Friday, January 24, 2014

A Mind Connection

I was up at the parentals for the day the other day.
Why? To visit the fixer of teeth for my semi annual cleaning. (yaaay.....)
And afterwards I had the thought.

Kikay wants Chinese food.

You see, there is this delicious Chinese place in my hometown that my family loves to eat from. Especially Kikay. But she and I don't get it as often since we moved down to college town.

And so I was like.
Why not?
I could surprise her!
I mean, she's been feeling a bit stressed out recently.
So why not cheer her up?

Therefore, I went and got her food! She loved it. Exactly what she needed.

lol turns out.
She'd actually had a conversation about her roommates that same day (or the day before she couldn't remember) where she had said she wanted Chinese food.

Woot for Sibling Mind Connections! :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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