Friday, January 31, 2014

An Older Generation

I think I was born in the wrong era.
the thought has crossed my mind more then once recently.

And often enough, the thought crosses my mind after someone compliments me.
My shoes, my hair, my coat, my outfit.
I get compliments about them, mostly from guys.
Guys who are old enough to be my father or my grandfather.

Seriously. I was born in the wrong era.
I almost never get complimented by guys my own age it seems like.
But the gentlemen of older generations. Totally. It happens often.
Which is a boost in my self confidence.

...if only the guys of my generation would be more vocal about it....

I can't totally fault them though. For staying quiet.
It seems like most of the girls these days can't take a compliment. They love to contradict it. Contradict the guys.
Maybe they just want to get confirmation. Confirm that the guy wasn't just saying it to say it, but that he means it.

Or else we're contradicting them into submission. Into not saying anything. Who wants to constantly repeat that someone looks pretty? Has the need to contradict a compliment, cause them to fade from a guys vocabulary? To have him think it, but not say it because he doesn't want the words to become meaningless.

Who knows.
Maybe they just need to take notes from the older generation. They're not afraid to tell it like they see it. ;)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

A group of guys were robbing a store, in the back was a vault that contained gold, silver, and other vials containing chemicals that people were willing to pay for. One was a needle of green liquid. Everything was timed out to go smoothly, but something went wrong. A guard discovered us, as my brother was getting ready to get into the get away car. I had lagged behind, and managed to hit the guard in the back of the head with an object. Maybe trophy like in shape. The guy dropped to the ground, but that was...bad. We ended up back in our holding place, but my brother hadn't fared well. Either he'd been injected with the needle that had green liquid, or something else had happen out of my sight because he was basically a 'dead man walking.' It was like he was dead, but was still alive, and I was trying to figure out how to save him, but it seemed to all come back to the guard that I had hit. Had he been the one who nearly died? Or my brother? It was like I had to make amends to the guard in order to save my brother, but...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Food On The Way

Amidst the terribly hostilities in Missouri that would put the Prophet in Liberty Jail and see thousands of Latter-day Saints driven from their homes, Sister Drusilla Hendricks and her invalid husband, James, who had been shot by enemies of the Church in the Battle of Crooked River, arrived with their children at a hastily shaped dugout in Quincy, Illinois, to live out the spring of that hallowing year.

Within two weeks the Hendrickses were on the verge of starvation, having only one spoonful of sugar and a saucerful of cornmeal remaining in their possession.
IN the great tradition of LDS women, Drusilla made mush out of it for James and the children, thus stretching its contents as far as she could make it go.
When that small offering was consumed by her famished family, she washed everything, cleaned their little dugout as thoroughly as she could, and quietly waited to die.

Not long thereafter the sound of a wagon brought Drusilla to her feet.
It was their neighbor Reuben Allred.
He said he had a feeling they were out of food, so on his way into town he'd had a sack of grain ground into meal for them.

Shortly thereafter Alexander Williams arrived with two bushels of meal on his shoulder.
He told Drusilla that he'd been extremely busy but the Spirit had whispered to him that "Brother Hendricks' family is suffering, so I dropped everything and came [running]."

May God, who has blessed all of us so mercifully and many of us so abundantly, bless us with one thing more.
May he bless us to hear the often silent cries of the sorrowing and the afflicted, the downtrodden, the disadvantaged, the poor.
Indeed may he bless us to hear the whisperings of the Holy Spirit when any neighbor anywhere "is suffering," and to "drop everything and come running."
I pray in the name of the captain of the poor, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Jeffrey R. Holland -A Handful of Meal and a Little Oil -April 1996 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My friend Mirleki was in the store, looking at a cage with a couple of Winter White hamsters in them. She stopped me, asking "Is this hamster okay?" pointing to one of them. It wasn't moving quite right and looked like it's stomach was a bit bulgy. I felt it, but couldn't tell for sure what was wrong. And Mirleki was like "poor thing! I want to get it!"
Then came the revelation from who knows where, that this particular hamster was a female....when it should have been a male, as we only had male hamsters in the store...supposedly. But this female, was pregnant. I think the number 15 flashed through my mind. And so she would need a lot of care and such for her and her babies. And Mirleki was all willing to do it, and because it was such an unusual situation, and we couldn't sell the female hamster, I gave it to Mirleki....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I Wake Up a Zombie Too

I had an odd compliment at work the other day.
"Sarnic, you always have such bright eyes." My coworker said as I passed by him on my way to do a morning task.
I was like O.o Thanks? "Bright eyes? What do you mean by that?" Did they glow? Did they sparkle? Did they just look really pretty? What did he mean by Bright Eyes? Was it even a compliment?!

"I mean, I come in and everyone here is looking like:"

A zombie or something. They're not awake, But you.

You're like wide awake! Smiling, Eyes wide open. I never thought to meet a morning person before."

I laughed.
"I'm more of a chameleon actually. I become what I need to be for the situation."

Because really I'm a night owl at heart.

*glances to the window* And since it's still dark outside, I'm wide awake!


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why Blog?

"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

It's a quote that has been running through my head for the past couple of weeks. But tonight, it's been running through my head constantly, if only in concept and not exact words.

The forefront of this thought comes from reading a blog post earlier in the evening, where the author talks about blogging, and all the pressures that come from it....if you let them.

I admit it that I'm not a person to start trends. I tend to start them kicking and screaming, literally resisting 'joining the bandwagon.' until...I. ME. I. I decide to join in. Then, more often than not I jump in full force and try to convince everyone else to join with me as I seriously love whatever thing I was resisting doing.
Examples? Oh..Sherlock, Harry Potter, and Blogging come to mind. (yes. I didn't join the bandwagon with Harry Potter until the 5th book was nearly out.)

Specifically. Blogging. I'd seen my extended family posting. Some friends posting. And was like. O.o what would I say? What would I write? Who would read me? But...I want to do it.

However, I didn't try out blogging until my Great Grandma Maren wrote me an email saying that she loved my writing and that I should share it with the world (At that point I was only writing in the weekly family newsletter.)
I took her words into consideration. -lol she said I should be a columnist at a newspaper or something. I didn't take the newspaper concept seriously, but the writing thing. I did. And since blogging had been on my mind about that point as well. I thought "Well why not?"

Hence. How this blog was born. :)
Looking back at my first post. I could tell that I didn't have high expectations for this blog. It would be a place where I would post things on various topics, and if people read me. Cool. If they didn't. Fine.

And I think that's the key to how I've managed to post consistently for the past three and a bit years.
I wasn't writing for others. I was writing for me.
I still write for me. 

Of course I would be lying if I said that having other people view my blog doesn't matter to me. It does. A lot. I get super excited on days when I have a ton of people drop by my blog. and saddened when only a handful visit me on other days.

Yet, becoming a super popular blogger where I get 5,000 page views in a day was never on my 'instantaneously' list. I knew it would take time to get an online presence. I knew that at first, only family and maybe a handful of friends would read my posts.
lol if it weren't for all the international page views I get on my blog, I would still tend to think only family and friends read me. :) And seriously, I'm okay with that. I never planned to get famous doing this. (I'm still not famous nor do I get 5,000 page views in a day) Hoped for it. Yes. Who doesn't hope to become famous?

And I think...that's why many of my friends/family that I've convinced to join the bandwagon with me and blog....have stopped posting. They didn't become overnight successes. Their posts weren't popular. They felt like they weren't being read, that nobody cared. (or really they got too busy for blogging.) but, if they weren't writing things people were reading, that had to mean that nobody wanted to read them, right?

There in lies the problem. There is no such thing as a 'bad post.'
If it wasn't good, I doubt you'd post it in the first place. You are, after all, your own worst critic. So if you like what your posting. Why worry about what others think? If others read it? Seriously. If you're not enjoying what you're won't do it. Having the 'pressure' of what others think of your blog...really won't convince you to post. It just holds you back.

Will the words you write on a post change the world? Not likely. Will it influence a single person? Most likely. Even if that person is only yourself.

I admit, I've gone back to old posts of mine. (Mostly because I'm trying to figure out what suddenly made that one popular in the page views) and found them extremely helpful. To the point where I was like "I wrote this?" O.o

So if you want to write.
Forget the fact that others will at some point read your blog.
Forget that they have their own opinions and they won't coincide with yours 100% of the time.
Forget the pageviews.
Forget wanting to be popular.

And blog for yourself. Write for yourself.
If only to relieve stress.
If only to work your way through a problem.
If only to have a place to post picture memories that you can go back and look at.
If only to post something that brought a smile to your face.

It's you that matters in the blogging world. It's you who decides what matters to you.
Once you start thinking about others, their thoughts, their words, their opinions. That's when the fun stops. That's when you freeze. That's when a potential blog success...fails.

If you're not doing it for your own enjoyment...why do it at all?
Becoming famous will happen, or it won't. But at least along the way, you've enjoyed the journey. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

P.S. Here's the link to the blog post that inspired this post. 

P.S.S If you read the post, let it be known, that I love to title my blogs with lines or concepts that sometimes only obscurely relate to the post itself. ;)

Monday, January 27, 2014

April 1998 General Conference Priesthood Session

Neal A. Maxwell -"Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel"
  • Some of today's otherwise good young men mistakenly think that putting their shoulders to the wheel is the same thing as putting their hands on a steering wheel!
  • Alas, a few of our underwhelmed youth work all right, but mostly at trying to please themselves.
  • Unfortunately, a few of our otherwise good youth are unstretched, having almost a free pass. Perks are provided, including cars complete with fuel and insurance--all paid for by parents who sometimes listen in vain for a few courteous and appreciative words.
  • Young men, your individual mix of work will vary, understandably, by season and circumstance as between the hours spent on homework and family work and Church work, part-time work, and work on service projects. Each form of work can stretch your talents. Nevertheless, watch for the warning lights. For instance, if you are engaged in part-time work, are all your wages spent on yourself? Is tithing paid?
  • "[If the young man] is permitted to spend his all on himself, that spirit of selfishness may continue with him to his grave."
  • Your grade-point average is very important, but what is your GPA for Christian service?
  • Whatever the mix of work, the hardest work you and I will ever do is to put off our selfishness. It is heavy lifting!
  • A balance of work needs to be orchestrated, because some forms of work tend to dominate other forms.
  • Be careful, fathers, when you inordinately desire things to be better for your children than they were for you. Do not, however unintentionally, make things worse by removing the requirement for reasonable work as part of their experience, thereby insulating your children from the very things that helped make you what you are!
  • Yes, some of today's work may seem artificial and contrived. Nevertheless, young men, be patient with your parents as they try to help provide reasonable and meaningful work. In that connection, how blessed we would be if more sons could work alongside their fathers, if only occasionally. Fathers and sons, if such teaming up is not already happening at all, please, in the next three months, select just one, stretching chore to do together.
  • Young men, I do not know what your individual gifts are, but you have them! Please employ these gifts and stretch your talents--along with taking out garbage cans, mowing lawns, raking leaves, or shoveling snow for widows, widowers, or a sick neighbor.
  • Knowing how to work will give you an edge in life, and experience with excellence--a special edge!
  • Let us all be quick and generous to praise our youth for the work they accomplish, especially when they do it well!
  • The capacity to work and work wisely will never become obsolete. And neither will the ability to learn.
Earl C. Tingey -Missionary Service
  • Six ways you can prepare for your mission:
    • First, secure your individual testimony of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    • Second, study and ponder the Book of Mormon to the point where you can declare that it was received by Joseph Smith from the angel Moroni and that the Prophet Joseph smith translated the book from the golden plates.
    • Third, be clean and pure.
    • Fourth, pay your tithes and offerings so that you can bear witness of this great principle of the gospel.
    • Fifth, learn how to work.
    • Sixth, serve as a home teacher in your ward to know the joy of service.
  • For all full-time missionaries, I have several suggestions:
    • First, open your mouth.
    • Second, work hard.
    • Third, be obedient, faithful, and true.
  • Missionaries serve in companionships for protection. A missionary best protects his companion when he is loyal to the Lord and helps his companion.
    • Fourth, teach and testify.
    • Fifth, when you complete your mission, maintain the spirit, appearance, and trust of a missionary.
James M. Paramore -"The Heart and a Willing Mind"
  • You are the means by which truth and goodness and eternal life will be made known to the whole world.
  • "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." The philosophies of men will ever be there, but they do not carry the promise of eternal life or even peace on this earth.
James E. Faust -"We Seek After These Things"
  • We hope you are men who are "true at all times in whatsoever thing [you are] entrusted.
  • If we live our religion and are worthy [of] the name of Latter-day Saints, we are just the men that all such business can be entrusted to with perfect safety; if it can not it will prove that we do not live our religion.
  • "Make one-time decisions to do right."
  • "We can push some things away from us once and have done with them ... without having to brood and redecide a hundred times what it is we will do and what we will not do."
  • "The difference between a moral man and a man of honor is that the latter regrets a discreditable act even when it has worked.
  • Our honor should make us honest in all we do.
  • "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent."
  • "Please, you returned missionaries ... , please do not abandon in appearance or principle or habit the great experiences of the mission field when you were like Alma and the sons of Mosiah, as the very angels of God to the people you met and taught and baptized. We do not expect you to wear a tie, white shirt, and a dark blue suit every day now that you are back in school. But surely it is not too much to ask that your good grooming be maintained, that your personal habits reflect cleanliness and dignity and pride in the principles of the gospel you taught. We ask you for the good of the kingdom and all those who have done and yet do take pride in you."
Thomas S. Monson -In Harm's Way
  • Tell the truth. It could ultimately save your life if you were in harm's way.
  • May I offer to you tonight six road signs which, when observed and followed, will guide you to safety.
    • Choose good friends.
    • Seek parental guidance.
    • Study the gospel
    • Obey the commandments.
    • Serve with love.
    • Pray with purpose.
  • There is a battle of significant consequence taking place in the lives of young men today. In simple terms, it is the struggle between doing right or doing wrong.
  • Friends help to determine your future. You will tend to be like them and to be found where they choose to go.
  • The friends you choose will either help or hinder your success.
  • You can't be right by doing wrong, and you can't be wrong by doing right.
  • Prayer is the provider of spiritual strength.
  • Prayer is the passport to peace.
  • Are we prepared for the voyage of life? The sea of life can at times become turbulent. Crashing waves of emotional conflict may break all around us. Chart your course, be cautious, and follow the safety measures outlined.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Living Worthy of the Girl You Will Someday Marry
  • As I looked at that gathering of beautiful young women the question moved through my mind, "Are we rearing a generation of young men worthy of them?"
  • The girl you marry will take a terrible chance on you. She will give her all to the young man she marries. He will largely determine the remainder of her life. She will even surrender her name to his name.
  • She will be yours and yours alone, regardless of the circumstances of your lives. You will be hers and hers alone. There can be eyes for none other. There must be absolute loyalty, undeviating loyalty one to another.
  • Through all the days of your lives, you must be as true one to another as the polar star.
  • The girl you marry is worthy of a husband whose life has not been tainted by...ugly and corrosive material.
  • Look upon the Word of Wisdom as more than a commonplace thing. I regard it as the most remarkable document on health of which I know.
  • Would any girl in her right mind ever wish to marry a young man who has a drug habit, who is the slave of alcohol, who is addicted to pornography?
  • Avoid profanity.
  • Who would wish to be married to a man whose speech is laden with filth and profanity?
  • There is another serious thing to which many young men become addicted. This is anger. With the least provocation they explode into tantrums of uncontrolled rage. It is pitiful to see someone so weak. But even worse, they are prone to lose all sense of reason and do things which bring later regret.
  • "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city."
  • Work for an education. Get all the training that you can. The world will largely pay you what it thinks you are worth.
  • "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."
  • Be modest in your wants.
  • You can and should avoid overwhelming debt. There is nothing that will cause greater tensions in marriage than grinding debt.
  • You may have to borrow money to begin ownership of a home. But do not let it be so costly that it will preoccupy your thoughts day and night.
  • "Get a modest home and pay off the mortgage so that if economic storms should come, your wife and children will have a roof over their heads."
  • The girl who marries you will not wish to be married to a tightwad. Neither will she wish to be married to a spendthrift. She is entitled to know all about family finances. She will be your partner. Unless there is full and complete understanding between you and your wife on these matters, there likely will come misunderstandings and suspicions that will cause trouble that can lead to greater problems.
  • She will wish to be married to someone who loves her, who trusts her, who walks beside her, who is her very best friend and companion. She will wish to be married to someone who encourages her in her Church activity and in community activities which will help her to develop her talents and make a greater contribution to society. She will want to be married to someone who has a sense of service to others, who is disposed to contribute to the Church and to other good causes. She will wish to be married to someone who loves the Lord and seeks to do His will. It is well, therefore, that each of you young men plan to go on a mission, to give unselfishly to your Father in Heaven a tithe of your life, to go forth with a spirit of total unselfishness to preach the gospel of peace to the world wherever you may be sent.
  • You cannot give to your companion a greater gift than that of marriage in God's holy house, under the protective wing of the sealing covenant of eternal marriage. There is no adequate substitute for it. There should be no other way for you.
  • Choose carefully and wisely. The girl you marry will be yours forever. You will love her and she will love you through thick and thin, through sunshine and storm. She will become the mother of your children. What greater thing in all this world can there be than to become the father of a precious child, a son or daughter of God, our Father in Heaven, for whom we are given the rights and responsibilities of mortal stewardship.
  • Live worthy of becoming a father of whom your wife and children will be proud.
  • Make yourself worthy of the loveliest girl in all the world. Keep yourself worthy through all the days of your life. Be good and true and kind one to another.
  • The truest mark of your success in life will be the quality of your marriage.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was still in the midst of planning Mary and John's wedding reception and decided to play a trick on them. So I found a guy -short spikey blonde hair- that used to be a hard core rocker punk before he changed his ways and got him to get a bunch of his old friends to 'set up the reception' the result? A crazy mosh pit sort of shindig in the garage with empty cups and bottles everywhere. Only. That wasn't the real reception. And the old friends? Actually missionaries serving in California, but they came up to do this for their friend. In truthfulness the wedding reception was inside the home with all the close friends and family of the Watsons there. I didn't end up staying but ended up outside and in the view point of a young Elder Tom Perry in his training to be a navy recruit. He was confident enough in his swimming skills and his ability on the boat that he didn't go with the 'new recruits' to test to see if he could tolerate being on the water. Instead he worked on tying a bunch of cylinders together to make rafts. Only, he struggled with it because I couldn't remember the type of knots that needed to be done to make sure the raft was secure at four points. It was a struggle for me/him and the commanding officer was getting impatient with me. I was getting impatient with him too and finally just tied four corners up and pushed the raft -with a bunch of whinny boys- on it, Out into the middle of the lake. It actually held together quite well though the raft went vertical instead of horizontal once it was on the water....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, January 26, 2014

They Do Glo!

It's not often that I'm surprised at work,
but this week.
And not in the 'ha I scared you!' sort of surprised.

How so?
Well, we sell these GloFish. Fish that have been genetically bred (not painted) to be brighter colors. Blue, Purple, Pink, Green, Orange. All neon shades. And apparently, under a black light they really are brighter.
I hadn't really seen it so I couldn't tell customers what they really look like as we had no black lights on our own GloFish, just the regular white lights.

Well, I came into work early this week.
And yah. You guess it.
Our tanks had black lights on them! O.o

Talk about weird. lol My coworkers now call that section of our store 'party central'
But yah. The fish actually do glow!
Well...the blue ones, not really. But the others YES!! They do! Crazy!

It's just...why now? Why do we have these lights?
No idea. But I think they're cool!
Even if they do make life a tiny bit more difficult for us.
As the tanks are darker, so it's harder to see the algae that could grow on the walls.
Plus, one of those tanks has Ghost Shrimp in them.
And if you thought it was hard to find them in daylight...they're much harder under the black light. lol

Still. It is cool! Very mesmerizing as well. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had a dream where a front sliver of my front tooth fell off leaving a thinner tooth with a triangle shaped v in the cent of it behind. I was devastated by this as I wasn't sure why it had happened.
Some others and I were traveling in a mountainous area when we came across this steep hill. It was a cone shaped hill though there was no point to the top of it. It had at least three distinct tiers with a giant waterfall that went down it. People would go on hikes, though it was treacherous as the path crossed back and forth the river/waterfall constantly. It also wasn't a 'two hour hike' but more like a all day hike. And my group tried to start it towards sundown. So needless to say we didn't make it that far. But there was this guy, a bit crazy, he looked like a nerd with glasses and crazy white hair, decided that he wanted to take away the enjoyment of the hike and destroy the place. How? Be changing what the water was. He wanted to make it into like a...whipped cream sort of thing, and he got me and some others (forcefully) to join up with him (blackmail) Only when we finally reached the top, one of the guys, a tall hulking dude...didn't pull the switch. Instead. He turned the bad guy in. Defeating him. So he would have to go back to jail. We made our way back down the mountain in a contraption made from used parts, but the guy..somehow had his glasses broken in the process -lost one half off the frames, and everytime I looked at him, the replacement for the missing frame got bigger and bigger. And it ended up being a sort of medieval focusing device where he had multiple lenses that he could move around (basically with his thoughts) so that he would be able to focus on whatever he wanted the frames would flip through to the right combination or right frame to let him be able to see it. He wasn't at all put off about being defeated either. He minced down the steps like a diva. And the bad guy went from being a guy to a girl. A crazy white haired girl with mincing steps in high heeled boots. Totally odd, but she did have style and personality. But focusing back on the bad guy who hadn't looked all that bad at first, he ended up getting placed in jail -after walking through a long line where you file Taxes and deal with the law. Both Villains and Superheroes would go there to do this.  He ended up getting a series of numbers tattooed onto his arm, they were meant to...control him in a way/punish him as each number was significant in some way to his 'history.' Only the guy made a number look like a different number and changed what his punishment would be. Not for the better, as he lost his memory and had no idea why people were after him, but that he ended up with ice powers that allowed him to look different from how he normally looked so that he was able to hide in plain sight....until too much heat melted his disguise away....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let's Get Digital Already!

There are some days. Where everything seems to be going good.
But then, one little thing.
Just seems to spark the flames of ire (not really rage, but real frustration)
To the point where I would love to just hit something, or smash something just to express myself.

Definitely one of those nights.

The cause?
I really don't understand it.
Once again for the third week in a row, the schedule for work wasn't posted until last minute.
I mean seriously. Are we in the dark ages or what? Why can't our schedule be posted a week in advance? What is so complicated about it that it takes three days to 'make' it?

But no, what's annoying is that I've been trying to schedule appointments to see various care practitioners. And just as I thought, when I tried to plan for a certain day off...
I didn't plan it. That day has been my day off for the past month or so and yah. The one week when I try to predict the week. Totally backfired.
And the more annoying thing is that one of my days off is Monday.
WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN GREAT TO KNOW LIKE TWO DAYS AGO!! I mean, nobody is OPEN now. I can't schedule anything TONIGHT or TOMORROW. And I highly doubt that when I call Monday they'll be able to fit me in. I mean it's the DAY OF. Plus I have to drive like AN HOUR to get to those appointments anyways! And THEN my next day off is SATURDAY. The SECOND TO WORST day I could have gotten off because SERIOUSLY who's open on SATURDAY? >.<
And the last thing to get my that Sunday I have to work. No big deal. Only they scheduled me to work like ALL DAY, totally making it 100 Percent more difficult to try and make it to Sacrament anywhere. PLUS I have to go in EARLY that day for a MANDATORY meeting. GAHHH!!!

>.< It's just one of those weeks where I have to wonder what I did to get such a thing. >.<

Yah. We'll see how it goes.
I'm just frustrated as all get out. Miffed. Annoyed. >.<

Yah, I'm going to go mentally vent some more about this.

At least the 'silver lining' as that I have a 'weekend of sorts' so I can be away from work for two days.

That will probably give me enough time to calm down. Probably.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We were facing a villain, a chibi looking girl with short blonde hair. Most of us were in 'chibi' form which looked a lot like the Sugar Rush people from Wreck-It Ralph. And we couldn't figure out who this villain was, because we didn't know what her non chibi form looked like. I had my suspicions that it was one of the girls in my group because she had the exact same hairstyle as the villain. But nobody else seemed to have made this connection.
I was proven wrong when we were on a camping trip in the middle of nowhere -we'd thought that we were near some farmland or something, but no, we'd been taken to literally the middle of nowhere, a mountainous area with lots of green foliage and wildflowers everywhere. And there, my head manager, May, revealed herself to be the villain. It was a total shock to everyone because May was the nicest person around and I greatly admired her. That faded quickly when she tried to kill us, and flooded our camper by jimmyrigging the faucets to not turn off. We never did end up catching her, though I did see her on occasion, like when I was trying to reach out of the camper to grab some colored pencils that had fallen to the ground while trying to keep hold of a snake for some sort of homework assignment I was trying to do.
There was also a moment, where there was this young werewolf...who'd only managed to turn into the wolf recently, but he seemed to have the speed of The Flash. We were trying to test how fast he was going by having him race to break a ribbon. I was in charge of that and I'd tied one ribbon to a pole and then other to my dog. -like an irish wolfhound sort of dog. Only, the ribbon was a bit flimsy and the dog didn't like the wolf, and so the ribbon kept breaking before the wolf could ever break it, no matter what I tried. It had gotten to the point of being ridiculous and frustrating when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Friday, January 24, 2014

A Mind Connection

I was up at the parentals for the day the other day.
Why? To visit the fixer of teeth for my semi annual cleaning. (yaaay.....)
And afterwards I had the thought.

Kikay wants Chinese food.

You see, there is this delicious Chinese place in my hometown that my family loves to eat from. Especially Kikay. But she and I don't get it as often since we moved down to college town.

And so I was like.
Why not?
I could surprise her!
I mean, she's been feeling a bit stressed out recently.
So why not cheer her up?

Therefore, I went and got her food! She loved it. Exactly what she needed.

lol turns out.
She'd actually had a conversation about her roommates that same day (or the day before she couldn't remember) where she had said she wanted Chinese food.

Woot for Sibling Mind Connections! :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, January 23, 2014

True Blue Through And Through

Joseph F. Smith was 19 when he returned from his mission in Hawaii.
As he traveled from California to his home in Utah, he was confronted one morning by a "wagon load of profane drunks ... , shooting their guns, yelling wildly, and cursing the Mormons."
One of the drunks, "waving a pistol," came toward him.
Although Joseph "was terrified, he felt it would be unwise and useless to run ... , and so he advanced toward the gunman as if he found nothing out of the ordinary in his conduct.
'Are you a -- -- -- Mormon?' the stranger demanded.
Mustering all the composure he could, Joseph answered evenly while looking the man straight in the eye, 'Yes, siree; dyed in the wool; true blue, through and through.'
Almost stunned by this wholly unexpected response, the gunman stopped, dropped his hands to his sides, and, after looking incredulously at Joseph for a moment, said in a subdued tone, 'Well, you are the -- -- pleasantest man I ever met!
I am glad to see a fellow stand for his convictions.'
So saying, he turned and walked away."

- M. Russell Ballard -Standing for Truth and Right -October 1997 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arms Of Fog

Not something I think about much.
When driving.

It's something that happens...but usually it's above the road. Not near it at all to make it difficult to see.
Or if it is, it's just like clouds.

What I drove through....
Was odd.
Thick fog.
But there were swirls of it, kinda like swirling snow, but not snow as it was clouds, that appeared to have an evil life of their own as they weaved around, and swirled like mini tornadoes and attacked my windshield.

I nearly couldn't see the on ramp.
Luckily I did.
And thankfully, A semi-truck happened to drive by so that I was able to slide over into his lane and followed his nice big red tail lights until I got out of the fog bank.

Needless to say. I'm really grateful for semis ^^
And that I didn't have to drive in fog the whole journey home. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a room/church building/motel with my roommates. We were hanging out getting ready, when I hurt gun shots. I told my roommates that we should probably leave. Then, there was a knock on the door. I went up to the peep hole and saw a guy dressed as Santa Claus holding a gun. I turned to my roommates told them to run and ran out the sliding glass door. My roommates were like "why?" and didn't move...and I think they might have died because of that, because the gun man shot open the door and I heard more shots, but I didn't see what happened because I was already running. I tried to get to my car to open the door, but the gun man caught up with me, getting inside before I could. I turn and ran...and ended up with my old roommate laura in our bathroom, we were doing things with our laptops when we both discovered that we had gotten that computer virus where you couldn't get your files back unless you pay a ransom to the senders. But they gave us like an hour to get everything off our computers before the virus took effect. My roommate was panicking so I gave her my flash drive -since I had two- for her to use, though we took too long...or didn't see the email quick enough for both our laptops already had the red signs of virus all over it, telling us we couldn't open certain folders or view things. And somehow it got onto my new computer (I wasn't as concerned about my old because there wasn't really anything on it...though I was concerned I would transfer the virus through my flash drive) and onto my ipod so nothing was working, things just got worse as I ended up in the presence of a dragon...who really liked me, but I was...less then enthusiastic about her, as she was kinda evil. I was trying to get away from her via a highway slide thing, but she ended up becoming an ally in the end when I got into trouble with someone else...even though she threatened my life to do so...

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Frozen Rescue

I brought a fish back to life.

You see, it started the other day at work. I'd been doing this and that. When I came across a woman holding a beta fish up into the air (it was in it's container not actually holding the fish) and I saw that it was on it's side. Which automatically told me 'dead fish.'
And I told the woman as much.
And I was like O.o "Really? He was alive 2 minutes ago? O.o Well...that's bizarre."
"Yah, I had the other gentleman do a water change for him."
"Huh." I took the container from her. :S It was super cold. Like...left outside all winter cold. Recent water change...too cold of water.... I studied the fish and thought I saw it move. So I looked at it again. And the beta's gills were slowly moving.
And I was like ()_() MAYBE I CAN SAVE THIS FISH!
So I excused myself and went into the back where we had a faucet. I turned on the warm water and let it flow directly into the container so that cold water mixed with warm water. I let it go on for a bit.


He looked still pretty 'out of sorts'
So the woman ended up choosing a different beta to take home.
And I put him back in his spot.
Thinking...I hope you survive little guy.

Yep. Came into work the next day.
And he was still alive and kicking!

Which is when I got this brilliant idea.

"Hey! I saved your life. I should take you home! We're bonded now man!"

lol yah, I took the Beta home. ^^
His name is Casanova. :) (cus he's purplely in color)

^^ Guys. The frozen fishy revitalized! I'm soo excited about it! :D ^^ Here's to having a loooong life with me!! *fingers crossed*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Me and Mycroft were in this big house that had secret passageways and rooms in it. Mycroft couldn't enter into any of them because of some sort of 'barrier' that he couldn't cross. But he took one of my fingers and pricked it, and touched it with his and it created a 'bond' of sorts (that felt really weird) that allowed him to follow me (we had to stay connected) into a secret room. Which he went into one. But when he came out, he couldn't find the door again to get back into where I was. I didn't want him to come in again, and so I snuck out a back way by a kitchen/Laundromat area, and I was trying to get out of the house but he was dead set about getting into all the secret passageways and was trying to follow me to find out the secrets, which I think he may almost have discovered the Laundromat exit as he caught me right after I closed it....

But then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, January 20, 2014

April 1998 General Conference Saturday Afternoon

James E. Faust -The Sustaining of Church Officers

Ted E. Davis -The Church Audit Committee Report

F. Michael Watson -Statistical Report, 1997
  • Total membership: 10,070,524
L. Tom Perry -The Articles of Faith
  • What a great blessing it would be if every member of the Church memorized the Articles of Faith and became knowledgeable about the principles contained in each. We would be better prepared to share the gospel with others.
  • The first article anchors our belief in God, our Eternal Father, in His son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
  • The second and third articles announce our belief in the Atonement of our Lord and Savior, that through Him all mankind will be blessed with immortality.
  • The fourth and fifth articles refer to our belief in the first principles of the Gospel.
  • The sixth article tells us that an organization is necessary, and the same organization that existed in the primitive Church has been restored.
  • The seventh and ninth articles profess that the heavens are not closed, that God continues to reveal His will to mankind; as He has in the past, He does now in the present, and He will in the future.
  • The eight article states our belief in the Bible as the "word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God."
  • Article 10 tells of our belief "in the literal gathering of Israel," that Zion will be built again and Christ will return and "reign personally upon the earth."
  • The 11th and 12th articles profess our belief in religious liberty, tolerance, and agency.
  • The 13th article provides a special insight into how we should conduct our lives and present ourselves before the people of the earth.
Jeffrey R. Holland -"A Teacher Come from God"
  • We all need at least three things to remain firmly in the faith--a friend, a responsibility, and "[nourishing] by the good word of God.
  • Inspired teaching must never become a lost art in the Church, and we must make certain our quest for it does not become a lost tradition.
  • "Effective teaching is the very essence of leadership in the Church. Eternal life," President Hinckley continued, "will come only as men and women are taught with such effectiveness that they change and discipline their lives. They cannot be coerced into righteousness or into heaven. They must be led, and that means teaching."
  • We do have a legitimate worry about the new member, wanting each one to stay with us and enjoy the full blessings of the Church. I am just simple enough to think that if we continue to teach them --with the same Christlike spirit, conviction, doctrine, and personal interest the missionaries have shown them--new converts will not only stay with us but, quite literally, could not be kept away. The need for continuing such solid teaching is obvious. In times like ours we all need what Mormon called "the virtue of the word of God" because, he said, it "had[a] more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them." When crises come into our lives--and they will--the philosophies of men interlaced with a few scriptures and poems just won't do. Are we really nurturing our youth and our new members in a way that will sustain them when the stresses of life appear? or are we giving them a kind of theological Twinkie--spiritually empty calories? President John Taylor once called such teaching "fried froth," the kind of thing you could eat all day and yet finish feeling totally unsatisfied. During a severe winter several years ago, President Boyd K. Packer noted that a goodly number of deer had died of starvation while their stomachs were full of hay. In an honest effort to assist, agencies had supplied the superficial when the substantial was what had been needed. Regrettably they had fed the deer but they had not nourished them.
  • I love what President J. Reuben Clark said of our youth well over a half century ago. The same thing can be said of new members. "[They] are hungry for the things of the spirit," he said; "they are eager to learn the Gospel and they want it straight, undiluted. ...
  • "... You do not have to sneak up behind [them] and whisper religion in [their] ears; ... you can bring these truths [out] openly."
  • Satan is certainly not subtle in his teachings; why should we be?
  • "Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee. ... arise, and speak unto them."
  • From all of us who have been taught to all of you who teach--we say thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
Richard E. Cook -Christ Can Change Human Behavior
  • "Some may ask why we as a people and church quietly and consistently seek to change individuals while there are such large problems about us. ... But decaying cities are simply a delayed reflection of decaying individuals. ... The commandments of God give emphasis to improvement of the individual as the only real way to bring about the real improvement of society."
  • The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the slums out of the people, and then they take themselves out of the slums. ... Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature."
  • "There never was a set of men since God made the world under a stronger responsibility to warn this generation, to lift up our voices long and loud, day and night as far as we have the opportunity and declare the words of God unto this generation. We are required to do this. This is our calling. [This] is our duty. [This] is our business."
Dale E. Miller -The Kingdom's Perfecting Pathway
  • The Lord's kingdom is no means a closed community. The Lord invites all people to travel this perfecting pathway of divine truth. He promises joy and everlasting happiness as the reward. The entry fee: a broken heart, a contrite spirit, and a willingness to continue in His footsteps.
  • As we move towards perfection, it is easy to feel that we fall short. We can take confidence that the Lord knows us ultimately; He knows the intent of our hearts. He will surely show us the way as we humble ourselves, are obedient, and work toward continual improvement. Even now, He prepares us in ways that we can't yet see. The eyes of our understanding will be opened as we keep the commandments and seek to serve Him. We have the potential to eventually become perfected in Christ.  This is a divine inheritance.
  • First, we must eliminate the individual tendency to selfishness that snares the soul, shrinks the heart, and darkens the mind. ...
  • Second, we must cooperate completely and work in harmony one with the other.
  • Third, we must lay on the altar and sacrifice whatever is required by the Lord.
  • First, "Parents have a scared duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live."
  • Second, "Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ."
M. Russell Ballard -Marvelous Are the Revelations of the Lord
  • Education--particularly spiritual education--is consistently stressed by the Lord. We cannot be saved in ignorance, but the Lord can only reveal light and truth to us as we are prepared to receive it.
  • 'Ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath ... prepared for you. ... Ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours."
Russell M. Nelson -A New Harvest Time
  • Family love is wonderful. Nothing is as specific as the love of a baby for its mother. Nothing is as predictable as the love of children for their parents or the love of parents for their children.
  • "We want the Latter-day Saints from this time to trace their genealogies as far as they can, and to be sealed to their fathers and mothers. Have children sealed to their parents, and run this chain through as far as you can get it. ... This is the will of the Lord to his people."
  • To those with access to computers, I say: "Reach out! Have hope! Try!
  • "The Lord has inspired skilled men and women in developing new technologies which we can use to our great advantage in moving forward this sacred work."
  • "With God nothing shall be impossible."
  • My grandfather's watch reminds me that our grandparents watch--and wait--for us to identify them, be linked to them, and provide temple ordinances for them.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a library...ish sort of place. Top floor. I was in the middle of a scavenger hunt, relating to case of Sherlock Holmes. The first 'case' scavenger hunt lead me to this library place, where there was a laser pen and I had to hit a certain hole in the wall to create multiple laser reflections to create some sort of star picture (I never managed to) but I did discover the next 'piece' a book titled after one of the cases "the great game?' and notes written inside....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
