one's Spirit's are not dead. They are still alive. They are still progressing beyond mortality. 

S. Mark Palmer (New Zealand)

  • Are you full of Faith? Are you an Inspiration to all who know you? 
  • Life continues after Death. 
  • As you listen with real intent, the Spirit will confirm the truths of the Testimonies given today.
  • If we go forward in Faith, we will be forever Changed. We'll be able to endure any hardship due to our Faith in Jesus Christ. 
  • Allow the flicker of faith in your life to be fully lit and never extinguished. 
  • Are you burning with the Fire of Testimony? Are you allowing it to guide you in your life? 
  • If you desire to believe, then act in faith and follow the whispering in the Spirits. You will find joy. 

Edward Dube (Zimbabwe) 

  • We all need to take courage. 
  • Teach and Testify with Love and with Gratitude. 
  • The Love and Embrace of others can help us feel like we Belong. 
  • Are you willing to let God prevail in your life? Are you willing to let him be the most important influence in your life and let him take precedence? 
  • Never Give Up. 
  • It's not so much about what we're going through in life, but more about what we're becoming. 

Jose A. Teixeira  (Portugal) 

  • One of the most important things we can do in this life is to Recognize and Remember the path back to our Heavenly Father and faithfully Persevere throughout our journey back. 
  • 1. We have a Divine Heritage. 2. Remember the Foundation that Protects Us. 3. Remember to be Prayerful. 4. Remember to Serve Others. 
  • Make time regularly to boost your spiritual immune system. 
  • Knowing who you are changes what you do and how you feel. 
  • Pray always. And Great shall be Your Blessings. 
  • God is fully aware of each one of us and is ready to Listen to each one of our Prayers. 
  • Do not underestimate the potential you have to influence others for Good. 

Taniela B. Wakolo (Fiji) 

  • If ye Love me. Keep My Commandments. 
  • God's universal and perfect love is shown in all the blessings in his gospel plan. 
  • 1. Relationships with God and Family manifest as Love. 2. He Manifests his Love by Calling Prophets. 3. Chastening can be a manifestation of God's Love for us. 
  • Do we need to perform a spiritual excavation in our lives? 
  • Focus on changing what you can control in your life. 
  • Phones on Deck. Let us have Face Time. 
  • You can Chasten and still Love. 
  • Happy is the Man that God Corrects. We shouldn't despise not the Chastening of the Lord. 
  • Our Challenges should be seen as Learning Experiences not as Trials and Tribulations. 

Chi Hong (Sam) Wong (Hong Kong)

  • The only way to survive spiritually is to be determined to let God Prevail in our lives.
  • Learn to hear and follow His Voice.
  •  The Wise Man and the Foolish Man often desire the same things and yet how they prepare to receive those things can change the outcome those desires. 
  • If we build our foundation on the Rock of Christ we cannot Fail. 
  • We can't change what's coming but we can choose how we prepare for what is coming. 
  • The gospel isn't part of our lives, our lives are part of the gospel. 
  • God knows the Details of the Details of the Details of our Lives. 

Michael John U. Teh (Philippines)

  • Do we only know about the Savior? Or are we increasingly coming to Know Him?
  • I am the light of the world, those who follow me shall not walk in darkness as I am the light of life. 
  • The Atonement of Jesus Christ is Infinite and Eternal but wholly Personal and Individual in its effects. 
  • The Atonement can heal and strengthen each of us one by one. 

Russell M. Nelson 

  • I marvel at your resilience and spiritual strength in the face of illness, loss, and isolation. 
  • May you always feel the unfailing love of the Lord for you. 
  • The Church of Jesus Christ is a Global Church. 
  • Faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of All Belief. 
  • Deny not the power of God. For he worketh his power according to the Faith of the Children of Men.
  • It is Our Faith that Unlocks the Power of God in Our Lives. 
  • The Lord doesn't require Perfect Faith to have access to his Perfect Power. He asks us to Believe. 
  • Start Today to Increase your Faith. Through your Faith God will increase your ability to Move the Mountains in Your Life. 
  • Your Mountains may be loneliness, doubt, illness, or other personal problems. Those mountains will vary, but the answer to each challenge is to increase your faith. That. Takes. Work.
  • Lazy Learners and Lax Disciples will always struggle to bring up even a particular of faith. 
  • Increasing your faith and trust in Him takes Effort. 
  • Developing Faith and Trust: 1. Study. Become Engaged. 2. Choose to believe in Christ and God. 3. Act in Faith. 4. Partake of Sacred Ordinances Worthily. 5. Ask your Heavenly Father for Help.
  • Only YOUR unbelief will keep God from Blessing you and performing Miracles in your Life. 
  • The Savior is never closer to you than when you are climbing and facing a mountain in your life.
  • Choose to Believe and Stay Faithful.
  • Stop increasing your doubts by rehearsing them with other doubters. Allow the Lord to lead you on your journey of spiritual discovery. 
  • Faith takes work. Receiving revelation takes work. But everyone who asks will receive. He that seeks will find. He that knocks, it shall be open. 
  • God knows what will help your faith grow. Ask. And then Ask again. 
  • Do not minimize the Faith you already have. 
  • The mountains in our lives don't always move how or when we'd like. But our Faith will always propel us onward. 
  • Christ and His Church will NEVER fail you. 

Sunday Afternoon 

Dallin H. Oaks

  • A Constitution is the foundation of Government. It provides structure and limits for the exercise of Government powers. The United States Constitution is the Oldest Constitution still in force today. 
  • The U.S. Constitution is unique because God revealed he established it for the rights and protection for ALL flesh. 
  • God has given his children Moral Agency. The power to decide and to act.
  • It is wrong for citizens to have no voice in the selection of their rulers or in making the laws. 
  • The Constitution must grow and develop to meet the changing needs of an advancing world.
  • 1. The source of Government Power is the People. 2. Delegated Power between Nation and States. 3. Separation of Powers.  4. Guaranteed Rights and Limits on the Government. 5. Vital Purpose of the Entire Constitution.
  • Sovereign power for the people doesn't means that mobs can try and force government action. 
  • We are to be govern by law and not be individuals. Our loyalty should be the Constitution and not to any office holder. 
  • We should uphold and defend the principles of Constitutionalism wherever we live.
  • We should trust in the Lord and be Positive about this Nation's Future. 
  • We should exercise our influence civilly and peaceably. We should seek to moderate and unify. 
  • Each Citizen should therefore decide which issues are most important to them at any particular time and then seek inspiration/revelation from the Lord on what to do or who to vote for. 
  • Don't judge one another for their political beliefs. 

Ronald A. Rasband

  • Miracles are divine acts, manifestations, and expressions of God's limited power and an affirmation that He is the Same yesterday, today, and forever. 
  • You have witnessed more miracles than you have realized. 
  • The magnitude doesn't distinguish a miracle, only that it came from God. 
  • Sometimes one old Generator is all that is needed to ensure the Work Moves Forward. 
  • You can always ask for a miracle. 
  • As soon as the power goes out do you reach out and pray for a miracle?
  • Miracles are worked through the power of faith. 
  • Miracles can come as answers to prayers. They may not be what we ask for but it will be what is needed. 
  • God will suit the miracle to the time and moment we need it. 
  • Be Faithful. Keep my Commandments. And ye shall Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the miracle promised to all of us. 

Timothy J. Dyches

  • The Spirit of Christ is in All things and Giveth Light to All things. It conquers the Dark that would otherwise Surround Us. 
  • Even if you can't see God, call out to him. He's right there with you. 
  • Darkness must always surrender to even the faintest of light. 
  • The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost will lead you to make choices that will keep you in the Light. 
  • You can daily choose to brighten the light within you. 
  • There is Sunshine in my Soul Today.
  • Keep your face towards the sunshine. The shadows can't help but fall behind you. 
  • The Best and Greatest Partner you will Ever Have is your Father In Heaven. 
  • You are never alone. Christ always offers his light to you to help you out of the darkness. 

D. Todd Christofferson 

  • Too often our problems and challenges are self inflicted, the result of poor choices. 
  • Staying On and not just Crossing Over the Covenant Path will help us avoid most trials and temptations in our life. 
  • More than simply having good intentions we should commit to follow the Lord's word, gospel, and commandments. 
  • We should work on developing the Character of Christ. 
  • Are you taking full advantage of Church worship and activities?
  • While life has not been without challenges, it is in fact the Gospel Covenants at the root of most blessings. 
  • God provides the gift of the Holy Ghost to help Covenant Makers become Covenant Keepers. 
  • A Covenant People are all individuals who receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Alan R. Walker

  • The Lord's work is moving forward at an accelerated pace. 
  • Warmth, Safety, and Solace are feelings equated to having the Gospel Light of Truth and Love.
  • The Love of the Lord can be engraved deeply in your heart, through sacred ordinances in His Holy House.
  • If we are faithful and obey the covenants we have entered into, we can be circled eternally in the Arms of God's love.

David A. Bednar

  • I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves. 
  • We should be instructed more perfectly in theory, principle, in doctrine of the gospel, in all things needed for you to understand. 
  • Learning, Understanding, and Living gospel principles strengthen our faith in the Savior.
  • Look beyond our personal preferences and self-centered desires and focus more on eternal truths. 
  • A holder of the Aaronic Priesthood would never want anything in his appearance or behavior distract others from their own worship. 
  • If you understand the principle and act in harmony to uphold it, there will be little need for rules. 
  • My Conduct and My Attitude on the Sabbath constitutes a Sign between Me and My Heavenly Father. Understanding that. There is no need for lists of Dos and Don'ts. 
  • What Sign do I want to give to God? 
  • Are you willing to let God Prevail in your Life. Are you willing to let God be the most important influence in your Life? 
  • You do not need to wander or wonder if you turn to the Lord. 
  • When your greatest desire is to let God Prevail, so many decisions become easier. So many issues become non issues.
  • We have been blessed abundantly in this General Conference to learn Eternal Principles. Now our individual responsibility is to govern ourselves according to the truths that the speakers have testified of. 
  • Only Gospel Truths can enable us to cheerfully do all things that lie in our Power. 

Russell M. Nelson

  • Desire to be a Good Global Citizen. 
  • May your desire to serve in the Temple burn more brightly. 
  • Your temple will be open when your local government regulations allow it. 
  • Do all you can to bring COVID numbers down in your area.
  • Stay true to the covenants you have made.
  • TWENTY MORE TEMPLES -Norway, Belgium, Austria, Ghana, Mozambique, South Africa, Singapore, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, California, Utah

To watch/read/listen to the full talks given in today's session, please visit:

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 3, 2021

191st Annual General Conference -Saturday Highlights

 Saturday Morning

Russell M. Nelson

  • We gather as a great global family desiring to worship our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • No doubt we have each learned things we haven't learned previously due to this unprecedented year. 
  • The Lord directs the affairs of his Church. 
  • The strength of the Church relies in the efforts and testimony of its members.
  • The Gospel provides the invitation to keep changing, keep growing, keep improving.
  • The Gospel is a message of joy.
  • Our spirits rejoice with every small step forward we take. 

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  • Do not come to blame, lecture, or shame others. Instead want to only help others find joy and peace. 
  • God lives. God cares about us. Even in hours of turmoil, confusion, and chaos. He's here to restore truth, light and his Gospel. God is among us. And is personally involved in our lives.
  • God has not forgotten us.
  • Why would we ever keep our eyes on the ground when the King of Kings invites us to take flight? 
  • Don't dwell on our imperfections and feel hopeless. Whether learn from them and feel hopeful. 
  • Our failures don't have to Define us. They can Refine us. 
  • If we earnestly keep practicing, we will gather light into our souls. 
  • Yes the world is in turmoil and Yes we have weakness, but we don't need to hang our head in despair because we can trust God, trust in Jesus Christ and accept their help on our path to divine happiness. 
  • The Savior Always Teaches Timeless Truths. 
  • The Savior's message is always one of Hope and Belonging. 
  • Seek God. Live by His Teachings He has Revealed to His Prophets. Love one Another. Be full of Charity to ALL men. 
  • Let us not love in word, but in deed and in truth. 
  • God Knows You as You Are. He knows Your Heart's Desires.
  • God IS Among Us.
  • Keep searching with faith and patience. Ask and ye will receive. Knock and it will be opened unto you. Trust the Lord.  

Joy D. Jones

  • To our Heavenly Father, children have Never been Secondary. To Him, they've always been Primary. 
  • Children are to be taught by word and example before and after they have arrived unto the years of accountability before God. 
  • The best time to Teach is Early. 
  • We cannot wait for conversion to simply 'happen' to our children. 
  • Becoming like our Savior won't just happen randomly. It has to be intentional. 
  • When we strengthen a Child we strengthen the Family.
  • Simple caring conversations can lead children to know not only What they believe, but Why they believe it. 
  • Sometimes the trials we face and overcome now will help us over come other trials in the future. 
  • Wouldn't we rather have our children sweat in the safe environment of the home than bleed in the battleground of the world? 
  • Prepare the minds of the children. We are preparing the rising generation to be the future defenders of the Faith. 
  • Eternity is the wrong thing to be wrong about. 

Jan Eric Newman

  • Learn the Lord's doctrine for yourself. 
  • The aim of all gospel learning and teaching is to deepen our conversion to Jesus Christ and become more like Him.
  • Take upon yourself to learn all you can about the Master Teacher himself. How did he love others? What did he teach? What were his expectations of those he taught? 
  • How many little miracles have been taking place during this odd time? More than we can count.
  • Changes in your Family will be dramatic and sustaining if you follow the Savior's teachings. 
  • Conversion must come from Within. We cannot give others the oil of our Conversion even as much as we want to. No shortcut is available, you must receive the conversion on your own in your own time. 
  • Children inherit many things from their Parents, but a testimony isn't one of them. We can strive to create conditions to allow their seeds of testimony to take root and grow, but we can't simply give them a testimony fully formed. 
  • The responsibility rests squarely on each of us to follow the example of the Master Teacher and to teach like Him.

Gary E. Stevenson

  • Love can make all the difference. 
  • Your relationships can make all the difference.
  • Kindness is a fundamental healing gospel principle. That can heal hearts emotionally and spiritually and even physically.
  • Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself.
  • Love one another as Jesus loves you. Try to show kindness in all that you do. Be gentle and loving in deed and in thought. For these are the things Jesus taught.
  • Good Friends can make all the difference. 
  • While bullying isn't a new concept, social media has brought bullying to an all new level with cyber bullying. There is No Place for this in your Cyber Space. Do all you can to make all your social media kinder and safer. 
  • We have a primary responsibility to set a tone and be role models and teach Christ-like behavior to the rising generation in how we respond and how we act. 
  • Do not exclude others simply because they aren't like you or believe as you do. 
  • Be loving, kind, benevolent, to others not of our faith. 
  • Inclusion leads to unity, Exclusion leads to division. 
  • When adversity is brought upon us we can choose to Hope in Christ. 
  • We are under the care of a compassionate caregiver, who extends himself in kindness and a nurturing spirit. He knows us by name and has a personal interest in us. 

Gerrit W. Gong

  • Hatred is never the answer. Act instead with Love. 
  • 1. We come to the Inn as we Are. 2. Make His Inn a place of Grace and Space where All can gather and belong. 3. Perfection is in Jesus Christ not in the World. 4. Become part of Gospel Community Centered in Christ. 5. We rejoice that God loves his children. All his Children. There's room for All in his Inn.
  • We all have something needed to contribute. We belong as a united community. No matter what trials big or small we confront. 
  • Find cause to do Good. To be Good. To be Better. 
  • Gifts of Faith and Assurance manifest in different ways in different circumstances. 
  • We're all equal. None are second class. 
  • Seek each other's forgiveness and then Do Better. 
  • Gospel Fruits come from Gospel Roots.
  • May we each warmly welcome ALL.
  • His Gospel is a Gospel of Second and Third Chances. 
  • We help ourselves as we help each other. 
  • We can each become a strong link our family generations.
  • Adults want to be seen as adults and be responsible and contribute as adults. Disciples of Christ come from Everywhere. Each with talents. Righteous desires and Capacities to serve. 
  • Live now. Don't wait for life to begin.

 Henry B. Eyring

  • The Temple is a Holy Place. Where revelation comes to us easily If our hearts are open to it and we are worthy of it. 
  • Live so that when the Call comes, you can walk away easily. 
  • We had better enjoy this because we aren't going to be here long. 
  • Temples of the Lord are Holy Places.
  • Be worthy and ready for the increased opportunities of temple experiences that are coming for us. 
  • We can See the Savior in the Temple in the sense that he is no longer Unknown to us. 
  • When we are worthy there can grow through our temple experiences, hope, joy, and optimism throughout our lives. 
  • The ordinances of the temple Always point to the Savior and His Atonement. 
  • Can you do more? Are you able to say Yes?
  • Are you able to say Yes to helping the Lord even when things are Hard in your own life? 
  • Try to build a desire in your own heart and in the hearts of Heavenly Father's children to go to the Temple often and feel Him there. 

Saturday Afternoon 

Jeffrey R. Holland

  • Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you. Peace I leave unto you. My peace I give unto you. 
  • Challenging times come to all who live in this world, including the faithful.
  • Violence and Conflict will be a signature characteristic of relationships in the last days. 
  • God must weep for those who cannot figure out how to live together in love.
  • There is a war where we're fighting to have people care for each other. 
  •  We need to work to grow an economy of goodness. 
  • We cannot afford, this world cannot afford, our failure to put gospel concepts and fortifying covenants to full use personally and publicly. 
  • Let us try to practice peace in a personal way. And apply the atonement of Christ to ourselves, our families, and all we can reach around us. 
  • For the help and peace we need isn't the kind that the world giveth. For the truly difficult customers, we need the 'powers of heaven' which can be accessed by living the principles of righteousness. 
  • There is so much that is so good and so beautiful in our world. Certainly we have more material blessings than any generation in all of history.
  • In matters of covenantal purity. The sacred is too often being made common and the holy is too often being made profane. 
  • In too many instances, otherwise faithful members, can be guilty of speaking unkindly, destructively to those whom they are sealed to. 
  • Everyone has the right to be loved, to feel peaceful, and to find safety at home. 
  • No one can employ a sharp tongue and unkind words and still sing the song of redeeming love. 

Jorge T. Becerra

  • You are surrounded by people. All of them are children of God. They're your brothers and sisters. 
  • Look at people, look past their weakness and see instead their strengths. 
  • Be consistent and intentional in your ministering so you can find and help those in need. 
  • We need everyone. Those who are strong and those who are struggling. We need everyone to strengthen us and make us whole. 
  • The Church will gather a variety of sheep and goats, but it is our responsibility to bring them all in and recognize their unique skills and potential. 
  • If you have stepped off the path, please come back. There is a place for you here. 

Dale G. Renlund

  • Your choices can create inequality. They can create long term advantages or disadvantages. 
  • When others receive benefits because of their choices, we cannot rightly conclude that we've been treated unfairly when we've had the same opportunities.
  • Some unfairness cannot be explained. Inexplicable unfairness can be infuriating. Mortal life is inherently unfair.  
  • Some individuals use their agency to hurt others when they NEVER should. 
  • Different types of unfairness can merge creating a tsunami of unfairness that is overwhelming.
  • In Mortality we can come boldly to the Savior and receive compassion, healing, and help. God can bless us in simple ways. 
  • In unfair situations, one of our tasks is to trust that all that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 
  • As we develop faith in Jesus Christ, we should also strive to become like Him and approach others with compassion and alleviate unfairness where we can find it. 
  • We can't simply watch others throw stones at each other. We should become stone catchers. Not throwing stones is the FIRST step in treating others with compassion. The Second step is catching the stones thrown by others. 
  • When faced with unfairness we can push ourselves away from God OR be drawn towards him and his support. 
  • Don't let unfairness harden you or corrode your faith in God. Instead ask for God's help. Rely on Him.
  • Don't become Bitter, allow God to help you become Better. 

Neil L. Andersen

  • Remember to always try to put God first.
  • Thou shalt live together in love. 
  • Each person who comes to Earth is a unique Son or Daughter of God. 
  • You love, you serve, you sacrifice, strengthen faith, minister to those in need, and contribute to society. 
  • Mothers/Wives are the Anchor of the Family.
  • How grateful we are for the divine gifts of repentance and forgiveness. 
  • Let us live God's commandments. Teach them to our children. Share them to others who are willing to listen. 
  • The unrealized dreams of life are difficult to understand if only viewed from the perspective of mortality instead of eternity. You will receive compensating blessings in this life as well as in the future eternities. 
  • There can be happiness in this journey of life even when our righteous hopes aren't all realized. 
  • Children are Loved by God.
  • Being open to the Lord's direction and following his plan for us will always bring greater happiness rather than relying on our own understanding.

Thierry K. Mutombo

  • The Truth will Always Triumph. 
  • The Savior will be the Light unto all those who Hear His words and will Guide them from the Darkness.

M. Russell Ballard

  • Having a sense of belonging is very important. Nearly every aspect of our lives is organized around belonging to something. We cannot separate the sense of belonging from our physical, mental, and spiritual health. 
  • Turn to the Lord for Hope and Belonging. 
  • Believing that God loves us and that we are His children is comforting and assuring. 
  • We should understand that eternal life isn't a question of current marital status but in discipleship. 
  • Everyone who is Faithful in Keeping the Commandments will have the opportunity for Exaltation. 
  • You should never feel like you're waiting in a waiting room. Waiting upon the Lord implies Action. 
  • The Lord honors those who serve and wait upon him in patience and in faith. 
  • God offers Eternal life to ALL his children. 
  • All promised blessings are made possible who Him, who by his Atonement ascended below all things and has overcome the world. 
  • We should to refer to each other as Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. That seems to cover all of us without separating us out within the Church. 
  • We are all more alike than we are different. 

Priesthood Session

Quentin L. Cook

  • Supporting the rising generation in a time of unusual challenges and temptations is a responsibility given to parents and bishoprics by Heavenly Father. 
  • Parents will always have the main responsibility for their families. 
  • Christ is the Shepherd and the Bishop of your souls.
  • Time spent with a young adult can help them understand the power available to them through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
  • Teach by word and by example on how to be disciples. Give others a vision on how they can Become disciples of Christ. 
  • Wherever you serve, you can provide a vision and build faith in Jesus Christ.  You can extend invitations to change behavior. 
  • Bishops can help both parents and children view things with a more eternal perspective.
  • Thoughtful Leaders have always Sacrificed for the Rising Generation. 

Ahmad S. Corbitt

  • You overcame Satan by the word of your testimony. 
  • What empowers you to go forward? 
  • You overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb. You saw the end from the beginning. 
  • Nothing can take away your joy or make you doubt because of how sure you are of the promises that Christ has made. 
  • Look forward with an eye of faith. 
  • Begin with the End in mind. 
  • Intentionally envisioning or viewing things that conflict with who you really are will weaken your faith in Christ and could destroy it without repentance. Please use your imagination to strengthen your belief in Christ, not ruin it. 
  • When you set a Good Goal, you are Looking Forward, and seeing what your Heavenly Father wants you to Become. 
  • Your Faith will grow not by Chance but by Choice. 

S. Gifford Nielsen

  • Would I let my doubts overtake me? Or would I find the courage and strength to Get Up and Carry On?
  • You can be strong and courageous in the face of difficult situations. 
  • I don't know all the Answers but I do know that the Lord wants us to be Ready. 
  • The Savior will handle things according to His plan. 
  • We trust His purposes and leave the Results to Him. 
  • We are all called upon to do life changing things as representatives of the Lord.
  • God will prevail in our lives if we let him. The choice is ours. 
  • As you face your daily challenges remember the victory in this final contest has already been declared.

Henry B. Eyring

  • There is an ever increasing priesthood power in the world. With ever stronger quorums and ever more faithful priesthood holders. 
  • Individuals are given the priesthood is to allow us to bless people for the Lord, doing so in His name. 
  • May the people feel the Lord's love for them through your loving service. 
  • Even when the blessing isn't what is desired, the Spirit touches the hearts of everyone to experience acceptance and comfort rather than disappointment. 
  • Pray for the Lord to let you sense what He wants for the person when giving blessings. 

Dallin H. Oaks

  • The Resurrection changes the way we view mortal life. It gives us the perspective and the strength to endure the challenges we face. 
  • Mortal separations are only temporary. We'll have future joyful reunions. 
  • All who suffer any mortal infirmity should remember that the Savior suffered the same pain too.
  • Love is the motivation for it all and so it has been since the very beginning.

Russell M. Nelson

  • Continue to let God prevail in your life. He is just as optimistic about your future as he has ever been. 
  • I hope you have found an increased ability to Hear Him and receive Personal Revelation.
  • Difficult trials often provide opportunities to grow that would not have come in any other way. 
  • 1. The Home is the Center of Faith and Worship. 2. We Need Each Other. 3. Your Priesthood Quorum is meant for more than just a meeting. 4. We Hear Jesus Christ better when we are Still. 
  • Stand ye in Holy Places and Be Not Moved. This includes temples and meeting houses and as we have learned, one of the holiest places on earth is the Home. Yes even Your Home.
  • Counsel with your spouse as they are your equal partner in this work.
  • We all need our homes to be places of serenity and security. 
  • As Faith and Holiness decrease in this fallen world, your need for Holy Places will increase. Continue to make your Home a truly Holy Place and be not moved from that goal.
  • God wants us to work together and help each other. 
  • We can accomplish more together than we can alone. 
  • We have all been challenged in some way due to this pandemic. This common trial has the potential to unite God's children like it never has before. 
  • You don't have to have a reason to say hello and show your love. 
  • Commotion in the world will continue to increase. In contrast the voice of the Lord is a still voice, of perfect mildness. Like a whisper. And it pierces unto the very soul. 
  • In order to hear this voice you too, must be still.
  • Quiet time is Sacred Time. Time that will facilitate personal revelation and instill peace. 
  • Make time to have time alone with your loved ones. 

To Watch, Listen, and/or Read the Talks given today in their entirety, please visit:

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi