Friday, March 20, 2020

A Visit

My Daddoo dropped by my house today.
As he had ventured into the crazy warzone called the Grocery Store...which apparently wasn't quite as crazy as it has been in the past week according to him...and grabbed a few things for me and my siblings to stock up on.

Like for me it was some more juice and milk. Plus like...some canned goods like chili and spam and boxes of spaghetti and such.
Just some of things to have on hand just in case we have to stay in the house for a long period of time.

As having been like renting for the past ten years....I don't have much of a food storage supply on hand mostly because we don't really have enough space to start up a food storage thing.

But currently I'm taking measures to stock up.
Just in case more crazy happens than has already happened this week.

In any case.
Daddoo was amazing and dropped off some supplies to me. 

And then to try and support our struggling food places.
We dropped by the nearby taco bell to grab tacos.

Though we couldn't eat at the place since it's a "to go" only directive that food places are under currently.
So we drove to a nearby park....and ate in the car because the weather was getting chilly about that point.

But it was nice.
Kinda grounding in a way.
To just sit and talk with my Daddoo and something different.

As there's been far too many people around me that are stressed out and worried about the virus and the recent earthquake and our general overall health that was nice to be able to just sit and talk it out with Daddoo as he's always been a good voice of reason in times of stress.

I'm grateful he came by today. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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