Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Stressful Day

It was a bad day for me to have a day off work.
At least for my manager.

Not that we could have planned anything to go wrong at work the one day that I'm not there.

But things going wrong is what happened.

As I woke up to a text this morning from my manager telling me that our fish system had shut down with the valves closed...and my manager was struggling to find a way to get it turned back on.

Which makes sense because like...the only time I'd seen the valves closed was when maintenance would turn off the system in order to fix a broken part. 

To have the fish wall do it on it's own though? 
It hasn't happened before. 

I gave some suggestions on how to to fix it.
And my manager ended up calling maintenance as well and they gave my manager solutions to try.

Nothing worked though.
So they put in an emergency work order.
To get our fish system fixed either later today or tomorrow as they put it as a critical need. 

Though I got a text later today saying that a coworker of mine ended up getting the fish system working again. Though my manager didn't go into detail about how my coworker did it.
I'm grateful they got it working again.

Though in the process of attempting to fix the fish of the tanks on the wall overflowed and seeped into the Hermit Crab tank flooding that.
Hopefully they managed to save the hermit crabs in time. :S :S :S
But yah.

It's been a stressful day for my manager.

Thankfully they have the day off tomorrow.
But I'm not really looking forward to coming into work tomorrow. :S I won't be surprised if the system is off again. Though I'm hoping that the fix my coworker figured out will hold until maintenance arrives/arrived to figure out the cause of the problem. 

Guess we'll see tomorrow. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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