Sunday, September 30, 2012

A New Calling

God has a sense of humor.

You see....
I got a text last night from the First Counselor.
Asking if I could meet with him this morning.
I said yes.
And I knew what that meant.
If the Bishopric needed to talk to me for any other reason they would have just called.
Yep. I was going to get a calling.

I was right.
My calling.
To be on the Education/Career Committee.

1) I've never heard of this calling!
2) Where was this calling when I was looking for a job?!

Okay. So I had heard of the calling. It was mentioned like once back when I was twelve in my home ward.

So what is this calling?
I'm supposed to help create a network in our ward where we basically get 'people with jobs, to talk with people who don't have jobs' so that everyone can get jobs.
Basically we have people in our ward talk to us when they know of job openings and we can post them somewhere so the people who don't have jobs can get jobs. We're also supposed to post when job fairs and writing resume classes are.
Basically....I help people get work.
And some help with education. Like scholarships or financial aid that is available.

I find this rather Ironic.
Because I just got a job a month ago.
So I guess  you could say that I'm "fresh from the job hunt"
And I know what to 'look for'

Yet I feel rather inadequate.
As I kinda stumbled around in darkness figuring out what to do.

Like....forcing myself to 'boast' on my job applications when I'm more likely to be humble about it.

So, yes. God has a sense of humor.
Giving me a calling I wish I'd known about earlier and gotten help from.
I guess that means I'll be a better co chair.
As I knew the heart ache and trial of putting in applications to hear no response for ages and ages.

Ready or Not.
Here I go!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

I was in a sort of Shanty Town. Trying to keep low and not get noticed. As we were still hiding my father from harm, as the law was looking for him. Why? Because he knew how to do something, to make the world better, but nobody was ready for it yet.
However, danger had come. People were dying. The electricity was out.
And a guy asked to see my dad.
He knew about our secret room and the extra footage and electricity we were using. 15 extra feet.
A metal plate like a bed lowered us to another room in the basement.
Where my father was.
I was curious to meet this man I hadn't seen in forever.
He looked like Robin Williams with longer black hair.
He looked like he'd been hiding for a while. seemed like soon after,
My parents perished.
A group of us survivors sat in the basement.
I was reeling from the heart tearing loss.
And tried to get the group to sit down and talk about what we were going to do next.
But nobody was focusing.
And I gave up.
And left to mourn about our failure.

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Into the Fire Captain America

I've been playing around with doing this for a while now.
And after having Kikay show me how to do it.
I started my own project.
And created:
A music video.

You see, when I started watching Case Closed, I ended up looking up different music videos with the characters just to pick out scenes that I wanted to find and watch next.
Yet, I found the concept of creating your own 'story' through music and picts to be rather entertaining.
And I wanted to try to do it too with something.
Like with Case Closed people.
However, I had no idea how to do it.
So I put the concept in the back of my mind to be long forgotten and vaguely remembered every time I watch one of the AMVs.
Then I discovered, that Kikay made her own music video.
And then another.
So I was like: !!!!!!!! I want to make one too!!!!
She showed me how to find the movie clips and before I knew it I'd worked worked late into the night, and spent most of the morning doing this.

Here is the result :)
-You will probably need to turn up your volume as the beginning is pretty quiet. It does get louder, so be aware of that too.
I hope you enjoy!

So much fun!
I'll have to do it again soon lol ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, September 28, 2012

Finish What I Start

Such a nice thought.
But they're the bane of my existence.
Because I'm told to take them....before I'm ready to take them.

You see.
At work I have certain tasks that I need to complete.
And my mind set is "You do all the work, and then you can take a break."
So I want to finish everything that I'm required to do.
And then relax afterwards.

Not so for the higheruppers.
They don't want us to 'work ourselves to death'
Soo every now and then they come over to say "why don't you take a break right now."

>.< Meh....
Yah, I have the sort of disposition,
Where I don't want to do anything else until I finish my task.

It could be a series of steps.
"I won't take a nap until after work, institute, the bank, shopping, and this. Then i can nap."
"I'm so hungry, but I'll finish this task first, Okay here I can eat."
"I need to do work A B C D and E before I take a break."

It works for small things as well.
Like most of the time I have the habit of eating all my food first for my meal before taking a drink. The exceptions are when out to dinner, and when I eat something that requires an immediate drink of water. lol.

And with work.....
I guess I have to compromise.
"Okay let me finish this thing first and then I'll take a break."
I think I'm not anxious to take my breaks because I'm there to work.
I can rest when I get home.
It just feels weird to be paid to sit around and do nothing for a little bit...when I should be working.
Plus the breaks...get me all sleepy, so I have to work to get my focus and awakeness back again.

Yah....I want to finish what I start before I rest :) lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was running out of time. The play place was collapsing around me (you know like those found in McDonald's but more complex) I was trying to catch someone...or some creature. Like hamsters. But I got the sense I failed because I ended up in a those in the pound where you keep cats in the backroom of this 'pet hospital' type place. It was like animal cages, and an animal store, but it had the feel of a human prison. I was totally in my shell, un responsive to anything and quite freaked out whenever anyone got near me. There was this one tall girl, muscular with dark brown hair pulled back into a ratty ponytail who was watching me. And she saw me when I tried to make my escape. I was terrified of her and ran from her dashing out into the main part of the store and out to freedom when...

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Microneurosurgeon

Allow me to share the experience of a faithful member of the Church who occupies a prominent position among the world's microneurosurgeons.
This position he has obtained, according to his own testimony, with the help of the Lord and through obedience to the Word of Wisdom.
He joined the Church at an early age and promised himself to faithfully live the commandments.
As the years went by, he had the opportunity of fulfilling two of his great goals--the opportunity to pursue a university education and to marry the woman of his dreams.

During this period of time something happened that totally changed the course of his life.
One of his daughters became seriously ill with a brain disease which ultimately took her life.
None of the efforts made in her behalf were sufficient to save her.
During this frustrating and painful experience, which happened while he was a medical student at the university, he set a new and challenging goal, that of becoming a neurosurgeon.
The fact that his daughter had suffered and died through a brain disease awakened in him the desire to study microneurosurgery, schooling that would be long and difficult.

Microneurosurgery requires, among other things, a great deal of physical discipline and dexterity.
At this point in his life, while he was pursuing his studies, he discovered the blessings that come through obedience to the Word of Wisdom.
He asked the Lord in humility and love that the promises contained in section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants would be made manifest in him so he could bless the lives of those who would depend on his skill.

During those difficult learning years, he worked untiringly to become the best in his area of specialization.
As the years went by, he gained great dexterity in his hands and mastered the art and the skill necessary to work on the human brain.
As we can imagine, any physical slip or unsteadiness in his hands could cause damage to his patients, perhaps injuring them for life.

As he studied section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, he obtained a strong testimony that when we refrain from taking into our bodies substances that are harmful to it, we are blessed with intelligence and a healthy and strong body.
As a doctor, he knew that these promises were there, within his reach, and he had earnestly sought them in his own behalf.

As the time arrived for his proficiency exam, the final exam in his chosen career, he prepared himself with great care in order to perform to his very best and to demonstrate to the examining doctors the skills he had acquired.
The day prior to the examination, he noticed some heavy trembling in his normally skillful hands, and in humility he prayed to the Lord, asking Him to make his hands firm and sure as they had always been to this point.
The following day, he discovered with great alarm that there were unsure movements in his hands.
He went off to a solitary spot and, in deep meditation, he mentally searched for any sin he may have committed that would cause him to experience this problem.
But in his search, he found nothing that might be contrary to the Word of Wisdom.
Then he thought: "I need these promises to come to me now," and he prayed to our Father in Heaven with all his heart that His guidance and protection would be with him.

The time came to perform brain surgery on his patient, and when the doctor saw his hands through the microscope, he noted with great emotion that his prayer had been heard and that his hands were steadier than they had ever been.

He felt a great surge of gratitude, and his sure and skillful hands flew in their activity, healing the damaged brain of his patient.
The blessings and the promises of the Word of Wisdom were with him, and he was able to carry out this difficult surgery in an hour less than the normal expectation.
It was a complete success, and he humbly accepted congratulations from the examining physicians.
With gratitude in his heart for the success he had achieved, he returned to his home, and there, with his family, he reviewed the promises of the Lord that "all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;

"And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;

"And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint."

-Ecuardo Ayala - The Word of Wisdom - 1990 October General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I only remember bits and up something and finding a bunch of small striped egg sacks that were hatching into hornets and that was a bad thing. I got injured in some sort of explosion in a green area...and I woke up with a bandaged arm...


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Todays and Cookie Dough

So you know this whole "Early to bed, Early to Rise thing?" not for me.
It's gotten to the point where I have to think twice about what day it is.
As I usually go to bed knowing "Okay now it's this day"
Since its after midnight by that point.
But with my early work schedule I more often then not have to go to bed before midnight.
So It's still 'today.'
Which wouldn't be that bad...beyond it being waaaay too early to go to bed.
But...I have to get up.....when it's still dark.
Before the sun rises.
So going to bed thinking that 'its today'
And waking up in the dark.
I still tend to think that 'its today" instead of 'it's this day'
I've been thinking my Mondays are Tuesdays and my Tuesdays are Mondays and my Wednesdays are Tuesdays...
So if I happen to say the wrong day it is today...
That's the reason.

I think it was a bit worse today.
As I had my first 5am shift.
Which meant that I was up at 4am.
Usually that would be two or three hours after I go to bed.
Bleck early bedtimes.
lol I don't think I function that well that early.
6 am I'm fine.
5am I felt like I was running around with my head cut off the whole shift.
Forgetting this that and the other.
Having to go back and forth multiple times between areas due to me forgetting stuff.
I totally hit the wall by 10 am...which was when my shift ended.
I am not looking forward to Friday....where I 'get' to be there until 1:30pm...

In any case.
Due to the early hour...
My confusion reigns on the days.

But for a happy note.
I bought cookie dough today :)
And just ate the dough.
You know those sugar cookies with the pictures printed on them?
Yep. I bought those kind.
I always liked them better in dough form then cookie form. :)
That was my reward for surviving my first 5am shift lol :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Another Route of Contact

My sister has been without a phone for the past couple of days.
Which apparently has been very relaxing for her....
but not so relaxing for me, lol.
I hadn't realized how often I do contact Kikay...
though contacting her hasn't totally been necessary.
It seems like least the past two days.

You see....I find it pointless to drive anywhere for a half hour lunch break.
But since I have to clock out to have that lunch break...I don't really want to be at work...when I'm not being paid to be there.
So I take my lunch breaks in the car, eating out there and maybe getting in a quick nap.
Well yesterday...
I left my keys in the car.
And I'd locked it automatically when I left.
Only to realize when I went to clock back in....that my keys were no where to be found.
Of course I was going back to work...and I thought the doors were locked.
And Kikay, who has the other set of keys.....didn't have her phone.
So I went the circular route.
And texted Kah to tell Kikay that I locked my keys in the car, and hopefully Kah would be able to give her a quick ride up there.
Which did happen.
Only when Kikay walked in the door, she gave me this weird look of "You know the passenger door was unlocked right?"
O.o Uh... no. As I was inside and back at work...and I'd thought I'd locked that door.
lol ^^;;; oops.

Then today....
I dropped the car off at the school so Kikay could get back home quicker so she would have time to eat dinner before heading to work.
I realized in class....that Kikay wouldn't have any idea where the car I usually text her the location.
Now, I knew that she could wander through the parking lot just fine, but that might take valuable time in searching for our car...especially if I had to park in outer darkness.
Luckily I managed to find a spot in the main parking lot.
As I sat in idea came to me.
You see Kikay has an institute class later in the day.
I knew who the teacher was. What time it was taught.
What if....I just passed a note along?
After all...I'd had that happen to me before. Where I walk into class and the teacher has a note waiting for me.
Soo I went to the office and asked two questions.
"Where is Bro. H's office?"
"And can I have a sticky note?"
Bro. H wasn't in his office....
which put a slight damper on my plan....
Until Sis. B offered to give the note to Bro H from me.

So happily I wrote:

Hey Kikay,
The car is in the head, between the ear and neck.

I gave the note to Sis. B.
And went home.

lol Kikay came home later that day -having successfully gotten the note and found the car.
And said that Bro H had walked into the class room and asked.
"Is there a Kikay in here?"
Kikay raised her hand...though Bro H didn't see her right away... lol he was expecting someone else to raise their hand.
But Kikay confirmed it was her.
So Bro H gave the note to Kikay.
She glanced at it and thought 'Oh cool!" and didn't think anything more of it.
Until Bro H asked her.
"This note is for you right?"
"Interesting name your sister do you pronounce it?"
lol Kikay hadn't realized that I'd signed my name Sarnic.
-I hadn't written her name as Kikay either, thought about it, but I wanted the note to get to her.
So she said "Oh yah, it's my sister's codename."
" aren't a secret agent or something right?"

lol. ^^;;
I had purposely written the note so Kikay could understand it, but unless they others knew our wouldn't make sense.
I did a post about it a while ago.
Where we paired different areas of the parking lot into the head, neck, stomach, legs, and feet.
That way we wouldn't have to say "Oh it's near the institute, second row third stall..."
I could have just left the note with "The car is in the head." if I'd wanted to and Kikay would have found it pretty quickly.

lol at least I could raise a couple of eyebrows today with Sis B and Bro H. haha :)
Twas fun to do something random, and still get my message across so that Kikay could find the car. :)

It's actually quite entertaining to find different ways to get messages to Kikay while she is without her phone...though hopefully I don't need to be creative again before Kikay's phone arrives.
We'll have to see :) lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I remember a lady coming up to me in Starsmet. She said "It's my dog's birthday. Aren't you going to sing to her?" I thought that was a rather odd request to make...I mean I know restaurants will sing a happy birthday song to you on your birthday...but to a dog? At Starsmet?


Monday, September 24, 2012

April 1991 General Conference Sunday Afternoon

After such a hard tearfilled weekend, reading conference talks helps me to find a measure of peace in my life again. Hopefully these highlights will help you out a bit as well. :)

David B. Haight -Linking the Family of Man
  • "Let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation. ...  They without us cannot be made perfect--neither can we without our dead be made perfect."
M. Russell Ballard -Teach the Children
  • Perhaps the world's troubles could be solved if we could turn over the leadership of nations to the children for a few days. Through love they would find solutions to the misunderstandings, mistrust, and misconduct of adults in the world.
  • Sometimes people say, "Well, boys will be boys!" Not so--boys will be men, and almost before we know it.
  • "No other success can compensate for failure in the home."
  • We cannot and we must not allow the school, community, television, or even Church organizations to establish our children's values. The Lord has placed this duty with mothers and fathers. It is one from which we cannot escape and one that cannot be delegated. Others may help, but parents remain accountable. Therefore, we must guard the sanctity of our homes because that is where children develop their values, attitudes, and habits for everyday living.
  • Children perceive their own identity much earlier than we may realize. They want to be recognized as individuals.
Loren C. Dunn -Before I Build a Wall
  • To all such we reach out in love.
  • People will always have opposing views, and I suppose there will always be conflict and even misunderstanding; but the principle of mutual respect mixed with charity and forgiveness can lay the foundation for the resolving of differences and the solving of problems.
Janette C. Hales -A Pattern of Righteousness
  • Patterns are meant to be repeated. A pattern of righteousness is worthy of duplication, yet there are those who suppose that our righteousness involves climbing some imaginary vertical ladder.
  • Righteousness is reproduced horizontally, not vertically.
Robert E. Wells -Peace
  • To follow Christ and bring forth the blessings of heaven, we must actively make peace in the world, in the community, in the neighborhood, and above all, in the home we live in.
Neal A. Maxwell -"Lest Ye Be Wearied and Faint in Your Minds"
  • "Give me truths: for I am weary of the surfaces."
  • One's life, therefore, cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free.
  • Failure to study, for instance, is to be intellectually and spiritually malnourished. Inspired words do matter, for "when a man works by faith he works by ... words."
  • Much of any weariness is attributable to carrying the heavy natural man. Unlike others we might carry, the natural man is heavy, and he is not our brother!
  • Faith also includes trust in God's timing, for He has said, "All things must come to pass in their time." Ironically, some who acknowledge God are tried by His timing, globally and personally!
  • But what if, from time to time, we appear to be doing all four of these essential things--serving, studying, praying, and worshiping--and still seem to obtain a lesser measure of the promised blessings?
  • First, check "the equipment"! All four components are needed, and one may be missing or malfunctioning.
  • Second, go back to a very basic question: Does one really have an inner "desire to believe"?
  • Third, do we naively expect Christ to come to us--instead of our going to Him?
  • There are no restrictive "office hours." But it is we who must arise and go to Him!
  • In process of time, our personal inconsistencies may be made inconveniently clear.
  • Empathy may not be appreciated or reciprocated, but empathy is never wasted.
Gordon B. Hinckley -His Latter-day Kingdom Has Been Established
  • "The Lord is now revealing, and will continue to do so through channels He has appointed, everything necessary for the future development and perfection of His Church."
  • We will continue to be blessed if we will walk in the paths which they have pointed out and will continue to point out to us.
Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We were driving around downtown when I noticed a red mini cooper type of car...without a passenger rolling backwards along the streets in U shapes and such. Kikay and I parked the Trailblazer right outside one of two office buildings Downtown. We'd gone inside and were coming out...but our car wasn't where I'd left it. I thought that maybe we had come out of the wrong building, So we backtracked through the crowds, only to not find that car anywhere. But I did notice that there were alot of people around us wearing red shirts. I too was wearing a red shirt, which I thought might help me blend into the crowd. It didn't. It seemed like the red shirts were trying to unobtrusively guide us to a specific location to be interrogated for 'breaking the law' or something. Going against the grain if you will. So I was trying to guide Kikay and myself out of that dangerous situation when...

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Sunday, September 23, 2012

At The Right Moment

You know those moments, when things happen right when you need them to happen?

Well, I went hiking with some cousins after the funeral up to a waterfall.
One of the cousins hasn't been there for years and years.
He was commenting about everything that had changed since he'd last been up.
Namely that the ponds now look like any other stretch of river.

So on our way back,
I asked him.
"Did you ever look for the fossils along this trail?"
Of course the cousins all gave me a confused look.

So I glanced to the side of the path.
Scooped down
Picked up a rock
and showed them the fossils contained within.

I must admit, I felt pretty cool doing that.
When I needed a fossil.
I found a fossil.

Such a cool moment in my life ^^ lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Even though a sad occasion brought us all together.
It's rather nice to just hang out with family.
and not have to worry about the "M" word.
We were able to just relax
and unwind after an emotionally trying week.

I think we're all going to sleep more soundly tonight.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a game being played, where a whole bunch of people were put into a box, and you had to get them in the box...or they would die...


Friday, September 21, 2012

My Dearest Sadie

Oh how my heart shudders in the wind.
For another loved one's gone again.
As many good stories start....they had a bad beginning.
My bad beginning happened two days before my birthday.
My Jack Russell Terrier Wishbone had died.
And two months later...I was still in mourning.
I was like 9 years old.
There I sat, in the backyard with our beagle mix Tela underneath the maple tree.
And my dad came out and sat with me and Tela.
He said that we could get another dog if I wanted one.
I agreed to it.
And we got out my dog book.
I'd gone through it many times as I was a bet obsessed with dogs at that point in my life.
So I turned to my favorite page and said:
"I want this dog."
Pointed to a picture.
It was of a Papillon.
And so our search began.
We looked in the newspaper.
And saw an add for a papillon for sell.
So we got the address and went,
all the while planning to go to a shelter afterwards to adopt a dog there if we could.
And this sweet two year old dog came up to us.  

This is Sadie.
Though she had a different name back then.
It was 'Smally" or "Shorty"
As I had a hard time remembering which one it was...
the name didn't really stick.
Anyway, the owners of her were selling her,
because they had an older dog with alot of health problems that they were focusing on.
Which meant that Sadie was getting neglected and they didn't want her to be neglected.
Anyway, long story short.
The owners saw that we would take really good care of Sadie.
and so they let us have her for a steal.
Needless to say I was excited!
My new doggie!
That we soon renamed Sadie so I could actually remember her name. :)
And she's been with us ever since.
Going with us on many a car trip.
To many different vacations and hiking areas.
She was such a great and wonderful dog that we ended up getting another Papillon.
Our hyper puppy Pepper. Who cost waaaay more then Sadie did lol :)
I don't quite know how well Pepper is taking Sadie's passing.
Pepper was just a puppy when we got her. 6 months at the most.
And she's been around with Sadie her whole life.
Sadie was such an awesome doggie
Though she didn't really like having her picture taken.
Lol she would give me this face most of the time. 


Right before she'd turn away and run and hide from the camera click.
But years pass by.
And unfortunately poor Sadie became deaf and blind and had a couple strokes.
Especially that last one.
So she hasn't been doing too good for the past couple of years. 

Yet she made a friend. :)
Whisker ^^
Who adopted Sadie like a grandmother.
He was there with her in the end.
Though before that point my Mom, Dad, Pepper, and our cat Flare also showed concern for her.
Yet our Loyal Sadie didn't want to pass on while my parents were around.
She only went after my parents had gone inside.
Whisker by her side.
I could have been there.
Last night.
Kikay and I had talked about going home Thursday night as neither of us had work or school Friday.
That way we'd have a day up at home before driving to my cousin's funeral.
Yet...things happened.
And Kikay and I ended up hanging with Kah.
Having one of the best roommate nights in a while.
We took Kah to Texas Roadhouse for the first time,
and watched movies after.
Laughing all the while.
And I think...that is how Sadie wanted it to be.
It was already going to be a hard weekend.
And she wanted us to have a moment of happiness.
To start the weekend off on a positive note.
Instead of sitting anxiously next to her worrying about whether she would pass away.
She wanted us to be Happy. :)
Dearest Sadie.
We will miss you even though you're in a better place.
Home seems emptier without you there with  Pepper.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!
-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The White Ribbon

To those who feel like they 'can't come home.' Have faith. Your family loves you more then you know, as shown in this story.

The account of a homecoming as related by successful prison warden Kenyon J. Scudder brings to the surface tender feelings held in the heart:

A friend of his happened to be sitting in a railroad coach next to a young man who was obviously depressed.
finally the young man revealed that he was a paroled convict returning from a distant prison.
His imprisonment had brought shame to his family, and they had neither visited him nor written often.
He hoped, however, that this was only because they were too poor to travel and too uneducated to write.
He hoped, despite the evidence, that they had forgiven him.

To make it easy for them, however, he had written to them asking that they put up a signal for him when the train passed their little farm on the outskirts of town.
If his family had forgiven him, they were to put up a white ribbon in the big apple tree which stood near the tracks.
If they didn't want him to return, they were to do nothing, and he would remain on the train as it traveled onward.

As the train neared his hometown, the suspense became so great that he couldn't bear to look out of his window.
He exclaimed, "In just five minutes the engineer will sound the whistle indicating our approach to the long bend which opens into the valley I know as home. Will you watch for the apple tree at the side of the track?"
His companion said he would; they exchanged places.
The minutes seemed like hours, but then there came the shrill sound of the train whistle.
The young man asked, "Can you see the tree? Is there a white ribbon?"

Came the reply, "I see the tree. I see not one white ribbon, but many. There is a white ribbon on every branch. Son, someone surely does love you."

In that instant, all the bitterness that had poisoned a life was dispelled.
"I felt as if I had witnessed a miracle," the other man said.
Indeed, he had witnessed a miracle.

Today a yellow ribbon has replaced one that is white.
However the message is the same: "Welcome home!"
Men, women, and children everywhere are tying yellow ribbons around everything.
Not only are they being tied around trees, but also around lampposts, street signs, and mailboxes--even about the necks of pets. So overwhelming is the demand for yellow ribbon material that busy suppliers working around the clock cannot meet the need.
A classic yellow bow was one which completely girdled a large plane bringing soldiers safely home.
I have surmised that each one who tenderly tied a yellow bow was singing, humming, or at least thinking of the words of the song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree."

-Thomas S. Monson -Never Alone -April 1991 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

All I remember is that there were some paintings. And I had just deduced that all the paintings of a man in a white tux with black hair were forgeries. How? Each button had a different sort of design on it -like Japanese letters-. They were supposed to all look the same, though at first glance you wouldn't notice anything out of place.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Troy Lee Turner

My Mom's side of the family is rather large....
which means I have a ton of cousins...above 80....
And with her being the youngest of everyone....
alot of my cousins are grown with their own kids.
So needless to's hard to remember everyone.
Or have memories of everyone,
since I only saw them once or maybe twice a year.
As everyone lives in different parts of the country.
And not every cousin shows up to our family gatherings.

I lost one of those cousins last night.

I didn't know him well,
Frankly I can only remember one specific visit that my family took to his place.
As I had pretty recently figured out how to juggle three balls at girls camp.
So I was in the 14-16 year old range I think.
I don't remember the reason for the visit.
But it came out that this cousin I didn't really know
Also knew how to juggle.
He tried to teach me how to juggle between two people in his small living room space.
lol I couldn't quite get it, but I appreciated his efforts in trying to teach me. :)

But during our visit.
He gave me these hacky sacks to juggle

I don't really remember the reasons why he let me have these three hacky sacs.
Yet I'm extremely grateful that he let me have them.
They are my favorite things to juggle.
And I often will remember that he gave them to me.
Especially when people ask where I got them from.

I learned alot of tricks from practicing with those three.
It's quite entertaining to work out how to use the different colors
to make juggling more fun.
As you can actually follow which balls go where,
which isn't always the case when you have the same colored objects to juggle.

It's not much to remember my cousin by when it comes to memories.
But his small gift has given me years of experiences
That I probably wouldn't have gotten if I didn't have these sacs in my possession.
They whittled away breaks inbetween classes from High School and even through College as I practiced and of course 'showed off' to my friends, teachers, and classmates. lol :)

Thanks again for that gift Troy.
I don't know if I ever adequately expressed my appreciation to you when I got them,
but I really appreciate your gift now.
As I have something to always remember you by.

Rest in Peace Cous.

We'll miss you.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

White Bombs and Auditors

The British are coming! The British are coming!
The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming!

So the other other day.... I had this go through my mind.
But with different words lol. :)

You see, while we were in our morning meeting, the auditor's showed up to check out the place and make sure we were doing things up to code and standards and all that stuff I don't really understand.

lol I could feel the tension rising in the air as they walked in.
And being told to 'act natural' totally doesn't help at all.
So I found myself thinking:
"The Auditor's are coming! The Auditor's are coming! Run for your lives!!!!"
lol and then pictured myself running up the aisles waving my hands like crazy when I did that.

It's put a smirk on my face ever since haha. ^^;;
Luckily I was able to leave soon after they showed up....
so I really had no reason to panic.
Though I still totally want to do that....
do you think the Auditors ever get that reaction?
Hmmm I wonder....the looks on people's faces...

Speaking of faces...
I was cleaning the windows to the bird cages...
And of course the birds totally thought that I was attacking them or something.
They were flying every which way screeching like mad,
though I repeatedly told the silly things that I wasn't going to hurt them.
...seriously you think after being around humans so long they would pick up a little English and recognize routine... ;) haha.
But this one yellow bird...
Must have been seriously plotting the next time the evil white paper towel of doom came towards him,
because the little fellow went into a swooping dive.
Pulled up at just the right moment.
And flung a not nice white gooey present on my eyebrow.
>.> I seriously gave that bird major dirty looks afterwards.
But at least it happened before the Auditor's showed up ;) haha.
Soo no nothing to be embarrassed about.

Silly birds.
I will face you again soon.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was back in my hometown, hanging with friends in my neighborhood and Shangi happened to be driving. I was in the passenger seat with him and noticed that he was heading straight to a playground slide that was mangled on the ground. He had turned around in his seat, talking to the people behind him. And we drifted ever closer to getting in a wreck. I tried to grab the wheel, and tell him to turn around and look at what was happening, but he firmly ignored me. Acting like I wasn't that important and he knew what he was doing. It was annoying and I totally got mad at him afterwards because I thought we were better friends then that, but it was like he didn't believe that we were in danger....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Monday, September 17, 2012

April 1991 General Conference Sunday Morning

An early Monday Morning came upon me all too quickly, but like most mornings, they quickly become afternoons, but as it was morning when I woke up. Here are some highlights from a Morning conference! :)

Thomas S. Monson -Never Alone
  • A scene on the cruel desert sands--and a sentence uttered from the heart--spoke volumes. An American soldier looked down at his vanquished enemy prisoner, touched the man's shoulder, and reassured him with the words, "It's all right; it's all right."
  • "Violence is not strength, and compassion is not weakness."
  • "War leaves nothing but dead ends on the roads to all our fondest hopes and our brightest dreams."
Howard W. Hunter -The Sixth Day of April, 1830
  • "Brother Joseph you did not ask me to cross the river with you--you did not ask me to come to Carthage--you did not ask me to come to jail with you--and do you think I would forsake you now? But I will tell you what I will do; if you are condemned to be hung for treason, I will be hung in your stead, and you shall go free."
  • He is undoubtedly more than we can fully understand him to be, but he is certainly not less than we understand.
Henry B. Eyring -To Draw Closer to God
  • "Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us."
  • We need to feel now that God knows us and loves us as individuals.
  • "Behold, canst thou read this without rejoicing and lifting up thy heart for gladness?"
  • You and I need to listen with great care.
  • You will listen best when you feel, "Father, thy will, not mine, be done." You will have a feeling of "I want what you want."
  • You will act after you have listened because when you hear his voice by the Spirit you will always feel that you are impelled to do something. You mustn't be surprised if the instruction seems accompanied with what you feel as a rebuke.
James E. Faust -A Crown of Thorns, A Crown of Glory
  • If we do not promptly remove the slivers of sin and the thorns of carnal temptation, how can the Lord ever heal our souls?
  • There is a defense mechanism to discern between good and evil. It is called conscience. It is our spirit's natural response to the pain of sin, just like pain in our flesh is our body's natural response to a wound--even a small sliver. Conscience strengthens through use.
  • A sensitive conscience is a sign of a healthy spirit.
  • Too often we seek bandages to cover the guilt rather than removal of the thorn causing the pain. How much we resist the momentary pain of removing a sliver, even though it will relieve the longer-lasting pain of a festering sore.
  • Thorns signified God's displeasure as He cursed the ground for Adam's sake that henceforth it would bring forth thorns. But by wearing the crown, Jesus transformed thorns into a symbol of His glory.
  • It is not easy to remove the thorns of pride, the thistles of selfishness, the slivers of ego, and the briars of appetite.
  • I would challenge all to put the thorns, slivers, and thistles we encounter in life in proper perspective. We should deal with them but then concentrate on the flowers of life, not on the thorns.
  • We will all surely encounter some of the thorns, but they are only incidental to the sweet fragrances and exquisite beauty of the blooms.
  • Selfishness can make what we think is a noble crown into a crown of thorns beyond our power to endure.
Gordon B. Hinckely -What God Hath Joined Together
  • The sweetest feelings of life, the most generous and satisfying impulses of the human heart, find expression in a marriage that stands pure and unsullied above the evil of the world.
  • "Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed."
  • I am satisfied that a happy marriage is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one's companion.
  • Selfishness is the antithesis of love. It is a cankering expression of greed. It destroys self-discipline. It obliterates loyalty. It tears up sacred covenants. It afflicts both men and women.
  • "I remember looking through tears toward the sky, and I said, 'Oh, my Father, I just can't do it tonight. I'm too tired. I can't face it. I can't go home and take care of all those children alone. Could I just come to You and stay with You for just one night? I'll come back in the morning.' "I didn't really hear the words of reply, but I heard them in my mind. The answer was, 'No, little one, you can't come to me now. You would never wish to come back. But I can come to you.'"
  • Marriage is beautiful when beauty is looked for and cultivated. It can be ugly and uncomfortable when one is looking for faults and is blinded to virtue.
  • But I say without hesitation that this plague among us, which seems to be growing everywhere, is not of God, but rather is the work of the adversary of righteousness and peace and truth.
  • You need not be his [Satan's] victims. You can rise above his wiles and entreaties.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I had just come off a mountain trail driving in my SUV and I was at a cabin with others, when we had to leave suddenly. A guy came in with a gun and he was threatening to shoot us all, but I slipped out the back and got into my car with some others and went speeding off up to the mountain trail. I had a choice of going left or right. I wanted to go left, but everyone else said that we should go right. So I went right and up the ramp -made out of steel that was chain linked looking and up into the mountain. I knew this wasn't a good idea to go up here the trail was slick and unstable for the car. If we'd gone the other way it would have been better, but this way...we ended up getting stuck up in the mountains in a tent as it snowed all around us when...

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)
