Wednesday, March 25, 2020

An Amazing Dad

I have to say that my Daddoo is amazing.

I mean, that goes without saying really.
But he's been more amazing recently.

Because with all the panic buying at the stores due to the virus and then the earthquake.

It hasn't been easy to get supplies. 

Which when there's the real possibility that there will be like a "Shelter in Place" order given...makes me a little leery about how well I could last on the food I had at home. 

After all, I tend to only go shopping when I'm out of everything.
And when the panic broke out...I was nearing that point of "Hey, I'm gonna be out of things in like a week maybe." 

And with the just showed how ill prepared I was to able to stay home and survive off the food I had here.

And with all the panic buying...I was ill at ease to go out shopping when I knew most of the shelves would be empty of the 'storage' foods because people would have bought them all.

But like I said my Daddoo is amazing.

Because not only has he let us kids go through the food storage he has at his home, he also keeps an eye out for things we've said we needed to buy, and if he sees that item on the shelf, he'll grab it for us and even brought down a load of those food items the other day.

It's amazing.

Amazing that we can be like "Hey I couldn't find "This" at the store, and then have him go out to his store and be like "Was this what you needed? Great. I found three." And would grab it for us.

It's awesome.

I'm so grateful to have a father who looks out after his kids and is willing to help out where he can. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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