Tuesday, March 31, 2020

More Changes

So after like...six weeks of having no Head Manager in the store.

We were finally able to hire a new one! And they officially started working at our store today. :D

Which is great. As they seem like a good fit so far and I feel like having a Head Manager again will help to relieve some of the stress, though because they are new to the company it will take some time to teach them everything they need to know about running/working in a petstore. 

In any case.
I was thinking that this would be the end of our manager troubles for a while.

Until this morning.

When my V.P. Manager pulled me aside this morning....and told me that they'd put in their two weeks. 

()_() WHAT?!?!!?

I mean....at this point I do realize that it's only a matter of time before everyone leaves me as retail does have a high turnover rate.

But out of all the managers to leave...i didn't expect it to be this one. 

And like...while I'm sad that they're leaving....
I'm kinda just...numb to it really.

It's kinda like "Oh yah of course, this happens too." sort of reaction.

Just as we get in a new manager...we lose one.
It tends to be a trend really.

But still.
It's kinda surprise that this manager decided to leave.
-Because they had an opportunity come up that they wanted to jump on.


It does leave me feeling kinda nervous?

Because like...I don't like change.

And with a new head manager in the store and the VP who's been in our store for like...four years at least? Now leaving....I feel like there's gonna be a lot of new blood in the store. Which means probably a lot of changes within the store as the managers put their own fingerprints on how they want things to run. 

The main concern though.
Is that the V.P. Manager is in charge of scheduling.
And like...my schedule has been set for years now. Where I can rely on always having the same day off and generally the same time frame for my shifts.

And that...could change with the changing of the higher ups.

I know that it might not. That things will stay the same schedule wise.

But now that is another worry I have in the back of my mind. *exhales*

When all the crazy is over. I really do just need to disappear for a week on vacation and use the time to relax. Because all this stress is...stressful. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, March 30, 2020

Nightmare Customers

There are multiple reasons why I chose not to become a groomer at work.

Mostly it's because of how much noise is involved in grooming. Like dogs barking, phones ringing, water running, dryers blowing, the buzz of razors and the conversations of people...all in a small space that we in the main part of the store often refer to as the 'fish bowl'

Never sounded really appealing to me. 
Especially with the higher chances of being bitten there. Or peed/pooped on, or getting soaked by the dog...

It's not the type of environment that I would last long in.

Especially for the last factor.

The Customers.

Grooming Customers have to be some of the meanest, rudest and all around not nice people that come into the store.

There are the cheapskates who claim that the haircut was done badly in order to get their groom for free (and consequently get blacklisted from being able to groom) but like. Customers complain all the time. About prices. About service. About how they believe their dog was treated. About how they feel the workers treated them.

Grooming Customers are often just...vicious.

And I really don't understand why. 

Like....I don't. 

So you can imagine...with us closing down our Grooming Salons for Two Weeks and possibly longer....

That we're getting a slew of calls and complaints from the grooming customers.

Some of them are upset because they weren't 'notified' that their appointment was cancelled and came into the store anyways to discover that the salon was closed. 

-Which everyone who had appointments was contacted when the salon was shut down. The Groomers called every single person.

However. They encountered wrong numbers. Or Voicemails that were full or not even set up so that they couldn't leave a message. But the did do their best to contact everyone. 

That was a week ago now.
And we're still getting people upset about it.

Though I managed to avoid most of it by not having the phone with me to answer.

But I got a phone call today from a grooming customer.
Who called -and consequently heard on the spiel the phone gives on services and such- to see if they were still scheduled to bring their dog in tomorrow.

Which nope.
All appointments are cancelled for the time being.

And the customer was like "I wasn't notified!"
But quickly realized that maybe the number given wasn't accurate. Which wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't.

But they wanted to know when they could get their dog in to be groomed and were getting upset thinking that all the other grooming appointments had been rescheduled and they would have to wait to get their dog in again.

Which nope.
No appointments have been rescheduled yet because we don't know when we'll be open again.
It's kinda hard to plan when we don't have a timeline on when the groomers will be able to start grooming again.

As originally the salon was closing for two weeks.
But with the virus and such....it could be much longer. 

Though I did overhear the Grooming Manager talking about starting grooming up again like maybe next week? But with smaller numbers of people. Where the groomers will only be working like three days a week. 
And I'm guessing that there will only be like three or four workers in the salon so that they can keep the social distancing standards.

As I think we could get like 8-10 people working in the salon at a time. Like 2 bathers in the back bathing the dogs. And I think six grooming tables. And maybe a couple of people to receive in the dogs and to take phone calls.

But they're going to cut that back down. Possibly like one bather and maybe two or three groomers? Spread everyone out? 

In any case.
That's just what I overheard that they're going to do smaller numbers for now. 
But again. Nothing has been officially confirmed so it wasn't like I could tell the customer that.

I could only let them know that no appointments had been rescheduled and that we hadn't yet received word from corporate on when we could open up the salons again.

The customer was like "Is this for all grooming in your company."

I'm pretty certain that all the grooming salons are closed for right now. 

I don't think the customer was happy to hear that.
That they won't be able to get their dog in right away.

They were like "So what? Do I have to call every day to see when I can get my dog in?"

Because grooming isn't open currently. There's no one there to take your call. No one to set an appointment because apparently the customer couldn't get it through their head that we don't know when we can groom dogs again. 
There is no timeline. There is no set "We'll be back to groom your dogs this day" yet. 

I told them to call later next week. 
As maybe something will change then.

I don't think they were happy about that.

But like.....it was annoying how many times I had to say "No we can't" before the customer realized that they weren't going to get their way today.


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 28, 2020

S.t.a.y. H.o.m.e.

It's stupid really.
The little things I let get under my skin. 

And I get how some people still don't think the pandemic is that big of a deal.

Honestly, some days it's hard to believe that it is such a big deal.
That nations are shutting down, having people stay home, to try and prevent the spread.

Like when previous pandemics have happened...I don't recall it being like...this crazy. I knew they were going on but like...I don't think we had multiple countries close down... 

So I get how people are not taking this seriously.
How they think it's still okay to go out and shop and be in public places.

At the same time....I really do wish that they would listen. 
And think about the effects of them being out in public can have on other people around them.

Because the people who have to be at their jobs are taking all these precautions to try and stay safe and healthy.
And it can all be undone in an instance the moment someone who thinks that they're 'okay' comes into the store and gets us all sick.

It's stressful.

I love my job. Love being at work.

But right now I'm so tense there.

Like I know people need to come in to buy food and supplies for their pets. 

And that's why we're still open. So people can buy their essentials. 

So that their pets can survive too. 

And yet....
We have people coming in just for fun.
To look at the animals.
To buy pets that they probably won't be able to or want to properly care for once everyone goes back to work and school.

Like...this isn't the time. 
It's pointless to have you and/or your kids out of school. To have you stay home from work. 
If you insist on going out in public, out into the stores because you got a little stir crazy.

The more people you interact with.
The more likely you are to contract the virus.
The more likely you are to give it to someone else. 

Like...I know it's hard to stay home when you're used to being able to go and do whatever you wanted whenever you wanted. 

But like.
It's safer that way.
For you.
And for other people.

There are those who don't have the option to stay home.
There are those who go to work to help those be able to buy the supplies they need. 

The best thing you can do for us.
Is to stay home.
Stay home unless you absolutely need to go out and buy something that you need.

But to go out just because you're feeling a little stir crazy?
It's not worth it.

It's really not.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, March 27, 2020

Unusual Worries

You know how your mind sometimes goes into 'what if' scenarios. 
Just like...wondering what would happen if something was slightly different. And like...what the outcome would be??

Well, last night...I dreamt of my Mother Dearest. 
And like waking up still thinking of her...I began to wonder what things would be like if she were still alive while this virus was sweeping the globe.

Because like...years ago. At least a decade ago I feel like.
She ended up needing a surgery that removed the lining around her lungs due to fluid/gunkbuilding up in that lining between lung and ribs.
And because of that she did have some breathing issues.
Like nothing major, but she would run out of breath faster if we were doing more arduous hikes and such. 

And with this virus causing major breathing issues in the lungs....
I would wonder how worried I'd be for her during this time frame as the number of confirmed cases in my state grows.

Would she still be going to work?
Would her job somehow switched to working from home?
Would she be taking sick/vacation time to avoid going to work?
Like...my Dad was a nurse before he retired...would he still be working as a nurse if Mother Dearest was still here? Would he be more likely to be exposed to the virus and therefore expose it to her if he had still been working?? 

Would we kids be less likely to go home just in case we've somehow contracted the virus and didn't know it? 

It's a lot to think on really.

Cus like I do have that worry that I'll end up catching the virus. I think most people do at this point. 
And with me working retail and such...it seems more likely that it will happen than not unfortunately. 

And it's not really important really...to wonder what would have happened to Mother Dearest had she still been around during this time.

It's honestly a stressor I shouldn't be creating for myself.

But in the end...I am grateful that she doesn't have to experience this virus. That she doesn't have to worry about catching it. That we kids and Daddoo don't have to worry for her health during this time.

As we have a lot of other worries on our plates already.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 26, 2020

An Early Morning Call

With all the stress happening around me...I really dislike it when a stressor I finally thought was gone....comes back around again. 

A while ago I mentioned that a friend had called telling me that they thought that 'something was wrong' and that they weren't going to be around 'much longer' and that 'it's terminal' 

And for like two weeks the friend ended up calling nearly everyday...to the point where it was causing me stress just seeing their name pop up on my caller id. 

Because like...there's only so much I can take...of having the same troubling conversation over and over and over again. 

But about the time that I sought out advice from other friends and family on what to do in the situation...

The friend stopped calling me.

Which was like a double edged sword.

Because while I was happy that I didn't need to worry about them calling me....
I was also wondering if they weren't calling me because...well...maybe they had died.

I was hoping that they just weren't calling me for other reasons. Like they found help elsewhere and didn't need to use me as like...their therapy treatment for when the pain got really bad.

It had bee over a month....

And then the friend called me.

At 8:30 in the morning of all times.

Like....people don't usually call at that time. 

I chose not to answer.
Because I wasn't emotionally or mentally prepared to listen to them. Especially since I had no idea what the subject would be about.

And then like two minutes later....the friend called again.

And again I let it ring unanswered because I didn't need to deal with this first thing in the morning especially when I have the stress of being at work during the pandemic already on my plate. 

This time the friend left a voicemail.
Asking me if my store was still open as they had been trying to call, but hadn't been able to get through...which makes sense because our phones don't usually work before the store opens, especially since the Grooming department is closed currently. 

So I ended up waiting until we were officially open.
Before sending a quick text back explaining that the store isn't going to close because we're considered essential retail and listed the hours we were open.

Thankfully *knock on wood* I haven't heard from them since. 
But I did have that worry in the back of my mind that the friend would come into the store while I was working and that I would end up having to interact with them. 

Which since I haven't seen them in person since...January...and there were a fair few awkward and stressful phone calls during February...I didn't want to face them in the store.

Again, thankfully...they didn't come in while I was there. So that's one less stressor currently.

But yah.
That wasn't fun to deal with first thing in the morning.
Like I'm glad they're still alive...but I hope that I don't have to interact with them anytime soon. 


I spoke too soon....they just called. I'm not gonna answer.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

An Amazing Dad

I have to say that my Daddoo is amazing.

I mean, that goes without saying really.
But he's been more amazing recently.

Because with all the panic buying at the stores due to the virus and then the earthquake.

It hasn't been easy to get supplies. 

Which when there's the real possibility that there will be like a "Shelter in Place" order given...makes me a little leery about how well I could last on the food I had at home. 

After all, I tend to only go shopping when I'm out of everything.
And when the panic broke out...I was nearing that point of "Hey, I'm gonna be out of things in like a week maybe." 

And with the earthquake...it just showed how ill prepared I was to like...be able to stay home and survive off the food I had here.

And with all the panic buying...I was ill at ease to go out shopping when I knew most of the shelves would be empty of the 'storage' foods because people would have bought them all.

But like I said my Daddoo is amazing.

Because not only has he let us kids go through the food storage he has at his home, he also keeps an eye out for things we've said we needed to buy, and if he sees that item on the shelf, he'll grab it for us and even brought down a load of those food items the other day.

It's amazing.

Amazing that we can be like "Hey I couldn't find "This" at the store, and then have him go out to his store and be like "Was this what you needed? Great. I found three." And would grab it for us.

It's awesome.

I'm so grateful to have a father who looks out after his kids and is willing to help out where he can. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Shopping Trip

I braved going to the grocery store today.

Mostly because while I still have plenty of food in the house....
I wanted to stock up more on my snack foods that I use for work and for when I have the munchies. 

Plus...I have no idea when things are going to get 'back to normal' in the stores where you can go shopping and not worry about them being out of various products.

At this point it's kinda like a "Go and try your luck" sort of situation.

Because I'm not sure waiting it out...is going to work. 
Especially because it seems like everytime I choose to "wait" something happens and then the panic gets all hyped up all over again. *exhales*

So today I decided to try my luck.
And go get myself some groceries so I can hold down the fort at home for a couple more weeks and hope by then things are more normal.

And...I think things are slightly better than they were?
Like. Compared to the empty shelves I saw a couple of weeks ago....
Things are nearly back to normal in the store.

Toilet Paper and Cleaning Products are still basically gone as soon as they come out onto the shelves.

I think it's reached the point that the stockers are just leaving the pallets out in the main aisles for customers to grab instead of trying to put them on the shelves.

-Which I was lucky enough to be in the store when they were bringing pallets out so I snagged a 12 pack and called it good as we're not low on TP at the house...but it's good to have an extra pack on hand especially if things continue to be crazy long term. 

The pasta aisles and canned food aisles were also kinda stripped still. 
I didn't get a good look at those as there were more people in those aisles so I avoided them to keep myself socially safer. 

But like. Frozen food was mostly back on the shelves -frozen potatoes seemed to be the popular item there. But I could grab my ice cream and most of my snack foods without issue. So woot!!

Still though.
It's crazy how much people are wanting to 'stock up' currently.
Like I'm sure the earthquakes and aftershocks happening in the next valley over aren't helping the general mindset at all.

But i am grateful that I managed to get into the store when it wasn't too crazy.

Hopefully things will continue to calm down now that all the panic buyers have hoarded all their supplies. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, March 23, 2020

Out in the Store

It's really weird seeing our Groomers and Bathers working in the main part of the store.

Okay...not so much the bathers as they are people who worked in the main part of the store before transferring into the grooming salon.

But it's really weird to see the Groomers working in the main part of the store. Wearing the store uniform and such.

Because like...because they work with dogs and hair and water ad stuff all day...the groomers don't wear the same clothes we do in the core part of the store. 
They have like...these smock things that they wear. 

So to see them in like our work uniforms?
So weird.
So very weird.

They definitely appeared to be out of their comfort zone.
Working on stocking our shelves and cleaning and such.

Like. I'm pretty sure the few customers we had in the store were confused as to why they didn't know anything.

But like. It makes sense that they wouldn't have much knowledge on where products are in the store.
Because really they only go through the main part of the store to clock in and maybe go to the break room. And occasionally come out to the grooming aisle to help customers with questions on brushes and tools to groom their dogs and such.

So yah.
It's weird.

I kinda just wanted to usher them all back into their grooming salon where they know their jobs and are the experts and such.

As I understand the feeling of...idk...inadequacy? The unfamiliarity of having to work at something you dont' usually work at.


Hopefully we'll be able to get them back in the grooming salon sooner rather than later...but it all depends on how this virus progresses through the country I'm sure....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Shake Shake Shake

I hate this feeling of constant stress.

But like...it's like whenever I finally feel that things are settling down and I can relax....something happens to tense me all up again.

Today was one of those days.

Where I was finally relaxing, having fun, able to mostly forget the troubles of the day.

I mean, I was able to meet up with my family and partake of the sacrament with them.
Which was cool and different at the same time as I don't think I've ever taken the sacrament outside of church before.

But the bishop of my Dad's word gave all the priesthood holders permission to bless the sacrament in their homes on Sunday's so that we could all still partake of it.
And like my ward here in collegetown was doing something similar too, having us gather together in small groups to partake of the sacrament in people's garages and such.

So that was...nice. Nice to be able to partake of the sacrament and be with family.

And like...I was feeling pretty prepared (still do mostly) on how life was going to unfold. As part of the reason, beyond taking the sacrament, that my family had gathered for the day was to go over our emergency preparedness plans. Like what to add into our 72 hour kits. What to do in the case of a disaster. Where we should go. Who we should check in with if we couldn't reach each other.

So I was feeling pretty confident and relaxing that we had a plan.

And overall I still feel that way. That while I'm not as prepared as I want to be, I am prepared enough that I'm pretty sure I can handle the next few weeks at least.

And then a 4.0 quake struck.

Honestly, it wasn't that bad. The shaking of the walls and the rattling of the piano at my Dad's place as he and I were sitting there chillaxing was pretty much the same as how Wednesday's earthquake felt. 

Which considering I was like 50 miles away from Wednesday's Earthquake.
And only 10ish miles away from Tonight's earthquake...

And both of them felt the same....
Meant that the one I felt tonight was weaker.
And i accurately guessed it was probably around a 4.0 in size.

And like...there was no damage or anything.
The quake was over in like 10 seconds or so. 

Enough time for me to look up, look around and wonder if I should be panicking...before it stopped.

It's just like...I want to be able to relax again.

But my internal paranoia is notched up a few degrees currently...has been since Wednesday really...where like any movement whatsoever has me wondering if I'm experiencing another earthquake.
Like my bed shakes slightly right now as I'm typing on it. 
And like....it's just regular motion that I've dealt with before.
But currently it's stressing me out....

I need a vacation.
A safe place to go hermit and stop worrying about what's happening all over the place.

Though at this point I'm pretty sure it will be another month or so before things settle down...we'll see.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Shifting Work Place

It's crazy how fast this virus is changing how our store is running. 

Like. On Thursday when I left I'd just gotten word that we were canceling our dog training classes, shortening our grooming hours so that the salon would close two hours earlier, and that we wouldn't be allowing customers to hold pets unless they were planning to buy them today. 

And then yesterday I got word that instead of shortening our grooming hours....the company has decided to close down the grooming department for at least two weeks, if not longer for the time being.

Which honestly makes sense. It's hard to keep social distancing in the grooming salon and harder still to keep surfaces all nice and clean with all the dogs and fur flying about.

They also announced yesterday that we were shortening our store hours now. Closing two hours earlier. 

And today we were informed that on Monday the company is going to start a curbside pickup service. So that customers won't need to come into the store to buy anything they can just order online and we'll bring it out to their car. 

It's crazy how fast things are altering. Honestly I won't be surprised if we have more changes happen before I get back to work on Monday, but we'll see. 

In any case.


I was wondering what was going to happen to all those people. Because like...grooming/bathing is what they do for a living. To be without their jobs for like 2 weeks...isn't a good thing when you still have bills to pay and such.
So I was wondering if they would be just without work? Or if some people would take vacation/sick time to still earn money during the time frame.

But I got the answer to what most of them are going to be doing.

My manager is bringing them into the Core of the store.

Which it's kinda crazy to figure out how to schedule 10 extra bodies in the store that you usually never have available in the store as the groomers/bathers tend to stay in their salon and don't interact much or work much in the main store unless they're cross trained.
-As we do have a couple of bathers working part time in the store and part time in the salon.

But yah.
The next couple of weeks are going to be weird because I'll be interacting more with my grooming coworkers than I ever have as really I only see them in passing.

But I am grateful that the manager is willing to work with them and try and make sure that they earn a paycheck during the next couple of weeks by scheduling them to work....

Hopefully we can find things for them to help us with....as I'm hoping not many customers will be coming into the store....we'll see though.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, March 20, 2020

A Visit

My Daddoo dropped by my house today.
As he had ventured into the crazy warzone called the Grocery Store...which apparently wasn't quite as crazy as it has been in the past week according to him...and grabbed a few things for me and my siblings to stock up on.

Like for me it was some more juice and milk. Plus like...some canned goods like chili and spam and boxes of spaghetti and such.
Just some of things to have on hand just in case we have to stay in the house for a long period of time.

As having been like renting for the past ten years....I don't have much of a food storage supply on hand mostly because we don't really have enough space to start up a food storage thing.

But currently I'm taking measures to stock up.
Just in case more crazy happens than has already happened this week.

In any case.
Daddoo was amazing and dropped off some supplies to me. 

And then to try and support our struggling food places.
We dropped by the nearby taco bell to grab tacos.

Though we couldn't eat at the place since it's a "to go" only directive that food places are under currently.
So we drove to a nearby park....and ate in the car because the weather was getting chilly about that point.

But it was nice.
Kinda grounding in a way.
To just sit and talk with my Daddoo and just...do something different.

As there's been far too many people around me that are stressed out and worried about the virus and the recent earthquake and our general overall health that yah....it was nice to be able to just sit and talk it out with Daddoo as he's always been a good voice of reason in times of stress.

I'm grateful he came by today. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Then There Were Two

So yesterday we ended up getting our small animal shipment in a day early.
Which luckily we had the cages prepped already or else that would have caused more stress in an already stressful day.

But we got word that the delivery would occur around lunchtime.

Apparently the company is pushing up all the shipping of their animals because they're uncertain as to whether or not travel will occur next week (due to virus concerns) and so are trying to get this weeks shipments out at least in case things do shut down.

In any case.

As part of our shipment, we were expecting to get in a Conure.

Which was rather surprising because like I usually don't expect to see conures in the store until late April or even May.

As we don't get them in during the winter at all.
And like I feel like we would get them in in March on occasion. 
But it's been a year or two since that occured.

So to see a conure on this week's invoice was surprising.

It was even more surprising when the bird actually showed up.

Because there have been instances where it's like "You're gonna get this animal" but due to supply and demand we don't always get the animal listed because they don't have enough to send to all the stores. 

But we got the conure in. Woot!!

As per normal procedure.
When the delivery guy was done putting the animals in their temporary cages we have.
He left the boxes that had carried the birds for me to take care of.

As they're made of cardboard and so aren't really good for more than one use.

And as I took the boxes to the back I thought I heard/felt movement in the box.

But a quick glance inside...didn't show anything out of the ordinary. So I placed the boxes in the back to be taken out to the dumpster at some point.

And didn't think more of it.

Fast forward to this morning.

I come in to open.
And as I'm checking in on the birds in our New Arrivals room, giving them fresh food and water, and look into the conure cage.

And see TWO conures staring back at me.

I did a double take.
Like blink blink blink multiple times to make sure my vision hadn't doubled and I wasn't seeing things.

But nope.
There definitely were two conures in the cage. 

Which was crazy because like...we were only expecting in ONE.
I double checked paperwork and everything.
We were only supposed to get in one.

And I was positive there was only one in the cage when I left yesterday.
But I had the thought that maybe the delivery guy came back later that day.
Maybe he couldn't make a delivery to another store (as we did have this earthquake and I know at least one sister store temporarily closed down because of it) and he chose to leave it with us.


What actually occured.

Was that when my stocking manager went into the back...the bird came out and basically scared her.
I don't have full details on what exactly happened in that encounter.

But apparently the second conure had still been in the box. 

Which is crazy! Like. 
I thought I heard movement but hadn't thought much of it.
And like neither me nor the delivery guy realized there was a second conure in the box.
I mean, why would we think there would be another one when we were only expecting there to be one in the box??

*shakes head*

I have no idea how it happened. 
But I'm grateful that we did catch the bird and get him in to the other cage with his buddy so that he's nice and safe and has access to food and water and that we didn't accidentally throw him away.

My VP Manager called the company later on...just to check in and see if they wanted the bird back or if we were fine to keep it to sell.
We haven't heard back to my knowledge.

But yah.
Crazy day.

Crazy how we had 2 conures instead of one in a box....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


So you know...how like three days ago, I made a post talking about Earthquakes?

Guess what happened today.


An Earthquake.

Just after 7am this morning a 5.7 magnitude earthquake struck the state in the next valley over from me. 

My entire family ended up feeling it.
Though they got woken up to it.
By their houses shaking. Things rattling.
Daddoo said that some small things fell off in his home. 

Thankfully none of them were close to the epicenter. Truthfully we were all kinda...circled around it? As Kikay and I are in the valley south of the earthquake, while Meralto and Daddoo are in the valley north of it. 

So we all felt it. 

For me.
I was at work.
And like...noticed that the walls seemed to be swaying. 
For a moment I wondered if I was having like a dizzy spell.

As I didn't really hear anything rattling.
and it wasn't really shaking shaking.

But then when the lights flickered and nearly went out.
I was like "Oh! This has to be an Earthquake." And moved to get out of there...but before I had gone more than like five steps the shaking had stopped. 

I immediately went to my locker where I keep my phone and grabbed it in time to see my siblings being like "DID YOU FEEL THAT?!?!?"

So like.
It's crazy that we actually had an earthquake today in my state. *shakes head* The Largest One recorded since 1992. 

Thankfully, my family seemed to be taking it all pretty calmly.
Mostly because we all had been given a warning a few days before......

But yah. We were taking it pretty calmly.

Though I won't be surprised if the earthquake spurred more panic buying at the grocery stores.
I definitely noticed an uptick in people buying more dog/cat food and cat litter and such. 

But yah.
There was more damage towards the epicenter of the quake.
They even shut down the airport for most of the day to assess damages and such.
And our trains/trax stopped momentarily so that people could check and make sure the tracks were alright.

We've also had a bunch of aftershocks since that point.
With one of them being a 4.6.
But I only felt the first one.
Mostly because I was on my feet all day at work, constantly moving around helping customers.
So it's hard to tell when things are shaking or not. 

But yah.
We had an Earthquake today.

So crazy.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


So my Dad's into prepping right?
You know. Preparing for the world to go crazy basically.

And growing up he would often talk about careers that will basically never go away in a crisis.
And how you should have a job that is like...critical to society and such.

Mostly I think he was referring to his job as a nurse.
As there will always be people getting sick/injured and needing treatment and people to provide that treatment to them.

But I do think that this pandemic that's going on also shows just which jobs are essential to human society continuing to run.
And which ones aren't necessarily needed. 

I mean.
There are thousands of people working from home right now who don't have to go into an office.
There are thousands of people suddenly without a job for the moment because their businesses have been forced to close down/adjust their schedules to help prevent the spread of the virus.

And then there's the businesses that keep going.

And surprisingly....my job is one of those 'essential retailer' sort of jobs that makes it extremely unlikely that we'll be closing down any time soon. (Unless it gets super bad or something) 

But I suppose it makes sense in a way.

I mean. It's not likely that grocery stores will close down because they need to provide food for people to buy to eat. 

But it looks like pet stores also fall in that essentials category.
As people need to buy food for their pets as well.

It's interesting really.
Because I never thought I would have ended up in a job considered to be 'essential'.
I mean in a way I did because for a long time I wanted to be a Vet or an interpreter and those both are in a way essential and are less likely to need to shut down.

But working in a pet store?
It's weird to think that as all the other stores are changing their hours and having to adjust with each new order and parameters given...
That my store will be okay.
For now.

I mean there's always that slight grain of salt to anything really.

But yah.
For now. I'm not too worried about my position at work....
Though I am side-eyeing all the people coming into my job who aren't there to get food for their pets. Like...yes under normal circumstances coming in to buy a new animal or show your kids the fish in the store is normal, expected and a great way to entertain the kids....

But in a pandemic...it is a little weird. 

*fingers crossed* that we can get this all to blow over quickly so that everyone can return to their normal lives.
As I do hate the thought of how all those people who have jobs that currently aren't operating are going to cope with this....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, March 16, 2020


I had a bit of an adventure yesterday.

In that Kikay asked me if I could go to the Best Buy and pick up a router for her.
As they'd ordered it online to be picked up at the store...but because she and her husband just returned from out of the country...they're being safe and sticking around their house for the next couple of weeks just to be safe.

But that means that they need to have internet access in order to work from home....
And because they just bought the home and basically had enough time to move everything into said house, but not unpack it, before going off on their honeymoon....they didn't have time to set up the wifi before that point....and now didn't want to risk leaving the house even though they're showing no symptoms currently.

I came to the rescue to go get them the router they ordered so that they would be able to work from home--as using their cellphones as a hotspot...wasn't working as well as they'd hoped. 

The interesting thing about Best Buy's online pick up order service....is that only the person who has the name on the product can go pick it up. 

So you can't just walk in and claim "I'm here to pick up such and such a thing from John Smith." and they would be like "Okay!" and hand it to you.

Which I suppose makes sense.
After all they sell quite the pricey electronics. So it makes sense to not jet any jane doe that walks into the store claiming to be there for another person come get it.

No the buyer of the item has to authorize their pickerup person as the person to pick it up.

So Kikay's husband had to authorize me to be the one to pick it up.

Only you can't just show them your driver's license and be like "Hi I'm so and so here to pick up a package for so and so"
Nope. They actually do like...a background check to make sure you're a real person --I'm guessing when they scan your I.D.?? And then they can't actually give you the product until the product literally has your name on it.

So I show up to the Best Buy...and they don't have the product ready for me because Kikay's husband put it under his name first and then changed it to my name.
But they hadn't restickered the item to have my name on it just yet.

Which like...*shakes head* It's so silly.
I get the reasoning why.
But like. I'm right there. I have the email providing the pickup number and both my name and Kikay's husband's name and like....I'm right there.
Just give me the package.

As I was trying to convince the poor person at the counter to let me have my package...and resigning to having to wait another twenty minutes or so before I could actually get the router I was sent to pick up....another worker passed by carrying the router.
As they'd just renamed it for my name.


The worker at the counter snagged it from their coworker, scanned it through and TADA!!
I had the router!!


*shakes head*
It's kinda crazy how complicated that pick up process is compared to my store.
Of course...we don't really expect random people to want to come in and still random bags of dog food....so it makes sense the process is different for electronics.

But yah.
It was quite the adventure today.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Back in Elementary School I was rather obsessed with Earthquake Drills. 
I thought they were the coolest thing ever. 
You know...hearing those rumbly sounds coming out of the intercom and all the kids having to duck under their desks and hold onto the legs for like the thirty seconds that the noises played.
Before resuming class as normal.

It was cool!
And I thought it was majorly important, mostly because I thought it was cool, that we should have consistent earthquake drills.

To the point where whenever I saw the principle I would ask her when we were going to have another Earthquake drill because we hadn't had one in forever.

Pretty sure I was known as the "Earthquake Girl" to her. 

Honestly...I don't really remember ever doing them after I started pestering her to do them....sooo *shrugs*

And like...we never seemed to have them in Jr. High or High School.
Like...maybe once? Maybe twice?
And I remember us doing it like...maybe once during College. And half the class didn't even participate in it. *shakes head*

In any case.
I haven't really thought about earthquake drills recently.

But I do wonder if I was so obsessed with them...because they're probably one of the harder natural disasters to plan for.
Like floods...get to high ground. Fire. Run away. Tornado/Hurricane? Shelter or run away.
And like...you can predict when most of those are going to occur. Or at least see them coming and have time to get away.

Not so much.
You could be fine one minute and then have the house shaking around you the next. 

And like...how do you escape from an earthquake?
Like it's kinda like a shelter in place and hope nothing falls down on you or that the ground doesn't vanish beneath you.

And that's terrifying.

I had family post the thought that an Earthquake might occur this morning. You know "watching the signs" and such.

Which I know how hard it is to predict an earthquake. How impossible it is.

But for the past couple of weeks I've been like...running non stop.
I helped with a wedding. I worked 7 days in a row. I've been having to deal in person with the panic over the virus.
I'm emotionally, mentally, and physically drained.
Especially from fighting against the urge to panic with everyone else.
The urge to go panicbuy and horde things.
The feel that something is 'going to go wrong and we're not prepared' that everyone is giving off.

So like...the news that an earthquake might hit.
It hit me in I guess an emotionally vulnerable moment?
Where my paranoia was already skyrocketing and my worries increasing because people were stressing all around me over other things and just like...Stress.


Part of it also probably extends to the fact that my bedroom is below our kitchen. And I've had thoughts more than once on what would happen if the ceiling above my head would collapse and the granite countertops and appliances crashed into my room. Like would I get crushed there while laying in bed? Would it miss me? 
(Honestly the layout to this house is so weird. So very weird) 
And like...if a strong earthquake hit...would my tiny back of my mind fears come to pass? Would we be able to survive it?!

So when I got home from work I dug out my 72 hour kit. Went through it to see what I did and didn't have and add to it things that I realized I would need if all I ended up taking was this backpack out of the house. 
And that helped a bit.
Helped me feel a bit prepared.

Though it did leave me wondering...what would I do if an earthquake hit...well in the aftermath of it?
Because when I was a kid it was always "Oh we'll drive out to colorado where my godparents are and hang out in the middle of nowhere with them until it's safe again."

But like.
Now I have a job.
I can't exactly go "CYA!" and take off in the face of a disaster.
Not unless like...the building I work in is destroyed or something.
Would I be expected to still come into work?
Would I need to go rescue my neighbors?
Would I still have to care for the animals in my store?

(Can you tell my paranoia was rising? Because oh yah. I could feel myself panicking and recognized it, but couldn't quite get myself to stop) 

It's weird.
So weird.
Like after the fire nearly destroyed my house two summers ago, I went to work like normal.

So I'd kinda think, if I was able...I would still go to work after an earthquake.

In any case.
I ended up staying up until like 230am last night because I couldn't relax enough to sleep.
I ended up sleeping on the couch upstairs. 
Just in case.
To help minimize my fears about being crushed by granite counter tops crashing down on my head. 
Had my backpack and things right by the couch so if an earthquake hit I could grab everything and book it outside.

And like.
It was totally irrational.
Because you can't predict earthquakes.
Just because someone said they thought one might happen really shouldn't have caused such a panic within me. 
Again, I blame just...the stress of the whole past two weeks.

And true to form, like I expected would happen....Nothing happened.
The day has gone on like normal (so far) 
And like...there was no reason to stress out over it all.

So yah.

I'm so tired.
I just need a break away from people, from stress, from worrying.
Because I need to have a bit of peace of mind somewhere. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, March 14, 2020


It was one of those weird juxtapositions being at work today.
Because like, as a Saturday, it's expected to be our busier day of the week.

But from what I heard from my manager it's been "Saturday" for the past two days.
As on Thursday we made the same amount of money we would have on a normal Saturday. Which is like nearly triple of the usual Thursday sales amount.
And on Friday we again made the same amount of money as we would have on a normal Saturday.
Which meant that either Saturday was going to be just as crazy busy...or because everyone had already come into the store to panic buy things, the store would be dead.

It's also this weird dynamic because like...I'm not sure what to expect this next week.
As my state has closed down all our schools. The Elementary schools being closed for around 2 weeks. And it's to help prevent the virus spreading right? It's to keep families home and away from other people.
But I do wonder how many people will bring their kids into the pet store to look at the animals still.
Because that is a common occurrence here. A free zoo. I mean I saw that today, parents bringing in their little ones to come look at the animals.
So i do wonder if we'll stay busy this next week...or if no one will come into the store.

In any case.
It's been this weird dynamic in the store today.

Because on the one hand it was like a normal Saturday.
People were coming in to buy things as they had just gotten a new puppy, or wanted to get their first fish, bird, hamster, reptile etc. 
All normal things.

At the same time.
There was this undercurrent of fear running through the place.

Thankfully my store wasn't crazy like the grocery stores.
We didn't have people buying all the dog food or all the cat litter.
But there were people who were grabbing an extra bag. Just in case. 

And we fielded so many phone calls. With customers asking if we had products still on the shelf, asking if we'd been cleared out, asking if we were out of dog food. 
Which we weren't.

To all appearances our shelves looked pretty normal. (Though i'm sure that could have changed after I left my work shift)

But you could just sense this...panic.
This tension.

And it was hard.
Because while some people were obviously worrying...others were wandering around without a care in the world just doing their normal pet shopping.

It's weird.
It was stressful. 
Like how do you navigate that sort of situation??

*shakes head*
I can only imagine how all the workers of the grocery stores are feeling. Because it's crazy. Crazy how crazy people can get when they panic and go panic buying things. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Friday, March 13, 2020


I'm so grateful for the blessings in our lives. Small or Large.

One of the major stressors that has been a worry in the back of the mind for the past couple of days was wondering if my Sister and her Husband would be able to make it back home from their Honeymoon.

As they had traveled out of the country to Iceland for a couple of weeks.

And this week...we had the President announce that like...they wouldn't allow flights from Europe to happen. Something like that.

And part of that travel ban. Was Iceland.


Blessing number one.
Kikay and Husband were scheduled to fly out on Thursday.

When the ban took effect on Friday.
So they missed the ban by a day. 

Second Blessing.

They had a layover flight in the U.K.
Which is..(was?) basically the only country in Europe that wasn't affected by the Travel Ban. 
So they were able to make their connecting flight and get back into the United States and come back home without any issues.

It's just amazing.
Amazing how blessed they were.

Like how cool is it that they were due to leave the day before the travel ban took effect?
Like how cool is it that the one country not affected was their destination for their layover flight?

It's a blessing for them. Because otherwise they could possibly have been still stuck overseas for who knew how long. 

But now we have them here. Home. Safe.

And it's one less stress for me to worry about. So yay! lol.

But yah.
I'm very grateful. So very grateful that they were able to make it home safely. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Don't. Horde. It.

It's interesting the herd mentality that humans can have.
Like. If one person is buying it, everyone else has to buy it.

Or like at work when there's no one in line but then suddenly there are six people in line. 

But with the updates of the Church canceling basically all religious services for the next little while...it's spurred quite the panic among everyone in my state.

We had a short panic on Monday.
But another wave of it hit yesterday.

Where everyone is rushing out to buy toilet paper and hand sanitizer like the world is ending. *exhales* 

And they're over doing it.

Like, I got sent out to try and find some hand sanitizer for a reception (that's now been postponed) and I saw people walking by with carts filled with hand soap, hand sanitizers like...twenty or thirty of them.

Which is so confusing to me.
Cus like with normal usage and such a bottle of soap should last like...a month if not longer. 

And here people are stocking up with enough to last them for years and years. *shakes head*

It's just so weird to me that people are hoarding everything.
Like...it's great that you're going to be all clean and safe in your toilet paper fort filled with hand soap.

But part of the way to keep an illness from spreading is to make sure EVERYONE can have access to the products to help keep them healthy too.

Like I get there are reasons to stock up on things. Like if you have a bunch of kids.

But there is stocking up and then extreme stocking up. 

And like people are going crazy extreme leaving a shortage for everyone else.

And it's difficult to not fall into that same trap. To grab everything and hoard it.

I was only going to buy three hand soaps. Because honestly I knew we wouldn't need more.

But then the people in the store brought out some cases of hand sanitizer and it would have been so easy to take just like the entire case.
But I limited myself to taking just three.
As I figured for the reception if a lot of people came we might go through at least one if not two bottles. And it's always good to have a third on hand. Just in case.

But like we didn't need to have hand soap AND sanitizer. One or the other would have sufficed.

And when I called to tell people what I had obtained, and they heard that there was still more hand sanitizer in the store. They wanted me to go back and buy more.

*shakes head*

I grabbed what we needed.
But there are other people who need it more.
So I'm going to give them their best chance to have access to it. 
And only take what I think I reasonably need.

Hopefully the ferver will die down over the weekend.
And I'll be able to go out and do my actual grocery shopping next week. 
Because while I do still have food to last me a week or so.
It's always good to have extra on hand just in case.

And it's given everyone a nice wakeup call I think...on how much food/other storage to have in their homes.

So next time I go grocery shopping I may pick up an extra can of tuna fish or a box of macaroni and cheese.
Just so we have it on hand if something crazy like this happens again. *shakes head* 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi